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1、Global Evidence Commission update 2024Building momentum in strengthening domestic evidence-support systems,enhancing the global evidence architecture,and putting evidence at the centre of everyday lifeGlobal Commission on Evidence to Address Societal ChallengesGlobal Commission on Evidenceto Address

2、 Societal ChallengesCopyright 2024 McMaster University.All rights reserved.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Adaptations of this work can be shared provided it is done with the same or compatible licence.The work can be copi

3、ed,distributed and displayed for non-commercial purposes.This report and the information contained herein are for informative,public interest purposes only.While the secretariat has attempted to ensure that the information was up-to-date and accurate at the time of writing,the information is distrib

4、uted on an as-is basis,without warranty express or implied.The information contained in this report is not meant to substitute for financial,legal or medical advice.McMaster University,the Global Evidence Commission secretariat,and the publisher assume no responsibility or liability for loss or dama

5、ge caused or allegedly caused,directly or indirectly,by the use of the information contained in this report.McMaster University,the secretariat and the publisher specifically disclaim any liability incurred from the use or application of the information contained in this report.The publisher of this

6、 report is the McMaster Health Forum,1280 Main St.West,MML-417,Hamilton,ON,Canada L8S 4L6.Acting as the secretariat for the Global Evidence Commission,the McMaster Health Forum welcomes feedback about Update 2024,as well as expressions of interest in contributing to or complementing efforts related

7、to the three implementation priorities.Please send your comments to evidencecommissionmcmaster.ca.The appropriate citation for this report is:Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges.Global Evidence Commission update 2024:Building momentum in strengthening domestic evidence-suppo

8、rt systems,enhancing the global evidence architecture,and putting evidence at the centre of everyday life.Hamilton:McMaster Health Forum,2024.ISBN(online):978-1-927565-62-93The Global Evidence Commission began in April 2021 as a grassroots effort to improve the use of research evidence,both in routi

9、ne times and in future global crises.Two years have passed since the January 2022 publication of its foundational report,which provided the context,concepts,tools and shared vocabulary for work in this area(in six chapters)and the recommendations of our commissioners(in a seventh chapter).The report

10、,each chapter and each of 52 sections are freely downloadable in seven languages,as is the executive summary.One year has passed since the January 2023 publication of Update 2023,which provided the frameworks to underpin action on three implementation priorities that cover 20 of the Global Evidence

11、Commissions 24 recommendations(see the mapping of priorities to recommendations in Update 2023).Update 2024,like its predecessor,is available in many languages.We believe that momentum is building for a step-change improvement in how we use evidence to address societal challenges.Some of the highlig

12、hts that stand apart are the pilots of ultra-rapid evidence support and the identification of fertile ground where we need to plant more seeds in the 12 countries participating in rapid evidence-support system assessments;the growing demand for an evolving suite of artificial intelligence-enabled li

13、ving evidence syntheses and the identification of first movers and visible champions among private and public funders;and organizations coming together to learn more about ways to put evidence at the centre of everyday life.We continue to focus on three implementation priorities,Introduction Our Imp

14、lementation Council is now 76 organizational partners strong,and drawn from 18 countries in every part of the world and from many global and regional bodies.Partners include evidence users like the new international francophone network building capacity for science advice(Rseau francophone internati

15、onal en conseil scientifique),evidence intermediaries like Effective Basic Services(eBASE)Africa and Instituto Veredas in Brazil,evidence producers like the Campbell Collaboration and the new Alliance for Living Evidence,and hybrid entities like the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition.Formalize and stren

16、gthen domestic evidence-support systemsEnhance and leverage the global evidence architecturePut evidence at the centre of everyday life4We describe in each of the next three sections the many signs that momentum is building,with one section for each implementation priority.Over the coming year,we ex

17、pect key organizational partners will take up and lead each of the three implementation priorities.The Global Evidence Commission was always envisioned as a time-limited body that articulates a vision,builds consensus around roadmaps to achieve key parts of the vision,and then identifies and support

18、s the organizations best positioned to lead the next steps.We describe in a penultimate section five events taking place in 2024 where we foresee breakthroughs happening.We encourage you to plan to participate in these and other key events and to contribute to the breakthroughs that we so clearly ne

19、ed.In appendix 1 we acknowledge the many groups that have contributed to building the momentum captured in Update 2024 and that will be key to achieving breakthroughs in the coming year.Organizational partners(n=76)Citizen partners(n=10)Membership growth over 202380JanJulJan 246040200GlobalAmericasE

