
Web3 时代的商业未来-黄东浩.pdf

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Web3 时代的商业未来-黄东浩.pdf

1、Web3 时代的商业未来东浩万事达卡实验室/研发副总裁Donghao HuangVice President,R&D MastercardThe Future of Commerce in Web3 Era19 NOV 20233BlockchainDigital Assets&tokens/BusinessSmart ContractsThe building blocks of Web3 3 fundamentalsApplications and use cases built on top of Web3 fundamentals;the connection of these vir

2、tual experiences is sometimes referred to as the metaverse.Use cases:GAMINGWEB3 OVERVIEWART&MEDIASOCIALDeFIDECENTRALIZED STORAGEEncryption enables data privacy,and distributed computing ensures data accuracy and protection.LAYER 2 BLOCKCHAINSLayer 2 technology the“off-chain”solution that scales bloc

3、kchain transaction capacity.NON-CUSTODIAL WALLETS Non-custodial wallets to manage digital assets without giving up ownership.The vision for Web3 may not be fully realized,but decentralized technologies are maturing and showing promise.Web3:Decentralizing the Internet4DECENTRALIZED STORAGEEncryption

4、enables data privacy,and distributed computing ensures data accuracy and protection.LAYER 2 BLOCKCHAINSLayer 2 technology the“off-chain”solution that scales blockchain transaction capacity.NON-CUSTODIAL WALLETS Non-custodial wallets to manage digital assets without giving up ownership.The vision for

5、 Web3 may not be fully realized,but decentralized technologies are maturing and showing promise.Web3:Decentralizing the InternetWEB3 OVERVIEWCURRENT OUTLOOK OF WEB3Crypto Winter-Downtrend for NFT transactionsSINCE 2022ETHEREUM NFT MARKETPLACESOLANA NFT MARKETPLACESource Nansen.ai56WEB2 BRANDS EMBRAC

6、ING WEB3 TECHNOLOGYDespite the decrease in volume across NFT marketplaces,we see an increasing number of web2 brands harnessing web3 technology to further scale their businessesWhat are the risks&challenges in onboarding masses to web3?7Changing our idea of“what value is”will create new business mod

7、els,new economies,and drive digital inclusion.FIAT CURRENCYCRYPTO CURRENCIESSOLAR CREDITSLOYALTY POINTSNFTSCBDCDATAThe digitization of currencies and the tokenization of goods,coupled with programmability,leads to faster,more intelligent transactions.REIMAGINING MONEY8TOKENIZED CARD NFTTokenized Car

8、d NFTT H E O P P O R T U N I T YTarget Audience people who have yet to use or are unfamiliar with web3 technology and have difficulty navigating the space but want to harness the benefits of Web3 technology.We currently have 2.9b MA Cardholders63%1 of the people are curious about cryptoTotal address

9、able market of 1.83bn people who will potentially be keen in the Tokenized Card NFTMA CardholdersCurious about CryptoPeople2.9bn63%1.83bn1.Survey-https:/ 9TOKENIZED CARD NFTTokenized Card NFTT H E C H A L L E N G E SThere is a steep learning curve and extremely cumbersome process for newly onboarded

10、 users to navigate around the web3 space and/or harness the benefits of blockchain technology.SWITCH between multiple applications CUMBERSOME PROCESS to fund digital walletLACK OF TRUST to execute web3 transactionsTokenized Card NFT Solution ArchitectureAllow users to tokenize their payment card int


12、 NFT23451Mint Tokenized Card NFT112TOKENIZED CARD NFTPay with Tokenized Card NFT2345Tokenized Card NFTT H E B E N E F I T SA tokenized card into the users wallet to allow the seamless on-demand conversion of fiat-to-crypto,vice versa,empowering various new use-cases to both end-user and merchants13T

13、OKENIZED CARD NFTTokenized Card NFTT H E B E N E F I T SA tokenized card into the users wallet to allow the seamless on-demand conversion of fiat-to-crypto,vice versa,empowering various new use-cases to both end-user and merchantsUsers can easily convert their fiat-to-cryptocurrency,at any time.Web2

