
ETSI Activities Supporting OpenRAN and Open Radio Platform.pdf

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ETSI Activities Supporting OpenRAN and Open Radio Platform.pdf

1、ETSI activities supporting OpenRAN and Open Radio PlatformUltan Mulligan,Chief Services Officer,ETSIultan.mulliganetsi.orgETSI activities supporting OpenRAN and Open Radio PlatformSPECIAL FOCUS:OPENRANA few words about ETSIO-RAN Alliance specifications at ETSI3GPP 5G Advanced and 6G TimelinesOther E

2、TSI topics relevant for OCPGet Involved!AgendaIndependent,non-profit organizationA European Standards Organization(ESO),officially recognized bythe European UnionOur Harmonised European Standards are key enablers for the Single European MarketDiverse members:SMEs,micro-enterprises,large companies,re

3、search entities,academia,government and public bodies,societal stakeholdersAvailable to all,our standards are free of chargewww.etsi.org/standardsIntroduction to ETSIMore than 900 member organizations worldwide,from over 60 countriesDirect member participation and contribution in an open&inclusive e

4、nvironmentMore than 100 strategic partnership agreements,driving global standardizationWith numerous fora and consortiaWith international and regional Standards Development Organizations(SDOs)https:/www.etsi.org/about/our-partnershipsWe are Global5GInternet of ThingsCybersecurityNetwork Virtualizati

5、onArtificial IntelligenceMulti-access Edge ComputingBlockchainQuantum Safe CryptographyRadioand many othersETSI Members shape:3GPPAround 800 members from worldwide telecommunications SDOsProvides system specifications for cellular telecommunications network technologies up to 5GETSI,a Founding Partn

6、er in 3GPP3GPP Organizational Partners(OPs)838 companies3GPP Market Representation Partners(MRPs)3GPP 6G Study Items TimelineO-RAN Alliance submitting Publicly Available Specifications to ETSIO-RAN Alliance PAS submissions-ETSI TC Mobile Standards Group(MSG)Published as ETSI Technical Specifications

7、 unmodifiedMaintenance remains with O-RAN Alliance;ETSI reviews&makes comments8 already published,2 more to be published shortlyArchitecture,A1 interface,Fronthaul11 more already submittedE2 interface,securityExpect further specifications&revisionsO-RAN Alliance Specifications at ETSISpecifications

8、from a partner organisation adopted&published by ETSI Based on a Co-operation Agreement with ETSI,with PAS SupplementMaintenance can remain with the partner.ETSI reviews&adopts specificationsAdvantages:ETSIs recognition as a European Standards OrganizationOur international reputation as a provider o

9、f standards for global useIncreased visibility among ETSIs membersPublication by ETSI can be useful for reference by public procurement contractsFirst steps to becoming a European StandardETSI Publicly Available SpecificationsTC EE Environmental EngineeringEnergy Efficiency,incl.of data centresTC CY

10、BER Cyber SecurityUpcoming work on Cyber Resilience Act in EuropeQuantum Safe Cryptography Working GroupTC RRS Reconfigurable Radio SystemsTC SAI Securing AI;Other ETSI topics of interest to OCPIndustry Specification Groups open to non-members of ETSIISG MEC Multi-Access Edge Computing e.g.RNI APIIS

11、G QKD Quantum Key Distribution;ISG PDL-Permissioned Distributed LedgerISG ISAC Integrated Sensing&CommunicationsOther ETSI topics of interest to OCPDesigned for collaborative software development at ETSIUsing tools and best practices from Open Source world Based on ETSI experience with Open Source p

12、rojects:Open Source MANO and TeraFlowSDNAllow for early experimentation,prototyping,validation and testing of concepts defined by ETSI Technical Groups.Various licence types are allowed,including Open SourceETSI SDGs are open to ETSI members,non-members and individuals.ETSI Software Development Grou

13、ps Lets work together:Memorandum of UnderstandingCo-operation AgreementOCP members in ETSI:Get Involved!Drive OCP-related topics through ETSIConsidering membership?https:/www.etsi.org/membership Participate in ETSI ISGs and Software Development GroupsOpen to allHelp ensure ETSIs standards meet your needs!Get Involved!Thank you!Questions?



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