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1、Women in Work Index 2019 Turning policies into effective action March 2019 PwCPwCContents Contents March 2019Women in work index Foreword2 1. Executive summary3 2. Key Index results9 3. Potential economic gains from improving female economic empowerment 12 4. UK and regional performance15 5. Special

2、 focus China and India21 6. Turning Policies into Effective Action27 Appendices Appendix 1: Individual labour market indicators 30 Appendix 2: Methodology 36 PwC PwC2 Foreword March 2019Women in work index International Womens Day 2019 marks yet another year of continued steps to improve the represe

3、ntation and welfare of women in the world of work. From the first world leader taking maternity leave, to the overwhelming response to #metoo, working women everywhere are increasingly asserting their right to be respected and treated fairly at work. However, women in the Organisation for Economic C

4、o-operation and Development (OECD) still face significant challenges and inequalities in the workplace. The pay gap persists and women are still under-represented in corporate leadership, with women accounting for only one-in-five of board seats in the largest publicly-listed companies in the OECD.

5、Clearly, there is still a long way to go before we can achieve a gender-equal workplace. The Women in Work Index shows that while progress continues to be made across 33 OECD countries, the pace of progress is slow. But there is a huge prize at stake from accelerating progress: Improving female part

6、icipation in work across the OECD could boost OECD GDP by US$6 trillion, while closing the gender pay gap could boost GDP by US$2 trillion. Iceland and Sweden continue to occupy the top two positions on the Index while New Zealand moves up one place to round off the top three. The UK made some small

7、 gains, moving up from 14thto 13thposition this year, but its progress is held back by a stubbornly persistent gender pay gap, which will require concerted government policy and business action to address. We also find significant variation in regional performance on the Index. Faster growing region

8、s such as London, tend to have made the biggest improvements in their Index scores since 2010. Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales outperformed most English regions, likely due to the higher share of public sector employment in these regions that tend to have smaller pay gaps and better female repr

9、esentation at senior levels. These trends suggest that underlying structural factors and the make-up of each regions economic activity can influence female economic opportunity. While the focus of the Index is on the OECD, we should not underestimate the contribution that China and India the two mos

10、t populous nations in the world have made in economically empowering millions of women. However, despite considerable progress being made in both countries, there is room for further improvement in female employment prospects. Had they both been included in the Index, China would have placed in betw

11、een Slovakia (26thplace) and Japan (27thplace), while India would have placed last, after Korea (33thplace). These challenges will take time to address, but both economic powerhouses could reap significant gains from promoting gender equality. Closing the gender pay gap could result in gains of more

12、 than US$2 trillion, while improving female participation in the workforce could result in gains of US$7.5 trillion, more than the gains to the OECD combined. While governments are responsible for shaping a policy environment that supports gender equality and diversity in the workplace, it is up to

13、organisations and employers to put this into practice. However, real and effective change remains elusive for many. In keeping with the theme of this years report Turning Policies into Effective Action we discuss how effective change within organisations requires strategic clarity, accountability, m

14、easurability and transparency. Please do get in touch if you have further questions or comments about this study, or to discuss how we can help your organisation address these issues. Jing Teow Author and Economist Saloni Goel Author and Economist Tara Shrestha Carney Author and Economist Alex Coope

15、r Author and Economist $6tn $2tn Boost to OECD GDP from increasing female employment rates to match Swedens Boost to OECD female earnings from closing the gender pay gap Executive summary The world will never realise 100% of its goals if 50% of its people cannot realise their full potential. When we

16、 unleash the power of women, we can secure the future for all. Ban Ki Moon Former UN Director-General Statement published for International Womens Day 2015 ” 1 PwC4 The OECD continues to make gradual progress to improve female economic empowerment, but there is still a long way to go to achieve a ge

17、nder-equal workplace March 2019Women in work index The seventh update of the Women in Work Index provides our assessment of female economic empowerment in 2017 across 33 OECD countries. The Index is a weighted average of five indicators that reflect female participation in the labour market and equa

