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1、2024 State of Tech Talent ReportSurvey-Based Insights into the Current State of Technical Talent Acquisition,Retention,and Management GloballyApril 2024Adrienn Lawson,The Linux Foundation Stephen Hendrick,The Linux FoundationForeword by Clyde Seepersad,SVP&General Manager,Linux Foundation Training&C

2、ertification2024 State of Tech Talent ReportCopyright 2024 The Linux Foundation|April 2024.This report is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License.Cloud(55%),DevOps(51%),Cybersecurity(49%),&AI/ML(43%)stand out as the key technology domains priori

3、tized for staffing.The top training challenges include nurturing a continuous learning environment(39%)and translating knowledge into practical applications(36%)-highlighting the effectiveness of performance-based training.The most cited benefits of upskilling emphasize its ability to diversify empl

4、oyee skillsets for redeployment(40%),advance careers(40%),and develop junior potential(40%).Technical talent can broaden skills while their organizations optimize processes through GenAI primarily in data analysis(45%),IT infrastructure monitoring(42%),and software development(35%).The impact of Gen

5、AI is complex:In 2024,27%of organizations intend to reduce their technical headcount,while 23%plan to increase due to GenAI.A significantly higher number of organizations involve only training methods(39%)in their talent agenda compared to those who only involve hiring methods(29%).Despite the news

6、headlines,less than 1/3 of organizations surveyed reduced their technical headcount in 2023.Across all technology domains,on average,48%of organizations would prioritize upskilling or cross-skilling existing staff over hiring new employees or engaging consultants in 2024.Cross-skilling(47%)&upskilli

7、ng(43%)are key strategies for technical talent management.External hiring is both lengthy and risky:It takes on average 10 months to hire&onboard new technical hires,and nearly 40%experience turnover.Certifications rank higher than college or university degrees(23%to 16%)when asssessing technical sk

8、ills.98%of organizations consider upskilling an important strategy,with 36%rating it extremely important.ContentsForeword.4Executive summary.5Key findings and trends.5Opportunities in talent management.5Introduction.6Upskilling takes center stage:Diverse approaches to technical talent management in

9、2023 and beyond.7Upskilling or cross-skilling staff is at the top of the talent agenda across all technology areas for 2024.8The impact of the economy in technical talent management.10Despite the news headlines,the majority of IT organizations did not reduce their headcount in 2023.10Organizations a

10、im to adapt to the continuously changing technology landscape.12GenAI continues to drive intelligent automation across the workforce presenting an opportunity to upskill the workforce.13Upskilling presents a solution to adapt staff to technological changes.15Thoughtful planning is essential for effe

11、ctive training strategies .16Technical recruiting remains a challenge.18Certifications are key criteria in the hiring process .20Methodology.23Data.World access.24Demographics.25Appendix A.28About the authors.29Acknowledgments.29ForewordIt is a pleasure to present the 2024 State of Tech Talent Surve

12、y results.I am confident you will find the report to be a valuable resource as you seek to understand current IT professional staffing trends and as a guide to your own retention,recruitment,and training efforts.Continuing a trend we saw last year,organizations are continuing to increase their use o

13、f upskilling and cross-skilling to address technical talent gaps.This recognizes the value of investing in existing staff and the challenges of finding,onboarding,and retaining the right external candidates.Organizations increasingly agree that talent is something you should build as well as buy.Ano

14、ther important accelerating trend is the acceptance of real-life experience and certifications as proof of knowledge and skills for non-degreed candidates across the IT spectrum.You may be surprised to read that despite all the headlines about IT layoffs over the last year,the post-2023 reality appe

15、ars to be more of a shift in roles(mostly toward more junior folks)than any significant,across-the-board reduction in overall technical headcounts.Unsurprisingly,demand for cloud,DevOps,cybersecurity,and AI/ML talent continues to grow.We couldnt look at todays IT talent market without attempting to

16、ascertain the impact of generative artificial intelligence(GenAI)on hiring as well as work roles.GenAI continues to drive intelligent automation across the workforce,with organizations planning to use it for data analysis and reporting,IT infrastructure monitoring,and software development.While some

17、 organizations are reducing headcount due to GenAI,many are planning to maintain or increase their overall technical headcount.While much is uncertain about the actual impacts of GenAI on the workforce,one trend is clear:knowing how to work effectively with GenAI will be a competitive advantage for

