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1、Apps and digital natives: the new normal Connected More than Ever 2019-2020 Trends and insights on childrens screen-time habits across major markets and popular app categories. Effects of Covid-19 in online habits and predictions for whats next. Expert advice to help families achieve digital safety

2、and wellbeing. Qustodio 2020 annual report on childrens digital habits About this Report About Qustodio Methodology Thanks Key takeaways Kids App habit insights Expert advice for parents Intro Research by App category Online video Social media Video games Education Conclusions 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 14

3、 20 26 31 CONNECTED MORE THAN EVER | 2 Contents Connected More than Ever CONNECTED MORE THAN EVER | 3 ABOUT THIS REPORT This report looks at trends and shares insights on childrens screen-time habits based on app use across three major markets the U.S., the U.K. and Spain between 2019 and 2020. The

4、report focuses on most popular online activities today online video, social media, gaming and education and includes practical advice for parents from leading experts in psychology, medicine, law and technology. The goal of this report is to give everyone interested in childrens safety and wellbeing

5、 a 360-view of everything that is going on in the digital world of app and digital natives today. We aim to be a global and independent voice that cuts through the surplus of information related to screen-time and kids use of technology with insights that are timely, trustworthy and useful a report

6、that puts extra needed attention on this important topic and that parents, educators and researchers can turn to as a reliable reference. This report is Qustodios first of study into childrens digital habits and we will follow up on these insights on an annual basis. It is also a companion report to

7、 the Digital Wellbeing study we released in March that looked at both parents and childrens attitudes toward their technology. Both reports provide useful tips from experts to help families achieve safety and balance online in our hyper-connected world. ABOUT QUSTODIO Qustodio is an independent digi

8、tal safety and wellbeing company. We help families live smarter in an increasingly digital world. We aim to improve how families interact with technology through our parental control app, data insights and expert content to help families thrive online and beyond. We want to ensure that when families

9、 use technology, they can use it with confidence, not in fear of their health, privacy or safety. Our parental control tools help make that happen. But, as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Not just parents, but everyone from corporations to governments to educators and researche

10、rs needs to stand up to make screen- time positive time. We want to thank all of the experts who contri buted to the creation of this report by sharing their profes- sional advice, experience and insights: Malcom Bain, English Solicitor and Spanish Lawyer Dr. Nicole Beurkens, Holistic Child Psycholo

11、gist Manuel Bruscas, Qustodio VP of Product and Data Expert Josep Gaspar, Qustodio co-founder and Gaming Expert Dr. Cecily Dvorak Havert, Family Medicine Physician Maria Guerrero, Family Psychologist Marc Masip, Child Psychologist and Addiction Expert, Director at Desconecta Georgie Powell, Digital

12、Wellbeing Expert Lauren Seager-Smith, CEO of Kidscape We also want to say thank you to all of the parents in the world today who are doing their best to raise safe, healthy and happy children in an increasingly unpredictable and digital world. So tonight, when we go out on our balconies at 8pm to ap

13、plaud the ef- forts of the entire medical community, as is the tra- dition in Spain where Qustodio has its headquarters, we will also be clapping for you. Thanks The information in this report is based on anon- ymous online habits data provided by 60,000 fa mi lies, with children aged 4-15 years old

14、, in the U.S., the U.K. and Spain. The research covers online habits from February 2019 to April 2020 across four popular categories: Online Video, So- cial Media, Video Games and Education. Insights related to the Covid-effect are from March and April of 2020. Some apps span multiple categories, so

15、 for sim- plicity we have chosen just one category per app. For example, though TikTok and Facebook pro- vide online videos, we have classified them as Social Media. We include YouTube in Online Vid- eo, and not Social Media, because even though a large proportion of its video is user-generated, it

16、does include a subscription option and access to longer-from content, and it is considered the sec- ond most preferred platform for watching videos on TV screens after Netflix. Weve also included Twitch in our analysis of Online Video due to its long-form content. For the parenting advice in this re

17、port, we worked with top tier, long-standing doctors, psycholo- gists, lawyers and wellbeing, gaming and tech- nology experts from around the world. Metho- dology CONNECTED MORE THAN EVER | 4 Kids app habit insights Main highlights from the four app categories online video, social media, video games

