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1、1 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India 2 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India Theres been a significant rise in the number of individuals accessing the internet through their phones and today this number has grown to 99%. The mobile device has become a central part of our connected

2、 lives right from controlling features in a car, streaming TV, connecting with friends on social media, to on-the-go entertainment. Globally, more than 5 billion people use a mobile phone, of which 4.54 billion are connected to the internet, while 3.80 billion are active social media users. India al

3、one hosts 700 million unique mobile phone subscribers, comprising 451 million internet users. Due to this, most brands have adopted a mobile-first approach while addressing all their digital marketing initiatives. But should the mobile-first approach be limited only to digital marketing? It is but o

4、bvious to note, that the mobile device has changed various aspects of our lives, be it in the way we consume news, the way we get entertained or the way we shop and as a result, it has raised multiple challenges and opportunities for marketers. In this report, we look at various trends impacting con

5、sumers and marketers and highlight reasons why its necessary to go beyond the traditional realms of digital marketing to drive business and brand outcomes. The Mobile Marketing Association India has been consistently striving to create a pool of resources that marketers can consult while building fu

6、turistic strategies, to stay abreast and adopt mobile advertising at scale. It also continues to build on its vision, Shape The Future through breakthrough studies, thought leadership, setting standards and optimising current activities and constantly monitoring mobile marketing trends. Today, India

7、 has around 1.16 billion mobile phone users. Cheaper data tariffs and smarter features have further enhanced the usage of mobile. The integration of AI and technology in advertising will lead to a new revolution and its imperative to be ahead of the curve. Collaborating with WPP Agency GroupM, this

8、report is a true testament to the depth of insight that can be gained when a trade association and an agency come together. Based on combined learnings, local expertise and market insights, this report looks deeper into where mobile marketing stands today, what has led us here and what the future ho

9、lds. For marketers to better leverage mobile as a platform, it is important to understand how the landscape is changing and offering increased scope for impactful advertising. From neuroscience-based consumer understanding to an acknowledgement of the fact that trends which die out can also resurfac

10、e; from AI becoming more human to humans becoming wary of safety and security this report touches upon a variety of topics to ultimately provide a holistic picture of mobile marketing. Marketing to a generation of mobile users in the most effective way is only possible with a true understanding of t

11、hese users and the platforms they so ubiquitously utilise. FOREWORD 3 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India INDEX 1 Mobile Landscape Large Share, Larger Potential Mobilising The Internet Growth Of Mobile Users Data Tariffs Cheaper Than The Cheapest Smartphones Are Proliferating While Feature

12、 Phones Are Becoming Smarter The Jio Experience Superlative Mobility Xiaomi - Shipping Smart, And How Mobile Apps Becoming An Integral Part Of Mobile Ecosystem With Data Usage High, We Ask Why 2 Emerging Trends How Voice And Audio Is Changing The Way We Use Our Device Everyday Living Influenced By A

13、I And Channelised Through Mobile Interactions E-Wallets Enabling Increased Transaction New Dimensions Of Gaming Done Through Mobile Rise Of Ephemeral Content Rise Of OTT Original Content Sees The Light Of Day .9 .11 .12 .12 .13 .13 .14 .15 .16 .18 .23 .23 .25 .29 .29 .30 4 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem

14、 Report 2020, India 3 Changing Landscape of Mobile Advertising Content: With Short Attention Spans Of Consumers, Short Format Advertising Content Is Key Influencer Driven Content On The Rise In The Areas of Content and Ad Formats Measurement: Mobile Devices Critical in Attributing Online to Offline

15、Sales: MMA POV Business Impact of Mobile Advertising Brand Safety: Above and Beyond Ad Exposures for Effectiveness Validation in Mobile Advertising Technology: Header Bidding Spurring Further Mobile Ad Monetisation The Role and Potential of Marketing Technology .30 .43 .44 .48 .50 .54 .56 .57 5 Mobi

16、le Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India 4 Initiatives by MMA Content Charter focus areas: Establish Guidelines Netflix for streaming etc. The introduction of mobile banking has propelled a steady growth in digital transactions and the use of e-wallets has been on the rise. This fact can be inferre

17、d clearly through the Big Billion Days Sale conducted online by Flipkart, an e-commerce platform. According to the numbers, this year the sale saw two-times the growth on the opening day, compared to last year. Owing to the early-access feature, the growth in transactions conducted was thrice that o

18、f the last year. Another example is M which has proved to be a go-to reselling platform for sellers with zero-investments. This goes to show that in a mere couple of years, the number of retailers, vendors and small-time shopkeepers accepting digital payments through e-wallets has increased to over

19、10 million. The World Advertising Research Centre forecasts that by 2025, for just over 1.3 billion consumers, mobile will become a primary device for accessing the internet, presenting a great scope for businesses to showcase and sell their products across a multitude of online platforms. Categorie

20、s of e-commerce such as personal care and beauty are witnessing a boom through online shopping. The diverse culture in India is further supplementing the growth of gifting, a transaction that can be initiated with a single click through any smartphone. Source : The state of online gaming 2019 by Lim

21、elight networks The report is based on responses from 4500 consumers across nine countries who play video games at least once a week. Age: above 18 25 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India Mobile Gaming Landscape Tier 2 and 3 cities display huge potential in terms of strengthening mobile gam

