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1、2023 State of Tech Talent ReportAcquiring and Retaining Technical Talent in 2023May 2023Jason Perlow,Editorial Director,The Linux FoundationStephen Hendrick,Vice President,The Linux FoundationForeword by Clyde Seepersad,SVP&General Manager,Linux Foundation Training&Certification2023 State of Tech Ta

2、lent ReportCopyright 2023 The Linux Foundation|May 2023.This report is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License.53%of respondents felt upskilling is extremely important to acquire the skills and knowledge your organization needs.Training is a sig

3、nificant strategy for organizations;half of those reducing(52%)or freezing(50%)their hiring plan to upskill to address talent needs.Most respondents agree that certification(73%)and pre-employment testing(81%)are necessary to verify skills,addressing the challenges of finding the right candidate.Res

4、pondents felt that upskilling(91%)and certifications(77%)are more important than a university education(58%)to address technology needs.70%of organizations surveyed provide training opportunities for existing technical staff on new technologies.When unable to find suitable technical candidates,organ

5、izations trained existing employees(58%)more often than hiring consultants(38%).Both cloud and managed service providers(65%)and telecommunications organizations(65%)are more likely to increase their technical staff in 2023.Economic concerns caused 59%of organizations to revise their 2023 technical

6、hiring plans primarily by freezing new positions,but more plan to increase hiring than decrease.New hiring continues to focus on developers and newer technologies,while senior technical roles bear the brunt of job cuts(45%).Organizations increasing their hiring in 2023 are focusing on newer technolo

7、gies:cloud/containers(50%),cybersecurity(50%),and AI/ML(46%).64%of respondents agreed that recruitment is costly,time-consuming,and can lead to the wrong candidate and quick turnover.Almost one out of three new hires(29%)depart within sixmonths of being onboarded.25%of organizations have increased t

8、heir reliance on training and certification incentives in 2023.ContentsForeword.4Executive Summary.5The technical hiring picture in 2023.6Organizational preparedness for economic uncertainty began in 2022.7The impact of economic concerns on technical staff hiring in 2023.8Changes to hiring plans in

9、2023 by industry focus on increasing or freezing technical staff.10Long-term staffing plans reflect cautious optimism beyond 2023.12The upskilling trend in 2023.13Technology opportunities in growth-oriented organizations.14Technology opportunities in more risk-averse organizations.15The overall impa

10、ct of technical staffing changes on technology area emphasis.16Addressing tech talent shortages in 2023.18Expanding and improving organizational technology skills when candidates are scarce.20Training has become an important employee incentive.20Recruitment and onboarding processes create challenges

11、 in 2023.22Upskilling emerges as the best way to cope with a difficult situation.23Recruitment and hiring are time-consuming in 2023.24Lengthy recruiting and onboarding times dont guarantee goodness of fit.25The increased need to train and certify existing staff in 2023.27Certifications and technica

12、l skill verification will improve the hiring process.28Upskilling is now the primary approach organizations use to expand and improve technology skills .29The impact of increasing,pausing,or reducing technical staff in 2023.30Conclusions and actionable insights.34A clear upskilling trend.35Todays hi

13、ring challenges require a multi-pronged approach .35Organizations need streamlined hiring and onboarding processes.35Comprehensive training and certification programs should supplement hiring.36Training and certification are important in an increased or reduced hiring environment.36Methodology.37App

14、endix A.39About the authors.69Acknowledgments.692023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT ForewordI am thrilled to present the findings of the 2023 State of Tech Talent Survey.This report is a valuable resource for organizations seeking to understand the current and future technology staffing requirements an

15、d skills needed within their teams.The report sheds light on the impact of economic concerns on technical hiring plans,revealing that more than 50%of organizations surveyed have revised their hiring plans due to ongoing global economic uncertainty.However,the report also shows that despite these cha

16、llenges,the demand for skilled tech talent remains strong,particularly in newer areas such as cloud/containers,cyber-security,and AI/ML.Training and upskilling are essential strategies for organizations looking to address the changing hiring landscape.The report highlights that 70%of organizations s

17、urveyed provide training oppor-tunities for their existing technical staff on new technologies,demonstrating a commitment to ongoing development and growth.Upskilling is becoming more important for recruitment,with organizations choosing to train existing employees more often than hiring consul-tant

18、s when they cannot find suitable external candidates.This recognizes the value of investing in existing staff and the challenges of finding the right external candidates.The report also shows that certifications and pre-employment testing are becoming necessary tools for organizations to verify the

19、skills of poten-tial candidates.At Linux Foundation Training&Certification,we understand the importance of certifications in demonstrating technical profi-ciency and validating expertise.We design our certification programs to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in toda

20、ys fast-paced tech industry and assure prospective employers that candidates demon-strate the required skill sets.As the tech industry evolves,we recognize the crucial role of ongoing learning and development in staying ahead of the curve.The 2023 State of Tech Talent Report provides valuable insigh

21、ts into the ongoing changes and challenges in the tech industry workforce.We encourage hiring managers to use this report as a resource in their training and staffing efforts and look forward to continuing to provide valuable research and training resources for the tech industry.Clyde Seepersad SVP&

22、General Manager,Training&Certification,The Linux FoundationPHOTO FROM THE LINUX FOUNDATION/KUBECON EUROPE 2023 42023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT Executive SummaryThe 2023 State of Tech Talent Report provides valuable insights into the current and future technology staffing requirements and skills ne

23、eded within organizations.This report is based on a global survey conducted by Linux Foundation Training&Certification and Linux Foundation Research in February and March 2023 of over 400 hiring managers and staffing professionals addressing the needs of both end-user organizations and technology pr

24、oviders.Impact of economic concernsOne of the reports key findings is the impact of economic concerns on technical hiring plans.More than 50%of organizations surveyed reported revising their hiring plans by freezing new positions.This is likely due to the ongoing global economic uncertainty caused b

25、y the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors,including inflation and geopolitical conflicts.Demand for skilled technical talentMore organizations plan to increase their technical staff than decrease.This is a positive sign for those seeking employment in the tech industry.The demand for skilled tech ta

26、lent remains strong,particularly in newer areas such as cloud/containers,cybersecurity,and AI/ML.Respondents identified these areas as the primary focus for hiring in 2023.Shift in technical rolesAnother interesting finding is the shift in the types of technical roles being hired for.While senior te

27、chnical roles have seen the biggest job cuts,new hiring focuses more on developers and IT management.This suggests organizations seek skilled individuals who can contribute to project imple-mentation,management,and tech-nical development.Training and upskillingTo address the changing hiring land-sca

28、pe,training and upskilling are becoming increasingly important strat-egies for organizations.The report highlights that 70%of organizations surveyed provide training opportu-nities for their existing technical staff on new technologies.This is a positive sign,as it suggests a commitment by organizat

29、ions to the ongoing devel-opment of their employees and keeping their staff up to date with the latest technologies and practices.Upskilling is also becoming more important for recruitment purposes.When unable to find suitable tech-nical candidates,organizations train existing employees more often t

30、han hiring consultants.This suggests that organizations recognize the value of investing in their existing staff and the challenges of finding the right external candidates.Certification and pre-employment testingRespondents felt that certification and pre-employment testing are necessary to verify

31、skills to address the chal-lenges of finding the right candidate.This tool is useful to ensure organi-zations hire the right people for the job.It also gives candidates a clear understanding of the skills they must demonstrate to succeed in the role.ConclusionThe 2023 State of Tech Talent Report pro

32、vides valuable insights into the ongoing changes and challenges in the tech industry workforce.As the tech industry continues to evolve,it is clear that a commitment to ongoing learning and development will be crucial for individuals and organiza-tions seeking to stay ahead of the curve.We hope hiri

33、ng managers find this report useful in their training and staffing efforts and encourage you to participate in future Linux Foundation research projects.52023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 6PART 1The technical hiring picture in 2023PHOTO BY JON TYSON ON UNSPLASHOrganizational preparedness for economic

34、 uncertainty began in 2022The hiring picture remains strong despite the widely publicized layoffs at technology vendors at the end of 2022,which has extended at times into 2023.The top part of FIGURE 1 shows three views into how organi-zations intend to address staffing:all organizations;a segmentat

35、ion of the sample by end users,vendors/service providers,and others;and selected indus-tries.The overall assessment is positive,with 61%of organizations increasing staffing,18%waiting to see how the economic uncertainty evolves,and just 19%implementing staff reductions.The most variability is shown

36、at the individual industry level because of the narrower functional focus of each industry.Hiring in the telecommunications/Internet service provider(ISP)/web hosting sector was particu-larly strong,with 71%of organizations increasing their technical headcount.Most other organizations industries(not

37、 shown)also increased their technical headcounts.For more information on the industries represented in our sample,see TABLE A12.The top part of FIGURE 1 shows that 66%of end-user organizations(those who primarily consume tech-nology to support their business activities)were able to increase technica

38、l staff in 2022 compared to 60%of technology vendors and service providers.End-user organizations also fared better in tech staff decreases,with 17%of their ranks reducing technical staff compared to 21%for technology vendors and service providers.Manufacturing(discrete or process)Telecommunications

39、/Internet service provider(ISP)/web hostingOther,including government,NGOs and academic institutionsTechnology vendor,supplier,or service provider“End user”organizations thatprimarily use IT products tosupport their business activitiesOverall(all organizations)19%19%19%20%17%21%18%61%1%1%2%2%66%60%4

40、5%71%61%36%19%6%16%17%We increased our technicalheadcount in 2022We didnt make any changes to our technical headcount in 2022We reduced our technical headcount in 2022Dont know or not sureTechnology vendor,supplier,or service provider“End-user”organizations that primarily use IT products to support

41、their business activitiesTotal32.7%20%24.7%18%39.3%35%MEANMEDIANFIGURE 1CHANGES TO TECHNICAL HEADCOUNT IN 2022What changes did you make to your technical headcount during 2022?(Q15)2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q10-Q12(Which response best describes the organization you work for?)segmented by Q15,sample si

42、ze=418.Technology vendor,supplier,or service provider“End-user”organizations that primarily use IT products to support their business activitiesTotal32.7%20%24.7%18%39.3%35%MEANMEDIANApproximately what percent of the organizations technical headcount did you lay off or resigned in 2022?(Q16)2023 Tec

43、h Talent Survey,Q10(What type of organization do you work for?Asked if the organization reduced technical headcount in 2022)segmented by Q16,sample size=80.72023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT PART 1:THE TECHNICAL HIRING PICTURE IN 2023The bottom part of FIGURE 1 combines both invol-untary(layoffs)and

44、voluntary(retirements and resignations)technical headcount reductions.Layoffs often result in a redistribution of respon-sibilities,which sometimes can be significant and will precipitate additional resignations as remaining staff evaluate their roles,workloads,and opportu-nities.For this reason,FIG

