
i14Y role in OpenRAN and potential for an Open Radio Platform.pdf

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i14Y role in OpenRAN and potential for an Open Radio Platform.pdf

1、i14y Lab role in OpenRAN and potential Open Radio PlatformThe promise of open RANLEGACY RANAntennaBBU+RURF CableAntenna BBUFiberRUMonolithicHW+SWMonolithicHW+SWAutomatedCloudified|software-basedOpen APIs&ecosystemModular|decomposedAntennaRRURRURRUCloud InfrastructureCU SWDU SWRICx86FPGAOpen APIsMana

2、gement&OrchestrationDISAGGREGATED OPEN RANOpen RANMarket adaptationMarket volume of components&modules Backward compatibility Skills&peopleCost for testand integrationChallenges Consortium PartnersSupporting PartnersAssociated Partners4Our i14y Lab mission accelerate time to marketWhat open lab can

3、do for the industryShared knowhow&resultsGenerally valid reference configurationsQuick and easy certificationFaster innovation&new servicesReduced cost&integration overheadOne-StopTestingOrchestration of open ecosystemsVendor-neutral and multi-operator-basedEnd-to-end test environmentOverall effort

4、reduction for the ecosystemTesting Pipeline Paradigm Today and in future Network ComponentTestingCommercial Implementation TestingNetwork ComponentTestingCommercial Implementation TestingFUTURETODAYOperator-specificindividual testingOperator-specificTesting 20%One-stop Industry-wideIOT generic Testi

5、ng 80%DEPLOYMENTi14y Lab The European open lab for one-stop testingReducing the efforts:The Goaljoint interoperability generic testing in open lab80%Operator-specific testing20%Labs:The SituationMany labs globallyLimited number of skilled staffEcosystem&organizations are globallabs must mirror thatR

6、educing the efforts:The wayEurope hasRegional requirementsand specificsBroad variety ofoperatorsCollaborate with(large)European ooperators,create a joint badging&certificationregimen,achieve 80:20Labs:The wayGlobal collaboration among labs,partners and other bodies,so that labs canComplement each ot

7、herHelp and learn from each otherCreate a broader global reach i14y Lab as a broader frame for standardized testingFostering the Open EcosystemLeveragingO-RAN OTIC badgesTIP exchange&badgingProviding different levels ofConformanceintegration&interoperability tests towards certificationMoU-Group*Requ

8、irementsBadges&Certificatesi14y Lab partnerscontribute to relatedblueprintsfor bringing badging to real life*MoU Group consists of 5 European operators:Deutsche Telekom,Orange,Telefnica,TIM and Vodafonei14y Lab OTIC and Authorized TIP Labi14y Achievements Badging&CertificationsOpen Fronthaul Certifi

9、cationE2E Badge100%100%Interoperability Badge75%Use Case#11 PCI optimizationUse Case#17 Use Case#moretocome?%50%100%Energy Efficency25%MoU GroupSecurity10%Completion Leveli14y Lab offering clustersLab-as-a-servicePlugfests&Workshops Training UpskillingTest-as-a-ServiceCertifications&BadgingAutomationI14y Lab Summit 2022 2023 2024Thank you!



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