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1、 This document is published by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA,Platforms,Studies and Analysis).Please cite this publication as:European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice,2024.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe.Eurydice report.Luxembourg:Pu

2、blications Office of the European Union.European Education and Culture Executive AgencyEuropean Education and Culture Executive Agency Platforms,Studies and Analysis Boulevard Simon Bolivar 34(Unit A6)1049 Brussels BELGIUM E-mail:eacea-eurydiceec.europa.eu Website:https:/eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu

3、Text completed in April 2024.Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2024 European Education and Culture Executive Agency,2024 The reuse policy of European Commission documents is implemented by Commission Decision 2011/833/

4、EU of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents(OJ L 330,14.12.2011,p.39).Unless otherwise noted,the reuse of this document is authorised under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International(CC BY 4.0)licence(https:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0).This means that reuse is allowed

5、provided appropriate credit is given and any changes are indicated.For any use or reproduction of elements that are not owned by the European Union,permission may need to be sought directly from the respective rightholders.Cover image:Thodonal Photo/ Print ISBN 978-92-9488-605-7 doi:10.2797/34504 EC

6、-09-24-015-EN-C PDF ISBN 978-92-9488-604-0 doi:10.2797/296107 EC-09-24-015-EN-N Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Eurydice report Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 3 Contents Table of figures 3 Codes and abbreviati

7、ons 4 Introduction 5 1.Validation of non-formal and informal learning as an alternative access route to higher education 9 2.Validation of non-formal and informal learning as a way to fulfil higher education study requirements 11 3.Learning activities that can be validated 13 4.Quality assurance pro

8、cesses 14 Conclusion 16 References 17 Annexes 18 Acknowledgements 33 Table of figures Figure 1:Legal possibility of accessing first-cycle higher education through the validation of non-formal and informal learning,2023/2024 9 Figure 2:Legal possibility to fulfil first-cycle higher education study re

9、quirements through the validation of non-formal and informal learning,2023/2024 11 Figure 3:Learning activities that can be validated within the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning in higher education,2023/2024 13 Figure 4:Presence of top-level(national)steering documents explicitly ad

10、dressing the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning within higher education quality assurance procedures,2023/2024 15 4 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Codes and abbreviations Country codes EU European Union EEA and candidate countries BE Belgi

11、um LV Latvia BA Bosnia and Herzegovina BE fr Belgium French Community LT Lithuania CH Switzerland BE nl Belgium Flemish Community LU Luxembourg IS Iceland BG Bulgaria HU Hungary LI Liechtenstein CZ Czechia MT Malta ME Montenegro DK Denmark NL Netherlands MK North Macedonia DE Germany AT Austria NO N

12、orway EE Estonia PL Poland RS Serbia IE Ireland PT Portugal TR Trkiye EL Greece RO Romania ES Spain SI Slovenia FR France SK Slovakia HR Croatia FI Finland IT Italy SE Sweden CY Cyprus Other codes:Data not available Not applicable Abbreviations ECTS European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System E

13、SG Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area E&T education and training EU European Union HEI higher education institution ICT information and communication technologies Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 5 Introduc

14、tion People acquire knowledge and skills in various ways.One common way is to follow structured programmes in education and training institutions.Such programmes commonly lead to a certificate or qualification validating the competences acquired.However,learning can also be less structured.It can ta

15、ke place outside of education and training institutions,for example at workplaces or within non-professional activities of individuals.Activities of the European Union relatActivities of the European Union relatinging to the vto the validation of nonalidation of non-formal and formal and informal le

16、arninginformal learning The European Union(EU)supports actions that aim to valorise different types of learning.The idea behind this is that the validation of knowledge and skills acquired in different learning contexts can have various positive impacts on individuals.For example,it can increase peo

17、ples chances on the labour market or support their aspirations for further learning.When conceptualising the validation of different types of learning,EU steering documents refer to three main concepts formal learning,non-formal learning and informal learning that are defined as follows(1).Formal le

18、arningFormal learning refers to learning which takes place in an organised and structured environment,specifically dedicated to learning,and typically leads to the award of a qualification,usually in the form of a certificate or a diploma.NonNon-formal learningformal learning means learning which ta

19、kes place through planned activities where some form of learning support is present.This type of learning may cover programmes to impart work skills,adult literacy and basic education for early school leavers.Moreover,common cases of non-formal learning include in-company training,structured online

