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1、SPORTING NATIONSPORTING NATIONSPORTING NATIONSPORTING NATIONSPORTING NATIONSPORTING NATIONIndia Sports Sponsorship Report 2023GLORIOUS YEARS OFSPORTINGNATIONIN THE MAKINGAll rights reserved.Copyright of all material in this research report rests with Group MMedia India Private Limited,and is protect

2、ed by national and international copyright and trademark laws.The material and contents of this research report are provided on a non-exclusive,non-commercial and single-user licence basis.No part of any of the material and information made available in this research report,including but not limited

3、 to,articles and graphics can be copied,adapted,abridged,translated or stored in any retrieval system,computer system,photographic or other system now known or developed in the future or can be transmitted in any form by any means whether electronic,mechanical,digital,optical,photographic or otherwi

4、se now known or developed in future,without the prior written permission of the copyright holder Group M Media India Private Limited.Distribution of the material and content for any purposes is prohibited.Any breach will entail legal action and prosecution to the maximum extent as per the applicable

5、 law and without further notice.Disclaimer:Group M Media India Private Limited has endeavoured and taken all best efforts to include the most correct and most reliable information and on best effort basis endeavour to avoid any kind of mistake in this research report.Group M Media India Private Limi

6、ted does not accept any liability of any kind resulting from any form of inference or conclusion or reliability from the information provided in this research report.Group M Media India Private Limited specifically disclaims all liability,including but not limited to liability arising from or for an

7、y direct,indirect,consequential,punitive,exemplary,and special losses,including but not limited to reputational losses or loss of profit or loss of business opportunities or any other kind of losses and will be forever free from any liability for damages or losses of any nature arising from or relat

8、ed to the information in this research report.Group M Media India Private Limited Level 7,BAY 99,The ORB,IA Project Road,Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport,Andheri East,Mumbai 400099F M Media India Private LimitedAt GroupM ESP(the Entertainment,Esports&Sports division of GroupM),we are elated

9、 to bring to you the tenth edition of Sporting Nation in the Making.This industry initiative from us is aimed at providing a comprehensive view of the Indian Sports Industry,with an eye on the scale,direction,and crucial growth drivers.Ten years ago,we had embarked on this endeavour in the backdrop

10、of a fast-evolving sports ecosystem in the country,and it has since been an incredible experience for us to be part of this journey,as the industry burgeoned into its current state,and continues to accelerate on the highway of progress.These were years that saw us cover a lot of ground as a Sporting

11、 Nation in the Making,be it in terms of the indelible marks our champion athletes have left at several prestigious competitions around the world,or from a commercial standpoint too.Cricket has been playing the role of a trailblazer in Indian Sports,and while Team India has a towering presence on the

12、 field,we have also reinforced our position as the focal point in the business Vinit KarnikHead Entertainment,Esports&Sports,GroupM South A aspects of the sport too.The franchise format that was pioneered by cricket through the IPL,has since been adopted by many other sports in India,and we now have

13、 properties like the ISL and the PKL which have created flourishing markets of their own,with more such competitions showing potential,foreshadowing the unfolding of a multi-sport nation.Over these ten years,the industry has delivered a CAGR of 14%,with the 2022 scoreboard reading INR 14209 Cr($Mn 1

14、799).Cricket played with positive intent and accounted for a major share of this value,while Emerging Sports had a great year from a growth perspective,with many events making their return after the Covid-induced hiatus.We have made significant headway over the past decade in terms of on-field perfo

15、rmance,with some sensational victories by our athletes in different sports disciplines.Gone are the days when the hockey team stood alone as a beacon of hope at the Olympics,with our contingent picking up 15 medals across the last three editions of the Games.While the Tokyo FOREWORDOlympics in 2021

16、saw an Indian Gold Medalist in a Track&Field event for the first time in history,2022 witnessed the same athlete continuing the winning run with terrific performances on multiple occasions,while other highlights of the year included feats like our first-ever Thomas Cup victory,and glory at the Commo

17、nwealth Games,especially in events like Lawn Bowls and Steeplechase in which a podium finish by an Indian would have seemed far-fetched,not so long ago.The famous victories of Indian women athletes at global events have provided wings to the aspirations of many young talents in our nation.The inspir

18、ing success stories of these champions,along with the emergence of competitions like the WPL,truly exemplify the spirit of the New India of today.The technological advancements happening in the media and broadcasting space have elevated the level of experience for fans in the past few years,while al

19、so presenting newer and more exciting avenues for brands to engage with their target customers.This report analyses the industry from three angles-Sports Sponsorship(Ground,Team and Franchise),Sports Celebrity Endorsement and Sports Media Spends.While it closely reviews the growth levers,Sporting Na

20、tion in the Making-X also gives a snapshot of the digital data(social conversations&search),with the On Air Reach&TVR in the major sporting leagues in the country,aimed at maximizing the value to Rights Owners,Advertisers,and Agencies.In addition to giving a clear picture of the trends in terms of n

21、umbers,we are also diving deep into the business drivers and other causative factors,with an eye on the future too.We are grateful for the invaluable contributions from rights owners,agencies,and industry participants whose inputs and support have always encouraged us to move forward,as we prepared

22、this report with utmost care.We have always been guided by a resolve to give you an insightful report,and to keep raising the bar continuously.We will be most pleased to receive feedback and suggestions that will help us in enriching future editions of this report.0102Gaining winning momentum on the

23、 growth highwayDouble Impact from a sporting ecosystem in full throttle04TV scores heavily on a good wicket while digital accelerates big time06Ten Years ofSporting Nation03Fortune favours the winners as athletes leverage their influence05Looking back,looking forward07Last word2022 was a great year

24、for Indian sports in more ways than one!On the field,there were some splendid moments that saw us storm new castles,by winning medals in events across a range of sports disciplines in which a podium finish for an Indian was not seen to be within the realms of possibility not so long ago.Cricket has

25、an all-pervading following in the country and is a sport where the wins and losses on the pitch serve as a veritable barometer for the public sentiment in the country,and even though we could not quite land the elusive ICC Trophy,there were some famous winning moments that gave a great deal of joy t

26、o the fans.Gaining winning momentum on the growth highwayseeing a rising graph over the years.Sports Sponsorship saw the biggest upswing among the three factors under consideration here,leapfrogging to INR 5907 Cr($Mn 748)with a growth of 105%.This doubling impact is the result of a combination of f

27、actors like favourable schedules,scaling up of properties,synergistic functioning of the industry players within the ecosystem,and of course,the market acceptance of the treat that was laid out for the fans.2022 also saw Sports Celebrities getting associated with more brands,with the Athlete Endorse

28、ment value recording an amount of INR 749 Cr($Mn 95),which was 20%higher than what our stars earned from brands in the previous year.This rising curve is certainly indicative of the influence our favourite sportspersons wield over us,owing to the fact that while they win against competition on the f

29、ield,they also win the hearts of the fans too.A little over half the total industry spends,53%to be precise,were incurred on account of Advertising Expenses on Media.In terms of absolute value,this works out to a total amount of INR 7553 Cr($Mn 956)at a YoY growth of 26%.Traditional Television has t

30、he biggest share here,even as Digital Medium is gaining ground at a rapid pace on the back of evolving consumer habits.The FIFA World Cup was like the icing on the cake for the Indian fans of the worlds favourite team sport,who were treated to some top-class action from the prominent leagues in the

31、beautiful game.From a commercial standpoint,we saw playing conditions that were congenial for a high-scoring ecosystem,and the result was a resounding growth all across,as the industry covered the lost ground,making up for the velocity that was affected in the past couple of years due to the force m

32、ajeure circumstances that prevailed then.This report explores the twists and turns of the Sports Sponsorship Industry in India in 2022,and quantifies it from three angles Sponsorship(inclusive of On Ground Sponsorship Spends,Team Sponsorship Spends and Franchise Fee),Sports Celebrity Spends,and Spor

33、ts Media Spends.All these streams put together,we saw a total revenue of INR 14209 Cr($Mn 1799),which in terms of year-on-year incremental delivery,reflects a growth rate of 49%over 2021.For an industry that has been habituated to emphatic annual growths for over a decade,the slowdown caused by the

34、pandemic in 2020 was a major jolt,even as 2021 saw us getting back on the growth track.Hence,this disproportionate delta we saw in 2022 was well and truly indicative of a resumption of normal services in an industry that has been Cricket is the one sport that has been playing on the front foot in te

35、rms of steering the industry through the vicissitudes of the path of commercialization over the years.The franchise format was introduced to the nation in 2008 with the unveiling of the IPL,a property that has since been the money-spinner of Indian sports.SPORTS INDUSTRY SPENDSSPORTS INDUSTRY SPENDS

36、The 2022 performance further serves to highlight this position of pre-eminence for the cherry and timber sport in our minds,as we saw it contributing a mammoth 85%of the total Sports Industry revenue,which equates to INR 12115 Cr($Mn 1534)!Despite the huge base value in cricket,the growth we saw for

37、 the No.1 sport in India was 44%-in terms of sponsorship,endorsement,and ad expenditure.A closer inspection of the wicket will reveal that there was significant contribution here from both international cricket as well as franchise events too.The biggest run-getters were,of course,Team India fixture

38、s and the Indian Premier League(IPL),with the mens national team playing almost twice the number of matches they did in 2021,and the T20 fiesta growing inorganically,yet definitively,with the addition of two more franchises into the competition-both factors serving as crucial growth drivers for the

39、industry.If we crunch the numbers a little further,we find that crickets value contribution across the three streams of revenue will vary slightly,although not in any scale that makes us question the hallowed status enjoyed by the sport.In Sponsorship Spends(Ground,Team and Franchise),cricket delive

40、red 75%of all sports,whereas the corresponding number for Endorsement was 85%.In media spends by brands,the role of the top-scorer was even more pronounced,with a whopping 94%of all ad expenses being linked to cricket-related content,across all media vehicles.With our country serving as the epicentr

41、e of cricket consumption in the world,it is no surprise that Indian brands are making strategic investments in foreign leagues of the sport,thereby ensuring that all grounds are covered as they are bowling to the field,in terms of engaging with followers of the action from the 22 yards!While the ind

42、ustry relies on cricket to score a vast majority of the runs,there is no denying the fact that there is a great value in the learning from this sport,that can be leveraged effectively into other sports too.The arrival of the IPL in 2008 introduced a new way of organizing sports competitionsin the co

43、untry and the cultural ramifications of the same have been significant.The franchise-oriented approach we got to see for the first time,has since then been adopted into other sports,and is now integrated well into the milieu of the sports lovers in our country.The top Football event in our nation,th

44、e Indian Super League(ISL),is now an important part of our sports calendar,and along with the IPL,has been seeing uninterrupted action ever since its inception,even in the pandemic-afflicted 2020.The media boom in recent years has brought our fans closer to the best footballing action in the world,a

45、nd hence,we see Indian brands getting into mutually this trend could also be seen in the disparity in share of ad spends for Emerging Sports across media types.In TV,they have 5%contribution,whereas it doubles to 10%in the case of digital media,which offers lower cost barriers for entry by brands.20

