
Trusted Cloud Journey of Open Hardware Innovation.pdf

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Trusted Cloud Journey of Open Hardware Innovation.pdf

1、Partner Architect,Strategic Planning and ArchitectureMicrosoft AzureBryan KellyInnovation Over the YearsOpen-Source HardwareStandardization,consistency,interoperabilityIndustry adoption+ecosystem collaborationJoined OpenCompute Foundation2014Project OlympusCerberusModular Building Block Architecture

2、 202020213U Modular Expansion Liquid Immersion CoolingOperating applications reliablyProviding a trusted cloud Powering sustainable transformation Innovating for the future 201720162022Caliptra Mt.Shasta2023SAFEMX-FormatWhats the next chapter?Emerging trends fueling next wave of technology innovatio

3、nGenerative AIQuantum Resilient CryptographyComposable ArchitecturesConfidentialCloudPhysicalInfrastructureMore workloads shifting to Confidential Compute.OCP helping to deliver unparalleled transparency and consistency with Project Caliptra,OCP SAFE,OCP LOCKConfidential CloudSECURITYExisting Encryp

4、tion Data at restEncrypt inactive data when stored in blob storage,database,etc.The industry moved from disks in the clear to encrypted disks,with managed keysIn useEvolving from computing in the clear to Trusted Execution EnvironmentsWorkloads become hardware attested and protected.Data in transitE

5、ncrypt data that is flowing between untrusted public or private networksEvolved from browsing/moving data in the clear(HTTP),to encrypting data(HTTPS/TLS)Generative AIThe Innovation&Investment phase.AIPioneering ResearchLightbulbMomentInnovation&InvestmentInfrastructureAt ScaleValueCreationElectrifi

6、cation of our SocietyChatGPTLLMsConfidential Generative AIElectrification of our SocietyInnovation:Confidential AI protects model weights,data&prompts.ApplicationCompute engineTEEGPUCompute engineDMAVideoL2 cacheHigh Bandwidth MemoryPCIE PFApplicationUser modelibrariesKernel mode GPU driverGuest OST

7、EE VMCPUHypervisorBIOSCPUEncrypted MessagingInnovation:Azure Confidential GPU VMs powered by NVIDIAThe Innovation&Investment phase.AIGenerative AI-InnovationElectrification of our SocietyMore Innovation needed!Confidential AI protects model weights,data&prompts.The Innovation&Investment phase.AIA br

8、and-new substance,which could reduce lithium use in batteries,has been discoveredMost widely use protocols rely on asymmetric cryptography.SECURITYQuantum Resilient CryptographyQuantum computing impacts the integrity of asymmetric algorithms.NIST pending publications:FIPS204,SP 800-227 Quantum Chall

9、enges:Project Caliptra delivering HW Accelerated PQCOpen-source silicon Adams Bridge AcceleratorFragmentationComplexityHardware Development TimelineSUSTAINABILITYPhysical InfrastructurePowerSustainabilityModularity19GW120KWFull Stack InnovationComposable ArchitecturesSilicon InnovationsPlatform ArchitectureNetwork ArchitecturePower DeliveryAdvanced CoolingAdvanced PackagingData CenterManagementSustainabilitySecurityAICOOLING ENVCMSDC FACILITIESHW MGMTSECURITYOPEN SYS FWTELCOOPTICSOPEN CHIPLETDEPLOYMENTSNETWORKINGSTORAGERACK&POWERSERVERSUSTAINABILITYTIME APPLIANCES



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