20、learning(e.g.by making use of open educational resources)and courses organised by civil society organisations.Informal learningInformal learning covers learning resulting from daily activities relating to work,family or leisure and is not organised or structured in terms of objectives,time or learni

21、ng support.This type of learning may be unintentional from the learners perspective.Examples of learning outcomes acquired through informal learning are skills acquired through life and work experiences,project management skills or ICT skills acquired at work,languages learned and intercultural skil

22、ls acquired during a stay in another country,ICT skills acquired outside work,skills acquired through volunteering,cultural activities,sports,youth work and through activities at home(e.g.taking care of a child).The key EU policy document promoting the recognition of all types of learning is the 201

23、2 Council recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning(2).This recommendation has invited EU Member States to have in place,no later than 2018,in accordance with national circumstances and specificities,and as they deem appropriate,arrangements for the validation of non-forma

24、l and (1)The definitions provided are shortened versions of the definitions included in the Council recommendation of 20 December 2012 on the validation of non-formal and informal learning,2012/C 398/01.(2)Ibid.6 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe informal l

25、earning(3).The design of national validation arrangements has been supported by the European guidelines for validation of non-formal and informal learning(Cedefop,2009;2015;2023)and countries advancement in this area has been mapped in successive editions of the European inventory on validation of n

26、on-formal and informal learning(4).Validation of nonValidation of non-formal and informal learning in higher educationformal and informal learning in higher education Validation of all forms of learning has been promoted not only as a general theme,but also in relation to different sectors.For examp

27、le,the European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning maps the validation arrangements within three sectors,namely education,labour market and the third sector(5).The same source sub-divides the education sector into several distinct areas,including higher education.In other wo

28、rds,higher education appears as a rather specific and delimited area for validation policies and practice.The validation in this sector has also been emphasised and promoted within the Bologna Process,which is an intergovernmental process aiming to bring more coherence to higher education systems ac

29、ross Europe.The Bologna Process conceptualises validation of non-formal and informal learning by referring to the recognition of prior learning.This expression appeared in the Bologna Process already in 2003,when ministers responsible for higher education underlined,within their communiqu,the necess

30、ity for taking steps to enhance the possibilities for lifelong learning at higher education level including the recognition of prior learning(6).The idea was further developed in 2005,when the ministers proclaimed to work with higher education institutions and others to improve recognition of prior

31、learning including,where possible,non-formal and informal learning for access to,and as elements in,higher education programmes(7).In 2009,the ministers specified that successful policies for lifelong learning will include basic principles and procedures for recognition of prior learning on the basi

32、s of learning outcomes regardless of whether the knowledge,skills and competences were acquired through formal,non-formal,or informal learning paths(8).Finally,in 2015,the ministers specified their intention to remove obstacles to the recognition of prior learning for the purposes of providing acces

33、s to higher education programmes and facilitating the award of qualifications on the basis of prior learning(9).Following the above,the Bologna Process promotes the recognition(validation)of all types of learning as a means to 1)provide access to higher education(for those who do not comply with tra

34、ditional access criteria)and 2)facilitate the award of a higher education qualification(for those who have acquired specific knowledge and skills outside formal higher education programmes).(3)Ibid.,p.3.(4)The inventory was produced in 2004,2005,2008,2010,2014,2016,2018 and 2023 and can be consulted

35、 at:https:/www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/projects/validation-non-formal-and-informal-learning.(5)This applies to several editions of the inventory,in particular the most recent ones(see:https:/www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/projects/validation-non-formal-and-informal-learning).(6)Realising the European Higher

36、Education Area.Communiqu of the Conference of Ministers responsible for Higher Education in Berlin on 19 September 2003,p.6.(7)The European Higher Education Area Achieving the Goals.Communiqu of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education,Bergen,1920 May 2005,p.3.(8)The Bol

37、ogna Process 2020 The European Higher Education Area in the new decade Communiqu of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education,Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve,2829 April 2009,p.3.(9)Yerevan Communiqu,p.4.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Eur

38、ope 7 About this reportAbout this report This report covers 37 education systems that are part of the Eurydice Network(10).It examines whether and how higher education systems across Europe recognise and validate learning outcomes from non-formal and informal learning.In line with the content of min

39、isterial communiqus issued within the Bologna Process,the report approaches the validation from two angles,namely 1)access to higher education and 2)fulfilment of higher education study requirements,without excluding a potential combination of these two strands.The analysis refers primarily to valid

