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1、#BHASIA BlackHatEventsS SystemUIystemUI As As EvilPiPEvilPiPWeiMin Cheng()The Hijacking Attacks on Modern Mobile Device#BHASIA BlackHatEventsWhoAreWeWhoAreWeWeiMin ChengQI-ANXINGithub:MG1937Twitter:MGAldys4Yue LiuQI-ANXINGithub:lieanuMobile&AOSPBinary Researcher#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAgendaAgenda Wha

2、t is Activity Hijack Attack(AHA)Restrictions and Policies released by Google Bypass Security Policies Video Demo for Fullchain BAL Restriction Runtime State Leak Strictly LMKD#BHASIA BlackHatEventsWhat is AHAWhat is AHA Activity Hijack Attack(AHA)almost zero cost and easy to exploit Hijack target ap

3、p for stealing sensitive data or runtime privilege Adware,BankBot,Ransomware,Rat#BHASIA BlackHatEventsHow AHA WorkHow AHA Work Take Android4.0 as an example Case of Simplocker,malware for Android4.0 Essence is abuse NEW_TASK FLAG to seize FG TaskCode snippet of Simplocker#BHASIA BlackHatEventsHow AH

4、A WorkHow AHA Work Malicouse Activity enter FG Task Previous Task pushed to BG Task Now Malware can forge the trusted App,StrandHogg-like Hijack schemeWhy have to seize FG Task for hijack?#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTask And BackTask And Back-StackStack Task Stack is a collection of activities User can on

5、ly interact with ONE Front Task(in most case)#BHASIA BlackHatEventsClassic Attack SchemeClassic Attack Scheme#BHASIA BlackHatEventsClassic Attack SchemeClassic Attack SchemeLow cost,high returnAlmost affects all App in Old Device#BHASIA BlackHatEventsKey Factors OF AHAKey Factors OF AHA Background A

6、ctivity Launch(BAL)Target Running State Detect Background Persistent Processaaass#BHASIA BlackHatEventsGoogle will not allow this happenGoogle will not allow this happen#BHASIA BlackHatEventsRestriction 0 x1 No Leak StateRestriction 0 x1 No Leak State getRunningTasks|getRunningAppProcesses requires

7、no permission Leak runtime state of other app by special interface before API22 Only Return Callers Data in API=22Get all running Task and Process#BHASIA BlackHatEventsRestriction 0 x1 No Leak StateRestriction 0 x1 No Leak State Still have side-channel way to bypass in API26 cat/proc/target_pid/oom_

8、score_adj Work for non-privilege user!#BHASIA BlackHatEventsRestriction 0 x1 No Leak StateRestriction 0 x1 No Leak State Google update SELinux Policy in 2017 Hidepid=2 like protections Restrict App access file in non-AppDomainhidepid in man7 Doc#BHASIA BlackHatEventsCompromise SchemeCompromise Schem

9、e Case of MysteryBot Turn to UsageStatsManager for leak runtime state indirectly Dangerous Runtime Permission required Complex User Interaction Some ROM force warn when grant!#BHASIA BlackHatEventsRestriction 0 x2 No BALRestriction 0 x2 No BALAPI29+App without privilege cant start Activity from Back

10、groundNo BAL=cant inject target from BackgroundMost Adware&Hijackware disppeared due to thishttps:/ BlackHatEventsCompromise SchemeCompromise Scheme Turn to AccessibilityService|SystemServices|SAW permission Complex User Interaction&Dangerous Runtime Permission Satisfy BAL Restriction Exemptions in

11、document Requires System System Bind Requires Visible App Bind Requires Holds System Privilege Almost impossible#BHASIA BlackHatEventsRestriction 0 x3 BEL&LMKDRestriction 0 x3 BEL&LMKD Background Service in API26+get High OOM_ADJ&Low Priority!BgProcess=IDLE Process,LMKD kill idle process first Syste

12、m Broadcast Trick BANNED in API24+!https:/ BlackHatEventsCompromise SchemeCompromise SchemeStart Foreground Service For Low OOM_ADJ Have to notify User,no silent process 3rd ROM even not allow FgService long time runningCompromise scheme provided by Google#BHASIA BlackHatEventsBut,Compromise Scheme

