
Harnessing the Power of AIML to Enhance SAI Testing.pdf

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Harnessing the Power of AIML to Enhance SAI Testing.pdf

1、Harnessing the Power of AI/ML to Enhance SAI TestingTaras Chornyi,Director of Open Networking Solutions,PLVisionLeonid Khedyk,CTO,PLVisionHarnessing the Power of AI/ML to Enhance SAI TestingARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE(AI)AISAI defines a vendor-independent way of controlling forwarding elements.Common de

2、nominator-API for different types of networking ASICs:NPUPHYDPUExtensively used in NOSes:SONiCFBOSSDentOSproprietaryIntroductionCompliance and Standards a comprehensive and self-explanatory model of SAI is missingCoverage and Scalability available test content fails to identify functional and scalab

3、ility issuesDepth of testing inefficiencies in detecting complex networking issues(packet loss,latency,etc.)Results interpretation-demands in-depth knowledge of networking and comprehensive expertise in testing methodologies.Existing SAI testing solutions lack standardization,relevance,coverage and

4、usability.SAI Testing ChallengesIntroducing theconcept of AI-poweredtesting andits application inevaluating SAI implementations withtraffictests.Key test areas to focus:Network Topology ConfigurationGenerating Test CasesSAI ConfigurationTraffic PatternsScenario ExecutionTest Results AnalysisAI/ML-En

5、hanced SAI Testing ApproachTest definition as inputfor LLMGenerated test case injected into a frameworkSAI Challenger-wrapper framework to executeTest results/logs fed-back for interpretationBridging the Gap:AI/ML and SAI TestingDevices:DUT(Device Under Test):Type:RouterInterfaces:eth0(LAN),eth1(LAN

6、)IP Addresses:eth0-,eth1- Addresses:eth0-00:11:22:33:44:55,eth1 00:11:22:33:44:56Host1:Interfaces:port1(connected to DUT eth1),port2(connected to Host1)IP Addresses:port1-,port2- Addresses:port1-00:11:22:33:AA:55,port2 00:11:22:33:AA:56Co

7、nnections:DUT Host1:Ethernet connectionTest Scenarios:Test Scenario 1:Inter-host Ping TestObjective:Test connectivity between Host1 and the DUTs interfaces.Steps:Send ICMP echo request packets from Host1s port1 to DUTs eth1.Verify receipt of ICMP echo reply packets on Host1s port1.DUT configuration:

8、Generate SAI Thrift v2 API to configure DUT for Network TopologyPrompt SampleAddresses complex networktopologies andconfigurations comprehensively.Generates testcases that cover a widerangeof scenarios and edge cases.Uses output log to properly interpret test results and enhance test case.Output Tes

9、t-CaseDeveloping AI algorithms capable of accurately distinguishing between normal and abnormal traffic patterns while minimizing false positives/negatives is a non-trivial task.Managing and processing large volumes of real-time traffic presents significant challenges in terms of storage,computation

10、,and analysis.Understanding why certain test results were generated and how decisions were made is essential for troubleshooting,debugging,and decision-making.Challenges and ConsiderationsCall to ActionGive it a try:https:/ theLLM guide:https:/ your test topology and test scenariodefinitions.Extend and adapt for your use-cases:https:/ you!plvision.eu



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