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1、January 2024The Retail Opportunityof StadiumsDive into the location intelligence to understand the significantretail and dining opportunities in and around major stadiums both during games and in the off-season.Table of ContentsPlay Ball2Major League Visits3Different Visitation Patterns During the O

2、n-and Off-Season3Stealing Bases,Winning Retail4A Higher-Income Visitor Base4An Advertising Slam Dunk5Distinct Retail Choices by Team5Fan Tastes:Beyond the Bleachers6End Zone Eats7Different Events Drive Different Dining Patterns8Pitches to Plates10Final Buzzer12Key Takeaways12 2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|M

3、ore insights at placer.ai|2Play BallSports leagues like the NBA,NFL,and MLB boast billion-dollar revenues and thevenues where these games unfold hold significant commercial potential in their ownrights.Many stadiums host concerts and other shows in addition to regularly heldsporting matches and can

4、accommodate tens of thousands of spectators at once creating massive retail,dining,and advertisement opportunities.This white paper analyzes location intelligence metrics for some of the biggeststadiums across the country to reveal the commercial potential of these venuesbeyond simple ticketing reve

5、nue.Where do visitors of various stadiums like to shop?Do specific sporting and cultural events impact the nearby restaurant scenedifferently?How can stadium operators,local businesses,and advertisers tailor theirofferings to a stadiums particular audience and make the most of the stadium andthe spa

6、ce throughout the year?We take a closer look below.Major League VisitsThe three major sports leagues the National Basketball League(NBA),Major LeagueBaseball(MLB),and the National Football League(NFL)play at different points of theyear,and the number of games each league holds during the season also

7、 varies.MLB leads in game frequency,with each team playing 162 games during the regularseason,which runs approximately from April through September.Basketball seasonis also around six months roughly from mid-October to mid-April but each NBAteam plays only 82 games a season.And the NFL has both the

8、shortest season 18weeks running from early September to early January(with the pre-season starting inAugust)and the fewest number of matches per team.Understanding the monthlyvisitation patterns for the various types of stadiums can help advertisers,stadiumoperators,and other stakeholders ensure tha

9、t they are leveraging the full potential ofthe venue throughout the year.Different Visitation Patterns During the On-and Off-SeasonUnsurprisingly,the sports arenas serving the different leagues see visit spikes duringtheir leagues respective season.But comparing visit numbers throughout the year to

10、2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at placer.ai|3the average monthly visit numbers for each category in 2023 reveals that the relativevisit increases and decreases during the on-and off-season vary for each type ofstadium.MLB stadiums display the steadiest visit strength during the on-season perhap

11、s dueto MLBs packed game schedule.MLB tickets also tend to be relatively affordablecompared to tickets to pro football or basketball matches,which may also contributeto MLBs consistently strong visit numbers throughout the season.During the MLBoff-season,baseball fields which tend to be uncovered ar

12、e relatively empty.The seasonal visit spike to NBA arenas is less steady.The beginning and end of theseason see strong peaks,and visits slow down slightly during the mid-season monthsof January and February.Visits then drop during the off-season spring and summer,but the off-season visit dip is not

13、as low as it is for MLB fields perhaps because theNBA arenas indoor nature make them suitable locations for concerts and othernon-basketball events.Meanwhile,NFL stadiums see the least dramatic drop in visits during the NFLoff-season,as these venues enormous size also make them the ideal location fo

14、rconcerts and other cultural events that draw large crowds.These arenas strongalmost year-round visitation numbers mean that sponsors and advertisers looking toexpand beyond sports fans to reach a diverse audience may have the most successwith these venues.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at plac

15、er.ai|4Stealing Bases,Winning RetailA Higher-Income Visitor BaseAlthough MLB offers the most budget-friendly outing,combining STI:Popstatsdemographic metrics with trade area data reveals that MLB stadium visitors reside inhigher-income areas when compared with visitors to NBA or NFL stadiums.Basebal

16、l fans tend to be older than fans of the other sports,which could partiallyexplain MLB stadium visitors higher household income(HHI).The combination oflower ticket prices,higher median HHI among fans,and many games per seasonoffers baseball stadiums significant opportunities to engage effectively wi

17、th their fanbases.But while NBA and NFL stadium attendees may not come from as high-income areasas do MLB stadium visitors,fans of live basketball and football still reside in tradeareas with a higher HHI compared to the nationwide median.So by leveraging 2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at place

18、r.ai|5stadium space,advertisers and other stakeholders can reach tens of thousands ofrelatively high-income consumers easily and effectively.An Advertising Slam DunkSports fans are known to be passionate,engaged,and willing to spend money ontheir team but stadium visitors also shop for non-sports re

19、lated goods and services.Retailers and advertisers can draw on location analytics to uncover the consumerpreferences of stadium visitors and tailor campaigns,sponsorships,andcollaborations accordingly.Distinct Retail Choices by TeamVisitation data to the top five most visited MLB stadiums during 202

20、3 showeddifferences between the apparel and sporting goods shopping preferences of thevarious stadiums attendees.While 39.4%of visitors to Truist Park also visited DICKsin 2023,only 30.8%of Yankee Stadium visitors stopped by the sporting goods retailerin the same period.Similarly,while 29.9%of visit

21、ors to Yankee Stadium frequentedKohls,that percentage jumped to 47.3%for Busch Stadium visitors.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at placer.ai|6Harnessing location intelligence to see the consumer preferences of a stadiumsvisitor base can help retailers,stadium operators,and even team managers cho

