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1、 Kantar GETTING MEDIA RIGHT 2018 2Getting Media Right: Extraordinary Marketing Through Integrated, Holistic Advertising Extraordinary marketing through integrated, holistic advertising. If marketers understand the need for a balanced approach to understanding performance, why do they still focus on

2、short-term sales as the primary indicator of campaign success? In 2018, in our 5th annual Getting Media Right study, we find that marketers are continuing to struggle with measuring and proving ROI, primarily due to their approach. While a majority recognise they should look at a blend of short-term

3、 sales over 70% of Agencies and Media/Publishers are confident they have the balance right. 45% Not confident 43% confident in 2017 23% Not confident 30% Not confident 55% Confident AdvertisersAgenciesMedia/Publishers 77% Confident 70% Confident 30Getting Media Right: Extraordinary Marketing Through

4、 Integrated, Holistic Advertising Gen Y marketers have significantly less confidence in their media mix and balance of digital and offline. Thats likely because a larger portion of Gen Y, 35%, dont feel their organisation understands the touchpoints along the consumer journey (only 20% of Gen X and

5、Boomers feel similarly), indicating a lack of understanding in where best to reach target audiences. Boomers (1946-1964) Boomers (1946-1964) Gen X (1965-1979) Gen X (1965-1979) Gen Y (1980-1994) Gen Y (1980-1994) Confidence organisation has the right balance between digital their remaining time is s

6、pent on bridging across channels. Optimal allocation of teams time and efforts across channels 15% 43% 42% Cross-channel & DeviceTraditional mediaDigital media 33 DRIVE SHORT & LONG-TERM ROI HARMONISE MEASUREMENT INTEGRATE STRATEGIES USE INSIGHTS EARLY & OFTEN MASTER THE MEDIA MIX Creating a proper

7、framework to monitor and measure short-term impact on business and long-term results on brand. Evaluating the tools and insights needed to efficiently improve performance within and across channels and platforms. Determine what metrics and tools will allow you to look across channels, platforms and

8、content. Not just across media channels and platforms but also the overall approaches for creative and media, considering what data sources are needed to effectively create holistic strategies. Considering research and ways in which to improve campaign performance starting at the ideation phase. Enh

9、ance impact by integrating efforts but also customising campaign elements. Across channels and platforms, creating synergies within digital media and between online and offline. Utilise research to guide decision-making and determine where best to allocate your teams time and efforts 34Getting Media

10、 Right: Extraordinary Marketing Through Integrated, Holistic Advertising Global summary how marketer attitudes vary by region NA Most clear that proving ROI is the biggest challenge Drive long and short-term ROI Most likely to use sales lift research Harmonise measurement Most confident about data i

11、ntegration Integrate strategies Most confident they can act in real-time, but still moving optimisation earlier for greater impact Use insights early and often Campaign-specific objectives given greater weight Master the media mix LatAm Only region where omni-channel behaviour is a higher priority t

12、han ROI Find it toughest to assess performance across channels Least likely to have integrated strategies Less confident they can act in real-time, so moving optimization earlier Least confident in their media mix Europe Conducting more balanced short and long term measurement Bigger gaps in cross-p

13、latform and in-app measurement Most likely to have integrated strategies Already the earliest optimisers, most likely to be moving even earlier. Least confident in the digital vs traditional balance APAC Most confident with the balance between brand & performance marketing Most likely to use brand e

14、ffectiveness measurement Most likely to have data gaps Least likely to be optimising early, despite not being very confident they can act in real-time Most confident in their media mix All of our major themes are true globally, yet there are variations in how the issues manifest themselves. 35Gettin

15、g Media Right: Extraordinary Marketing Through Integrated, Holistic Advertising Methodology Getting Media Right (2018) is based on survey responses from senior marketing leaders (Manager/Director, VP/SVP/EVP, and/or C-Level) at advertisers, agencies (creative & media), and media companies. The surve

16、y was conducted online between July- August 2018 and was accessible via link through various channels (email, social, website, etc.). N: = 468 Advertiser n = 166 Agency n = 216 Media n = 86 Female n = 215 Male n = 249 Gen Y n = 155 Gen X n = 202 Boomers n = 102 NA n = 175 LATAM n = 61 Europe n = 85

17、APAC n = 87 Kantar is one of the worlds leading data, insight and consultancy companies. Working together across the whole spectrum of research and consulting disciplines, it specialist brands, employing 30,000 people, provide inspirational insights and business strategies for clients in 100 counties. Kantar is part of WPP and its services are employed by over half of the Fortune Top 500 companies.



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