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1、The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers Perspectives from 300+ Hotel Marketers Around the World If theres one trend uniting the hotel marketing industry today from small boutique hotels to large multinational brands, its that travelers are researching, planning, and choosing their

2、travel experiences more actively than ever before. With what feels like an unlimited amount of information at their fingertips, todays travelers are savvy, well-informed, and comfortable with searching out the information they need before making purchasing decisions. As a result, hotel marketers are

3、 increasingly using digital advertising to communicate their value to potential guests. Sojern set out to understand how hotel marketers are using advertising their channels to reach this new type of travel consumer. This report summarizes the digital advertising experiences of more than 300 hotel m

4、arketers around the world in six major hotel segments:* International Luxury Hotel Chain International Mid-Tier Hotel Chain Hotel Groups (1-3 Properties) Franchise and Independent Property B metasearch, in fact, was among the least-utilized digital channel for all six major segments. The State of Ho

5、tel Advertising Spend All six segments devoted an almost equal percentage of budget (ranging from 18% to 22%) on paid search. Approximately what percentage of your or your travel clients advertising dollars was spent across the following media channels in 2018? Source: Sojern, 2019 The 2019 Report o

6、n Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers14 2019 Percentage Who Plan on Increasing Digital Ad Spend, By Hotel Segment International Mid-Tier Chain International Luxury Chain Independent Hotel Group Inn Homeshare 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% OTAOther Social MetasearchMobilePrivate Marketplace Vi

7、deo Programmatic Display Facebook and Instagram Paid Search Digital Marketing Usage Continues to Rise How do you anticipate your ad dollars will be allocated in 2019 across the following types of advertising? Source: Sojern, 2019 Across the board, hotel marketers plan to increase digital advertising

8、 budgets in 2019, with more than 6 out of 10 (62%) planning to spend more in 2019. The State of Hotel Advertising Spend The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers15 Miguel Barcel General Manager “Digital advertising is not the future, its the present. I think that a hotelier that is n

9、ot involved in this wave now is out of market.a hotelier now needs to be updated with all these changes and the new tools that the market has.” Digital is the most-desired advertising channel across all of the large hotel segments, with 72% of international luxury hotel chains expecting to invest in

10、 digital advertising this year, followed by international mid-tier chains (69%), hotel groups (65%), and independent properties (53%). Over a third (37%) of inns and 36% of homeshares also expect to invest more in digital advertising this year. Notably, almost half of all respondents indicate they p

11、lan to increase their digital ad spend on Facebook and Instagram specifically (ranging from 62% of international mid-tier chains to 45% of inns). The State of Hotel Advertising Spend The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers16 2018 Digital Ad Spend, By Region Hotel Marketing: Regiona

12、l Trends Approximately what percentage of your digital/travel clients digital advertising spend was spent across the following types of advertising in 2018? Source: Sojern, 2019 Paid search, Facebook, and Instagram attracted the largest percentage of hotel marketers budgets in 2018 across all global

13、 regions. Paid search was slightly less popular in Latin America than in the other major regions, while Latin America spent significantly more on Facebook and Instagram (26%) than on other digital ad channels. Programmatic display attracted more budget in the Middle East (13%, versus 9 to 10% for ot

14、her regions). Asia Pacific (14%) and the Middle East (13%) spent more on OTA ads than other regions. The State of Hotel Advertising Spend LATAM US APAC ME EU 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Other SocialVideoMetasearchMobileProgrammatic Display OTAPrivate Marketplace Facebook and Instagram Paid Search The

15、2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers17 Hotel Marketing: Trends by Size of Advertising Spend Approximately what percentage of your digital/travel clients digital advertising spend was spent across the following types of advertising in 2018? Source: Sojern, 2019 Its no surprise that a

16、dvertisers with larger marketing budgets explore digital somewhat differently than advertisers with smaller marketing budgetsat least initially. For example, larger hotel marketers often pave the way with innovation and testing on all channels because they have the budget to do so, while smaller adv

17、ertisers gain traction through social platforms. However, with improved ad formats and better targeting capabilities, all hotel segments are now spending the biggest portion of their budgets on social media. Facebook and Instagrams variety of products enable marketers of all sizes to use the platfor

