
OCP Ready for Hyperscale v2 Aligning the Industry on data center requirements for hyperscaler deployments.pdf

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OCP Ready for Hyperscale v2 Aligning the Industry on data center requirements for hyperscaler deployments.pdf

1、Aligning the Industry on data center requirements for hyperscalerdeploymentsOCP ReadyTMfor Hyperscale v2Mark Dansie,OCP ReadyTMFacilities Lead,OCPOCP ReadyTMfor Hyperscale v2:Aligning the Industry on data center requirements for hyperscaler deploymentsDC FACILITIESEMEA DEPLOYMENTSAnnouncing OCP Read

2、yTM for Hyperscale v2Allows a colo to perform a self-review of their facility to understand their readiness to accommodate hyperscale wholesale deploymentsLaunching in Q2 2024 following 18 months of hyperscale driven collaborationHyperscale colo site assessment primarily focused on hyperscale requir

3、ements relating to logistics,site access,base building infrastructure,and moreA checklist of 120 questionsOCP ReadyTM for Hyperscale v2Why Colocation Solution Providers should participateAvoidance of un-usable critical infrastructure due to basic building constraints Reduced workload to answer custo

4、mer queries ahead of timeColo SPs that self-certify and complete the approval process can seek recognition by the OCP Foundation and are branded as OCP ReadyTM for hyperscale and listed on the OCP MarketplaceOCP ReadyTM for Hyperscale-v2Colocation Solution Provider Benefits contdValidate new technol

5、ogy readiness e.g.Liquid CoolingMarket differentiatorShorten sales cyclePosition themselves as thought leadersOCP ReadyTM for Hyperscale-v2Why will the Hyperscale Operators ParticipateCentral repository of base building information for OCP Ready certified sites Alignment with hyperscale companies on

6、 allowable facility constraintsAvoidance of un-usable critical infrastructure due to basic building constraints Increase in readily available infrastructure Reduced lead time for critical infrastructure in emerging marketsHyperscale Deployment CharacteristicsReservation size measured in MWs of power

7、 and coolingData halls are fit-out readyScope detailed by the hyperscale customerData hall power distributionHot or cold aisle containment deploymentCable pathwaysPower monitoringHyperscale companies complete their own due diligence effort a checklist with 100s of questionsOCP ReadyTM for Hyperscale

8、-v2Self-assess low hanging fruit regarding“Base Building Requirements”Site AccessPerimeter Security,Access Controls and Monitoring Freight Lifts/ElevatorsStructural Information(Floor allowances etc.)Electrical Design(Class rating,diverse power feeds etc.)Mechanical Design(Class rating,max rack densi

9、ty etc.)Meet-Me Room(MMR)Design Site Operations(Spares,Remote hands,SLAs etc)Efficiency PUEs and Design PUEsSustainability MetricsOpenness(Realtime monitoring,BMS/PMS access etc.)Certifications-(ISO/IEC 27001,PCI-DSS,SOC I TYPE II,etc.)FOCUS AREAOCP ReadyTM for Hyperscale-v2OUT OF SCOPE:Technical in

10、formation that could be proprietary to the hyperscale data center operatorEstablished Global FootprintEMEAAPACN.AmericaSingaporeMumbai,IndiaTianjin,ChinaQuebec City,CanadaIceland(2 facilities)UK(3 facilities)SwedenNetherlands(2 facilities)OCP ReadyTM MarketplacePhotos of the FacilityLinks to Colo So

11、lution Providers websiteOpen-source checklist responses Future DevelopmentDatabase of facility metadataOCP website map of data center locations OCP ReadyTM for Hyperscale-v2Future ConsiderationsColo site assessment for hyperscale retail(edge/network)facilitiesLiquid Cooling Energy Storage System-Fir

12、e Suppression/Detection Requirements Standardised Telemetry for Mechanical/Electrical MonitoringDCF Sustainability Metric Reporting Standardised PUE Reporting Standardised Carbon Labelling and moreSelf-certify your facility as OCP ReadyTM for Hyperscale-v2Reach out to the OCP ReadyTM Facilities Lead

13、sMark Dansie(mark.dansieopencompute.org)Scott Sharp()Complete the self assessmentPresent your facility to the OCP Data Center Facility Project CommunityUpon approval,receive OCP ReadyTM recognition*List your data center on the OCP Marketplace*Membership Requirements ApplyCall to actionCall to Action

14、 OCP ReadyTM Facility Recognition Program Website www.opencompute.org/projects/ocp-readytm-facility-recognition-program Mailing List:https:/ocp-all.groups.io/g/OCP-DCF OCP ReadyTM Data Centers listed on the OCP Marketplace:https:/www.opencompute.org/facilities-servicesProject Wiki with latest specification:https:/www.opencompute.org/wiki/Data_Center_Facility/OCP_ReadyOCP ReadyTM Facilities LeadsMark Dansie(mark.dansieocpcompute.org)Scott Sharp()OCP Data Center Facility Project LeadSaket Karajgikar()Open Discussion



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