18、organizations and IT professionals.Taking a step back to the big picture,the major trends we have seen for more than a decade continue.The pace of technological evolution continues to accelerate along with the challenges of identifying,recruiting,retaining,and upskilling IT talent.It appears,however

19、,that organizations are shifting their approach.The hire-at-all-costs perspective is carefully being replaced by an approach focused on identifying smart,talented,IT professionals and providing them with the tools they need to keep themselvesand the organizations they work foralong,if not ahead of,t

20、he curve.Clyde Seepersad SVP&General Manager,Training&Certification,The Linux FoundationPhoto:KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|4Executive summaryThe 2024 State of Tech Talent Report by The Linux Foundation offers a comprehensive analysis of global trends in technol

21、ogy talent acquisition,retention,and management.Through a survey-based approach involving individuals responsible for hiring and training IT professionals,the report provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of technical skill development and organizational strategies in response to eme

22、rging technologies and economic challenges.Key findings and trendsThe report highlights a significant shift in organizational priorities toward upskilling and cross-skilling strategies,with 47%and 43%of respondents,respectively,identifying these approaches as key to technical talent management(Figur

23、e 1a).A significantly greater number of organizations prioritize training methods exclusively(39%),showcasing a strong commitment to employee development,compared to those focusing solely on hiring methods(29%)(Figure 1b).This is further strengthened by future plans,where across all technology areas

24、,the majority of organizations will prioritize upskilling/cross-skilling instead of hiring new employees or engaging consultants(Figure 3).Despite concerns about economic uncertainty,the majority of organizations surveyed did not reduce their technical headcount in 2023(Figure 4).This resilience und

25、erscores the strategic value placed on technical expertise within organizations,particularly in areas such as cloud,DevOps,cybersecurity,and AI/ML,which emerged as the top technology domains prioritized for staffing(Figure 7).The report also sheds light on the impact of emerging technologies,notably

26、 GenAI,on workforce planning.While GenAI presents opportunities for streamlining processes and optimizing workflows,it also poses challenges and opportunities in terms of workforce restructuring,with 27%of organizations intending to reduce their technical headcount in response to these advancements,

27、while 23%would increase it(Figure 8).Demand for skilled technical talentIn addressing the challenges of talent management,organizations are presented with significant opportunities to capitalize on the potential of upskilling and cross-skilling initiatives.By prioritizing these strategies,organizati

28、ons can empower their existing workforce to adapt to evolving technology trends and bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.Performance-based training emerges as an important tool in fostering a culture of continuous learning,enabling employees to enhance their problem

29、-solving skills and drive innovation within the organization.We gained insight into the timeline of talent acquisition and turnover rates.The hiring and onboarding process on average now takes 10.2 months,and 38%of new hires experience turnover,with both numbers increasing from last year(Figures 14

30、and 16).With the rising turnover rates and increased hiring expenses,possibly influenced by GenAI automation,prioritizing upskilling and cross-skilling is vital for effective resource management.2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|5IntroductionThe 2024 Tech Talent report offers a comprehensive analysis

31、 of talent management practices in the ever-evolving landscape of the IT sector.Our findings are based on a survey conducted among individuals responsible for hiring or training within the IT sector.With 418 respondents contributing their insights,this report offers a deep understanding of the diver

32、se talent management approaches adopted across industries and geographies.For a detailed understanding of our methodology,detailed demographics,and survey framework,please refer to the Methodology section.In this report,we shed light on the critical concepts of upskilling and cross-skilling.Upskilli

33、ng refers to the process of enhancing the skills of existing employees,equipping them with the latest technological competencies and domain knowledge to meet evolving job requirements.In contrast,cross-skilling involves diversifying the skillsets of technical staff,enabling them to proficiently hand

34、le tasks beyond their primary expertise,thus enhancing organizational flexibility and resilience.Throughout this report,we examine the effectiveness of these strategies in conjunction with hiring practices in addressing the challenges and opportunities that the rapidly changing technological landsca

35、pe presents.Photo:KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|6Upskilling takes center stage:Diverse approaches to technical talent management in 2023 and beyondIn 2023 and beyond,organizations are expected to embrace new approaches to managing technical talent,moving away fr

