
Challenges of live environmental footprint reporting.pdf

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Challenges of live environmental footprint reporting.pdf

1、Challenges of live environmental footprint reportingChallenges of live environmental footprint reportingDC SUSTAINABILITYSUSTAINABILITYRmi BouzelScientific Director QarnotQarnot in a nutshellChallenges of live carbon reportingGoing further than live carbonSummaryQarnot in a nutshellQarnot is a low c

2、arbon cloud service providerQarnot in a nutshellChallenges of live carbon reportingGoing further than live carbonSummaryLive carbon reportingCarbon emission ratio:location-based vs market-based Location-basedYearly market-based(RECs/GOs/PPAs)24/7 market-based(RECs/GOs/PPAs)Same with-electricity cons

3、umed at the same time as it was generated-electricity consumed in available locations Source:https:/ fund renewables+-credibilityrealtimefunds renewables-+credibilityrealtimefunds renewables+/-+/-+Live carbon reportingInstrumentation:top down vs bottom upServer Server Server Server Server Server DCw

4、attmeterwattmeterTop downBottom upeasier to implementless granularityharder to implementmore granularitywattmeter+-wattmeterwattmeter-+DCLive carbon reportingHeterogeneous instrumentation:Wattmeters,BMC,and RAPLWattmeterBMC+RAPL Live carbon reportingHeterogeneous instrumentation:Wattmeters,BMC,and R

5、APLMeasures on OCP Leopard -2 x Intel Xeon E5-2680 v4WattmeterBMCRAPLPower=f(time)#payloadPower=f(time)#stress testLive carbon reportingInstrumentation:BMC vs RAPL1.14-speculationsVRM CPUsVRM RAMs27.35-speculationsNICSSDFansOther motherboard elementsBMC=f(RAPL)Live carbon reportingInstrumentation:wa

6、ttmeter vs BMC1.03-speculationsPower distribution board11.43-speculationsPower supplyBMCWattmeter=f(BMC)Live carbon reportingInstrumentation:10%manufacturing uncertaintyBMC=f(RAPL)for different servers with the same configurationQarnot in a nutshellChallenges of live carbon reportingGoing further th

7、an live carbonSummaryFurther than carbonMulti-criteriaIonizing radiationAbiotic depletionWater usageFurther than Scope 2What are the Scopes?Source:https:/boavizta.org/en/blog/empreinte-de-la-fabrication-d-un-serveurFurther than Scope 2Importance of Scope 3ManufacturingEnd of lifeFurther than Scope 2

8、Scope 3 importance depends on the regionCountry ACountry BSource:https:/dataviz.boavizta.org/Scope 2Scope 3Further than Scope 2Challenges of Scope 3 reporting Not much information from manufacturers Data with high uncertaintySeveral OCP workstreams address these challenges under the OCP sustainability projectCarbon Modeling WorkstreamData Center Efficiency Metrics(DCEM)WorkstreamCarbon Disclosure/Label Standardization WorkstreamMetrics and Life Cycle Assessments(LCAs)WorkstreamThank you!



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