
Efficiency 101 Data Centers' Guide to the New European Regulations.pdf

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Efficiency 101 Data Centers' Guide to the New European Regulations.pdf

1、Collective brainstorming about how recent EU regulations are going to affect the data center industry!Efficiency 101:Data Centers Guide to the New European Regulationsaatay Ylmaz,Project Manager,RISE Research Institutes of SwedenDr.Jon Summers,Scientific Lead in Data Centers,Research Institutes of S

2、wedenMark Acton,Non-Executive Director,EkkoSense Ltd.Efficiency 101:Data Centers Guide to the New European RegulationsDC SUSTAINABILITYSUSTAINABILITYEnergy Efficiency DirectiveParliaments decision,1st reading,14th of September 2022.EU Parliament approved EED on 11th of July 2023.EU Council adopted t

3、he act on 25th of July 2023.Energy Efficiency Directive was published on the EU Official Journal 20th of September 2023 and is now in force.Member States have two years to transpose the new provisions into national legislation.Commission adopted reporting scheme for data centres in Europe on 14th of

4、 March 2024.Reporting deadline:September 2024What are the efficiency indicators of EED?Source:EEDSource:ECO-QubeAbbreviations:EDC=Total energy consumption of the data centreEIT=Total consumption of information technology equipmentWIN=Total water inputEREUSE=Waste heat reusedERES-TOT=Total renewable

5、energy consumptionIs EED enough for climate neutrality?Source:European Environment AgencySource:GHG ProtocolHow will EED affect edge computing?Source:NatureSource:Borderstep InstituteOCPs potential for sustainable digitalizationSource:BTDCSERVERCOOLING ENVSUSTAINABILITY11,021,041,061,081,11,121,141,

6、5Instantaneous PUETermperature difference T,CGetting the best out of the OCP design by adopting holistic cooling control.European data center energy estimatesSource:JRCMain drivers of increased energy consumption:Artificial intelligenceAI training/interferenceBlockchain and cryptocurrenci

7、esStreaming media and cloud gaming5G and the Internet of ThingsIndividual digital service consumptionCall to Action!Lets create a focus group under OCP DC Sustainability with support from OCP European Community to identify further opportunities for sustainable digitalization.Get involved to the OCP European Community to learn more about recent EU regulations and learn more about possible ways to improve your efficiency.Follow the European EN50600 Series standards.Participate to EU Code of Conduct Data Centres Energy Efficiency.Open Discussion



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