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1、The future of smart industrialsThe race to digitally enabled services2Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesForewordThese are pivotal times for industrial manufacturing.Manufacturers must navigate an unfamiliar environment shaped by advances in disruptive techno

2、logy,economic turmoil,shifting customer expectations,uncertain labor and materials supply markets,and the worlds emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic.In our view,this sector will continue to experience increasing disruption in the near future.We see the sector migrating towards a smart industrials s

3、trategy,shifting from a legacy product-centric focus to a customer-centric focus empowered by digitally enabled aftermarket and field service.Future-focused manufacturers can win by embracing digitally enabled services as the foundation of both their business and operating models,pursuing smart prac

4、tices in a multitude of strategic areas from operations to customer value to sustainability.KPMG International,in a commissioned survey conducted by Forrester Consulting,engaged 395 industrial manufacturing leaders across the globe to understand their perspectives on the opportunity and impact of di

5、gitally enabled aftermarket and field service on the sectors future.Participants included manufacturers that classify themselves as machinery and component as well as project or solution providers.A primary takeaway from the survey is the extent to which these business leaders recognize the shifting

6、 landscape and are investing in making the transition.More than six out of 10 of executives in our survey indicate their organizations are currently investing in or have included investment in their capital plans for digital transformation and connected products.In this report,we explore the opportu

7、nity for industrial manufacturers to drive improved customer experience while enhancing efficiency and effectiveness through digitally enabled aftermarket and field services.We also discuss the challenges manufacturers are experiencing with their current efforts and the capabilities that are needed

8、for success.If you would like to discuss how KPMG professionals can help you evaluate and accelerate your organizations journey towards a digitally enabled aftermarket and field services transformation,please contact us or your local contacts listed.Stphane Souchet Global Head of Industrial Manufact

9、uring KPMG International ssouchetkpmg.frVinodkumar Ramachandran Global Head,Industry 4.0 KPMG International Service is the new growth engine 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Futur

10、e of Smart Industrials3Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesContentsSignals of change05Strategic imperatives11Case studies How KPMG firms can help24Digitally enabled services in the connected enterprise 16The eight capabilities of KPMG Connected EnterpriseHigh-

11、maturity organizations continue to outpace their less mature peersEvaluating your capability maturityBusiness and technology blueprintConnected productsShift to XaaS ModelsDigital transformationInstallation excellenceResilient supply chainsOmnichannel serviceDeployment of digital twins as service en

12、ablersIntelligent analyticsCase study 1:Helping a global manufacturerCase study 2:Helping enable a target operating model(TOM)transformationCase study 3:Helping a transport and commercial vehicle manufacturerHow KPMG can helpMaking a world of differenceEmbrace the digital transformation of industria

13、l manufacturing aftermarket and field serviceUnderstand the potential benefits of digitally enabled services Evolve aftermarket and field service business modelsDrive culture and capability changeAddress privacy and security challenges7070808090991212131515 2023 Copyright owned

14、 by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials4Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesThe current environmentFor many,the first image that comes to

15、mind when considering manufacturing is not aftermarket and field service.Manufacturing typically conjures images of products and the factories and supply chains that produce them.In fact,products have long been the lifeblood of manufacturers.The manufacturing industry has been able to produce an inc

16、redible track record of product innovation and productivity improvement,which has buoyed the sector and contributed significantly to customer value.However,recent supply chain,workforce,and macroeconomic challenges have chipped away at opportunities for manufacturing productivity,revenue,and margin

17、growth.In fact,according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,“labor productivity decreased in 21 of the 24 three-digit NAICS manufacturing and mining industries in 2022.”1For many manufacturers,an answer to these challenges in the core manufacturing business is to increase their focus on the service b

18、usiness.Service in manufacturing is not new.Based on our survey findings,37 percent of manufacturers already drive revenue by selling service parts.Twenty-eight percent provide field technician service to their customers,and 27 percent provide system integration services.In fact,based on our study,2

19、3 percent of total revenue for manufacturers already comes from services.With product lifecycles of 10,15,or even 50 years,manufacturers have many years of potential services revenue to earn for a given product sale.Further,through service relationships,manufacturers can shape customer experience an

20、d drive customer loyalty over that period.However,several barriers have held back service growth:For 22 percent,service growth has simply not been a priority.For 25 percent,a top barrier has been that compensation and incentives are not aligned with service growth.Another 27 percent cite field workf

21、orce management challenges.Thirty-seven percent cite competition for service sales as a top barrier in growing services.In many cases,that competition comes from distributors,installers,and other channel players that have local presence,reach,and resources,as well as close customer relationships.In

22、other cases,customers self-service the equipment they buy from manufacturers.However,services in manufacturing are poised for dramatic growth.Study respondents are targeting annual service growth of 17 percent through 2025.Much of that growth will come from digitally enabled services.In fact,digital

23、ly enabled services are expected to grow 28 percent annually from 2022 to 2025.By 2025,manufacturers expect that digitally enabled services will comprise 72 percent of their services revenue.Manufacturers expect that non-digitally enabled service revenue will actually decline by 1 percent over that

24、same period.This dramatic growth of digitally enabled services is unlocked by the convergence of several technology trends and capabilities that are turning traditional industrial manufacturers into smart industrials.New technology capabilities allow manufacturers products to be“connected”to send an

25、d receive data that allows manufacturers to monitor the equipment and gain operating and maintenance insights.Manufacturers can use those insights to inform and improve service.Technology advances also mean that manufacturers can increasingly provide remote or even automated service.Simultaneously,s

26、olutions for managing aftermarket and field service have matured,and been cloud and mobile enabled,giving manufacturers better capabilities for managing and delivering the services they provide to customers.In addition to standard capabilities such as service ticket management and technician dispatc

27、h,generative AI enables improved interaction,service recommendations,solution engineering,and service knowledge management.Additional new capabilities include digital twin modeling and augmented reality for service support.The shift to digitally enabled services is key for several reasons.Thirty-eig

