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1、VEHICLE-TO-EVERYTHING:CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE PROSPECTSV2X Deployment Progress in 2023Prospect and Roadmap Beyond 2024V2X,The Technology that RevolutionizesRoad Transport2.DISCLAIMER:This document is for informational purposes only.Information is general in nature,and is not intended to andshould n

2、ot be relied upon or construed as a legal opinion or legal advice regarding any specific issue or factual circumstance.Information may not contain the most up-to-date information.Readers of the document should contact their respectivesolutions providers for the most up-to-date information to obtain

3、advice with respect to solutions application.All liabilities withrespect to actions taken or not taken based on the content of this document are hereby expressly disclaimed.The content inthis document is provided as is;no representations are made that the content is error-free.Is V2X Technology Read

4、y for Large-ScaleDeployment?3.How Has the Industry Overcome theChallenges of V2X Deployment4.TABLE OF CONTENTSV2X Deployment Progress andExpectations8.What Can Be Expected Beyond 2024?10.About AUTOCRYPT11.V2X,THE TECHNOLOGY THATREVOLUTIONIZES ROAD TRANSPORTVehicle-to-everything(V2X)communication tec

5、hnology is widely regarded by industry experts as apromising solution to improve road safety and provide relief for traffic congestion.By enabling real-time datasharing between vehicles(V2V),points of infrastructure(V2I),and pedestrians(V2P),V2X allows vehiclesto see through obstacles and gain infor

6、mation on live traffic from a radius of more than one kilometer.The global automotive V2X market is anticipated toexcel at a CAGR of 45.2%between 2022 and 2029.0 2V2X is often compared to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems(ADAS),in that bothtechnologies aim to improve road safety andtraffic efficien

7、cy by reducing the likelihood ofcollisions and smoothing traffic flow.However,the two technologies use different approachesto achieving their objectives.ADAS are basedon improving a vehicles senses of itssurroundings using cameras,radar,and lidar,whereas V2X is based on improving a vehiclesknowledge

8、 of its surroundings by havingonboard units(OBU)and roadside units(RSU)exchange messages in real time.1.Fortune Business Insight.(2022,April)Automotive V2X Market Size,Share&COVID-19 Impact Analysis.https:/ the two technologies have manyoverlapping benefits,there are many uniquefeatures that only V2

9、X can provide,such asvehicle-infrastructure cooperatedautonomous driving(VICAD).Moreover,thedifference in their approaches means that V2Xcan signi-ficantly improve the reliability ofautonomous driving when it is added on top ofADAS.According to a report released by FortuneBusiness Insights,the globa

10、l automotive V2Xmarket is anticipated to reach a total value of11 billion USD by 2029 and excel at a CAGRof 45.2%between 2022 and 2029.This goesfar beyond the growth rate of some of the mostsuccessful industries,which typically have aCAGR between 10 and 25%.1As of 2023,V2X technology is fully ready

11、to be deployed and implemented for commercial use.The efficacyand reliability of the technology have been repeatedly validated at cross-industry interoperability tests,withAUTOCRYPT being a major contributor to the area of message security.Many C-ITS testbeds across Asia,Europe,and North America are

12、 now fully equipped with RSUs and many OEMs are also equipping theirvehicles with OBUs during production.Additionally,aftermarket RSUs and OBUs are also widely availablefor retrofitting.0 3However,recent updates on V2X development have largely been overshadowed by the media hypesurrounding electric

13、vehicles and ADAS-enabled“self-driving,”making publicly available information on V2Xvery limited,despite the market growing behind the scenes at a rapid rate.This white paper seeks to fill this information gap by providing a detailed overview of V2X,includinganswers to some common questions like:1)I

14、s V2X technology ready for large-scale commercial deployment?2)How has the industry overcome the technical,practical,and security challenges in V2X?4)What can be expected in the upcoming five,ten,and 15 years?3)What challenges remain unsolved?IS V2X TECHNOLOGY READY FOR LARGE-SCALE COMMERCIAL DEPLOY