40、ation of non-formal and informal learning(terminology used within the EU steering documents).When the expression recognition of prior(non-formal and informal)learning or recognition(terminology used within the Bologna Process)is employed,it is used interchangeably with the above terminology.Prior fo

41、rmal learning and its validation,which is understood here mainly as degree higher education programmes and courses(11),is not considered in the analysis.The text is structured in four short sections,each accompanied by an annex with country data.The reference year of the information is the 2023/2024

42、 academic year.(10)All EU Member States and Bosnia and Herzegovina,Switzerland,Iceland,Liechtenstein,Montenegro,North Macedonia,Norway,Serbia and Trkiye.Two education systems that are part of the Eurydice Network and are commonly included in Eurydice reports the German-speaking Community of Belgium

43、and Albania are not covered by this report.Neither are new Eurydice Network members Georgia,Moldova and Ukraine that do not yet participate in comparative reports.The report was prepared outside the official work programme of the Eurydice Network,as a network contribution to the European Year of Ski

44、lls(see https:/year-of-skills.europa.eu/about_en).All those who contributed to the production of the report are acknowledged at the end of the report.(11)As shown by the EU definitions provided within this introductory section,formal learning encompasses a wider range of learning activities than deg

45、ree programmes and courses.However,this report understands formal learning mainly as degree programmes and courses,to allow distinguishing such programmes/courses from other types of learning activities.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 9 1.Validation of no

46、n-formal and informal learning as an alternative access route to higher education The validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education is an important means through which candidates who do not comply with traditional admission criteria can potentially access higher education.For th

47、is reason,the validation process is often discussed in the context of alternative(or non-traditional)access routes to higher education.Alternative access routes to higher education are commonly understood as access routes targeting higher education candidates who do not comply with traditional entry

48、 requirements.This is either because they followed a short upper secondary vocational path(i.e.a programme which does not allow access to higher education)or because they abandoned initial education prior to the completion of the upper secondary level.In the current policy context,promoting the idea

49、 that no talent should be left behind,the theme of non-traditional pathways into higher education gains particular attention.This is all the more important since students with lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to be over-represented in educational pathways not giving direct access to higher educa

50、tion(see e.g.OECD,2021).In order to increase diversity,equity and inclusion in higher education,the objective is to extend admissions criteria so that all those who have a capacity to follow higher education studies would be provided with the opportunity to do so,regardless of their prior formal lea

51、rning achievements.The validation of non-formal and informal learning is the most common way of broadening the admission process and widening higher education access.It involves the recognition and validation of the knowledge and skills that prospective non-traditional students acquired outside of f

52、ormal learning contexts(e.g.through various non-formal learning activities,professional experience,volunteering,etc.).Through this validation process,candidates not possessing the traditional higher education entry qualifications can also gain access to higher education studies.Figure 1 depicts lega

53、l frameworks for the validation of non-formal and informal learning in accessing first-cycle higher education.As the figure illustrates,students without the traditional entry qualifications can access first-cycle higher education on the basis of validating their non-formal or informal learning exper

54、iences in only 18 education systems(out of 37),primarily in western and northern European countries.Figure 1:Legal possibility of accessing first-cycle higher education through the validation of non-formal and informal learning,2023/2024 Legally possible Legally not possible Source:Eurydice.10 Valid

55、ation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Explanatory notes The figure considers only those cases where the validation of non-formal and informal learning can replace traditional higher education entry qualifications.It follows that the cases where the validation of non

56、-formal and informal learning comes in addition to traditional higher education entry qualifications(e.g.as a competitive element)are not considered.Moreover,the figure does not consider those cases where the validation of non-formal and informal learning is legally possible only for entry to some s

57、pecific programmes that commonly use talent screening,including programmes in arts,sport,etc.For country information,see Annex 1.Even in systems where the validation of non-formal and informal learning is possible,legal frameworks might apply regulatory limitations to this access possibility.A first

58、 type of limitation is whether all higher education institutions can provide access to non-traditional students this way.This limitation is applied in Austria,where learners can only access universities of applied sciences through the validation of non-formal and informal learning.Secondly,education

59、al authorities might limit the categories of students who can benefit from this alternative access route.This exists for example in Spain,where only learners above the age of 40 can access higher education following a validation procedure,and in Portugal and Norway,where the minimum age is 23.Finall