46、22 was also a year in which many franchise leagues marked a return to action,while events like the Ultimate Kho Kho saw the debut season,with lots of promise for the future.It was a good year for Participative Sports like Marathons and Golf,which saw encouraging post-pandemic resurgence.The major Ma

47、rathons and Long-Distance races were among the positive affirmations for the year,as we saw the spirit running in the respective cities where they were organized.Overall,it was a year that saw the Emerging Sports playing the supporting role to perfection,while giving us glimpses of why they could be

48、 bigger forces in future.To put the year in perspective,2022 truly signified a return to winning ways in an industry that faced quite a few hurdles in the previous two years.To take a long-term view of the industry surge,while the five-year period before the pandemic(2014 to 2019)beneficial deals wi

49、th teams and leagues from countries like England and Spain.To add to the annual competitions on offer,2022 saw the FIFA World Cup being played in Qatar,and it was an exciting phase for lovers of the worlds leading team sport,in India.Not surprisingly,we saw sponsorship deals from Indian brands with

50、the worlds biggest sporting event,and also with the teams that were arguably the most popular ones in the competition.Moving to a more indigenous sport,one event that has made its mark in Indian sports in the past few years is the Pro Kabaddi League(PKL),which apart from a brief tackle it faced in t

51、he Covid year,has been a picture of strength.2022 saw two editions of the event,with the first one happening on account of a delayed start to the 2021 competition.Emerging Sports,a term we are using to collectively refer to sports other than cricket because of the high growth potential they represen

52、t,had an impressive year and contributed to 15%of the overall Industry scoreboard.While the pandemic wreaked havoc for these sports,2022 saw them bouncing back strongly,with an 87%growth over 2021,at an overall level.The higher share in the area of Sponsorship(25%),as against Media Spends(6%)and End

53、orsements(15%),could be viewed,among other factors,as indicative of a proclivity from certain brands to get into symbiotic relationships with growing properties,even if they are smaller in scale at that point in time.A reflection of had seen us grow almost two-fold,the picture at the end of 2022 sho

54、ws a comparable uptrend from 2017!This is a remarkable testimony to the resoluteness of a system that had to counter some really rough weather in that time period.This is a consequence of close collaboration among the different stakeholders of the Sports Value Chain in India,as assets were created a

55、nd monetized effectively through adroit management of events and content flow.It was a matter of great pride for the ecosystem when the industry touched the billion dollar mark for the first time,after a decade since the launch of the IPL,and even though there was a tricky ebb and flow in the subseq

56、uent years,2022 has given a clear message that the second billion is just around the corner.SPORTS INDUSTRY SPENDSLegend ViewsEveryone has a role to play in building India into a sporting nation,whether its by supporting young athletes,volunteering at events,or investing in sports infrastructure.Tog

57、ether,we can make a difference and propel India towards sporting excellence.Yuvraj Singh2007 ICC World T20 and 2011 Cricket World Cup Winner,Ex-Indian CricketerBuilding India into a sporting nation requires a collective effort from everyone.We must promote a culture of sports and encourage participa

58、tion in all sports.By investing in sports infrastructure and providing support to athletes,we can create a nation of champions and push India towards newer and higher sporting greatness.Harbhajan Singh2007 ICC World T20 and 2011 Cricket World Cup Winner,Ex-Indian CricketerSPORTS INDUSTRY SPENDSSourc

59、e GroupM ESPDollar rate for 2021 INR 74&for 2022 INR 79 For the first time,total sports industry spending exceeded INR 14,000 crore.The contribution share for emerging sports has increased from 12%to 15%.With an 85%market share,cricket rules the roost Media spends accounts for 53%of all sports indus

60、try spendingSponsorshipEndorsementMedia Spends288662560189530Total390858497553561799105%20%26%49%2021(INR Cr)2021(USD Mn)2022(INR Cr)2022(USD Mn)Growth%2021 to 2022CricketEmergingSportsTotal842944%87%49%2021(INR Cr)2021(USD Mn)2022(IN

61、R Cr)2022(USD Mn)Growth%2021 to 2022Cricket ShareEmerging Sports Share88%12%85%15%20222021%shareSPORTS INDUSTRY SPENDSVikram Garga,Group Head Marketing-Asia-Pacific,Middle East and Africa,Apollo Tyres Ltd.India is one of the youngest populations in the world.With India becoming a nation of many spor

62、ts nation with fast emergence of other disciplines like Football,Badminton,Boxing,Golf,Marathon to name a few,it is indeed vital for corporates and brands to build a strategy to engage with the young minds and also encourage them to play sports as an integral part of their lives.Apollo tyres being a

63、 Performance brand,is heavily invested in sports with partners like Manchester United,Chennaiyan FC and Sachin Tendulkar.Sponsorships of sports does provide a great platform for brands to engage and build deeper connects with consumers.We ensure we drive engagement,drive right conversations,and conn

64、ect both online and offline with our consumers to build Share of Heart more than anything else.Access to sport through initiatives like United We Play,Tyres to Turf football pitches and Go The Distance Heroes,ensures we are an integral part of the consumers sport journey.With emergence of technology

65、 to create real and immersive experiences with sports,we will find new and different ways to stand out and engage with our consumers.Sumeli Chatterjee,Head,Integrated Marketing Experience at Coca-Cola,India and Southwest Asia Sports partnerships are a part of the DNA of our Company,leading to a long

66、-standing history of partnering with sporting events,organisations,and athletes,globally as well as in India.Over decades the Company has seen records being broken,dreams being fulfilled,and rivalries and camaraderie served up in equal parts.We are humbled for being a part of the movement,which brin

67、gs together sporting talent across the world to represent their nations and create history.Sports at large is a sub-culture in India and a predominant passion point we love to connect with our consumers and add Real Magic to their celebrations.Like ESP we are privileged for being associated with spo

68、rts and athletes across the spectrum,with our partnerships spanning across International Cricket Council,Indian Premier League(IPL),FIFA,Olympic and Paralympic Games+any others in India.Expert ViewsNitin Saini,Vice President Marketing,Mondelez InternationalAt Mondelez,we take pride in our sports spo

69、nsorships that go beyond mere branding and create emotional connections through compelling content narratives.Through our partnerships with sports teams,athletes and even ground staff,we aim to bring to life the values of generosity and other brand proposition that resonate with our consumers.Ajay K

70、hanna,Chief Marketing Officer,Amway IndiaAmway Nutrilites sports sponsorships have been a powerful tool in building brand awareness and engaging with consumers.We have consistently invested in both on-ground and on-air sponsorships because they align with the brands ethos.Through these partnerships,

71、Amway has been able to establish and effectively communicate the quality and benefit of its products,while also supporting the growth and development of sports at all levels.Gaurav Vazirani,National Director-New Product&Business,GroupM ESP The Indian sports industry is one of the better performing s

72、ectors in the economy with 14%CAGR,driven by a combination of factors such as increased investments,government initiatives,and a growing interest in sports among the general public.Some of the key developments in the Indian sports industry include the establishment of professional leagues such as th

73、e Indian Premier League,Pro Kabaddi League and Indian Super League,which have helped to popularize these sports and attract investment.The Indian government has also launched initiatives such as the Khelo India programme,which aims to develop grassroots sports and identify talented athletes at a you

74、ng age.Overall,the Indian sports industry is poised for continued growth and development,with a focus on expanding beyond cricket and building a strong sports culture that can support the development of world-class athletes and teams.Tushar Malhotra,Head of Marketing,Bisleri International Pvt Ltd.Hy

75、dration is an important driver of any sport and achieving peak human performance.At Bisleri,with over 50 years of heritage in hydrating the nation,we believe in establishing a strong brand connect with sports through multiple associations be it marathons,premier sports franchises or sporting events

76、to advocate a healthy and fit lifestyle for all our consumers.Satyam Trivedi,Head-Adani SportslineAt Adani Sportsline we see sports sponsorship from a very different lens.While most sponsorship initiatives are primarily driven as a brand building exercise,sports sponsorships have an added layer of b

77、eing able to contribute towards the building of Indias sports ecosystem.When we decided to sponsor the Indian Olympic contingent we were clear that this is serving a larger purpose towards nation building.We were able to contribute towards athlete welfare and be part of Indias Olympic journey.This d

78、ual purpose served sports sponsorship is unique to this sector.Manasi Narasimhan,Vice President Marketing and Communications,Mastercard South AsiaIntegrating with sports is one of the best ways of connecting with consumers through their passion points.At Mastercard,we go beyond just brand salience t

79、o actually bring to life priceless moments for our cardholders.While mens sports have had the limelight,the field is wide open for brands which authentically promote womens sports.Our experience with the womens campaign“Halke mein matt lo”was truly gratifying we call this a Priceless experience.2022

80、 was a tremendous year for Sponsorships in Indian Sports.We saw the industry stakeholders weave together partnerships as there was an air of sanguinity all around,which resulted in the huge overall upswing that we got to witness.If 2020 saw the industry being brought to a grinding halt by the pandem

81、ic,followed by a late recovery to restore a semblance of normalcy,and 2021 witnessed the atmosphere clearing up a bit even as there were phases of sheer despondency,the story of last year was very different.As the playing conditions improved,there were some great performances across sports of differ

82、ent kinds!The Indian Cricket Team scored heavily from a commercial perspective,just like the batter at the other end,the Indian Premier League(IPL).ouble Impact Dfrom a sporting ecosystem in full throttleFootball too,saw a major sponsorship upside in 2022 with the quadrennial FIFA World Cup held in

83、Qatar,not surprisingly,providing the extra impetus to the sport.With franchise leagues in emerging sports steering clear of the troubled waters that engulfed them for two years,we had contributions from a wide range of sports disciplines in 2022.The overall result was stupendous;in terms of Sponsors

84、hips,we saw a doubling of the revenue that the Sporting Nation recorded in 2021!In more precise terms,2022 saw Sponsorship Spends recording a figure of INR 5907 Cr($Mn 748)with a growth of 105%over the previous year.This value takes into consideration the revenues in terms of three factors Ground Sp

85、onsorship,Team Sponsorship and Franchise Fee.This is an area that has witnessed strong growths year after year,since the advent of the IPL in 2008.In fact,in the five-year period before the pandemic hit the sporting world(2014 to 2019),we saw a 1.89x upswing,on the back of rising corporate confidenc

86、e enjoyed by major sports events in the country.This surge was halted by the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020,leading to major setbacks and a significant drop in Sponsorship Spends.2021 saw the industry getting back to the path of growth as the environment started improving;still,the year reco

87、rded a number that was 14%below that of the pre-pandemic 2019.Hence,it would make sense to take a three-year view of the growth picture,which too points to a highly impressive level of performance.The numbers reveal that in 2022,the industry recorded a total revenue that was 1.75 times that of the 2

88、019 figures,imputing a CAGR of close to 21%-a very healthy annual growth rate indeed,in spite of all the challenges that came up in that time period.50%of the total spends in 2022 came as Ground Sponsorship,an amount of INR 2953 Cr($Mn 374)which is 69%higher than the previous years number,while Team