18、lity in the workplace (see technical appendix for more details). Country rankings and trends From 2016 to 2017, on average, the OECD achieved small gains to female economic empowerment, mainly the result of reducing the average gender pay gap and female unemployment rate, while performance on all ot

19、her indicators remained broadly constant. Iceland and Sweden remain the top 2 performing OECD countries, while New Zealand joins the top three ranks for the first time since this Index was first published. Norway slips to 5th place, having been overtaken by Slovenia. Ireland and the Netherlands impr

20、oved their ranks since last year owing to positive improvements across most of the indicators in the Index, and in particular the reduction in the female unemployment rate in the Netherlands. Chile and Hungary both saw a decline in their absolute performance compared to last year due to an increase

21、in the gender pay gap. Switzerlands fall in performance on the other hand was due to the widening gender gap in labour force participation and an increase in female unemployment. Over the longer term there have been significant movements in country rankings, largely due to changes in the unemploymen

22、t rate and the gender gap in labour force participation. Since 2000, Luxembourg and Poland have made substantial improvements on the Index, as a result of a significant narrowing of the gender pay gap and a large reduction in the female unemployment rate, respectively. On the other hand, Portugal, t

23、he United States and Austria have all fallen significantly on the rankings since 2000. Portugal experienced a substantial rise in the pay gap while the US and Austria experienced a decline in female labour force participation and full-time employment, respectively. Potential long-term economic gains

24、 Significant economic benefits can be reaped in the long-term from increasing the female employment rate to match that of Sweden. The GDP gains across the OECD could be over US$6 trillion. Across the OECD, fully closing the gender pay gap could increase total female earnings by US$2 trillion. $6tn$2

25、tn Boost to OECD GDP from increasing female employment rates to match Swedens Boost to OECD female earnings from closing the gender pay gap Nordic countries occupy the top two positions on the Women in Work Index, with New Zealand at the third place 1 23 Source: PwC analysis, all data sources are li

26、sted in the appendix. SwedenIcelandNew Zealand PwC5 The UK has improved slightly, rising from 14th to 13th position on the Index, but its performance continues to be held back by a persistent gender pay gap March 2019Women in work index UK Ranking #13 The UK rose one place from 14thto 13thposition o

27、n the Index, performing above the OECD average. The UK continues on a path of gradual improvement: The UK has charted improvements across all five indicators of the Index. However, the UKs rank increased by only one position due to significant improvements in female employment prospects elsewhere in

28、 the OECD. In 2000, UK stood at the 17thposition, demonstrating slow but steady progress over the years. Between 2000 and 2011, the UK had an Index score below the OECD average. The UK began to outperform the OECD average from 2012 onwards, reaching 13thplace in 2017. The UK performs well when compa

29、red to other G7 economies, being second only to Canada overall. It performs above the G7 average with respect to all indicators except the female full-time employment rate, on which the UK ranks lowest in the G7. CanadaUnited Kingdom GermanyFranceUnited States JapanItaly #11 #18 #22#23 #27 #29 #13 S

30、ource: PwC analysis. Comparison against the G7 PwC Scotland tops the UK regional index with the South West and Wales in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively Women in work index Regional trends We assess how different UK regions would have performed by estimating the Women in Work Index for each of these

31、regions, applying the same methodology as with our main Index calculations for the OECD but using the UK average as a benchmark. The top three performing regions are Scotland, the South West and Wales. These regions have large hospitality sectors and a high concentration of public sector jobs, both

32、of which tend to have more balanced gender representation at all levels and hence smaller pay gaps. Yorkshire and the Humber, the East Midlands and the West Midlands are the three worst performing regions. In the Midlands this is driven by the relatively higher share of traditionally male-dominated

33、sectors such as manufacturing compared to the UK average. These sectors also tend to have larger pay gaps. From 2016 to 2017, Northern Ireland saw the largest improvement in its rank, moving up from 8thposition to 4th. The East Midlands saw the largest deterioration in its rank, falling 5 places fro

34、m 6thto 11thposition. Looking at the period after the financial crisis Wales made the most significant progress, moving up four places since 2010 from 7thposition to 3rd. This is due to the increase in female labour force participation and a reduction in the pay gap. The East Midlands fell by six pl