45、URE 1 staff reductions are best described as turnover because of their volun-tary and involuntary components.Vendor/service provider organizations experienced very high turnover,at 39%.Meanwhile,end-user organizations averaged 25%turnover,more in line with typical pre-pandemic levels.For an evaluati

46、on of staff reductions segmented by company size(number of employees),see TABLE A17.The impact of economic concerns on technical staff hiring in 2023Economic concerns beginning in 2022 and extending into 2023 have impacted hiring plans,especially in North America.As shown on the top half of FIGURE 2

47、,59%of surveyed organizations reported revising their tech-nical hiring plans in response to these concerns,37%elected to leave their technical hiring plans unchanged,and 4%said they didnt know or were not sure(DKNS).The majority of organizations(59%)have concerns about how to plan for 2023,but 41%d

48、id not expressly state concerns about how the economy would impact their technical hiring plans in 2023.Despite the economic concerns and layoffs that have impacted the tech industry,the 2023 State of Tech Talent Survey data suggests that hiring trends remain strong,with the ongoing demand for skill

49、ed technical talent,especially at the more entry level for professionals with developer skills.This is particularly true for certain sectors,such as cloud and telecommu-nications,which continue to play a critical role in the technology adoption land-scape.The outlook for hiring in the tech industry

50、remains positive,with many organi-zations planning to increase their technical headcount in the coming years.KEY TAKEAWAYPHOTO BY CAMILA MARTINEZ ON UNSPLASH 82023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT PART 1:THE TECHNICAL HIRING PICTURE IN 2023The chart on the bottom part of FIGURE2 shows the difference betw

51、een those organizations where the economic concerns caused a revision of plans and those organizations that were not as concerned about the economy and left their 2023 hiring plans unchanged.The same figure also shows a composite view when you combine all the organiza-tions together.Various response

52、s to the questions included increasing staff,freezing staff hires,reducing staff,or DKNS.Respondents could select multiple responses.This chart,therefore,shows all the possible response permutations in descending order based on the overall composite view.Perhaps the most interesting finding is that

53、despite economic headwinds,the overall composite view shows more organizations were planning to increase their staff in 2023(44%)but did not anticipate any reductions or freezes to balance those increases.Looking across all the strategies that involved staff hiring,56%of organi-zations intended to h

54、ire in 2023 even if other activities such as staff reductions or freezes were also involved.This is encouraging and suggests that while organiza-tions are economically concerned about 2023,they are not amending their hiring plans.Part of the concern that does exist is expressed by the 30%of organiza

55、tions overall that elected to solely put staffing freezes in place and the additional 6%that were looking to first freeze and then hire,the 6%that were going to reduce staff and then freeze,and finally the 4%looking to reduce,freeze,and then ultimately hire.This shows that strategies involving staff

56、 freezes were a preferred path forward in 2023 and represent a conservative but not overly punitive approach to dealing with an uncertain economy.Did economic concerns beginning in 2022 cause your organization to change or revise your 2023 technical headcount hiring plans?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q20

57、,sample size=418.FIGURE 2THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC CONCERNS ON TECHNICAL STAFF HIRING44%30%34%24%8%13%2%6%6%6%7%5%5%4%6%1%2%3%1%0%0%0%32%62%37%4%No,unchanged 2023 plans Yes,revised 2023 plansComposite viewDont know or not sureReduce and increaseReduce,freeze,and increaseReduce and freezeFreeze and incr

58、easeReduceFreezeIncreaseNo59%YesDont know or not sure44%30%34%24%8%13%2%6%6%6%7%5%5%4%6%1%2%3%1%0%0%0%32%62%37%4%No,unchanged 2023 plans Yes,revised 2023 plansComposite viewDont know or not sureReduce and increaseReduce,freeze,and increaseReduce and freezeFreeze and increaseReduceFreezeIncreaseNo59%

59、YesDont know or not sureHow did concerns about the 2022 economy impact your 2023 technical staff hiring plans?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q34(contingent on Q20),sample size=247,valid cases=247,total mentions=313.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q35,sample size=171,valid cases=171,total mentions=193.92023 STATE O

60、F TECH TALENT REPORT PART 1:THE TECHNICAL HIRING PICTURE IN 2023At 8%overall,reductions alone were not the only strategy used to scale back technical staff.More complex strategies that involved reducing technical staff included:Reducing staff and implementing a hiring freeze(6%overall)Reducing staff

61、,implementing a hiring freeze,and then hiring(4%overall)Reducing staff and then hiring(2%overall)While 20%of organizations overall did showcase strategies that involved staff reductions,6 percentage points out of these 20 did involve hiring as well.Looking at the 59%of organizations that expressed e

62、conomic concerns,the primary strategy for addressing these concerns was to freeze hiring(34%),followed by a focus on hiring(32%)and staff reductions(13%).This contrasts significantly with the 41%of organi-zations that did not express economic concerns.Among these organizations,62%only intended to in

63、crease hiring,followed by 24%that only indicated they would freeze hiring and just 2%that would primarily reduce their technical headcount.Changes to hiring plans in 2023 by industry focus on increasing or freezing technical staffOrganizations across different industries reported mixed results in th

64、eir hiring plans.Some industries showed growth,while others faced significant chal-lenges,as shown in FIGURE 3.On average,57%of all organizations reported increased hiring plans,indi-cating cautious optimism about the future.However,46%of organizations also reported freezing staff hiring,and 20%were

65、 reducing staff,highlighting the continued uncertainty and challenges facing busi-nesses.The reason these percentages do not add up to 100%is shown on the bottom part of FIGURE2.Organizations sometimes pursue complex hiring strategies that initially combine a staff reduction or freeze on hiring with

66、 a later decision to hire all within a single year.The industries with the highest percentage of orga-nizations planning to increase their workforce were cloud service providers,telecom ISP/Web hosting,and healthcare,with an average of 65%reporting an increase in hiring plans.These industries seem t

67、o Organizations are generally reluctant to reduce technical staff,primarily due to the difficulty in finding,hiring,and retaining skilled technical talent.When faced with economic uncer-tainty,organizations prefer imple-menting a temporary hiring freeze and,if necessary,reducing compen-sation rather

68、 than resorting to laying off staff.This brings up an important question about how organiza-tions can keep their technical staff engaged and enhance their technical skills when hiring is not an option.KEY TAKEAWAYPHOTO FROM THE LINUX FOUNDATION/KUBECON EUROPE 2023 102023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT

69、PART 1:THE TECHNICAL HIRING PICTURE IN 2023benefit from the growing demand for digital services and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.The system integrator/IT consulting industry and the manufacturing industry also reported a positive trend in hiring,with an average of 57%of organiza-tions

70、 planning to increase their workforce.These industries benefit from the increasing demand for expertise in digital transformation and the economic recovery from the pandemic.On the other hand,the hardware/software vendor or supplier industry reported the lowest percentage of organizations planning t

71、o increase their workforce at 43%and the highest percentage of organizations freezing technical staff hiring at 58%.This trend may be due to increasing competition and a shift toward more cloud-based solutions,leading some organiza-tions to cut back on staff.Overall,the mixed results in hiring plans

72、 across different industries suggest that organizations will need to remain adaptable and agile to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the future of work.Cloud service provider or managed service provider65%35%22%Telecommunications/Internet serviceprovider(ISP)/web65%43%29%Healthcare59%46%27%Sys

73、tem integrator orIT consulting firm57%49%21%Manufacturing(discrete or process)53%39%19%Hardware and/orsoftware vendor/supplier43%58%19%Decreasing technical staff in 2023Freezing technical hiring plans in 2023Increasing technical staff in 202357%46%20%Total18%41%61%“End-user”organization that primari

74、ly uses IT products/services to support its business activities17%37%58%Other types of organizations(e.g.,government,NGOs,and academic institutions)21%50%53%Tech vendor,supplier,or service providerFIGURE 3 CHANGES TO HIRING PLANS IN 20232023 Tech Talent Survey,Q10-Q12 segmented by Q34 and Q35,sample

75、 size=418,valid cases=418,total mentions=506,DKNS responses excluded from the analysis.2023 staffing changes by organization type2023 staffing changes by industry 112023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT PART 1:THE TECHNICAL HIRING PICTURE IN 2023Long-term staffing plans reflect cautious optimism beyond 2

76、023The long-term plans of organizations are based on the strategies they have identified when addressing 2023 technical staff changes,as shown in FIGURE4.Organizations could select multiple strategies(hire,freeze,reduce)and more than one longer-term approach for each strategy.While this complicates

77、the analysis,there is room for cautious optimism.For organizations planning to hire in 2023,46%may be able to hire in 2023;additionally,38%are planning to hire in 2024.Only 16%of these organiza-tions are concerned about further staff reductions in 2023 and 2024.Of those organizations that are engagi

78、ng in hiring freezes in 2023,41%do not anticipate addressing staff reductions in 2023,and 39%feel they may be able to hire later in 2023.While 25%of these organizations are concerned about potential staff reductions in 2023 or 2024,16%plan to hire technical staff in 2024.The sentiment from these org

79、anizations is that they will weather this storm and look forward to returning to a more normal approach to technical staffing.Organizations who indicated that they would need to reduce technical staff were the most pessimistic.Still,it is important to note that only 20%of overall respondents1 indica

80、ted that 2023 staff reductions were already planned.Of the 56%of organizations 1 Question41showsasamplesizeof82,whichis20%ofthetotal survey sample size of 418.FIGURE 4 MAJORITY ANTICIPATE INCREASED HIRING LATER IN 2023/24What are your long-term technical staffing plans?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q50(hi

81、re strategy),sample size=235,valid cases=235,total mentions=369.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q45(freeze strategy),sample size=189,valid cases=189,total mentions=276.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q41(reduce strategy),sample size=82,valid cases=82,total mentions=138.PART 1:THE TECHNICAL HIRING PICTURE IN 202338%

82、46%22%32%16%3%3%16%39%22%41%25%21%33%20%35%56%4%2023 plans to reduce staff2023 plans to freeze hiring2023 plans to hire staffDont know or not sureBased on the economy,wemay see more technical staffreductions in 2023 or 2024Based on the economy,wedont anticipate any more staffreductions in 2023 or 20

83、24We are not anticipatingany changes to staffinglater in 2023 or 2024We may be able to hiretechnical staff later this yearWe are planning to hiretechnical staff in 2024planning to reduce staff in 2023,35%of these orga-nizations also said they did not anticipate anymore staff reductions in 2023 or 20

84、24.33%reported they might be able to hire later in 2023,and 20%were planning to hire in 2024.Overall,the survey results suggest that organi-zations have mixed outlooks for hiring and staff reductions in 2023 and 2024,with some anticipating the possibility of technical staff reductions due to the eco

