
Life Cycle Assessment of the Open Rack 3, Steel vs. CLT models.pdf

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Life Cycle Assessment of the Open Rack 3, Steel vs. CLT models.pdf

1、Deborah Andrews,London South Bank UniversityKarl Rabe,WoodendataCenterCarbon Life Cycle Assessment comparing Rack 3,Steel vs.CLT modelsOpen Rack V3:We tried to compareORV2 SteelORV3 CLTVolume in L25126Weight in kg 199116Own Estimated301 KG CO2e-32.5 KG CO2e!ORV3:Meta/RittalORV3:WDC Both CAD Files fr

2、eely available OCP and Grabcad Clean up the models,to get a close and fair comparison Remove Airflow and Trolley parts.WDC initial work OCP Prague Materials Assumed impact!What WoodenDataCenter Does:Optimised Digital Infrastructure Scope 1-3 Key focus on reducing embedded carbon(Scope3)Reduce Steel

3、and Concrete,replace with bio-based solutionsFuture Building Assessment teaser.but firstEOS 180 MW DCWooden rack 24HULife Cycle Stages A.Embodied carbon materials,manufacture variablesSteel-10%virgin/typical recycled content Plywood composite Soft wood pineHard wood oak Hybrid ply base⊤pine upri

4、ghtsHybrid ply base⊤oak uprightsB.End-of-life options 1st life 6 yrs.+2nd life 6 yrs.variablesrecycling/downcyclinglandfilllife extension-reuselife extension-remanufactureCarbon Assessment:A+B=life cycleResults benefits of recycling/life extension Results comparing impact of steel&wood racksResu

5、lts steel&wood racks-different life cyclesResults carbon assessment-wooden racks have lower impact than steelUSA market 1,000,000 new racks/yrhighest impact:2 lives-1 rack landfill/1 new replacementvirgin steel vs wood hybrid+recycled steel using wood hybrid saves 342,000 tonnes/yrlowest impact:1 li

6、fe extended/reuse virgin steel vs wood hybrid+recycled steel using wood hybrid saves 170,000 tonnes/yrLeast to most comprehensive/accurate assessment methodsCarbon footprint operational energy only Cradle to GateCarbon Footprint over life cycle operational and embodied impact Cradle to CradleLife Cy

7、cle Assessment environmental impact assessment Cradle to Cradle Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Environmental impact LCA-Life Cycle Assessment Social impact S-LCA-Social Life Cycle Assessment Economic impact LCC Life Cycle CostingLife Cycle Assessment:types and accuracyImpacts on environment Cl

8、imate ChangeResources depletion-fresh waterHuman toxicityAbiotic resource depletionFossil resources depletionEutrophicationAcidification(earth and oceans)Ozone layer depletionIonising radiationsParticulates matterLand use and land use changesNext steps-comprehensive LCA Ref:https:/www.ellenmacarthur

9、foundation.org/circular-economy-diagramCall to Action How to get involved in the Project/Sub-Project Community Reach out to Workstream Contributors:Deborah Andrews;deborah.andrewslsbu.ac.uk Karl Rabe;Join Monthly OCP calls to discuss:DCF-SustainabilityOCP-All.groups.io|HomeProject Wiki with latest specification:OCP Sustainability Project-OpenComputeMailing list:SustainabilityOCP-All.groups.io|HomeLCA Database:https:/www.lcacommons.govOpen Rack V3 CLT in the Marketplace:TBDThanks!We invite you to an Open Discussion



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