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1、2023 State of the Cloud ReportEconomic volatility doesnt slow cloud growth;FinOps increases in priorityFLEXERATMAWS and Azure continue to battle for dominanceTable of ContentsReport highlights 4Organizations embrace multi-cloud 4Public vs.private cloud usage 4What public cloud providers does your or

2、ganization use?5Public cloud services used for all organizations 5How is economic uncertainty changing your expected cloud usage and spend?6Top cloud challenges 6Methodology 8What size is your organization?9Whats your companys industry?10Where are your headquarters located?11Whats your role?12Whats

3、your level?13Where in the organization do you work?14Does your organization have a dedicated FinOps team?15Whats your companys usage level of public cloud?16Whats your involvement with cloud in your organization?17Organizations are embracing multi-cloud 18Organizations embrace multi-cloud 18Hybrid c

4、loud strategies 19Use of multi-cloud architectures by all organizations 20Use of multi-cloud tools 21Public vs.private cloud usage 22Public cloud adoption continues to accelerate 23Whats your current monthly public cloud spend?23Workloads in public cloud 24Data in public cloud 25How is economic unce

5、rtainty changing your expected cloud usage and spend?26Whats your approach for migrating data to public cloud/SaaS?27What challenges do you face in migrating workloads to public cloud?28Cloud initiatives and metrics 29Which of the following initiatives are you planning to make progress on in the nex

6、t year?29Top cloud initiatives by cloud usage for all organizations 30What are your top metrics for assessing progress against cloud goals?31Organizations are taking a centralized approach to the cloud 32Does your company have a central cloud team or CCOE?32Central IT responsibilities in cloud(IaaS)

7、adoption 33Does your company have a FinOps team to advise,manage or execute cloud cost optimization strategies?34Who in your organization leads cloud cost management responsibilities?35Utilization of MSPs for managing public cloud for all organizations 36Enterprise vs.SMB MSP utilization for managin

8、g public cloud 37Top challenges are security,spend and expertise 38Top cloud challenges 38YoY comparison of top challenges for enterprises 39Cloud challenges by usage level 40HELPFUL TIP:Click this icon for the Table of Contents 2023 Flexera22023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTTable of ContentsOrganizatio

9、ns struggle to control growing cloud spend 41Whats your organizational spend on public cloud?41Whats your estimated wasted cloud spend?42Which provider discounts do you use?43What types of policies do you use to optimize cloud costs?44Does your organization use a unit economics model for cloud cost

10、analysis?45Container use becomes increasingly mainstream 46What container tools do you use?46Enterprise use of container tools 47SMB use of container tools 48What are the top container-related challenges for your organization?49Adoption of cloud configuration tools is shifting 50What are your curren

11、t and planned configuration tools?50Enterprise use of cloud configuration tools 51SMB use of cloud configuration tools 52Public cloud adoption is evolving 53What public cloud providers does your organization use?53YoY public cloud provider adoption rates for all organizations 54Enterprise use of pub

12、lic cloud providers 55YoY enterprise public cloud adoption 56SMB use of public cloud providers 57YoY SMB public cloud adoption 58Cloud providers used by cloud usage level 59How much do you spend on each cloud provider?60Enterprise public cloud spend 61How many VMs do you have in each cloud provider?

13、62Use of public cloud PaaS services is increasing 63Public cloud services used for all organizations 63Public cloud services used by enterprises 64PaaS services used based on cloud usage levels 65Private cloud plays an important role 66Private cloud technologies used for all organizations 66Enterpri

14、se private cloud technologies 67SMB private cloud technologies 68State of the Cloud Report:European spotlight 69European respondents by organization size 69European respondents by industry 70European respondents by country 71European respondents by role 72European respondents by level 73European res

15、pondents by where in the organization they work 74European respondents by cloud usage level 75Comparison of cloud usage level between the Americas and Europe 75European response to how economic uncertainty is changing expected cloud usage and spend 76European adoption of central cloud team or CCOE 7

16、7Cloud migration challenges for European organizations 78Cloud initiatives for European organizations 79Public cloud provider adoption rates for European organizations 80Does your European company have a FinOps team to advise,manage or execute cloud cost optimization strategies?81About Flexera 82HEL

17、PFUL TIP:Click this icon for the Table of Contents 2023 Flexera32023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTSingle publicMulti-cloudMultiple publicMultiple privateHybrid cloud87%11%2%72%13%2%Single privatePubliccloud only96%Public76%PrivatePrivatecloud only24%72%Hybrid4%N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud

18、 ReportN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportEconomic uncertainty is driving a reduction in corporate spending,but the need for innovation and increased revenues remains highand the cloud represents an engine of innovation.The Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud Report sheds light on the pre

19、ssures facing IT professionals and the strategic initiatives theyre utilizing to remain competitive in todays dynamic and evolving landscape.Report highlightsHeres a sample of key findings from this years report based on a survey of 750 cloud decision-makers and users from around the world.Organizat

20、ions embrace multi-cloudPublic vs.private cloud usage 2023 Flexera42023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT8%5%5%4%11%10%5%3%8%12%16%9%8%18%16%12%17%26%19%9%47%27%10%4%41%30%13%6%Running significant workloadsPlan to useRunning some workloadsExperimentingOtherAlibaba CloudIBM CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureGo

21、ogle Cloud PlatformAWSAzure1st2nd48%38%21%56%43%39%43%43%40%31%36%37%45%39%29%28%28%1st2nd2nd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd21%19%19%17%22%22%17%18%20%22%27%21%17%18%23%23%22%1st2nd3rd3rd3rd10%14%15%15%15%17%14%16%13%17%21%17%16%15%19%16%16%Currently useExperimentingPlan to useServerless(Function-as-a-Service)Conta

22、iner-as-a-ServiceHadoopDBaaS(NoSQL)DBaaS(Relational)CachingBatch processingSearchStream processingMachine learning/Artificial intelligence(AI)Mobile servicesPush notificationsQueuingDRaaS(Disaster Recovery as a Service)Edge servicesIoTData Warehouse1st2nd48%38%21%56%43%39%43%43%40%31%36%37%45%39%29%

23、28%28%1st2nd2nd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd21%19%19%17%22%22%17%18%20%22%27%21%17%18%23%23%22%1st2nd3rd3rd3rd10%14%15%15%15%17%14%16%13%17%21%17%16%15%19%16%16%Currently useExperimentingPlan to useServerless(Function-as-a-Service)Container-as-a-ServiceHadoopDBaaS(NoSQL)DBaaS(Relational)CachingBatch processingSea

24、rchStream processingMachine learning/Artificial intelligence(AI)Mobile servicesPush notificationsQueuingDRaaS(Disaster Recovery as a Service)Edge servicesIoTData WarehouseN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportPublic cloud services used fo

25、r all organizationsWhat public cloud providers does your organization use?2023 Flexera52023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st2nd3rd66%67%66%72%73%71%82%78%79%1st2nd2nd3rd80%71%71%75%72%71%82%80%78%1st2nd3rd47%52%42%61%71%67%80%47%73%All organizationsEnterpriseSMBGovernanceComplianceCloud migrationCentral