85、nomy.Others expressed confidence in their ability to hire technical staff later in the year or in 2024.However,a significant portion of respondents reported that they do not anticipate any significant changes to staffing levels,indicating a relatively stable outlook for their organization.122023 STA

86、TE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 13A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 2The upskilling trend in 2023PHOTO BY MAGGIE HALLAHAN,MICROSOFT,AZURE,VISUAL STUDIOTechnology opportunities in growth-oriented organizationsFIGURE 5 compares the focus of organizations planning 2023 staffing increases to the staffing f

87、ocus of all orga-nizations in the sample.There is a wealth of infor-mation in FIGURE 5,and it warrants careful analysis.There are two dynamics at work in FIGURE 5.1.The first dynamic is the percent(volume)of organizations looking to increase technical staff in a technology area.2.The second dynamic

88、is the priority organiza-tions attach to hiring in a technology area.This priority is the ratio of organizations targeting an area for staff increases divided by the current staffing level in that area.This ratio is expressed as a percentthe ratios in FIGURE 5 range from 51%to 137%.Ratios of 90%or a

89、bove show high priority,and ratios of 75%or below suggest a low priority.FIGURE 5 shows that a high volume of organizations are looking to add technical staff in the following technology areas:cloud/container technologies(50%),cybersecurity(50%),AI/ML(46%),database and data management(37%),and advan

90、ced analytics and data science(37%).The leading technology areas where organizations prioritize hiring include augmented/virtual reality(137%),AI/ML(110%),blockchain(98%),CI/CD and DevOps(91%),and Kubernetes(90%).Areas currently staffedAreas targeted for 2023 staffing increasesManufacturing,3D print

91、ing,and CAD/CAMOpen source hardwareStorage technologiesAugmented/Virtual realityIoT&EmbeddedBlockchainEdge computingKubernetesLinuxCI/CD&DevOpsNetworking technologies(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOpsWeb&application developmentAdvanced analyticsand data scienceDatabase and data managementArtif

92、icial intelligence/Machine learningCybersecurityCloud/Container technologies59%58%41%46%50%50%54%37%37%33%31%30%26%23%22%22%36%20%14%14%24%20%20%19%19%19%19%18%17%10%48%43%41%37%29%30%FIGURE 5 TECHNOLOGY AREA OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH-ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONS2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q51(areas where hiri

93、ng will occur),sample size=235,valid cases=235,total mentions=1,195.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q21(areas currently staffed),sample size=418,valid cases=418,total mentions=2,569.In which technology areas are/will you be hiring technical staff in 2023?Asked if the respondents organization is reducing tec

94、hnical headcount in 2023 Which of the following technology areas are staffed by technical headcount?142023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT AI/ML is the only technology area that shows a high volume of organizations looking to increase staff and is an area where organizations prioritize tech-nical staff

95、hiring.Technology opportunities in more risk-averse organizationsUsing the same approach to evaluate volume and priority in FIGURE 5,we can analyze the hiring plans of minority organizations(20%of respondents)who are planning 2023 staffing decreases shown in FIGURE 6.We label those organizations who

96、 are planning to decrease staff as being risk averse.This is because these organizations are sufficiently concerned about the economy they already have or are planning to decrease staff in 2023.These actions characterize organizationsmany of whom are successfulthat prioritize stable financial metric

97、s and wish to shed some financial risk in various aspects of their operations where they feel overex-tended.We do not equate risk averse with impending financial difficulty.It is just an organizational recog-nition acknowledging that minimizing disruptions to investors and shareholders is important.

98、FIGURE 6 shows that the technology areas where the greatest percentage of risk-averse organizations are looking to decrease technical staff include cloud/container technologies(40%),AI/ML(33%),and DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOps(28%).The magnitude of these volumes is less than we saw in FIGURE 5 and PART 2:

99、THE UPSKILLING TREND IN 202340%33%28%27%24%24%24%23%20%17%16%15%13%13%13%11%10%7%20%59%58%54%29%24%22%22%20%37%43%30%14%14%36%41%41%48%Areas currently staffedAreas targeted for staffing decreasesKubernetesOpen source hardwareIoT&EmbeddedAugmented/Virtual realityEdge computingStorage technologiesManu

100、facturing,3D printing,and CAD/CAMLinuxWeb&application developmentNetworking technologies(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)BlockchainCI/CD&DevOpsDatabase and datamanagementCybersecurityAdvanced analyticsand data scienceDevOps/GitOps/DevSecOpsArtificial intelligence/Machine learningCloud/Container technologiesIn which

101、 technology areas are/will you be reducing technical staff in 2023?Asked if the respondents organization is reducing technical headcount in 2023 Which of the following technology areas are staffed by technical headcount?FIGURE 6 TECHNOLOGY AREA OPPORTUNITIES FOR MORE RISK-AVERSE ORGANIZATIONS2023 Te

102、ch Talent Survey,Q42(areas where reductions will occur),sample size=82,valid cases=82,total mentions=302.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q21(areas currently staffed),sample size=418,valid cases=418,total mentions=2,569.152023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT reflects a moderate percentage of organizations seekin

103、g to decrease technical staff in these areas.High-priority areas for decreasing staff based on calculated priority ratios(percent of organizations decreasing staff divided by percent areas currently staffed)include blockchain(118%),manufacturing,3D printing,CAD/CAM(107%),and augmented/virtual realit

104、y(98%).Interestingly,the technology areas with the highest percent of risk-averse organizations seeking to decrease technical staff attach only a moderate priority to decreasing technical staff in those areas.The priority ratio for cloud/container technologies and DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOps is just 68%

105、.The ratio for AI/ML is somewhat higher at 80%.What this tells us is that organizations are most interested in shedding technical staff from technology areas that were complex and speculative areas of invest-ment that likely didnt generate the expected ROI.Technology areas that have a low priority r

106、atio for decreasing technical staff include Kubernetes(33%),storage technologies(38%),web&application devel-opment(39%),cybersecurity(42%),database and data management(45%),and open source hardware(49%).The low priority of reducing staff in these areas reflects the more mission-critical nature of th

107、ese technologies to the organization,which means higher job security.The overall impact of technical staffing changes on technology area emphasisFIGURES 5 and 6 evaluated how staffing increases and staffing reductions impact the volume and priority of technical staffing changes across tech-nology ar

108、eas.TABLE 1 shows the combined impact of staffing increases and reductions on the overall ranking of technology areas.This analysis was based on the number of organizations increasing their technical staff(N=235)and reducing technical staff(N=82).Comparing technology areas originally staffed by tech

109、nical headcount with the net impact of increasing and reducing staff yields a modest change in the rank order of technology areas being staffed.TABLE 1 indicates that most technology areas changed by only+/-1 position.This will not have PART 2:THE UPSKILLING TREND IN 2023TABLE 1 THE IMPACT OF NET ST

110、AFFING CHANGES ON TECHNOLOGY AREA EMPHASIS2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q51 and Q42 compared to Q21.TECHNOLOGY AREAS2022 RANKNET 2023 STAFFING IMPACT ON RANK2023 RANKCybersecurity2+11Cloud/Container technologies1-12Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning6+33Database and data management3-14Advanced analyt

111、ics and data science4-15Web&application development5-16Networking technologies(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)8+17DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOps7-18CI/CD&DevOps11+29Kubernetes13+310Linux10-111IoT&Embedded14+212Edge computing12-113Augmented/Virtual reality18+414Storage technologies9-615Open source hardware15-116Blockchain

112、16-117Manufacturing,3D printing,and CAD/CAM17-118 162023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT a significant bearing on the importance of these areas in the eyes of an organization.However,as technology areas change by+/-2,+/-3,or even more positions,this signals a newfound increasing or diminishing importanc

113、e of these areas to the organization.The information in FIGURE 5,FIGURE 6,and TABLE 1 provides several ways to interpret how technical staffing actions will play out in technology markets.Over the last two years,cybersecurity has become an important technology area for organizations.TABLE 1 shows th

114、at cybersecurity was ranked#2 in 2022 and is projected to be ranked#1 in 2023 based on organizational plans to increase and decrease staff.Cybersecurity will therefore emerge as an important area for adding technical staff and a correspondingly marginal number of staff reductions.Another key area is

115、 cloud/container technologies.Our findings show that a high percentage of organi-zations are planning to both increase and decrease technical staff in this area.This is not a case of a split personality:cloud and containers are important technologies that most organizations are investing in.As organ

116、izations gain or lose economic ground,they will need to expand or contract staff.Cloud/container technology,by virtue of its pervasive-ness,qualify it as an area that will see technical staff changes.However,FIGURE 5 and FIGURE 6 both show that staff changes in clouds and containers are likely to be

117、 far more positive than negative.Augmented/virtual reality(+4),AI/ML(+3),and Kubernetes(+3)are technology areas that are seeing increasing attention in 2023 because of their significant increase in technology area ranking.Augmented reality,with its smaller organizational footprint and high priority

118、for both staff increases and decreases,will see hiring volatility.AI/ML has a bigger footprint,and its priority leans strongly toward hiring,lending it considerable stability as a technology opportunity for technical staff.Kubernetes is also uniquely positioned.Although not a high-volume technology

119、area,its priority ratio is 90%for those increasing staff and just 33%for those decreasing staff.This helps explain its rapid rise in its stack ranking.PART 2:THE UPSKILLING TREND IN 2023According to the 2023 State of Tech Talent Survey,upskilling remains an essential aspect of newer technology areas

120、 such as cloud/containers,cyber-security,and AI/ML.As technology evolves and new areas emerge,the survey data indicates that continued upskilling will be critical for organizations to stay competitive in the tech industry.Organizations are adopting various approaches to upskill their employees,inclu

121、ding offering training opportu-nities and hiring new talent with relevant experience in these areas.KEY TAKEAWAYPHOTO FROM THE LINUX FOUNDATION/KUBECON EUROPE 2023 172023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 18A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 3Addressing tech talent shortages in 2023PART 3:ADDRESSING TE

122、CH TALENT SHORTAGES IN 2023Organizations are turning to training existing employees and hiring new talent to address the need for upskilling in these emerging areas.FIGURE7 shows that 71%of organizations cite hiring new IT professionals with experience in that new technology as a step taken to ensur

123、e their technical staff have the right skills.At the same time,70%of organizations provide training opportunities for existing technical staff when there is an introduction of new technology.These two approaches to addressing organiza-tional technology needs are popular because they are highly effec

124、tive and complementary.Hiring new IT professionals can be a very effective way to introduce new skills into an organization.Still,it can be risky given the time required to find the right staff and to onboard them and the high turnover rate if the cultural or economic fit is compromised.Alternativel

