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2、ar bioeconomy in the climate agenda:Opportunities to transform agrifood systems.Rome,FAO.https:/doi.org/10.4060/cc2668enThe designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture

3、 Organization of the United Nations(FAO)concerning the legal or development status of any country,territory,city or area or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers,whether or not these have been p

4、atented,does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s)and do not neces-sarily reflect the views or policies of FAO.ISBN 978-92-5-137092-6

5、FAO,2022Some rights reserved.This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribu-tion-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence(CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO;https:/creative-commons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/igo/legalcode).Under the terms of this licence,this work may be copied,redistributed and ada

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10、rials.Users wishing to reuse material from this work that is attributed to a third party,such as tables,figures or images,are responsible for determining whether permis-sion is needed for that reuse and for obtaining permission from the copyright holder.The risk of claims resulting from infringement

11、 of any third-party-owned component in the work rests solely with the user.Sales,rights and licensing.FAO information products are available on the FAO website(www.fao.org/publications)and can be purchased through publications-salesfao.org.Re-quests for commercial use should be submitted via:www.fao

12、.org/contact-us/licence-request.Queries regarding rights and licensing should be submitted to:copyrightfao.org.Cover page photograph:Gerardo Carranza PugaAim of the paper This paper offers a concise overview of how bioeconomy can contribute to the climate action strategies outlined in Intergovernmen

13、tal Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)recommendations and nationally determined contributionsi(NDCs)and adaptation strategies.ii As such,it is a valuable addition to the global stocktake exercise taking place on the implementation of the Paris Agreement,as well as to the FAO Strategy on Climate Change 20

14、22-2031iii and the FAO Science and Innovation Strategy.iv Specifically,the paper aims to:1.provide decision-makers with examples of bioeconomy innovations that can support climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments;and2.raise general awareness on bioeconomy as part of the FAO and global ag

15、enda for climate action under the different sectors of agrifood systems and bio-based industries.Pexels/Todd TrapaniIII4VIKey messages The bioeconomy an economy based on the sustainable and circular use of biological resources and processes to produce food,feed,bio-based products and services has ma

16、jor untapped potential to support both climate change mitigation and adaptation.Around one-thirdv of global greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions currently come from agrifood systems.1 The bioeconomy offers opportunities to reduce GHG emissions along the agrifood system by replacing fossil-based resources an

17、d processes with biological ones,from microbiome innovations,biofertilizers and biopesticides,to new food sources,bio-based plastics and textiles,and biological waste management,to name just a few.vi A sustainable and circular bioeconomy also presents opportunities to improve climate change adaptati

18、on and resilience,through promoting ecosystem restoration and nutrient and water retention in soils,supporting indigenous and local livelihoods based on biological products and services,and building the conditions for more sustainably managed forests and fisheries.More than 60 countries and regions

19、now have bioeconomy or bioscience-related strategies which,among objectives such as increasing food and energy security,supporting livelihoods and incomes,and fostering innovations,contribute to their efforts to meet their nationally determined contributions(NDCs)to cut GHG emissions and adapt to cl

20、imate change.Several countries have identified circular bioeconomy as a strategy to achieve their NDCs,some have included bioeconomy practices in their climate agenda,and others explicitly include bioeconomy strategies and policies as key elements in their pathway towards Paris Agreement targets.1 F

21、or FAO,an agrifood system is a system including“food and non-food products that serves the production,pro-cessing,trade,marketing,consumption and disposal of goods that originate from agriculture,forestry,or fisheries.It also includes the inputs needed and outputs generated at each of these processe

22、s.”With the FAO Strategic Framework 202231,vii FAO is the first United Nations entity to make bioeconomy a strategic priority.Indeed,in their Global Forum for Food and Agriculture communiqu from 2015,more than 60 ministers of agriculture advocated that FAO should take the lead on global bioeconomy p

23、olicy development to help bring about more sustainable agrifood systems.Policymakers at local,national,regional and global level should pay urgent attention to how the bioeconomy could shape the climate path going forward the resource-efficient circular bioeconomy alone is projected to reach a value

24、 of USD 7.7 trillion in 2030(WBCSD,2020),and it is important that the right structures are put in place at all levels so that bioeconomy development supports climate action and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).The transition to a sustainable and circular bioeconomy involves

25、 challenges and risks as well as benefits and opportunities.While the bioeconomy offers many potential solutions for climate action,any potential trade-offs involved in choosing one policy option over another(e.g.regarding land use,food security,human health and safety,etc.)should be carefully consi

26、dered and mitigating measures put in place.FAO works with countries to improve policy coherence in order to achieve national sustainability objectives;for example,supporting the establishment of interministerial working groups for bioeconomy.Climate action is specifically referenced as a key criteri

27、on in the Aspirational principles and criteria for a sustainable bioeconomy,viii produced by the FAO-led International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group(ISBWG).The bioeconomy covers all sectors and systems that rely on biological resources(animals,plants,microorganisms and derived biomass,includi

28、ng organic waste),their functions and principles.It includes and interlinks:terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the services they provide;primary production sectors that use and produce biological resources(crop and livestock production,forestry,fisheries and aquaculture);and all sectors that use

29、biological resources and processes to produce food,feed,bio-based products,energy and services(chemical and plastics industry,construction,pharmaceutical industry,textile industry,waste management and biotechnology).Thanks to its cross-cutting nature,sustainable and circular bioeconomy provides a co

30、mprehensive approach to addressing several interlinked global challenges,including hunger and poverty,biodiversity loss,and climate change,in line with the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),the Paris Agreement and other Multilateral Environmental Agreements.Mainstreaming solutions for climate chan

31、ge mitigation and adaptation across farmlands,forests,grasslands,aquatic environments,bio-based industry and waste management into bioeconomy strategies will be an important step towards national and regional low-carbon,non-polluting growth strategies.Currently more than 60 countries and regions(and

32、 growing)have bioeconomy and bioscience-related strategies.ix This includes countries in most regions globally.While no bioeconomy strategy is the same,each one includes elements relating to sustainability and climate action.The need to pursue climate change mitigation and adaptation is explicitly r