20、uropeAfricaWesternPacficSouth-EastAsiaEasternMediterranean01020Organizational partnersGeographic base or focus76 organizational partners18countriesIncluding:Africa Evidence Network Alliance for Living Evidence Campbell Collaboration Cochrane Effective-Basic Services(eBASE)Africa EPPI-Centre Global S

21、DG Synthesis Coalition Guidelines International Network Instituto Veredas International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Oswaldo Cruz Foundation(Fiocruz)Pan-African Collective for Evidence Rseau francophone international en conseil scientifique Sense About Science UK Health Securi

22、ty Agency UNICEF Argentina Australia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia France Germany India Ireland Lebanon Norway Pakistan South Africa Uganda United Kingdom United StatesNot counting the countries where regional and global bodies are basedImplementation council members5Formalize and strengthen do

23、mestic evidence-support systemsWe see six signs of building momentum with the Global Evidence Commissions first implementation priority.We have entered an era of fast-moving polycrises and rapidly developing artificial intelligence(AI),and there is growing recognition that robust evidence-support me

24、chanisms will be needed now more than ever.A polycrisis may include climate disruption,infection outbreak,mass migration,war spillover,and an election-targeting disinformation campaign.The mechanisms addressing a polycrisis need to be agile,localized,and equity-centered.AI can be thought of as compu

25、ters that imitate human intelligence to perform tasks and that can improve as they collect information.Such computers need to be trained on datasets that contain the best available evidence from a diverse array of groups and contexts.1aThe evidence-support system in a given jurisdiction(country,stat

26、e/province or city),or for a sector within a jurisdiction,should reliably get whatever forms of evidence are needed to answer a given question into the hands of those who need it,when they need it,with any required caveats about its currency(or recency),quality and local applicability.More formally

27、it is a set of structures and processes focused on contextualizing existing evidence in any of its eight forms for advisory and decision-making processes and for learning and improvement platforms in timely,demand-driven,and equity-sensitive ways,as well as building new evidence to inform future dec

28、ision-making and improvement efforts.It includes the environment for evidence use(enablers,culture and capacity),interface mechanisms(evidence-demand prioritization and evidence-supply coordination),and timely demand-driven evidence-support units that cover all eight forms of evidence and that lever

29、age living evidence syntheses and other global public goods produced through the global evidence architecture.61cEvidence-support mechanisms are increasingly being aligned both up to advisory and decision-making processes and out to learning and improvement platforms.Evidence support is needed to in

30、form both the big bang decisions by government policymakers and system leaders,and the thousand-and-one smaller decisions made by organizational,professional and citizen leaders that determine whether improvements for the better happen on the ground.Central agencies(like cabinet offices and treasuri

31、es),line departments(like public safety and social services)and legislatures all need access to timely,demand-driven evidence support.This is particularly the case for accountability and challenge functions like independent evaluation offices in each of these parts of government.Argentina is home to

32、 the newest example of a legislature,in this case for the autonomous city of Buenos Aires,investing in a dedicated evidence-support mechanism.Learning and improvement platforms also need evidence support.Many questions arise when developing the recommendations(or guidelines)that will be the focus of

33、 learning and improvement cycles.Many questions also arise when using data-feedback loops and other approaches to support,say,support the implementation of the Teaching and Learning Toolkit among teachers,school leaders,parents and others in England,or the implementation of a health-system transform

34、ation at the state level in India.Pilots of ultra-rapid evidence support and a general contractor model are increasing in number,showing immediate impacts,demonstrating value for money,and contributing over time to building demand for many types of evidence products and processes.Old approaches to i

35、nforming decision-makers moved too slowly and often presented a single form of evidence,such as data analytics or behavioural/implementation research,as a panacea.An ultra-rapid evidence support unit identifies,quality assesses and maps the existing domestic(or local)and global evidence,in their man

36、y forms,typically within days or at most weeks.ACRES(the Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis)pioneered such a service with a primary focus on the global evidence 15 years ago in Uganda,and since then units have emerged in many countries and continued to advance the timeliness,user-centredness and ri

37、gour of the methods.The possible ingredients in timely,demand-driven,equity-sensitive evidence products are captured in the figure below.Two tools a set of prompts and a more specific matching tool can help put the right ingredients together for a given question.The general contractor or builder bri

