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1、Connected cars. Disconnected owners. Four opportunities to engage drivers. 8,500 interviews 20+ leading car brands 13 countries 1 insightful study The billion-dollar question Auto brands have invested and continue to spend billions developing connected car features in an attempt to gain competitive

2、advantage. But is this money well spent? Is the investment paying off? Thats a question we wanted to answer. Turning insights into opportunity We conducted a new study to explore the attitudes and purchase behaviour of more than 8,500 connected car owners across Europe, North America and China. What

3、 we discovered was both a startling picture of consumer indifference and a huge opportunity for growth. Failed connection 47% of connected car ownersdont even know that the featuresthey have mean it is classed as a connected car. We uncovered a sizeable disconnect between connected car owners and th

4、e benefits of using the technology. Many were unaware of its existence. Others didnt trust it, while a significantnumber failed to see how it could benefit their everyday lives. We discovered remarkably different attitudes and results in China. Real-world opportunity We identified the need to relate

5、 connected car technology from the digital world into the lives of consumers in the real-world at key moments in the driving experience. How does it work and how will it benefit me? are the questions auto brands must answer. There are four key areas manufacturers should be addressing to engage drive

6、rs with the tech in the cars they make. Its a great opportunity to gain competitive advantage by being among the first to rectify an industry-wide weakness. The relevance of relevance 1 Keep it real Our study identified the key purchasing considerations of new or nearly new cars.Safety (47%) and fue

7、l economy (42%) were two of the most popular, with connectivity lagging well down the list at just 11%. Insight to opportunity Manufacturers need to show the link between connectivity collision avoidance, weather reports, safer route planning and the real-world benefits - fuel economy, shorter journ

8、ey times and more efficient driving styles. Relating car tech to the most popular purchasing considerations at key moments turns it from a nice to have into a must have. SafetyFuel economy Brand imageExterior designConnectivity 47% 42% 38% 34% 11% Key purchase considerations Understanding misunderst

9、anding 2 “What is a connected car?” We believe lack of understanding is at the root of connectivitys failure to connect with users. After all, people are unlikely to use something if they dont know it exists, let alone how to operate it.74% of European car owners said they hadnt received a demonstra

10、tion of their cars features at the moment of purchase. In North America the figure is 68% and its 54% in China. Perhaps taking time to explain the features gets in the way of the salesmans deal-making. Insight to opportunity If thats the case, then pre-loaded in-car tutorials - similar to those foun

11、d on smartphones and televisions - online explainer videos and even interactive digital user handbooks could be a way to better inform Western buyers. It means the sales person can concentrate on sealing the deal without having to educate at the same time. Feature demonstrations are uncommon 74% of

12、European car owners didnt receive a demonstration 68% of North American owners didnt receive a demonstration 54% of Chinese owners didnt receive a demonstration Users or losers 3 Users stick around Usage of connected car features drives real-world relevance and provides sticky elements that keep peo

13、ple loyal to the auto brand.Users are also far more likely to pay for access to the features. Non- users are inevitably less likely to pay for something they dont already use. For example, 71% of safety feature users (emergency call; roadside assistance etc.) are willing to pay, compared to 55% of n

14、on-users. Its also a similarly contrasting picture for other connected features. Insight to opportunity Achieving that initial real-world experience of the features in action is critical. Its also the most powerful way to convince cynics and sceptics. Remember when we thought iPads and apps were a r

15、idiculous idea? That was until you got one in your hands and tried it out. Then we couldnt get enough of it. Thats what were talking about here - users are willing to spend more and they stay loyal. Non- users represent a missed opportunity and aloss of repeat business. Safety features e.g. emergenc

16、y call and roadside assistance 71% 56% Driving style features e.g. speed alert and lane departure warning Willingness to pay for connected features Users Non users Users Non users 61% 48% Trust is a must 4 Their life in your hands. Your future in theirs. Trust has always been incredibly important wh

17、en introducing anything new. A connected car emits millions of data points every day about journeys taken, time travelled, locations visited and even driving style. It might even know financial details and passwords if subscription payments form part of the connectivity offer. The good news for auto

18、 brands isthat drivers trust car manufacturers to treat their private data more respectfully than major tech giants. Insight to opportunity Auto brands that put an emphasis on protecting the private information of their customers, such as BMW with their Car Data Initiative, are by association decent

19、, honest and believable in everything else they do. Drivers trust car brands more than tech brands 1050 2040 30 060 18% Tech brands 37% Car brands Out-of-this-world features need down-to-earth benefits In the minds of many car owners, connectivity is complex. Rather than following the build it and t

20、hey will buy model, auto brands have an opportunity to grow their market share by simplifying their interfaces and aligning their features with peoples lives. Four insights. Four opportunities. 1 Making the features relevant in the real world will help everyone to grasp thebenefits of connected car

21、tech. 2 The best way to increase that understanding is at point of purchase. Even if its not a deal-maker, its certainly a long-term loyalty creator. 3 It will encourage greater use of the features, making them an intrinsic part of peoples automotive lives. 4 And with greater use and familiarity com

22、es trust the most powerful emotion any brand can leverage. Connectivity is complicated, but its success depends on some real-world simplicity. Connected cars. Disconnected owners. Our study is a rich source of information about where opportunities exist to fix the broken links between auto brands te

23、ch genius and car buyers. It also examines how thriving economies like China are capitalising on a different buyer mind-set and level of market maturity. To find out more by market, region or brand, get in touch with your usual contact or email us at the address below. Email: Tweet us: kantartns Web

24、site: About Kantar TNS Kantar TNS is one of the worlds largest research agencies with experts in over 90 countries. With expertise in innovation, brand and communication, shopper activation and customer experience, we help our clients identify, optimise and activate the moments that matter to drive growth for their business. We are part of Kantar, one of the worlds leading data, insight and consultancy companies. Find out more at



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