
DC-Power Using medium voltage DC grids to reduce data center losses.pdf

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DC-Power Using medium voltage DC grids to reduce data center losses.pdf

1、The DC-Power projectUsing medium voltage DC grids to reduce data center lossesJens Merten,Project Coordinator DC-Power,CEA,FranceBoris Sui,Researcher and Project Manager,JSI,SloveniaUsing medium voltage DC grids to reduce data center lossesThe DC-Power projectPOWER AND COOLINGDC FACILITIESStrong ele

2、ctricity demand for data centresHow to minimize impact?Green supplyRenewable energiesEfficiencyMinimise energy lossesRecycle losses2%of total global electricity demandPower consumption is top reporting priorityPower qualityHarmonics injectionReactive powerFlexibilityLack of scalability and modularit

3、yComplex modification of system size and battery capacity Complex integration of local solar power plant for greening datacentersProblems adressedEnergy losses:UPS:two conversion stepsDistribution grid:low voltage and high currents high losses (Ploss=RI2)Costly conductorsPower shelves volume/cost:Fi

4、lters for ripple(monophase converters)and EMI The concept:medium voltage DC grids6OCP racks,48VPilotsOne electrolyzer 2MWOne datacenterLessconversion losseswithMVDC72%2%2%2%3%3%P400V AC240V ACRack:48V DC 1V DCTotal loss:14%for grid power14%for PV power2%2%1%2%PD3-Bus 1500V DCRack:48V DC 1V DC1%2%Pet

5、er Wallmeier,2020TodayTomorrowOn-line UPSLine interactive UPSTotal loss:7%for grid power4%for PV powerTwo large(tier 3)data centres to be build in SloveniaOne location:Joef Stefan Institute-leading Slovenian scientific research institute,in cooperation with the Academic and Research Network of Slove

6、niaConstruction in phases 1st phase up to 500 kW,2nd phase up to 5 MWImplementation seeking top energy efficiencyexcess heat will be used for nearby buildings medium voltage DC grid for more efficient power supplycomprehensive measurement and verification plan(M&V)to check energy gainsPilot new data

7、 centre in SloveniaPilot new data centre in SloveniaM&V approach:MVDC POWERED SYSTEMMonitoring15 meters installedUPSM&V approach:AC POWERED SYSTEMMonitoring7 meters installedUPSImplementation approachConstruction in 2 phases to test various optionsM&V plan will be used as a risk mitigation tool oper

8、ational monitoring of energy performanceTwo setups will be analysed(open public procurement applies):MVDC architecture with three voltage levels:Long distance distribution:Medium voltage DC 1500V (and line interactive UPS)Local powering of IT racks:Low voltage DC 400VInside IT racks:OCP rack bus DC

9、54V (driven by power shelves)Conventional AC architecture(400V)with on-line UPSM&V to provide accurate determination of realized energy savings starting point for the 2nd phase(5 MW)Expected energy savings vary between 1.6 to 2.1 GWh per year(fully equipped data centre)ConclusionsStandard power supp

10、ly architecture of data centers to be improvedMedium voltage DC grids will be more efficient and more flexible Holistic approach necessaryfrom the grid to the rackA datacenter pilot will be set up in Slovenia to test and quantify energy savingsExpected energy savings of up to 2.1GWh per year for a 5

11、MW datacenterCall to actionProblem to SolveMedium Voltage DC architecture for efficient power supplyHow to get involved Please express your interest to jens.mertencea.fr Follow DC-Power updatesWebsite:www.dcpower.tech Open DiscussionThis project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101135828.



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