89、 Sponsorship accounted for INR 1310 Cr($Mn 166)at a 45%YoY growth.The biggest rise,however,came as a result of the humongous growth of 597%in Franchise Fee,which amounted to INR 1644 Cr($Mn 208)in comparison with the 2021 figure of INR 236 Cr($Mn 32)!Given the commercial scale of cricket events in I

90、ndia,it is inconceivable to imagine this huge upsurge without a major role being played by the No.1 A whopping 75%of the total Sponsorship Spends in 2022 came from cricket,with a total revenue of INR 4403 Cr($Mn 557).This alone works out to an incremental value of INR 2191 Cr($Mn 277)with a 99%growt

91、h over 2021.The Indian Mens Cricket Team played 67 matches across all three formats of the game as against 36 in the previous year,which itself signifies a huge rise in the overall monetization potential for their fixtures.sport in the country,and a closer scrutiny of these numbers will give a clear

92、er picture.SPORTS SPONSORSHIP SPENDSSPORTS SPONSORSHIP SPENDShad Dream 11 and BKT Tires in their list of sponsors,Kiwi event Super Smash saw Dream 11 as the Title Sponsor.Hero continued to hold the Title Rights at the Caribbean Premier League(CPL),even as Dream 11 was also a sponsor at the event;wit

93、h the fantasy sports platform completing a veritable Grand Slam of sponsorship rights in overseas cricket leagues by being part of Englands The 100 as well!In the Emirates,at the Abu Dhabi T10,Indian brands were not far away from the action-with the Vimal pan-masala and digital collectibles platform

94、 Rario joining the action in the desert.While cricket sponsorship was riding a growth wave in India in 2022,the other sports too saw significant levels of upsurge,proving clearly that the path to growth has seen participation all across the sports sector.Emerging Sports had shrunk considerably in th

95、e past two years from the pre-Covid high of INR 948 Cr($Mn 135),but what we witnessed in 2022 was a resounding comeback with an overall revenue of INR 1503 Cr($Mn 190),which in YoY terms represents an incremental value of INR 829 Cr($Mn 104).In the year of the FIFA World Cup,Football did put up an e

96、xcellent show,and there was considerable Sponsorship upside from the sport indeed.Reaffirming the bullishness in the growing following for world football in India,EdTech platform Byjus tied up with FIFA 2022,the biggest show on earth.This includes bilateral series in the red and white ball versions

97、of the game,along with the ICC Test Championship matches,the T20 World Cup as well as the Asia Cup.2022 might well end up being remembered as a landmark year in the growth saga of the IPL with the addition of two new franchises in the fold,with RP Sanjiv Goenka Group picking up the rights for Luckno

98、w with a winning bid of INR 7090 Cr($Mn 897)and CVC Capital Partners grabbing Ahmedabad for INR 5625 Cr($Mn 713).With 10 teams in the contest,the league featured a total of 74 matches as per the new format,as against the usual count of 60.Add to this,the onboarding of Tata as the Title Sponsor of th

99、e foremost franchise league in India,coupled with more optimized utilization of sponsorable assets,and we saw an exponential jump in the revenues recorded by IPL 2022!For instance,the BCCI monetized the Orange and Purple Caps for the first time,with Saudi Arabian Petroleum and Natural Gas Company Ar

100、amco coming in as the sponsor for the same.With technology-driven players RuPay and Swiggy in the equation,we saw a fully sold out list of sponsorship inventories in 2022.Along with the significant impact on Franchise Fee,the addition of two new teams also served the purpose of bolstering the total

101、value of Team Sponsorship,which crossed the landmark of INR 600 Cr($Mn 76)for the first time in the history of the T20 blitz.The IPL thus contributed the biggest share to the total Sponsorship Spends with a figure of INR 2953 Cr($Mn 374),truly hitting it out of the park for a maximum!The IPL was not

102、 the only major cricket property that had an association last year with Aramco;in fact the Saudi Arabian firm had signed up as a Global Partner for ICC events,signifying their clear interest in markets where the sport is popular,of which India represents a significant part.In other cricket-related n

103、ews,the Asia Cup was held successfully with the Dubai-based logistics firm DP World coming as the Title Sponsor.Beverages major Diageo and travel platform Ease My Trip were the Co-Sponsors for the competition while the other Official Sponsors were Dream 11,State Bank of India,Hettich,Skoda and Hero.

104、While the Covid scourge had created hurdles in the journeys of the various domestic short format leagues in India,2022 marked a good year for these competitions,leaving those uncertainties behind them.Events like the Tamil Nadu Premier League,Maharaja Trophy T20(which was earlier known as the Karnat

105、aka Premier League),and the Jharkhand Premier League were very much a part of the equation this year,and contributed to the overall cricket score card.Cricket leagues in other nations are increasingly becoming familiar hunting grounds for Indian brands,with many of them continuing their investments

106、in these events.While Australias Big Bash League As football fever enshrouded the nation,the brand that legitimately stakes claim to being the taste of India,Amul,decided to become the Regional Partner of the World Cup teams with arguably the two most popular athletes in the planet-Argentina and Por

107、tugal.Closer home,the growth story of the Indian Super League(ISL)remained unabated with Hero Moto Corp continuing their association as the Title Sponsor,while 1xBat was the Associate Sponsor for the nations premier football competition.The Official Partners of the football festival were KFC,Limca S

108、ports,Nivia,Dream 11,Jindal Panthers,and Virtua.In moves that were symbolic of the growing confidence shown by Indian brands in European football,Apollo Tyres continued their drive with the immensely popular Manchester United Club,while Sports Tourism brand Dream Set Go stayed on in their fascinatin

109、g trip with Chelsea and Manchester City.As goals were scored and skills were on display in the sponsorship space,it is evident that the trust bestowed by Indian business houses in world football further reinforces the potential that the Indian fans of the worlds favourite team sport represent!2022 s

110、aw the successful return of many franchise leagues in India,starting with Kabaddi.The Pro Kabaddi League(PKL)made more than one raid in 2022,with the 2021-22 season happening first followed by the 2022 edition,doubling the joy for the fans.While Vivo continued to be the Title Sponsor,Dream 11 and A2

111、3 were the Associate Sponsors,and were joined by Pari Match News,Ultratech and Jindal Panthers who played the role of the other Official Partners.While the pandemic caused some setback for a participative sport like Marathon,2022 saw an emphatic return of the long runs.SPORTS SPONSORSHIP SPENDSSPORT

112、S SPONSORSHIP SPENDSAll the major events in India,like Delhi Half Marathon,Mumbai Marathon,Bangalore 10k and Kolkata 25k were successful and lifted the spirits of all involved.The Tata Group played a pivotal part in sponsoring these events with Tata and TCS becoming Joint Title Sponsors at the Mumba

113、i Event,while TCS and Tata Steel played the same role in the Bangalore and Kolkata runs respectively.In the event hosted by the National Capital,the Title Rights were taken by Vedanta,the natural resources conglomerate.Also picking up momentum in 2022 was Golf with many PGTI events being played out;

114、the Womens Indian Open was held successfully even as the Mens event missed out on the action.In Hockey,a sport that once represented the pride of Indians,we saw action in the FIH event,and continuing their support for the game were the Odisha Government,Hero and Dream 11.Making its debut in 2022 was

115、 the Ultimate Kho Kho with six franchisees coming on board,viz.Adani,GMR,Capri Global,KLO Sports,Odisha Government and musician Badshah(along with businessman Punit Balan).Last year saw Birmingham hosting the Commonwealth Games and the following Indian brands were part of the event through their IOA

116、 Sponsorships-Reliance Foundation,JSW,Adani,Herbalife,Manyavar,Amul,Inox,Borosil,Adidas and Sports for All.Also making a successful return after being laid low by the pandemic were the Maharashtra Open Tennis Tournament,and the Prime Volleyball League.By and large,if you are looking purely from the

117、lens of emerging sports,the mood was most definitely upbeat after couple of years of ambivalence.At an overall level,Sports Sponsorship in India saw an amazing rise in revenue,bearing testimony to the increasing confidence demonstrated in sports properties by brands and businesses.In highly popular

118、competitions,especially in cricket,we saw the growths by way of the event itself expanding in terms of number of teams and matches,as well as through the rate revisions that happen as a consequence of the increasing levels of viewership and public attention,leading to exponential effect in industry

119、growth figures!This is indicative of the fact that even in sports which are ahead in the commercialization curve in India,the growth potential continues to be immense.At the other end of the spectrum,Emerging Sports delivered highly impressive figures,as many events marked their return to action on

120、the field after the Covid-imposed hiatus.In a team sport,if your win comes as a result of meaningful contributions from all your players,then the victory becomes even more sweet;this is exactly what happened with Sports Sponsorship in 2022.Sports sponsorship spending on the ground,team,and franchise

121、 has doubled Spending on cricket outpaced 2021s total sponsorship spends After a long hiatus due to the pandemic,emerging sports saw a staggering growth of 123%as Kabaddi,Marathons,and golf all resumedSource GroupM ESPDollar rate for 2021 INR 74&for 2022 INR 79GroundSponsorshipTeamSponsorshipFranchi

122、see Fee886Total23637374%45%597%105%2021(INR Cr)2021(USD Mn)2022(INR Cr)2022(USD Mn)Growth%2021 to 2022CricketEmergingSportsTotal22993590755719074899%123%105%2021(INR Cr)2021(USD Mn)2022(INR Cr)2022(USD Mn)Growth%2021 to 2022Cricket Sh

123、areEmerging Sports Share77%23%75%25%20222021%shareSPORTS SPONSORSHIP SPENDSSPORTS SPONSORSHIP SPENDSLEAGUES TV&DIGITAL DATA*ISL data is till December 2022All numbers are in Thousands except TV RatingsSource GroupM ESPSource for TV Reach&Ratings BARC,TG 2+,ALL NCCS,All IndiaIndian PremierLeagueIndian

124、 SuperLeaguePro Kabbadi League,200 1,200 1,000 7,12,00016,000 1,600 22,000 4,500 1,6008,200 838353 7,900 1,600 785 TV Reach TV Ratings(Avg)Social ConversationsSearch VolumesFacebookTwitterInstagram84,000 3,60,000 2,22,000SPORTS SPONSORSHIP SPENDSSPORTS SPONSORSHIP SPENDSTEAMS TV&DIGITAL

125、DATAIPL Franchise TV Reach TV Ratings Social Search Facebook Twitter Instagram (Avg)Conversations VolumesChennai Super Kings 2,59,000 4.83 7,900 30,800 13,100 9,300 10,700 Mumbai Indians 2,40,000 4.38 3,800 16,000 13,700 7,900 10,800 Royal Challengers Bangalore 2,62,000 4.78 6,000 47,000 9,900 6,400

126、 9,600 Kolkata Knight Riders 2,38,000 4.15 3,200 23,600 16,800 5,100 3,400 Sunrisers Hyderabad 2,20,000 3.61 4,700 24,800 6,200 3,100 2,900 Punjab Kings 2,40,000 3.97 1,200 3,700 8,600 2,900 2,700 Delhi Capitals 2,32,000 3.80 960 10,700 8,100 2,400 3,300Rajasthan Royals 2,50,000 4.37 2,300 7,200 5,0