36、om traditional methods.Previously,organizations primarily focused on hiring to acquire technical talent.This proved to be time-consuming,expensive,and sometimes unsuccessful,as revealed in our report.Upskilling and cross-skilling are in the spotlight,with 64%of tech leaders saying that their candida

37、tes for IT and tech positions lack essential skills or experience as reported by the MIT Technology Review1.Moreover,shifts in the economic landscape have prompted organizations to reconsider their talent management strategies,a trend that our survey findings also support.The table in FIGURE 1 illus

38、trates a range of strategies that organizations employ for technical talent management,highlighting not only hiring(49%)but also cross-skilling(47%),upskilling(43%),and other approaches.Following some data transformations,the right-hand panel of FIGURE 1 shows that 29%of organizations utilize only h

39、iring methods in their technical talent agenda,whereas for training methods,the number is much higher:39%of organizations utilize only training methods.The response,“Hiring inexperienced professionals and upskilling them,”was included in both the hiring and training counts.This demonstrates the incr

40、eased focus that organizations now have on training relative to hiring.FIGURE 2 indicates the growing importance of upskilling as a strategy,emphasizing 1MIT Technology Review Insights(2023),New Approaches to the Tech Talent Shortage.Available at:https:/ 1:Organizations employ various strategies bey

41、ond simply hiring to address their technological needs 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|7that both upskilling and hiring are deemed essential by more than 94%of organizations.However,there is a disparity on one end of the perceived importance levels74%of organizations find upskilling at least very i

42、mportant compared to 54%for hiring,and this is further strengthened by 36%rating upskilling as extremely important compared to 17%for hiring.Upskilling or cross-skilling staff is at the top of the talent agenda across all technology areas for 2024While understanding overarching trends is valuable,it

43、s crucial to recognize that preferences in technical talent management can vary significantly across different technology domains.Among the 19 technology areas we examined,upskilling or cross-skilling current staff emerged as the preferred strategy over hiring new personnel or engaging consultants.T

44、hese technology areas are ranked in FIGURE 3 according to their perceived priority(the priority percentages are not shown in the figure).Cloud technology stands out as the top priority on this list,with open hardware ranking at the bottom.Notably,54%of organizations expressed a preference for cross-

45、skilling or upskilling existing employees in cloud technologies,whereas only 24%prioritized hiring technical staff,and 22%favored hiring consultants.2024 Tech Talent Survey,Q26,Sample Size=414(DKNS and No experience excluded)2024 Tech Talent Survey,Q27,Sample Size=415(DKNS excluded)Figure 2:A greate

46、r emphasis is being placed on upskilling within organizations 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|8This same pattern,where training(upskilling or cross-skilling)is the dominant approach,persists across each of these technologies.However,subtle differences do emerge in areas such as blockchain and AI,ML

47、,data,and analytics,where hiring staff is given greater emphasis likely due to the complexity of the subject area and the need for more highly specialized capabilities.Figure 3:Across all technology areas upskilling/cross-skilling are the most preferred methods 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|9The

48、impact of the economy on technical talent management2https:/layoffs.fyi3BCG(2023),The Race for Tech Talent Hasnt Stopped.Available at:https:/ the news headlines,the majority of IT organizations did not reduce their headcount in 2023Since the spring of 2022,there has been a noticeable increase in neg

49、ative news sentiment in the media and a rapidly growing number of technology companies implementing layoffs to demonstrate responsible fiscal management as recessionary concerns loomed in the Americas.Layoffs escalated throughout 2022 and peaked in 2023 Q1,but they have persisted at a moderate level

50、 even as we close out 2024 Q12.However,our data depicted in FIGURE 4 suggests that the situation may not be as dire as perceived in the news.Of those laid off in 2022,according to a Boston Consulting Group(BCG)survey,nine out of ten tech workers found new jobs and improved their positions3.Among the

51、 2024 Tech Talent Survey sample,29%reported a reduction in their technical headcount in 2023,while 34%remained unchanged,and 37%even increased their headcount.When compared to the planned changes reported in the previous years survey,it appears that more organizations implemented reductions than ini

52、tially intended.Although the severity of reductions does not match news headlines,this certainly shows the powerful impact of the 2023 economic recession on headcount especially when compared to the reductions made in 2022(19%).Segmenting the data for 2023 headcount changes reveals insights into whi