125、y,upskilling existing staff offers a way to incentivize existing staff and backfill with less senior staff where the supply of candidates is better and finding an optimal employee/employer fit is less complex.Taken together,these two approaches form the foundation of how organiza-tions should expand

126、 and improve their portfolio of technology skills.As indicated in FIGURE 7,differently sized organi-zations favor different approaches to expanding and improving their portfolio of technology skills.Specifically:Organizations with fewer than 250 employees focus more on training and less on new hires

127、 or hiring consultants.Organizations with more than 5,000 employees are more likely to hire new IT professionals or hire consultants.Importantly,most organizations,regardless of size,see training as a must-include approach to enhancing the depth and breadth of their in-house tech talent resources.En

128、d-user organizations are more likely than tech companies to try several approaches,as shown in TABLE A24,with 47%requiring training compared to 35%of tech companies and 77%providing training compared to 67%of tech companies.71%70%71%76%73%67%57%77%42%43%45%29%38%44%37%32%1-249 employees250-4,999 emp

129、loyees5,000 or more employeesTotalRequiring additional trainingfor existing technical staffHiring consultants to support projectsand train existing technical staffProviding training opportunitiesfor existing technical staffHiring new IT professionals withexperience in the new technology2023 Tech Tal

130、ent Survey,Q22 segmented by Q14,sample size=417,valid cases=417,DKNS responses excluded from the analysis.FIGURE 7 APPROACHES TO EXPANDING AND IMPROVING AN ORGANIZATIONS PORTFOLIO OF TECHNOLOGY SKILLSAs new technology comes into use at your organization,what steps are you taking to ensure your techn

131、ical staff have the right skills?segmented by Please estimate how many total employees are in your organization.192023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT Expanding and improving organizational technology skills when candidates are scarceOrganizations face the consequences of delayed projects and the need t

132、o seek training for existing employees when they cannot find candidates with the requisite skills,as shown in FIGURE 8.The leading approach to expanding and improving organizational technology skills when resources are scarce is to obtain training for existing employees.58%of organizations seek trai

133、ning for their existing employees when unable to find suitable technical candidates,up from 50%the previous year and a 16%growth year over year.The second leading approach to addressing the need for technical skills is to continue looking until the discovery of a close fit.55%of organizations in 202

134、3 endorse this approach,up from 41%in 2022,which reflects 34%growth year over year.While there PART 3:ADDRESSING TECH TALENT SHORTAGES IN 202358%55%38%29%19%50%41%20222023Delayed technology projectsand/or deploymentsHired a consultantContinued to look untilwe found a close fitSought training forexis

135、ting employees2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q25,2023 sample size=385,valid cases=385,total mentions=698.2022 sample size=477.In 2022,the question asked hiring managers about finding professionals with open source-related skills.Not all answer choices are shown in the chart.FIGURE 8 TRAINING IS THE LEADING

136、 METHOD TO ADDRESS THE INABILITY TO FIND QUALIFIED CANDIDATESIf unable to find technical candidates with the skills you need,which of the following best describe how you have met your organizations requirements?are cases where there is no substitute for a senior engineer with unique skills,this uniq

137、ueness means that there are fewer qualified candidates,so they are more difficult to find,acquire,and keep.Additionally,hiring consultants is becoming less popular,with only 38%of organizations choosing this approach in 2023,down from 48%in 2022,leading to a decline of 21%.Training has become an imp

138、ortant employee incentiveBased on the responses of organizations shown in FIGURE 9,the top incentives needed to retain technical headcount and prevent them from moving to another company in 2023 are increased salary and an oppor-tunity for better work/life balance.Approximately half of the responden

139、ts chose both incentives,with 57%indicating an increased salary as an important factor and 50%indicating an opportunity for better work/life balance.Compensation,along with work/life balance and training/certification continue to be key levers for hiring and retention.Other incentives chosen by a si

140、gnificant number of respondents include additional training opportuni-ties or certification(50%),an opportunity for a flexible work schedule or telecommuting(49%),and the oppor-tunity to be bonus eligible(43%).The training incentive increased from a 40%penetration rate in 20222 to 50%in 2023,which e

141、quates to 25%growth year over year.2 Source:The10thAnnualOpenSourceJobsReport,TheLinuxFoundation,June 2022.202023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 39%of respondents noted high recognition for accomplishments as a factor,while 29%expressed interest in the opportunity to contribute to open source projects

142、they are interested in.21%of respon-dents chose additional stock options/RSU/equity.Overall,the data suggests that hiring managers believe that offering competitive compensation and benefits packages and opportunities for professional development and work/life balance are important factors in retain

143、ing technical headcount.In addition,providing incentives such as bonus eligibility and recognition for accomplishments can also contribute to retaining talent.Finally,hiring managers feel that offering flexible work arrangements and the oppor-tunity to contribute to projects of personal interest can

144、 be additional factors in attracting and retaining technical headcount.PART 3:ADDRESSING TECH TALENT SHORTAGES IN 2023FIGURE 9 TRAINING/CERTIFICATION,BONUSES,AND EQUITY HAVE BECOME MORE PREVALENT AS EMPLOYEE RETENTION INCENTIVESWhat incentives is your organization offering to deter your technical he

145、adcount from moving to another company?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q24,2023 sample size=418,valid cases=418,total mentions=1,529.2022 sample size=559.Both samples are of technology hiring managers,but in 2022,the question was focused on retaining open source talent.57%50%50%49%57%40%48%43%39%29%21%2%1%2

146、%31%30%10%4%20222023Dont know or not sureOther(please specify)No incentives are being offered at this timeAdditional stock options/RSU/equityOpportunity to contribute to opensource projects I am interested inHigh-level recognition for accomplishmentsOpportunity to be bonus eligibleOpportunity for fl

147、exible workschedule or telecommutingAdditional training opportunities or certificationOpportunity for better work/life balanceIncreased salaryKEY TAKEAWAYThe 2023 State of Tech Talent Survey sheds light on the difficulties orga-nizations encounter when hiring technical talent in a highly compet-itiv

148、e labor market.It is evident that although there is a high demand for skilled technical professionals,the availability of labor remains severely limited,and there is no immediate solution in sight.Organizations cannot solely rely on hiring to solve the tech talent shortage.Alternative strategies,suc

149、h as upskilling existing employees and offering better salaries,work/life balance,and opportunities to work on open-source projects,will be critical for organizations aiming to attract and retain top talent.212023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 22A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 4Recruitment and o

150、nboarding processes create challenges in 2023PHOTO BY CARLOS ARTHUR M.R ON UNSPLASHUpskilling emerges as the best way to cope with a difficult situation84%of those responsible for hiring tech talent agree(strongly agree and somewhat agree)that there is a need for a streamlined way to recruit new tec

151、h-nical staff with proven skills,as shown in FIGURE10.Additionally,78%agree that hiring the wrong candidate and onboarding again is an issue.In comparison,64%agree that recruitment is costly and time-consuming and often does not lead to the right candidate.64%agree that onboarding takes valuable int

152、ernal resources away from other critical projects for too long.Upskilling does have its challenges.While 55%of organizations agree that upskilling can help fill a new position,often the need to backfill remains.Fortunately,hiring a junior person is nearly always easier than hiring a senior person.47

153、%of orga-nizations state that upskilling takes too long or is ineffective at training for complex roles,but it is noteworthy that 39%of organizations disagree with this statement.Finally,47%of organizations agree that upskilling is not well suited for teaching broad subject matter.31%of organization

154、s disagree with this last statement,and it is inappropriate to expect that upskilling is an alternative to college or advanced degrees.Strongly disagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither disagree nor agreeSomewhat agreeStrongly agreeDont know or not sureUpskilling doesnt work for seniorroles because you cant

155、teachbroad subject matter expertiseUpskilling takes too long or isineffective at training for complex rolesUpskilled staff doesnt help us tofill new positions because we still haveto backfill for the positions vacatedOnboarding takes valuable internalresources away from other criticalprojects and is

156、 time-consumingRecruitment is costly,time-consuming,and often does not lead to theright candidate for the positionHiring the wrong candidate and thenhaving to onboard again is an issueThere is a need for a streamlinedway to recruit new technicalstaff with proven skills45%39%12%3%3%6%6%13%9%5%6%1%1%1

157、%1%1%2%2%12%14%14%11%19%19%25%22%18%20%15%37%37%33%31%22%26%41%31%27%24%25%21%PART 4:RECRUITMENT AND ONBOARDING PROCESSES CREATE CHALLENGES IN 2023FIGURE 10 UPSKILLING IS THE BEST WAY TO COPE WITH A DIFFICULT SITUATIONWhat are your perspectives on upskilling,recruiting,onboarding,and retaining techn

158、ical staff?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q26,Q27,sample size=418.232023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT Recruitment and hiring are time-consuming in 2023As shown in FIGURE 11,the time it takes to fill a tech-nical position can vary significantly.Most respondents indicated that it takes 1 to 6 months to fill a

159、 tech-nical position,with 40%reporting that it takes 1 to 3 months and 29%reporting that it takes 4 to 6 months.According to the average of the survey data,a signifi-cant number of respondents,approximately 48%,or roughly half,indicated that it would take more than 3 months to fill a technical posit

160、ion.This highlights the potential challenges in finding and hiring qualified candidates in a timely manner,which could poten-tially impact business operations and growth.Respondents also reported longer wait times to fill technical positions,with 11%indicating that it takes 7 to 9 months and 8%indic

161、ating that it takes 10 to 12 months.A small percentage of respondents,3%,reported that filling a technical position takes over 12 months.On the other hand,only 8%of respondents indi-cated that it takes less than a month to fill a technical position,suggesting that finding qualified candi-dates quick

162、ly can be a challenge.This may be due to the demand for technical talent in the current job market and the specialized skills and experience required for technical positions.The average time to fill a technical position is 4.3 months.Overall,the data suggests that filling a technical position can ta

163、ke several months,indicating the need for organizations to plan and take proac-tive steps to attract and retain technical talent.This may include offering competitive compensa-tion and benefits packages,providing opportunities for professional development and growth,and promoting a positive workplac

164、e culture to attract and retain qualified candidates.PART 4:RECRUITMENT AND ONBOARDING PROCESSES CREATE CHALLENGES IN 202340%Less thana month1-3 months4-6 months7-9 months10-12 monthsMore than12 monthsDont knowor not sure8%29%11%8%3%1%FIGURE 11 TIME TO FILL AN OPEN TECHNICAL POSITIONAbout how long d

165、oes it take to fill an open technical position?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q29,sample size=418.Organizations should streamline their hiring and onboarding processes to reduce turnover rates and increase efficiency.Even with effi-cient processes in place,the survey data shows that recruitment and onboard