26、 cloud team/Business unit responsibility balancingManaging multi-cloudLack of resources/expertiseSecurityManaging cloud spendManaging sofware licensesSignificantly higher than plannedSomewhat higher than plannedAbout the same as plannedSomewhat lower than plannedSignificantly lower than planned45%36

27、%9%9%1%All organizations:N=750,Enterprise:N=627,SMB:N=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportTop cloud challengesHow is economic uncertainty changing your expected cloud usage and spend?2023 Flexera62023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTOrganization

28、s are embracing multi-cloudPublic cloud adoption continues to accelerateCloud initiatives and metricsOrganizations are taking a centralized approach to cloudTop challenges are security,spend and expertise Organizations struggle to control growing cloud spendContainer use becomes increasingly mainstr

29、eamAdoption of cloud configuration tools is shifingPublic cloud adoption is evolvingUse of public cloud PaaS services is increasingPrivate cloud plays an important roleEuropean spotlightThe Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud Report reveals:Seeking to control stubbornly high cloud costs,many organizatio

30、ns have or plan to create a cloud center of excellence(CCOE)and build mature FinOps practices.Nearly half of survey respondents indicated their organization plans to move from on-premises sofware to SaaS,and theres a small but growing subset of businesses that have moved to just a single cloud provi

31、der.AWS and Azure continue to lead the pack of cloud providers,further widening the gap with competitors while maintaining a neck-and-neck competition as market leaders.You cant innovate in a digital world without the cloud.Although the threat of economic volatility hasnt slowed cloud adoption or sp

32、ending,respondents are acutely aware of costs,as indicated by their prioritization of cost control eforts over security for the first time in a decade.Other means of innovation remain top of mind,with nearly half of respondents experimenting with or planning to use machine learning or artificial int

33、elligence.2023 Flexera72023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTSMBs:Businesses with fewer than 1,000 employeesEnterprises:Organizations with 1,000+employeesLarge enterprises:Organizations with 10,000+employeesMethodologyThe survey tapped 750 IT professionals and executive leaders worldwide representing a broa

34、d cross-section of industries and context areas in the winter of 2022.Flexera sources participants from an independent panel that is rigorously maintained and is comprised of vetted respondents with detailed profiles.At numerous points throughout the report,weve provided our own interpretation of th

35、e data as Flexera Points of View.ReuseWe encourage the reuse of data,charts and text published in this report under the terms of this Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Youre free to share and make commercial use of this work as long as you attribute the Flexera 2023 State of the

36、 Cloud Report as stipulated in terms of the license.2023 Flexera82023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT6%1-10011%101-1,00016%1,001-2,00015%5,001-10,00021%10,001-100,00011%100,000+20%2,001-5,000More than two-thirds of respondents come from organizations with 2,000 or more employeesN=750Source:Flexera 2023 St

37、ate of the Cloud ReportThis years survey leans toward larger enterprises,with 67%of respondents in organizations with more than 2,000 employees.Eleven percent have more than 100,000 employees,which is a new category this year.What size is your organization?2023 Flexera92023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT

38、5%Business services5%Consumer productsand services5%Retail/eCommerce5%Transportationand logistics16%Tech:hosting/cloud provider/managed services16%Tech:sofware20%Financial services13%OtherHealthcare11%4%Industrial productsN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportTech-related industries(32%)

39、and financial services(20%)lead the pack,followed by healthcare.Whats your companys industry?2023 Flexera102023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTSwitzerland1%1%IsraelIrelandChinaSingaporeOther EuropeAustraliaIndiaUKUSA1%1%1%Other AmericasNetherlands1%1%Other APACJapan1%3%5%6%13%CanadaGermanyFrance1%2%2%67%1

40、%N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportSimilar to last year,the majority(67%)of respondents are from the United States.Respondents from Europe made up 20%of the total,with the United Kingdom accounting for 13%,an increase from last year.Where are your headquarters located?2023 Flexera112

41、023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT17%Development44%IT/Ops15%CloudArchitect2%Research/Consulting8%EnterpriseArchitect14%BusinessN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe following figures indicate the breakdown of respondents by business role,level and where they work within their organization

42、.The majority(59%)are close to the cloud,either as IT/operations(44%)or cloud architects(15%).This is the first year we asked whether respondents were part of a FinOps team(9%)and if their organization has a FinOps team(72%).Whats your role?2023 Flexera122023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT21%Executive31%

43、Director/Manager13%IT/Development29%Architect6%OtherN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportWhats your level?2023 Flexera132023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT35%26%24%6%9%Central cloud team(CCOE or similar)Business unit IT/Dev teamCentral IT/Dev team(other than CCOE or similar)FinOps teamOtherN

44、=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportWhere in the organization do you work?2023 Flexera142023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT72%28%YesNo72%of organizations have dedicated FinOps teamsN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportDoes your organization have a dedicated FinOps team?2023 Flex

45、era152023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT65%19%16%Heavy Moderate Light N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportCloud adoption continues to become more mainstream.Heavy users now represent 65%of respondents,up from 63%last year.Whats your companys usage level of public cloud?2023 Flexera162023 ST

46、ATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT 79%Involved in decisions on SaaS71%Involved in decisions on public cloud IaaS/PaaS71%Involved in managing use and/or costs of SaaS67%Involved in managing use and/or costs of public cloud IaaS/PaaS63%User of SaaS 61%User of public cloud IaaS/PaaS59%Involved in decisions on pri

47、vate cloud52%Involved in managing use and/or costs of private cloud48%User of private cloud31%Managing public cloud for our customers(MSP,SI)N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe majority of respondents have a significant influence on both SaaS and IaaS/PaaS,especially regarding deci

48、sion-making,usage and costs.Whats your involvement with cloud in your organization?2023 Flexera172023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTOrganizations are embracing multi-cloudSingle publicMulti-cloudMultiple publicMultiple privateHybrid cloud87%11%2%72%13%2%Single privateMovement away from multi-cloud may be

49、 due to organizations consolidating on a single public cloud provider.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportRespondents indicated a slight drif toward single public cloud usage,with multi-cloud decreasing from 89%last year to 87%this year.Single public cloud usage ha

50、s increased to 11%,up from 9%last year.Organizations embrace multi-cloud 2023 Flexera182023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT37%Multiple public and multiple private19%Multiple public and one private9%7%One public and multiple privateOne public and one privateMore than half of respondents use multiple public

51、 clouds;and 16%have consolidated onto a single public cloudN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportA decrease in hybrid cloud strategies also indicates organizations may be consolidating on a single cloud.Hybrid cloud strategies 2023 Flexera192023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT44%Apps siloed on

52、 diferent clouds42%DR/failover between clouds37%Workload mobility between clouds37%Data integration between clouds33%Individual apps span public and private cloud30%Intelligent workload placement25%Workload bursting(cloud bursting)The old“lif and shif”mentality is becoming more antiquated as organiz