14、 friendly user experience-no barrier of entry for users of all profilesEnabling further use-cases built based on Tokenized Card NFTON-DEMAND FIAT CRYPTO CONVERSIONWEB2 FRIENDLY EXPERIENCESCALABILITYWeb3 Universal WalletEnable seamless loyalty/payment experiences across Web3,Web2 and RetailWeb3 Phygi

15、tal ExperiencesSeamless physical&digital commerce experience for users13Enabling seamless commerce experience in Web3 eraTokenized Card NFTEnabling tokenization of Mastercard cards as NFTs into Web3 walletsWeb3 MicropaymentsLow fee/high throughput enabled by L2 and account abstraction21415Connecting

16、 the digital and physical worldPHYSICALDIGITALNFT unable to serve as the PROXY FOR THE PHYSICAL ASSET they representFRAGMENTED&CUMBERSOME process when making payment&receiving both physical&digital assetsBrands are unable to PROFIT FROM SECONDARY MARKET transactionsWeb3 Seamless Cross-Network Phygit

17、al ExperienceT H E C H A L L E N G E SThe physical item and its digital twin(NFT)is often decoupled after the purchase process hence the process of harnessing the“phygital”benefits is often a difficult cumbersome process16WEB3 CROSS-NETWORKWeb3 Seamless Cross-Network Phygital ExperienceT H E C H A L

18、 L E N G E SThe physical item and its digital twin(NFT)is often decoupled after the purchase process hence the process of harnessing the“phygital”benefits is often a difficult cumbersome processNFT unable to serve as the PROXY FOR THE PHYSICAL ASSET they representFRAGMENTED&CUMBERSOME process when m

19、aking payment&receiving both physical&digital assetsBrands are unable to PROFIT FROM SECONDARY MARKET transactions17WEB3 CROSS-NETWORKWeb3 Seamless Cross-Network Phygital ExperienceAn NFC chip,powered by Mastercard Phygital Services to be embedded onto the physical product.Upon scanning the chip,use

20、rs will be able to experience a seamless cross-chain phygital experience.Enabling a hassle-free transfer of NFT ownership(coupled with Physical Asset)regardless of networkSeamless Cross-chain network experience for on-demand conversion of fiat-to-crypto and/or crypto-to-fiatUpcoming industry standar

21、d of the“Physical-backed Token”enables the Seamless Authentication of both physical good and NFTSeamless Cross-Network Phygital ExperienceT H E B E N E F I T S1WEB3 CROSS-NETWORKFirst time purchasing at store35Checkout page24User able to change their payment¤cy methodSuccess18WEB3 CROSS-NETWOR

22、K31Account detailsFirst time purchasing at store(continued)19WEB3 CROSS-NETWORK21Selling/listing the goods at the marketplace34520WEB3 UNIVERSAL WALLET21Purchasing from marketplace(2nd hand purchase)345Seller will ship the goodsChange network access based on their preferencesOnce buyer received the

23、goods.They scan the goods using the card they used for the payment earlier2122WEB3 CROSS-NETWORKSeamless Cross-Network Phygital ExperienceT H E B E N E F I T SA seamless commerce experience for users as they are able to trade across different network.In addition,the“phy-gital”capabilities unlock new

24、 experiences for brands&usersEnd-user can choose the currency of their choice for the transactionPhysical&Digital Assets are now easily authenticated,unlocking new experience for brands&usersInteroperability powered by Mastercard ability to purchase and transfer NFT across different blockchain networksSEAMLESS AUTHENTICATIONCROSS-NETWORK EXPERIENCEON-DEMAND FIAT CRYPTO CONVERSIONMASTERCARD APPROACH TO WEB3Developing for the future23Embed payments services1Support greater interoperability2Seamless payment3Q&ALinkedIn:https:/ 东浩/万事达卡实验室/研发副总裁24



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