
PCIe Add-In-Cards (CXL, NIC) Out-Of-Band manageability in Data Centers.pdf

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PCIe Add-In-Cards (CXL, NIC) Out-Of-Band manageability in Data Centers.pdf

1、Manageability of Add-In-Card(PCIe,CXL)In-band protocols-MCTP/PLDM/CXLOut-Of-Band-DMTF redfish modelingPCIe Add-In-Cards(CXL)Out-Of-Band manageability in Data CentersApparao Puli,Cloud Software Architect,IntelArun P M,Cloud Software Development Engineer,IntelHema Anmisha Kalavakolanu,Cloud Software D

2、evelopment Engineer,IntelPCIe Add-In-Cards(CXL)Out-Of-Band manageability in Data CentersSUSTAINABLE SCALABLE COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURESERVERPlatform Architecture of PCIe Add-In-CardsPMCI standards usage for PCIe Add-In-Cards manageabilityCXL Type 3 device managementAdd-In-Card Inventory and Telem

3、etryAdd-In-Card Firmware updatesRedfish modeling of PCIe devicesSecurityCall to ActionsAgendaPlatform Architecture of PCIe AICMCTPPCIe VDMSMBus/I2CI3CMCTP over PCIe VDMMCTP over SMBus/I2CMCTP over I3CPLDMSPDMCXL Type 3 CCIMessaging Control&DiscoveryMonitoring&ControlFRURDEFirmware UpdateHost platfor

4、mPCIe Add-in cardBMCPCIe Add-in cardAdd-in card SoCManageability ControllerCPUPCIe busMCTP Over PCIeExternal Interface-RedfishMCTP over SMBus/I2C or I3CFRUVRTempFlashPlatform ROTSPDMPLDMCXL Type 3 CCISPDMI2C MuxorI3C HubSPDMPMCI standards usage for AIC manageabilityPMCI specification:MCTPPLDMCXLCXL

5、Type 3 CCIMCTP over SMBusMCTP over I3CMCTP over PCIeSPDMSMBusI3CPCIeMCTP o SMBusMCTP o I3CMCTP o PCIeManagement Component Transport Protocol(MCTP)PLDMMCTP ControlMonitoring and ControlFRU DataFirmware UpdatePhysical LayerTransport LayerUpper LayersExternal Facing InterfacesRedfishCXL Type 3 CCISPDMC

6、XL Type 3 Device CCI definesInformation and Status commands set to get component capabilities and statusCXL Type 3 device specific event record formats and commands to fetch the sameDifferent types of logs and command to fetch the sameFeatures commands to get/set configuration,control or capability

7、settingsMaintenance commands to perform maintenance operationsPPR MaintenancesPPR MaintenancehPPR MaintenanceCXL Type 3 Device Management and ConfigurationHost platformBMCCXL Type 3 DeviceCPUExternal Interface-RedfishCXL Type 3 Device CCImailboxMCTP Over PCIeMCTP over SMBus/I2C or I3CCXL.ioCXL Type

8、3 Device CCIRAS managerCXL-Generic Component CommandsCommand Set Bits15:8Command Bits7:0CombinedOpcode00h Information and Status01h Identify(section Background Operation Status(section Get Response Message Limit(section Set Response Message Li

9、mit(section Events00h Get Event Records(section Clear Event Records(section Get Event Interrupt Policy(section Set Event Interrupt Policy(section Get MCTP Event Interrupt Policy(section

10、Set MCTP Event Interrupt Policy(section Event Notification(section Firmware Update00h Get FW Info(section Transfer FW(section Activate FW(section Set Bits15:8Command Bits7:0CombinedOpcode03h Timestamp0

11、0h Get Timestamp(section Set Timestamp(section Logs00h Get Supported Logs(Section Get Log(section Get Log Capabilities(Section Clear Log(Section Populate Log(Section G

12、et Supported Logs Sub-list(section Features00h Get Supported Features(Section Get Feature(Section Set Feature(Section Maintenance00h Perform Maintenance(Section 8.2.9,7,1)0600hPLDM for FRUDefines data structure for FRU.Throu

13、gh which BMC can read add-in card FRU informationPLDM for Platform Monitoring and Control definesNumeric and State Sensors To monitor Thermal,Power,Telemetry,Health etc.Numeric and State Effecters for control and configuration.E.g.,VR PDRs Defines semantic information for sensors&effecters and their

14、 relationship to the entities Platform events asynchronous event supportSupport functions Discovery Agent&Initialization AgentPLDM Inventory&Telemetry BMCPLDMMonitoring&Control AgentFRU AgentFW Update AgentPLDM Base&DiscoveryPDRSensor,Effecter,Logging I/FFRU I/FFW Update I/FbmcwebRedfish interfaceAd

15、d-In Card 2Add-In Card 1PLDMEvent ReceiverEventsPLDM for Firmware Update-Provides ability for BMC to discover FW devices,to which one or more component images can be transferred&updated.Component Image transferFirmware Update Package to Firmware Device associationFirmware Update Package to Downstrea

16、m Device associationActivation Requirements GatheringPLDM Firmware UpdatesRedfish Modeling of PCIe/CXL DeviceDMTF Schemas:PCIeDeviceCollectionPCIeDeviceCXLLogicalDeviceCollectionCXLLogicalDeviceLogService/LogEntryUpdateService/Software InventorySensorsSPDM -Enables platform ROT to verify the identif

17、y of an AIC and send encrypted packetsAuthentication and provisioning of hardware identitiesMeasurement for firmware identitiesSession key exchange protocols to enable confidentiality with integrity protected data communicationSecured Messaging using SPDM Provides standard for encrypted communicatio

18、n between BMC and AIC management controllerSecurityHost platformPCIe Add-in cardBMCPCIe Add-in cardSPDM Over MCTPSPDMPlatform ROTSPDM Over MCTPSPDMMCTP bridgeAIC AttestationCall to ActionAdd-In-Card Redfish Modeling specification/whitepaperContribute to openbmc(Design discussion,Development and Review)Reach out to presenters for any follow-up Thank you!



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