
2020年森林景观修复经验报告:从恢复上巴拉那州阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭大西洋森林的16年中获取经验 - 世界自然基金会(英文版)(56页).pdf

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2020年森林景观修复经验报告:从恢复上巴拉那州阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭大西洋森林的16年中获取经验 - 世界自然基金会(英文版)(56页).pdf

1、 PJ Stephenson Lessons Learnt from 16 years of Restoring the Atlantic Forest at a Trinational Level: the Upper Paran in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay 2020 Stephanie Mansourian, Ada Luz (Lucy) Aquino, Claudia Amicone, Anita Diederichsen, Fabianus Fliervoet, Daniel Venturi, Daniel Vallauri Acknowledg

2、ements: We would like to thank Andrea Garay (WWF-Paraguay), Mayra Milkovic, Daniela Rode and Jonatan Villalba (Fundacin Vida Silvestre Argentina), Douglas Silva Santos (WWF-Brazil) for their inputs. Published in 2020 by WWF-France. Text 2020 WWF All rights reserved Any reproduction in full or in par

3、t must mention the title and credit the abovementioned publisher as the copyright owner. Layout by Sambou-Dubois WWF is one of the worlds largest and most experienced independent conservation organizations, with over 5 million supporters and a global Network active in more than 100 countries. WWFs m

4、ission is to stop the degradation of the planets natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by: conserving the worlds biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wa

5、steful consumption. Fundacin Vida Silvestre Argentina is an independent non-governmental organization that was created in 1977 in Argentina. Its mission is to promote solutions for environmental conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and responsible behaviour in the context of climate ch

6、ange. Since 1988 Vida Silvestre has been associated and has represented WWF in Argentina. 1 Preface PREFACE Situated where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet, the Upper Paran Atlantic Forest Ecoregion represents a fragile ecosystem. The Atlantic Forest has been identified as one of the worlds most

7、endangered forests. It is a diverse forest teeming with irreplaceable species, including several species of tamarins and the majestic jaguar. Because of its strategic location, the Upper Paran has seen its forest dwindle and degrade. Today, less than 8% remains, much of it in a degraded state. The f

8、orests have been logged for their timber, and have been converted to cities, to plantations and to live- stock pastures. Although these pressures continue, we believe that through forest land- scape restoration, some of the damage can be reversed; we firmly believe that this must be reversed. Much m

9、ore than the forest is at stake. As we lose this unique forest, we lose species that hold the key to new medicines, to foods, to raw products; we lose the services that this forest provides in terms of water, carbon, recreation and nutrient cycling. As we lose this natural capital it is our economy

10、that will suffer, our farmers, our cultures, our indigenous communities. For all these reasons and many more, our teams at WWF and Fundacin Vida Silvestre Argentina have collaborated with literally hundreds of stake- holders in the last 16 years to conserve and restore this vital forest. Working acr

11、oss three countries presents its challenges, and we have had our fair share. However, with urgency comes a renewed sense of purpose, duty and partnership. We are proud to be partners in restoration initiatives such as the Bonn Challenge, the Initiative 20 x20, the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact an

12、d now the Trinational Initiative to ensure that the Atlantic Forest can be successfully restored. This publication is intended to share the lessons we have learnt so far in the hope that they can provide a good basis for further restoration work in the Upper Paran, in the wider Atlantic Forest and b

13、eyond. Mauricio Voivodic Chief Executive Officer WWF-Brazil Ada Luz (Lucy) Aquino Country Office Director WWF-Paraguay Manuel Marcelo Jaramillo Director General Fundacin Vida Silvestre Argentina DAMAGE MUST BE REVERSED IN THE UPPER PARANA ECOREGION. E. Salvador TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 1 Executive


15、D FUTURE PROSPECTS 50 References 51 R. Stonehouse 3 Executive summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lessons Learnt from 16 years of Restoring the Atlantic Forest at a Trinational Level: the Upper Paran in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Straddling Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, the Upper Paran Atlantic Forest

16、(UPAF) ecoregion is one of the 15 priority ecoregions within the broader Atlantic Forest Complex and represents about a quarter of the remaining Atlantic Forest. It is not only home to numerous unique species such as the black lion tamarin or the giant otter, but it is also important for agriculture