18、m to achieve multiple marketing objectives such as branding, direct bookings, and loyalty engagement. Small Advertisers - Annual advertising budget of less than $50,000 Mid-Size Advertisers - Annual advertising budget between $50,000 to $1 million Large Advertisers - Annual advertising budget of mor

19、e than $1 million The State of Hotel Advertising Spend 2018 Digital Ad Spend, By Size of Advertising Budgtet Mid-Size Advertisers Small Advertisers Large Advertisers 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% VideoMobileMetasearchOther social Programmatic Display Private Marketplace OTAPaid Search Facebook and Insta

20、gram The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers18 Successful Digital Advertising Tactics and Channels Chapter 3 The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers19 Todays successful hotel marketers utilize data-driven tools and an always-on approach to understand travelers onl

21、ine behaviors, so that they can reach potential customers with ads at the most effective time across the path to purchase. Marketers who master this strategy stand the best chance of reaching travelers with their message at exactly the right time. Cady Wolf VP of Commercial Strategy “The key to succ

22、essful digital marketing strategies is understanding the diversity of choices available, and how to reach travelers at the moment they are most likely to search and book. Its crucial to note that there is no one size fits all digital media channel, as travelers are likely to be searching at all time

23、s for information on potential trips.” Successful Digital Advertising Channels and Tactics The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers20 Digital Marketing for Branding and Awareness Sojern asked hotel marketers which channels worked best for branding. The verdict was clear: for establi

24、shing brand presence and keeping a brand top of mind for potential guests, social media is the most effective digital channel across all hotel segments. A full 79% of international luxury hotel marketers identified social media as a top branding strategy. Facebook and Instagram were identified by 75

25、% of respondents in this segment as top branding platforms, followed by paid search (36%). This social media first branding strategy was reflected in all hotel segments, from international luxury hotel chains (79%) to hotel groups (73%) to independent hotels (52%). The percentage of marketers identi

26、fying Facebook and Instagram specifically as strong brand drivers was almost identical, ranging from 75% for international luxury chains to 52% for independents. Paid search garnered the second strongest response from the larger hotel groups (international luxury, mid-tier chains, and hotel groups),

27、 with 36%, 24%, and 38% of respondents, identifying paid search as a strong branding driver. Inns also identified paid search as their second strongest for branding (31%). There was slightly more enthusiasm for mobile ads among homeshares (43%) and private marketplace ads among independent propertie

28、s (33%) than for other digital strategies when asked specifically about branding. Successful Digital Advertising Channels and Tactics The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers21 Whats Best for Branding, By Hotel Segment International Mid-Tier Chain International Luxury Chain Independ

29、ent Hotel Group Inn Homeshare 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% MetasearchOTAOther SocialMobileVideo Programmatic Display Private Marketplace Paid Search Facebook and Instagram Which of the following digital channels work best for branding or direct response? (select 3) Source: Sojern, 2019 Success

30、ful Digital Advertising Channels and Tactics The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers22 Whats Best for Direct Response, By Hotel Segment International Mid-Tier Chain International Luxury Chain Independent Hotel Group Inn Homeshare 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% MetasearchOTAOthe

31、r SocialMobileVideo Programmatic Display Private Marketplace Paid Search Facebook and Instagram Direct Response Effectiveness When asked specifically about the effectiveness of digital advertising for direct response, the picture shapes up a bit differently. Social media was still identified as the

32、top driver for direct response across all hotel segments, but with somewhat less decisive figures (ranging from a high of 64% of homeshares to a low of 38% for independent properties). Which of the following digital channels work best for direct response? (select 3) Source: Sojern, 2019 The big take

33、away on direct response: social media rulesunless youre an independent hotel, where paid search strategies are equally successful. Successful Digital Advertising Channels and Tactics The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers23 Success Story: The Breezes Bali Boutique and independent

34、hotels face a constant challenge: attracting bookings directly on their own sites to maximize revenue, rather than relying on third parties who charge a significant amount to list a property on their site. The Breezes Bali Resort notably, 25% of international luxury hotel chains also identified this