38、ngs in the right evidence trades to build out new evidence data analytics,modeling,evaluation,behavioural/implementation research,and qualitative insights and puts this local evidence alongside the global evidence(ideally drawn from living evidence syntheses)over weeks and months.Many teams have lea

39、rned that they can incrementally add the required skills to those in which some trades,like evaluators and behavioural/implementation scientists(and people like librarians),already excel.They have also learned that they need to pilot,learn and improve to get to the point where it makes sense to star

40、t to talk about institutionalizing these evidence-support mechanisms as the new normal.1b7A recap of the signs of building momentum with implementation priority 1:Formalize and strengthen domestic evidence-support systems1d1eCross-country evidence-support collaborations are emerging in key sectors s

41、uch as education,international development,and public security.In the education sector,organizations in eight countries Australia,Cameroon,Chile,England,Jordan,New Zealand,The Netherlands,and Spain and one sub-national region(Belgiums Flanders)have created the Evidence for Education Network to suppo

42、rt one another in improving education equity in their respective school systems.In the international-development sector,six organizations two development banks(German and Inter-American),two development agencies(Norways Norad and U.S.s Millenium Challenge Corporation),one government department suppo

43、rting international development(U.K.s Foreign,Commonwealth and Development Office,or FCDO),and one producer and synthesizer of development evidence(3ie)have signed the global evidence commitment,a joint statement on strengthening the culture of evidence use.In sectors that touch on domestic security

44、,defence and Veterans,organizations in Australia,Canada,New Zealand,U.S.and U.K.(and sometimes other countries)have started to build up and align their respective evidence-support mechanisms.Much more needs to be done to identify,support and make connections among evidence champions and change agent

45、s,including those working at local,national,regional and global levels.Collaborations across forms of evidence are also accelerating or emerging alongside the collaborations that have existed for some time,such as the long-standing partnerships among evidence synthesis,technology assessment and guid

46、eline groups in the health sector.One example of an accelerating collaboration is between evaluation and evidence synthesis,which has been baked in from the beginning to the What Works Centres in the U.K.and to 3ie in the international-development sector,and which is now being emphasized by the inde

47、pendent evaluation offices in the UN system(which we return to in the next section).Many more types of collaborations are needed,both ones involving other forms of evidence(e.g.,data analytics and behavioural science)and ones involving other roles(e.g.,science advisors).1fRapid evidence-support syst

48、em assessments(RESSAs)are pointing us towards the fertile ground where we need to plant more seeds.Many of the Global Evidence Commission-supported RESSAs have noted similar findings,including the importance of central agencies in giving coherence to an evidence agenda,isolated examples of excellenc

49、e and of well-positioned units that could easily become excellent,the largely overlooked opportunities within legislative branches and with executive-branch challenge functions,and the largely overlooked opportunities to complement in-house government data with evidence from outside government and f

50、rom other countries.Some member of the RESSA Country Leads Group Canada,China and Ireland are now piloting a more detailed set of criteria to assess the enablers,culture and capacity on the demand side,interface mechanisms,and timely,demand-driven evidence support mechanisms(i.e.,the three layers in

51、 the first visual in this section),as well as how evidence synthesis is used in the production of other forms of evidence.These criteria may be used to pilot an expanded version of the Global Evaluation Initiatives monitoring and evaluation system assessment(or MESA)tool.8Enhance and leverage the gl

52、obal evidence architectureWe have two coalescing sources of cross-sectoral demand for an evolving suite of living evidence syntheses(LESs):1)the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition that is focused on supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals;and 2)a four-country commission that is f

53、ocused on addressing shared domestic policy priorities.The vision for the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition is that one year out it will have identified accelerator actions for each of five SDG pillars(people,planet,prosperity,peace and partnership),three years out it will be supporting a suite of(say)

54、100 LESs addressing all of the big questions key to SDG attainment,and six years out it will have contributed to putting in place the conditions for the evidence-driven achievement of global goals(e.g.,SDGs 2.0),with evaluation and evidence synthesis much more front and centre in those efforts(along

55、side other forms of evidence like data analytics and behavioural/implementation research).The vision for the commission is that four countries are collectively supporting a suite of(say again)100 LESs addressing all of the big questions key to domestic policy priorities,and that the pool of countrie

56、s becomes larger and more diverse over time.The SDG and four-country initiatives share a need for capability building and some topic overlap(e.g.,climate action,youth employment,and mis/disinformation).Complementing this cross-sectoral demand,we also see growing sector-specific demand for LESs,somet

