
Self-certification for entropy generation.pdf

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Self-certification for entropy generation.pdf

1、How we can go beyond statistical tests in evaluation of randomness.Self-certification for entropy generationDr Marko von der Leyen,CTO,Quantum DiceSelf-certification for entropy generationSPECIAL FOCUS:QUANTUMWhat is entropyHow are random numbers usedHow are random numbers assessed to be of high qua

2、lityHow does a Quantum RNG workWhat is self-certification in the quantum contextUse CaseCall to ActionOverviewWhat is entropyMeasure of information(typically in bits,1 bit-2 possibilities)and,in our case,of predictability Proportional to logarithm of max probability of guessing the outputGood entrop

3、y is an essential foundation to all encryption processes where it is used to generate the building blocks for cryptographic protocols0 10 1How are random numbers used?Encryption:keys of various lengths are used in classical and post-quantum encryption environments(either directly or as a source/inpu

4、t to hashing functions)Stochastic simulations:random sampling of distributions is used in Monte Carlo simulations to price financial derivatives,estimate risks in insurance cases,or even predict large physical systems such as in weather forecasting.Even training and inference of neural networks bene

5、fits from high-quality random numbersHow is the quality of random numbers assessed?Is 123456789 a random sequence?Is 415926535 a random sequence?No pattern,but well-knownTypically,assessments such as NISTs SP800-90B(upon which FIPS 140-3 is based)try to detect patterns through the use of statistical

6、 testsIs it possible to put a quantitative metric on the quality of randomness?How does a Quantum RNG work?1?Inherently unpredictable processSelf-certification architectureHow does the user know they are using a random number originating in a quantum process rather than other electronic noise?Self-c

7、ertification architectureQuantum Process BQuantum Process AMeasurement(certification)Measurement(generation)QP B(Inference of Min-Quantum Entropy)SourceCertified Min-EntropyQuantum ProcessSourceMeasurementEntropy+Independent of sourceHow hardware is currently usedQuantum Dices DISC QRNGIntegrated as

8、 a source of secure keysHSMInternal NetworksManaging security functionsHardware Root of TrustEdge devices and SystemsProviding the basis for security functionsQuantum Entropy as a ServiceCall to ActionWe want create a specification for a stronger entropy assessment(FIPS 140-3 is not enough!)hardware dependentBeyond this,we want to build an open-source entropy evaluation tool based on a suite of stochastic simulations to allow putting a number to the quality of random numbers beyond pattern detection not hardware dependentThank you!



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