33、eferenced as criterion 2.2 under Principle 2(“Sustainable bioeconomy should ensure that natural resources are conserved,protected and enhanced”)of the Aspirational principles and criteria for a sustainable bioeconomy,produced by the FAO-led International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group.Bioecono

34、my has also been identified as a key entry point to support south-south and triangular cooperation efforts to achieve the aims of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.x With the FAO Strategic Framework 202231,FAO is the first United Nations entity to make bioeconomy a strategic priority.Indeed,in their

35、Global Forum for Food and Agriculture communiqu from 2015,more than 60 ministers of agriculture advocated that FAO should take the lead on global bioeconomy policy development to help bring about more sustainable agrifood systems.Bioeconomy is a leapfrogging approach that offers enormous potential t

36、o deliver a truly innovative economic model whereby fossil-based resources(such as oil and gas,conventional plastics,synthetic fabrics,concrete)are replaced by biological alternatives.Given the urgency with which climate action is needed,and the potential climatic and environmental benefits associat

37、ed with What is bioeconomy and why is it relevant to climate action?116SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSa sustainable and circular bioeconomy,it is unsurprising that bioeconomy is now attracting the interest of innovators and invest

38、ors the world over.The resource-efficient circular bioeconomy alone excluding food and feed end use is projected to reach a value of USD 7.7 trillion in 2030(WBCSD,2020).Green finance is one of the leading factors propelling this phenomenon.For instance,the Green Climate Funds Amazon Bioeconomy Fund

39、 project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase climate resilience by promoting a paradigm shift to a bioeconomy in the Amazon region in six countries:Brazil,Colombia,Ecuador,Guyana,Peru,and Suriname.Meanwhile,in Europe,the first dedicated bioeconomy fund,theEuropean Circular Bioeconom

40、y Fund(ECBF),with EUR 100 million in backing from the European Union,aims to speed up investments in bio-based industries and innovations that harness the potential of renewable biological resources to sustainably meet our needs for food,materials and energy.Moving forward,as more countries and regi

41、ons adopt bioeconomy strategies,bioeconomy frameworks are likely to become increasingly important as solution providers in discussions around major global challenges including climate change,biodiversity loss,ecosystem degradation,and hunger and malnutrition.Box 1:In 2017,the Koronivia Joint Work on

42、 Agriculture(KJWA)decision was adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC).The Koronivia decision addresses six interrelated topics on soils,nutrient use,water,livestock,methods for assessing adaptation,and the socio-economic and food security dimensions of climat

43、e change across the agricultural sectors.The decision resonates with FAOs core mandate to eliminate hunger,food insecurity and malnutrition,reduce rural poverty,and make agriculture,forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable.FAO leverages the KJWA and other frameworks to support countrie

44、s by providing technical support to adapt to and mitigate climate change through webinars,workshops and knowledge products.FAO also supports countries to catalyse investments that contribute to transforming agrifood systems,making them more efficient,inclusive,resilient and sustainable.FAO supports

45、its Members in these efforts by offering technical guidance,data and tools for improved decision-making and the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures.The Organizations assistance to countries includes improving policy coherence in order to achieve national sustainability objectives;fo

46、r example,supporting the establishment of interministerial working groups for bioeconomy.FAO also develops and disseminates tools and guidelines to assist countries in enhancing transparency in their national inventory reports,analysing the impacts of climate change,planning appropriate responses to

47、 these impacts and meeting reporting requirements.It facilitates the design of National Adaptation Plans(NAPs)and supports the development of nationally determined contributions(NDCs).FAO also increases awareness of countries on scaling up climate action in agrifood systems,as well as supporting inv

48、estment mobilization in agriculture.Beyond primary production,agrifood systems can contribute to a more sustainable bioeconomy.FAO supports sustainable agrifood systems transformation on the ground through its Bioeconomy for Sustainable Food and Agriculture programme and its Strategy on Climate Chan

49、ge 2022-2031,which highlights the importance of biomass,biological cycles,biological processes and biological diversity for climate action.Mainstreaming bioeconomy in Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice(SBSTA)and climate change“Conference of the Parties”(COP)negotiations is now k

50、ey for increased implementation of climate action commitments,such as those covered in KJWA discussions.How FAO supports climate action2The bioeconomy offers a holistic and cross-sectoral approach with high potential to contribute to climate change mitigation in several ways.xi Opportunities abound

51、to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions not only through substituting fossil-based feedstocks,inputs and products with bio-based ones,but also through storing carbon in bio-based products,and through sequestering carbon dioxide(CO2)from the atmosphere in biomass through plants and micro

52、organisms(Nova Institute,2021).Bioeconomy also offers many adaptation benefits,such as a circular use of bioresources across agrifood systems,and supports biodiversity conservation and sustainable use,ecosystem restoration,and efficient and resilient new value chains that are flexible to uncertain c

53、limate events and potential market disruptions.Sustainable and circular bioeconomy involves the use of biological science,technology and innovation for the sustainable production and use of biological resources,with the aim of achieving resource-use efficiency and circularity while promoting environ

54、mental and social benefits for the society.This is also recognized in global high-level fora such as the G7 Berlin Roadmap on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)affirms with high confidence that“sustainable agriculture and forestry,technology

55、innovation in bio-based production within a circular economy and international cooperation and governance of global trade in products to reflect and disincentivize their environmental and social externalities,can provide mitigation and adaptation via bioeconomy development that responds to the needs

56、 and perspectives of multiple stakeholders to achieve outcomes that maximize synergies while limiting trade-offs”(IPCC,2022;p.2093).xii What is FAOs role in supporting bioeconomy policy development for climate action?In the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture communiqu from 2015,it was recommended

57、 that FAO should take the lead on global policy discussions on sustainable and circular bioeconomy in food and agriculture.This led to the creation of FAOs Towards Sustainable Bioeconomy Guidelines project supported by the Government of Germany and the formation of the FAO-led International Sustaina

58、ble Bioeconomy Working Group.How is sustainable and circular bioeconomy addressed in the global climate agenda?23SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSNow,FAO is moving towards a more strategic approach to bioeconomy with its Bioeconomy

59、for Sustainable Food and Agriculture programme priority area,part of the better environment pillar of the FAO Strategic Framework 202231.Through this dedicated bioeconomy programme,FAO will work with countries to improve the sustainability of agrifood systems with bioeconomy solutions at three level