53、ations factor in cost and performance when finding the most appropriate place for workloads in the cloud.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportApps siloed on diferent clouds and DR/failover between clouds have remained the top two multi-cloud implementations.Intellig

54、ent workload placement is increasing the fastest(up 20 percent year over year).Use of multi-cloud architectures by all organizations 2023 Flexera202023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st2nd3rd30%29%25%22%1st2nd3rd63%68%60%56%All organizationsLarge enterprisesGovernance toolsCost optimization(FinOps)toolsS

55、ecurity toolsManagement toolsLarge enterprises are more likely to use multi-cloud FinOps tools than multi-cloud security toolsAll organizations:N=750,Large enterprises:N=242Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportAcross the board for all organizations,multi-cloud security tools continue to lead

56、,followed closely by multi-cloud cost optimization(FinOps)tools.However,large enterprises reverse the order,with 68%using multi-cloud FinOps tools and 63%using multi-cloud security tools.Use of multi-cloud tools 2023 Flexera212023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTPubliccloud only96%Public76%PrivatePrivatecl

57、oud only24%72%Hybrid4%Hybrid cloud usage decreased from 80%to 72%year over year as a result of an increase in public cloud-only usageN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe increased usage of public cloud only is evidenced here as well,with an increase to 24%(up from 16%in 2022).Public

58、 vs.private cloud usage 2023 Flexera22Public cloud adoption continues to accelerate1st2nd2nd2nd2nd2nd3rd3rd3rd3rd11%13%16%16%17%17%13%24%7%1st1st6%10%15%6%39%30%11%10%4%1%5%29%All respondents EnterpriseSMBMore than$12M$6M to$12M$1.2M to$2.4M$600K to$1.2MUp to$600KDid not disclose$2.4M to$6MAll respo

59、ndents:N=750,Enterprise:N=627,SMB:N=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportNearly a quarter of respondents(24%)are currently spending more than$12 million per year in public cloud.Whats your current annual public cloud spend?2023 Flexera23Workloads in public cloud todayNot in public cloudAd

60、ditional workloads in public cloud in twelve months53%41%6%50%43%7%67%29%4%All respondentsEnterpriseSMBAll respondents:N=750,Enterprise:N=627,SMB:N=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportFor all respondents,more than half of workloads and data are in public cloud today.Enterprises,which hav

61、e more complex environments and tend to move more slowly,have 50%of workloads and 48%of data in public cloud.By contrast,SMBs exceeded targets for workloads and data in public cloud year over year and now have more than two-thirds of their workloads and 63%of data in public cloud.This may be due to

62、their tendency to use a single vendor,which ofers less complexity.Workloads in public cloud 2023 Flexera242023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTAll respondents:N=750,Enterprise:N=627,SMB:N=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportData in public cloud51%43%6%63%33%4%48%45%7%Data in public cloud todayN

63、ot in public cloudAdditional data in public cloud in twelve monthsAll respondentsEnterpriseSMB 2023 Flexera252023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTSignificantly higher than plannedSomewhat higher than plannedAbout the same as plannedSomewhat lower than plannedSignificantly lower than planned45%36%9%9%1%45%o

64、f respondents said economic uncertainty would have very little impact on cloud usage and spendN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportHow is economic uncertainty changing your expected cloud usage and spend?2023 Flexera262023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT100%0%15%16%17%17%17%20%25%18%8%15%27%2

65、4%22%10%8%19%25%25%21%9%5%9%5%22%25%22%34%33%23%28%All stays on-premisesMostly stays on-premisesMix of on-premises and in cloud/SaaSMostly will moveto cloud/SaaSAll will moveto cloud/SaaSOrder/Sales dataIoT/Edge dataConsumer data(PII/PHI,etc.)Corporate financial dataNonsensitive data for analyticsOt

66、her nonsensitive dataA year-over-year analysis of corporate financial data shows a movement away from on-premises toward cloud and SaaS,indicating organizations are becoming more confident in the security controls that cloud provides.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud R

67、eportMore than half of respondents said theyll consider moving at least some sensitive consumer data or corporate financial data to the cloud.Seventeen percent said all sensitive consumer data will move to cloud/SaaS(up from 13%year over year),and 18%said all corporate financial data will move to cl

68、oud/SaaS(up from 11%year over year).Whats your approach for migrating data to public cloud/SaaS?2023 Flexera272023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st3rd1st1st2nd2nd3rd3rd49%46%42%41%37%34%34%32%31%26%50%42%46%37%38%26%35%33%33%26%49%47%41%42%37%36%35%33%33%26%2ndAll respondentsEnterpriseSMBKnowing the imp

69、lications of BYOLOptimizing costs post migrationRightsizing/selecting best instanceAssessing technical feasibilityUnderstanding app dependenciesSelecting the right cloud providerMigrating the app and dataPrioritizing apps to migrateManaging the app post migrationAssessing on-premises vs.cloud costs1

70、st3rd1st1st2nd2nd3rd3rd49%46%42%41%37%34%34%32%31%26%50%42%46%37%38%26%35%33%33%26%49%47%41%42%37%36%35%33%33%26%2ndAll respondentsEnterpriseSMBKnowing the implications of BYOLOptimizing costs post migrationRightsizing/selecting best instanceAssessing technical feasibilityUnderstanding app dependenc

71、iesSelecting the right cloud providerMigrating the app and dataPrioritizing apps to migrateManaging the app post migrationAssessing on-premises vs.cloud costsUnderstanding app dependencies remains the top challenge for cloud migrationAll respondents:N=750,Enterprise:N=627,SMB:N=123Source:Flexera 202

72、3 State of the Cloud ReportMapping all the relationships across apps,hardware and networking devices for each IT-delivered service is notoriously dificult to do.Similar to last year,49%of respondents reported understanding app dependencies and 46%reported assessing technical feasibility as the top t

73、wo cloud migration challenges.What challenges do you face in migrating workloads to public cloud?2023 Flexera282023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTCloud initiatives and metrics62%Optimizing existing use of cloud(cost savings)55%Progressing on a cloud-first strategy44%Migrating more workloads to cloud43%Mo

74、ve from on-premises sofware to SaaS42%Better financial reporting on cloud costs41%Automated policies for governance37%Manage sofware licenses in the cloud36%Expand public clouds we use32%Expand use of public cloud IaaS/PaaS services27%Expand use of containers21%Implement CI/CD in the cloud18%Enablin

75、g IT to broker cloud services14%Expand use of cloud MSPs8%Expand use of cloud marketplacesCost savings and cloud-first strategies are the top two initiatives across the boardN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThis is the seventh year in a row that optimizing existing use of cloud(cost

76、 savings)is the top initiative(62%).Notably,progressing on a cloud-first strategy jumped to 55%this year from 40%in 2022.There appear to be headwinds around migrating more workloads to cloud,as this dropped to 44%from 57%year over year.Moderate and light users remain focused on moving more workloads