28、ht percent of study respondents cite the ability of digitally enabled service to provide incremental service growth.Twenty-three percent of respondents see the opportunity for higher margins from digital service.Forty-one percent see digitally enabled service as an enabler of greater customer insigh

29、ts,and 43 percent of study respondents cite customer loyalty as a primary outcome.Fully 44 percent expect that digitally enabled service will lead to increased product sales.1“Manufacturing and Mining Labor Productivity,”bls.gov,April 27,2023 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG Internati

30、onal entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials5Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesSignals ofchangeEverywhere you look,there are signals of change for aftermarket and field service i

31、n industrial manufacturing.KPMG firms experience and research indicate that industrial manufacturers are facing a rapidly evolving market characterized by technology disruption,changing customer demands,privacy and security challenges,and operational challenges.KPMG professionals identified eight si

32、gnals of change based on the investment priorities that industrial manufacturing survey respondents reported.Manufacturers should gauge the presence and strength of these signals in their own market and customer base to help set their strategies and priorities.2023 Copyright owned by one or more of

33、the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials6Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies1.Connected productsDevelopment and deployment of connected products will create

34、digital services that improve service efficiency and effectiveness,increase customer lifetime value,and drive services growth.In our survey,85 percent of respondents indicated current plans to invest in connected products,with another 22 percent anticipating including investment in later horizons of

35、 their capital plan.Only 5 percent have no plans to invest.Signals of change in industrial manufacturing aftermarket and field serviceResilient supply chainsInstallationexcellenceShift toXaaSConnected productsOmnichannel serviceDigitaltransformationDigital twinIntelligent analytics21%20%14%Visibilit

36、y of equipment use and performance,enabling improved service effectiveness and efficiencyUse of digital twin capabilities to develop visibility of the install base of deployed products,modeling/simulation capIncrease in opportunity to“attach”services to product sales and to maintain ongoing service

37、agreementsConnected products factors with the greatest impact on aftermarket and field serviceSignals of changeSource:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities

38、provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials7Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies2.Shift to XaaS models3.Digital transformationManufacturers shift to an anything-as-a-service(XaaS)model involves the development of new serv

39、ices as well as the capabilities to price,sell,deliver,and bill for a broad range of services through subscription,pay-for-use,or other models.Seventy-three percent of our survey respondents indicated current plans to invest in XaaS,with another 22 percent anticipating including XaaS investment in l

40、ater horizons of their capital plan.Only 5 percent have no plans to invest.This level of adoption of XaaS models in the manufacturing sector signals likely changes to customer buying behavior and manufacturer business,revenue,and contracting models.Manufacturers are modernizing and transforming thei

41、r organizations technology architecture,applications,and infrastructure.This is allowing them to establish seamless technology integration and adopt advanced digital capabilities,such as generative AI and augmented reality(AR)/virtual reality(VR)/mixed reality(MR).Ninety percent of respondents indic

42、ated current plans to invest in digital transformation with another 10 percent anticipating including investment in later horizons of their capital plan.Fewer than 1 percent have no plans to invest.23%20%16%25%17%14%Introduction of intelligent digital servicesTransformation of technology application

43、s across the service lifecycleMonetizing data from connected products and sensorsShift in talent acquisition strategy and internal talent upskilling around technological capabilitiesShift to outcome-based servicesDevelopment of enhanced integration to support connected products and services XaaS fac

44、tors with the greatest impact on aftermarket and field serviceDigital transformation factors with the greatest impact on aftermarket and field serviceSource:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022Source:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting

45、 on behalf of KPMG,June 2022 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials8Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies4.Installatio

46、n excellence5.Resilient supply chainsManufacturers are optimizing capabilities to install/implement solutions that maximize value to the customer while increasing service attach rate for digital services and customer lifetime value.Eighty-five percent of respondents indicated current plans to invest

47、 in installation and implementation,with another 15 percent anticipating including investment in later horizons of their capital plan.Fewer than 1 percent have no plans to invest.Manufacturers are building resilient supply chains that connect customers,channel partners,sales,field service,supplier d

48、evelopment,and procurement processes to orchestrate visibility and collaboration across the lifecycle of a customer solution.Seventy-six percent of respondents indicated current plans to invest in their supply chain,with another 20 percent anticipating including supply chain investment in later hori

49、zons of their capital plan.Only 4 percent have no plans to invest.35%22%17%26%26%19%Overall project profitability managementConnection of customer,sales,supplier development,and procurement processesOptimizing project and resource scheduling,management,and trackingOptimizing management of product an

50、d service parts supply networksEffective coordination of project materials availability and deliveryShift toward creating more resilient supply network for products and service partsProduct installation factors with the greatest impact on aftermarket and field serviceSupply chain factors with the gr

51、eatest impact on aftermarket and field serviceSource:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022Source:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG

52、 International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials9Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies6.Omnichannel service7.Deployment of digital twins as service enablersRedefining contact center capabilities will ena

53、ble efficient operations while providing proactive support across an expanded range of support areas with an omnichannel interaction model.Eighty-three percent of respondents indicated current plans to invest in contact center modernization,with another 16 percent anticipating including contact cent

54、er modernization investment in later horizons of their capital plan.Only 1 percent have no plans to invest.Use of information,including install base and data from connected assets/sensors,will enable manufacturers to develop and model a digital view of customer solutions and the operations they supp

55、ort.Eighty-five percent of respondents indicate plans to invest in digital twin.Another 14 percent anticipate including digital twin investment in later horizons of their capital plan.Only 1 percent reported no plans to invest.17%16%13%26%22%21%Improving field service performance and efficiency thro

56、ugh improved technician scheduling,management,and enablementUse of digital twin to support service executionOptimizing customer experience across the full-service cycleUse of digital twin for modeling and simulating solution operation and effectivenessProactive customer serviceCustomer access to dig