60、s:technological,organizational and social.FAO works in pilot countries to support the identification of sustainable and circular opportunities to harness biological resources,including related knowledge,science,technology,and innovation.This work is underpinned by FAOs guiding documents,including th

61、e FAO Science and Innovation Strategy,and the FAO Strategy on Climate Change 2022-2031,which specifically references bioeconomy and highlights the importance of biomass,biological cycles,biological processes and biological diversity for climate action.Box 2:Aspirational principles and criteria for s

62、ustainable bioeconomy Climate action is specifically referenced as a key criterion in the Aspirational principles and criteria for a sustainable bioeconomy,produced by the FAO-led International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group(ISBWG).Under Criterion 2.2,“Climate change mitigation and adaptation

63、are pursued”,the ISBWG states:“There is global agreement that it is imperative to adapt to and mitigate climate change.Bioeconomy is in a unique position to significantly contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation through the replacement of fossil fuel-based goods with low-carbon bioprod

64、ucts and the sustainable and circular management of resources.In that context,bioeconomy plays a crucial role to achieve national and international climate targets.”Other ISBWG principles and criteria also contribute to low-carbon efforts in agrifood systems,such as criterion 1.4(food safety),princi

65、ple 2(conserve,protect and enhance biodiversity in bioeconomy activities),principle 4(resilience),and principle 5(circular economy and increased efficiency).Climate action is often an objective of bioeconomy strategies,as laid out in a series of case studies documented by FAO in the publication Towa

66、rds sustainable bioeconomy Lessons learned from case studies.a Source:FAO.2021.Aspirational Principles and Criteria for a Sustainable Bioeconomy.Rome.https:/www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb3706en/Figure:10 Principles for a sustainable bioeconomy4aFAO.2019.Towards sustainable bioeconomy Lessons lea

67、rned from case studies.Rome.https:/www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/ca4352enHOW IS SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY ADDRESSED IN THE GLOBAL CLIMATE AGENDA?The need for a new development model outlined in NDCs As of July 2021,all 191 Parties to the Paris Agreement had provided information in their

68、NDCs on“mitigation targets and mitigation resulting from adaptation actions and/or economic diversification plans.The mitigation targets range from economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets to strategies,plans and actions for low-emission development.”xiiiIt is clear from the NDCs that Partie

69、s recognize the necessity of moving beyond a business-as-usual fossil-based development model to one that favours low-emission development to achieve large-scale GHG reduction targets.Agrifood systems,responsible for an estimated one-third of global GHG emissions,will have to do their part in contri

70、buting to these mitigation efforts.Within this context,a sustainable and circular bioeconomy based upon responsible consumption and production(SDG 12)offers tantalizing new opportunities for substituting fossil-based with renewable biological resources.However,for beneficial transformation to occur,

71、“the implementation of most conditional elements depends on access to enhanced financial resources,technology transfer and technical cooperation,and capacity-building support;availability of market-based mechanisms;and absorptive capacity of forests and other ecosystems.”xiii From crop and animal pr

72、oduction to forestry and fisheries,along the agrifood value chain to responsible processing,distribution,consumption and disposal,the sustainable and circular bioeconomy offers many innovative solutions with the potential to lower our carbon footprint while meeting multiple other goals(see Section 3

73、 Bioeconomy innovations supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation).Many countries are mentioning and including bioeconomy practices as part of their agricultural mitigationxiv and adaptation strategies in their new or updated NDCs.For example,91 out of 148 countries(61 percent)explicitly r

74、eferred to soil organic carbon measures,many of which indicate bioeconomy practices such as soil organic amendments or integrated soil fertility management as mitigation and/or adaptation means(see Box 3 National bioeconomy strategies and the NDCs).Pexels/Gerardo Carranza PugaPixabay/Stefan Schweiho

75、fer510SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSBox 3:National bioeconomy strategies and the NDCsSeveral countries have identified circular bioeconomy as a strategy to achieve their NDCs,shedding light on the important role of the bioeconomy

76、 in the climate action.Ten countries have included bioeconomy practices in their climate agenda:Brazil,El Salvador,India,Mauritania,Namibia,Nigeria,Pakistan,Rwanda,Tunisia and Venezuela(Bolivarian Republic of).Here are just a few examples of bioeconomy-related commitments in NDCs:The Bolivarian Repu

77、blic of Venezuela focuses on the substitution of agricultural chemicals with bio-inputs,such as biocontrollers and biofertilizers,and on the use of biomaterials(wood,bamboo,bahareque)in construction(NDC 2021 para 10.2.3 and 11.3.4).Pakistan and El Salvador harness biological control methods to keep

78、pest populations under control,protect soil fertility and improve productivity,while encouraging investments in bioproduct industries(Pakistan Updated NDC 2021 para 5.3 and 6.1;El Salvador Updated NDC 2021 annex 2).Canada,Colombia,Costa Rica and New Zealand explicitly include bioeconomy strategies a

79、nd policies as key elements in their pathway towards Paris Agreement targets.Canada is currently exploring new opportunities for emission reduction through the bioeconomy in the British Columbia Province(Canada NDC 2021-Annex 2).Colombia recognizes in its NDC the value provided by the bioeconomy for

80、 the protection of water,ecosystems and biodiversity(Colombia NDC 2020 para 1).According to the upcoming New Zealand Bioeconomy Strategy,moving towards a circular bioeconomy is“essential to meeting emission budgets and 2050 targets”,while at the same time delivering many co-benefits such as job oppo

81、rtunities,innovation and waste reduction(Aotearoa New Zealand First Emission Reduction Plan 2022 Chapter 9).Costa Rica harnesses bioeconomy for the“sustainable production of high added value in all its regions and emerging bio-cities,based on the fair and equitable use of its biodiversity,the circul

82、ar use of biomass and the countrys biotechnological progress as a knowledge society”.(Costa Rica NDC 2020 para 15.3).Pexels/Iconcom6HOW IS SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY ADDRESSED IN THE GLOBAL CLIMATE AGENDA?Bioeconomy can support adaptation co-benefits within NDCsWhen it comes to meeting adap