77、 to the cloud.Which of the following initiatives are you planning to make progress on in the next year?2023 Flexera291st2nd3rd55%59%39%41%46%48%33%38%31%27%15%6%2%1st1st2nd3rd61%61%44%41%43%47%38%37%35%7%1st2nd3rd71%43%50%48%35%2%24%22%27%17%16%12%0%25%41%33%30%29%22%15%16%11%2%Moving from on-premis

78、es to SaaS versions of sofware applicationsProgressing on a cloud-first strategyImplementing automated policies for cloud governanceMigrating more workloads to cloudOptimizing our existing use of cloud(cost savings)Expanding use of containersManaging sofware licenses used in the cloudExpanding use o

79、f public cloud IaaS/PaaS servicesImplementing continuous integration/delivery in cloudExpanding public clouds we useEnabling Central IT to broker multiple cloud servicesExpanding the use of cloud managed service providers(MSPs)Expanding the use of cloud marketplaces to procure sofwareOtherBetter fin

80、ancial reporting on cloud costs(showback/chargeback)LightModerateHeavy71%of heavy cloud users will prioritizeoptimizing existing use of cloud(cost savings)N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportTop cloud initiatives by cloud usage for all organizations 2023 Flexera302023 STATE OF THE CLOU

81、D REPORT60%45%31%28%25%23%23%23%21%16%Cost eficiency/savingsDelivery speed of new products/servicesNumber of workloads migratedCost avoidanceCustomer adoption of cloud-based oferingsDecreased data center footprintIncrease in competitive advantageValue delivered to business unitsIncreased speed of in

82、novationRetirement/decrease of technical debtGeographic reach4%N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportCost eficiency/savings(60%)and delivery speed of new products/services(45%)continue to be the top two metrics for measuring progress in the cloud.What are your top metrics for assessing p

83、rogress against cloud goals?2023 Flexera312023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTOrganizations are taking a centralized approach to the cloud9%1st1st1st2nd2nd2nd3rd3rd3rd3rd56%17%15%3%61%18%9%9%3%28%15%11%44%2%All respondentsEnterpriseSMBDont knowPlanning one beyondtwelve monthsPlanning one in nexttwelve mon

84、thsHave a CCOENoAll respondents:N=750,Enterprise:N=627,SMB:N=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportMost organizations have a CCOE(56%)or plan to within the next year(17%).Not surprisingly,enterprises(61%)are more likely than SMBs(28%)to have a CCOE.Does your company have a central cloud te

85、am or CCOE?2023 Flexera32 64%Manage/optimize costs of cloud services61%Decide/advise on apps appropriate for cloud58%Plan for cloud migrations54%Set policies for cloud use53%Select public cloud providers44%Automate policies to govern cloud use38%Select private clouds34%Act as a cloud broker32%Manage

86、 all cloud deployments31%Provide/manage a private cloudManage/optimize costs of cloud services was the biggest change this year as cloud usage and the associated costs continue to rise and gain visibility.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportManage/optimize costs of

87、 cloud services was the third priority for central IT teams in the 2022 report,and this year it jumped to the top spot(64%).Central IT responsibilities in cloud(IaaS)adoption 2023 Flexera332023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT4%Dont know8%No,but planningone beyondtwelve months14%No,but planningone in the n

88、exttwelve months18%No56%Yes,FinOps team does some/all of these tasksN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe majority of organizations(56%)have a FinOps team,and others(14%)plan to create one in the coming year.Does your company have a FinOps team to advise,manage or execute cloud cost

89、optimization strategies?2023 Flexera342023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT100%0%7%6%6%6%6%6%5%5%4%37%50%49%48%47%46%42%41%41%27%27%36%34%33%33%31%31%41%30%28%28%27%26%25%24%22%35%17%27%25%25%22%22%22%21%21%19%18%18%17%26%25%23%22%21%18%17%16%15%29%27%25%23%21%10%9%9%8%7%7%6%5%12%Govern IaaS/PaaS usage/cos

90、tsOptimize SaaS usage/costsGovern sofware licenses in IaaS/PaaSDefine cost management policiesChargeback of cloud costsReport/analyzecloud costsOwn cloud budgetsOptimizecloud spendForecast cloud costs post migrationFinOps teamBusiness unitsInfrastructure and Ops teamCloud team or CCOEApplication tea

91、msFinance/AccountingVendor management teamSAM teamYear over year,finance/accounting and vendor management teams have less responsibility over cloud costs;these responsibilities are shifing to FinOps teams as they emerge and mature.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud Repo

92、rtAs usual,infrastructure and ops team and cloud team or CCOE lead the charge.Govern IaaS/PaaS usage/costs dropped to 41%from 53%year over year,while FinOps teams increased that responsibility to 35%from 24%.Who in your organization leads cloud cost management responsibilities?2023 Flexera352023 STA

93、TE OF THE CLOUD REPORT22%No plans27%Used for most publiccloud usage 27%Used for somepublic cloud usage 11%Plan to useDont know6%Plan to decrease use7%N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportMore than half(54%)of all organizations outsource at least some public cloud work,including 27%that

94、use cloud managed service providers(MSPs)for most public cloud usage.Enterprises are more inclined to utilize MSPs than SMBs(60%vs.26%).This is expected as enterprises tend to have larger cloud environments and are more likely to have preexisting MSP relationships.On the other hand,SMBs tend to have

95、 simpler cloud infrastructures,including those that only use one cloud provider.Utilization of MSPs for managing public cloud for all organizations 2023 Flexera362023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTUse MSPNo plansPlan to usePlan to use lessDont know60%26%17%49%11%12%5%6%7%7%EnterpriseSMBEnterprise:N=627,S

96、MB:N=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportEnterprise vs.SMB MSP utilization for managing public cloud 2023 Flexera372023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTTop challenges are security,spend and expertise 1st2nd3rd66%67%66%72%73%71%82%78%79%1st2nd2nd3rd80%71%71%75%72%71%82%80%78%1st2nd3rd47%52%42%61

97、%71%67%80%47%73%All organizationsEnterpriseSMBGovernanceComplianceCloud migrationCentral cloud team/Business unit responsibility balancingManaging multi-cloudLack of resources/expertiseSecurityManaging cloud spendManaging sofware licensesFor the first time in a decade,managing cloud spend(82%)surpas

98、ses security(79%)to become the number one challengeThe shif in challenges may be due to organizations becoming more comfortable with cloud security combined with greater spend due to increased use of cloud services.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWAll organizations:N=750,Enterprise:N=627,SMB:N=123Source:Flexera

99、 2023 State of the Cloud ReportIts no surprise cloud spend is increasing and therefore no surprise that controlling this rapidly growing cost is a top priority.In fact,this year marks the first time in a decade that managing cloud spend has overtaken security as the top challenge facing organization

100、s across the board.As in previous years,a lack of resources/expertise also continues to be a significant challenge.Top cloud challenges 2023 Flexera38SecurityLack of resources/expertiseManaging cloud spendManaging multi-cloudGovernanceManaging sofware licensesComplianceCloud migration78%85%80%84%82%