57、ital twin modeling as a serviceContact center factors with the greatest impact on aftermarket and field serviceMost important digital twin use cases for aftermarket and field serviceSource:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022Source:A commissioned study c

58、onducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials10Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled

59、servicesCase studies8.Intelligent analyticsIndustrial manufacturers are utilizing intelligent analytics to optimize pricing,sales,quoting,service planning,and service execution.Seventy-five percent of respondents indicated current plans to invest in intelligent analytics,with another 21 percent anti

60、cipating including intelligent analytics investment in later horizons of their capital plan.Only 3 percent have no plans to invest.21%17%14%Optimizing customer quotes to maximize win probability and margin by applying intelligent analyticsArming technicians and customer service representatives with

61、analytical insights to improve service deliveryOptimizing service and item pricing by applying intelligent analyticsIntelligent analytics factors with the greatest impact on aftermarket and field serviceSource:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022 2023 Co

62、pyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart IndustrialsStrategic imperativesBased on these signals of change,KPMG professionals have identified five strategic imperatives that manuf

63、acturers should focus on to accelerate and complete this shift.These imperatives include embracing the digital transformation,understanding its benefits,evolving business models,and addressing privacy and security challenges.These moves should help to enable makers of industrial equipment to respond

64、 to these forces and take advantage of new growth opportunities.The percentage of revenue from digitally enabled services is expected to increase significantly in the next two years.%of revenue coming from digitally-enabled servicesTodayBy 202523%37%Base:395 customer-centric strategy decision-makers

65、 at manufacturers with aftermarket service offeringsSource:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting,June 202211Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities

66、 provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart IndustrialsThe digital transformation of the industry has arrived.Today,decision-makers report an average of 58 percent of their organizations services are digitally enabled,and this number is risingthey predict that by 2025 74

67、percent of services will be digitally enabled.In total,they expect digitally enabled services to represent 27 percent of their total revenue by 2025,more than double the 13 percent it represents today.They expect this digital enablement to increase product sales(44 percent),improve customer loyalty(

68、43 percent),and improve customer insights(41 percent).And while the groundwork is being laid for digital infrastructure,organizations admit there is still important work to be done.Decision-makers in our survey listed developing data,analytics,and AI capabilities as the top actions their organizatio

69、n will need to take over the next 5 to 10 years to address the changing digital aftermarket services landscape.Understand the potential benefits of digitally enabled services2Reduce the cost to serve:Manufacturers can address service calls via lower-cost channels such as remote contact centers,equip

70、ment self-healing,or customer self-service.They can optimize technician productivity using advanced scheduling and dispatch.Further,they can implement AR,VR,and MR tools and insights based on generative artificial intelligence(AI)and machine learning(ML).These changes can unlock a variety of efficie

71、ncy improvements.Through digital enablement,many service activities can be partly or fully automated or can be delivered through lower-cost channels(e.g.,remote versus on-site technician).Additionally,capabilities such as predictive maintenance can reduce the number of service events.Efficiency impr

72、ovements will enable manufacturers to reduce service pricing,gaining market share from competitors that lack digitally enabled capabilities and taking on service tasks from self-performing customers.Efficiency improvements can also provide opportunities for margin growth.Benefits member firms client

73、s have targeted and/or realized include:Enhance service effectiveness:Manufacturers can use digital enablement of services to reduce response/resolution times and maximize equipment performance by using connected product data to predict and resolve service needs.Through digital enablement,manufactur

74、ers can take advantage of automation,remote service centers,or technicians enabled with digital tools.These changes offer customers greater uptime and output from the equipment they purchased.These changes can also provide customers with reduced maintenance and operating cost,and often,a longer equi

75、pment lifetime.Benefits member firms clients have targeted and/or realized include:Embrace the digital transformation of industrial manufacturing aftermarket and field service1In addition to considering the signals of change just described,it is important to recognize the potential benefits that man

76、ufacturers can derive from digitally enabled aftermarket and field service.Based on the gains that member firms clients have targeted and,in many cases have already realized,KPMG professionals see significant and tangible opportunities.Digitally enabled services can help boost value to the customer,

77、in turn unlocking revenue and margin growth for manufacturers.Manufacturers will also be able to improve on current service efficiency.20%to 30%20%to 30%30%to 40%15%to 30%of technician tasks delivered remotely or automaticallyreduction in service callsreduction in truck rollsservice part inventory r

78、eduction50%to 60%15%to 20%20%to 50%5%to 25%20%to 30%10%to 20%faster response timeimprovement in first visit repair ratesequipment downtime reductionenergy efficiency improvementmaintenance cost reductionequipment lifespan improvement12Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesC

79、ase studies 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart IndustrialsEvolve aftermarket and field service business models3Create new offerings:Manufacturers can market and deli

80、ver new value-added services that drive customer value and,in turn,provide new sources of revenue for manufacturers reducing customers total cost of ownership.Additionally,manufacturers services can help customers with the use of and value realization from the equipment.Examples of such new offering

81、s made possible by digitally enabled services include:Automotive:Self-driving car capabilities Smart buildings:Net-zero buildings Aerospace:Predictive maintenance Industrial automation:Remote service center support Agricultural equipment:Precision agriculture(i.e.,autonomous equipment)1.5 to 2X cust

82、omer lifetime value increase More than 5%net promoter score improvement More than 20%new service revenue growth 8%to 20%customer churn reduction More than 5%net promoter score improvement 8%to 20%customer churn reductionCreate new loyalty:Manufacturers can use digitally enabled service to deliver wi

83、nning customer experiences and orchestrate each interaction across the customer journey to increase revenue.Loyalty in service relationships over the course of the product lifecycle also increases the opportunity for the next product sale.Benefits member firms clients have targeted and/or realized i