83、tation goals within NDCs,bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture could also address many of the challenges that countries identify as priorities,from food production and nutrition security,water resource management,preservation and restoration of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,equitable

84、economic development,and poverty reduction and support for livelihoods.To name a few examples of how bioeconomy could help in addressing such challenges:Bioeconomy supports the sustainable development of tree-based systems(including agroforestry),which are essential for adaptation actions,income div

85、ersification and risk reduction.Indeed,as highlighted by FAOs recent publicationon on The State of the Worlds Forests(SOFO)2022,xv many countries recognize the mitigation potential of forests in their recent nationally determined contributions.Many also recognize the role of trees in climate-change

86、adaptation,and there is further potential for countries to integrate forests and trees into their national adaptation plans.The report identifies forestry as a key sector to build green value chains and enable a transition towards a more circular use of resources.Bioeconomy considers new food source

87、s(such as seaweed,microalgae,edible insects,cell culture-based food products,plant-based protein alternatives and 3-D printed food),which could offer game-changing potential to bolster food and nutrition security,while requiring less water,less energy and fewer chemical inputs.Using biological solut

88、ions such as biofertilizers,biopesticides and bioremediation can help restore ecosystems so that they can store more carbon and become more productive and resilient in the face of extreme weather events and,indeed,in a context of energy and chemical input shortages.FAO/David Mansell-MoullinHow is FA

89、O supporting countries in implementing their NDCs?FAO,as the leading source of technical expertise on sustainable agricultural development,has the tools,experience and expertise required to support countries in all five of these areas.Moreover,sustainable and circular bioeconomy is ideally suited as

90、 an overarching framework to ensure successful interventions in these areas.When it comes to supporting countries in implementing their NDCs,xvi FAO has identified five priority areas for interventions in food and agriculture:1.Enhanced framework transparency.2.Coherent policy frameworks.3.Research,

91、analysis and tools.4.Capacity development in agriculture.5.Mobilizing investment for agriculture.7SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSBioeconomy and climate change mitigation The executive summary of the Working Group III(WGIII)xvii co

92、ntribution to the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report(AR6)recommends several promising options for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.In this regard,sustainable bioeconomy offers many practices and innovations that have the potential to contribute to and enhance many of these mitigation options.This pape

93、r shows how bioeconomy examples can effectively contribute to some IPCC mitigation options,drawing a link between bioeconomy and climate change mitigation.Nine bioeconomy examples have been chosen in three main macrosectors that relate to agrifood systems:primary production(agriculture,forestry and

94、other land use(AFOLU)and fisheries);bio-based industries;and circularity and by-product use.Figure 1.IPCC mitigation options that bioeconomy can support along the whole agrifood system Source:Authors own elaboration.CLIMATE CHANGEMITIGATION POTENTIALCARBON SEQUESTRATION IN AGRICULTUREFEEDSTOCK DECAR


96、NDUSTRIESCCCCCCCCCCOF THE BIOECONOMY BY-PRODUCT USE8HOW IS SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY ADDRESSED IN THE GLOBAL CLIMATE AGENDA?MacrosectorsIPCC mitigation optionsBioeconomy innovations Primary production Shift to balanced,sustainable healthy dietsNew food sourcesCarbon sequestration in agricu

97、ltureMicrobiome innovationsReduce methane and nitrous oxide emissionsBiofertilizersCircularity and by-product useEcosystem restoration,afforestation,reforestationBiopesticidesEnhance recyclingBio-based biodegradable plasticsReduce food loss and wasteResidue management and cascading use Bio-based ind

98、ustriesEnhance use of wood productsEnhance use of wood productsFeedstock decarbonization,process change Natural organisms and enzymes in food production and processingFuel switching(bioenergy)Sustainable bioenergy from wasteBioeconomy and climate change adaptation In terms of climate change adaptati

99、on,Working Group II(WGII)xviii to AR6 finds with a high degree of confidence that“integrated,multisectoral solutions that address social inequities,differentiate responses based on climate risk and cut across systems,increase the feasibility and effectiveness of adaptation in multiple sectors”.Susta

100、inable and circular bioeconomy provides exactly the type of cross-cutting,integrated and multisectoral framework necessary to address the finding of WGII.It promotes the use of biological resources,processes and innovations to help transform agrifood systems so that they are more efficient,inclusive

101、,resilient and sustainable,while supporting the development of a fair and green economy and ensuring all global citizens have access to enough nutritious food.Indeed,the sustainable and circular bioeconomy framework aligns climate change mitigation and adaptation,biodiversity preservation and ecosys

102、tem restoration with a human-centred approach that simultaneously seeks to promote food security and nutrition,social equity,and economic opportunities(especially for women,youth,Indigenous and marginalized groups),as well as responsible consumption and production.This link between climate resilient

103、 development and bioeconomy is exemplified in the draft Namibia Bioeconomy Strategy 20232028,which was developed by Namibias National Commission for Research,Science and Technology(NCRST),with the support of FAO.The strategy aims to harness the potential of Namibias biological resources as a means o

104、f moving away from fossil-derived resources;enhance circularity of biological residue streams;promote food security and nutrition;and facilitate sustainable and inclusive development that benefits society as a whole.Table 1:Nine IPCC mitigation options and the corresponding bioeconomy innovationsSou

105、rce:Authors own elaboration.9New food sourcesNew food sources and production systems(NFPS)range from fermentation-derived ingredients(microalgae and mycoproteins),seaweed,and edible insects,to cultivated meat,seafood and dairy,and plant-based protein alternatives.Some of these new foods are already

106、in diets in different countries and regions,boosting nutrition and providing livelihoods to people.They are also used to produce more sustainable sources of feed.Sustainable consumption and behavioural change should be paired with sustainable production and adapted to local conditions,including thro

107、ugh citizen participation in agrifood systems transformation.Bioeconomy innovations supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation3The following are examples of innovations within the bioeconomy that support climate change mitigation and adaptation goals,while also contributing to other societa

108、l goals such as improved food security and nutrition,enhanced environmental stewardship,better waste management and green economic development opportunities.Shift to balanced,sustainable and healthy dietsBIOECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLE10Potential of new food sources for reducing GHG emissionsThe bioec

