
Participating in an Open Hardware Ecosystem.pdf

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Participating in an Open Hardware Ecosystem.pdf

1、Participating in Open Hardware EconomiesSUSTAINABILITYSam Kocsis,Director of Standards and Technology,AmphenolParticipating in Open Hardware EconomiesDC SUSTAINABILITYThe Open Compute Projects commitment to innovation,efficiency,and scalability relies on Open-Source.Open Hardware is different from O

2、pen Software,but both are critical to the Open Compute Projects core mission.This presentation explores how Open Hardware applies to OCP Projects and Contributions and offers guidance for suppliers and manufacturers participating in Open Hardware Economies.And more specificallyAn interconnect suppli

3、ers perspective on the concept of Open Hardware and participation in OCP Projects and WorkstreamsOverviewIntroduction of Open Source,Open HardwareRecap of OCP Spec Document Types“Commitments”of an OCP ContributionLandscape of the Open Hardware EcosystemImpact on DC SustainabilityParticipating in Ope

4、n Hardware EconomiesCall-to-ActionPresentation AgendaMy experience at the OCP Regional Summit,in Prague 2023Open SourceHardwareSource:Will Open Source Fail?OCP Regional Summit 2023,Amanda Brock(OpenUK)Scope of Open Hardware?NetworkingServerStoragePower/MgmtNetworkingComputeStoragePower/MgmtAccelerat

5、orsMemoryRack ArchitecturesRecap of OCP Spec Document Types:Base,Design,ProductBase Spec Conceptual RequirementsOCP DC-MHS,OCP PCIe Connectivity Requirements DocumentDesign Spec Reference DesignOCP NIC 3.0,OAI 2.0Product Spec Saleable Product PackageNVIDIA HGXTypes of OCP SpecificationsOCP Contribut

6、ion HGXHGX platforms have become the defacto global standard for AI training platformsOver(24)connectors documented in the HGX baseboardSource:SPEC,HGX Form Factor OCP Contribution 2022,NVIDIAHGX Spec is an NVIDIA contributionDesign package includes Drawings,CAD,BOMSuppliers not listed as contributo

7、rs HGX contribution fast-tracked development of the OCP OAI sub-projectOCP Projects Server/OAIThe Open Accelerator Infrastructure(OAI)sub-project sits under the OCP Server projectOAI mission is build the infrastructure to supportthe needs of AI and HPC applications30+member companies from the OCP Co

8、mmunity In 2023,OAI 2.0 was completedEntire OAI Project has spanned over 5yrs with multiple“focused”workstreams5yrs is a significant amount of time with respecttechnology development,especially interconnectSource:OCP Open Accelerator Infrastructure(OAI)WikiCLA and FSA are used to define the legal bo

9、undaries of participation in OCP SpecificationsFSA supersedes the CLAA CLA can run for years under an active,long-standing workstreamContributions to OCP SpecificationsSource:OCP-ContributionsIts important to protect IP both during the spec development,and beyondLandscape of the EcosystemDC FACILITI

10、ESAISTORAGERACK&POWERSERVERCMSOpportunities in the AI/ML and HPC markets are driving new requirements across OCP ProjectsOCP Projects PCIe Extended ConnectivityThe PCIe Extended Connectivity(PCIeEC)sub-project sits under the OCP Server projectPCIeEC mission is extend the reach of compute interconnec

11、tEnable high-bandwidth,low-latency fabrics Both intra-and inter-rackIn 2024,the requirements document 1.0 was completedQuick turnaround by leverage existing specificationsFocusing on topology and link performance,Maintained IO flexibility for future projectsSource:INFO,PCIe Extended Connectivity Req

12、uirements OCP Contribution 2024,MultipleInterconnect in Industry StandardsStrong collection of connector specificationsMulti-source(MSA)Robust IP PolicyLarge community of users and customersRobust Antitrust PoliciesLeverage SFF/MSAsImpact on DC SustainabilityIn response to the demand in the AI/ML an

13、d HPC market alone:Increased need for composable infrastructurePlatform lifecycles are being reduced to as short as 2yrsModularity drives up interconnect,but the interconnect must be forward-looking Near-Packaged Copper(Optics)Co-Packaged Copper(Optics)Front-Panel Pluggable(FPP)Cabled-BackplaneParti

14、cipating in Open Hardware EconomiesTop-down Design Driven by the user community of OCPLeverage publicly available contributions to other Industry StandardsDraft CLA and FSA to have flexibility regarding future technology developments Treat interconnect contributions in the same as semiconductor manu

15、facturing technology,packaging technology,processor architecture,etc.Limit exposure of“Design”specificationsBase spec Product specLimit scope of interconnect contribution to“mating interface”or offer specific product examples as a“reference”Call to ActionProblem to solve:“Open Hardware”can be confus

16、ing when dealing with the scope and complexity of OCPs Projects and contributionsGet involved:Lets make it a priority to update the OCP Contribution Agreement terms and structure OCP Projects to promote protected participation from the hardware community and enable a future of modularity and efficient reuseAdditional information(Contributions and License Agreement Terms):OCP Contributions Process:https:/www.opencompute.org/contributions/how-to-contributeThank you!



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