101、83%80%72%71%79%75%77%72%76%71%74%Enterprise 2023Enterprise 2022Respondents 2023 N=627,2022 N=597Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportInterestingly,all challenges for enterprises decreased year over year with the exception of managing multi-cloud,which increased from 72%to 80%.As organization

102、s consume more services from multiple cloud vendors,managing these bespoke services becomes more complex.Additionally,the percentage of enterprises facing security challenges has dropped from 85%to 78%.YoY comparison of top challengesfor enterprises 2023 Flexera392023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st2nd

103、3rd70%76%77%73%77%81%80%79%1st1st1st2nd3rd2nd3rd71%75%78%75%72%81%82%82%53%43%59%68%61%82%70%74%LightModerateHeavyManaging cloud spendGovernanceManaging sofware licensesCloud migrationManaging multi-cloudLack of resources/expertiseSecurityComplianceN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportM

104、anaging cloud spend is a top challenge across usage levels.As organizations mature,certain functions mature as well.Respondents indicated governance,compliance and managing sofware licenses have become less of a challenge.Cloud challenges by usage level 2023 Flexera402023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTOr

105、ganizations struggle to control growing cloud spendOriginal budget18%Amount over budgetAnticipated growthCurrent cloud spendNext twelve monthsCurrent spend30%Respondents indicated a 39%increase YoY in the amount of cloud spend over budgetN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportIts easy to

106、see why FinOps continues to evolve and grow as a cultural practice and financial management discipline.Public cloud spend was over budget by an average of 18%,up from 13%the previous year.Respondents remain bullish on cloud,as 30%expected spend to increase in next twelve months.Whats your organizati

107、onal spend on public cloud?2023 Flexera4172%28%EficientspendSelf-estimatedwasted spendN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportRespondents reported that public cloud waste is 28%,down slightly from 32%the previous year.Whats your estimated wasted cloud spend?2023 Flexera422023 STATE OF THE

108、CLOUD REPORT32%29%17%17%30%34%31%30%25%20%23%11%10%10%7%13%12%AWSAWS Reserved InstancesAWS EDP(Enterprise Discount Program)AWS Savings PlansAWS Spot InstancesService-specific discountsAZUREAzure EA(Enterprise Agreement)discountAzure Savings PlansAzure Reserved InstancesAzure Hybrid BenefitAzure Low-

109、priority VMsGOOGLEGoogle Committed Use discountsService-specific discountsIBMIBM Cloud Reserved InstancesIBM Cloud SubscriptionsIBM Cloud negotiated discountsORACLE CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE(OCI)Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Universal CreditsOracle Cloud Infrastructure negotiated discountsRoughly two-third

110、s of organizations arent taking advantage of provider discounts to optimize cloud costsN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportCloud provider pricing structures are complex and dificult to decipher,but provider discounts can identify opportunities to reduce costs.About one-third of respond

111、ents took advantage of these savings opportunities.In many cases,organizations can easily take better advantage of these discounts.Which provider discounts do you use?2023 Flexera432023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT48%37%34%45%45%32%28%33%44%49%34%44%36%40%32%42%34%38%22%46%Use lowest cost cloudRequired

112、 tagsUnderutilized discountsSpecify expiration datesShutdown workloads afer hoursRightsize instancesUse lowest cost regionsEliminate inactive storageAllowed instance sizes/typesUtilization monitoringAutomated policiesManual policies48%of respondents use automated utilization monitoring to optimize c

113、loud costsDespite the fact that tags are critical to cost allocation and optimization,only roughly a third currently use policies that implement required tags.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportAutomated policies such as utilization monitoring(48%)and shutting dow

114、n workloads afer hours(45%)are the most common,whereas using the lowest cost regions and allowing instance sizes/types are the most common manual policies.Surprisingly,nearly three-quarters of respondents still dont leverage automated or manual policies for requiring tags,a critical way to allocate

115、and optimize costs.What types of policies do you use to optimize cloud costs?2023 Flexera442023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT42%39%19%NoYesDont knowWith the growth of FinOps,we expect the use of unit economic models to increase in the coming years.FLEXERA POINT OF VIEWN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of t

116、he Cloud ReportUnit economics is a key metric leveraged in FinOps to gauge eficiency of cloud spend.However,it can be challenging to implement and therefore is not currently widely used.Does your organization use a unit economics model for cloud cost analysis?2023 Flexera452023 STATE OF THE CLOUD RE

117、PORTContainer use becomes increasingly mainstream42%15%38%23%40%22%45%22%23%22%17%18%13%18%8%15%SUSE RancherDocker SwarmRed Hat OpenShifGoogle Kubernetes Engine(GKE)DockerAzure Kubernetes Service(AKS)Kubernetes(not via a cloud provider service)AWS ECS/EKSCurrently usePlan to useN=750Source:Flexera 2

118、023 State of the Cloud ReportKubernetes use continues to dominate,whether self-implemented or via a cloud provider service.The respondents who currently use a managed Kubernetes service,such as AWS ECS/EKS(45%)or Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS)(38%),essentially remain unchanged from the previous year.

119、Current use of SUSE Rancher decreased from 13%to 8%year over year,while Red Hat OpenShif decreased from 21%last year to 17%.What container tools do you use?2023 Flexera4639%16%41%24%42%23%45%22%27%23%19%20%13%20%9%18%SUSE RancherDocker SwarmRed Hat OpenShifGoogle Kubernetes Engine(GKE)DockerAzure Ku

120、bernetes Service(AKS)Kubernetes(not via a cloud provider service)AWS ECS/EKSCurrently usePlan to useN=627Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportNative tools such as AWS ECS and AWS EKS are the most used container tools for both enterprises(45%)and SMBs(42%).Organizations are planning to use pr

121、ovider-specific,purpose-built tools along with growing interest in Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS)and Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE).Enterprise use of container tools 2023 Flexera472023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT21%18%29%20%42%18%56%12%11%9%5%13%7%7%3%2%SUSE RancherRed Hat OpenShifGoogle Kubernetes Engi

122、ne(GKE)Docker SwarmAzure Kubernetes Service(AKS)Kubernetes(not via a cloud provider service)AWS ECS/EKSDockerCurrently usePlan to useN=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportSMB use of container tools 2023 Flexera482023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT21%17%20%22%14%24%28%26%36%41%46%43%45%54%46%4

123、3%46%39%Deciding on container platformTracking use of sofware licenses in containersLack of service providers with expertiseEnsuring complianceOptimizing costs of containersManaging containerized environmentsMigrating traditional applications to containersEnsuring securityLack of internal staf with

124、expertiseVery much of a challengeSomewhat of a challenge68%of respondents say optimizing container costs is a challenge(54%somewhat,14%very much)N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportOverall,organizations named lack of internal staf with expertise(36%),migrating traditional applications

125、to containers(28%)and ensuring security(26%)as very much a challenge related to container use.More than half of respondents(54%)named optimizing costs of containers as somewhat of a challenge.Organizations continue to struggle with costs and hiring,and migrating traditional applications to container

