
4C Insights:2018年电视媒体白皮书(英文版)(9页).pdf

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4C Insights:2018年电视媒体白皮书(英文版)(9页).pdf

1、Use the Data AN ADVANCED TV WHITE PAPER Featuring insights from industry leaders. Use the Data: An Advanced TV White Paper Page 2 2018 4C Insights, Inc. INTRODUCTION Over the past decade, TV viewership has splintered as part of the media fragmentation trend with video content available to consumers

2、at any time on any device. However, as a medium, linear TV still amasses huge audiences and delivers strong engagement and reach. If only there were a way to leverage multi-channel behavior to deliver audience-based ads on the big screen Welcome to 2018, the year of Advanced TV. No longer are brands

3、 forced to target based on age and gender alone nor forced to measure based on Nielsen ratings. Per Forrester Research, more than 50% of marketers are likely to include Advanced TV buys in their schedule this year. So, forget the fact that 2017 was the first year digital ad spending surpassed TV. Fo

4、rget that digital has historically been more targetable and ROI-attributable than TV. Advanced TV changes all that. New technologies and data are available now for planners and buyers to improve their TV advertising strategies through audience-based buying and some of the same programmatic tactics l

5、everaged by digital marketers. But what exactly is Advanced TV? And where can marketers get started? This paper will explore the state of Advanced TV based not only on 4Cs work with some of the largest networks and advertisers in the industry, but also based on interviews with more than a dozen expe

6、rts in the burgeoning Advanced TV space. Its time for TV advertisers to USE THE DATA! More than 50% of marketers are likely to include Advanced TV buys in their schedule this year. Use the Data: An Advanced TV White Paper Page 3 2018 4C Insights, Inc. WHAT IS ADVANCED TV? Advanced TV is not a “marke

7、ting channel” but rather an expression to describe the various ways and forms that television advertising is morphing during this rapid period of evolution. “Advanced TV is a sort of catch-all term that describes the methods and practices of applying two key things: data and technology - for the pur

8、poses of analytics and decisioning - within a TV environment,” says Dan Aversano, Senior VP, Ad Innovation however the most important need is for network/ partner collaboration and flexibility,” says Horizons Rose. “While there is some standardization of terminology in the Advanced TV landscape, the

9、re is a lot of growth needed in consistency of data, activations, and reporting. Everyone involved will need to be flexible as we all collectively work together to create these standards and benchmarks to prove the value of greater targeting and efficiencies.” Advanced TV will finally progress into

10、the norming and then performing stages once the biggest market force marketers themselves demand it. They need new industry standards, confidence in proven tactics, and trust in emerging industry leaders across identity, data and analytics. BRIE PINNOW, CO-FOUNDER OF BLINC Use the Data: An Advanced

11、TV White Paper Page 7 2018 4C Insights, Inc. HOW BIG IS THE ADVANCED TV MARKET? “Its no longer a question or whether automation will become synonymous with digital trading, its a matter of the pace in which it will occur,” says Hulus Fleming. “By 2020, I anticipate a significant percentage of TV bud

12、gets will be dedicated to Advanced TV, but it will take to 2025 before we see Advanced TV dictating television budgets.” 4Cs Mitchell agrees that this shift is right around the corner. “I think were closer than most anticipate to seeing a shift in audience-based buys for TV be the norm. Well see a d

13、ramatic shift in age/gender-based buying to audience driven & addressable buying for TV. In the next three to five years, well have a majority of clients shifting from transacting on their true audience targets and not age/gender.” Blincs Pinnow sees the potential as well. “By 2020, we predict that

14、over 75% of advertisers will have at least tested an Advanced TV strategy. And by 2025, at least 50% of TV budgets will move to this data-driven approach. Digital advertising has matured to the point where there is addressable scale, easy access to first, second, third party data, and standard metri

15、cs. As those same three elements addressability, data and measurement continue to advance in the TV ecosystem, Advanced TV will have marketers coming back for more.” But there are still some things that need to happen for Advanced TV to scale. The technology needs to evolve, the inventory needs to b

16、e more readily available, and certainly the education gap needs to close for todays television advertisers to get to a comfort level with all of these new things before they can fully invest. Adam Gerber, SVP of Investment, North America at Essence, explains what he thinks are still missing: “The bi