166、ing remain time-consuming.High turnover rates indicate that organizations may benefit more from upskilling their existing employees than solely relying on external recruitment efforts.The key is to use an“all of the above”strategy to address talent needs.KEY TAKEAWAY 242023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPO

167、RT Additionally,organizations may need to consider alternative approaches to recruitment,such as partnering with staffing agencies or lever-aging online platforms to connect with potential candidates.By taking a proactive and strategic approach to recruitment and retention,organiza-tions can better

168、position themselves to succeed in the competitive landscape of technical talent acquisition.Lengthy recruiting and onboarding times dont guarantee goodness of fitThe chart on the left in FIGURE 12 shows that onboarding is time-consuming.For 40%of organi-zations,onboarding takes 1 to 3 months.Beyond

169、that,32%of organizations report it takes more than PART 4:RECRUITMENT AND ONBOARDING PROCESSES CREATE CHALLENGES IN 2023This year,the survey did not ask about the difficulty of finding professionals with open source-related skills because it has been consistently difficult for the past 10 years.Howe

170、ver,the survey revealed the greater impact of onboarding and retaining new hires success-fully.Strategic planning for tech-nical staffing changes in 2023 is crucial,and organizations should consider the impact on business operations and growth.To remain competitive and relevant,prioritizing software

171、 development,technical support,and staff training is essential.Organizations can position them-selves for success in the dynamic digital landscape by being proactive in staffing changes.KEY TAKEAWAY1%Dontknow ornot sure9%21-30%Up to4 weeks26%1-3months40%3-6months24%Morethan6 months8%0-10%38%11-20%17

172、%7%31-40%5%41-50%7%51-60%4%61-70%4%71-80%5%81-90%4%91-100%2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q30,sample size=418.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q31,sample size=390.FIGURE 12 ONBOARDING IS TIME-CONSUMING,BUT TURNOVER REMAINS HIGHHow long does the onboarding process take for new technical headcount to reach normal prod

173、uctivity?On average,what percentage of new technical staff hires resign or were asked to leave within 6 months of being onboarded?PHOTO FROM THE LINUX FOUNDATION/KUBECON EUROPE 2023 252023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 3 months.The average across all organizations is an onboarding process that takes 2

174、.6 months.The chart on the right in FIGURE 12 shows employee departures,be they voluntary or involuntary.38%of organizations lose 0 to 10%of their new hires within 4 to 6 months.While these percentages trend down as departures grow,the overall average is somewhat high at 29%.Almost one out of three

175、new hires departs within six months of being onboarded.This is an astoundingly high metric and indicates that conventional approaches to recruiting and onboarding are not working.Considering that the average recruiting time is 4.3 months,and onboarding takes an average of 2.6 months,you will need to

176、 replace one out of three after an 8 to 13-month investment in each of your new hires.Recruiting and hiring the right candidate has proven a costly,time-consuming,and often ineffective process for many organizations.Therefore,organi-zations must ensure employees have the necessary skills to succeed

177、in the rapidly changing technology landscape.Training and certifying existing staff are crucial to address the ever-increasing demand for technical expertise.Successful recruiting and onboarding can be challenging,requiring significant resources and time.However,upskilling is a surprisingly effectiv

178、e solution to potential obstacles in the process.Upskilling and certification programs can address the technical talent shortage.These programs can verify technical skills developed by internal candidates through pre-placement testing and certification.Effective onboarding and upskilling are highly

179、valued and essential for success.While smaller companies may be less likely to invest in these programs,it is crucial to recognize their value in ensuring that technical staff possess the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly tech-driven business environment.KEY TAKEAWAYPART 4:RECRUITMENT AN


181、EED TO TRAIN AND CERTIFY EXISTING STAFF IN 2023Certifications and technical skill verification will improve the hiring processThere is a strong desire among respondents for certification and pre-employment testing to verify technical skills,as shown in FIGURE 13.81%agree(strongly agree and somewhat

182、agree)that pre-employment testing should be a requirement.Pre-employment testing,especially scenario or case study testing,is an effective way to validate that the candidate has a portfolio of relevant skills for the role they are applying for.73%of those hiring tech talent agree that certifi-cation

183、s should be a requirement to verify claimed technical skills.Certifications are proof points of demonstrable validation of knowledge on specific subject areas,such as secure software development.Certifications provide a proactive way for candi-dates to demonstrate alignment with a role and can help

184、mitigate the pressure and risks associated with pre-employment testing.Pre-employment testing should be required to verify claimed technical skillsNot all tech talent is the samethey do not have a common benchmark of skills,methodologies,and approachesCertifications should be required to verify clai

185、med technical skillsWith all the recent tech talent layoffs,its now easier to identify great candidatesStrongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeither disagree nor agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDont know or not sure1%1%2%2%1%43%40%40%27%38%12%4%4%4%5%2%7%11%14%15%23%39%33%34%FIGURE 13 TESTING AND CERTI

186、FICATION ARE WAYS TO VERIFY TECHNICAL SKILLS AND STREAMLINE HIRINGWhat is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?PHOTO FROM THE LINUX FOUNDATION/KUBECON EUROPE 20232023 Tech Talent Survey,Q27,sample size=418.282023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT Upskilling is now the pr

187、imary approach organizations use to expand and improve technology skills Upskilling and certifications are highly valued,as shown in FIGURE 14.91%of organizations believe that upskilling to expand or improve IT staff tech-nical skills are either extremely important or very important.77%of organizati

188、ons indicate that certified skills are important,which follows because certification is a way to validate training.Surprisingly,58%of organizations consider a college or university degree important.While college and university degrees are instrumental in helping individuals develop critical thinking

189、 and decision-making skills,training and certification are unparalleled at teaching and validating domain-specific skills.As covered in the earlier section on addressing tech talent shortages(FIGURE7),investing in upskilling and certification opportunities can be cost-effec-tive for small companies,

190、helping to ensure that existing staff possess the necessary skills to thrive in a rapidly changing technology landscape.PART 5:THE INCREASED NEED TO TRAIN AND CERTIFY EXISTING STAFF IN 20231%1%1%Dont know or not sureNot important at allNot very importantSomewhat importantVery importantExtremely impo

191、rtantThat the candidate has acollege or university degreeThat technical candidates haveskills that are certifiedHiring and onboardingnew talent that have the ITskills your organization needsUpskilling existing IT staff toacquire the skills and knowledgeyour organization needs53%38%7%11%17%3%9%3%3%30

192、%39%36%28%49%41%30%FIGURE 14 UPSKILLING AND CERTIFICATIONS ARE HIGHLY VALUED AND MORE IMPORTANT THAN A TRADITIONAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONHow important are the following approaches to addressing your organizations technology needs?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q23,sample size=418.PHOTO FROM THE LINUX FOUNDAT

193、ION/KUBECON EUROPE 2023 292023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 30A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 6The impact of increasing,pausing,or reducing technical staff in 2023Increasing,pausing,or reducing technical staff all impact organizations positively and negatively.Organizations can address these ch

194、anges in a variety of ways,such as:Using technical debt as a buffer Adjusting time frames Scaling contractor,managed service provider,or offshore resources(if permitted)Adjusting workloads Use of training to better align staff capabilities with project needs Adjusting technical staff workloadsUpskil

195、ling is the leading solution to align technical capabilities with product needsThe recognition of technical staff training within organizations is important regardless of how they need to adjust and align with market conditions,as shown in FIGURE 15.Upskilling is now the leading approach to ensure t

196、hat new hires or existing staff can remain agile and adjust to organizational needs in response to increasing staff,pausing staff hires,or reallocation after staff departures.FIGURE 15 shows that 60%of organizations upskill their staff when increasing their technical headcount,presumably to provide

197、existing staff with new oppor-tunities while backfilling for them with new hires.50%of organizations that have paused their technical staff hiring use training to reallocate resources based on changing business needs to remain flexible and optimize how they address changing workloads when 60%52%50%2

198、6%22%17%14%25%39%43%24%27%18%30%37%22%17%23%9%8%22%17%10%19%21%6%Decreased use of offshoreoutsourcing to better manage costsSelected project cancellationsNo significant impact is being feltacross the remaining technical staffIncreased/decreased use ofcontractors or managed serviceproviders to fill c

199、ritical gapsIncreased/decreased technical debtIncreased use of offshoreoutsourcing to better manage costsIncreased/decreased timeframes for product deliveryIncreased/decreased workloadsper technical staff memberTraining is being or will be used toupskill existing technical staff so thatthe organizat

200、ion can be more productiveDecreasing technical staffFreezing technical hiring plansIncreasing technical staffFIGURE 15 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF CHANGES IN TECHNICAL STAFF HIRING PLANSWhat impacts have or are likely to occur in 2023 in technical staff hiring?Answer choices differed slightly d

201、epending on the context2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q49(increase),sample size=235,valid cases=235,total mentions=571.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q44(freeze),sample size=189,valid cases=189,total mentions =428.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q49(reduction),sample size=82,valid cases=82,total mentions =208.PART 6:THE

202、IMPACT OF INCREASING,PAUSING,OR REDUCING TECHNICAL STAFF IN 2023 312023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT other alternatives are out of reach.52%of organiza-tions that are facing technical staff reductions rely on training to upskill staff much in the same manner as organizations that have had to pause th

203、eir hiring.FIGURE 15 also points out that negative outcomes,such as increased workloads and longer time frames for product delivery,are likely to occur when organizations cut staff or pause hiring plans.Specifically,43%of organizations that will be reducing staff and 37%that will freeze staffing pla

204、ns are expecting longer time frames for product delivery.In contrast,only 25%of those increasing staffing believe that it will result in a quicker time to market.Similarly,39%of organizations that are reducing staff and 30%of those that are freezing staffing plans expect to increase the workloads of

205、 their technical staff members.In contrast,only 26%of those increasing staffing believe that it will ease the workload of their technical staff members.Strategies for what technical staff roles to add or reduce vary wildlyOrganizations that have the opportunity to add technical staff have lots more

206、flexibility within their budget constraints than organizations that must reduce technical headcount.FIGURE 16 shows that when organizations add staff,they emphasize adding staff to either scale existing development teams or populate new ones.Developers are the primary focal point for 67%of organizat

207、ions,followed by senior technical staff at 58%and junior technical staff at 51%.As a tech-nical organization scales,there is always a need for additional training(41%)and support staff(40%).The addition of contractors(22%)addresses unique requirements or levels peak loads.When organizations must red

208、uce staff,there are different concerns to address.An obvious first move is to shed contractors,as identified by 40%of organizations,and lay off recently hired tech-nical staff(34%)who have yet to amass significant experience and generate value add.While it is painful to consider laying off senior te