13、Really Work?But,Compromise Scheme Really Work?Grant dangerous permission Complex User Interaction No Silent Running Awared by user Case Of Xiaomi OS,even no persistently process High attack cost,highly user detectable Attack failedframework.jar smali code of MIUI OSWhen#removeTaskAOSP will call#isPr

14、ocStateBackgroundMIUI directly call forceStop to all process.#BHASIA BlackHatEventsSo,Any Way To Bypass?So,Any Way To Bypass?No Permission required Undetectable Hijack precisely Attack High Version Device#BHASIA BlackHatEvents1 1ststHigh Wall:BAL RestrictionHigh Wall:BAL Restriction#BHASIA BlackHatE

15、ventsAnalyseAnalyse BAL RestrictionBAL RestrictionActivityStarter#executeRequestAPI33Activity#startActivityHandled By ActivityManagerService(AMS)#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse BAL RestrictionBAL RestrictionActivityStarter#setInitialStateActivityStarter#startActivityInnerrestrictedBgActivitymov

16、eToFrontdeterminesSystem try to start target componentStill needs to focus on check funcand Bypass it.Decide whether to move Task to front#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse BAL RestrictionBAL RestrictionshouldAbortBackgroundActivityStart(shouldABAS)How to define visible window?Developer Doc give s

17、ome exemption for check func#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse BAL RestrictionBAL RestrictionHow to define visible window?hasActiviteVisibleWindowDeveloper Doc give some exemption for check func#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse BAL RestrictionBAL RestrictionmNumNonAppVisibleWindowMapWindowState

18、#onSurfaceShownChangedInside hasNonAppVisibleWindow#BHASIA BlackHatEventsWindow Type&ZWindow Type&Z-AxisAxisWindowState#getWindowLayerFromTypeLwWindowToken#addWindowWindowComparator compare BaseLayer valueWindow Type decides mBaseLayerWhich decides Z-axis indirectlyHigher BaseLayer,Higher Z-axis#BHA

19、SIA BlackHatEventsVisible WindowVisible WindowhasNonAppVisibleWindow Window Type FIRST_SYSTEM_WINDOW&!=TYPE_TOASTTYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY=FIRST_SYSTEM_WINDOW+38;Non-Privilege App can only get a“system”windowwith TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAYBut requires SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permissionWhich needs complex u

20、ser interact!Non-Privilege App usually gets BASE_APPLICATION windowAlmost invisible in most time#BHASIA BlackHatEventsWhat is Picture-in-Picture Non-SAW Permission float-window compromise scheme for developer Pinned Activity in PiP window at the top of screen Handled by SystemUI Component Window Typ

21、e FIRST_SYSTEM_WINDOW and Permission-less#BHASIA BlackHatEventsWhat is PictureWhat is Picture-inin-PicturePicture Non-SAW Permission float-window compromise scheme for developer Pinned Activity in PiP window at the top of screen Handled by SystemUI Component Window Type FIRST_SYSTEM_WINDOW and Permi

22、ssion-less#BHASIA BlackHatEventsWhat is PictureWhat is Picture-inin-PicturePicture Pip window cant hide from screen Pinned Activity can be detected by User(Even use transparent theme)User can remove PiP window at any time PiP is highly detectable feature!Unable to abuse PiP directly#BHASIA BlackHatE

23、ventsCVECVE-20212021-0485 By 0485 By valsamarasvalsamarasInvalid Input for a abnormal PiP WindowVisible for System,But Invisible for UserAbnormal 1 pixel PiP windowAlmost invisibleSets abnormal height and width#BHASIA BlackHatEventsaad7fdc4f82ad56e332d3c23c5d07719e069b099CVECVE-20212021-0485 By 0485

24、 By valsamarasvalsamarasPipBoundsAlgorithm Patch#BHASIA BlackHatEventsNew Attack SurfaceNew Attack SurfaceNice bug expanding Attack SurfaceNo need to bypass Window Visible Check(Abuse PiP)Create a legal System Window but User undetectableAbuse PiP API by abnormal input#BHASIA BlackHatEventsHow How P