35、aces over the same period from 5thto 11h, as it was outpaced by improvements observed in other regions. Our analysis also finds a small positive correlation between the growth in regional gross value added (GVA) and changes in the Index score between 2010 and 2017, which may suggest that greater fem

36、ale economic participation boosts growth. #12 #11 #10 #9 #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire this includes the other Nordic countries like Norway and Finland, as well as Estonia. Gains from increasing the female employment rate across the OECD to match Swedens 13 March 2019

37、 Source: PwC analysis. 28%28% 27% 11% 9% 9% 5% 4% 1% GreeceMexicoItalyOECD average United States United Kingdom FinlandNorwayEstonia $250bn US$ 6tn Potential total OECD GDP gain PwC Closing the gender pay gap could boost female earnings across the OECD by over US$2 trillion, an increase of 22% Women

38、 in work index Gains from closing the pay gap across the OECD 14 March 2019 Source: PwC analysis. $114bn We consider the potential gains from closing the pay gap between men and women across the OECD. Closing the pay gap by increasing female average wages to match their male counterparts would gener

39、ate a substantial increase in female earnings. The gains to female labour earnings from closing the gender pay gap could be over US$2 trillion across the OECD. Of the OECD countries, the United States is anticipated to achieve the most gains in absolute terms from closing the pay gap, with total fem

40、ale earnings increasing by $816 billion. The largest gains in percentage terms could be found for countries with the largest gender pay gaps, notably Korea, Estonia and Japan. The increase in female labour earnings from closing the pay gap in these countries could range from one-quarter to two-third

41、s of the current value. Koreas female earnings could see a whopping increase of 53% from pay parity across males and females. Closing the gender pay gap in the UK would increase female earnings by 92 billion (US$ 114 billion), implying an increase of 20% of its current value. In our analysis, we ass

42、ume that the counteracting effects of the wage and employment effects broadly cancel out, meaning that an increase in wages does not lead to a net employment effect. This takes into account the counteracting effects of labour supply and demand elasticities: an increase in wages makes it more expensi

43、ve for employers to hire more workers, however higher earnings also incentivise potential workers to seek employment. 53% 36% 32% 22% 20% 19% 6% 5% 4% KoreaEstoniaJapanUnited States United Kingdom OECD average GreecePolandLuxembourg US$ 2tn Potential total OECD GDP gain 4 UK and regional performance

44、 PwC16 The UK continues to outperform the OECD, but progress remains slow March 2019Women in work index UK performance 2016-2017 From 2016 to 2017, the UK rose one place from 14thto 13thposition on the Index. Over this period, the UK saw sizeable improvements in the female labour force participation

45、 rate, the female full-time employment rate and reducing the female unemployment rate. One of the key areas holding back UK progress is the persistent gender pay gap, which barely budged between 2016 and 2017. In comparison, Luxembourg reduced its gender pay gap by 1.3 percentage points, making it t

46、he country with the lowest gender pay gap in the OECD. One policy that Luxembourg has introduced to improve female employment prospects and encourage gender parity in the workplace is the appointment of an Equality Delegate within each staff delegation, which is mandatory for organisations with 15 o

47、r more employees. The role of the Equality Delegate is to ensure the equal treatment of male and female employees on access to employment, training and promotion and pay and working conditions. The UK performs well when compared to other G7 economies, being only second to Canada. This is due to the

48、fact that the UK performs better than the G7 average with regard to the female labour force participation rate, the participation rate gap, the gender pay gap and the female unemployment rate, however it lags behind Canada on all indicators except the female unemployment rate and the gender pay gap.

49、 Long term trends: UK performance since 2000 In 2000, UK stood at the 17th position, demonstrating slow progress over the years. Since 2000, the UK has improved its performance across all five indicators, with the largest improvement made in reducing the gender pay gap and the gender gap in labour force participation, which have fallen by 10 and 5 percentage points respectively. In 2000, the UK performed above the OECD average for the gender pay gap and the female labour force participation rate, and below the OECD average for the labour force participation rate gap,



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