
ChatGPT与OPC UA.pdf

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ChatGPT与OPC UA.pdf

1、ChatGPT&OPC UAErich BarnstedtChief Architect Standards,Consortia&Industrial IoT,Azure Edge+PlatformMicrosoft CorporationRepresenting Microsoft atPlattform Industrie 4.0 Standards&Architecture Working GroupPlattform Industrie 4.0 Task Force International RelationsOPC Foundation Marketing Control Boar

2、dOPC Foundation Technical Advisory CouncilOPC Foundation Working Group Chair for UA Cloud LibraryOPC Foundation Working Group Chair for UA Cloud MetaverseOPC Foundation Working Group Chair for Carbon Capture and StorageOPC Foundation Working Group Chair for UA RESTOPC Foundation Working group Chair

3、for Web of ThingsClean Energy&Smart Manufacturing Innovation InstituteHow ChatGPT can be used for automatic asset onboarding and mapping to OPC UA to save time and money!OpenSourceOpenStandardsAzureOpen Data ModelsOpenPlatformMicrosofts DifferentiatorDiscoverable,supports complex data typesGraph sup

4、port,preserves source contextVendor extendableDomain-specific Companion Specifications:Discrete:Robotics,Machine Vision,Process:FDI,FDT,PA-DIM,MDIS,NOA.Energy:IEC61850,.Vendor,Protocol,Platform and OS IndependentOpen Source on GitHub(4.5M source lines contributed by Microsoft)Scalable from sensor to

5、 Cloud,Services Oriented Architecture(SOA)Owned by a Non-Profit(OPC Foundation)100M installed base and exponential growthSecure Design from group-upBased on open security standardsAuditing,Authentication&EncryptionEvolves as security technologies evolveVendors can choose level of securityAcceptable

6、by IT departmentsData Modelling Interoperability SecurityIEC 62541-The Industrial Interoperability StandardMicrosoft is a member of the OPC Foundation since 1996,900 membersMicrosoft supports OPC UA on Azure since 2016Microsoft has contributed over 5M lines of open-source code to the OPC Foundation

7、Agricultural Machinery Air Conditioning&Ventilation Air Pollution Control Battery Production Building Control and Management Cleaning Systems Die&Mould Drying Technology Compressors,Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology Electrical Automation Electronics,Micro&Nano Technologies Engines&Systems Fire Fi

8、ghting Equipment Fluid Power Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Foundry Machinery Thermal Power Plants Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems Lifts&Escalators Integrated Assembly Solutions Machine Vision Metallurgical Plants and Rolling Mills Micro Technologies Mining Plastics&Rubber Machinery

9、 Power Transmission Engineering Precision Tools Printing&Paper Technology Productronic Process Plant&Equipment Pumps&Systems Refrigeration&Heat Pump Technology Robotics Textile Care,Fabric and LeatherTechnology Software&Digitalization Surface Technology Textile Machinery Security Systems Cranes Phot

10、ovoltaic Equipment Industrial Trucks Testing Technology Thermo Process Technology Valves Welding&Pressure Gas Equipment Woodworking Machinery Wind Power Plants Automated Guided Vehicles Building Materials Ceramic Machinery Continuous Conveyors Engines Glass Machinery Weighing Technology Intralogisti

11、c Systems Length Measurement Technology Waste Treatment&Recycling Hydro Power PlantsOPC UA CS Release CandidateJoint Working Group with OPC FoundationOPC UA CS in ProgressOPC UA CS in PlanningOPC UA CS Released Construction EquipmentSemantic Interoperability via Companion SpecsThe VDMA has over 3200

12、 member companies,over 600 are involved in building OPC UA Companion SpecsIndustrial ConnectivityIndustrial IoT Edge PartnershipsNormalized,standardized,open data model&telemetry stream for all machines,including security!All products Microsoft Azure MarketplaceIndustrial Asset Data Model Kinds and

13、how to Map to OPC UA(Estimated WW Numbers!)Discoverable(10%)OPC UA-enabled(PLC)(4%)-No ind.conn.software required!Non-OPC UA-enabled(PLC)(6%)-Automatic mapping by ind.conn.software Non-Discoverable(90%)Fixed function/data model(63%)-Automatic mapping based on WoT Thing Description sent to ind.conn.s

14、oftware Programmable(PLC)(27%)-Manual mapping via ind.conn.softwareWeb of Things Thing DescriptionStandardized machine and human readable device descriptionsUA Edge TranslatorStandardized Industrial Connectivity Integration&ChatGPT-Powered Automatic Asset Onboarding in 3 Steps!MQTT BrokerOn Premises

15、(Manufacturer)Enterprise Cloud(Manufacturer)UA Cloud PublisherNon-OPC UA AssetUA Edge TranslatorProp.ProtocolOPC UA PubSub(Data)OPC UA Client/Server(Data)asset onboarding via auto-generated WoT Thing Description(JSON-LD)OPC UA Client/Server(Control)https:/ OpenAINew OPCF WG kicking off next week!1.U

16、ser enters make and model of asset in Chat GPT4 auto-generated WoT TD File2.User edits auto-generated WoT Thing Descriptioneclipse.github.io/editdor3.User sends edited WoT Thing Description to UA Edge T Edge Translator Automatically Maps the Modbus I/F to OPC UAThe Key To ChatGPT Success:Training an

17、d Prompt Engineering!DNext Steps:Build a Custom Large Language ModelGet access to GTP4 base modelTrain the model with 100s(ideally 1000s)of existing WoT Thing DescriptionsDeploy the model and integrate its HTTP REST interface into existing products2 Production Lines in 2 locations,3 Stations each,pl

18、us MES(Simulated on a Windows VM)ISA95 Digital Twins(DTDL)Industrial IoT Reference Architecture leveraging Open StandardsFirewallClient/ServerAzure Data ExplorerDashboardsOn-PremisesCloudQueriesUA Cloud ActionCommandsCommandshttps:/ Digital TwinsGraph DatabaseUA Cloud Publisher&UA Cloud Commanderon

19、AKS Edge Essentialson Windows IoTUA Cloud TwinPubSubPubSubAzure Arc-enabledKubernetesManagementAsset Admin ShellRepository(hosting PCFs)Azure Data ExplorerTime-Series DatabaseAzure Digital TwinsExplorerQueriesAzure 3D ScenesStudioQueriesAzure StoragePersisted OPC UA Cert,Settings and AAS StoreAsset

20、Admin ShellRepositories from SuppliersAASX Package Explorer(IDTA)QueriesUA Cloud MetaverseQueriesPersistencyMicrosoftSustainability ManagerQueriesAzure Managed GrafanaPubSubQueriesQueriesQueriesUA Cloud LibraryMicrosoft Power BIQueriesPersistencyAzure Event HubMessage BrokerMicrosoft FabricPubSubThank you.Peace in Europe!



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