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1、State of Mobile Application Quality Report 2024 2TricentisContents03 Executive summary 04 The current state of mobile application quality and testing today05 Navigating todays complex business landscape 06 Its all about quality:better applications lead to better bottom lines 07 Resolving mobile app

2、testing challenges:AI and automation 09 The rise of accessibility 10 Building a quality future with AI and automation 11 Survey methodology and demographics 3TricentisExecutive summary The demand for high-quality and high-performing applications has never been greater.With over seven million apps av

3、ailable across iOS and Android platforms,organizations that want to grow their user base and boost revenue must deliver unique,engaging,and easy-to-use mobile applications.This surge in demand has also exposed challenges in the mobile application development and testing landscape,however,prompting a

4、 dedicated effort among IT professionals and application developers to enhance mobile experiences.To gain a deeper understanding of mobile applica-tion quality and testing and the solutions available,continuous testing and quality engineering leader Tricentis partnered with Censuswide to conduct a g

5、lobal survey that gathers insights from more than 1,000 senior IT professionals and application developers in the U.S.,UK,Germany,and Singapore.The respondents represent offices of the CIO,CTO,and CPO,as well as team members from DevOps,quality,and engineering departments across public and private o

6、rganizations in the financial services and banking,retail,healthcare,manufacturing,energy,and utilities industries.Findings from Tricentis 2024 State of Mobile Application Quality Report reveal perspectives around the criticality of mobile application quality in todays market,as well as the potentia

7、l of AI-powered mobile application testing strategies.With a majority(87%)of respondents saying mobile application quality is critical to their business,many are turning to AI and automation.Those surveyed not only expect these tools to help increase productivity(32%),leading to an average of 40 hou

8、rs of work saved per month,but also increased revenue(31%),better cross-device compatibility(28%),end-user retention(28%),and satisfaction(26%)over the next 12 months.Even further,just under a third(31%)of respon-dents expect AI and automation to improve acces-sibility,one of IT professionals and de

9、velopers biggest considerations.Above all,the research makes it clear that businesses are undergoing a major pivot in the mobile application industry one where AI and automation are emerging as necessary tools to not only develop the high-quality and high-performing apps users are demanding,but also

10、 to achieve overarching company success.87%28%32%28%31%26%say mobile application quality is critical to their businessbetter cross-device compatibility*over the next 12 monthsexpect AI and automation to help increase productivityincreased end-user retention*forsee increased revenue*higher user satis

11、faction*4TricentisThe current state of mobile application quality and testing todayAccording to the senior IT professionals and applica-tion developers surveyed,users mobile experience complaints most often center around:An unsupported device or platformBuggy or slow mobile experiencesDifficult-to-u

12、se interfacesA lack of native application availability99%Deem testing important to the quality and success of their organizations mobile app developmentBelieve their organizations current mobile app development and testing strategy exceeds expectationsSay their organization has faced one or more cha

13、llenges with the implementation of development and testing strategiesDespite the importance of mobile apps today,many businesses are still struggling to deliver the quality experiences necessary to meet end-user demands.End-users are experiencing a wide variety of challenges when using the apps them

14、selves.At the core of these is one likely culprit:poor mobile app development testing strategies.Of those surveyed:41%86%27%40%41%41%5TricentisCompeting priorities.A lack of talent,or issues upskilling existing talent.Insufficient access to technology resources.The cost of implementation.Time and pr

15、oject management challenges.Complex implementation strategies.Cross-platform AC compatibility.The challenges cited most often include:This may be explained by the fact that nearly half(47%)of those surveyed also state they currently use manual testing for mobile applications.Navigating todays comple

16、x business landscape27%25%25%25%25%25%25%6Tricentis6Its all about quality:better applications lead to better bottom lines Survey respondents reported that delivering well-designed apps can:If organizations can achieve high quality in their mobile applications,there are several benefits to be had.On

17、the other hand,global businesses almost unanimously agree that poor mobile application quality has expensive repercussions.Enhance end-user experienceBuild brand valueIncrease salesImprove competitiveness against other vendorsBolster customer retention/acquisitionFortunately,senior IT professionals

18、and application developers are beginning to recognize the benefits of prioritizing quality and the potential consequences when they fail to deliver.The vast majority of those surveyed(87%)reported that mobile application quality is critical to their business today versus last year.As a result,there

19、is a growing effort among IT professionals and developers to enhance mobile testing processes to develop better,higher-quality applications.A staggering 90%of respondents estimate that poor mobile application quality could cost their business up to$2.49M in revenue.Over four-fifths(86%)of senior IT

20、professionals and application developers surveyed deem testing important to the quality and success of their organizations mobile app development.This sentiment is common regardless of company size:88%of large enterprises noted that testing was important to the quality and success of their organizat

21、ions mobile app development,compared to 83%of small and midsize businesses(SMBs).This is likely to be the reason why nearly a third(32%)of senior IT professionals and application developers surveyed expect their organization to invest upwards of$1 million in mobile app quality and testing in the nex