127、00 2,500 3,700 Gujarat Titans 2,48,000 4.22 1,200 4,400 604 398 1,800 Lucknow Super Giants 2,37,000 4.05 598 684 292 654 1,300 ISL Franchise TV Reach TV Ratings Social Search Facebook Twitter Instagram (Avg)Conversations VolumesKerala Blasters FC 32,000 0.57 613 12,000 1,200 1,900 3,300 Bengaluru FC

128、 34,000 0.30 171 1,200 419 307 408 Chennaiyin FC 32,000 0.28 213 5,200 474 879 371 ATK Mohun Bagan 39,000 0.46 143 4,200 1,200 511 507 FC Goa 38,000 0.31 126 7,000 475 356 410 Hyderabad FC 28,000 0.26 258 6,800 95 31 205 Mumbai City FC 37,000 0.30 115 1,700 613 200 278 Odisha FC 32,000 0.30 116 578

129、37 30 100 NorthEast United FC 31,000 0.29 63 763 381 430 221 Jamshedpur FC 29,000 0.23 101 600 154 42 176 SC East Bengal 37,000 0.43 66 6,700 1,200 270 142 PKL Franchise TV Reach TV Ratings Social Search Facebook Twitter Instagram (Avg)Conversations VolumesPatna Pirates 1,00,000 0.57 61 5,400 649 59

130、1 294 U Mumba 1,02,000 0.63 61 3,900 982 141 266 Jaipur Pink Panthers 1,09,000 0.63 68 4,900 730 144 264 Bengaluru Bulls 1,19,000 0.77 193 11,000 1,000 200 557 Telugu Titans 1,05,000 0.69 82 3,300 477 157 167 Tamil Thalaivas 1,15,000 0.73 222 6,200 355 94 310 Gujarat Giants 1,00,000 0.62 84 2,400 40

131、4 42 179 Bengal Warriors 96,000 0.59 35 2,700 693 91 168 Puneri Paltan 1,16,000 0.69 58 4,500 841 120 276 Dabang Delhi K.C.1,09,000 0.69 61 3,400 920 75 167 UP Yoddha 1,01,000 0.67 47 6,300 381 42 230 Haryana Steelers 93,000 0.57 39 2,500 375 38 147 Source GroupM ESP*ISL data is till December 2022Al

132、l numbers are in Thousands except TV RatingsSource for TV Reach&Ratings BARC,TG 2+,ALL NCCS,All IndiaExpert ViewsSubhamoy Das,National Director,GroupM ESPAdvertising is a way to showcase your brand to the world,but sponsorship is a way to connect with your customers on a deeper level.While advertisi

133、ng shows your customers who you are,sponsorship demonstrates what you have in common with them,and that is the key to building long-lasting relationships.Parth Joshi,Chief Marketing Officer,BharatPeIn India,cricket and movies are the two predominant sources of entertainment with a massive and enthus

134、iastic following.Cricket still remains more a religion and less a sport in India with a massive fan following across different formats.As sponsors of the ICC world cup,we have seen great results in our advertising efforts.Cricket advertising helps build reach among mass audiences rapidly and sponsor

135、ships help build a brand,especially for young brands.It is important to note that success in this area does not always translate directly into immediate business outcomes.Careful and effective evaluation and planning are required to ensure that these partnerships deliver ROI as they tend to come at

136、a significant cost envelope.Satish Menon,Chief Executive Officer,Punjab KingsIPL sponsorship has always commanded a premium given its reach and supply.Having said that marketing jersey sponsorships in IPL is very different from any other.The challenge is not as much in finding the sponsor but in get

137、ting the right price and fit.The sponsor by virtue of his/her presence on the team jersey becomes an integral part of the IPL eco system.In a classic marketing mode,s/he markets the brand that is the team and its attributes through its amplification exercise.So,budgets become important as s/he has t

138、o literally spend at least 3X the amount in amplification to derive full value.In the process the collaborated marketing gives the team a huge boost and salience.Most marketers have perfected this art that helps the team immensely.It is eventually a television play so the exposure on television take

139、s a new dimension with the sponsors amplification and thus has a double whammy effect.The amplification exercise helps the brand remain relevant for a much longer period as opposed to any other as the campaign gets directly linked to the IPL story and the players in focus.Tenzing Niyogi,Chief Execut

140、ive Officer,Ultimate Kho KhoIn its new commercial friendly game format,Ultimate Kho Kho captured the imagination of new age advertisers who were looking to encash a greenfield property with Kho Khos massive fan base.As emerging sports league rights holders,it is imperative to curate souped-up conten

141、t with overall media mix&activation in-routes in a way which engages and connects with both the fans aspiration journey and generates clutter-free inroads for brand messaging.Rajeeth Pillai,Chief Relationship Management and Marketing,National Payments Corporation of IndiaSports sponsorship is contin

142、uously evolving and provides brands with access to an exceptionally vast,engaged audience,with a wide variety in viewership demographics.Popular sports such as Cricket,Football,Kabbadi,and Volleyball have significant sponsorship potential,with events such as the IPL being prime examples.Brands that

143、sponsor sports events can benefit from increased brand awareness,a positive brand imagery and gain access to a mass audience that is both global and loyal.Careful selection of the sport,team,and player can ensure maximum impact.Additionally,on-ground activation can lead to greater brand recognition.

144、Swamy Ayyappan,National Head-Marketing&Franchisee Operations,Monginis Foods Pvt.Ltd.Sports sponsorship is worthwhile for brands because of the massive audience they are going to reach,resulting in a correlatively high ROI.Sports like Cricket,Football,Kabbaddi and Hockey have huge fan followings and

145、sponsorship potential.Its no wonder that big sporting events like IPL,ISL are extremely popular and have gained massive worldwide following.Some of the key benefits which we were able to leverage with our sports association were:Rise in Brand awareness of the company,Promotes a positive and healthy

146、image of the company by linking it with a popular sporting event and Increases insales&revenue through increased media exposure.Ashish Mishra,EVP Marketing,ACKOSports and especially live sports can provide access to large scale audiences for brands at a comparatively low cost.But you need to ensure

147、that you select the right sport,team and player.In India,Cricket still continues to be the dominant sport but we have also enjoyed large scale awareness through EPL and Formula 1.One important point that I feel most brands miss is that if you add on-ground activation in addition to advertising,then

148、you can extract better mileage for your brand.We have seen this with our CFC sponsorship,in which ACKO is the most recalled brand by the fans of CFC.Fortune favours the winners as athletes leverage their influenceIndia is a nation that loves its superstars,be it in sports,or the world of entertainme

149、nt,or any other facet of life that connects with the collective consciousness of our people.When our athletes do well on the world stage,they make the Indian fan proud and we shower them with love,and hence fame and stardom follows our champion performers.Modern media has contributed significantly t

150、o this aspect by bringing their thrilling victories to our television sets and handheld devices.Even in 2020 when the Corona pandemic caused considerable decline in levels of sporting activity,leading to degrowths all across,our favourite sporting heroes had stayed in touch with us,through the power

151、 of digital and social media.In fact,athlete endorsement was the only area which recorded a gain that year!While the growth story continued in the succeeding year too,what transpired in 2022 was even better!The total revenue from Athlete Endorsements last year was an amount of INR 749 Cr($Mn 95)that

152、 came from 505 different deals across sports!Consequently,they gain a certain level of influence over us,with the status of celebrities being conferred on them,and when they endorse brands across a wide gamut of product categories,the message carries significant weight too.Our cricket fans are highl

153、y passionate and hold strong opinions while cutting across demographic and geographic segments,and therefore,it is not a matter of surprise that the sport has given us some of the most popular names in the country.In terms of brand endorsements,cricket stars have been leading from the front in the p

154、ast decade,with the highest revenue levels too,and the story of 2022 doesnt spring any googly either.However,an incredibly heartening takeaway from the endorsement data is that we have seen a big gain in overall value from emerging sports too.A close look at the past decades data will reveal that en

155、dorsement values have,by and large,been growing consistently.This is proof of the increasing power that celebrity athletes wield when it comes to shaping public opinion in our country.This is the result of an increment of 20%over the previous year,which was remarkable if we take into consideration t

156、he fact that this was the highest growth rate recorded in a calendar year since 2018!Unlike sponsorship figures that can fluctuate significantly year on year owing to variables like number of matches,presence of major quadrennial events,and other such factors,endorsement revenue follows a relatively

157、 more stable trend.If we zoom out to a five-year perspective,we will realize that we have scaled to 1.9 times the value we recorded in 2017!SPORTS CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTSPORTS CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTThe total endorsement value involving cricketers in 2022 added up to INR 637 Cr($Mn 81),which is 85%of a

158、ll sports,coming at a growth of 18%over 2021.As many as 381 deals involved cricket players,which works out to three-fourth of the total count.So,with 75%of all deals delivering a higher share of value,the premium commanded by the famous Indian cricketers is evident.In fact,the average deal value inv

159、olving cricketers is 1.8 times that of athletes from emerging sports!Talking of specific individuals in the team sport,recent years have seen Virat Kohli dominating the brand endorsement space in Indian sports,building a substantial lead over the others,in terms of earnings.He may have given up capt

160、aincy duties for the nation and franchise,but King Kohli continues to be at the top of the endorsement leader board.He is followed by the person from whom he took over the stewardship of Team India,MS Dhoni,and then by the one he handed over the baton to,Rohit Sharma.All three of them are currently

161、throwing their weight behind more than thirty brands each-while Virat added 3 new brands to his portfolio,Captain Cool picked up 5,while the Hitman got 8 new endorsement deals in 2022.Other Team India stars like Hardik Pandya,Jasprit Bumrah,KL Rahul and Shikhar Dhawan are also among the big scorers

162、in the endorsement space,be it in terms of overall revenue,or with respect to acquisition of new brands too.Cricketers with a more recent ascendancy to the world of stardom,like Surya Kumar Yadav,Rishabh Pant and Shreyas Iyer,can be considered to be the new favourites of brands and they are expected

163、 to score at a brisk rate in near future.Among women,Harmanpreet Kaur,Mithali Raj and Smriti Mandhana were the leaders,and with the rollout of the franchise format in India,the leading players on the distaff side are expected to pick up pace in the endorsement arena.The popularity of cricketers in I

164、ndia is such that the connect they enjoy with the fans is something that goes beyond the short-term hits and misses that they face on the field,which stands them in good stead when it comes to gaining credibility with the masses.2022 was a year that gave us some amazing moments to savour in Emerging

165、 Sports;in the area of brand endorsements too there was a definitive upward trend.There were 124 deals in sports other than cricket,delivering a total value of INR 112 Cr($Mn 14).This accounts for 15%of the total revenue across all sports,including cricket.With a growth rate of 30%over 2021,While cr

166、ickets preponderance is undeniable,it behoves us to dig deeper into the numbers to understand more about how our stars have created value for themselves by associating with brands.Emerging Sports outdid the No.1 sport on YoY terms,which can in fact be viewed as a correction of sorts if we consider h

167、ow the relative shares between cricket other sports varied since the onset of the pandemic.In 2019,Emerging Sports had contributed to 15%of total endorsement value,which had slipped down in the past couple of years,even to single digit shares at one point in time,before bouncing back to earlier leve