57、imes channeled through evidence intermediaries like the Education Endowment Foundation with its Teaching and Learning Toolkit and like the World Health Organization with its living health guidelines.We see six signs of building momentum with the Global Evidence Commissions second implementation prio

58、rity.2aThe global evidence architecture should reliably ensure that what we have learned from around the world,including how it varies by groups and contexts,is freely available to all those who need it,both those who can use the insights directly(e.g.,government policymakers and professional leader

59、s)and those whose job it is to put this global evidence alongside the many needed forms of domestic(or local)evidence(i.e.,evidence-support units).More formally it is a set of global public goods that should be produced once and used many times around the globe.Our primary focus is on living evidenc

60、e syntheses,which are summaries of the best available evidence addressing a given question that are updated as the context,issue and evidence evolve.Their production is enabled through a number of workflow processes(e.g.,quality assurance)and longer-term developmental processes(e.g.,capacity buildin

61、g),undertaken by diverse teams of people,and increasingly supported by technology and AI.Living evidence syntheses are a game-changer for the domestic-evidence support unit we described in the previous section units charged with reliably getting whatever forms of evidence are needed to answer a give

62、n question into the hands of those who need it,when they need it,with any required caveats about its currency(or recency),quality and local applicability.9We have two emerging large-scale,cross-sectoral suppliers of LESs:1)the Campbell Collaboration,which is building on its legacy as a supporter of

63、a scientific community with methods and standards development,capacity building,and quality assurance and pursuing a new focus on delivering faster,cheaper,more useful evidence synthesis;and 2)the Alliance for Living Evidence(or Alive)as a deal-maker in a marketplace that brings together those with

64、shared evidence needs(and reduces their evidence-acquisitions costs)and those who can efficiently deliver a high-quality product at the right time.These initiatives share a commitment to one or more of giving more power to users(for priorities,standards and renewals),to equitably distributing synthe

65、sis capacity across the globe,and to meeting the needs of domestic evidence-support units aligned to advisory and decision-making processes and to learning and improvement platforms.Complementing this cross-sectoral supply,we also see a growing sector-specific supply of LESs,for example with Cochran

66、e developing a scientific strategy and using the health-related SDGs as one key prioritization input.One paradox amidst these exciting new developments is that some players essential to the future LES landscape,such as Evidence Aid and PROSPERO,are running out of runway(i.e.,finding it difficult to

67、secure sustained funding).We are very well positioned for a dramatic improvement in how we leverage technology to make global evidence what we have learned from around the world and how it varies by groups and contexts much more compelling to users on the evidence-demand side.For example,it is now w

68、ithin reach for decision-makers and evidence intermediaries to have access to comprehensive and up-to-date data both findings and quality assessments from every education-related study(first with evaluations and later with other forms of evidence)that is currently available globally and to have acce

69、ss to these data for each new study as it is published.It is also within reach for them to access the data in whatever way they want it for a particular group(e.g.,disadvantaged students)or context(e.g.,primary schools in Africa).A decision-maker may want to know about:1)a specific program they have

70、 heard about,such as World of Words(as the U.S.Institute of Education Sciences What Works Clearinghouse provides);2)a broad approach that a teachers group has suggested changing,such as feedback,peer tutoring,and homework(as the Teaching and Learning Toolkit provides with its focus on mid-range theo

71、ry);or 3)best buys to achieve a given type of educational attainment(or other outcome)that their ministerial mandate letter will hold them accountable for.We are also very well positioned for a dramatic improvement in how we leverage technology to improve efficiency and equity and to reduce research

72、 waste on the evidence supply side.AI can simultaneously increase a searchs scope(by using OpenAlex rather than traditional bibliographic databases)and reduce the assessment burden both at the start and as often as updates are required(by rank-ordering documents by likelihood of inclusion).Evaluatio

73、n frameworks are now being developed for other steps in the evidence-synthesis process so that additional workflows can be improved as accuracy surpasses a threshold and when risk of discrimination(or other biases)can be shown to be very low.Technology platforms(and satellite-based internet provider

74、s)can allow for the work to be done anywhere in the world.These platforms can also allow for funders to confirm where there are gaps in either primary research or in the available evidence syntheses,and to target their resources to fill these gaps(rather than add more to the large and growing volume

