
Door Heat Exchanger Requirements for Open Rack.pdf

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Door Heat Exchanger Requirements for Open Rack.pdf

1、Details of the updates in the second revision of the Door Heat Exchanger Requirements DocumentDoor Heat Exchanger Requirements for Open Rack Revision 2Jabari George,Consulting Mechanical Engineer,J.M.Gross EngineeringDoor HX Requirements Revision 2POWER AND COOLINGCOOLING ENVConnections to Facility

2、Coolant1-1.5 ID BSP recommended at Door HX supply/return.Added reference to available OCP Universal Quick Disconnect(UQD)Specifications for 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2“sizes.Added a statement that proprietary dripless solutions for larger sizes are available.Physical Interfaces ConnectionsAir-side ConditionsAdd

3、ed a reference to the ASHRAE H1 classification for high-density IT equipment.Updated ASHRAE W-classes-Classes have been renamed with the upper temperature limits incorporated in the name.All classes will carry a lower temperature limit of 2C(35.6F).The classes are newly named as follows:W17(previous

4、ly W1),W27(W2),W32(W3),W40(new),W45(W4),and W+(W5).Operating DC EnvironmentWater-side ConditionsUpdated references to ASME B31.3(2022),IEC 62368-1 and UL 60335-2-40(2019)for leak testing of piping.The liquid cooling loop and its components must be tested to the highest pressure of the applicable saf

5、ety standards.Pressure tests can be as much as 3x the design pressure.Low pressure and high pressure sides can be tested separately.Operating DC EnvironmentReferences to ASHRAE recommendations for FWS and TCS water qualities have been provided.Wetted materials would usually be recommended by the equ

6、ipment manufacturer/supplier.Typical wetted materials are listed by both ASHRAE and OCPoASHRAE Whitepaper:Water-Cooled Servers-Common Designs,Components,and ProcessesoOCP Whitepaper:Guidelines for Using Water-Based Transfer Fluids in Single-Phase Cold Plate-Based Liquid-Cooled RacksWater Quality and

7、 Wetted MaterialsFiltrationReference added for filtration of loops containing microchannel door heat exchangers.Coolant channel sizes are typically in the range of 0.2mm to 0.4mm(Whitepaper:Aluminum Microchannels in Door Heat Exchanger Applications)Water Quality and Wetted MaterialsSource:OCP ACS Do

8、or Heat Exchanger Whitepaper:Aluminum Microchannels in Door Heat Exchanger Applications.A parameter for Coolant Outlet Temperature was added to the list of reference conditions for verification of cooling capacity.This parameter would be valuable for evaluation of heat reuse applications.Performance

9、/MetrologyDiscusses Door HX mechanical/physical requirements specific to Open Rack V3 with in-rack blind-mate manifolds and an RPU.Added a reference to the OCP whitepaper Guidelines To Rack Manifold Requirements And Qualification for details about OCP blind mate manifolds.Door HX Requirements Append

10、ix AJoin Our Community Calls Open to input;get involved using the QR codes/linksBi-weekly calls on Thursdays at 9am PST Requirements Doc Revision 2 will be available in Q2 2024Where to find additional information(URL links)Where to buy:https:/www.opencompute.org/productsProject Wiki with latest specifications:https:/www.opencompute.org/wiki/Cooling_Environments_Advanced_Cooling_Solutions_Door_Heat_ExchangerMailing list:https:/ocp-all.groups.io/g/OCP-ACS-Door-Heat-ExchangerDoor HX WikiMailing ListThank you!



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