168、ls in 2022!With 12 brands under his belt,Neeraj Chopra had the longest throw among non-cricketers,while PV Sindhu smashed harder than any other female athlete from India,with 11 brands in her portfolio!In a major deal that contributed significantly towards the overall performance of non-cricketing s

169、ports,EdTech Brand Byjus scored a brilliant goal by roping in football icon Lionel Messi as a Global Brand Ambassador!Cricketers continued to dominate the market with the 22 yard sport playing a pivotal role in taking the industry forward in the past decade.The famous Indian victories crafted by our

170、 favourite cricketers have endeared them to the public,reinforcing the faith that brands have shown in them by integrating these stars into their marketing mix.While the lead sport continues to score freely at the wicket with aplomb,recent years have seen a marked improvement in our performance in d

171、ifferent sports disciplines,at global and regional events.2022 was a very fruitful year for us,with a tremendous showing at the Commonwealth Games which had very proud moments for all of us.In addition,we also had really satisfying victories across a wide spectrum of disciplines like Track&Field,Box

172、ing,Shooting and Wrestling,among others.For our athletes,success on the field begets success from a commercial perspective too,as has been evinced through the inspirational stories of our cricketers and others who represented the nation with distinction,winning accolades at a global level.These amaz

173、ing winning moments of 2022 should serve as a leading indicator of things to come in terms of endorsements;and these wonderful athletes will hold sway when it comes to being able to inspire a generation.Their exploits as well as the place of pride they hold in the minds of the people,will certainly

174、contribute significantly to the cause of adding a fillip to the sporting culture in India.SPORTS CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTSource GroupM ESPDollar rate for 2021 INR 74&for 2022 INR 79Cricket ShareEmerging Sports Share87%13%85%15%20222021%shareCricketEmergingSports54184625Total734981149518%30%2

175、0%2021(INR Cr)2021(USD Mn)2022(INR Cr)2022(USD Mn)Growth%2021 to 2022SPORTS CELEBRITYENDORSEMENT Spending on sports celebrity endorsements has increased by INR 124 crore,representing a 20%increase.A total of 505 brand endorsement deals have happened,with cricketers accounting for 381 endorsement dea

176、ls and 85%of total brand endorsement value.The top athletes in Sports Celebrity Brand Endorsement are Virat Kohli,MS Dhoni,Rohit Sharma,Sachin Tendulkar,Neeraj Chopra,and PV Sindhu.SPORTS CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTVirat KohliM S DhoniRohit SharmaSachin TendulkarHardik PandyaJasprit Bumrah Shubman GillRis

177、habh Pant Surya Kumar Yadav KL Rahul Shreyas Iyer Mithali Raj Harmanpreet Kaur Smriti MandhanaShafali Verma Category Social Search Facebook Twitter Instagram Conversations Volumes Cricket 18,000 69,700 50,000 53,300 2,33,000 Cricket 5,700 23,900 27,000 8,500 40,300 Cricket 7,800 25,000 20,000 21,500

178、 26,500 Cricket 2,200 18,200 38,000 38,300 38,200 Cricket 2,200 16,600 12,000 8,700 24,600 Cricket 1,300 6,000 9,300 5,200 10,100 Cricket 607 7,200 2,400 879 2,700 Cricket 3,100 19,300 5,500 3,800 7,400 Cricket 2,300 15,900 115 2,200 6,500 Cricket 1,300 14,300 10,000 7,600 13,400 Cricket 1,300 9,300

179、 2,700 2,100 6,700 Cricket 446 6,000 4,400 974 1,700 Cricket 350 2,200 2,800 463 1,700 Cricket 430 7,100 6,900 933 7,000 Cricket 120 1,100 25 81 304 Category Social Search Facebook Twitter Instagram Conversations Volumes Athletics 999 5,000 919 892 6,200 Badminton 623 3,200 3,000 3,100 3,500 Footbal

180、l 144 3,500 1,600 1,700 4,000 Badminton 236 2,400 8,100 8,400 1,500 Tennis 260 5,600 16,000 9,100 10,900 Athletics 84 1,100 2,000 458 411 Wrestling 111 1,100 822 540 193 Boxing 77 3,100 350 1,400 537 Weightlifting 541 1,700 312 432 911 Boxing 68 462 126 126 200 Athletes Athletes Neeraj ChopraP V Sin

181、dhuSunil ChhetriSaina Nehwal Sania MirzaHima DasSakshi Malik Mary Kom Mirabai Chanu Lovlina BorgohainSource GroupM ESPAll numbers are in ThousandsATHLETES DIGITAL DATASPORTS CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTExpert ViewsSiddharth Bansal,Director,Skipper PipesWe are thrilled to have not one but two renowned Crick

182、eters-MS Dhoni and Chris Gayle on board as our brand ambassadors to help us raise awareness about safe potable water.For Indians,MS Dhoni is not just a cricketing icon but also an embodiment of values such as trust,reliability,and resilience,which perfectly align with the values of Skipper Pipes.Our

183、 key strategy has been to blend our name Skipper and his image of being Indias leading Skipper together,which will amplify the brands remembrance among our key target audience.We seek to tap MS Dhonis popularity and influence to help spread awareness about the importance of using 100%Lead Free Polym

184、er Pipes in our homes.With Chris Gayles immense popularity our video commercial induces a fun and engaging way to educate people about the dangers of using ordinary pipes that might cause water contamination.Geeta Vatnani,Business Director,GroupM ESPThe sports endorsement market in India is projecte

185、d to explode and this will only grow in the coming years,driven by the increasing interest of brands in using sports as a platform for their marketing and communication strategies.Sports celebrities have a unique ability to transcend geographical and cultural boundaries,making them highly sought-aft

186、er brand ambassadors with a pan-India appeal.Their popularity and influence cut across markets,making them an attractive proposition for brands looking to reach a wider audience.Utsav Malhotra,Chief Operating Officer,NoiseAs a leader in the smart wearables space,championing fitness and active lifest

187、yle-sport is clearly the most befitting marketing bet for us.Stars like Virat Kohli,Rishabh Pant and Rohit Sharma have enabled us connect with the youth with strong affinity for sport and helped reach our audiences and land the brand message more effectively.Clearly its been a well thought out strat

188、egy that has worked for us to engage with our consumers.Swaminathan Sankar,MidasAthletes have the ability to inspire masses like few others do-hence,it is no surprise that brands constantly want to use them to communicate their values.The Indian landscape for sports endorsements is evolving with pro

189、gressive optimism every year where we will start to see brands welcoming women athletes&athletes from a variety of sports to join hands with them.TV scores heavily on a good wicket while digital accelerates big timeIn a year that saw significant upside in sponsorship and endorsement,it is but natura

190、l to expect a commensurable growth in advertising spends by brands,on sports media.There were thrilling moments on the field in 2022 for the Indian fans across a wide range of sports,and many of them held the audience enraptured on visual media.The lead batter in terms of spectator pull,of course,wa

191、s cricket,which had a calendar that was in harmony with the ways of working of the media industrys interface with the sports world.SPORTS MEDIA SPENDSWhile Television was,by a huge margin,the most impactful media vehicle when it came to taking brand stories to the people,we must be cognizant of the

192、fact that the impact of technology on fan experience has been more pronounced than ever before in sports history,and the patterns that emerged in 2022 further reinforced these long-term trends.The growth in ad expenses is an incontrovertible indication of the rising clout of sports as an industry,as

193、 brands across a variety of product categories continue to look at this sector as the ideal opportunity to build connect with their target audience,with the scale and reach of some of the biggest sports competitions in India serving as the ideal platform for them to gain competitive advantage.If we

194、take a historical perspective of the interplay between sports and media in different nations of the world,it will become apparent that the adoption of visual media,starting with traditional TV,plays a pivotal role in the commercialization of sports.As media enables people by giving them access to th

195、e on-field action from the comfort of their homes,or even on the go these days,there is a large-scale movement in the direction of greater understanding,acceptance,and passionate following of sports.While India might have lagged some of the most developed nations of the world in the early days of TV

196、 in the country,we are now catching up with them,in this modern inter-connected world.The past decade and a half have seen the emergence of the franchise format in Indian sports with cricket leading the way.The media reach of sports is such that the advertising on matches and other related programme

197、s has now become an integral part of communication schedules of brands,and in the overall industry data under consideration here,ad expenses form the biggest component.2022 saw media spends reach an amount of INR 7553 Cr($Mn 956),by recording a growth of 26%over the previous year.This accounts for 5

198、3%of the total industry revenue,with sponsorships and endorsements delivering the rest.This figure is dominated by live sports,as brands from different sectors in the industry jostled for the attention of large sections of viewers who wouldnt want to miss any part of the action.Like in the case with

199、 sponsorships and endorsements,cricket has been the prime mover here over the years,and in 2022 also,played the captains knock to perfection!The reach of live cricket action on media is of such a scale that the gap between the advertising rates it commands,and of other sports,is huge,with one sport

200、alone contributing to a towering 94%of all ad expenses incurred last year-this being a share that is higher than what we saw with sponsorships and endorsements.This works out to an advertising expenditure of INR 7072($Mn 895),at a YoY growth rate of 25%.What this implies is that in absolute numbers,

201、cricket alone added an amount of INR 1415 Cr($Mn 179)over previous year.Contributing in a big way here were the batters at both ends of the wicket,Team India and the Indian Premier League(IPL).While the national mens team had a much busier year compared to 2021,with the prestigious ICC World T20,the

202、 Asia Cup and a good number of bilateral events,the franchise-based T20 carnival saw the addition of two more teams into the equation,providing an added impetus to the media schedules with even more leveraging opportunities for brands.Indias favourite team sport has indeed built a powerful ecosystem

203、 with media houses,advertisers and of course,the large number of passionate fans we have in the country!With cricket amassing runs in a Bradmanesque manner,the balance 6%of the total came from Emerging Sports-an amount of INR 481 Cr($Mn 61)at an increment of 33%over 2021.A major contributor to this

204、was Football,in the year of the FIFA World Cup,as brands in their endeavour to dribble past competition,saw the quadrennial spectacle in Qatar as just the right opportunity to reach out to their consumers.In a highly populated country like ours,with all the regional diversities we have,TV continues

205、to be the most effective medium when it comes to giving the necessary width and depth to brand campaigns,at optimal budgets too.It is also the route through which our large masses of fans watch their favourite sporting heroes in action,and therefore,it comes as no surprise that in sports media adver

206、tising,TV stands on a pedestal,with a contribution of 73%,including Cricket and all Emerging Sports,imputing an aggregate amount of INR 5506 Cr($Mn 697),at a growth of 9%over 2021.While TV stands tall,digital medium is catching up fast in sports as well as other facets of life.Recent years have seen

207、 rapid adoption of OTT medium in Indian households,to such a point that we are at the cusp of a digital mainstreaming While the traditional advertisers,like the blue-chip FMCG brands continued to make their presence felt,there was a clear juggernaut from new-age sectors like FinTech,EdTech and Gamin