22、osepartnerships and merchandising agreements that will yield the most effective results.Fan Tastes:Beyond the BleachersSports and snacks go hand in hand what would a baseball game be without a hotdog or peanuts?But while every stadium likely provides a similar core of traditionalgame day eats,each v

23、enue also offers a unique set of dining options,both on-andoff-premise.And by leveraging location analytics to gain visibility into stadium-goersdining habits,stadium operators and local food businesses can understand how tobest serve each arenas audience.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at place

24、r.ai|7End Zone EatsMapping where stadium visitors dine before and after games can help stakeholders inthe stadium industry reach more fans.The chart below shows the share of visitors coming to a stadium from a dining venue(on the x-axis)or going to a dining venue after visiting the stadium(on the y-

25、axis).Thedata reveals a correlation between pre-stadium dining and post-stadium dining stadiums where many guests visit dining venues before the stadium also tend to havea large share of guests going to dining venues after the event.For example,the AT&TStadium in Arlington,Texas,saw large shares of

26、visitors grabbing a bite to eat on theirjourney to or from the stadium,while the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore,Marylandsaw low rates of pre-and post stadium dining engagement.These trends present opportunities for both local businesses and stadiumstakeholders.For example,venues with high dining enga

27、gement can explorepartnerships with local restaurants,while those with lower rates can build out theirin-house dining options for hungry sports fans.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at placer.ai|8Different Events Drive Different Dining PatternsStadiums looking to enhance their food offerings or l

28、ocal entrepreneurs thinking ofopening a restaurant near a stadium can also get inspired by stadium visitors diningpreferences.For example,psychographic data taken from the Spatial.ai:FollowGraphdataset reveals that visitors to MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford,New Jersey have amuch stronger prefere

29、nce for Asian cuisine compared to New Jersey residents overall.With that knowledge,the stadium can enhance the visitor experience by expanding itsAsian food offerings.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at placer.ai|9On the other hand,MetLife Stadium goers seem much less partial to Brewery farethan

30、average New Jerseyans,so the stadium operators and restaurateurs may wantto avoid offering too many Brewery-themed dining options.Stadium stakeholders canreserve the craft beers for Caesars Stadium,M&T Bank Stadium,and Soldier FieldStadiums,where visitors seem to enjoy artisanal brews more than the

31、averageresident in Louisiana,Maryland,and Illinois,respectively.All of the stadiums analyzed exhibited unique visitor dining tastes,a reminder that nocustomer or fan base is alike.Aligning on-or off-site dining options with offerings thatalign with a given customer bases preferences can improve over

32、all visitor satisfactionand boost revenues.Pitches to PlatesZooming in to look at consumer behavior around individual events reveals furthervariability in dining preferences even among visitors to the same stadium,withdifferent types of events driving distinct dining behaviors.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|

33、More insights at placer.ai|10State Farm Stadium in Glendale,Arizona,is home to the Arizona Cardinals.Thestadium hosted the 2023 Super Bowl,but the NFL stadium also acts as a concertvenue for acts ranging from Taylor Swift to Metallica.And location intelligence revealsthat the dining preferences of s

34、tadium visitors vary based on the events held at thevenue.During the Super Bowl,sports bars such as Yard House and Buffalo Wild Wings sawthe largest increase in visits compared to the chains daily average.A month later,attendees at Taylor Swifts concert gave fried-chicken leader Raising Canes asigni

35、ficant boost.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at placer.ai|11 2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at placer.ai|12Local restaurants can leverage location analytics to see what types of events arepopular with their visitor base and craft collaborations and advertising campaignsthat resonate effecti

36、vely with their patrons.Final BuzzerSports stadiums and arenas are not just spaces for sports and music enthusiasts togather;they also offer significant commercial opportunities for the surroundingcommunities.Stadium operators and local businesses can fine-tune their offerings byutilizing location a

37、nalytics to better connect with their visitor bases and uncover newretail opportunities.Key Takeaways1.The stadiums serving the different major leagues see different visitationpatterns throughout the year.MLB stadiums experience the longest and mostsustained increase in visits throughout its season

38、and biggest drop in visits in itsoff-season.Football stadiums and basketball arenas which tend to be relativelymultipurpose experience less of a drop-offin the off-season.2.Stadium visitors tend to come from higher-income areas than the generalpopulation.Although MLB stadiums draw the wealthiest vis

39、itors,NFL and NBAarenas also attract visitors from higher-income areas relative to the nationwideHHI average.Advertisers,retailers,and restaurant operators can reach tens ofthousands of affluent consumers per event by focusing on stadium-goers.3.Each stadiums visitor base seems to have distinct reta

40、il and diningpreferences.The out-of-stadium visitation patterns of different stadiums guestsreveal distinct retail and shopping preferences.Advertisers,retailers,andrestaurateurs alike can draw on that data to meet their customers where they areand tailor their offerings both on-and off-premise.4.Di

41、fferent events impact the local dining scene differently.Comparing theshopping and dining preferences of visitors between stadiums revals only part ofthe picture.Each type of sports games and concerts attracts its own uniquevisitor base to the stadium,and businesses can use this data to learn about theircustomers cultural and sporting preferences for advertising or partnershippurposes.2024 Placer Labs,Inc.|More insights at placer.ai|13



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