15、MENT?The ability to deploy V2X on a large scale is an important achievement as the industry has worked for overa decade to overcome a wide range of obstacles and challenges.The next section will explore some of thechallenges that the industry had to overcome to pave the way for V2X deployment.One of

16、 the biggest obstacles that has been pushing back V2X deployment is a lack of agreement amongindustry players on which communication protocol to use.Some prefer to use the WLAN-based DSRC(dedicated short-range communications),while others prefer using the LTE and 5G-based C-V2X(cellular V2X).Every O

17、EM and road infrastructure operator has its own stance and preference,resulting inan ongoing rivalry between the two technologies.Challenge 1:The divide between DSRC and C-V2X0 4However,there is one key difference:since C-V2X uses the same communication protocol as the existingcellular network,it al

18、lows for the integration of V2X connectivity and internet/cloud connectivity.As such,C-V2X communications can be further broken down into two modes:the PC5 mode and Uu mode.The PC5interface allows direct V2V messaging just like DSRC,while the Uu interface allows indirect V2V messagingthrough the cel

19、lular network,like instant messaging between two cellphones.HOW HAS THE INDUSTRY OVERCOMETHE CHALLENGES OF V2X DEPLOYMENT?Despite a difference in their data transmission methods,DSRC and C-V2X operate under the samemechanism and offer the same benefits.This can be compared to the Internet,which work

20、s the same wayregardless of whether it is connected via Wi-Fi or cellular data.Mobile network operators are certainly in favour of C-V2X,given the potential of subscription-basedbusiness models.Whats more,many automotive OEMs and road infrastructure operators who startedadopting V2X at a later stage

21、 have decided to use C-V2X due to its ability to support cloud connectivity andOTA updates.These include Audi,BMW,Daimler,Ford,Tesla,and Toyota.On the other hand,manyOEMs that have already deployed DSRC-based V2X units at an early stage find it unreasonable to switchto C-V2X for the sake of integrat

22、ion,as cloud connectivity can be supported with the existing gateway.Thesame goes for road operators who have been testing and deploying DSRC for many years prior to theintroduction of C-V2X.As of 2023,North America and China have mostly agreed on using C-V2X as the de facto V2Xcommunication protoco

23、l,phasing out DSRC.However,Europe remains largely divided between the two.2010First V2X standard“DSRC(IEEE 802.11p)”released2016First V2X-equippedvehicle introduced byToyotaFirst C-V2X standard“LTE-V2X”releasedby 3GPPIEEE begins working onWLAN-based wirelessaccess for vehicles2004201820143GPP begins

24、standardizing cellularV2X(C-V2X)2017“5G-V2X”releasedby 3GPPFirst C-V2XinteroperabilitydemonstrationcompletedThe Development Timeline of DSRC and C-V2XFortunately,the divide between the two technologies is no longer an obstacle to V2X deployment.Seeingthat the European market isnt likely to reach a c

25、onsensus anytime soon,many V2X hardwaremanufacturers,software suppliers,and cybersecurity providers like AUTOCRYPT have developed solutionscompatible with both protocols so that industry players can continue V2X deployment without having toworry about compatibility.Solution:Going hybrid0 5Neverthele

26、ss,since DSRC and C-V2X are not meant to be interoperable at the fundamental access layer,more sophisticated hardware and additional development efforts are needed for dual compatibility.As such,although this hybrid approach can help the industry overcome its immediate interoperability issues,it is

27、byno means an optimal solution in the long run.Many experts predict that one of the two protocols willeventually die off,ending the hybrid era.Challenge 2:Speed and reliabilityUnlike DSRC,the reliability of C-V2X communications depends on whether messages can be transmittedconsistently at ultrahigh

28、speed.To ensure consistent speed and zero latency between hundreds of vehiclesand infrastructure points at any time,there must be enough bandwidth to serve the massive amount of datatransmissions.Many industry experts suggest an optimal channel bandwidth of 30 to 50 MHz for V2Xcommunications,includi

29、ng a 20 MHz range for safety-critical applications.Solution:Dedicated frequency rangeTo ensure that C-V2X messages can be transmitted without latency,regulatory bodies across the globehave reserved the 5.9 GHz frequency band exclusively for V2X applications.The United States dedicatedthe 5.850-5.895