53、ch types of Figure 4:One-third of organizations surveyed reduced their technical headcount in 2023 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|10organizations experienced more reductions.Both vendors and end-user organizations reduced their headcount at similar rates,but vendors increased their headcount by 70

54、%more(FIGURE 5).IT organizations operating across industries also increased their headcount at a higher rate compared to industry-specific organizations(TABLE A1).In terms of company size,large organizations with 5,000 or more employees experienced the highest reduction rate at 33%,while nearly half

55、 of small organizations increased their technical headcount in 2023(TABLE A2).Overall sentiment about the 2024 economy among most organizations is not positive,with 46%expressing similar levels of concern as in 2023 and 34%reporting heightened concerns.Regional disparities exist with the U.S./Canada

56、 showing slightly less concern compared to Europe or the Asia-Pacific region,while Europe exhibits slightly higher concern.However,these early sentiments are subject to change based on the latest economic news updates,which show positive signs of economic recovery(FIGURE 6).Figure 5:Vendors experien

57、ced a higher percentage increase in technical headcount compared to end-user organizationsFigure 6:Organizations continue to express concerns about the economy 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|11Organizations aim to adapt to the continuously changing technology landscapeAs shown in FIGURE 7,55%of or

58、ganizations have technical headcount allocated to cloud services,followed closely by 51%in DevOps and 49%in cybersecurity.Additionally,the field of AI,ML,data,and analytics is gaining traction,with 43%of organizations surveyed reporting technical staff dedicated to this domain.Conversely,there has b

59、een a slight decline in web and application development compared to the previous year.The fluctuating rankings reflect the dynamic nature of the technology landscape,where organizations that adapt effectively are rewarded in the market.The table in FIGURE 7 shows the top five technology areas staffe

60、d by headcount in 2023 and 2024.Cloud services,cybersecurity,and DevOps remain the top three categories in terms of allocation of technical headcount.However,web and application development has dropped from the top five,while the AI,ML,and data field have surged in popularity,possibly driven by the

61、growing interest in GenAI applications across IT operations and development.Figure 7:Cloud,DevOps,cybersecurity and AI/ML stand out as the key technology domains prioritized for staffing 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|12GenAI continues to drive intelligent automation across the workforce,presentin

62、g an opportunity for upskillingWe were interested in understanding the impact of GenAI on technical talent management.FIGURE 8 shows that in 2023,18%of organizations decreased their headcount using GenAI technologies.The projected impact in 2024 is that 27%of organizations plan to reduce their headc

63、ount.The reduction of technical staff due to GenAI is also more pronounced in middle-sized organizations(TABLE A3).If there is any good news in this data,it is that only 5.3%of organizations reduced or are reducing staff in both years.This means that GenAI has not yet reached a capability that is ca

64、using persistent annual reductions in organizational headcount.Other notable findings in FIGURE 8 are that 23%of organizations intend to increase staff and GenAI is not projected to cause any headcount changes at 29%of organizations.Unfortunately,we currently lack data on the specific roles being af

65、fected by these changes brought about by GenAI.It is likely it will involve the streamlining of routine tasks,which presents an opportunity to upskill headcount on a broad skillset that can be utilized beyond GenAI processes.Executives are aware of this trend,as revealed by the BCG AI Radar survey,w

66、here 46%of tech leaders surveyed report that their workforce will need to undergo upskilling in the next three years due to GenAI4.4BCG(2023),BCG AI Radar.Available at:https:/ 8:GenAI will have a diverse impact on organizations headcount 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|13FIGURE 9 provides insight i

67、nto the use cases of GenAI.The majority of organizations are planning to use it for data analysis and reporting(45%),followed by IT infrastructure monitoring(42%)and software development(35%).These three domains represent relatively new fronts in automation,prompting fresh reflections about the futu

68、re of high-value work.IT professionals should ensure the relevance and currency of their skills,delivering value beyond what GenAI can provide.Surprisingly,customer support and helpdesk services rank lower on the list,possibly due to existing automation in many processes.Only 5%of organizations stat