208、g,which were to a huge extent instrumental in driving the values for the year 2022.SPORTS MEDIA SPENDSWhile the digital revolution will certainly play a bigger role in the future,traditional TV is performing a monumental role today,and will need to keep doing so.in sports broadcasting.With the ever-

209、evolving technological landscape in the backdrop,digital medium has been growing at an express pace now,and in 2022,we saw a gargantuan YoY growth of 112%,by accumulating an ad revenue of INR 2045 Cr($Mn 259)!It contributed to 27%of all media spends in 2022;the corresponding number just one year bac

210、k was just 16%!While the confluence of cricket and TV is the sweet spot for marketing behemoths,we can also observe a greater propensity in advertisers to experiment with involvement in online streaming of Emerging Sports where they can operate with lower ticket sizes.If we look at crickets contribu

211、tion across types of media,we can see that it accounts for 95%on TV,and 90%on Digital Medium!In view of the evolving consumer preferences,and the onrush of tech-driven shifts,we can expect OTT to drive a digital groundswell in sports media advertising sooner than later.With the market share of Smart

212、 TVs likely to rise fast,we can expect an increasing number of fans to watch live sports on a connected television set(CTV)in future.Consumers seek convenience,and the benefits of OTT should in due course of time,start working against the inertia of change as well.For instance,instead of getting att

213、uned to the television schedules of our favourite entertainment programmes,we can now use the power of technology to watch the same shows whenever it suits us.However,in the case of live sports,appointment viewing works very well,for we need to watch it when it is being played,and this would make th

214、ese properties even more valuable.While we have this consumer shift on one hand,digital medium offers certain advertiser benefits too,on the other.With greater control over user statistics,advertisers on sports programmes on OTT medium can target certain segments of consumers,like people watching fr

215、om specific markets,or fans who are using a particular device type(like a TV instead of a mobile),using a host of criteria which can be relevant and has the potential to add to the sharpness of the profile of the audience that will be exposed to the communication.For these reasons,we can expect digi

216、tal medium to reduce the gap with TV in the long run;still we need to recognize that there is considerable distance to cover before that becomes a reality.SPORTS MEDIA SPENDSSource GroupM ESPDollar rate for 2021 INR 74&for 2022 INR 79SPORTS MEDIA SPENDS SPORTS MEDIA SPENDS Cricket continues to domin

217、ate the sports AdEx,accounting for 95%of all sports on TV and 90%of all sports on digital In 2022,digital experienced a huge growth as all key properties performed well:IPL,World Cup,and FIFA World Cup Edtech,Fintech,Gaming supported by FMCG brands drove Sports AdEx in 2022TVPrintDigital505129656018

218、Total220457%-112%26%2021(INR Cr)2021(USD Mn)2022(INR Cr)2022(USD Mn)Growth%2021 to 2022CricketEmergingSportsTotal565736538956195625%33%26%2021(INR Cr)2021(USD Mn)2022(INR Cr)2022(USD Mn)Growth%2021 to 2022Cricket ShareEmerging Sports Share94%6%94%6%2

219、0222021%shareSPORTS MEDIA SPENDSRahul Johri,President Business,ZEE Entertainment Enterprises Ltd.Live sports on television would continue to attract an unparalleled value and a robust growth opportunity in India.The mass engagement and excitement associated with the action of live sports,especially

220、cricket,is best enjoyed when viewed together as a community on the large TV screen.The inherent strength of sports on television to deliver higher pan-India reach,ad efficiency and impact is absolutely distinct and will attract large advertising investments.Sports streaming on digital platforms woul

221、d also witness dramatic growth and will be an incremental advantage.Going forward,the right balance between the level of investments and value generation capacity across mediums will make the sports business an even more compelling opportunity for all stakeholders in the value chain.Expert ViewsAnil

222、 Jayaraj,Chief Executive Officer,Viacom18 SportsSports as a genre is unique in how it aggregates audiences and gets unmatched attention of viewers.Over the last few years,the sports genre as a percentage of AdEx has been continuously increasing,especially digital.This is a reflection of the growing

223、sports culture where heroes have emerged from various sports and across gender.Our endeavour is to further fuel this passion by providing sports fans unmatched access to world-class content on their devices which eventually becomes a great opportunity for brands to build scale across the 700mn+inter

224、net users.Sai Narayan,Chief Marketing Officer,PI think as advertisers,our primary job is to make our brand relatable to our audience.In a country like India,what better way to do that than through sports?Men as well as women in our country are doing extremely well in sports.In fact,we have seen a re

225、cord hike in our traffic when we have invested in cricket-be it mens cricket or womens cricket.Our investment in sports has always helped us reach out to a newer audience and helped us in building the brand.Its safe to say,we will continue investing in sports.Ameya Velankar,Head of Marketing,Uber In

226、dia South AsiaSports have captured the imagination of young Indians.Its a genre that is being used to good effect to capture attention as well as share of mind.At Uber,we have seen positive gains from being present on platforms with live sports telecasts both on top of the funnel&long term business.

227、Gunnidhi Singh Sareen,VP of Marketing,Head Digital Works Pvt Ltd.Sporting events of different kinds,be it football or cricket,are an emotion in our country more than just forms of sports.In the last decade,Ive seen this excitement among viewers and sports enthusiasts only increase.We are thrilled to

228、 partner with various events year on year,capturing the attention of millions of fans across the country.As pioneers of online skill-based gaming in India,we recognize the importance of connecting with our target audience,who are passionate about games of skill.By aligning our brand with such events

229、,we can tap into the excitement and enthusiasm of fans,and increase the relevance of our message to our existing and prospective customers.We are confident that these partnerships with various categories of sports,will continue to help us enhance our brand awareness and engagement.Mukesh Jain,Joint

230、Vice President Marketing,HavellsAt Havells,sports media spends have been a vital component of Havells comprehensive marketing approach.By partnering with leading cricket events both on-ground&on-air,we have been able to connect with our consumers and showcase our line of products.These investments h

231、ave facilitated the establishment of enduring partnerships with our associates,our consumers,extending our global reach,and enhancing brand recognition.LFor over a decade,the Indian Sports Industry had been gaining such levels of momentum that the juggernaut looked unstoppable even in the face of fl

232、uctuations in the general business climate.In fact,It took a Black Swan event like the pandemic,to create situations that threatened to derail the ecosystem.The industry responded emphatically to the challenges thrown at it,and in two years we bounced back with renewed vigour,and the afflictions cau

233、sed by the pandemic looked like a thing of the past.ooking back,looking forwardThe real big hit of the year came from the IPL,which added two new franchises,leading to an unmistakable impact on the growth curve which was directly felt in the areas of Sponsorship and Franchise Fee.As the competition

234、settles into the new 10-team structure,there is optimism all around,about market demands that are commensurable with the stepped-up format of the league.Overall,cricket had not just hit a maximum,but also did it in style by clearing the ropes by quite a distance.Football saw higher ball possession a

235、mong Indian fans with the FIFA World Cup bringing in a thrilling passage of play,to add to an already exciting set of options for us,which included European events as well as our own properties like the ISL.For many events that had to bear the brunt of the Covid menace in the past two years,2022 mar

236、ked a year of recovery.The PKL was back this year and was welcomed by Kabaddi fans,while we also saw the return of the leading Marathons in India hosted by our major cities,viz.Mumbai,Delhi,Bengaluru and Kolkata.Among the other events in India that made a comeback in 2022 were the Tata Maharashtra O

237、pen Tennis for men and the Indian Open Golf for women.On the field,a big highlight for Emerging Sports in 2022 was Indias performance at the Commonwealth Games(CWG)held in Birmingham which saw us win 61 medals even though the event didnt feature shooting events which While 2020 saw the industry in a

238、 phase of crisis management to keep the events going,and the next year set the stage for a return to an air of positivity,what we saw in 2022 was a disproportionate uptrend,which in numerical terms,implied that we have covered up for some of the speed that was compromised in the meantime.That the IN

239、R 10000 Cr($Mn 1266)peak would be scaled in the year was never in doubt,but the way in which it was achieved was impactful,and the positivity was ubiquitous.Sports Sponsorship saw significant growth and provided maximum incremental value,while Endorsement and Media Spends also played key roles in th

240、e surge.These three revenue streams combined effectively to deliver an industry total of INR 14209 Cr($Mn 1799),as the growth curve got even more steep.Over the years,cricket has played the role of the linchpin of Indian Sports in the commercialization journey,by becoming the biggest contributor in

241、terms of value,by a huge margin.In 2022,this sport contributed to 85%of the total revenue in the industry,and in conformity with the trends,there was heavy scoring from international as well as franchise cricket.Team India had a busy season,which included prestigious events like the ICC T20 World Cu

242、p and the Asia Cup,making it a good year for cricket in particular and the sports industry in general.could be seen as a stronghold for us;this tally included medals in events which werent typically seen as fiefdoms for our nation,like Steeplechase and Lawn Bowls,among others,making it even more spe

243、cial.The Covid scourge created hurdles for an industry that was on the fast lane;while the crisis led to tough circumstances for the sector,it also paved the way for innovations in the area of fan engagement.As regards the consumers,there were many shifts in behavioural patterns,as trends got accele

244、rated because of necessity,especially with respect to digital adoption.As a result,there are clear changes in the approach taken by brands when it comes to spending on sports properties.TV continues to be the largest medium for access to sports content and in terms of ad spends too,though we are in

245、the midst of some over-the-top hitting by OTT streaming,which is gaining acceptance at a fast scoring rate,as an alternate option in many cases,and as the medium of choice too,for some.We are headed to a scenario where consumers can watch content at a time that suits their convenience.As more and mo

246、re entertainment programmes will be watched as per this trend,live sports will continue to be a flag-bearer for the habit of appointment viewing!This is expected to work in favour of the sports industry,and the resultant upswing will be seen in sponsorship and media spends LOOKING BACK,LOOKING FORWA

247、RDLOOKING BACK,LOOKING FORWARDAs the Indian society keeps pace with the changing times,we are witnessing an upward trend in the number of female athletes who are coming up the ranks and representing the country on the world stage across varied sports disciplines.In doing so,they are blazing a trail

248、for a large number of girls who face the added headwinds of gender bias in society.Take for instance,the largest multi-sport competition in the world,the Olympics;at the Tokyo Games,57 of the 128 athletes who represented India were female.Making a big impact there were Manipuri weightlifter Mirabai

249、Chanu,boxer Lovlina Borgohain from Assam,and badminton star PV Sindhu who were among the medals.Highly impressive,albeit missing out on a podium finish were Discus Thrower Kamalpreet Kaur and Golfer Aditi Ashok.In 2022 also,we had some wonderful women athletes who did the nation proud,by winning med

250、als at top-level competitions like boxer Nikhat Zareen,wrestler Vinesh Phogat,and many others.Talking of cricket,while the men have been playing on the front foot,we are seeing phenomenal rise for the womens game too.Harmanpreet Kaur,Smrithi Mandhana,and Jamima Rodrigues are among the household name

251、s in India today,and BCCI has been building the foundation for the growth of womens cricket for a few years now.The T20 Challenge that was played along with the IPL in the playoffs week has been a great opportunity for many youngsters,by brands,in coming years.As the industry evolves further,we can

