
Keynote 1:Intel.PDF

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Keynote 1:Intel.PDF

1、Transforming the Datacenter with IPUsKristie MannIntel Vice President and General ManagerIntel IPU BusinessThe IPU is Transforming Datacenter InfrastructureCPUCPUThe future:extending use cases and benefits without performance impactsTraditional Datacenter InfrastructureIPU:The New ParadigmSSDsNICApp

2、sVM/ContainerAppsVM/Container.Hypervisor/Operating SystemStorage ServicesNetwork ServicesMgmt.Sec.Monitoring.AppsAppsVM/Container.Hypervisor/Operating SystemStorage ServicesNetwork ServicesMgmt.Sec.MonitoringIPUSidecarsMeshAI.VM/ContainerSSDs.CSPs invested in IPUsUnprecedented perf/watt,real-time ac

3、celeration and offload,on-the-fly feature programmabilitySecure,customized servicesIntel IPU technology Powers 6 of 8 global hyperscalersIntel and Google co-developed Intel IPU E2000 series ASIC IPUHyperscalers were First to AdoptCore CountNumber of DevicesVirtualized ServicesInfrastructure TrendsGo

4、ogle Cloud Next Fall 2022Driving Need forSecurityAccelerationProgrammabilityOffloadThe Benefits of IPU Apply Beyond HyperscalersSmaller operators and datacenters slow to adopt IPUThey rely on industry standard hardware and commercial or open-source softwareAn ecosystem is needed to extend benefits o

5、f IPU beyond hyperscalersInitial IPU ApproachCSP C Solution StackCustom Cloud Network,Storage&Orchestration StackIPU Vendor SWCSP B Solution StackCustom Cloud Network,Storage&Orchestration StackIPU Vendor SWCSP A Solution StackCustom Cloud Network,Storage&Orchestration StackIPU Vendor SWExtending Be

6、yond HyperscalersCSP Solution StacksCSP Solution StacksCSP Solution StacksCSP Solution StacksCSP Solution Stacks3rd Party Solution Stacks(ISV/OSV)Open Standard InterfacesIPU Vendor SWIPU Vendor SWIPU Vendor SWIPU HW+SW ecosystem and standards Edge Devices,IoT Our Vision:IPU from Datacenter to EdgeWo

7、rking with industry partners on HW ecosystemBuilding SW ecosystem through open-source initiativesStarting with partner-led,commercially available,deployable solutionsGoal:easy adoption across new emerging usagesDatacenter Usage Example:Smart SwitchesEnterprise and telco can take advantage of infrast

8、ructure offload:Significant increase in performance at lower power/cost Reduced network traffic Overall lower TCOLoadBalancerDatacenter Usage Example:Storage Target AppliancesStand-Alone Storage data path acceleration Reduced system power and cost for smaller target storage applicationsIPU Augmented

9、 Storage data path acceleration Improves storage server efficiency with integrated accelerators and advanced network technologyIPUServerSSDsEthernetIPUSSDsEthernetEdge Usage:Telco WorkloadsPCIeHost-based network function accelerationVM/Container-based user plane network function(e.g.UPF,BNG)RDMA/NVM

10、e/LANHW-based packet processing pipelineOptimize deployments by offloading infrastructure functionsReduce CapEx for dedicated site network equipment by consolidation into IPUProvide secure isolation and traffic separation of tenant applications Smaller footprint+performant solution=lower TCOCPUIPUEd

11、ge Usage Example:On-Premise EnterpriseInfrastructure remotely maintained,provisioned locally,secure within IPU rather than dedicated machineSupport gateway requirements while isolating trafficFewer boxes,lower powerImproves TCOIPUGateway ApplianceGateway ApplianceLoad BalancerFirewallEnterprise Appl

12、icationsFromToEnterprise ApplicationsWorkloadsWorkloadsThe Evolution of Infrastructure is NowIPU transforms datacenter architectureNew,innovative use cases edge to cloudIntel partnering across ecosystem to bring easily deployable IPUs to broad marketDriving open-source software and industry standard

13、s for IPUJoin the innovation!Notices and DisclaimersIntel technologies may require enabled hardware,software or service activation.No product or component can be absolutely secure.Your costs and results may vary.Intel does not control or audit third-party data.You should consult other sources to eva

14、luate accuracy.All product plans and roadmaps are subject to change without notice.Intel Corporation.Intel,the Intel logo,and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.No license(express or implied,by estoppel or otherwise)to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document.Join Intel on this journey!Thank You!



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