69、ed that they have no plans to use GenAI.Figure 9:The primary applications of GenAI include data analysis,IT infrastructure monitoring,and software development 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|14Upskilling presents a solution to adapt staff to technological changesWhile GenAI is bound to significantl

70、y influence how technical professionals carry out their work,a promising avenue arises wherein organizations can enhance employees skills to achieve even greater business outcomes.FIGURE 10 shows that the most cited benefit of upskilling and cross-skilling is the diverse skillsets individuals can ac

71、quire(40%).These initiatives also offer opportunities for career advancement(40%)and enhance the capabilities of junior staff(40%).These combined benefits illustrate how organizations are creatively leveraging resources amid changes,focusing on talent development rather than external recruitment.Fig

72、ure 10:Upskilling presents an opportunity to reassign existing staff as technology needs evolve and economic concerns prevail 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|15Thoughtful planning is essential for effective training strategiesVarious options are available for training and certifying technical staff

73、,with the most popular methods being online virtual courses and employer-funded training and certifications,as shown in FIGURE 11.This figure also illustrates a decrease in available training opportunities compared to 2023,likely a result of budget cuts amid economic challenges.Nevertheless,as highl

74、ighted in this report,2024 appears to be a pivotal year for upskilling,suggesting that organizations will adjust their training strategies and provide more opportunities.Figure 11:Various opportunities exist to train and certify technical staff 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|16The primary challeng

75、e(FIGURE 12)in training is creating and nurturing an environment for continuous learning(39%),as it demands considerable effort and time.Another obstacle is the difficulty in effectively translating new knowledge into practical applications(35%).Only a minority of organizations(23%)encounter issues

76、with backfilling during training.However,by implementing strategic planning and thoughtfully selecting training courses,organizations can effectively address these challenges.For example,instructor-led training offers expert guidance and structured learning,while performance-based training emphasize

77、s practical application,problem solving,and measurable outcomes,both fostering continuous learning within companies.Figure 12:The top challenges in training staff include nurturing a continuous learning environment and effectively translating knowledge into practical applications 2024 STATE OF TECH

78、TALENT REPORT|17Technical recruiting remains a challengeFIGURE 13 shows that the primary challenge in hiring,as reported by 43%of organizations,is that it is costly,time-consuming,and often does not lead to the right candidate.This issue is compounded by the 38%of organizations reporting that proble

79、ms in finding suitable candidates can lead to project delays,while verifying claimed technical skills poses an additional hurdle,as cited by 37%.Further investigation into these challenges included explicit questions on the time spent on hiring processes.On average,organizations spend 5.4 months on

80、hiring,with 64%of them requiring over four months to fill open positions.For 33%of organizations,this process extends beyond seven months,and the trend seems to be getting worse compared to 2023,when the average time to hire was 4.6 months(FIGURE 14).Figure 13:According to 43%of respondents,recruitm

81、ent is costly,time consuming,and often does not lead to the right candidate 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|18We asked the same question for different technical roles(see FIGURE 15).Notably,filling an open position typically takes at least five months for all roles.Executive management roles are th

82、e most time-consuming to fill,averaging 6.2 months,followed by AI/ML engineers and SRE/Platform engineers,which aligns with the high demand for these positions.Conversely,front-end/back-end developers and network administrators generally have shorter hiring periods.Figure 15:Hiring front-end/back-en

83、d developers and network administrators is typically quicker,whereas recruiting executive management positions or SRE/Al engineers tend to require more timeFigure 14:On average,64%of organizations spend more than four months to fill an open positionAbout how long does it take to hire a headcount to

84、fill an open position in your organization for the following technical roles?(select one response per row)2024 Tech Talent Survey,Q29,Sample size=292-311(DKNS excluded)RoleAverage time to hire(months)Executive Management6.2Al/ML Engineer6.1SRE/Platform Engineer6.0Project Manager5.9Data Analyst/Scien

85、tist5.9Systems Administrator5.9IT Management5.9Data Management5.8RoleAverage time to hire(months)DevOps/DevSecOps/GitOps5.8Cloud Architect/Engineer5.8Security Professional5.6Front-end/Back-end developer5.5Network Administrator5.3 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|19Regarding onboarding(FIGURE 16),the

86、 average time is 4.8 months,with 58%of organizations requiring more than four months to onboard new hires to achieve normal productivity.Additionally,the process to take on a new hire typically spans at least eight months for most organizations.In 2024,a significant rate of resignation or layoff amo