84、nclude:Grow customer lifetime value:Manufacturers can use insights about customers,install base,and operations to optimize offers and service contracts for annuity-based revenue streams.They will be able to monetize the value they deliver to customers by selling more services over the products lifet

85、ime,growing the margin on those services,and increasing customer loyalty to enable service renewals and further product sales.Benefits member firms clients have targeted and/or realized include:The digitization of aftermarket and field services opens the door for organizations to move beyond a tradi

86、tional manufacturing business model.This allows them to evolve along multiple dimensions and even adopt separate business models for different offerings and customer segments.Our survey indicates that manufacturers are transforming their business models along five different dimensions to take advant

87、age of the opportunities presented by digitization of aftermarket and field services.Revenue models:Innovative technology and the growing prevalence of anything-as-a-service(XaaS)models are encouraging manufacturers to look for new ways to enhance revenues.Manufacturers have typically offered servic

88、es on an as-needed labor and materials basis as well as under service contracts or warranties.While these models remain common,a number of new revenue and contracting models are emerging.These include subscription-based models,performance-based models(e.g.,charging for equipment uptime),and outcome-

89、based models(e.g.,charging for achieved cost savings).Emerging as-a-service models are better aligning service charges with customer value and are enabling manufacturers to take greater control of the maintenance and use of the install base they sell to customers in order to achieve the targeted imp

90、rovement in performance and outcomes.In addition,manufacturers are offering asset-as-a-service payment models to complement more traditional financing models.Companies are offering many flavors and permutations of the revenue and contracting models mentioned above,enabling offers that are tailored b

91、y customer tier or by individual customer to best align with customer needs,value realization,and budgets.As-a-service(XaaS)revenue models are designed to shift from transactional sales of product and service to annually recurring revenue(ARR)models.In fact,many manufacturer service subscriptions au

92、to-renew by default,instead of awaiting a customer order for renewal.Manufacturers are aligning their internal metrics to reflect the emphasis on ARR.For example,61 percent report measuring retention rate as a key metric to assess the sustainable growth of a service business.13Signals of changeStrat

93、egic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart IndustrialsMarket offerings:As the capabilities and models for digitally en

94、abled aftermarket and field service mature,manufacturers are launching new services such as autonomous equipment,net-zero solutions,AI-enabled precision operations,and healthy buildings.Manufacturers are also shifting to selling integrated offer bundles that combine product,financing,field service,r

95、emote service,training and education,advanced digital services such as cybersecurity,managed services,and service parts sales and inventory management.Operating models:To deliver the customer experience,efficiency,and effectiveness required to profitably grow aftermarket and field service,manufactur

96、ers must define and build an integrated target operating model for that business.All six layers of the target operating model(functional process,people,service delivery model,technology,performance insights and data,and governance)must be designed to work together.In addition,the target operating mo

97、del must span the Connected Enterprise,linking front,middle,and back office to create integrated end-to-end service value streams.Cost models:As manufacturers move to as-a-service models,many costs will continue to be incurred up-front,while revenues will more likely come in over the equipments life

98、time.Break even in an as-a-service model may take 3 to 4 years or more depending on the offerings.Manufacturers will need to adjust their expectations to operate in this new model,but they will have the opportunity to reduce costs of service through automation,customer self-service,better enablement

99、 of field technicians,and predictive maintenance.Delivery models:To meet increasing customer expectations for service experience,efficiency,and effectiveness,manufacturers are redesigning their delivery models.Increasingly,manufacturers are supplementing or replacing onsite field technician service

100、delivery with self-service,remote support,and even autonomous equipment self-healing.Manufacturers are also optimizing their remote service operations centers,call centers,and analytics centers of excellence to best support the shift to remote and digital service delivery.Eighty-four percent of manu

101、facturers say they are investing or planning to invest in contact center modernization.Companies cite the following as the top capabilities they are expecting from call center modernization:Improving field service performance and efficiency through improved technician scheduling,management,and enabl

102、ement Optimizing customer experience(CX)across the full service cycle Proactive customer serviceTraditional service market offerings:Emerging service market offerings:Professional services Installation/implementation services On-site field service Remote monitoring Remote or automated service Knowle

103、dge and analytics access Value-added(i.e.,cyber)Managed services14Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Fut

104、ure of Smart IndustrialsAddress privacy and security challenges5Todays manufacturing businesses are data-driven and internet-dependent,so the effective management and protection of information is essential.In Europe,the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)gives individuals power over the use of

105、their personal data and holds organizations accountable for their data collection and usage practices.Similar regulations that involve the secure generation,use,and protection of personally identifiable information(PII)are in place or planned for in the U.S.As manufacturers transition to connected p

106、roducts and platforms,the amount of data generated and transmitted is increasing exponentially,and as equipment gains features such as remote servicing,remote control,and autonomous operation,the importance of data security is further elevated.Manufacturers must allow selective access to the equipme

107、nt and data to their own onsite and remote technicians as well as to customers,channel partners,and other third parties.This access must be secured at the equipment panel and in service portals or other systems that connect to the equipment and the portal.A security strategy must be developed to man

108、age the risk of intrusion and hacking of equipment and prevent breaches of the data accessible through the connected platform.Drive culture and capability change4For many manufacturers,the culture and capabilities that have previously underpinned their success are not what they will need to succeed

109、in an aftermarket and field service business that is increasingly powered by digitally enabled services.Many manufacturers digitally enabled service growth is hampered by competing metrics and incentives that pit traditional manufacturing business and legacy service models against those of the emerg

110、ing digitally enabled service business.A particular point of tension tends to be pricing that is often set to drive adoption and growth in digital services,impacting metrics and incentives for teams responsible for products and legacy services.Organizations are finding that they need to move beyond

111、a product-focused culture or even a culture of functional excellence.The goal should be a customer-centric culture that prioritizes customers end-to-end experience over the metrics of any particular function.In fact,study respondents reported that optimizing end-to-end customer experience is among t