109、onomy framework can help look at the benefits and opportunities as well as the challenges and risks of new food sources,using an integrated framework focusing on topics including climate and environment,food security and nutrition,food safety,and livelihood opportunities for small-scale food produce

110、rs.Microbial proteins,plant-based proteins,marine-based proteins,insect-based proteins and cell-based food are included under the European Unions Food 2030 research and innovation framework for their potential contribution to a climate-friendly and sustainable dietary shift by 2030.xixIn addition to

111、 climate mitigation gains,new food sources could reduce pressure on forests and land used for feed,support the preservation of biodiversity and planetary health,and contribute to preventing forms of malnutrition in developing countries.BIOECONOMY INNOVATIONS SUPPORTING CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND

112、ADAPTATIONMicrobiome innovationsThe term microbiome refers to a community of microorganisms including bacteria,fungi,algae,viruses and other microbes that live and interact together in a defined environment.Examples of microbiomes include the networks of soil microorganisms that determine the fertil

113、ity status of a soil ecosystem,the microorganisms that carry out vital functions in plants and animals,and the communities of microorganisms that impact human nutrition and health.Microbiome science,technology and innovation is a fast-growing part of the bioeconomy showing exciting potential to prov

114、ide sustainable solutions and applications for agrifood systems.Specifically with regard to climate and the environment,there is increasing evidence that the soil microbiome plays a pivotal role in ecosystem health,agroecosystems and the climate system.Crop production,soil microbiome and climate cha

115、nge A major review by FAOxx has for the first time made a direct link between crop production,the soil microbiome and climate change impacts.Drawing on evidence from more than 2 000 scientific publications,the review provides solid,scientific evidence of strong connections between certain crop produ

116、ction practices such as use of organic fertilizers,reduced tillage,increased on-farm plant diversity,and plant variety selection and a healthy soil microbiome that can improve the ability of soils to store carbon,retain water and nutrients,and support plant growth and health.To unlock these benefits

117、 at a mass level,the review recommends:bolstering public support for research,development and innovation;leveraging education and communication;supporting commercialization of microbiome innovations;and developing regulatory tools to ensure that microbiome innovations are safe,effective,affordable a

118、nd accessible to all.Carbon sequestration in agricultureBIOECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLESoil microbiome diversity is fundamental in ensuring the delivery of a wide range of ecosystem services,including provisioning of clean water and air,food and raw materials,recreational space and biodiversity.The so

119、il microbiome is involved in the planets climate system as it regulates terrestrial greenhouse gas fluxes and soil carbon dynamics.Pexels/Muffin Creative11SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSReduce methane and nitrous oxide emissionsBI

120、OECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLEBiofertilizersBiofertilizers are living microbes,such as bacteria or fungi,which enhance plant nutrition by either fixing atmospheric nitrogen or mobilizing and increasing nutrient availability in soils and in plants.Moreover,biofertilizers may generate additional mitigati

121、on by indirectly reducing synthetic fertilizer manufacturing requirements and associated emissions.Biofertilizers have also shown important results in reducing methane emissions(CH4)from rice cultivation and increasing yields.xxiMethane and nitrogen dioxide reductions due to biofertilizersThe use of

122、 efficient microorganisms as growth promoters has been implemented by FAO as a soil fertilization alternative in many countries and biophysical conditions.Microorganisms improve the efficiency of the use of organic matter by plants.They also increase phosphorus solubility and nitrogen(N)fixation in

123、the soil,e.g.arbuscular mycorrhizae and rhizobacteria.In addition,they can reduce the emissions of GHGs by up to 10 kg CO2 equivalent per kg mineral N replaced.Azolla and phosphobacteria are a kind of blue-green algae used as microbial inoculants in soils and can bring about a significant reduction

124、in methane emissions.However,policy is key to raise awareness of the benefits of biofertilizers.For example,Argentinas Ministry of Agriculture,Livestock and Fisheries has an Advisory Committee on Bio-inputs for Agricultural Use,which advises authorities on regulations in relation to bio-inputs and g

125、ives its opinion on their implementation.Meanwhile,at the provincial level,policy supports the creation of biofactories,which are centres for the development and production of different biopreparations.xxiiPexels/Muffin CreativeRice fields treated with the Azolla biofertilizer can give the same yiel

126、ds as those treated with chemical nitrogen fertilizers.12BIOECONOMY INNOVATIONS SUPPORTING CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATIONBiopesticides and biological controlLand degradation,decreasing water resources,loss of biodiversity,and excessive use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are some o

127、f the environmental challenges that influence preparedness to adapt to climate change.The use of arthropod biological control and biopesticides which include living microorganisms,biochemicals derived from natural resources and plant-based extracts has been scientifically demonstrated to be often ju

128、st as effective as chemical pesticides,but with the added benefit of being much safer for human and environmental health.Additionally,the use of biocontrol and biopesticides can help avert the emission of GHGs associated with synthetic pesticide manufacturing,distribution and application.Biopesticid

129、es,biocontrol and integrated pest management FAO promotes the use of biocontrol and biopesticides within the framework of integrated pest management(IPM),in fighting pests such as fall armyworm and desert locust.The use of biocontrol,biopesticides and agroecological practices through an IPM programm

130、e has the potential to reduce synthetic pesticide use by at least 70 percent in tropical Asia while maintaining yield production.This level of pesticide reduction would translate to an annual reduction of 170 000180 000 tonnes of carbon equivalent in countries such as Viet Nam or Indonesia.xxiiiEcos

131、ystem restoration,afforestation,reforestationBIOECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLEFAO/Michael TeweldeFAO in the desert locust crisis.Aircraft spraying biopesticides to combat a desert locust outbreak in East Africa.13SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFO

132、OD SYSTEMSBio-based biodegradable plasticsA scenario calculation by the European Environment Agency(2021)estimated that substituting all fossil-based plastics in the European Union with bio-based alternatives would result in an annual GHG emissions reduction of 30 percent.This comes with the caveat

133、that bio-based plastics should be examined on a case-by-case basis,particularly in regard to trade-offs associated with land use,food security,environmental impacts,waste flows,etc.There also needs to be infrastructure for end-of-life biodegradability and compostability,to follow the principles of c

134、ircular end-of-life.A separate study by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)noted that bio-based plastics could provide adaptation co-benefits through potentially generating greater numbers of jobs than biofuels.xxiv Bio-based plastics made from agave in MexicoIn Mexico,by

135、-products from the cultivation and processing of the agave plant have been used to make bio-based plastics for items such as beverage packaging and vehicle components.Replacing fossil-based plastics with agave-based plastics has helped reduce the carbon impact of these items.Agave-based plastics hav

136、e also provided adaptation co-benefits such as providing Mexican farmers with income-diversifying options.xxvPexels/Devon RockolaEnhance recyclingEXAMPLEBIOECONOMY INNOVATION Agave harvesting produces large amounts of residues,which come from both the agave plantations and liquor production process.