126、s is more problematic,as traditional apps arent implemented via microservices,which are more aligned to containerized deployment models.What are the top container-related challenges for your organization?2023 Flexera492023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTAdoption of cloud configuration tools is shifing10%1

127、5%14%20%30%26%24%32%31%44%51%13%15%16%15%17%21%24%22%25%22%16%Salt/SaltStackPuppetChefAnsibleTerraformGoogle Cloud Deployment Manager templatesAWS OpsWorksAWS Systems ManagerAzure AutomationAzure Resource Manager templatesAWS CloudFormation templatesCurrently usePlan to useFor the first time,56%of r

128、espondents either currently use or plan to use Azure AutomationN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportNative cloud toolsincluding AWS CloudFormation(51%),Azure Resource Manager templates(44%)and AWS Systems Manager(32%)are most commonly used.This is the first year Azure Automation made th

129、e list,coming in at 31%,with the highest number of respondents(25%)planning to use.Cloud provider tools are well suited to their respective environments.What are your current and planned configuration tools?2023 Flexera5011%15%17%21%29%26%30%33%34%46%52%15%18%16%18%19%26%23%23%26%24%18%Salt/SaltStac

130、kChefPuppetAnsibleTerraformAWS OpsWorksGoogle Cloud Deployment Manager templatesAWS Systems ManagerAzure AutomationAzure Resource Manager templatesAWS CloudFormation templatesCurrently usePlan to useN=627Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportSimilar to overall numbers,enterprises tend to use

131、provider-specific templating tools.The use of cloud-agnostic tools such as Terraform,Puppet and Chef continues to decline as the provider tools increase in usage.SMBs are more likely to use Terraform than enterprises(35%vs.29%).Enterprise use of cloud configuration tools 2023 Flexera512023 STATE OF

132、THE CLOUD REPORT6%6%7%11%18%47%5%2%7%7%11%11%10%4%Salt/SaltStackPuppetChefGoogle Cloud Deployment Manager templatesAWS OpsWorks14%21%Azure AutomationAnsible28%32%15%15%AWS Systems ManagerAzure Resource Manager templates35%8%TerraformAWS CloudFormation templatesCurrently usePlan to useN=123Source:Fle

133、xera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportSMB use of cloud configuration tools 2023 Flexera522023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTPublic cloud adoption is evolving8%5%5%4%11%10%5%3%8%12%16%9%8%18%16%12%17%26%19%9%47%27%10%4%41%30%13%6%Running significant workloadsPlan to useRunning some workloadsExperimentingOthe

134、rAlibaba CloudIBM CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureGoogle Cloud PlatformAWSAzure28%of organizations are experimenting with or plan to use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or Google Cloud PlatformN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportLast year was the first year Azure surpassed AWS in adoption

135、rates,but this year respondents indicated AWS is back on top,with 47%using the provider in significant workloads and 41%using Azure.Oracle,IBM and Alibaba cloud services remained relatively unchanged.What public cloud providers does your organization use?2023 Flexera53AWSAzureGoogle Cloud PlatformOr

136、acle Cloud InfrastructureIBM CloudAlibaba Cloud74%77%71%76%43%48%20%28%26%24%8%12%202320222023:N=750,2022:N=753Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportAWS and Azure remain the most widely adopted cloud providers,ahead of Google Cloud Platform,Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,IBM Cloud and Alibaba Cl

137、oud.YoY public cloud provider adoption rates for all organizations 2023 Flexera542023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTRunning significant workloadsPlan to useRunning some workloadsExperimentingOtherAlibaba CloudIBM CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureGoogle Cloud PlatformAWSAzure46%29%10%4%43%32%12%6%19%27%19%

138、9%20%17%13%9%10%5%4%|4%13%12%6%3%10%14%17%10%N=627Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportIn last years report,enterprise adoption of Azure surpassed that of AWS for the first time,by a 3%margin.This year the two are tied at 75%.Enterprise use of public cloud providers 2023 Flexera552023 STATE

139、OF THE CLOUD REPORTAzureAWSGoogle Cloud PlatformOracle Cloud InfrastructureIBM CloudAlibaba Cloud75%80%75%77%46%48%29%27%24%25%9%11%202320222023:N=627,2022:N=597Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportYoY enterprise public cloud adoption 2023 Flexera562023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT8%7%21%18%10%

140、31%20%15%4%0%|2%|1%0%|2%|3%|2%54%17%12%5%9%2%|3%5%Running significant workloadsPlan to useRunning some workloadsExperimentingAlibaba CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureIBM CloudGoogle Cloud PlatformAzureAWSN=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportSMBs continue to favor AWS over other cloud pro

141、viders,with 71%using AWS and 51%using Azure.Usage of Google Cloud Platform has significantly decreased from 43%last year to 28%this year.IBM Cloud usage remains low,as its primarily adopted by larger organizations with existing contracts for various IT services.Additionally,usage of all other cloud

142、providers has significantly decreased among SMBs,indicating that theyre increasingly choosing to use either AWS or Azure.SMB use of public cloud providers 2023 Flexera572023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTAWSAzureGoogle Cloud PlatformIBM CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureAlibaba Cloud2023202271%69%51%59%28%

143、43%2%24%5%28%2%17%SMB usage of Google Cloud Platform significantly decreased year over year2023:N=123,2022:N=156Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportYoY SMB public cloud adoption 2023 Flexera582023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT36%48%55%24%27%26%19%27%15%62%84%65%65%80%78%LightModerateHeavy11%|5%

144、|7%Alibaba CloudIBM CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureGoogle Cloud PlatformAzureAWSHeavy cloud users are more likely to use AWSN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportPublic cloud provider adoption is influenced by the organizations cloud usage level.As organizations mature,they tend to grav

145、itate toward market leaders.As was the case last year,AWS is used more frequently by organizations that have been using the cloud over a longer period and are heavy cloud users.Cloud providers used by cloud usage level 2023 Flexera592023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st1st1st1st1st1st2nd2nd2nd3rd3rd3rd3

146、rd3rd3rd3rd3rd23%18%12%9%7%5%5%4%23%17%11%9%7%6%3%3%22%10%9%6%5%4%2%1%5%4%4%2%2%1%0%1%15%8%4%4%3%2%1%1%11%7%5%4%4%3%1%1%2nd2nd2nd2ndAWSAzureGoogle Cloud PlatformAlibaba CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureIBM Cloud$1M+to$2M per month$500K+to$1M per month$100K+to$200K per month$50K+to$100K per monthLess

147、than$50K per month$2M+to$5M per monthMore than$5M per month$200K+to$500K per month$1M+to$2M per month$500K+to$1M per month$100K+to$200K per month$50K+to$100K per monthLess than$50K per month$2M+to$5M per monthMore than$5M per month$200K+to$500K per monthN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud Re

148、portWith all respondents,AWS leads(or is tied)in most spending tiers with the exception of those spending$1 million-$2 million per month.Fourteen percent of AWS users spend more than$12 million a year,compared to 12%for Azure and 7%for Google Cloud Platform.IBM and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure are a