112、he top three actions they will take over the next five to 10 yearsManufacturers are evolving their metrics to better align the goals and incentives of the organization to drive growth and performance in digitally enabled services.Beyond changes in measures,manufacturers are working to help their wor

113、kforce adopt and adapt to the changes brought about by digitally enabled service models.For example,manufacturers are driving initiatives to help field service technicians adopt digital tools and capture field service activities and technician knowledge in service management tools.Future-focused org

114、anizations have prioritized culture as an enabler of this change.Future-focused organizations reported a good or excellent ability to build a customer-centric organization and a culture that inspires people to deliver on the customer promise and drive up business performance at a rate more than 50%h

115、igher than followers.Future-focused organizations are also differentiating themselves from followers through their investments in experience centricity by design.They report making moderate or significant investment in experience centricity by design at nearly double the rate reported by follower or

116、ganizations.48%43%39%37%are measuring service attach rateare measuring percent of install base with connected capabilitiesare measuring percent of service delivered without human interventionare measuring percent of service on subscription61%58%are measuring retention rateare measuring customer life

117、time value15Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studies 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials16Signals of changeStrategic i

118、mperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesDigitally enabled services in the connected enterprise 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials17Signals of cha

119、ngeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesThe eight capabilities of KPMG Connected EnterpriseManufacturers can benefit from adopting a set of fundamental capabilities to support the connected enterprise.These capabilities can help industrial manufacturers define a customer-centri

120、c approach to digital transformation that connects the front,middle,and back offices.Enhancing these capabilities will help ensure that every process,function,and relationship of the organization is focused on meeting customer expectations,creating business value,and driving sustainable growth.Our r

121、esearch shows that firms that make a moderate or significant investment in all eight capabilities of the connected enterprise are two times more likely to deliver a positive customer experience,successfully execute on one or more customer-centric objectives,and increase ROI according to one or more

122、metric.*Note:Base 395 leaders involved with customer-centric strategy decisions.Source:A commissioned survey conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022.Insight-driven strategies and actionsExperience-centricity by designInnovative products and servicesAligned and empowered workfor

123、ceIntegrated partner and alliance ecosystemDigitally-enabled technology architectureSeamless interactions and commerceResponsive operations and supply chain2xImpact*2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All r

124、ights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials18Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesThe following table shows how the eight connected enterprise capabilities can be applied to the previously described strategic imperatives:Insight-driven strategies and actions

125、Harness data,advanced analytics and actionable insights with a real-time understanding of the customer and the business,thereby helping to shape well-integrated business decisions.Innovative products and servicesDevelop compelling customer value propositions on price,products,and services to engage

126、the most attractive customers and drive profitable growth.Experience-centricity by designDesign seamless,intentional experiences for customers,employees,and partners,thereby supporting the customer value propositions and delivering business objectives.Seamless interactions and commerceInteract and t

127、ransact with customers and prospects across marketing,sales,and service to achieve measurable results.Responsive operations and supply chainOperate the business with efficiency and agility so the customer promise can be fulfilled in a consistent and profitable way.Aligned and empowered workforceBuil

128、d a customer-centric organization and culture that inspires people to deliver on the customer promise and enhance business performance.Integrated partner and alliance ecosystemEngage,integrate,and manage third parties to increase speed to market,reduce costs,mitigate risk,and close capability gaps i

129、n the delivery of the customer promise.Digitally powered technology architectureCreate intelligent and agile services,technologies,and platforms,enabling the customer agenda with solutions that are secure,scalable,and cost-effective.00708 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG In

130、ternational entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials19Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesHigh-maturity organizations continue to outpace their less mature peersSurvey findings indi

131、cate that,compared with companies that lag behind,future-focused manufacturing organizations are:2.3x More likely to harness data,advanced analytics,and actionable insights with a real-time understanding of the customer and the business to shape integrated business decisions.1.5x More likely to desi

132、gn seamless,intentional experiences for customers,employees,and partners to support customer value propositions and deliver business objectives.More likely to create intelligent and agile services,technologies,and platforms,enabling the customer agenda with solutions that are secure,scalable,and cos

133、t-effective.More likely to interact and transact with customers and prospects across marketing,sales,and service and achieve measurable results.More likely to develop compelling customer value propositions on price,products,and services to engage the most high-value customers and drive profitable gr

134、owth.More likely to operate the business with efficiency and agility to fulfill the customer promise in a consistent and profitable way.1.8xMore likely to engage,integrate,and manage third parties to increase speed to market,reduce costs,mitigate risk,and close capability gaps to deliver on the cust

135、omer promise.1.6xMore likely to build a customer-centric organization and culture that inspires people to deliver on the customer promise and drive up business performance.2.0 x1.5x1.4x1.4xSource:A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG,June 2022 2023 Copyright owned

136、by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials20Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesEvaluating your capability maturityThrough our research and pr

137、oject experience,KPMG professionals have developed a variety of assets and accelerators to support manufacturers aftermarket and field service transformation.One key asset is a maturity model,with associated benchmarks,to help organizations assess the current maturity of their aftermarket and field

138、service capabilities and define their target maturity levels.KPMG professionals will work with you to shape and define your digitally enabled transformation or optimization vision,using the eight capabilities to inform and evaluate plans,prioritize the roadmap and align investments.How connected cap

139、abilities apply in Smart IndustrialsInsight-driven strategies and actions Leverage customer lifetime value(CLV)and voice of customer(VOC)data to better understand and anticipate customer expectations across channels.Apply CLV principles and segmentation to enhance aftermarket services revenue.Levera

140、ge connected product insights to make service recommendations and provide proactive service.Use(real-time)insights from analytics across the value chain to personalize the customer journey and make faster,better-informed decisions.Use insights from across the enterprise to optimize service delivery,

141、operating costs,product and service part order fill rates,inventory levels,ESG,etc.Innovative products and services Utilize VoC to inform product and service offerings.Maximize CLV by aligning product and service pricing with the value customers realize.Develop products with connected and software-e