137、Within bioeconomy,these residues become a valuable input for bio-based plastics.14BIOECONOMY INNOVATIONS SUPPORTING CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATIONResidue management and cascading useThe full exploitation of organic streams represents a valuable resource in the circular and sustainable bioe

138、conomy.Discarded food can be turned into beneficial products such as biomaterials,biochemicals,biopharmaceuticals,and bioenergy.By reusing such bio-based residues,we can help reduce wasteful practices and improve nutrient recycling and valorize all types of biomass.This contributes to responsible fo

139、od consumption and production,to reduce pressure and competition on resources and land,which supports food security and nutrition and has significant potential to reduce GHG emissions through agrifood systems.Textiles from pineapple residues Many companies are developing innovative plant-based texti

140、les that replace synthetic or unsustainably produced textiles.For example,an alternative to leather is being made from pineapple leaf fibres.These fibres are the by-product of the pineapple harvest,meaning that no extra land,water,fertilizers or pesticides are required to produce them.In some countr

141、ies,such as the Philippines,the first step in the processing of the fibre is carried out by local women cooperatives,which provides the women additional income,while creating new opportunities related to pineapple growing.Pexels/LauraReduce food loss and wasteBIOECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLEIn some cou

142、ntries local cooperatives produce fibres from pineapple leaves through decortication(extraction of biomass fibres).The final textile product is recyclable and compostable.15SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSEnhance use of wood produc

143、tsBIOECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLE Enhance use of wood productsThe use of wood products refers to the fate of harvested wood for material uses and includes two distinctly different components affecting the carbon cycle,comprising carbon storage in wood products and material substitution.Bioeconomy harn

144、esses the use of wood and wood by-products in different industries and stages of the production chain.There is strong evidence at product level that wood products are associated with lower GHG emissions over their entire life cycle when compared to products made from non-renewable or emissions-inten

145、sive materials,such as steel or concrete.The European Commissions New European Bauhaus is an interdisciplinary initiative that calls for a transformative path towards sustainable living spaces in urban and rural development.A European Parliament report stresses the importance of transforming,upgradi

146、ng and retrofitting the existing building stock by applying nature-based solutions such as wood and reducing waste and increasing durability,reusability and circularity in the built environment.Under the New European Bauhaus initiative,the European wood-based sector has launched Wood4Bauhaus,an open

147、 platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing aiming at encouraging research and innovation in innovative use of wood in the built environment.Wood was also at the heart of several international calls to action during and after COP 26 in Glasgow in late 2021.The publication Growing our low-carbo

148、n future:time for timber sets out the climate benefits of deploying timber,rather than concrete and steel,and proposes a plan that policymakers should adopt to help keep carbon emissions within 1.5 C.Pexels/Ron LachUsing wood products in construction displaces the use of carbon intensive alternative

149、s such as steel,concrete and plastics.The New European Bauhaus16BIOECONOMY INNOVATIONS SUPPORTING CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATIONFeedstock decarbonization,process changeBIOECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLENatural organisms and enzymes in food production and processingIndustries are already shiftin

150、g to more bio-based low-carbon pathways,for example through feedstock decarbonization,use of biomass,and change of polluting processes to bio-based and biotechnology processes.The enzyme industry is one of the most promising in the bioeconomy.Bioeconomy harnesses research and development of bacteria

151、 and enzymes that can be used in processing pathways to increase efficiency of the biotechnology processes,reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions.Natural organisms or enzymes are currently used in several processes within a number of industries,such as in the food industry and other industrie

152、s that use raw materials derived from living organisms as key production inputs,e.g.pulp and paper,leather and textile industries.Enzymes and other biological organisms can perform industrial processes with significantly less energy,without the use of aggressive chemicals and with less waste,compare

153、d with traditional manufacturing systems.Industrial biotechnology can thus result in a more efficient use of natural resources and reduced energy consumption.Potential GHG emission reductions with enzymes and natural organismsGHG emission reductions can be achieved by industrial biotechnology,using

154、enzymes and natural organisms.According to the OECD,industrial biotechnology and bio-based products have a mitigation potential of 12.5 billion tonnes of CO2equivalent per year,by 2030.Several countries are investing in developing and enhancing bio-based industries.In 2018,the United States Departme

155、nt of Agriculture expanded the BioPreferred Program,with the aim of increasing the development,purchase,and use of bio-based products.Moreover,the Japan Bioeconomy Strategy,launched in 2019,focuses particularly on industrial biotechnological developments,often in connection with artificial intellige

156、nce or technological applications.Pexels/Mihail NilovNatural organisms and enzymes can perform industrial processes with significantly less energy,chemical inputs and waste,compared to traditional manufacturing systems.17SUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRAN

157、SFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSSustainable bioenergy from residuesSustainable modern bioenergy systems are closely linked with food security and energy security.Indeed,agrifood systems and forestry are the main source of bioenergy feedstock.Bioenergy can be sustainably produced using agrifood residues,includ

158、ing by-products and wastewater,while delivering several benefits.The use of biomass from agricultural or food residues guarantees high resource efficiency,since it does not require additional land or inputs.In terms of GHG emission reductions,sustainable bioenergy can contribute to replacing the con

159、sumption of fossil fuels in the energy mix,while avoiding the practice of burning residues.Moreover,bioenergy can be co-produced together with fertilizer and soil health improvers,providing adaptation co-benefits related to ecosystem resilience.Bioenergy production as a tool for waste management Tak