75、 of research waste).We have identified potential first movers and visible champions among private and public funders.The first movers can show the way towards a future where funders agree:1)where we next most need an evolving suite of living suite of LESs(after we get traction with the SDGs and firs

76、t round of shared domestic policy priorities);2)what topics they will individually cover;3)what pieces of the infrastructure they will cover(e.g.,technology platform and AI enhancements);and 4)what common standards they will require.The visible champions can push for agenda items at funder meetings

77、and push for dedicated meetings on high-priority issues like consolidating thinking further on some of the above issues or on complementary issues such as living guidelines.2b2c2d2e10A recap of the signs of building momentum with implementation priority 2:Enhance and leverage the global evidence arc

78、hitecture We are starting to see ways in to initiatives focused on other aspects of using evidence to address societal challenges.The evidence-focused Rseau francophone international en conseil scientifique(RFICS)can hopefully open doors to more rigorous discussions about evidence use in legislative

79、 evidence-support services and among other initiatives focused on strengthening national advisory and decision-making processes,such as the International Network for Government Science Advice(INGSA),the OECD Global Parliamentary Network,Parliamentarians for Global Action,and Global Legislators Organ

80、isation(GLOBE).The independent evaluation offices in the 45 UN agencies once evaluation-focused and now increasingly also evidence synthesis-attuned can,through the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition,hopefully open doors to evidence discussions in other parts of the UNs quintet of change(data analytics

81、and behavioural/implementation research),to other centres of gravity for different forms of evidence(e.g.,statistical offices),and to advisory and decision-making processes(e.g.,developing country cooperation frameworks)and to learning and improvement platforms across the UN system.The Global Evalua

82、tion Initiative and its regional Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results(CLEARs)can do the same at the country level.2f11Every day,citizens make many decisions where evidence could be helpful.Putting evidence at the centre of everyday life can include:fact-checking,training in critical thinki

83、ng,investigative journalism and other approaches to help citizens judge what others are claiming evidence portals,decision aids,and other approaches to make evidence available to citizens when they are making choices citizen-partnered research,citizen-driven research prioritization,and other approac

84、hes to engage citizens in asking questions and answering them,either with new research or with existing evidence effective nudge strategies,social-media algorithms and other approaches to make evidence-based choices the default or easy option putting citizens in the drivers seat,or at least on a tan

85、dem bike,for big system transformations like in education or health.Put evidence at the centre of everyday lifeWe see four signs of building momentum with the Global Evidence Commissions third implementation priority.Partners are coming together to learn from one another.Cochrane(the worlds largest

86、producer of evidence syntheses and home to the Cochrane Consumer Network),the World Health Organizations Evidence-informed Policy Network(EVIPNet),and the Global Evidence Commission launched a global webinar series bringing together citizen leaders and leaders of citizen-serving non-governmental org

87、anizations(NGOs)to learn more about the ways to put evidence at the centre of everyday life.The webinar series will continue to showcase effective structures and processes such as citizen panels and co-design labs that support citizens to have a voice at decision-making tables so they can better hol

88、d leaders to account for achieving system transformations.In future,the series will draw attention to two cross-cutting themes:developing trusting relationships among citizens,evidence producers,and evidence intermediaries;and addressing equity,diversity and inclusion.It will also co-create space am

89、ong evidence users,intermediaries and producers for discussions about Indigenous rights and ways of knowing(building on the section of our 2022 report that was prepared by a young Indigenous leader from the Brazilian Amazon)and where there may be synergy with efforts to put evidence at the centre of

90、 everyday life.3aWe see greater acknowledgement that citizens are inundated with information and misinformation and that this is happening alongside sophisticated efforts to intentionally mislead the public(disinformation)and more commitment to finding effective ways to counter mis/disinformation.St

91、rong evidence-support systems in every country and an enhanced global evidence architecture can underpin such efforts.We also need living evidence syntheses about addressing information,several of which will soon come online,and we need governments and public interest-minded organizations to act on

92、the insights from these syntheses.3b12We also see more appreciation for the strong headwinds we face in putting evidence at the centre of everyday life and for the need to lock arms to make progress against these headwinds.The headwinds include:fora and networks do not yet exist for this broad area

93、of focus,which also has a great deal of context specificity(while there are niche communities,such as fact-checking networks,they are not knit effectively into a broader community focused on this implementation priority)many small-scale/niche practices and innovations exist,often led by evidence peo