17、 and hydroelectricity with two of the worlds largest hydropower stations located here. Forest cover once extended 39,442,271 ha across the three countries but only about 5,607,900 ha remain today (14%). Furthermore, remaining tracts are highly fragmented and the majority (70%) of remaining frag- men

18、ts are under 100 ha in size. Main threats are conversion to agriculture and pasture land. Ranching, infrastructure, illegal hunting and unsustainable exploitation are also contributing to the degradation and loss of the forest. Between 1998 and 2003, WWF and Fundacin Vida Silvestre Argentina brought

19、 together more than 70 institutions and experts to define an ecoregion vision for the Upper Paran Atlantic Forest, producing a solid document that was to serve as the foundation for future interventions. Four implementation phases followed, with restoration at the core of the interventions. Activiti

20、es have included: working with landowners to change their attitudes towards the forest and to make restoration more economically viable for them; experimental resto- ration; trialling payments for ecosystem services (PES) and other market mechanisms; and policy and advocacy work to improve laws, ens

21、ure their applicability and support landowners to comply with these laws. Deforestation continues to be a challenge. However, some results are visible. In both UPAF and the Serra do Mar, over 5,300 ha of Atlantic forests have been planted in eight watersheds since 2006 with WWF support. In Paraguay,

22、 the rate of deforestation has decreased between 82 to 95% since the baseline in 2003, thanks to the zero deforesta- tion law, first enacted in 2004 ; WWF supported restoration (both planting and natural regeneration) of almost 15,000 ha. Jaguar numbers in the Upper Paran have increased by 160% betw

23、een 2005-2018. WWF and Vida Silvestre have collaborated with numerous actors, from national govern- ments to local farmers and indigenous communities, as well as other NGOs and scientific bodies. The private sector has also been an important stakeholder, with for example the hydroelectricity company

24、 Itaip-Binacional being one of the main restoration imple- menters in the UPAF. Capacity building has centred on improving knowledge about both the ecosystem and ways of restoring it. Many communications materials were produced and events held, B R A Z I L South Atlantic Ocean N Forest remnants Ecor

25、egion complex THE UPPER PARAN A R G E N T I N A P A R A G U A Y 4 Executive summary Key lessons learnt over the course of this project are: 1 Lasting convening power of ecoregional planning - Ecoregional planning provides a platform for con- vening multiple partners to reach one common biodiversity

26、vision. 2 Transboundary FLR planning can be effective for conservation, but implementation is always decided at the national and local levels - Differing national and local social, political and economic contexts render transboundary FLR initiatives more complex. Large-scale interventions such as FL

27、R, may require improved collaboration across countries in planning and defining priorities. However, the reality is that on the ground activities will need to be decided and implemented at the local and/or national level together with local stakeholders. 3 Implementation at multiple scales - Local,

28、national, regional and even international actions can all con- tribute to an FLR initiative. 4 Restoration is one of many interventions in a landscape - Restoration takes place within a landscape within which there are many other priorities, interventions, projects and interests. FLR can complement

29、other actions, such as jaguar conservation, but may also compete in some cases. Thus, promoting the convening power of the landscape approach (the L of FLR) is a delicate balance. 5 Addressing the underlying drivers of deforestation is an essential part of FLR - Drivers of deforesta- tion are comple

30、x, and multi-scalar (e.g. related to international markets) but tackling them is central to a comprehensive FLR strategy. 6 Diverse and innovative restoration strategies are needed in the context of ongoing deforestation - Investing in long term restoration efforts in a landscape where deforestation

31、 is still occurring, and where newly restored areas risk deforestation, requires specific tactics. 7 Social movements, networks, partnerships, alliances and stakeholder platforms play a mobilising and multiplier role for FLR - Through these informal and formal groups, FLR may be promoted and rep- li

32、cated more rapidly across a region or country. 8 Permanent dialogue helps to maintain momentum and establish trust - It is important for the propo- nents of FLR (and other large-scale conservation efforts) to be present locally and maintain open commu- nication channels with all stakeholders, to und

33、erstand their needs and priorities and to establish trust. 9 Strong civil society organisations are required - Capacity of civil society organisations on the ground often needs to be strengthened. To upscale FLR it is necessary to count on empowered local actors. such as the 2014 WWF Annual Conferen

34、ce in Iguazu Falls which brought together WWFs CEOs and led to significant media coverage. Tenure, policies, informal decision-making processes and linking global targets to on the ground action have been important gover- nance issues explored and addressed in forest landscape restoration (FLR) in t