160、ing into consideration the principles of cascading use of biomass,where biomass uses are prioritized in terms of their value and use,biomass from agricultural and industrial residues has an important role to play in replacing fossil-derived energy with energy from bio-based feedstock.An example is a

161、naerobic digestion of agricultural and livestock residues,which can reduce methane emissions and produce bioelectricity.Waste management also includes wastewater treatment.For instance,microalgae are used to remove pollutants from wastewater,capturing atmospheric CO2 acting as a carbon sink.Contextu

162、ally,microalgae biomass can be used to produce biohydrogen and biomethane.By-products can be further employed to extract high value compounds and ultimately used as fertilizer.Bioenergy from agrifood waste can also deliver important adaptation co-benefits,such as creating opportunities for additiona

163、l income for famers,while providing them with energy self-sufficiency.Fuel switching(bioenergy)BIOECONOMY INNOVATION EXAMPLEA.MasciarelliSpirulina production in Central African Republic.Microalgae spirulina,besides playing an essential role in food security,is an important carbon sink and ultimately

164、 its biomass can be employed for biofuel production.1819BIOECONOMY INNOVATIONS SUPPORTING CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION Bioeconomy science,technology and innovation harnesses the knowledge-intensive use of biotechnology and biomass in the sustainable production and management of goods,ser

165、vices and energy,with the aim of achieving resource-use efficiency and circularity.International scientists have called for a greater integration of bioeconomy in global climate action,since its cross-sectoral nature makes it essential,yet often overlooked,in mitigation and adaptation policies.xxvi

166、A growing number of FAO Members have bioeconomy or bioscience-related strategies where agrifood systems are key contributors to sustainable growth that mitigates and adapts to climate change.Embedding a sustainable and circular bioeconomy framework more deeply in the climate change agenda would help

167、 both contribute to climate action,and provide innovative climate-smart solutions to tackle other global challenges,including hunger and malnutrition,poverty,biodiversity loss,and environmental degradation.Bioeconomy has a big role to play in tackling climate and planetary crises.To make optimum use

168、 of this role,several mechanisms should be implemented at the same time:investment in innovations,replacing fossil fuels,sharing knowledge and analysis of trade-offs,capacity building across all sectors to bring about a green economy,and harnessing the potential of responsible consumption,circular u

169、se of biomass and more responsible production and trade.Global climate action should move beyond sectoral approaches and upscale the technologies that can bring win-win benefits to society and the planet.The bioeconomy framework can be a valuable tool for the analysis of trade-offs among sustainable

170、 use of resources.Biotechnology development and bio-innovations should be used in a way that helps tackle current crises and minimizes sustainability tradeoffs.While further research and comprehensive and comparable data are needed to estimate the full potential of the bioeconomy to support climate

171、change mitigation and adaptation objectives,some bioeconomy practices,bioproducts or bio-innovations in different sectors have already shown promise in terms of their potential to reduce GHGs and support climate resilience.Building further science-based knowledge around successful and valuable examp

172、les can increase confidence in the potential of these technologies to support climate action.To achieve net zero emissions,society should employ a combination of three mechanisms within the circular bioeconomy;using new renewable biological resources;improving efficiency of biomass already used by c

173、urrent activities(through enhanced lifetimes of products,cascading use of biomass,recycling);and rescuing atmospheric carbon and storing it in soils,forests,aquatic environments,and bioproducts.This paper provides a concise overview of how bioeconomy fits into the climate action strategies outlined

174、in IPCC recommendations and NDCs and adaptation strategies.As such,it aims to enrich discussions around more ambitious climate action within the framework of the global stocktake exercise,a core part of the Paris Agreement.Soil carbon sequestration and nutrient management have great potential for bo

175、th climate change mitigation and adaptation e.g.soil microbiome improvements or biofertilizer use can help increase soil organic matter in cropland and restore deteriorated soil,improving carbon sequestration and increasing food security.Sustainable bioeconomy encourages the shift to healthier and l

176、ower emissions diets,contributing at the same time to assuring food security.Concluding pointsSUSTAINABLE AND CIRCULAR BIOECONOMY IN THE CLIMATE AGENDA OPPORTUNITIES TO TRANSFORM AGRIFOOD SYSTEMSi UNFCCC(United Nations Framework Conven-tion on Climate Change).2022.Synthesis report for the technical

177、assessment component of the first global stocktake.Synthesis report on the overall ef-fect of Parties NDCs and overall progress made by Parties towards the implementation of their NDCs,including the information referred to in Article 13,paragraph 7(b),of the Paris Agreement.United Na-tions Framework

178、 Convention on Climate Change.32 pp.https:/unfccc.int/sites/default/files/re-source/GST_SR_23c_30Mar.pdfii UNFCCC.2022.Synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first global stocktake.State of adaptation efforts,experiences and priorities.United Nations Framework Convention on C

179、limate Change.69 pp.https:/unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/Synthesis%20report%20on%20the%20state%20of%20adaptation%20efforts%2C%20experiences%20and%20priorities.pdf iii FAO.2022.FAO Strategy on Climate Change 20222031.Rome.https:/www.fao.org/3/cc2274en/cc2274en.pdfiv FAO.2022.FAO Science and

180、 Innovation Strategy.Rome.https:/www.fao.org/3/cc2273en/cc2273en.pdfv Crippa,M.,Solazzo,E.,Guizzardi,D.,Monforti-Ferrario,F.,Tubiello,F.N.&Leip,A.2021.Food systems are responsible for a third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions.Nature Food 2,pp.198209.https:/doi.org/10.1038/s43016-021-00225-9 vi B

181、abiker,M.,Berndes,G.,Blok,K.,Cohen,B.,Cowie,A.,Geden,O.,Ginzburg,V.et al.2022.Cross-sectoral perspectives.In IPCC,2022:Climate Change 2022:Mitigation of Climate Change.Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.220 pp.IPCC_AR6_WG

182、III_Full_Report.pdfvii FAO.2021.Strategic Framework 2022-31.Rome.https:/www.fao.org/3/cb7099en/cb7099en.pdfviii FAO.2021.Aspirational Principles and Criteria for a Sustainable Bioeconomy.Rome,FAO.16 pp.https:/www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb3706en/ix FAO.2021.Bioeconomy for a sustainable future.Ro