60、y,the validation of prior non-formal and informal learning experience might not be enough for accessing first-cycle higher education.In Austria and Portugal,in most cases prospective students also have to pass an additional entrance examination in order to gain access to higher education studies.Som

61、e education systems leave it largely or entirely to higher education institutions to define their validation procedures.This autonomy can even extend to the decision whether institutions offer this possibility or not(for example in Malta,the Netherlands or Switzerland).Alternatively,higher education

62、 authorities can oblige higher education institutions to put validation procedures in place,but leave it up to them to define the exact conditions(e.g.in Ireland).Many of the education systems making it possible for non-traditional learners to access higher education through the validation of non-fo

63、rmal and informal learning also offer other alternative ways to do so.In order to provide a more complete picture of alternative access routes,these other alternative modes of accessing higher education are briefly examined in this section.For entrants without formal entry qualifications,some countr

64、ies offer the possibility of taking an entrance exam or admission test(12).These exams exist in the French and Flemish Communities of Belgium,Germany(for learners over the age of 25),Spain(two different options for learners above the ages of 25 and 45),the Netherlands(for learners above the age of 2

65、1),Austria,Portugal(for learners above the age of 23)and Switzerland.In 2022 and 2023,Sweden conducted a pilot project with a basic eligibility test for admission to higher education,aimed at people who were at least 24 years old.As these examples show,such admission tests are often organised for ma

66、ture learners.Some education systems organise preparatory or trial higher education programmes,or programmes leading to alternative entry qualifications.Trial or preparatory higher education programmes exist in the Flemish Community of Belgium,Germany,Ireland,Spain,Malta,Iceland and Liechtenstein.Le

67、arners can obtain alternative qualifications which are different from the standard upper secondary school leaving certificate but provide the equivalent access to higher education by successfully completing specific dedicated programmes in Denmark(Higher Preparatory Examination),France(Diplme dAccs

68、aux Etudes Universitaires)and Luxembourg(Diplme daccs aux tudes suprieures).(12)This is not to be confused with special aptitude tests offered to the most-talented people,which are most prevalent in the field of arts,sport,etc.To be considered as alternative routes,these examinations should be open

69、to a wider group of learners(e.g.all applicants or applicants over a certain age).Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 11 2.Validation of non-formal and informal learning as a way to fulfil higher education study requirements The previous section examined the

70、validation of non-formal and informal learning as a means to access higher education study programmes(for candidates who do not comply with traditional higher education entry requirements).Another way to use the validation of non-formal and informal learning is to exempt learners from some(or potent

71、ially all)higher education study requirements if they demonstrate that they already possess the knowledge and skills relating to a specific higher education programme or qualification.This,in turn,can reduce compulsory participation in formal higher education courses and,consequently,facilitate and

72、accelerate the fulfilment of studies.Figure 2 displays whether it is legally possible to use the validation of non-formal and informal learning to fulfil(fully or partly)first-cycle higher education study requirements.The concept of legal possibility,as understood within the figure,covers different

73、regulatory situations.First,it covers situations where top-level regulations explicitly refer to the validation of non-formal and informal learning by either explicitly requiring or explicitly allowing higher education institutions to provide validation opportunities to students.Second,it refers to

74、situations where top-level regulations do not explicitly mention the validation of non-formal and informal learning,but create conditions allowing higher education institutions to provide relevant procedures.For example,regulations may specify that it is up to higher education institutions to determ

75、ine how programmes are conducted and/or what type of learning activities can be considered when evaluating learning outcomes.When regulations do not cover the validation of non-formal and informal learning explicitly,the country is displayed under the category legally possible if there is evidence t

76、hat(at least some)higher education institutions have relevant policies and procedures in place.Such evidence can include related internal regulations or guidelines published on websites of higher education institutions.Considering the above conceptualisation,Figure 2 shows that the validation of non

77、-formal and informal learning to fulfil first-cycle higher education study requirements is possible in 30 European education systems(out of 37 systems surveyed).It follows that the validation of non-formal and informal learning is more commonly possible for fulfilling higher education study requirem

78、ents than for accessing higher education studies(compare Figures 1 and 2).Figure 2:Legal possibility to fulfil first-cycle higher education study requirements through the validation of non-formal and informal learning,2023/2024 Legally possible with top-level restrictions regarding the workload that