35、he UPAF. Financial sustainability remains fragile, although payments for ecosystem services and other involvement of the private sector can help secure longer term funding for conserva- tion and restoration of the UPAF. Collaboration with local communities and other local actors has been essential f

36、or WWF and Vida Silvestre. WWF and Vida Silvestre will continue to maintain their activities in this region at least until 2023 when the next ecoregion action plan finishes. After that, the organisations will have to decide how best to position themselves in the long term vis-vis the many actors in

37、the region. 5 10 Human qualities of project staff are decisive - Patience, understanding, humility and respect are some of the key qualities necessary for project staff to be able to engage effectively with local stakeholders to achieve the considerable and long-term changes required for FLR. 11 Inc

38、lusive implementation of FLR must recognise social realities - Local stakeholders have rights and responsibilities in the framework of FLR which need to be recognised. In particular the multiple roles played by women are crucial in rural areas. 12 Socialandeconomicbenefitsfromrestorationneedtobeappa

39、renttosmallholders- When res- toration takes place on private land, smallholders need to see benefits, financial or otherwise, given the opportunity cost of setting land aside for restoring forests. 13 Private companies are also actors in restoration - Many sectors have a stake in FLR, from large in

40、dus- trial agribusiness and tree plantations, to the energy sector, the tourism sector, among others. Companies operating in these sectors depend on ecosystem services (e.g. water, soils, carbon) and social services (peaceful neighbourhood, employees.) from the landscape and also have an impact on t

41、he landscape and as such should contribute to upscale forest restoration. These companies can contribute to redesign diverse and resilient landscapes. 14 The effective implementation and enforcement of legal and policy instruments contribute to FLR success - Securing the right policy and legal frame

42、work alone is insufficient, but in combination with incen- tives, support and enforcement, they play an important role in FLR. 15 Institutional arrangements need to be in place for the long term - While policies and legislation that support FLR are necessary, the institutions to implement these effe

43、ctively are equally important. These institutions need to be legitimate, empowered and lasting. 16 Monitoring and evaluation need to be pragmatic and user friendly - Monitoring is fundamental for learning and adaptive management, yet is often neglected in FLR. New tools and technologies contribute t

44、o facilitating monitoring. In addition, monitoring should not be seen only as a verification tool, but also as a means of improving efficiency, learning and as a source of inspiration. 17 Forest landscape restoration requires time - Medium and long term thinking and planning are needed considering t

45、he social and ecological timeframes for FLR. Executive summary E. Salvador Reserva de Vida Silvestre Urugua- (Argentina). 6 SUMRIO EXECUTIVO Sumrio executivo Lies aprendidas em 16 anos de Restaurao de Mata Atlntica na escala trinacional: a Ecorregio do Alto Paran na Argentina, Brasil e Paraguai. Est

46、endendo-se pela Argentina, Brasil e Paraguai, a ecorregio do Alto Paran define-se como uma das 15 ecorregies prioritrias dentro do complexo da Mata Atlntica e representa aproximadamente um quarto dos remanes- centes de Mata Atlntica. No apenas abriga vrias espcies nicas, com o mico-leo-preto e a ari

47、ranha, mas tambm importante para agricultura e gerao de energia eltrica, com duas das maiores hidreltricas localizadas nesta regio. A cobertura florestal estendia-se em 39,442,271 hectares entre os trs pases, mas hoje apenas restam 5,607,900 hectares (14%). Alm disso os remanes- centes de florestas

48、encontram-se altamente fragmentados, com a sua maio- ria (70%) com tamanho inferior a 100ha. As principais ameaas so a converso de florestas para agricultura e pastagens. Pecuria, infraestrutura, caa ilegal e explorao no sustentvel tambm contribuem para degra- dao e perda da floresta. Entre os anos

49、de 1998 e 2003, o WWF e a Fundacin Vida Silvestre Argentina reuniram mais de 70 instituies e especialistas para definir um “viso para ecorregio do Alto Paran”, produzindo um slido documento que serviu como base para todas interven- es futuras. Quatro fases de implementao se seguiram, com a restaurao de florestas como um pilar central nas intervenes. Atividades tambm incluram: trabalhar com proprietrios rurais para mudar suas atitudes em relao ao manejo da floresta e tornar a restaurao e



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