183、me.8 pp.https:/www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb6564en x UNOSSC(United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation)and CGEE(Center for Strategic Studies and Management).2019.South-south and triangular cooperation on the bioeconomy in light of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable D

184、evelopment.United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation and the Center for Strategic Studies and Management.New York,USA.64 pp.https:/www.unsouthsouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Bioeconomy-Publication_visualization-for-website.pdf xi Carus,M.2017.Bio-based economy and climate change Importa

185、nt links,pitfalls and opportunities.Prepared for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)by nova-Institut.Hrth,Germany.19 pp.https:/renewable-carbon.eu/publications/product/bio-based-economy-and-climate-change-%e2%88%92-full-version/xii IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

186、 Change).2022.Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change.Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Final Draft.pp.2093-2913.https:/report.ipcc.ch/ar6wg3/pdf/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FinalDraft_

187、FullReport.pdfxiii UNFCCC.2021.Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement.Synthesis report by the secretariat.FCCC/PA/CMA/2021/8.United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.42 pp.https:/unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/cma2021_08E.pdf xiv Crumpler,K.,Abi Khalil,R.

188、,Tanganelli,E.,Rai,N.,Roffredi,L.,Meybeck,A.,Umulisa,V.,Wolf,J.&Bernoux,M.2021.2021(Interim)Global update report Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries in the Nationally Determined Contributions.Environment and Natural Resources Management Working Paper No.91.Rome,FAO.80 pp.https:/doi.org/10.4060/cb7442

189、en 20References xv FAO.2022.The State of the Worlds Forests 2022.Forest pathways for green recovery and building inclusive,resilient and sustainable economies.Rome,FAO.https:/www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb9360enxvi FAO.2017.Turning Nationally Determined Contributions into action FAO support to c

190、ountries.FAO.Rome.16 pp.https:/www.fao.org/3/i7791e/i7791e.pdf xvii IPCC.2022.Summary for Policymakers.In:Climate Change 2022:Mitigation of Climate Change.Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change P.R.Shukla,J.Skea,R.Slade,A.Al

191、Khourdajie,R.van Diemen,D.McCollum,M.Pathak,S.Some,P.Vyas,R.Fradera,M.Belkacemi,A.Hasija,G.Lisboa,S.Luz,J.Malley,(eds.).IPCC_AR6_WGIII_SPM.pdf 21BIOECONOMY INNOVATIONS SUPPORTING CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATIONxviii IPCC.2022.Summary for Policymakers.In:Climate Change 2022:Impacts,Adaptatio

192、n and Vulnerability.Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.37 pp.AR6 Climate Change 2022:Impacts,Adaptation and Vulnerability IPCC xix European Commission,Directorate-General for Research and Innovation,Froidmont-Grtz,I.,Faure

193、,U.,Gajdzinska,M.,et al.2020.Food 2030 pathways for action:research and innovation policy as a driver for sustainable,healthy and inclusive food systems,Ndongosi,I.and Fabbri,K.(eds.).Publications Office.https:/data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/104372xx Kendzior,J.,Warren Raffa,D.&Bogdanski,A.2022.The soil

194、 microbiome:a game changer for food and agriculture Executive summary for policymakers and researchers.Rome.32 pp.https:/doi.org/10.4060/cc0717enxxi Mbow,C.,Rosenzweig,C.,Barioni,L.G.,Benton,T.G.,Herrero,M.,Krishnapillai,M.,Liwenga,E.et al.2019.Food Security.In:Climate Change and Land:an IPCC specia

195、l report on climate change,desertification,land degradation,sustainable land management,food security,and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems P.R.Shukla,J.Skea,E.Calvo Buendia,V.Masson-Delmotte,H.-O.Prtner,D.C.Roberts,P.Zhai,R.Slade,S.Connors,R.van Diemen,M.Ferrat,E.Haughey,S.Luz,S.Neogi

196、,M.Pathak,J.Petzold,J.Portugal Pereira,P.Vyas,E.Huntley,K.Kissick,M.Belkacemi,J.Malley,(eds.).114 pp.https:/www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/sites/4/2021/02/08_Chapter-5_3.pdfxxii FAO.2022.Alternatives for the sustainable management of soil fertilization and plant nutrition.Rome.8 pp.https:/www.fao.o

197、rg/documents/card/en/c/cc0964enxxiii Wyckhuys,K.A.G.,Furlong,M.J.,Zhang,W.&GC,Y.D.2022.Carbon benefits of enlisting nature for crop protection.Nature Food 3,pp.299301.https:/doi.org/10.1038/s43016-022-00510-1xxiv OECD.2013.Policies for Bioplastics in the Context of a Bioeconomy,OECD Science,Technolo

198、gy and Industry Policy Papers,No.10,OECD Publishing,Paris.84 pp.https:/doi.org/10.1787/5k3xpf9rrw6d-enxxv Gomez San Juan,M.,Bogdanski,A.&Dubois,O.2019.Towards sustainable bioeconomy-Lessons learned from case studies.Rome.132 pp.https:/www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/ca4352enxxvi Ecuru,J.,MacRae,E.&L

199、ang,C.2022.Bioeconomy:game changer for climate action.Nature.Volume 610,pp.630.https:/ and circular bioeconomy can play a major role in supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation and in increasing climate resilience.This paper offers examples of how bioeconomy policies,practices and innovat

200、ions can help countries in achieving their climate change-related commitments,while highlighting the importance of bioeconomy for agrifood systems transformation.The paper was drafted by Isabel Albinelli,Marta Gomez San Juan and Shane Harnett,from the FAO Office of Climate Change,Biodiversity and En

201、vironment(OCB),under the overall supervision of Lev Neretin,lead of the OCB Environment stream and FAO programme priority area on bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture.The authors are grateful for the essential contributions of Adrian Leip(Bioeconomy,Head of Sector-European Commission),Ana

202、 Kojakovic,Energy and Natural Resources Expert(FAO),and Buyung Hadi,Agricultural Officer(FAO).Design is by Candida Villa-Lobos.Office of Climate Change,Biodiversity and EnvironmentBioeconomyfao.orgwww.fao.org/in-action/sustainable-and-circular-bioeconomyFOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONSRome,ItalyCC2668EN/1/11.22



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