142、nabled capabilities that serve as the basis for integrated solutions to maximize value and customer experience(CX)for customers and maximize CLV through attached service sales.Develop service offerings that generate value for customers through reduced equipment TCO,improved equipment efficiency,and

143、even improvements in customers overall operational capabilities.Maximize CLV by sharing in those benefits and by capturing service renewals and repeat sales of service parts and products.Experience centricity by designSeamless interactions and commerce Use VoC to identify customer preferences and as

144、 an input to CX design.Design an integrated customer experience across the full customer journey/relationship lifecycle,including customer interactions involving channel partners and suppliers.Incorporate CX goals into objectives and metrics throughout the organization to drive customer centricity.D

145、evelop a channel strategy that enables the organization to deliver on customer expectations and orchestrate consistent customer journeys profitably.Provide customers with omnichannel engagement and interaction options over the full customer journey/relationship lifecycle.Deliver a seamless and consi

146、stent experience spanning customer interactions related to product purchases,installation,service parts,and service operations.Create a fully integrated,consistent,digital-first customer experience across the full customer journey/relationship lifecycle(including marketing and sales,commerce,product

147、 delivery,service delivery,and billing).Support efficient,secure,and frictionless commerce and payment interactions including shopping,buying,fulfillment,returns,and service.CapabilityApplicability(Smart Industrials)2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG Internat

148、ional entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials21Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesResponsive operations and supply chain Establish supply chain visibility from customers and channel partners to internal oper

149、ations to suppliers to enable insights into requirements,availability,and capacity that allow for effective supply chain decisions.Develop optimized plans for supply chain operations and service operations.Manage execution of those plans using digital systems and artificial intelligence/machine lear

150、ning to achieve target performance.Collaborate with tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers to enable on-time delivery to support manufacturing,sales,install projects,and service delivery,while minimizing inventory,operating cost,and risk of obsolescence.Secure supply of scarce materials(e.g.,chips)and plan str

151、ategically to avoid lost sales,order backlog,and negative impacts on customer service.Aligned and empowered workforce Align talent around common strategic goals to drive transformation.Embed a culture of innovation and agility alongside a growth mindset to foster innovation and entrepreneurialism.Br

152、eak down silos between product and service organizations and shift toward customer centricity.Establish aligned incentives geared to maximize Net Promoter Scores,renewal rates,customer loyalty,and CLV.Drive transformational change to ensure that the organization,operating model,and culture reflect a

153、 customer-centric,digital mindset,and agile ways of working.Digitally enabled tech architecture Establish a cloud-native technology architecture that standardizes,simplifies,and streamlines the technology environment.Utilize a common enterprise integration strategy,framework,and platform for integra

154、ting the organizations cloud and on-premise applications,data sources,and devices to better align processes,data,CX,and EX across the organization.Deploy“wrapper”solutions to build new experiences on core legacy platforms and integrate with new systems and tools.Establish an agile,product-aligned,fl

155、exible delivery model geared to customer value realization rather than package implementation projects.Develop technology platforms that are secure by design to safeguard both internal and customer data.Ensure that solutions are compliant with applicable legal and regulatory and customer requirement

156、s.Integrated partner and alliance ecosystem Strategically leverage channel partners to extend the organizations market reach and scale while managing channel conflict.Provide channel partners with the enablement,support resources,and incentives to maximize service attach rates for channel product sa

157、les,optimize service delivery through the channel,and provide consistent CX that meets customer expectations.Collaborate with market-leading technology providers in development of connected products and digitally enabled services to maximize solution capabilities,scalability,and value for customers.

158、Create an ecosystem of alliance partners that provides hardware or services that complement and extend your companys solutions and maximize the value to customers.2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rig

159、hts reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials22Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesKPMG professionals have developed business and technology blueprints that represent the full set of elements that support manufacturers aftermarket and field business.Organizatio

160、ns can use this to benchmark the completeness of their business and technology environments and identify gaps vs.leading practice.Leadership enablement technologyLeading the enterpriseLeading the enterpriseLeading the enterpriseSupport servicesData and analyticsEnterprise value managementHuman resou

161、rcesTalent acquisitionFinancial reportingIdeateManaging enterprise and operational riskInternal audit strategy and GovernanceStrategyReturns/compliancePlan properties and facilitiesWorker on-boardingFinancial planning and analysisPlanPrivacy and data securityHuman capital/manage talentIntelligenceBu

162、siness unit support and consultingAcquire,rent,build facilitiesTalent enablementFixed assetsDevelopManaging third-party riskPerform risk assessmentEducation and awarenessTransactional taxOperate and maintain facilitiesWorkforce administrationCapital projectsBuildManaging policiesDevelop dynamic inte

163、rnal auditIdea evaluationInternational taxDispose of facilitiesPayrollAccounts receivableTestManaging complianceIndividual project initiation Secure IP rightsTotal rewardsGeneral ledgerRelease and deployMonitor/improveProject reportingIndividual project execution Manage portfolioTime management Acco

164、unts payableTreasuryRun/operateManage and governOrganizational reportingManage issues and action Internal auditITTaxFinanceLegalRisk managementProperty and facility mgmt.Data and analyticsProduct and service managementCustomer and employee experienceEnterprise strategyEnterprise data and analytics s

165、trategyMarket researchBrand experience strategyProduct and service managementEnterprise agilityData management and governanceDynamic pricingIntentional experience designEnterprise resilience and trustContinued insights deliveryProduct/service platformsExperience governance and measurement Customer a

166、nd employee experienceEnterprise operational excellenceAnalytics,AI,and insights generationStrategic planning and scenariosVoice of the stakeholder/customerEnvironment,social,governance(ESG)Activation and continued innovationProduct/service designJourney orchestrationTechnology blueprintBusiness blu