25、iPPiP WorkWorkATMS#enterPictureInPictureModeRootWindowContainer#moveActivityToPinnedRootTask#BHASIA BlackHatEventsHow How PiPPiP WorkWorkTask#sendTaskAppearShellTaskOrganizer#onTaskAppearedPipTaskOrganizer#onTaskAppearedIPCcom.android.systemuiPip rendered here#BHASIA BlackHatEventsHow How PiPPiP Wor

26、kWork#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse Attack VectorAttack VectorPrevent IPC!Scheme 0 x1:Attack PiP chain,make App task in visible stateBut no systemUI handle PiP window#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse Attack VectorAttack VectorScheme 0 x1:User Space have no way to affect the code execute in

27、System_ServerCant prevent IPCUnfortunately,no trick could be exploited#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse Attack VectorAttack VectorScheme 0 x2:Attack SystemUI side,create CVE-2021-0485-like vuln#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAttack Attack SourceRectHintSourceRectHintAuto scale and crop the Activity Window

28、by passed-in RectAbnormal Rect Abnormal PiP Window?Developer Doc of setSourceRectHint API#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAround 0.5sAttack Attack SourceRectHintSourceRectHintEnter PiP Mode with 1-pixel Rect,Run POC in Android13.0.0_r7 branch AVDWe get a 1-pixel Window indeed,but recover to normal size within

29、0.5sAny Trick to expands duration?#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace Trace RectRectPipTaskOrganizer#onTaskAppearedanimateResizePipThis transition will resize PiP windowinto Rect defined size(1px)But what happen after resize?#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace Trace RectRectPipTransitionAnimator set a call back han

30、deronPipAnimationEnd interface calledafter Pip entered,within calls finishResize#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace Trace RectRectfinishResize creates a WindowContainerTransaction(WCT)instancePass to prepareFinishResizeTransaction with normal size Rect defined by SystemSet a SurfaceControl.Transaction and t

31、he Rect for WCT inside function#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace Trace RectRectapplyFinishBoundsResize carry WCT to IPC with SystemServer#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace Trace RectRectTask#setMainWindowSizeChangeTransactionExtra SurfaceControl.Transaction,IPC with SystemPass SCT into setMainWindowSizeChangeTra

32、nsactionapplyFinishBoundsResizeSystemServer directly call merge to render SCT on screenCause Pip Window resize to normal after merge,any way to prevent merge?*Before IPC#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace Trace RectRectBlock IPC for prevent merge#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace Trace RectRectAlmost no way to pre

33、vent merge#BHASIA BlackHatEventsDiff Diff AnalyseAnalyseCompare different branchAPI32 found code changeFunctional Patch instead ofSecurity Patch from commit detailStill valuable to analyse API32API32 DO NOT CALL merge!#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAPI32 For 12.1.0_r27API32 For 12.1.0_r27WindowStateAnimator#

34、setSurfaceBoundariesLockedGets the SCTHOOK FUNC!Sets the SCT#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAnalyseAnalyse CALL STACKCALL STACKActivityRecord#prepareSurface in the call stackRelated with Activity Launch/Rendering(Enter PiP Mode will relaunch Activity)User space can affect it indirectly!#BHASIA BlackHatEventsA

35、ttack API32Attack API32 API33&API32 SystemUI all finally call to setMainWindowSizeChangeTransaction API331.setMWSCT call merge,no way prevent pip size back to normal2.Whole chain handled by SystemUI API321.setMWSCT sets SCT to global member,wait for access2.Activity reDraw will access SCT and call m

36、erge=frozen reDraw,merge will not be called#BHASIA BlackHatEventsCVECVE-20BAL Bypass API32We want API33+Bypass#BHASIA BlackHatEventsA ActivityOptionsctivityOptionsApi_diff list-makeLaunchIntoPipReturn ActivityOptions objectActivity#startActivity(Intent,Bundle)Additional options for