94、ple and requiring citizens to know about and go to evidence sites(similarly,there are efforts led by information people that would benefit from a greater injection of best evidence,particularly,citizen-backed evidence production)well-intentioned focus on equity,diversity and inclusion challenges,but

95、 paralysis over how to address it and these challenges threaten to stifle real progress rapidly growing competition from generative AI as noted,lots of noise with the infodemic and lots of misinformation.We see greater recognition that no single organization can lead this work and that we need to us

96、e a collective-impact orien-tation to achieve equitable impacts on the ground.For our part,leadership is necessarily from behind,giving autonomy to the citizen-serving organizations and citizen leaders doing the work,while providing effective guidance and support throughout the process.We remain con

97、vinced that citizen-engaged evidence production and support is a critical ingredient for putting evidence at the centre of everyday life,and we will continue to advocate for this in everything we do.The Global Evidence Commissions Citizen Leadership Group remains committed to:identifying promising p

98、ractices and innovations,especially among citizen-governed and citizen-serving NGOs social movements,citizen coalitions and citizen partnerships seeking to drive change local governments seeking to engage citizens and communities in local change initiatives documenting the supporting evidence,exempl

99、ar initiatives,and opportunities for improvement raising awareness about the practices/innovations and improvement,implementation and scale-up considerations highlighting key implementation and scale-up considerations for promising practices and innovations.3c3dA recap of the signs of building momen

100、tum with implementation priority 3:Put evidence at the centre of everyday life13Last year(2023)demonstrated to us the transformative potential of coming together with the goal of engineering a step-change improvement in how we use evidence to address societal challenges.Having laid some of the groun

101、dwork in September meetings organized alongside the Cochrane Colloquium,October witnessed a series of breakthrough meetings at the Banbury Center,the What Works Global Summit,and the United Nations Development Program that helped to set the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition on to the new path described

102、 earlier in this update.We foresee additional breakthroughs happening in events being planned for 2024.Two events will provide an opportunity to engage with the evidence-demand side(with top government officials)and with key evidence intermediaries(specifically science advisors):Summit of the Future

103、,New York(23-24 September 2024),where we encourage you to support the Global SDG Synthesis Coalitions efforts to put evaluation and evidence synthesis much more central in guiding SDG acceleration actions International Network for Government Science Advice,Kigali(1-2 May 2024),where we encourage you

104、 to call for science-advisory mechanisms to give greater attention to the systematic and transparent use of evidence as we called for in the Global Evidence Commission report.Three events will provide an opportunity to build bridges on the evidence-supply side:What Works Climate Solutions Summit,Ber

105、lin(9-12 June 2024),where we encourage you to nudge the climate community to embrace living evidence synthesis as a powerful complement to modeling as a form of evidence in which they have excelled for so long Global Evidence Summit,Prague(10-13 September 2024),where we encourage you to broaden the

106、conversation beyond evidence synthesis and guidelines to the many forms of domestic(or local)evidence that need to be put alongside global evidence through domestic evidence-support mechanisms aligned to advisory and decision-making processes and to learning and improvement platforms National Evalua

107、tion Capacities Conference,location to be confirmed(28 October-1 November 2024),where we encourage you to help national evaluators to add evidence synthesis to their toolkit,to see themselves as part of a broader evidence-support system(not just an evaluation sub-system),and to more closely align to

108、 advisory and decision-making processes and to learning and improvement platforms.We are also aware that exploratory conversations are underway for a breakthrough meeting on living evidence syntheses(including their production,communication and use)and another one on funding for an evolving suite of

109、 living evidence syntheses.If a funding breakthrough has not yet happened by the latter part of the year,the second International Transforming Evidence Network Conference,Cape Town(19-21 November 2024),may provide an additional opportunity.We encourage you to:participate in these events and to contr

110、ibute to these breakthroughs bring the messages from the Global Evidence Commission to events that may focus on specific sectors(like education,health and international development)or specific forms of evidence(such as the UN World Data Forum)let us know about events where you can foresee breakthrou

111、gh opportunities,particularly for implementation priority 1(especially events focused on learning and improvement platforms)and priority 3(especially events that focus on citizen leaders and the leaders of citizen-serving NGOs and how they can be better supported with the best available evidence).Br

112、eakthroughs happen when enough well-positioned individuals choose to put some of their political and social capital on the line.Please consider being one of those people.Contributing to breakthroughsA recap of the timeline of 2024 breakthrough events14The Global Evidence Commissions secretariat and