167、eprintCustomer engagementCustomer engagementOperationsOperationsMarketingMarketingProjectsProjectsEnterprise asset managementEnterprise asset managementSales/aftersalesSales/after salesResearch,design,and innovationResearch,design,and innovationSupply chainSupply chainCustomer support and serviceCus

168、tomer support and serviceProcurementProcurementOrder and quoteOrder and quoteManufacturing operationsManufacturing operationsField serviceField service 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserve

169、d.The Future of Smart Industrials23Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesBusiness blueprint(continued)Leading the enterpriseEnabling the enterprisePartner and alliance managementPeople enablementTechnology enablementPartner and ecosystem designWorkforce shapingE

170、nterprise integration management Partner onboarding and integrationWorkforce experienceEnterprise architecture managementIntegrated business servicesDigitally enabled learningCyberService delivery and governanceWorkforce insightsModern deliveryEcosystem orchestrationEnterprise service management 202

171、3 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials24Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesCase studies and how KPMG professionals can

172、help 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials25Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesCase studiesCase study 1:KPMG in the

173、 US recently helped a global manufacturer define the strategy,business model,financial case,and transition plan for a major digital services initiativeall within an accelerated,eight-week schedule.How a KPMG member firm helped:The KPMG in the US team reviewed the current business model,service offer

174、ings,and operating model of the organization.They evaluated pro-forma field service business financials and developed a growth plan based on external benchmarks.At the same time,they developed a roadmap for implementation and value realization,and also conducted competitive/comparator market researc

175、h to identify targets,benchmarks,and gaps in TOMs.To support these activities,KPMG professionals gathered and synthesized financial data from more than 100 internal sources.They designed a global,pro-forma financial model with more than 100 tabs and presented their results to stakeholders across the

176、 business.They also conducted competitor and comparator research,benchmarking over 20 competitor service models,areas of investment,and digital offerings.In addition,the KPMG in the US team provided ongoing guidance for executives and stakeholders to support effective transformational change.Challen

177、ge:The clients competitors had established a lead in the development of connected products,digital platforms,and digital service offerings.Voice of the customer(VOC)research for the client indicated a strong desire for smarter services and frictionless interactions.In discussions with the investor c

178、ommunity,the client had already indicated a strong commitment to aggressive digital services growth,but the organization lacked a clear pathway to achieving its goals.Benefits to the client:KPMG in the US helped the clients global service organization:Develop a strategy and operating model design fo

179、r digital services that boosted annual services revenue growth rate by 20 percent.Define automation and operating model efficiencies that reduced operating expenses for digital services by approximately 15 percent.Identify over 50 key performance gaps and develop a roadmap with supporting initiative

180、 plans.Gain the buy-in of the CFO,the executive committee,and business unit leaders across products and regions.The transformation is now led by our client sponsor with KPMG in the US supporting and augmenting the transition team in key areas where additional capabilities and/or support are required

181、.2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials26Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesCase study 2:KPMG in the US professional

182、s worked closely with KPMG firms in other regions to help enable a target operating model(TOM)transformation for a global manufacturers field service business.How a KPMG member firm helped:The KPMG in the US team worked closely with KPMG firms in other regions to develop a new vision for the global

183、field service business spanning multiple lines of business.KPMG team members designed a common global business template for processes,roles,technology,data management,service delivery models,and governance.They leveraged leading practice processes and widely accepted,out-of-the box technology.KPMG p

184、rofessionals also established proper governance for master data,designed intercompany processes for integrating core manufacturing and field operations,and deployed pilots in two countries.Challenge:The client was seeking to develop and deploy a unified,cloud-based target operating model(TOM)across

185、its global field service business.A TOM addresses functional processes,people,service delivery model,technology,performance insights and data,and governance.The existing business was highly decentralized,with a fragmented operating model spanning over 500 legal entities.The IT environment was unsust

186、ainable and included non-standardized operations and data,more than 100 ERP platforms,and hundreds of different edge systems.This fragmentation led to poor master data capabilities,the inconsistent capture of install-base data,and disconnected silos of service data across multiple systems and busine

187、sses.Visibility of customer,project,and service profitability was severely limited.Benefits to the client:The KPMG in the US team helped the client:Successfully adopt a global business template designed to reduce costs and streamline operations for the field service business.Improve margins,reduce e

188、xpenses,and increase operational efficiencies,with a potential value realization of 10 percent EBITDA.Support IT platform integration by retiring approximately 100 ERP platforms globally and an even larger number of edge solutions.Enhance communication and collaboration with customers,suppliers,and

189、sub-contractors.2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials27Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesCase study 3:KPMG in Ital

190、y professionals helped a transport and commercial vehicle manufacturer introduce advanced analytics to improve product quality and aftersales processes.How a KPMG member firm helped:The KPMG in Italy worked with the client to develop advanced analytics capabilities designed to improve the aftersales

191、 process and draw early insights from analysis generating recommendations.The project included the development of a service analytics platform that integrates several data sources to better estimate the defectiveness and the cost of vehicle components based on product and customer features such as v

192、ehicle configuration,telematics data,mission profile,and many others.The KPMG in Italy team also created an emerging-issues control tower to automate analytics processes,boost forecasting accuracy,and enable simulation features to anticipate the issues resolution.Challenge:The client had a high loss

193、 ratio for its products,which impaired aftersales costs and resulted a reduction in customer experience.Previously,the client had focused on gathering data and conducting backward-looking reliability analysis diagnostic efforts manually at a slow pace.This approach was primarily reactive and did not

194、 generate early insights into vehicle reliability issues,also requiring a high degree of effort.In short,the client needed a better way to define its warranty process leveraging advanced analytics and enabling a data-driven approach.Benefits to the client:The KPMG in Italy team helped the client:Imp

195、rove accuracy of cost of aftersales analysis,resulting in a 40 percent improvement in defectiveness and cost forecasts.Develop the ability to detect potential emerging aftersales quality issues more than two months in advance.Shift toward proactive management of aftersales quality issues to improve