22、t 12 months.37%37%35%36%35%7TricentisResolving mobile app testing challenges:AI and automation While the challenges,motivations,and strategies respondents shared in the survey showed some variation,their responses made one thing abundantly clear:manual testing is not enough.This is where AI and auto

23、mation-powered testing solutions come in.The good news is that automation,underpinned by technologies such as AI and low-code/no-code solutions,is emerging as the primary solution to the testing challenges IT professionals and app developers are facing.Respondents also expect AI integration to:Despi

24、te the wealth of benefits,many organizations still have a way to go when it comes to utilizing AI for mobile application quality.Improve mobile application qualityEnhance end-user experienceIncrease productivityReduce the number of vulnerabilities and/or bugs37%34%36%32%Almost two in five(38%)senior

25、 IT professionals and application developers think they would save between half and three-quarters(51-75%)of their organizations budget per year by moving toward fully automated mobile appli-cation testing,and a further fifth(20%)expect they would save anywhere between 76-100%of their budget per yea

26、r.8TricentisFor organizations looking to implement artificial intelligence to boost their business objectives,testing is a fantastic place to start.Mobile application testing is a great use case for AI because not only does it have multiple benefits including significant time and cost savings,as wel

27、l as quality improvement and risk reduction but also its impact can be accurately measured.”David Colwell,Vice President of AI and ML at TricentisWhile nearly 74%say their organizations have a positive sentiment about integrating AI into development and testing processes,just under half(49%)of senio

28、r IT professionals and application developers surveyed stated that AI is already a part of their mobile app testing strategies.However,more are beginning to see the value:a further fifth(21%)plan to implement AI tools within the next six months.Positive sentiment around AI integration81%79%71%69%Ger

29、manySingaporeUnited KingdomUnited StatesResolving mobile app testing challenges:AI and automation“9Tricentis9The rise of accessibility Accessibility is a key component of a quality mobile application.Historically,most organizations have not prioritized making mobile applications accessible across pl

30、atforms and devices,with fewer than a fifth(18%)of senior IT leaders and developers surveyed noting that all of their services are mobile-accessible.But as mobile application quality becomes more important and global regulation dictates better accessibility for all users,this is shifting.Most likely

31、 to say good user experience is their top priority when designing mobile applicationsMost likely to prioritize security38%47%40%44%RetailHealthcareUtilitiesEnergy and UtilitiesMore than one-third(38%)of respondents now say that improving cross-platform accessibility is one of their biggest prioritie

32、s,second only to security(41%).Of course,priorities still vary between industries,with respondents in retail(38%)and manufacturing(40%)being the most likely to say good user experience is their top priority when designing mobile applications.In industries that are arguably more important to national

33、 critical infrastructure,like healthcare(47%)and energy and utilities(44%),teams are still more likely to prioritize security.Still,almost all(99%)included businesses say they have strategies to increase accessibility in place.Nearly one-third(31%)of respondents expect AI to create greater accessibi

34、lity for end-users.Nearly half(45%)of businesses included in the survey say theyve employed consultants and/or contractors to help ensure their digital experiences meet accessibility standards,and(44%)have acquired tools to help ensure their digital experiences meet accessibility standards.10Tricent

35、isBuilding a quality future with AI and automation Key takeaways Mobile application quality has never been more important The businesses that can achieve quality in their mobile applications stand to benefit across all key performance indicators:productivity,increased sales,strong competitiveness to

36、 name but a few AI and automation are critical to a robust mobile application testing strategyIts clear that all stakeholders from across the IT and developer landscape from the C-suite to the prac-titioner are focused on improving their mobile application quality and testing processes.Leaders have

37、taken note of the value drivers that high-quality mobile applications can bring to their business and how they ultimately can affect a business bottom line as well as much,much more.They are increasingly looking to AI integrations for support.The benefits of AI-driven development and testing are div

38、erse and compelling,but the market has not yet reached full maturity.The industry is at a crucial juncture,with AI and automation presenting a unique opportunity to those who take advantage.As organizations look to evolve,these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the mobile application

39、testing process,paving the way for the future of mobile to be defined by enhanced quality,efficiency,and competitiveness.And that has a positive impact beyond the realms of IT:businesses can directly improve their revenue,gain more customers and,perhaps most impor-tantly,retain them with a strong te

40、chnology-led approach to mobile.This arguably places the topic of mobile application quality as a key investment priority for both business and IT leaders in 2024 and beyond in every industry,across the globe.Survey methodology and demographics The research was conducted by Censuswide,among a sample

41、 of 1,028 senior IT professionals and application developers in the UK,U.S.,Germany,and Singapore(aged 18+).The data was collected between December 1 20,2023.Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct and ESOMAR principles.Cen-suswide is also a member of the British Polling Council.2024 Tricentis USA Corp.All rights reserved



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