252、expect brands to invest more in sports,come up with innovative ideas to leverage the associations they create,and enjoy the business upsides that go with it,leading to a virtuous cycle that will catapult the industry to greater heights.Cricket will continue to be the top-scorer,with the highest reac

253、h and fan-following,by generating significantly higher deal values than Emerging Sports.More leagues will come out of the period of uncertainty caused by the Corona Virus,as they take the cue from the cricket model and pursue their respective growth journeys.Participative sports like Marathon and Go

254、lf will be gaining momentum,if 2022 is any indication to go by.Coming years will see even more influence of technology in sports in the area of fan engagement.The business of digital collectibles holds a lot of promise for the future;and as Blockchain Technology gets adopted into the sports industry

255、,we can expect action around sporting NFTs,as newer avenues emerge in the area of unlocking the commercial value of fandom.Yet another Covid impact is the fast-tracking of the already existing movement in the direction of E-Sports and Gaming.With technology playing a bigger role in our lives than ev

256、er before,we can be sure that there is a sporting ecosystem that is ready to make the best use of it too.and now,we have seen the grand arrival of the first ever Womens Premier League in March 2023!The breakthroughs seen in Cricket and Emerging Sports are symbolic of a more inclusive society,and wil

257、l inspire a whole generation of girls in their sporting endeavours.2023 is expected to be a tipping point in Indian Cricket with a host of rights coming up for grabs,and prices are likely to shoot up!The IPL Media Rights for the period 2023-2027 has fetched an astronomical amount of INR 48390 Cr($Bn

258、 6.1).The entry of Viacom 18 has changed the dynamics in sports media,with the Reliance-backed conglomerate winning the digital rights at a bid value of INR 20500 Cr($Bn 2.6).Additionally,they bagged the digital rights for 18 more non-exclusive marquee games per season at a value of INR 3257.52 Cr($

259、Mn 412).Viacom 18 is expected to take initiatives that could give an added thrust to the digital shift in live sports viewing.Disney Star,in the meanwhile,has retained its sub-continent legacy rights at an astonishing figure of INR 23575 Cr($Bn 3),which works out to a per match value of INR 57.5 Cr(

260、$Mn 7.3)!In addition to the media rights,the Sponsorship Cycle of the worlds leading T20 league is also coming up for renewal for the 2024-2028 cycle.Both these cycles in combination,are expected to provide a major point of inflection for cricket,and by corollary,for the business of sports in India.

261、While the IPL is all set for an upswing,BCCIs Home Series will be taking the sector to dizzying heights with the Title and Central Sponsorships,as well as the Media Rights,getting renewed.Add to this the Sponsorship Rights for Team India,and we are all set to see mens cricket scoring runs all around

262、 the wicket.Cricket has been the driving force behind the Indian Sports Industry for a long while,in the Moving on from cricket,in another fresh beginning for Emerging Sports,two major international racing events,Formula E and Moto GP,will be held in India for the first time,as we speed up on the tr

263、ack of growth.role of the protagonist.The nation enjoys a position of pre-eminence among the places in the world where the sport has a strong following,and as the popularity and visibility of the on-field action scales new highs,more and more business-es are bestowing trust in cricket as a platform

264、which they can be involved with,as they establish saliency with their target groups.The consistent performance by our cricketers on the field is the result of a system that has evolved with time,which in turn led to the popularity and the monetization potential enjoyed by the sport.Emerging Sports h

265、ave a long way to go in the country before they could reach closer to crickets orbit,and 2022 gives a clear message that the signs are good.As we win more in these disciplines,it will trigger their business potential too.The prospective fan base we have for these sports,makes our ecosystem a fertile

266、 ground for the future,as we take the steps towards becoming a multi-sport nation.LOOKING BACK,LOOKING FORWARDThe past ten years have truly marked a definitive onward thrust in the commercialization journey of sports in India.With a CAGR of 14%,it was one of the better performing sectors in the indu

267、stry,as the ecosystem embarked on the path to maturity at a quick pace.At the vanguard of progress was cricket,with a major share of the revenue and the game-changing learning curve that came with it.The franchise model that was unveiled with the advent of the IPL,paved the way for similar competiti

268、ons in varied kinds of sports at different stages in their evolution.While it was a decade that saw Indian athletes achieve hitherto unseen levels of success in different disciplines,the phase also witnessed advancements in the way a fan can watch,engage with,and respond to live sporting action.The

269、influence of technology across different links of the sports value chain has played a significant role in the ten-year success story.In a nutshell,it was a decade of paradigm shift in Indian sports!Ten Years of Sporting Nationprogress we have made.There was a phase when Hockey was our only podium ho

270、pe at the Games,and even though we went into a medal drought in the sport after 1980,it was poetic that our mens team won a bronze at Tokyo in an emotional win,and broke the Olympic jinx at the same Games that saw our best performance yet,as a nation.A Track&Field Gold by an Indian at the Olympics w

271、as seen as beyond the realms of possibility for decades,but Neeraj Chopra proved that there is always a first time for such feats,by winning the Javelin throw event in Tokyo.In 2022,he followed up this achievement by winning the Silver at the World Championships,and with his stupendous victory in th

272、e prestigious Diamond League.In another significant story,India emerged as a strong force in Badminton with the women leading the way.Saina Nehwal won a Singles Bronze at the London Olympics in 2012,and taking the baton from her was PV Sindhu who put together a string of impressive performances that

273、 included the World Championships Gold in Basel,and two Olympic medals-a Silver in Rio followed by a Bronze in Tokyo.In the ten-year journey that commenced amidst a phase of famous victories by our mens cricket team in multilateral ICC tournaments,the game rode a wave of rising popularity as we beca

274、me a powerhouse both on and off the field,and had many famous victories in Tests,ODIs and T20Is,spurred on by the support of a billion fans!In the red-ball format of the game,we became a dominant outfit with many famous wins,and raised comparisons with some of the strongest test teams of all time.In

275、 limited over cricket,we became a force to reckon with and were seen by competitors as the team to beat at tournaments like the World Cup and Champions Trophy,regularly advancing to the knock-out stage too.However,the ICC trophy has been eluding our grasp since 2013;the same being the case with the

276、womens team.Still,there is strong conviction that it could be a matter of time before the spell is broken,and cricket continues to be the biggest binding force for Indians.While we are at the top of our game on the 22 yards,the past ten years have shown that we have gained huge ground in other sport

277、s too.In the Summer Olympics,for instance,recent years have seen us win a lot more than earlier.We won six medals at London in 2012,two in Rio four year later,and then in Tokyo in 2021,the Indian contingent had a never-before haul of seven medals in all.The fact that this accounts for 15 of the 35 m

278、edals we won in Olympic history,speaks volumes about the 2022 also saw Indian men smashing their way to the top of the world,winning the Thomas Cup for the first time,becoming only the sixth nation in history to triumph at the competition.With impressive results at events like Commonwealth Games,Asi

279、an Games,and with the rising prominence in disciplines like shooting and wrestling,we can expect a lot more from our athletes in coming years.TEN YEARS OF SPORTING NATIONsome developments which could lead to yet another growth curve,with the digital and TV rights being separated,leading to a total b

280、id value of INR 48390.32 Cr($Bn 6.1).Disney Star retained their hold on TV broadcasting with a bid of INR 23575 Cr($Bn 3)which works out to a mind-boggling figure of INR 57.5 Cr($Mn 7.3)per match,with the digital rights being bagged by Viacom 18 at a bid of INR 20500 Cr($Bn 2.6),at INR 50 Cr($Mn 6.3

281、)per match and for 18 more non-exclusive marquee games per season at a value of INR 3257.52 Cr($Mn 412)at INR 33.2 Cr($Mn 4.2)per match.While the IPL was scoring heavily at one end,Indian Cricket was also batting at a fast clip,at the other end.In 2019,Star India bagged the worldwide TV and Digital

282、rights for these matches at INR 6138.10 Cr($Mn 776)for a five-year period.Earlier,Oppo had procured the Team India Sponsorship rights for 2017-2022 with a bid of INR 1079 Cr($Mn 159),at 117%incremental value over the previous deal;the mobile phone brand was replaced in 2019 by EdTech giant Byjus.Ano

283、ther landmark move was the renewal of Title Rights for Indian Cricket for 2019-2023 by Paytm,at a bid value of INR 327 Cr($Mn 48),which was 58%higher than the previous deal.Continuing with the growth story of the decade,2022 saw the announcement of the Womens Premier League(WPL),and the media rights

284、 for this landmark event went to Viacom 18,for 2023-2027,at a price of INR 951 Cr($Mn 120).The Indian Sports Industry has grown to a revenue of INR 14209 Cr($Mn 1799)in 2022,a figure that includes Sponsorship,Athlete Endorsement,and Media Spends by brands.85%of this value has come from cricket alone

285、,with significant contributions from Team India matches as well as the Indian Premier League(IPL).As cricket enjoyed huge groundswell,we saw corporate India showing increasing confidence in the sport,as a series of successive rights renewal exercises over the past ten years in sponsorship and media

286、rights delivered significant growths,leading to clear tipping points in this growth journey.2018 was a big year for the IPL,with Star India procuring the media rights from 2018 to 2022 at an astronomical figure of INR 16347.5 Cr($Bn 2.5),which was a 367%increase over the previous deal with Sony.Also

287、,Vivo secured the 2018-2022 Title Sponsorship rights for the T20 blast,at a value of INR 2199 Cr($Mn 333),which came at a 450%upswing over the earlier deal.Yet another chapter in the saga of the IPL was the arrival of Tata as the Title Sponsor in 2022,in a journey that is still unfolding!The year al

288、so saw the IPL family growing,with the addition of two new franchises into the league;with RP Sanjiv Goenka Group winning the rights for Lucknow with a bid of INR 7090 Cr($Mn 897)and CVC Capital Partners getting Ahmedabad for INR 5625 Cr($Mn 713)!The competition for 2023-2027 IPL media rights saw Th

289、e winning bids for the rights to the five franchises amounted to INR 4670 Cr($Mn 591).The Mumbai rights were acquired by Indiawin Sports,to add to their towering IPL presence,at an amount of INR 913 Cr($Mn 116),while Ahmedabad saw the highest price with Adani Sportsline procuring the rights for INR

290、1289 Cr($Mn 163)!Like in the case with Mumbai,The Bengaluru and Delhi bids were won by the same groups that hold the IPL franchises for the cities,viz.Royal Challengers Sports and JSW GMR Cricket,at INR 901 Cr($Mn 114)and INR 810 Cr($Mn 103)respectively!The Lucknow franchise was acquired by Capri Gr

291、oup Holdings for INR 757 Cr($Mn 96),setting the stage for an exciting start for the inaugural season in 2023.The heavy-duty cricketing action is the result of the width and depth of the following the sport has in India,and its share of the total industry pie can be reflected in the level of social c

292、onversations,search volumes,TV Ratings,and other social media metrics.There are a host of other sports which are learning the ropes from cricket,and can be viewed as nascent markets that are still getting unearthed,and referred to as Emerging Sports here.The business of these sports took huge steps