37、Activity launchhttps:/ BlackHatEventsA ActivityOptionsctivityOptionsActivityOptions#toBundleSave received PipParam to AO packaged Bundle By LAUNCH_INTO_PIP_PARAMS KeyBundle used to set options for Activity start#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTrace BundleTrace BundlestartActivityInner call moveToFront if App

38、pass BAL checkWhat Bundle will do inside chain?#BHASIA BlackHatEventsCVECVE-20Check Bundle by isLaunchIntoPip()Directly call moveActivityToPinnedRootTask without any check?Where is BAL restriction check?Set app to pinned state from background at any time for API33+#BHASIA BlackHatEv

39、ents2 2ndndHigh Wall:State LeakingHigh Wall:State Leaking#BHASIA BlackHatEventsBug OR Trick?Bug OR Trick?Bug I met when I am developing an app After merge code throw Exception by startServiceCommon Before merge at bug position:bindService After merge at bug position:startService#BHASIA BlackHatEvent

40、sSide Channel DetectorSide Channel DetectorBackground Execution Limitation Throw exception when start background service Background Process Detector!Bypass Limitation?Explote Limitation!#BHASIA BlackHatEventsA A-2546745ActiveServices#startServiceLockedSystem return Abnormal ComponentNameT

41、hrow exception in User SpacePOC For side channel detect#BHASIA BlackHatEventsDue to time reason,more side-channel trick of other Rom in WhitePaper.Other Tricks?Other Tricks?#BHASIA BlackHatEvents3 3rdrdHigh Wall:Breaking LMKDHigh Wall:Breaking LMKD#BHASIA BlackHatEventsLMKD&OOM_ADJ ScoreLMKD&OOM_ADJ

42、 ScoreLow-memory Killer Daemon Lower oom_adj Higher priority Higher oom_adj Lower priority LMKD kills high oom score process first Bg process always gets high oom score Fg Service usually gets score of 250 No silent process#BHASIA BlackHatEventsOOM_ADJ Calc TrickOOM_ADJ Calc TrickOomAdjuster#compute

43、OomAdjLSPService bound by 3rdClient with oom score Bounder oom score Bounder may gets oom score VISIBLE_APP_ADJ#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAttack SurfaceAttack SurfaceBound by System persistent process?Non-privilege App operate Managers(AMS,WMS)by correspond IBinder object.Managers run as system(UID=1000)

44、Can abuse Managers?#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAccessibilityServiceAccessibilityService Accessibility function handled by AccessibilityManagerService Non-privilege App needs to declare specific Intent-Filter Intent-Filter pointing a specific Service#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAccessibilityManagerServiceAccessib

45、ilityManagerService AccessibilityManagerService will find all Service with specific Intent-Filter Create AccessibilityServiceConnection by specific Intent-Filter Call bindLockedAccessibilityManagerService#updateServiceLocked#BHASIA BlackHatEventsBound by System!Bound by System!AccessibilityManagerSe

46、rvice run as system_server(UID=1000)System_server gets oom score of-900Non-privilege gets oom socre of 100!But Accessibility requires dangerous runtime-permission!#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAccountManagerAccountManagerAccountManager API added in API5(2009)Handled by privilege AccountManagerServiceFor Dev

47、elopers:Declare Service with abstract Component“AccountAuthenticator”!Declare Intent-Filter with specific Action!No Need dangerous runtime permission!#BHASIA BlackHatEventsAddAccountAddAccountGet AM by getSystemServiceCall addAccountnew Session().bind()Bind specific componentas system_server!#BHASIA

48、 BlackHatEventsA A-2639277AccountManager$AmsTask$Response#onResultHigh Priority Process elevate to Persistent Process!Make SystemServer keep binding target!POC#BHASIA BlackHatEventsDEMO OF PERSISTENT POCDEMO OF PERSISTENT POC#BHASIA BlackHatEvents#BHASIA BlackHatEventsFull Chain Of Hijack ExpFull Chain Of Hijack Exp#BHASIA BlackHatEvents#BHASIA BlackHatEventsTHANKS!THANKS!



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 wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP 130**34...   升级为标准VIP

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138**39... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  136**29... 升级为标准VIP 

186**28...  升级为标准VIP   186**28... 升级为标准VIP