196、customer experience,reducing downtime and aftersales costs.Increase the sale of original spare parts targeting specific clients and maximizing the profitability.Drive an 80 percent reduction in time spent on data extraction,data preparation,analysis,and reporting.2023 Copyright owned by one or more

197、of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smart Industrials28Signals of changeStrategic imperativesDigitally enabled servicesCase studiesThe Digital Services strategy helps clients reshape their aftermarket service

198、 business model and growth strategy to take advantage of connected products and platforms,technology innovations,and market transition to XaaS.Outputs typically include definition of the service offerings,contracting and revenue models,and strategy for transitioning from transactional product and se

199、rvice sales to an XaaS recurring-revenue model.In addition,the strategy typically defines the required changes in customer and channel partner relationships.KPMG works with clients to define their Digital Services strategy and the financial opportunity associated with the new model.To adopt a digita

200、l services strategy,manufacturers must often redesign their current operating model,creating a Connected Enterprise that integrates front-,middle-,and back-office operations for aftermarket and field service.This entails making changes to all six elements of the operating model(functional process,pe

201、ople,service delivery model,technology,performance insights and data,and governance).In addition,manufacturers must develop a range of new capabilities.KPMG professionals help clients identify business and operating model gaps and improvement opportunities and implement aftermarket and field service

202、 transformation initiativesTechnology innovations such as connected products and platforms,cloud services management solutions,machine learning,and digital twin solutions are key to enabling new aftermarket and field service models and delivering winning customer experiences and required operational

203、 efficiency and effectiveness improvements.KPMG professionals help manufacturers define the technology architecture needed to support the aftermarket and field services business,and customer experiences.KPMG professionals also help manufacturers improve their existing technology environment,implemen

204、t cloud-based aftermarket and field service technology solutions,and develop advanced machine learning and other data and analytics capabilities.Digital services strategyBusiness and operating model transformationTechnology enablement123Wherever you are on the digital services journey,KPMG firms can

205、 help your organization move with confidence into the new reality of digitally enabled services.KPMG firms combine deep industrial manufacturing and business process experience with extensive technology integration experience.KPMG firms also bring tax expertise needed to develop digital centers of e

206、xcellence to deliver operating model tax savings in a digitally connected aftermarket and field service transformation.This holistic and integrated approach allows us to help our clients design solutions and respond to industry challenges with speed,agility,and scale.How KPMG can helpBacked by an in

207、dustry-leading approach to enterprise-wide transformation,KPMG professionals can assist you through the following service offerings:2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.The Future of Smar

208、t IndustrialsTransformation never stops.Neither do we.At KPMG we believe that business transformation is too good an opportunity to miss.Combining the right tech and the best processes with people whose insight is as broad as it is deep,are essential ingredients to successfully transform.KPMG has wo

209、rked at the heart of global businesses for many decades,helping our clients realize the full potential of their people and technology and working together to achieve real-world outcomes.Because when people and technology are in harmony great things happen.Making a world of difference:KPMG people can

210、 make all the difference on your transformation journey.Together we can help you to orient your business around the customer,optimize functions for a new era,manage enterprise risk and regulation for a safer future,rise to a new level of value creation,and create an environment for managing ongoing

211、change.2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.Smart industrialsThe information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular ind

212、ividual or entity.Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information,there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future.No one should act on such information without appropriate professional adv

213、ice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.KPMG refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG Inte

214、rnational Limited(“KPMG International”),each of which is a separate legal entity.KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee and does not provide services to clients.For more detail about our structure please visit home.kpmg/governance.The KPMG name and logo are trad

215、emarks used under license by the independent member firms of the KPMG global organization.Throughout this document,“we”,“KPMG”,“us”and“our”refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited(“KPMG International”),each of which is a separate legal ent

216、ity.Designed by DAS Design.DASD-2023-11375Publication name:The future of digitally enabled service for smart industrialsPublication date:August 2023Some or all of the services described herein may not be permissible for KPMG audit clients and their affiliates or related International would like to t

217、hank our contributors:Jono Anderson,USADan Balistierri,USAGreg Corlis,USASerena Crivellaro,USATodd Dubner,USAPhilip Hoskins,USALeon Li,ChinaSilvester Liu,ChinaEric Logan,USAJinping Ma,ChinaJohn Olson,USAThomas Royce,USAAlessandro Spagnolo,ItalyMatthew Swanson,USAYu Takahashi,JapanAnnika Tanttinen,Fi

218、nlandAndrew Underwood,UKStphane Souchet Global Head Industrial Manufacturing KPMG International+33(0)1 55 68 33 90 ssouchetkpmg.frVinod Ramachandran Global Leader Industry 4.0 Country Leader KPMG in India+91 22 30 90 19 30 Claudia Saran Country Leader KPMG in the USA+1 312 665 3088 csaranKPMG.comUlr

219、ich Ackermann Country Leader KPMG in Germany+49 711 9060-42000 Toni Jones Country Leader KPMG in Australia+61 3 9288 6699 .auLen Prokopets IM Aftermarket and Field Service Lead Managing Director KPMG in the US+1 203 233 9077 Grant McDonald Global Industry Leader Aerospace and Defense KPMG Internatio

220、nal+1 246 233 7866 grantmcdonaldkpmg.bbCamelo Mariano Industry 4.0 Lead KPMG in Italy+39 0 514392611 cmarianokpmg.itMun-Gu Park Digital Transformation Partner KPMG in Korea+82 2 21120573 ContactsJun Okamoto Country Leader KPMG in Japan+81 33 54 85 385 Jonathon Gill Country Leader KPMG in the UK+44 7768 710617 jonathon.gillkpmg.co.ukTammy Brown Country Leader KPMG in Canada+1 416 777 8344 tammybrownkpmg.caNorbert Meyring Country Leader KPMG China+86 21 22 12 27 07



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