149、distant fourth and fifh.Fifeen percent of AWS and Azure enterprise users each spend more than$12 million a year.How much do you spend on each cloud provider?2023 Flexera602023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st1st1st1st2nd3rd2nd2nd2nd2nd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd2nd2nd2nd1st1st5%4%4%2%2%2%0%1%16%10%5%5%3

150、%3%1%1%12%8%5%5%4%3%1%1%20%13%16%9%9%6%5%4%19%18%13%10%9%7%4%4%19%11%11%7%6%4%2%1%Alibaba CloudOracle Cloud InfrastructureIBM Cloud$1M+to$2M per month$500K+to$1M per month$100K+to$200K per month$50K+to$100K per monthLess than$50K per month$2M+to$5M per monthMore than$5M per month$200K+to$500K per mo

151、nthAWSAzureGoogle Cloud Platform$1M+to$2M per month$500K+to$1M per month$100K+to$200K per month$50K+to$100K per monthLess than$50K per month$2M+to$5M per monthMore than$5M per month$200K+to$500K per monthN=627Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportEnterprise public cloud spend 2023 Flexera6120

152、23 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT65%13%10%7%3%|2%IBM Cloud53%18%13%8%3%5%Microsof System Center41%26%14%11%3%5%Microsof Azure Stack69%14%8%5%2%|2%OpenStack79%7%8%3%|2%|1%Alibaba Cloud59%20%9%7%3%|2%Oracle Cloud Infrastructure40%24%12%12%7%5%Google Cloud Platform18%26%20%17%11%8%Microsof Azure67%13%9%5%4%

153、|2%Google Anthos57%17%11%9%4%|2%AWS OutpostsNone1 to 5051 to 100101 to 500501 to 1,000More than 1,000AWS16%26%19%19%11%9%N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe number of virtual machines(VMs),or instances running in each cloud,provides additional insight into the size of an organizati

154、ons footprint within them.AWS and Microsof Azure lead among the larger footprint sizes of 500+instances.Microsof Azure Stack has more large-footprint deployments than either AWS Outposts or Google Anthos.How many VMs do you have in each cloud provider?2023 Flexera622023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTUse

155、of public cloud PaaS services is increasing1st2nd48%38%21%56%43%39%43%43%40%31%36%37%45%39%29%28%28%1st2nd2nd3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd21%19%19%17%22%22%17%18%20%22%27%21%17%18%23%23%22%1st2nd3rd3rd3rd10%14%15%15%15%17%14%16%13%17%21%17%16%15%19%16%16%Currently useExperimentingPlan to useServerless(Function-as

156、-a-Service)Container-as-a-ServiceHadoopDBaaS(NoSQL)DBaaS(Relational)CachingBatch processingSearchStream processingMachine learning/Artificial intelligence(AI)Mobile servicesPush notificationsQueuingDRaaS(Disaster Recovery as a Service)Edge servicesIoTData WarehouseNearly half(48%)of respondents are

157、experimenting or planning to use machine learning/artificial intelligence(AI)N=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportSimilar to last year,data warehouse is the most commonly used PaaS ofering,followed by DBaaS(relational).Machine learning/artificial intelligence is being experimented with

158、more than any other service and,not surprisingly,its the leading PaaS ofering that is being planned to use.The highest percentages of enterprises report experimenting with or planning to use machine learning/artificial intelligence,edge services and stream processing.Public cloud services used for a

159、ll organizations 2023 Flexera631st2nd3rd3rd44%37%23%57%44%37%42%42%43%31%40%38%46%39%30%30%31%1st2nd2nd3rd23%20%22%18%23%23%19%19%21%24%27%23%18%20%25%25%23%1st2nd11%15%15%15%15%18%15%17%14%18%19%17%16%16%20%17%17%3rd3rdCurrently useExperimentingPlan to useServerless(Function-as-a-Service)Container-

160、as-a-ServiceHadoopDBaaS(NoSQL)DBaaS(Relational)CachingBatch processingSearchStream processingMachine learning/Artificial intelligence(AI)Mobile servicesPush notificationsQueuingDRaaS(Disaster Recovery as a Service)Edge servicesIoTData WarehouseN=627Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportPublic

161、 cloud services used by enterprises 2023 Flexera642023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st2nd3rd3rd55%62%54%51%54%50%53%1st2nd3rd72%77%69%64%65%64%30%1st2nd3rd80%81%77%69%73%60%71%LightModerateHeavyMobile servicesMachine learning/Artificial intelligence(AI)Container-as-a-ServiceData WarehouseDBaaS(Relation

162、al)Push notificationsSearchN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportOrganizations continue to increase their use of PaaS services as overall cloud usage rises.Data warehouse,DBaaS(relational)and container-as-a-service lead the pack with heavy users.PaaS services used based on cloud usage le

163、vels 2023 Flexera652023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTPrivate cloud plays an important role1st2nd3rd31%17%41%27%28%18%11%10%1st2nd2nd3rd24%21%19%21%17%16%18%15%1st1st1st1st3rd7%11%11%13%10%13%13%13%2nd2ndCurrently running workloadsExperimentingPlan to useVMware vCloud DirectorVMware vSphere/vCenterMicros

164、of Azure StackGoogle AnthosAWS OutpostsOpenStackBare-metal cloudMicrosof System CenterN=750Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportMost organizations are taking a multi-cloud,hybrid approach in which private cloud plays an essential role.Microsof Azure Stack ranked first,with 41%currently runni

165、ng workloads,up from 37%last year.AWS Outposts switched places with VMware vSphere/vCenter for second place.Others remain relatively unchanged,with the exception of OpenStack,which continued its downward slide the past few years,dropping to 11%this year from 15%last year.Private cloud technologies u

166、sed for all organizations 2023 Flexera661st2nd3rd3rd35%20%46%30%30%20%12%10%1st2nd2nd3rd26%24%21%24%20%17%19%17%1st1st2nd3rd3rd7%12%12%15%11%15%15%14%1stVMware vCloud DirectorVMware vSphere/vCenterMicrosof Azure StackGoogle AnthosAWS OutpostsOpenStackBare-metal cloudMicrosof System CenterCurrently r

167、unning workloadsExperimentingPlan to useN=627Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportMicrosof Azure Stack continues to lead the way among enterprises,increasing from 38%to 46%in current use year over year.AWS Outposts ranks second,followed closely by VMware vSphere/vCenter and VMware System Cen

168、ter,which maintain results similar to last year.Enterprise private cloud technologies 2023 Flexera672023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT1st1st2nd3rd13%1%20%17%20%7%4%9%1st2nd2nd3rd15%8%10%9%6%7%10%7%1st2nd2nd3rd9%7%7%4%6%2%3%5%VMware vCloud DirectorVMware vSphere/vCenterMicrosof Azure StackGoogle AnthosAW

169、S OutpostsOpenStackBare-metal cloudMicrosof System CenterCurrently running workloadsExperimentingPlan to useOpenStack and Google Anthos saw significant decreases among SMBsN=123Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportMicrosof System Center and Microsof Azure Stack remain in or near the lead for

