
LVGL-Light and Versatile Graphics Library.pdf

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LVGL-Light and Versatile Graphics Library.pdf

1、Light and Versatile Graphics LibraryGbor KISS-VMOSI(kisvegabor)Author of the LVGL library,CEO of LVGL LLCLVGL is the most popular free and open-source embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU,MPU and display type.Collaborative Working closely with our community,chip vendors,and

2、RTOS projects.Independent For any vendor,display,OS,IDE,or build system.Scalable Suitable for both small microcontroller and high end MPUs.Free Available under MIT license for seamless professional integrationAccessible Fully open-source,targeting hobbyists and professionals,having high quality docu

3、mentation,and many examples.Full-featured 30+built-in widgets,powerful style and layout system,and typography supporting many languages.What is LVGL?UIs created with LVGL LINKLVGLs position in the marketLVGL is the most popular open source embedded GUI library and has a great recognition in the indu

4、stry13.9k stars on GitHub2.7k forks400+contributorsRasp-berry10.3KEspressif11.7kArduino13.8kOpenWRT16.9KNumber of stars on GitHub compared to other large projectsLVGL13.9KMicroPython17.6KUsing LVGL with RT-ThreadAvailable in Software Package manager20+ready to use projects with LVGL:QEMU simulatorVi

5、sual Studio simulatorNuvoton(9 boards)ST(4 boards)Renesas(2 boards)NXP(1 board)Infineon(1 board)Synwit(1 board)Raspberry PICOWill be released on January 15Many new technical featuresImproved developer ExperienceOfficial partnersReleasing LVGL v9Better rendering pipelineMultiple CPU cores and differe

6、nt GPUs can work togetherAssembly code in heart of rendering Run-time render color format adjustment with RGB888 supportObserverBind data to widgets and widgets to dataEasy way to create hassle free APIsSee the examplesVector graphicsBuilt-in vector graphics supportTechnical featuresGitHub code spac

7、eStart LVGL in your browser with 3 clicksFork and test easilyDriver in LVGL repoSetup a display with one function callSDL,Linux FB,DRMILI9431,ST7789Many new testsHundreds of new testsCheck rendering,widgets,internalsDeveloper ExperienceChip vendors are sponsoring LVGL and now have first class support for their GPUs in LVGLOfficial partnersGbor Kiss-VmosiFounder of LVGL and CEO of LVGL LLCgaborlvgl.ioThank you foryour attention



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