209、chnical staff,their compensation can sometimes be significant compared to convention developers(35%)and espe-cially junior staff(35%).In some cases,organizations can eliminate most of an entire team,and those PART 6:THE IMPACT OF INCREASING,PAUSING,OR REDUCING TECHNICAL STAFF IN 202367%58%51%41%40%2

210、3%22%35%35%34%30%20%34%40%5%45%Decreasing technical staff in 2023Increasing technical staff in 2023Dont know or not sureTechnical staff most recently hiredContractors or part-timeoutside technical resourcesTechnical R&D staffTechnical support staffTechnical training staffJunior technical staffSenior

211、 technical staffSoftware developers and engineersFIGURE 16 TYPES OF STAFF MOST IMPACTED BY CHANGES IN TECHNICAL STAFF INCREASES OR REDUCTIONSWhat types of technical staff is your company adding or reducing?Asked if the organization is increasing or reducing its technical headcount in 20232023 Tech T

212、alent Survey,Q48(increasing staff),sample size=235,valid cases=235,total mentions=711.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q38(reducing staff),sample size=82,valid cases=82,total mentions=229.322023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT team members can be reallocated to other teams.This creates a somewhat more equalized

213、approach in which staff are subject to a reduction in force.FIGURE 17 shows developers and IT management are the most commonly recruited roles.Specifically,67%of organizations are increasing their tech-nical staff target for developers and engineers.Moreover,when taking the type of engineer out of t

214、he equation,software developer is still the most likely job role being recruited,with 54%of organiza-tions looking to staff up and target more developers for their technical staff.At 46%,IT management is the second most commonly sought role.The survey reveals an interesting trend:Organizations that

215、believe recent tech talent layoffs facilitate the identification of exceptional candi-dates are more likely to hire IT management roles if they expand their technical workforce.These roles,which could be viewed as senior technical staff,are of greater interest to 56%of these organizations compared t

216、o the average respondent,where only 46%are looking to hire for IT management positions.PART 6:THE IMPACT OF INCREASING,PAUSING,OR REDUCING TECHNICAL STAFF IN 202354%46%40%37%30%28%27%26%26%24%23%20%12%7%1%2%Dont know or not sureOther(please specify)GitOpsExecutive ManagementDevSecOpsArchitectData Sc

217、ientistNetwork AdministratorSystems AdministratorData EngineerProject ManagerSecurity ProfessionalEngineerDevOpsIT ManagementDeveloperFIGURE 17 DEVELOPERS AND IT MANAGEMENT ARE THE MOST RECRUITED ROLES BY ORGANIZATIONS INCREASING THEIR HIRINGWhat kinds of positions are you looking to fill with techn

218、ical staff?2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q53,sample size=235,valid cases=235,total mentions=950.The 2023 State of Tech Talent Survey reveals that training is essential for both increased and reduced hiring moves.Negative outcomes,such as increased workloads and longer time frames for product delivery,are

219、likely to occur when organizations cut staff or pause hiring plans,and job cuts are blamed on revenue misses and economic caution.Furthermore,the types of staff most affected by staffing cuts are senior staff members,while developers and IT management are the most recruited roles.KEY TAKEAWAY 332023

220、 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT 34A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEConclusions and actionable insightsPhoto to comePHOTO BY CHEN ON UNSPLASHA clear upskilling trendOrganizations need to focus on upskilling their workforce in emerging technology areas,such as cloud/containers,cyber-security,and AI/ML.Wi

221、th technology constantly evolving,companies must invest in training and certification opportu-nities to ensure that they equip their employees with the necessary skills to remain competitive.The survey shows that organizations are taking different approaches to upskill their workforce,such as provid

222、ing training opportunities and hiring new talent with experience in these areas.Investing in upskilling is crucial for companies looking to keep up with emerging technologies and remain competitive in the market.Todays hiring challenges require a multi-pronged approach The survey results highlight t

223、he difficulties organizations face in hiring technical talent in todays tight labor market.While it is tempting for some companies to rely solely on external recruitment efforts to address the shortage,the data suggests this may not be enough.Instead,alternative approaches such as upskilling existin

224、g employees,offering increased salaries,improving work/life balance,and providing opportunities to work on open source projects can effectively attract and retain top talent.Organizations need to be creative in their approach to hiring and consider alternative solutions to overcome the chal-lenges p

225、osed by the current tech talent shortage.Organizations need streamlined hiring and onboarding processesThe data reveals that organizations must streamline their hiring and onboarding processes to reduce turnover rates and increase efficiency.Even with efficient processes in place,recruitment and onb

226、oarding remain time-consuming.High turnover rates suggest it might be better to focus on upskilling existing employees rather than relying on external recruitment efforts.Improving onboarding and training programs can help organizations reduce turnover rates and ensure that new hires effectively int

227、egrate into the company culture and team dynamics.CONCLUSIONS AND ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS 352023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT Comprehensive training and certification programs should supplement hiringThe results of this years survey underscore the importance of investing in upskilling and certification o

228、pportunities to address the technical talent shortage.Certification and pre-employment testing can verify claimed technical skills while upskilling,effective onboarding,and certifications are highly valued and important for success.While budgetary constraints are affecting both smaller and larger or

229、ganizations in 2023,it is essential to recognize the value of training and certification in ensuring that technical staff possess the necessary skills to succeed in an increas-ingly tech-driven business environment.Training and certification are important in an increased or reduced hiring environmen

230、tTraining is crucial for increased or reduced hiring activity.The data also suggests that job cuts are to blame for revenue misses and economic caution,highlighting the importance of taking a strategic approach to hiring and staffing decisions.Organizations need to be aware of the types of staff mos

231、t affected by staffing cuts,such as senior staff members,and be strategic in their hiring efforts by targeting roles such as developers and IT management that are commonly recruited for.Organizations that are reducing staff or pausing hiring plans need to focus on upskilling their existing workforce

232、 to prevent negative outcomes such as increased workloads and longer time frames for product delivery.362023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT CONCLUSIONS AND ACTIONABLE INSIGHTSMethodologyAbout this studyFrom a research perspective,it was important to eliminate any perception of sample bias and ensure hi

233、gh data quality.We eliminated sample bias by sourcing 80%of our usable sample from a 3rd party panel provider and the remaining 20%from Linux Foundation membership.We addressed data quality through extensive pre-screening and screening criteria to ensure that respondents had sufficient familiarity a

234、nd professional experience to answer questions accurately on behalf of the organization they worked for.The design of the worldwide survey conducted by Linux Foundation Training&Certification and Linux Foundation Research was to gather insights on the current trends and challenges related to technic

235、al talent hiring and management.We conducted the survey from February 23 through March 10,2023,and we promoted it through various channels,including social media,the Linux Foundation and L websites,and the Linux Foundation Newsletter.To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the survey data,we also

236、utilized a third-party panel provider to obtain 80%of the respondents.These respon-dents received nominal compensation for their participation in the study.It is important to note that the screening of the survey participants was dependent on their employment status,and only those who were employed

237、full-time were part of the study.Individuals who were not affiliated with any organization or were unable to talk about their orga-nizations hiring plans and practices were not part of the survey.In total,the survey received 437 responses.We removed 19 responses,as they could not provide answers to

238、questions about the 2023 hiring trends.The final sample size used in most of the report was 418 respondents.The margin of error for the survey data is+/-4.9%at a 95%confidence level,indicating that the survey results are statistically significant and representative of the broader population.For more

239、 details about the screening criteria used and access to the survey dataset,see http:/www.data.world/thelinuxfoundation.How missing data is handledAlthough the requirement is for respondents to answer nearly all questions in the survey(the only exceptions are the open-ended questions),there are time

240、s when a respondent is unable to answer a question because it is outside the scope of their role or experience.For this reason,we frequently add a DKNS response to the list of responses for a question.However,this creates a conundrum regarding what to do with DKNS responses.One approach is to treat

241、it just like any other response.In this way,report readers can see the percentage of respondents that answered DKNS.The advantage of this approach is that it reports back the exact distribution of the data collected.The challenge with this approach is that it distorts the distribution of valid respo

242、nsesthose responses where respondents could answer the question.Some of the analyses in this report excluded the DKNS.This can occur when the data missing can either be classified as missing at random(MAR)or missing completely at random(MCAR).Excluding DKNS data from a question does not change the d

243、istribution of data(counts)for the other responses,but it does change the size of the denominator used to calculate the percentage of responses across the remaining responses.This has the effect of proportionally increasing the percent values of the remaining responses relative to the number of DKNS

244、 responses.The number of valid cases is adjusted accordingly.Where we have elected to exclude DKNS data,a careful examination of the footnote for the figure will enable the reader to determine the number of DKNS responses based on the difference between the sample size(DKNS inclusive)and valid cases

245、(DKNS excluded).Finally,percentage values in this report may not add up to exactly 100%due to rounding.DemographicsFIGURE 18 presents a combination of employee and organizational demographics.This was a worldwide study,with 45%of organization headquarters located in North America,25%in Europe,19%in

246、India,and 10%in other Asia-Pacific countries.We originally collected company size data(number of employees)in the 2nd panel across seven size categories.We aggregated and then recoded this data into three categories:1 to 249 employees(18%),250 to 4,999 employees(53%),and 5,000 or more employees(29%)

247、.The 3rd panel in FIGURE 18 shows the distribution of organization types.35%of our sample was clas-sified as end-user organizations that primarily use(consume)IT products and services to support their business activities.This contrasts with vendors and service providers(55%),whose primary activity i

248、s creating horizontal and vertical IT products and services for sale to end users.This leaves 10%of organizations that are in academia,research,government,nonprofits,foundations,or other areas.The 4th panel classified the role of the respon-dent.72%of respondents were hiring managers,17%were in tale

249、nt management,6%were learning and development professionals,3%were internal recruiters,and 1%were in other fields related to the named fields.United Statesor CanadaIndiaOther LocationsEurope(eastern orwestern,excluding Russia)45%25%19%11%250 to 4,99953%5,000 or more29%1 to 24918%United Statesor Cana

250、daIndiaOther LocationsEurope(eastern orwestern,excluding Russia)45%25%19%11%72%17%6%3%1%OtherInternal recruiterInternal learning and development professionalInternal human resource or talent managerI hire technical staff to work for my team or departmentFIGURE 18 SELECTED DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE 2023 ST

251、ATE OF TECH TALENT SURVEYRegion of organizations headquartersOrganizations#of employees2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q8,sample size=418.35%24%12%10%6%2%2%2%1%1%5%Other entityGovernment entity or agencyEmbedded systems vendorNonprofit association or foundationAcademic or research institutionSoftware resell

252、er or distributorHardware and/or software supplierHardware and/or software vendorCloud service provider or managed service providerSystem integrator or IT consulting firm“End-user”organization primarily using IT products/services to support business activities250 to 4,99953%5,000 or more29%1 to 2491