17、ggest gaps include planning tools that enable accurate and predictable audience forecasting, creative versioning platforms that make it easy to align messaging with targeting, and ROI tools that help prove the added costs associated with Advanced TV are more than offset by sales gains.” “To fully re

18、alize the potential, publishers should actively invest in app development, ad-tech partnerships, and data- provider relationships,” says Scott Rosenberg, General Manager of Platform Business at Roku. Regardless of the gaps, Advanced TV seems to be an inevitability. With all market shifts, its the gr

19、oups that get in early before the sharp curve that will be most prepared when the time comes. “I think that it will gradually shift as the traditional media companies advance their offerings and the technology and measurement continue to improve we will then develop business standards which allow fo

20、r more nimble transactions. The next five years will continue to be disruptive and through this the consumer offering will improve and so will our ability to help marketers reach their customers,” says Laura Nathanson, EVP Client and Audience Solutions, Disney ABC Sales at Disney ABC Television Grou

21、p. “Marketers who begin putting together the people, processes and products for TV audience targeting today are going to benefit greatly,” says Turners Aversano. “Those who dont or just put it off to the side are unfortunately going to be left behind and potentially put their business at risk.” Mark

22、eters who begin putting together the people, processes and products for TV audience targeting today are going to benefit greatly. DAN AVERSANO, SENIOR VP, AD INNOVATION & PROGRAMMATIC SOLUTIONS AT TURNER AD SALES But Advanced TV harnesses 100% of the market. Programmatic and Addressable still only r

23、epresent 3% each of TV Ad spend. EMARKETER, MARCH 2018 $70B Use the Data: An Advanced TV White Paper Page 8 2018 4C Insights, Inc. HOW CAN 4C HELP? 4C is pioneering audience-based buying across screens. Our self-serve software provides tools for planning, buying, and measurement. Our platform is pow

24、ered by the 4C Affinity Graph, which delivers a full picture of how people interact with media, technology, and each other by mapping millions of TV households and thousands of brands to billions of daily social brand interactions. 4C is the only company to combine historical TV airings, real-time T

25、V monitoring, household- level viewership, social media engagement, and offline activity into actionable sets of data for marketers to influence consumers and brand preference. “As the media ecosystem begins to embrace data-driven, audience-based solutions, 4C and its advanced capabilities are in a

26、compelling position to deliver efficiency and effectiveness to that ecosystem. The combination of Inscapes granular, household-level TV viewing data with 4Cs expertise in areas such as social metrics provides advertisers with powerful tools that enable the delivery of the right message to the right

27、audience,” said Jodie Mcafee, SVP Sales & Marketing, Inscape. Leverage 4Cs unique affinity audience data to power your 2018 Upfront planning. 4Cs planning algorithm can uncover the best networks and programming that satisfy your objectives using advanced audience targeting. Lower your effective CPM

28、and reach the right consumers. All it takes is a short conversation with our team so that they can run an apples-to-apples comparison against your current approach. Learn more at 4C As the media ecosystem begins to embrace data-driven, audience- based solutions, 4C and its advanced capabilities are

29、in a compelling position to deliver efficiency and effectiveness to that ecosystem. JODIE MCAFEE, SVP SALES & MARKETING, INSCAPE READY FOR MORE? Watch our webinar with guest speakers Jim Nail, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research, and Samantha Rose, VP Director of National TV, Horizon Media. ABOUT

30、4C 4C is a global leader in data science and marketing technology with solutions for multi-screen convergence. Brands, agencies, and media owners rely on the 4C Insights Affinity Graph to identify their most valuable audiences and improve effectiveness across channels. With nearly $2 billion in annu

31、alized media spend running through its software-as-a-service platform, 4C offers activation on Apple News, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, NBCUniversal, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Twitter as well as TV Synced Ads across display, search, social, and video. The company also provides paid, earned, and own

32、ed media analytics leveraging its Teletrax television monitoring network which detects over 400 million TV asset airings on an annual basis. Founded in 2011 and based in Chicago, 4C has staff in 15 worldwide locations across the United States, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, and the Philippines. Visit www.4C for more information.



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