30、 GHz(45 MHz)frequency range to DSRC and 5.895-5.925 GHz(30 MHz)to C-V2X.TheEU dedicated 5.875-5.915 GHz(40 MHz)exclusively for V2X road applications relating to safety.Chinadedicated 5.905-5.925 GHz(20 MHz)for the C-V2X PC5 interface,with the first 10 MHz exclusively for V2Vcommunications and the la

31、ter 10 MHz for V2I communications.5.8555.8655.8755.8555.8955.9055.9155.9255.935Non-safety road ITSSafety road ITSSafety rail ITSChallenge 3:SecuritySince V2X participants make decisions based on the messages they receive,the accuracy of thesemessages is critical to road safety.If a malicious actor w

32、ere to purposefully compose a misleadingmessage or tamper with a message sent between two other parties,they would be able to influence thereceivers decision and subsequent actions,potentially leading to collisions.Dedicated Frequency Range for V2X Applications in the EUTo meet these conditions,the

33、industry needed to establish an end-to-end,decentralized,and anonymousauthentication process unlike any other existing authentication system.0 6Three conditions must be met to guarantee message accuracy;the message must 1)come from a trustedactor,2)be authentic,and 3)not be altered during transmissi

34、on.Moreover,unlike data transmissions inother sensitive industries like finance and healthcare,V2V communications are made directly between endusers,meaning users must be able to verify one anothers credibility without revealing their own identity.Solution:PKI-based message securityRoad transport re

35、gulators have standardized the useof public key infrastructure(PKI)for two-wayauthentication in the V2X environment.Defined asthe Security Credential Management System(SCMS)in the United States and C-ITS CredentialManagement System(CCMS)in the EuropeanUnion,this standardized V2X PKI architecture all

36、owsall road users to sign and verify messages withoutexposing their identity.The certificates used in theV2X ecosystem are issued by multiple layers ofcertified third-party authorities,forming a robust anddecentralized certification system.Unlike conventional identification certificates used inthe f

37、inance industry,which usually have a validityperiod between one and three years,the pseudonymcertificates issued to vehicles expire in as short as aweek,or even hours for vehicles registered for VIPs.Such a short validity period is to prevent a vehicleslocation from being traced.One of AUTOCRYPTs ma

38、in areas ofexpertise is V2X message security.Onthe front end,it embeds its securitymodule into V2X OBUs and RSUs,enabling message signing andverification through its security protocoland algorithms.At the backend,itestablishes a complete PKI architectureto enable the issuance,distribution,andrevocat

39、ion of certificates in a trustedenvironment,in compliance with all majorV2X PKI standards including SCMS,CCMS,and C-SCMS.AUTOCRYPTs role in V2X securityTo learn more about AUTOCRYPTsV2X security solutions,contactglobalautocrypt.io.The Components of AUTOCRYPTs V2X Security Solution0 7Some argue that

40、even if all new vehicles were to be equipped with V2X connectivity,it can still take up to adecade or two before legacy vehicles are completely phased out.Hence the benefits of traffic coordinationand cooperative autonomous driving will not be seen anytime soon.To solve this challenge,the industryne

41、eded to work on backwards compatibility and allow legacy vehicles to easily enroll into the V2Xecosystem.Challenge 4:Backward compatibility for legacy vehiclesSolution:RetrofittingAs of today,there are many ways to integrate a V2X OBU into a vehicle.Apart from being factory-built intoa vehicle durin

42、g production,there is a wide range of aftermarket OBUs available for legacy vehicles.Theseunits can be purchased individually and integrated into an existing vehicle head unit through USB orBluetooth connectivity.OEMs can also provide retrofitting options for customers during vehiclemaintenance,allo

43、wing drivers of legacy vehicles to upgrade easily at a fraction of the cost of buying a newvehicle.These options will greatly enhance the availability and accessibility of V2X in the mass market.In most conventional markets,the first mover often gains a competitive advantage because clients andconsu