253、8%United Statesor CanadaIndiaOther LocationsEurope(eastern orwestern,excluding Russia)45%25%19%11%72%17%6%3%1%OtherInternal recruiterInternal learning and development professionalInternal human resource or talent managerI hire technical staff to work for my team or departmentRole in hiring process20

254、23 Tech Talent Survey,Q2,sample size=418.35%24%12%10%6%2%2%2%1%1%5%Other entityGovernment entity or agencyEmbedded systems vendorNonprofit association or foundationAcademic or research institutionSoftware reseller or distributorHardware and/or software supplierHardware and/or software vendorCloud se

255、rvice provider or managed service providerSystem integrator or IT consulting firm“End-user”organization primarily using IT products/services to support business activitiesType of organization2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q10,sample size=418.2023 Tech Talent Survey,Q14,sample size=417.382023 STATE OF TECH

256、TALENT REPORT 39A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEAppendix AThe contents of Appendix A include a frequency for every question and selected crosstabs referenced in the report.Free text questions are not included in this Appendix.For a complete PDF of the survey instrument,see www.data.world/thelinuxfo

257、undation.Appendix A includes 71 tables(A1 to A71).APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A1Q1:Are you someone who hires or recruits information technology(IT)professionals?(select one)Yes418100%No00%Total418 A2Q2:What type of hiring or sourcing person are you?(select one)I hire technic

258、al staff to work for my team or department30272%Internal human resource or talent manager7217%Internal learning and development professional276%Internal recruiter133%Other(please specify)41%Total418 A3Q3:Please indicate what best describes who you are.(select one)I am a real person419100%Im just lin

259、es of code00%I am a bot00%I just want to mess with the researchers00%Dont know or not sure00%Total418 A4Q4:When talking about your organizations hiring plans and practices,what perspective will you speak for in this survey?(select one)I can speak for the entire company or enterprise that I work for2

260、6463%I can only speak for the department or group that I work with12229%I work for multiple entities and can speak for what I see in the industry328%I can speak only for myself00%Dont know or not sure00%Total418 402023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%

261、A5Q5:What is your current employment status?(select one)Employed,full time39995%Self-employed;full-or part-time133%Employed;part-time61%Student;full-or part-time00%Unemployed but previously employed and looking for work00%Unemployed,and not currently looking for work00%Retired00%Total418 A6Q7:How ma

262、ny technical headcounts report to you?(select one)083%141%243512%597826%10198729%20 or more8829%Dont know or not sure21%Total302 A7Q8:In what country or region does your organization have its headquarters?(select one)United States or Canada18845%Europe(Eastern or Western,excluding Russia)10425%India

263、7919%Asia(except China,India,Japan,Russia,and Oceania)72%Oceania(including Australia and New Zealand)61%South America51%Middle East41%West and Central Africa41%Japan31%Mexico,Central America,and the Caribbean20%412023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%E

264、astern and Southern Africa20%North Africa10%China10%Russia10%Other country/region(please specify)113%Total418 A8Q9:Professionally,which role or field do you most closely identify with?(select one)IT developmentDirector or Vice President9924%Talent management and recruiting7117%Software developmentde

265、veloper,engineer,architect6014%IT operationsDirector or Vice President5914%C-level(CEO,CFO,CTO,CIO,CISO,CSO)4411%Systems operations,administration,SRE,or ITSM246%Product or project management154%Software delivery(testing,packaging,release)92%Technical training61%Security team51%Data scientist or mac

266、hine learning41%Sales and marketing31%Open source program office(OSPO)team20%Business analyst10%Legal counsel10%Academic or educator10%Other(please specify)143%Total418 A9Q10:Which response best describes the organization you work for?(select one)“End-user”organization that primarily uses IT product

267、s/services to support its business activities14635%System integrator or IT consulting firm10024%Cloud service provider or managed service provider4912%Hardware and/or software vendor4210%Hardware and/or software supplier256%422023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICES

268、COUNTCOLUMN%Software reseller or distributor102%Academic or research institution102%Nonprofit association or foundation82%Embedded systems vendor41%Government entity or agency31%Other entity(please specify)215%Total418 A10Q11:Which of the following best describes your organizations primary industry?

269、(select one)end-user organizations onlyManufacturing(discrete or process)2517.1%Telecommunications/Internet service provider(ISP)/web hosting2416.4%Healthcare1812.3%Financial services(banking,insurance,securities,etc.)149.6%Retail,wholesale,&e-commerce138.9%Business services(accounting,management co

270、nsulting,legal,etc.)104.8%Construction/engineering73.4%Media(broadcast communications,entertainment,publishing,website,social networking,etc.)52.1%Automotive32.1%Education(college,university)32.1%Transportation&logistics(other than automotive)32.1%Mining,oil,and gas21.4%Life sciences(biotech,pharmac

271、euticals,etc.)21.4%Real estate,rental,and leasing10.7%Government(state,local)10.7%Education(K-12,primary,secondary)10.7%Consumer packaged goods10.7%Agriculture10.7%Hospitality&travel10.7%Government(federal,national)00.0%Utilities/energy00.0%Other(please specify)116.8%Total146 432023 STATE OF TECH TA

272、LENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A11Q12:Which of the following best describes your organizations primary industry?(select one)vendor and service provider organizations onlyCross-industry information technology(IT vendor,service provider,or manufacturer)10839.7%Telecom

273、munications/Internet service provider(ISP)/web hosting259.2%Healthcare238.5%Financial services(banking,insurance,securities,etc.)145.1%Retail,wholesale,&e-commerce124.4%Manufacturing(discrete or process)114.0%Business services(accounting,management consulting,legal,etc.)103.7%Education(college,unive

274、rsity)93.3%Automotive72.6%Construction/engineering72.6%Government(federal,national)62.2%Education(K-12,primary,secondary)51.8%Media(broadcast communications,entertainment,publishing,website,social networking,etc.)41.5%Consumer packaged goods41.5%Transportation&logistics(other than automotive)41.5%Go

275、vernment(state,local)20.7%Utilities/energy20.7%Life sciences(biotech,pharmaceuticals,etc.)10.4%Mining,oil,&gas10.4%Real estate,rental,and leasing10.4%Hospitality&travel10.4%Agriculture00.0%Other(please specify)155.5%Total272 442023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICE

276、SCOUNTCOLUMN%A12Q11+Q12:Which of the following best describes your organizations primary industry?(select one)all organizationsCross-industry information technology(IT vendor,service provider,or manufacturer)10825.8%Telecommunications/Internet service provider(ISP)/web hosting4911.7%Healthcare419.8%

277、Manufacturing(discrete or process)368.6%Financial services(banking,insurance,securities,etc.)286.7%Retail,wholesale,&eCommerce256.0%Business services(accounting,management consulting,legal,etc.)204.8%Construction/engineering143.3%Education(college,university)122.9%Automotive102.4%Media(broadcast com

278、munications,entertainment,publishing,website,social networking,etc.)92.2%Transportation&logistics(other than automotive)71.7%Education(K-12,primary,secondary)61.4%Government(federal,national)61.4%Consumer packaged goods51.2%Government(state,local)30.7%Life sciences(biotech,pharmaceuticals,etc.)30.7%

279、Mining,oil,&gas30.7%Hospitality&travel20.5%Utilities/energy20.5%Real estate,rental,and leasing20.5%Agriculture10.2%Other(please specify)266.2%Total418A13Q13:What percent of your IT workload runs in the public cloud?(select a percent value between 0%and 100%)120%297%2140%6015%4160%10427%6180%11830%81

280、100%8121%Total392 452023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A14Q14:Please estimate how many total employees are in your organization.(select one)149287%502494811%25099910325%1,0004,99911928%5,0009,9995012%10,00019,999164%20,000 or more5313%Dont know or n

281、ot sure10%Total418 A15Q15:Please identify what changes y made to your technical headcount during 2022.(select one)We didnt make any changes to our technical headcount in 20227718%We reduced our technical headcount in 20228119%We increased our technical headcount in 202225461%Dont know or not sure61%

282、Total418 A16Q16:Approximately what percent of the organizations technical headcount did you lay off or resigned in 2022?(select a percent value between 0%and 100%)Asked if the respondents organization reduced technical headcount in 2022.0%11%120%4050%2140%1215%4160%1114%6180%911%81100%79%Total80 A17

283、Q16:Approximately what percent of the organizations technical headcount did you lay off or resigned in 2022?segmented by Q14:Please estimate how many total employees are in your organization.1249 employees2504,999 employees5,000 or more employees0%0%2%0%120%36%43%71%2140%43%10%8%462023 STATE OF TECH

284、 TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%4160%21%21%13%6180%0%19%4%81100%0%14%4%Total80A18Q17:Approximately what percent of the organizations technical headcount did you add in 2022?(select a percent value between 0%and 100)Asked if the respondents increased technical head

285、count in 2022.0%00%120%11346%2140%5322%4160%3113%6180%2912%81100%187%Total244 A19Q18:Please estimate how many technical staff were in your organization at the beginning of 2023.(select one)19236%1024369%2549399%5099297%1002494711%2504994611%5009995714%1,0002,4994110%2,5004,999317%5,0009,999287%10,00

286、014,99951%15,00019,99961%20,000 or more276%Dont know or not sure31%Total418 472023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A20Q19:What is the average total compensation(salary+bonus)per person in USD for technical staff in your organization?(select one)$0$24,

287、999287%$21,000$49,9995513%$50,000$74,9999022%$75,000$99,9997718%$100,000$124,9995714%$121,000$149,999143%$150,000$174,999317%$171,000$199,999164%$200,000$224,999133%$225,000$249,99982%$250,000 or more164%Dont know or not sure133%Total418 A21Q20:Did economic concerns beginning in 2022 cause your orga

288、nization to change or revise your 2023 technical headcount hiring plans?(select one)Yes24759%No15437%Dont know or not sure174%Total418 A22Q21:Which of the following technology areas are staffed by technical headcount?(select all that apply)Cloud/Container technologies24859%Cybersecurity24258%Databas

289、e and data management22654%Advanced analytics and data science20048%Web&application development18143%Artificial intelligence/Machine learning17341%DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOps17341%Networking technologies(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)15637%Storage technologies14936%Linux12730%482023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPEND

290、IXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%CI/CD&DevOps12129%Edge computing10224%Kubernetes9322%IoT&Embedded9222%Open source hardware8420%Blockchain8220%Manufacturing,3D printing,and CAD/CAM5714%Augmented/Virtual reality5714%Other(please specify)61%Dont know or not sure00%Total418 A23Q22:As new

291、technology comes into use at your organization,what steps are you taking to ensure your technical staff have the right skills?(select all that apply)Hiring new IT professionals with experience in the new technology29771%Providing training opportunities for existing technical staff29170%Hiring consul