22、ing foothold with this platform surpassing PCs in its overall contribution to market revenues, increasing the share from 18% (2012) to 51% (2018). In fact, according to the Kantar IMRB report there are approximately 250 million mobile gamers in India, spending about 60 minutes every day playing mobi

23、le games. A Lens to the Sea-Changes of the Previous Year India is the third-largest consumer market for mobile gaming, followed by the USA and China. The global gaming industry is rising fast, and a classic example of this encouraging rise is the popular mobile game, PUBG, with an active base of 100

24、 million mobile users monthly. In this context, India is already ranked amongst the top five markets for mobile gaming. Source: Kantar IMRB Report Mobile gaming contributes close to 80-90% in the overall online gaming 26 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India Over the last 12 months, mobile m

25、arketing has evolved into one of the hottest platforms to reach consumers. One particular mobile marketing approach stands out in terms of user experience and engagement: mobile gaming. Games are everywhere. By the end of 2021, there will be over 2.7 billion mobile gamers in the world. Contrary to p

26、opular belief, gaming isnt the exclusive domain of young males. According to the 2018 MMA and Pokkt Market Study. 48% of Indian mobile gamers are female and over 40% are over the age of 25. A reach disparity exists between older, more TVC-oriented audiences and the younger, cord-cutting crowd. As a

27、new marketing medium, gaming enables brands to circumvent the budget dilemma this creates. Mobile gaming is popular across age groups and gender. In POKKTs experience, mobile gaming has been found to be one of the most effective ways to connect with mothers and women in general. 45 % of mobile gamer

28、s are women, and 58 % of moms are gamers . It is, truly, a platform that transcends demographic groupings like no other. Brands have a plethora of options to engage different segmentsfrom puzzle games to shooters, and everything in between. Mobile games allow brands to achieve high levels of engagem

29、ent while also ensuring a positive, non-intrusive user experience. Mobile gaming is a global phenomenon. However, the APAC region is especially conducive to users gaming on their smartphones. There are two key factors behind this: fewer alternative options for entertainment and longer commutes (only

30、 applicable in less-developed markets such as India). It is also important to note that overall, gaming holds fewer negative connotations in Asia than the West. Across the world, brands struggle to reach Millennial and Gen Z audiences. These audiences are technologically adept and prefer to use thei

31、r smartphones for media consumption over other platforms. Their widespread use of ad blockers on conventional forms of advertising (mainly web), presents a real challenge to brands trying to reach them. However, this challenge is also indicative of one of the largest opportunities for brands in APAC

32、: Reaching these audiences on mobile gaming apps via rewarded video (also known as user-initiated video). What kind of products can best be promoted through mobile gaming? POKKT finds that, over the past 2-3 years, FCMG brands in particular have been investing significantly in mobile game advertisin

33、g. MOBILE GAMING AND MARKETING Rohit Sharma, Founder and CEO of Pokkt Mobile Ads 27 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India Mobile gamers love receiving rewarded video ads, where a gaming app grants an in-game incentive, such as currency or power-ups, in return for watching a video ad. 82% of

34、APAC mobile gamers said that this is their preferred method of receiving ads. Rewarded video allows users to have control over when and how they receive ads in a respectful and transparent manner. This, in turn, converts into a positive user experience with the brand. Consumers in a gaming environme

35、nt tend to engage with the advertising they receive. Research by TapJoy shows that gamers are more than twice as likely to pay attention to advertisements placed in mobile games (41%) than ads placed on the internet (17%), in magazines (15%), or on billboards (15%). A fondness for rewarded video and

36、 the willingness to engage with brands who play in this space hold true for different demographics - three in four millennials preferred opt-in rewarded ads, and 67% of parents said they are more likely to engage with a video ad in exchange for a reward. Mobile gaming is also great from the marketer

37、s perspective. Mobile games are an interactive experience where user input is essential. This means that key KPIs such as engagement, targeting, and completion rates can be identified and measured far more effectively than with passive modes of advertisement like TV ads and billboards. Mobile Gaming

38、 And Marketing, Rohit Sharma 28 Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report 2020, India RISE OF OTT RISE OF EPHEMERAL CONTENT Ephemeral content is a rich media format that disappears after a short duration. Stories across apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook and Messenger are all ephemeral conte

39、nt. In fact Snapchat which has gained popularity among its niche audience is built entirely around this idea. Due to its temporal nature, ephemeral content forces the creator to be more spontaneous and thus increases the likelihood of the content being authentic. Ephemeral content has continuously e

40、volved and has become more popular with large type of format such as gifs, polls and stickers. Stories also match how people are already interacting with their phones. People hold their phones vertically about 90% of the time and Stories are optimised for a vertical, full-screen view that feels natu

41、ral and allows people to enjoy videos and photos quickly. There are one billion Stories shared every day across the Facebook family of apps while more than a half billion people use them every day. Globally, video and audio content have been dominating internet consumption. Capitalising on this, Ove

42、r-The-Top players (OTT) have created a stir in the market with original content across genres. Incorporating innovative business models to increase the network of distribution through retail, e-commerce, OEM partnerships, and much more, OTT players international and domestic alike, have imbibed prod

43、uct and service offerings that allow consumers to experience a premium value package of consuming content on the go with mobile device proliferation. With more than 30 OTT players and 10 music streaming apps in existence catering to various entertainment and media demands, Indians are prone to consuming content across an array of digital formats and platforms.



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