293、when the Indian Super League(ISL)and the Pro Kabaddi League(PKL)were founded in 2013 and 2014 respectively.Hero Moto Corp became the Title Sponsor for the football spectacle in the TEN YEARS OF SPORTING NATIONTEN YEARS OF SPORTING NATIONThe Indian Sports Industry has grown to a revenue of INR 14209

294、Cr($Mn 1799)in 2022,a figure that includes Sponsorship,Athlete Endorsement,and Media Spends by brands.85%of this value has come from cricket alone,with significant contributions from Team India matches as well as the Indian Premier League(IPL).As cricket enjoyed huge groundswell,we saw corporate Ind

295、ia showing increasing confidence in the sport,as a series of successive rights renewal exercises over the past ten years in sponsorship and media rights delivered significant growths,leading to clear tipping points in this growth journey.2018 was a big year for the IPL,with Star India procuring the

296、media rights from 2018 to 2022 at an astronomical figure of INR 16347.5 Cr($Bn 2.5),which was a 367%increase over the previous deal with Sony.Also,Vivo secured the 2018-2022 Title Sponsorship rights for the T20 blast,at a value of INR 2199 Cr($Mn 333),which came at a 450%upswing over the earlier dea

297、l.Yet another chapter in the saga of the IPL was the arrival of Tata as the Title Sponsor in 2022,in a journey that is still unfolding!The year also saw the IPL family growing,with the addition of two new franchises into the league;with RP Sanjiv Goenka Group winning the rights for Lucknow with a bi

298、d of INR 7090 Cr($Mn 897)and CVC Capital Partners getting Ahmedabad for INR 5625 Cr($Mn 713)!The competition for 2023-2027 IPL media rights saw first season itself;and this position they had in the starting line-up is still with them!For the Kabaddi competition,the onboarding of Vivo as the Title Sp

299、onsor in 2017 for a period of 5 years provided a major fillip,the deal value for the same being INR 260 Cr($Mn 32.9).In 2016,the Premier Badminton League(PBL)was started with Vodafone taking the call to be the Title Sponsor for three years starting with 2017,at a cost that is upwards of INR 15 Cr($M

300、n 2.3).The onslaught of the Covid pandemic created major hurdles for franchise leagues in Emerging Sports,while the IPL and the ISL were the only events that did not miss action even in 2020,which was the year that took the maximum hit.Two years down the line,the mood is a lot more upbeat for Emergi

301、ng Sports with many of the leagues coming back to action.2022 also saw good momentum for participative sports like Marathon and Golf,and the scenario looks loaded with exciting prospects as we enter 2023.Another shift that has emerged over the past decade is the upward trend in the participation lev

302、els of female athletes at different levels,right up to the international stage.This is remarkable considering the deep-rooted social prejudice that many women athletes face as they come up the ranks.With 57 of the 128 Indian athletes at the Tokyo Olympics being from the distaff side,we can say that

303、we are a shining example for many nations of the world.The past decade has seen many amazing women champions shattering the myths associated with gender biases and have become beacons of hope for many.When winners like Sania Mirza,Mary Kom,Saina Nehwal,PV Sindhu,Saikom Mirabai Chanu,Lovlina Borgohai

304、n,Vinesh Phogat and others win laurels for the nation,it instills a sense of belief in hundreds of girls who want to pursue sports as a career.In Cricket too,the womens game has come a long way with the BCCI becoming a guiding light on the issue of gender equality by moving to equal pay policy for m

305、ale and female players for international matches.The board has been trying out the T20 Challenge for women for a few years now,along with the playoffs week for the IPL,an initiative that has eventually led to the WPL,a property that is expected to grow at a rapid pace.The adoption of the franchise m

306、odel in womens cricket will serve as a shot in the arm for female athletes across sports disciplines.Some of the key players in the Indian Team,like Smrithi Mandhana and Harmanpreet Kaur,are already well-known names,and with the spotlight happening on more players,we can expect more brands to look a

307、t womens cricket as just the right platform for their marketing efforts.The past ten years have seen the reach,quality and affordability of the internet improving by leaps and bounds.TV continues to be the largest medium for sports consumption and advertising,though digital is catching up fast,throu

308、gh rapid adoption by viewers and rising confidence from brands.While consumers are shifting to the convenience of OTT streaming,especially for movies,web series and other such content,the same is not ideal in the case of live sports,making it a sure bet for appointment viewing.With the entry of Viac

309、om 18 into sports and the early success they are having,the scene is already heating up in India.The OTT onrush can lead the market to a situation where the share of viewers who are willing to watch live sports on an internet-connected television set(CTV)will reach critical mass in India,leading to

310、changes in the way brands look at this medium.Another interesting development is the entry of Amazon Prime into the arena by getting the live broadcasting rights for New Zealand Home Cricket.This presents several exciting possibilities for them with respect to BCCI,ICC and IPL,and we may even see th

311、em pursue newer revenue streams-from subscription only to advertisement also!At the other end of the spectrum,ICC has launched icc.tv to live stream cricketing action in markets where they dont have a broadcast partner;this can be viewed as a small step in the direction of rightsholders taking contr

312、ols in their own hands,without the presence of a broadcaster as an intermediary.Non-live longform shows like Formula 1:Drive to Survive on Netflix,are playing a major role in introducing specific sports to newer audience groups;while we can expect more such content to come out on the OTT medium,ther

313、e is the possibility of the D2C route being explored by sports bodies here also.The impact of the technological changes of the past ten years on the Indian sports fan has been significant.Right from enjoying the better quality of the visuals,to availing the value additions in the broadcasting servic

314、es,to watching on the go,to engaging with fantasy sports platforms-the avenues for the fans to meaningfully appreciate sports are a lot more democratized than what it used to be,ten years ago.With the Blockchain adoption happening in the sports industry,we can expect NFTs to make a significant play

315、in a country like India with a large young population.The business of branded sports merchandise has not taken off in our country the way it was expected to,because of factors that are central to the dynamics of the apparel business.However,with technology playing a part,we can expect digital collec

316、tibles to have a bigger box office run here.The earliest signs for the same are already here;the ISL has partnered with Terra Virtua,an immersive marketplace for collectibles,to engage with the Indian football fan,even as the IPL is already looking at a Powerplay in this fledgling space.The US-based

317、 firm FanCraze has launched player cards for different IPL teams,and more action is expected on that front.The Metaverse is another area which can immerse into the sports industry-the tie-up of the platform Zwift with Tokyo Olympics,through which special Virtual Series activities were held for certa

318、in events,is a case in point.Gaming and E-Sports are on the rise in India,though it is still early days,and the Covid-induced lifestyle changes did contribute a bit to it by way of habit formation.While these opportunities,together,will represent a fast-growing space,we can also expect technology to

319、 play a huge role by being an enabler across the sports value chain,unlocking the growth potential of traditional spectator sports like cricket,football and others by enhancing the experience for fans,and presenting more marketing avenues for brands,thereby catalyzing growth over the next ten years

320、of the Sporting Nation.TEN YEARS OF SPORTING NATIONTEN YEARS OFSPORTING NATION Year 2013 in 2014 in 2015 in 2016 in 2017 in 2018 in 2019 in 2020 in 2021 in 2022 in$Mn$Mn$Mn$Mn$Mn$Mn$Mn$Mn$Mn$Mn INR-USD Conversion Rate 59 61 65 68 66 68 70 74 74 79 Overall 743 757 825 941 1106 1141 1301 796 1288 1799

321、 On Ground 128 130 159 171 203 236 287 115 236 374 Team Sponsorship 79 81 86 103 124 131 133 87 122 166 Franchise Fee 89 79 83 81 104 52 57 24 32 208 Endorsement 65 54 64 70 60 71 77 76 85 95 Media Spends 381 413 433 516 616 652 747 494 813 956 Year 2013 in 2014 in 2015 in 2016 in 2017 in 2018 in 20

322、19 in 2020 in 2021 in 2022 in INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr INR Cr Overall 4381 4617 5363 6400 7300 7762 9109 5894 9530 14209%Growth -1%9%16%19%14%6%17%-35%62%49%On Ground 759 795 1030 1166 1337 1603 2006 850 1748 2953%Growth 6%5%30%13%15%20%25%-53%106%69%Team Sponso

323、rship 465 494 558 700 820 892 934 646 902 1310%Growth -30%6%13%25%17%9%5%-30%40%45%Franchise Fee 527 482 541 548 684 353 400 177 236 1644%Growth 10%-8%12%1%25%-48%13%-55%33%597%Endorsement 382 328 416 476 395 482 537 564 625 749%Growth 30%-14%27%14%-17%22%11%13%11%20%Media Spends 2250 2518 2817 3511

324、 4065 4432 5232 3657 6018 7553%Growth 0%12%12%25%16%9%18%-30%65%26%Source GroupM ESPTEN YEARS OF SPORTING NATIONyears,we saw the return of many events,much to the delight of the fans and other stakeholders.On the field,it was a particularly good year for us as a sporting nation,with the tricolour fl

325、ying high on several occasions,at different places around the world,thanks to our wonderful athletes who made us immensely proud with their exploits.These victories augur well for us from a commercial perspective too,because such winning moments will bring these sports disciplines into the limelight

326、,triggering a growth curve.Cricket has been performing a role of epic proportions over the years in shaping the contours of the sports industry,be it through international contests,or by the franchise route which has had game-changing impact even for other sports.As the industry delivered INR 14209

327、Cr($Mn 1799)in 2022,the No.1 sport contributed 85%of this revenue,making cricket by itself an industry of a billion and a half dollars.The universality of cricket in India has made it a trusted brand-building platform for businesses from different sectors in the economy.While the Indian Team played

328、almost twice the number of matches compared to 2021,this active calendar became a clear growth factor and the decisive boost came through the addition of two new franchises into the IPL fold,with the sponsorship figures going through the roof.The 2023-2027 media deals for the T20 league were renewed

329、 last year,and we saw the Digital and TV rights being secured by different conglomerates,leading to a staggering overall bid value of INR 48,390.32 Cr($Bn 6.1),giving a clear inflection point to the industry.As we look at 2023 through a cricketing lens,there is a lot to look forward to,both on and o

330、ff the field.A series of sponsorship and media rights are coming up for renewal in Indian cricket and the IPL,which will take the industry revenue further upwards.The inaugural season of the Womens Premier League(WPL)will give a major impetus to not just womens cricketers,but also to all female athl

331、etes in the country.With India hosting the The Last WordPrasanth KumarCEO-GroupM South AsiaWhile 2021 saw the Indian Sports Industry recovering from the Covid menace and getting back on the path of growth,the succeeding year demonstrated the robustness of the ecosystem.The 49%value growth of 2022 im

332、putes a three-year CAGR of 16%,which means that despite the setbacks of 2020,the post-pandemic performance of the industry,in quantitative terms,has been more rewarding than that of the years in the run-up to the force majeure event that threatened to disrupt a lot more than just the sports world.Th

333、e year also gave clear indications of a steep upward trajectory for the growth path in the immediate future,by way of the scaling up of premium properties,as well as the decisions that led to the creation of new competitions too.After being in the wilderness for two mens ODI World Cup in 2023,we can expect the fan engagement levels to reach the zenith as we get closer to the tournament date,given



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