292、tants to support projects and train existing technical staff17442%Requiring additional training for existing technical staff15938%Dont know or not sure10%Total418 A24Q22:As new technology comes into use at your organization,what steps are you taking to ensure your technical staff have the right skil

293、ls?segmented by Q10:Which response best describes the organization you work for?“End-user”orga-nization that primarily uses IT products/services to support its business activitiesTech vendor,supplier,or service providerOther,including govern-ment,NGO,and academic institutionHiring new IT professiona

294、ls with experience in the new technology47%35%26%Providing training opportunities for existing technical staff43%40%45%Hiring consultants to support projects and train existing technical staff77%67%57%Requiring additional training for existing technical staff78%66%74%Dont know or not sure0%.4%0%Tota

295、l418 492023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A25Q23.1:How important are the following approaches to addressing your organizations technology needs?(select one)Hiring and onboarding new talent that have the IT skills your organization needsNot important

296、 at all00%Not very important51%Somewhat important4611%Very important16239%Extremely important20449%Dont know or not sure10%Total418 A26Q23.2:How important are the following approaches to addressing your organizations technology needs?(select one)Upskilling existing IT staff to acquire the skills and

297、 knowledge your organization needsNot important at all00%Not very important20%Somewhat important317%Very important15938%Extremely important22153%Not important at all51%Total418 A27Q23.3:How important are the following approaches to addressing your organizations technology needs?(select one)That the

298、candidate has a college or university degreeNot important at all133%Not very important399%Somewhat important12530%Very important11528%Extremely important12430%Total418 A28Q23.4:How important are the following approaches to addressing your organizations technology needs?(select one)That technical can

299、didates have skills that are certifiedNot important at all113%Not very important143%Somewhat important7117%502023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%Very important14936%Extremely important17041%Total418 A29Q24:What incentives is your organization offerin

300、g to deter your technical headcount from moving to another company?(select all that apply)Increased salary23757%Opportunity for better work/life balance21150%Additional training opportunities or certification21050%Opportunity for flexible work schedule or telecommuting20449%Opportunity to be bonus e

301、ligible17943%High-level recognition for accomplishments16439%Opportunity to contribute to open source projects I am interested in12029%Additional stock options/RSU/equity8621%No incentives are being offered at this time102%Other(please specify)61%Dont know or not sure82%Total418 A30Q25:If unable to

302、find technical candidates with the skills you need,which of the following best describes how you have met your organizations requirements?(select all that apply)Sought training for existing employees22353%Continued to look until we found a close fit21050%Hired a consultant14835%Delayed technology pr

303、ojects and/or deployments11227%Other(please specify)51%Dont know or weve been able to find tech talent,so this is not an issue338%Total418 A31Q26.1:What is your perspective on upskilling technical staff?(select one)Upskilling rather than hiring new employees is a more cost-effective way to increase

304、technical expertiseStrongly disagree31%Somewhat disagree102%Neither disagree nor agree4611%512023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%Somewhat agree13933%Strongly agree21852%Dont know or not sure20%Total418 A32Q26.2:What is your perspective on upskilling

305、technical staff?(select one)Upskilling is the preferred way to fill senior positions where we cant find a technical headcountStrongly disagree31%Somewhat disagree143%Neither disagree nor agree4912%Somewhat agree17041%Strongly agree17943%Dont know or not sure31%Total418 A33Q26.3:What is your perspect

306、ive on upskilling technical staff?(select one)Upskilling doesnt work for senior roles because you cant teach broad subject matter expertise Strongly disagree389%Somewhat disagree9422%Neither disagree nor agree8420%Somewhat agree10726%Strongly agree8821%Dont know or not sure72%Total418 A34Q26.4:What

307、is your perspective on upskilling technical staff?(select one)Upskilled staff doesnt help us to fill new positions because we still have to backfill for the positions vacated Strongly disagree276%Somewhat disagree8119%Neither disagree nor agree7618%Somewhat agree12931%Strongly agree10224%Dont know o

308、r not sure31%Total418 522023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A35Q26.5:What is your perspective on upskilling technical staff?(select one)Upskilling is an ideal way to help junior technical staff expand their capabilities Strongly disagree20%Somewhat d

309、isagree41%Neither disagree nor agree358%Somewhat agree14735%Strongly agree22855%Dont know or not sure20%Total418 A36Q26.6:What is your perspective on upskilling technical staff?(select one)Upskilling works best for learning narrowly focused skills Strongly disagree31%Somewhat disagree276%Neither dis

310、agree nor agree6917%Somewhat agree15036%Strongly agree16139%Dont know or not sure82%Total418 A37Q26.7:What is your perspective on upskilling technical staff?(select one)Upskilling takes too long or is ineffective at training for complex roles Strongly disagree5313%Somewhat disagree10325%Neither disa

311、gree nor agree6115%Somewhat agree9422%Strongly agree10325%Dont know or not sure41%Total418 532023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A38Q26.8:What is your perspective on upskilling technical staff?(select one)Upskilling,training,and certifications are mo

312、re important than having a relevant college degree Strongly disagree102%Somewhat disagree184%Neither disagree nor agree7117%Somewhat agree13833%Strongly agree17542%Dont know or not sure61%Total418 A39Q27.1:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?(select one)Re

313、cruitment is costly,time-consuming,and rarely leads to the right candidate for the position Strongly disagree266%Somewhat disagree6014%Neither disagree nor agree6014%Somewhat agree14033%Strongly agree13131%Dont know or not sure10%Total418 A40Q27.2:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,an

314、d retaining technical staff?(select one)Onboarding takes valuable internal resources away from other critical projects and is time-consuming Strongly disagree215%Somewhat disagree4711%Neither disagree nor agree7919%Somewhat agree15637%Strongly agree11327%Dont know or not sure20%Total418 542023 STATE

315、 OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A41Q27.3:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?(select one)There is a need for a streamlined way to recruit new technical staff with proven skills Strongly disagree51%Somewhat disagr

316、ee123%Neither disagree nor agree4912%Somewhat agree16139%Strongly agree18845%Dont know or not sure31%Total418 A42Q27.4:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?(select one)Not all tech talent is the sameits challenging that they do not have a common benchmark o

317、f skills,methodologies,approaches Strongly disagree61%Somewhat disagree195%Neither disagree nor agree5914%Somewhat agree15838%Strongly agree17241%Dont know or not sure41%Total418 A43Q27.5:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?(select one)With all the recent

318、tech talent layoffs,its now easier to identify great candidates Strongly disagree143%Somewhat disagree4511%Neither disagree nor agree9823%Somewhat agree13933%Strongly agree11528%Dont know or not sure72%Total418 552023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A

319、44Q27.6:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?(select one)Hiring the wrong candidate and then having to onboard again is an issue Strongly disagree133%Somewhat disagree246%Neither disagree nor agree4912%Somewhat agree15337%Strongly agree17241%Dont know or no

320、t sure72%Total418 A45Q27.7:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?(select one)Certifications should be required to verify claimed technical skills Strongly disagree143%Somewhat disagree256%Neither disagree nor agree5914%Somewhat agree14234%Strongly agree16940

321、%Dont know or not sure92%Total418 A46Q27.8:What is your perspective on recruiting,onboarding,and retaining technical staff?(select one)Pre-employment testing should be required to verify claimed technical skills Strongly disagree61%Somewhat disagree184%Neither disagree nor agree4912%Somewhat agree15

322、838%Strongly agree18143%Dont know or not sure61%Total418 562023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A47Q28:Which of the following training or professional development opportunities does your organization use to train and certify technical staff?(select al

323、l that apply)Employer-paid training and certifications26563%Online/virtual courses26062%We send employees to technical conferences20148%Corporate onsite training19948%Self-directed learning19045%Mentoring programs18945%Books and manuals13532%Tuition assistance toward pursuing a degree8621%Other(plea

324、se specify)20%Dont know or not sure20%Total418 A48Q29:About how long does it take to fill an open technical position?(select one)Less than a month328%13 months16640%46 months12029%79 months4711%1012 months348%More than 12 months143%Dont know or not sure51%Total418 A49Q30:How long does the onboarding

325、 process take for new technical headcount to reach normal productivity?(select one)Up to 2 weeks307%34 weeks8019%12 months7819%23 months8921%34 months4711%56 months5413%79 months133%572023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%1012 months133%More than 12 mo

326、nths92%Dont know or not sure51%Total418 A50Q31:On average,what percentage of new technical staff hires resigned or did you ask to leave within six months of being onboarded?(select a percent value between 0%and 100%)0%267%110%12532%1120%6817%2130%359%3140%287%4150%195%5160%267%6170%144%7180%164%8190

327、%195%91100%144%Total390 A51Q32:What is the status of an Open Source Program Office(OSPO)at your organization?(select one)We are evaluating if we need an OSPO8522%We have a partially staffed OSPO6818%We dont have an OSPO6316%We are implementing an OSPO6316%We have a fully staffed OSPO5514%We dont hav

328、e a need for an OSPO369%Dont know or not sure174%Total387 582023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%A52Q33:Where or who does this OSPO report to in your organization?(select one)IT Operations or ITSM7842%CTO4524%Software engineering or development3519%CI

329、O126%CISO,security,compliance,or risk management116%Legal21%Dont know or not sure32%Total186 A53Q34:How did concerns about the economy change your 2023 technical staff hiring plans?(select all that apply)Asked if concerns about the economy caused a change in technical hiring plansOur current plan is

330、 to put new technical staff positions on hold12852%Our current plan is to increase the size of our technical staff11747%Our current plan is to reduce the size of our technical staff6627%Dont know or not sure21%Total247 A54Q35:What is your 2023 technical staff hiring plan?(select all that apply)Asked

331、 if the respondent did not say the economy had an impact on technical hiring plansOur current plan is to put new technical staff positions on hold11868%Our current plan is to increase the size of our technical staff169%Our current plan is to reduce the size of our technical staff6135%Dont know or no

332、t sure00%Total173 A55Q36:What are the reasons behind reducing your technical staff in 2023?(select all that apply)Asked if the respondents organization is reducing technical headcount in 2023Revenue and profits are trending lower than planned5162%The organization is exercising caution due to concern

333、s over economic uncertainty in 20234656%Use of cloud or managed service providers has eliminated some roles3543%The organization hired too many technical staff in anticipation of growth2530%Increased reliance on more outsourcing or offshoring has eliminated some roles2328%592023 STATE OF TECH TALENT REPORT APPENDIXTABLEQUESTIONS AND ANSWER CHOICESCOUNTCOLUMN%Technical staff were involved in projec



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wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP    wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

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wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP  微**... 升级为标准VIP

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