44、mers tend to associate the new idea or technology with the brand,just like how Tesla is stronglyassociated with electric vehicles and Uber with the idea of ride-hailing.However,this kind of first-moveradvantage is less prevalent in the V2X market,because the benefits of V2X are realized in a gradual

45、process as more and more road operators and OEMs deploy them.As a result,no single player will beseen as the“game changer”.The last challenge in V2X deployment has more to do with economics.Automotive OEMs have been slowat adopting V2X due to two main reasons:a lack of incentives for early adoption,

46、and difficulties to forecastmarket demand.Solution:Regulatory changesAlthough the idea of regulating V2X is still in debate.Butwith the joint effort of governments and several industryassociations,more and more incentives are beginning tosurface.Challenge 5:Incentives and monetizationOne of the majo

47、r incentives comes from Europes new carassessment program,Euro NCAP,which announced inits 2025 Roadmap that all new vehicles starting in 2024must be equipped with V2X connectivity to receive a five-star safety rating.This move will serve as an effectiveincentive for OEMs to deploy V2X in their vehic

48、les on alarge scale.The Euro NCAP explained that the reason forthis timing Is that it expects all technical uncertainties tobe resolved by 2024.11.Euro NCAP.2025 Roadmap-In Pursuit of Vision Zero.https:/ common criticism against V2X is that the technology will not bring much meaningful benefit until

49、 allvehicles on the roads are V2X-capable.This is a misconception that arises from a lack of understanding ofthe technology.It is important to understand that V2X does not equate to autonomous driving.There is awide range of V2I,V2V,and V2P use cases that do not require full V2X coverage.In fact,mos

50、t early andmid-stage V2X use cases are based on V2I communications and thus do not require surrounding vehiclesto be connected.0 8At an early deployment stage,a small percentage of V2X-equipped vehicles on the road will be capable ofcommunicating with selected V2X-equipped infrastructure points.At t

51、his stage,most V2X use cases will bebased on vehicle-to-infrastructure(V2I)communication.Some examples:V2X DEPLOYMENT PROGRESS ANDEXPECTATIONSThe deployment of V2X can be broken down into three stages,with their set of benefits graduallyexpanding after each stage.Below is a list of benefits that can

52、 be expected at each stage.SPaT is a V2I use case where a vehicle receives information from the upcoming traffic signal on its route,then uses that information to forecast whether it will be met with a green or red light.The vehicle can thenadjust its speed smoothly to either pass or stop at the int

53、ersection.This prevents sudden acceleration andbraking at yellow lights,eliminating the possibility of T-bone accidents and rear-end collisions atintersections.Stage 1:Early-stage deployment(in selected infrastructure points and new vehicle models)Signal Phase and Timing(SPaT)Emergency Vehicle Preem

54、ption(EVP)EVP is another early stage V2I use case where anemergency vehicle sends its real-time location,speed,and travel path to all upcoming traffic signals on itsroute.After receiving the message,each traffic signalcalculates the time it takes for the emergency vehicleto arrive and automatically

55、adjusts the duration of thelights so that the emergency vehicle will only be metwith green lights.Road construction warningPortable RSUs can be installed at places where road construction work is taking place.These RSUs willsend messages to incoming vehicles ahead of time,warning them to switch to a

56、 different lane.Thisprevents abrupt lane changes in front of road construction sites.Collision avoidancePedestrian signal extension0 9Seamless tollingIt can be challenging for people with reduced mobility(PRM)to cross wide intersections within the normal timeduration.In these situations,portable V2X

57、 devices held byPRMs will communicate with the pedestrian signal.Thesignal duration will then be extended accordingly,allowingthe pedestrian to pass through safely.Since roadside cameras have coverage on most areas of theroad,they will be able to forecast potential collisions based onthe information

58、 its sensor picks up and send that information tothe respective vehicles.Different from onboard sensors usedin ADAS,roadside cameras have a more objective view of theroad and can detect all kinds of situations in a vehicles blindspot.The selected V2X-equipped infrastructure points can be usedas toll