35、 as Facebooks top strength. Homeshares saw Facebooks effectiveness in personalizing messages and direct offers, as well as driving direct bookings (21% for each). A substantial number of hotel groups (24%), inns (24%), and international mid-tier chains (21%) also felt Facebook was most effective for

36、 personalizing messages and offers. The 2019 Report on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers26 How Hotel Marketers Are Using and Anticipating Using Social Ads Plan on using in 2019 Used in 2018 Not familiar with this Dont currently use or plan on using this 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Snapch

37、at Ads Pinterest Ads Twitter AdsInstagram Stories Facebook Stories Facebook Dynamic Ads for Travel Instagram Ads Facebook Ads How Hotel Marketers Are Using and Anticipating Using Social Ads Which types of social advertising are you currently using in 2018 and/or considering using in 2019?* Source: S

38、ojern, 2019 * Worth noting, all respondents were asked the same questions, regardless of region. We did not ask questions about specific social platforms, channels, and apps that may have higher regional relevance and adoption, like WeChat or Weibo in the Chinese market. A whopping 86% of all intern

39、ational mid-tier chains indicated that they used Facebook Ads in 2018, and that they plan to do so in 2019. Instagram ads are the second-most utilized channel by this segment (71%), followed by Facebook Dynamic Ads for Travel (63%). Successful Digital Advertising Channels and Tactics The 2019 Report

40、 on Travel Advertising for Hotel Marketers27 Facebook offers Facebook Ads, Facebook Travel Ads (formally called Facebook Dynamic Ads for Travel), and Facebook Stories as three different methods of reaching a traveler audience. Instagram offers both Ads and Stories. Social media ads can also be place

41、d on Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchatfor a total of eight different experiences for serving ads to potential travelers from these major platforms alone. Across all six hotel segments, Facebook Ads were the most popular social channel in 2018. International luxury hotels most often chose Facebook Ads

42、 (80%), followed by Instagram ads (58%). Hotel groups showed similar trends, with 73% choosing Facebook Ads, followed by Instagram ads (51%) and Facebook Stories and Dynamic Ads for Travel offerings (new Facebook Travel Ads) (42% each). Marketers for independent properties, inns, and homeshares demo

43、nstrate a clear preference for Facebook Ads as the overwhelming choice for social media advertisements. Seventy-six percent of independents, 55% of inns, and 50% of homeshares indicate they are using Facebook Ads. Instagram ads are a distant second choice for all three of these segments (45%, 35%, a

44、nd 36%, respectively). Despite their popularity as social media platforms, hotel marketers employed Pinterest and Snapchat significantly less frequently than other social media Success Story: Fairmont Hotels & Resorts With more than 65 properties around the world, the Fairmont Hotels & Resorts name

45、is known around the world. The Fairmont team wanted to run stronger digital marketing campaigns, at scale and across devices and platforms, and looked to Sojern to drive costs per booking (CPB) below those of previous Facebook retargeting benchmarks, while maximizing revenue. Sojern implemented and

46、fully managed Facebook Travel Ads on Fairmonts behalf, using the #1 performing Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partner, Adphorusbuilt and optimized entirely for travel marketers. Sojern set bids and budgets, leveraged historical insights to create audience segments, managed A/B tests, and refined s

47、trategies daily via the Adphorus platform. The campaign results were impressive: over 13,000 bookings, a 55% increase in mobile-driven revenue, and significant reductions in CPB. Successful Digital Advertising Channels and Tactics platforms. This was especially apparent for smaller hotel marketers.

48、Among independent properties, only 5% reported using Pinterest or Snapchat for ad purposes. Pinterest garnered usage from only 7% of inns. Snapchat was the least-utilized platform for all of the larger hotel segments, from international luxury chains to hotel groups. The 2019 Report on Travel Advert

49、ising for Hotel Marketers28 Where Instagram is Most Effective for Hotel Marketers, by Hotel Segment Where is Instagram advertising most effective in your marketing strategy? Source: Sojern 2019 Instagrams value was most seen in targeting new audiences, personalizing messages and direct offers, driving reach and brand awareness, and, for homeshares in particular, showcasing a property and a travel experience. Succes



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