113、Implementation Council remain keen to work with any groups interested in contributing to our three implementation priorities.Formalize and strengthen domestic evidence-support systems conduct or participate in a rapid evidence-support system assessment for your country and find ways to plant seeds i

114、n fertile ground,which includes piloting ultra-rapid evidence support and the general contractor model Enhance and leverage the global evidence architecture encourage funders both in your own country and those operating globally to be part of the solution and encourage impact-oriented evidence produ

115、cers especially those producing global public goods like living evidence syntheses to work in more coordinated ways and to build connections to domestic evidence-support mechanisms Put evidence at the centre of everyday life support citizen-serving NGOs and citizen leaders to take action in your cou

116、ntry.The secretariat and Implementation Council also welcome expressions of interest from any groups interested in complementing what we are doing with the three implementation priorities or with recommendations that do not fall within these current priorities,particularly the one calling for a reso

117、lution by multilateral organizations 3 and a second calling for a landmark report by at least one of them 4).Finally,to achieve the level of impact we aspire to globally,we need to evolve the Global Evidence Commission approach and start handing over responsibility from the secretariat to a broad ra

118、nge of partners around the world so that we can collectively work on achieving our three implementation priorities.If you are interested in working with us,please email us at evidencecommissionmcmaster.ca.Conclusion15Appendix 1 The Global Evidence Commission is currently supporting three groups that

119、 are involved in addressing its three implementation priorities:Implementation Council,which focuses on all three implementation priorities Rapid Evidence-Support System Assessment(RESSA)Country Leads Group,which focuses on priority 1:formalizing and strengthening domestic evidence-support systems C

120、itizen Leadership Group,which focuses on priority 3:putting evidence at the centre of everyday life.Additional details about these groups are available on the Global Evidence Commission website.The Global Evidence Commission works alongside other groups whose goals are aligned with one or more of th

121、e implementation priorities:Global SDG Synthesis Coalition four-country commission Cochrane and the World Health Organization(WHO)Evidence-Informed Policy Networks(EVIPNet)through joint Cochrane-GCESC-WHO EVIPNet calls.The secretariat continues to engage other groups as needed,including:funders that

122、 are interested in supporting the global evidence architecture commissioners collaboration centres,including:for Arabic,the Knowledge to Policy Center,American University of Beirut for Chinese,Center for Evidence-Based Social Science,Lanzhou University for French,the McMaster Health Forum for Portuguese,Fiocruz Brasilia for Spanish,the Unit for Evidence and Deliberation for Decision Making in the Faculty of Medicine,Universidad de Antioquia.



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m**N 升级为标准VIP   尹** 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

189**15... 升级为标准VIP   158**86... 升级为至尊VIP 

 136**84... 升级为至尊VIP 136**84...  升级为标准VIP

 卡** 升级为高级VIP wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

 铭**... 升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

139**87... 升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

拾**... 升级为至尊VIP 拾**...  升级为高级VIP

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP   pzx**21  升级为至尊VIP

185**69... 升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

 183**08...  升级为至尊VIP 137**12...  升级为标准VIP

林  升级为标准VIP  159**19... 升级为标准VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  朵妈  升级为至尊VIP

 186**60... 升级为至尊VIP 153**00... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

 135**79... 升级为至尊VIP   130**19... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

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理**... 升级为标准VIP   wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...   升级为至尊VIP  135**12...  升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

 特** 升级为至尊VIP  138**31...  升级为高级VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

 186**13...  升级为至尊VIP  分** 升级为至尊VIP

 set**er 升级为高级VIP  139**80...  升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP  一朴**P... 升级为标准VIP

133**88...  升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

 159**56... 升级为高级VIP   159**56... 升级为标准VIP 

升级为至尊VIP  136**96...  升级为高级VIP

  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP 186**65... 升级为标准VIP

137**92...  升级为标准VIP  139**06... 升级为高级VIP

130**09...  升级为高级VIP   wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP    wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 158**33...   升级为高级VIP

  骑**... 升级为高级VIP wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  150**42... 升级为至尊VIP

185**92...  升级为高级VIP dav**_w... 升级为至尊VIP  

zhu**zh... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

136**49... 升级为标准VIP 158**39... 升级为高级VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  139**38...  升级为高级VIP

159**12...  升级为至尊VIP 微**... 升级为高级VIP 

 185**23... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...   升级为标准VIP