170、 SMBs.Still,VMware vSphere/vCenter made slight gains this year to move into a tie for first.OpenStack and Google Anthos saw significant decreases this year.SMB private cloud technologies 2023 Flexera682023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTState of the Cloud Report:European spotlight5%1-1009%101-1,00013%1,00

171、1-2,00018%5,001-10,00021%10,001-100,00012%100,000+22%2,001-5,000N=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportEuropean distribution is very similar to that of the global respondent pool,with 33%coming from organizations of 10,000+(compared to 32%globally).European respondents by organization siz

172、e 2023 Flexera6920%Financial services13%Tech:sofware15%Tech:hosting/cloud provider/managed services12%Transportationand logistics3%Tech:other services3%Telecom6%Healthcare6%Industrialproducts6%Retail/eCommerce7%Other9%Consumer productsand servicesN=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe

173、 industry breakdown for European respondents is similar to that of the global survey:heavily weighted toward financial services and technology.There were fewer respondents from healthcare organizations(6%compared to 11%globally)and more transportation organizations(12%compared to 5%globally).Europea

174、n respondents by industry 2023 Flexera702023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTGermanyOther EuropeUnited Kingdom62%15%11%IrelandNetherlandsFrance7%2%1%Sweden1%Switzerland1%N=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportAs in years past,European respondents organizations are mostly headquartered in the Uni

175、ted Kingdom(62%this year compared to 41%last year).Other Europe includes any country with less than 1%of respondents.European respondents by country 2023 Flexera712023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT2%Research/Consulting8%EnterpriseArchitect44%IT/Ops15%Development15%Business16%CloudArchitectN=143Source:Fl

176、exera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportGlobal and European data is consistent across respondent pools.European respondents by role 2023 Flexera722023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT37%Director/ManagerOther19%Executive26%Architect10%IT/Development8%N=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportEuropean re

177、spondents have slightly fewer architects than the global pool(26%to 29%,respectively)and more director/managers(37%to 31%,respectively).European respondents by level 2023 Flexera732023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTBusiness unit IT/Dev teamCentral cloud team(CCOE or similar)Central IT/Dev team(other than

178、 CCOE or similar)OtherIn a FinOps team36%31%23%8%2%Business unit IT/Dev teamCentral cloud team(CCOE or similar)Central IT/Dev team(other than CCOE or similar)OtherIn a FinOps teamN=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportEuropean respondents have similar numbers working in a CCOE,but very fe

179、w working in FinOps teams(2%vs.9%globally).European respondents by where in the organization they work 2023 Flexera742023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT62%20%18%Heavy ModerateLight?62%20%18%Heavy?ModerateLight 65%17%18%Heavy Moderate Light N=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportAmericas:N=512,

180、Europe:N=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportSixty-two percent of European respondents are heavy users this year,compared to 65%globally and 58%of European heavy users last year.Comparison of cloud usage level between the Americas and Europe European respondents by cloud usage level 2023

181、 Flexera752023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT43%Significantly higher than planned36%Somewhat higher than planned12%About the same as planned8%Somewhat lower than plannedSignificantly lower than planned1%Similar to global sentiments,economic uncertainty doesnt seem to have a significant impact on cloud us

182、age and spend for European respondentsN=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportDespite economic uncertainty,91%of European respondents kept cloud spending at the same level or increased it.European response to how economic uncertainty is changing expected cloud usage and spend 2023 Flexera7

183、62023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT50%Have a CCOE22%Planning one in next twelve months16%No10%Planning one beyond twelve monthsDont know2%N=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe majority of European organizations have a CCOE(50%)or plan to within the next year(22%).European adoption of cen

184、tral cloud team or CCOE 2023 Flexera772023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT 57%Understanding app dependencies46%Assessing technical feasibility38%Assessing on-premises vs.cloud costs37%Rightsizing/selecting best instance36%Knowing the implications of BYOL34%Selecting the right cloud provider33%Optimizing c

185、osts post migration33%Migrating the app and data29%Prioritizing apps to migrate29%Managing the app post migrationN=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportUnderstanding app dependencies is the top challenge in Europe(57%vs.49%globally).Rightsizing/selecting best instance is slightly less of

186、an obstacle(37%vs.42%globally).Other categories remain relatively consistent regardless of geography.Cloud migration challenges for European organizations 2023 Flexera782023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT62%Optimizing existing use of cloud(cost savings)62%Migrating more workloads to cloud45%Automated pol

187、icies for governance44%Progressing on a cloud-first strategy43%Move from on-premises sofware to SaaS41%Better financial reporting on cloud costs39%Manage sofware licenses in the cloud38%Expand use of containers30%Expand use of public cloud IaaS/PaaS services27%Implement CI/CD in the cloud16%Expand p

188、ublic clouds we use15%Expand use of cloud MSPs13%Enabling IT to broker cloud services6%Expand use of cloud marketplacesN=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportThe top initiative in Europe is optimizing existing use of cloud(cost savings).Migrating more workloads to cloud was more of a chal

189、lenge for European respondents(62%vs.44%globally),while progressing on a cloud-first strategy ranked lower than the global figure (44%vs.55%,respectively).Cloud initiatives for European organizations 2023 Flexera792023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTN=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportEurope

190、an cloud usage is also similar to the global survey.One regional diference is in experimenting and plan to use.Globally,Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ranks highest,while in Europe,Google Cloud Platform is the highest.Public cloud provider adoption rates for European organizations 2023 Flexera802023 ST

191、ATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT50%Yes,FinOps team does some/all of these tasks8%No,but planningone beyondtwelve monthsDont know4%17%No,but planningone in the nexttwelve months21%NoYes,FinOps team does some/all of these tasksN=143Source:Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud ReportHalf of European organizations are

192、 likely to have a FinOps team,compared to 56%globally.Does your European company have a FinOps team to advise,manage or execute cloud cost optimization strategies?2023 Flexera812023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORTThe cloud:an engine of innovationThe world has experienced extraordinary disruption in the pa

193、st few years,fueled by the global pandemic,the Great Resignation and economic uncertainty.And while organizations of all sizes are prioritizing every dollar of spend,the cloud and technology will weather economic storms.Those enterprises that remain focused on digital transformation,seizing new oppo

194、rtunities and evolving strategic initiatives through a cost-conscious lens will be better positioned for success than their competitors.2023 STATE OF THE CLOUD REPORT NEXT STEPSFind out how we can help optimize your cloudCONTACT US1-800-374-4353| 2023 Flexera Software LLC.All other brand and product

195、 names mentioned herein may be the trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners.|1362About Flexera Flexera delivers SaaS-based IT management solutions that enable enterprises to accelerate digital transformation and multiply the value of their technology investments.We help organi

196、zations inform their IT with unparalleled visibility into complex hybrid ecosystems.And we help them transform their IT with tools that deliver the actionable intelligence to effectively manage,govern and optimize their hybrid IT estate.More than 50,000 customers subscribe to our technology value optimization solutions,delivered by 1,300+passionate team members worldwide.To learn more,visit



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