87、ng new hires can be observed from the sample in the right-hand panel of FIGURE 16.On average,two out of five new technical hires experience turnover within the first six months,which is a higher rate compared to the rate observed in 2023(29%).The combined duration for hiring and onboarding stands at

88、 10.2 months and shows an increase of 34%from 7.6 months in 2023.In addition to the high turnover rates,the hiring process has become significantly more expensive.This trend is possibly aggravated by the impact of GenAI automation,which is reducing the need for lower-level positions and leading to a

89、 higher demand for senior technical staff.This highlights the importance of prioritizing upskilling and cross-skilling as a key strategy for resource management.Certifications are key criteria in the hiring processEmployers utilize various methods to evaluate candidates skills during the hiring proc

90、ess.FIGURE 17 shows that the most crucial aspect they seek is relevant hands-on experience from previous employment,deemed extremely or very important by 71%of respondents.Additionally,the importance of showcasing a portfolio of past achievements to demonstrate skills is increasing.However,candidate

91、s who might not have relevant experience in the roles advertised can demonstrate their capabilities through university degrees or certificates.Certificates rank higher than university degrees in importance,but all factors listed above are very influential for hiring managers.The findings above revea

92、l the dilemmas hiring managers encounter in a job market where having a degree is still highly valued.In 2022,in the United States,69%of computer programmer positions and 95%of mobile application Figure 16:It takes more time to onboard compared to 2023,and more technical staff resigned or were asked

93、 to leave than in the previous year 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|20developer jobs still required a degree5.However,research shows that focusing on skills during hiring is five times better at predicting job performance than hiring for education6.The situation becomes more intricate when managers

94、 aim to hire candidates with strong non-technical skills,particularly problem-solving,which are also highly valued(TABLE A4).Based on the most commonly cited benefits of hiring in FIGURE 18,organizations have reached a stage where they prioritize candidates with diverse skillsets that can be utilize

95、d effectively.Rather than focusing solely on specific skills,organizations seek individuals capable of handling a variety of tasks.More than half of the hiring managers are keen on hiring new perspectives and innovative approaches,which are often challenging to obtain from existing employees.This ne

96、ed for fresh perspectives is particularly pronounced in the IT industry,where companies must stay abreast of the latest advancements.5BCG(2023),Competence over Credentials:The Rise of Skills-Based Hiring.Available at:https:/ E.Hunter and Rhonda F.Hunter,“Validity and utility of alternative predictor

97、s of job performance.”Psychology Bulletin,1984,Volume 96,Issue 1;“Skills-based sourcing&hiring playbook”,Rework America Alliance,April 2022.Figure 17:When assessing technical skills,certifcations rank above a college or university degree in terms of importance 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|21Figu

98、re 18:Fresh perspectives and innovative approaches are the most cited benefits of hiring technical staff 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|22MethodologyThis study is based on a web survey conducted by the LF and its partners from the end of December 2023 through the beginning of February 2024.The sur

99、veys goal was to gain fresh insights into the current state of technology talent acquisition,retention,and management globally.In the following,we present the study methodology,context regarding how we analyzed the data,and the demographics of the respondents.From a research perspective,it was impor

100、tant to eliminate any perception of sample bias and ensure high data quality.We handled the elimination of sample bias by sourcing our usable sample from the LF membership,partner communities,social media,and a third-party panel provider.We addressed data quality through extensive prescreening,surve

101、y screening questions,and data quality checks to ensure that respondents had sufficient professional experience to answer questions accurately on behalf of the organization they worked for.We collected survey data from industry-specific,IT vendors and service providers,nonprofit,academic,and governm

102、ent organizations.Respondents spanned many vertical industries and companies of all sizes,and we collected data from several geographies,including the Americas,Europe,and Asia-Pacific.The 2024 State of Tech Talent Survey comprised 42 questions that addressed the topic of cloud native computing,conta

103、iners,Kubernetes,cybersecurity,and webAssembly.For information about access to the 2024 State of Tech Talent Survey,its dataset,and survey frequencies,see the Data.World access heading below.Survey screening involves the use of five variables to validate the respondent.The respondent needed to answe

104、r all the demographic questions:The respondent had to hire or recruit IT professionals.The respondent needed to self-identify as a real person.The respondent had to be employed.The respondent had to speak from the perspective of their team.The respondent had to accurately answer a verbatim question.

