
Navigating the Evolution and Challenges of OCP Immersion Cooling.pdf

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Navigating the Evolution and Challenges of OCP Immersion Cooling.pdf

1、Navigating the Evolution and Challenges of OCP Immersion CoolingImmersion Cooling ProjectRolf Brink,CEO Promersion/Project lead Immersion ProjectRaul Alvarez,OCP EU Project lead/Workstream lead Immersion ChallengesNavigating the Evolution and Challenges of OCP Immersion CoolingPower and CoolingCOOLI

2、NG ENV2023:topped$1B2023-2024:Commoditization of cold plateFacilitates normalization of liquid infrastructuresHeat reuse as strategic sustainability enablerOCP Cooling Environments strategic focus:Strong focus on interoperability(ACF)Enablement of heat reuseImmersion maturity projected 2026-2028Imme

3、rsion project strategic focus:Supporting global adoptionEnabling industry standards and reference designsSimplifying chemistry(material compatibility)Scaling to industry needs!Largest project in OCPReaching 600+individuals16 groups actively pursuing work products(workstreams&focus groups)New work pr

4、oduct releases early 2024:Unified GlossaryWarranty GuidelinesSafe Handling GuidelinesRequested/required activities pendingDesign Guidelines for IT equipmentStimulating Industry StandardsImproved community engagementImmersion Project Overview Hardware Management for Liquid Cooling Fluids and Material

5、s Immersion Requirements Power Distribution in Immersion TCO Modelling for Immersion Warranty Guidelines for Immersed IT Signal Integrity Component Validation Case Study Fluid Lifecycle Management Immersion FMEA Oxidation Stability(Fluids Procedure)Component Level Material Compatibility Server&Compo

6、nent Cleaning Procedure Safe Handling of Fluids Functional Server Component Level Compatibility Material Compatibility(Immersion Tank Testing)Work products in developmentImmersion project structure under pressureVolunteer leadership stretched thinInsufficient controls and structure to accommodatestr

7、ategic focusChallenges associated with project growthImmersionInactive:Design Guidelines for IT equipmentRolf Brink(Promersion)Hardware Management for Liquid CoolingMick Jones(Vertiv)Fluids and MaterialsPunith Shivaprasad(Shell)Peter Cooper(Submer)Immersion RequirementsAmy Short(Denvr Dataworks)Rick

8、 Margerison(Rosseau Group)Power Distribution in ImmersionKevin Gero(Murata)Oriol Chavanel(Submer)Immersion Cooling HurdlesRaul AlvarezOAI(server project collaboration)Rolf Brink(Promersion)Cheng Chen(Meta)TCO Modelling for ImmersionEduard Roytman(Intel)Allison Boen(Alcatex)Warranty Guidelines for Im

9、mersed ITRich Lappenbusch(SuperMicro)Signal IntegrityKai Wang(Intel)Andy Young(Asperitas)Component Validation Case StudyPeter Liu(FormericaOE)Fluid Lifecycle ManagementKristin Fletcher(BP)Brandon Marshall(Chemours)Rolf Brink(Promersion)John Bean(GRC)IEC Industry LiaisonRolf Brink(Promersion)John Bea

10、n(GRC)ASHRAE TC 9.9 harmonizationJohn Bean(GRC)Q4,2023:Community leadership&foundationAddressing need for restructuringOutlining capabilities/needs for project reshapingCollecting leadership input for new org requirementsJanuary 2024:Public input sessions for project reshaping256 individual inputs r

11、eceived,catalogued and analyzed2024 Reinventing Immersion projectProject Structure DRAFTNew elements and roles(preferably)Independent(co-)chair(s),workstream leaders,including(1-3?)community experts(invitation only)Facilitate theme guidance,harmonization and alignment within themeThematic Committees

12、Engage on social mediaCoordinate get-togethers and sponsorship around eventsFacilitate speaking sessions/presentations by relevant leads/expertsCommunity outreach TeamMembers who are active in both OCP and other industry platformsCoordinate harmonization topics with various groupsPush-out the work p

13、roducts from the Immersion projectIndustry Liaison TeamMembers who are active in both Immersion and other OCP projectsCoordinate harmonization topics with other OCP projectsOCP Projects Liaison TeamOnboarding of new participantsActivation of silent membersManage Wiki pageCommunity enablement teamMai

14、n changesNetwork Organization StructureNo more fixed hierarchyStrategic project controls,tactical councils and operational workstreamsTactical councilsAdditional focus on workstream harmonizationMore autonomy for diverse workstream creationTheme containersAdditional possible layers for thematic sub-

15、harmonizationMore capacity for mid-long term workstreamsProject Steering committeeSmaller committee instead of full-project teamFocus on thematic chairs and strategic councilsImmersion challengesInternal forum instead of externalResponsibility from leadership to feed into challenges registerCommunit

16、y OutreachSupport for Project MarketingRecognition for volunteers and sponsors alikeGap:Commercial interestsReferralsBranded contentProducts catalogueGap:Governmental/policy alignmentRegulatoryPFASAssociationsGap:?Gap:?From community driven to strategic leadership council with open participationDefi

17、ning and implementing a sensible community-driven feedback capture system to define the agendaImmersion Challenges strategic focusFluids and ChemistryFacility ConsiderationsOperational challengesEcosystem SupportOperational Life Cycle challengesGo-to market strategiesSystem design considerationsWarr

18、anties and Vendor supportChallenges work processImmersion ChallengesActive identification of challenges and downsides to immersionCreation of base collateral,identify the real issueIdentification of required efforts to resolvePreparation of new workstream requirementsNew workstream creationWorkstrea

19、m proposal creation with communityCall for workstream leadership volunteers and assignmentCall schedule publicationLeadership onboarding and workstream kick-offChallenge resolutionCommunity engagementInventory of existing work and knowledgeCommunity driven creation of new materials to address topicP

20、ublication of workWhat are the initiatives we can support and work on to bring maturity to the Immersion Cooling market and its solutions?What is the main premise?Valuable discussions and feedback from allSpun out fundamental workstreams that aim to solve the most pressing challenges:TCO Modelling f

21、or Immersion CoolingWarranty guidelinesFluid lifecycle managementWith broad market representation;spearheaded by IC experts,Hardware Vendors,fluid vendors and partners.Productive incubation workstreamCommunity-focused feedback led to a fragmented roadmap needing constant steeringLack of visibility o

22、n top level company representation with clear and well-defined roadmapThat posed an additional challenge:How do we get the best of the two worlds?Driving workstream challengesStrategic challenges council:Challenges driven by Committee chairsParticipation and feedback driven by ALL workstreams.Commit

23、tees collect challenges and feed it into the project roadmap.Quarterly challenges callsDiscussions led by leadership,calls open to community participation.Anticipated result:Increased participation/involvement by the workstreams,with community and industry involvement.More structured and aligned roa

24、dmap with clearer outcomes,with an increased yield of contributions to solve challenges.From community-driven to strategic councilsJoin the Immersion Movement!Project migration starts this summerNew volunteer roles to be published over next months:Interested?Pre-apply for your favorite role now!Additional work efforts to address your needsNew forums and engagement options around many eventsStay updated by subscribing to the mailing listVolunteer now!Subscribe here!Immersion WikiThank you!



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