18、 and education. 1. 2. 3. 4. YouTube is the still king of online video for kids ages 4 to 15, despite being for 13+. (But for how long? TikTok the key to being a successful and healthy adult in the modern world. We also recommend parents make an ap- point ment with their childs school to find out exa

19、ctly what programs they use and what they do with data. Laws, such as the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), place rules on companies collecting data about kids under 13, but there are loopholes. With Covid lockdowns, as children spend the entire school day online and connected to new

20、platforms, it is more important than ever for parents to know what is happening to the hours and hours of their childs behavioral and educational data. Dr. Nicole Beurkens, Holistic Child Psycholo- gist, emphasizes that “though a good educa- tional app can open doors to new skills and interests, res

21、earch clearly shows that a quality teacher is key to learning. Lack of face- to-face instruction has negative impacts on overall learning and development. Thus, I recommend parents and educators work together with children when learning using apps. During coronavirus lockdowns this is more challengi

22、ng than ever, but I do not recommend that parents rely solely on independent online courses for their child to get instruction or remedial help, unless no other option is available. Apps that make learning fun and engaging, and help children learn more about topics of interest, are great ways to fur

23、ther their academic development.” Marc Masip, Psychologist and Addiction Ex- pert, works year-round with schools talking with students to help them deal with the problems associated with screen addiction. A strong proponent of keeping smartphones out of schools, he says, “There is no room for Smartp

24、hones in schools. They create distractions in the classroom and distractions are the antithesis to learning. On the play- ground they are addictive and anxiety indu- cing. If you want to stay in touch with your child a dumb mobile phone will do, or only allow the smartphone to have call functionalit

25、y du ring school hours. This hot debate has become irrelevant as children have to learn from home during the Covid-19 crisis, but I have no doubt that it will be back as children return to the classroom. And with screen time at alarming levels, it is important we carve out times of day that are trul

26、y screen free. School time should be one of them. ” Expert advice for parents What to do about it “ With screen time at alarming levels, it is important we carve out times of day that are truly screen free. School time should be one of them.” Marc Masip Psychologist and Addiction Expert CONNECTED MO

27、RE THAN EVER | 30 Conclusions When we first started working on this report at the end of 2019, we were already concerned about the growing rates of time children were spending online. Then along came the spikes in screen-time due to Covid-19. The increas- es were unbelievable, first 50%, then 100%,

28、then 200% increases in average daily time online across regions with strict lockdowns. While those rates have calmed down, they will never go back to 2019 levels. We have reached a new normal. We now live in a world with an estimated 25 billion connected devices worldwide. Many of those in the hands

29、 of children. Today, on av- erage a child in the U.S. watches nearly 100 minutes of YouTube per day, a child in the U.K. spends nearly 70 minutes on TikTok per day, a child in Spain plays Roblox over 90 minutes a day, and 100% more children everywhere are spending time learning online. All of those

30、devices and all of that extra time online means more exposure potentially in- appropriate, dangerous or addictive content and to predators. It also means doing less of other things that are essential to childrens mental and physical health such as exercise, sleep and real human contact. In short, ch

31、ildren are at risk and that risk is grow- ing. They are digital natives, not digital experts. And, it is our job as corporations, governments, schools and parents to do everything possible to protect and guide them. Corporations need to fiercely protect user data and monitor and remove inappropriate

32、 content. Schools also need to do more to protect data and make sure screen-time doesnt take over the class- room. Governments need to improve existing laws to do even more to protect children on- line. And, parents need to double-up their efforts to understand the technology their children are usin

33、g and take online threats seriously. Its time for them to talk to their children about the benefits but also the costs of time online, “ If we have digital kids, we need to be digital parents.” Eduardo Cruz Qustodio co-founder and CEO the dangers on the internet and why the use of parental controls

34、will help to protect them and create consistent, healthy screen-time habits. Its time to shut down and get outside, if you can. There is no excuse. In the words of Qustodio co-founder and CEO, Eduardo Cruz, “If we have digital kids, we need to be digital parents.” The world is not going to return to

35、 the way things were, because screen-time rates were already increasing, Covid-19 just accelerat- ed the process. But there is hope for greater safety and balance. And, the information and advice in this report can help families achieve it in 2020, the most connected year ever, and beyond. CONNECTED MORE THAN EVER | 31



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