105、A total of 1,455 candidates started the survey.There were 993 candidates disqualified due to the screening criteria outlined above,34 were eliminated because of data quality concerns,and 418 records remained as the basis for this analysis.The margin of error for this sample size was 4.1%at a 90%conf

106、idence level.We stratified the data collection by company size,geographic region,and organization type.The data was primarily segmented by geographic region(Q9),company size(Q14),and industry(Q10 and Q13).2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|23Although respondents were required to answer nearly all ques

107、tions in the survey,there were times when the respondent was unable to answer one because it was outside the scope of their role or experience.For this reason,we added a“Dont know or not sure”(DKNS)response to the list of responses for nearly all questions.However,this creates a variety of analytica

108、l challenges.One approach was to treat a DKNS just like any other response so that the percentage of respondents that answered the DKNS is known.The advantage of this approach is that it shows the exact distribution of data collected.The challenge with this approach is that it can distort the distri

109、bution of valid responses,i.e.,responses where respondents could answer the question.Some of the analyses in this report exclude DKNS responses.This is because we can classify the missing data as either missing at random or missing completely at random.Excluding DKNS data from a question does not ch

110、ange the distribution of data(counts)for the other responses,but it does change the size of the denominator used to calculate the percent of responses across the remaining responses.This has the effect of proportionally increasing the percentage values of the remaining responses.Where we have electe

111、d to exclude DKNS data,the footnote for the figure includes the phrase“DKNS responses excluded.”The percentage values in this report may not total to exactly 100%due to rounding.Data.World accessLF Research makes each of its empirical project datasets available on Data.World.Included in this dataset

112、 are the survey instrument,raw survey data,screening and filtering criteria,and frequency charts for each question in the survey.LF research datasets,including this project,can be found at data.world/thelinuxfoundation.One approach is to treat it just like any other response.In this way,report reade

113、rs can see the percentage of respondents that answered DKNS.The advantage of this approach is that it reports back the exact distribution of the data collected.The challenge with this approach is that it distorts the distribution of valid responsesthose responses where respondents could answer the q

114、uestion.Some of the analyses in this report excluded the DKNS.This can occur when the data missing can either be classified as missing at random(MAR)or missing completely at random(MCAR).Excluding DKNS data from a question does not change the distribution of data(counts)for the other responses,but i

115、t does change the size of the denominator used to calculate the percentage of responses across the remaining responses.This has the effect of proportionally increasing the percent values of the remaining responses relative to the number of DKNS responses.The number of valid cases is adjusted accordi

116、ngly.Where we have elected to exclude DKNS data,a careful examination of the footnote for the figure will enable the reader to determine the number of DKNS responses based on the difference between the sample size(DKNS inclusive)and valid cases(DKNS excluded).Finally,percentage values in this report

117、 may not add up to exactly 100%due to rounding.2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|24DemographicsThese demographics provide you with a profile of the 2024 State of Tech Talent Survey respondents.The left-hand panel of FIGURE 19 shows that the majority of the sample hire for their team or department.The

118、 other 25%of respondents are HR/talent managers or recruitment/learning professionals.The center panel shows the perspectives our respondents were able to take:46%of respondents were able to speak for their entire company or organization,while 45%were only able to speak for the team or department th

119、ey work for.The right-hand panel asked respondents about their roles,and at least 64%of respondents were in technical roles.Figure 19:Selected demographics from the 2024 Tech Talent Survey I 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|25In the left chart of FIGURE 20,we see a balanced sample between the three

120、regions:North America(30%),Europe(22%),and Asia-Pacific(35%).Responses from Japan are purposefully overrepresented to filter for this specific country and create a separate analysis and report.The right-hand panel of Figure 20 shows that most organizations in the sample are operating across industri

121、es,the second-largest industry present is financial services,and the third is telecommunications.An important variable used for segmentation is shown in the left-hand panel of FIGURE 21.This question helped us to differentiate between vendors and end-user organizations.The sample consisted of 55%ven