59、ing stations,reducing the number of electronic tollcollection(ETC)booths needed.Whereas ETC usuallyrequires a vehicle to slow down to a certain speed beforepassing through,V2X-enabled tolling can be entirelyseamless.Vehicles will not need to slow down or pass throughany structure.At a later deployme

60、nt stage,all key infrastructure points will be equipped with V2X connectivity,allowingroadside cameras to obtain information from nearly all parts of the roads.At this stage,autonomous drivingenabled by V2I communications will begin to take place,in what is known as VICAD(vehicle-infrastructurecoope

61、rated autonomous driving).Below are a few scenarios:Stage 2:Mid-stage deployment(in most infrastructure points and new vehicle models)Queue warningRoadside traffic cameras can send real-time traffic informationto incoming vehicles,allowing vehicles to switch to lesscongested lanes and avoid being st

62、uck in unnecessaryqueues.Hazards ahead warningUnder the same logic,roadside cameras will detect accidents and hazards in real-time and send thatinformation to incoming vehicles so that they can avoid the hazard.1 0In the long run,nearly all infrastructure points,vehicles,and pedestrians will be equi

63、pped with V2Xconnectivity,allowing the expansion of V2X services into V2V and V2P scenarios.This is when Level 4 and4.5 autonomous driving will become widely available.Stage 3:Final-stage deployment(in most infrastructure points,vehicles,and pedestrians)Traffic coordinationWith widespread V2I and V2

64、V connectivity,all roadusers will be able to cooperate with one another bymaintaining optimal speed and distance and coordinateat intersections and lane merges.PlatooningOne of the most advertised features of V2X,platooningis when an entire fleet of vehicles lock their positionsrelative to each othe

65、r to enable unified movement.Thisis often seen as a promising solution for long-haul traveland truck shipping,allowing one driver to take control ofthe whole fleet at a time,giving others time to rest.WHAT CAN BE EXPECTED BEYOND 2024?As of today,most technical and practical challenges surrounding V2

66、X have been resolved,waiting forindustry players to kickstart full-scale deployment.However,every beginning has its hurdles.Despite having overcome all the challenges,industry players stillfind it difficult to forecast a clear demand for V2X given that the general population has very little knowledg

67、eabout the technology.Indeed,the potential demand for V2X is immense,given that people have alwayshad strong desires for safety and convenience,yet people will not demand a technology if they do not knowits existence.Conversely,since there has been no pressure from the demand side,many industry play

68、ersare waiting until the last minute.As such,requirements by safety rating programs like NCAP,along with other government policies andincentives are a crucial driver that is expected to kickstart the deployment of the technology.Many OEMsare expected to make V2X a standard feature starting in 2024.E

69、arly-stage deployment,limited use of V2X applicationsV2X becomes standardfeature in vehicles202420272030Mid-stage deployment,widespread use of V2X applicationsExpected Timeline of V2X RolloutABOUT AUTOCRYPTAUTOCRYPT is the leading player in automotive cybersecurity and smart mobilitytechnologies.It

70、specializes in the development and integration of security software andprocesses for in-vehicle systems,V2X communications,Plug&Charge,and fleetmanagement,paving the way toward a secure and reliable C-ITS ecosystem.Still,making V2X a standard feature does not mean that consumers will immediately enj

71、oy all the benefits.During early-stage deployment(2024 2027),market demand can be limited due to a lack of use cases.Atthis stage,OEMs and industry players can increase their efforts in promoting the user-friendly featuresenabled by the technology and offer free trial periods for V2X subscriptions.O

72、nce the technology reachesthe average consumers vehicle,word-of-mouth will quickly bring momentum to the market.With wider coverage and more usage applications,there is likely to be a surge in market demand duringmid-stage deployment(2027 2030).At this stage,industry players are expected to begin pr

73、ofiting fromtheir business models,and most new car buyers are expected to enrol in V2X services.AUTOCRYPT is a pioneer in integrating trusted execution environments(TEE)intoautomotive systems,for which it received ASPICE CL2 certification.Its AutoCrypt SecurityFuzzer is the worlds first fuzzing software designed for vehicular protocols,helping OEMsand Tier 1 suppliers exceed UN R155 and ISO/SAE 21434 compliance.



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