122、dors and 43%end-user organizations.The right-hand panel shows company size,with 57%of the employees in middle organizations between 250 and 4,999 in the sample.IT products and services to support their business activities.This contrasts with vendors and service providers(55%),whose primary activity

123、is creating horizontal and vertical IT products and services for sale to end users.This leaves 10%of organizations that are in academia,research,government,nonprofits,foundations,or other areas.Figure 20:Selected demographics from the 2024 Tech Talent Survey II 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|26Fig

124、ure 21:Selected demographics from 2024 Tech Talent Survey III 2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|27Appendix AA1Please identify what changes were made to your technical headcount during 2023.(select one)segmented by Cross-industry IT vs.industry specificCross-industry ITIndustry specificWe reduced our

125、technical headcount in 202324%31%We didnt make any changes to our technical headcount in 202328%37%We increased our technical headcount in 202346%31%Dont know or not sure3%2%A4What are the top three core skills that you look for in a candidate outside of their technical capabilities?(select up to th

126、ree responses)Column%Problem-solving skills64%Communication skills52%Critical thinking49%Collaboration and teamwork43%Learning agility32%Cultural fit12%Other(please specify)0%Dont know or not sure0%A2Please identify what changes were made to your technical headcount during 2023.(select one)segmented

127、 by company size(regrouped)Total1 to 249 employees250 to 4,999 employees5,000 or more employeesWe reduced our technical headcount in 202328%22%27%33%We didnt make any changes to our technical headcount in 202333%25%39%27%We increased our technical headcount in 202336%49%32%36%Dont know or not sure2%

128、4%1%4%A3How has generative AI(GenAI)impacted or how will it impact the headcount of your organization?(select all that apply)segmented by company size(regrouped)Total1 to 249 employees250 to 4,999 employees5,000 or more employeesGenAI reduced our headcount in 202319%17%21%13%GenAI will reduce our he

129、adcount in 202427%20%30%24%GenAI will not impact our headcount in 202429%29%29%29%GenAI will increase our headcount in 202424%19%24%26%Dont know or not sure11%23%7%14%2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|28About the authorsADRIENN LAWSON is a data analyst at the Linux Foundation.Adrienn obtained a maste

130、rs degree from the University of Oxford in social data science.She supports LF Research with survey development,analysis,and report writing.Adrienn has previously conducted research at the University of Oxford,the Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis,and the U.K.s Office for National Statistics.ST

131、EPHEN HENDRICK is the vice president of research at the Linux Foundation,where he is the principal investigator on a variety of research projects core to the Linux Foundations understanding of how OSS is an engine of innovation for producers and consumers of IT.Steve specializes in primary research

132、techniques developed over 30 years as a software industry analyst.Steve is a subject matter expert in application development and deployment topics,including DevOps,application management,and decision analytics.Steve brings experience in a variety of quantitative and qualitative research techniques

133、that enable deep insight into market dynamics and has pioneered research across many application development and deployment domains.Steve has authored over 1,000 publications and provided market guidance through syndicated research and custom consulting to the worlds leading software vendors and hig

134、h-profile start-ups.AcknowledgmentsSpecial thanks to Linux Foundation colleagues Hilary Carter,Anna Hermansen,Christina Oliviero,Ali Rowan,Craig Ross,Scott Punk,Mary Simpkins,and Clyde Seepersad for your contributions to and support of this research project.2024 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT|29Founded

135、 in 2021,the Linux Foundation Research explores the growing scale of open source collaboration,providing insight into emerging technology trends,best practices,and the global impact of open source projects.Through leveraging project databases and networks,and a commitment to best practices in quanti

136、tative and qualitative methodologies,the Linux Foundation Research is creating the go-to library for open source insights for the benefit of organizations the world over.The Linux Foundations training program features courses developed and taught by expert instructors,many of whom are well-respected

137、 professionals in the open source community.Our certification team performs comprehensive industry and job analyses to ensure every professional certification program we offer meets our exceedingly high standards.Combined with our outstanding customer success team,we can deliver responsive support a

138、nd customized training solutions to enable individuals and businesses to 2024 Copyright 2023 The Linux FoundationThis report is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License.To reference this work,please cite as follows:Adrienn Lawson and Stephen Hendrick,“2024 State of Tech Talent Report,”foreword by Clyde Seepersad,The Linux Foundation,April 2024.



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