79、 can be validated Legally not possible Source:Eurydice.12 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Explanatory notes When referring to legal possibility to fulfil first-cycle higher education study requirements,the figure refers to two possible legal situations:1)

80、the possibility is explicitly stipulated in top-level(national)regulations,or 2)top-level(national)regulations do not refer to this matter,but policies and/or practice exist in higher education institutions(demonstrated,for example,by internal regulations covering this area and/or relevant informati

81、on on webpages of higher education institutions).When referring to top-level restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated,the figure means restrictions established at the top level(i.e.the national or system level).Restrictions determined at other decision-making levels(e.g.regional,ins

82、titutional)are not considered.For country information,see Annex 2.Figure 2 also demonstrates that the validation of non-formal and informal learning often comes with top-level(national)restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated.The restrictions in question are most often expressed as

83、the proportion(percentage)of study requirements and/or the number of European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System(ECTS)credits.For example,in Spain,work and professional experience may be validated and converted into credits,but the validation cannot exceed 15%of the total number of credits rela

84、ting to a higher education programme.In the French Community of Belgium,in the adult higher education sector known as social advancement education(enseignement de promotion sociale),the validation cannot exceed 120 ECTS credits in the first cycle and 60 ECTS credits in the second cycle.Czechia allow

85、s validating previously completed lifelong learning(non-degree)higher education courses,but the validation cannot exceed 60%of the total number of credits relating to a degree programme.Hungary,in turn,specifies that at least one third of the total number of credits relating to a programme must be c

86、ompleted in the degree-awarding institution.When top-level regulations do not specify any restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated,it does not necessary mean that there are no restrictions.Indeed,the restrictions may be established at lower decision-making levels,especially by highe

87、r education institutions.For example,in Ireland,there are no nationally defined restrictions,but higher education institutions themselves address this question.One example is the National University of Ireland,which specifies in its internal guidelines(13)that its constituting universities are not e

88、xpected to award full degrees based on the validation of non-formal and informal learning.Following the above,the absence of national validation restrictions should be interpreted with caution and should not be confounded with a(widespread)possibility to achieve a higher education degree based on th

89、e validation of non-formal and informal learning.This is even more so considering that top-level regulations with no explicit validation restrictions generally do not specify the possibility to achieve a full degree through validation arrangements.France is an exception in this regard,with top-level

90、 regulations stipulating no restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated and,at the same time,stating explicitly that the validation can either be partial,leading to the recognition of some programme elements,or full,leading to the award of a higher education degree(14).Consolidated dat

91、a published by French national authorities indicate that,in 2022,around 1 000 candidates received a first-cycle higher education degree based on a full validation(15).(13)Degrees and Qualifications of the National University of Ireland:Recognition of Prior Learning,p.5.(14)For an overview of the val

92、idation system in France and legal references,see the ministerial webpage dedicated to the validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education.(15)For 2022 national data covering higher education,see https:/www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/la-validation-des-acquis-de-l-experie

93、nce-dans-l-enseignement-superieur-public-en-2022-94023.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 13 3.Learning activities that can be validated Non-formal and informal learning are generic terms encompassing many different learning activities.When higher education

94、systems allow learners to validate non-formal and/or informal learning,they may privilege specific learning activities.Figure 3 refers to some typical learning activities associated with non-formal and informal learning.It starts by listing learning that can mainly be seen as informal,namely learnin

95、g resulting from daily activities relating to work,and learning associated with family or leisure activities.The inventory continues with different types of education and training courses,including non-degree courses provided by higher education institutions,courses provided by education and trainin

96、g institutions other than higher education institutions,and training provided by employers.As the figure shows,in higher education systems that allow the validation of non-formal and informal learning(for access to studies and/or the fulfilment of study requirements),learning activities that can be

97、recognised and validated are overall quite varied.More specifically,most higher education systems allow the validation of all or almost all of the learning activities displayed in the figure.However,one type of learning is considered less often compared to others,namely learning resulting from daily

98、 activities relating to family or leisure.This applies to the validation for both accessing higher education studies and progressing in studies.In other words,higher education systems seem to be quite open to recognising work-based learning and different(non-formal)education and training courses,but

99、 less willing to acknowledge that learning taking place within family and/or during leisure time could lead to learning outcomes relevant for higher education.Figure 3:Learning activities that can be validated within the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning in higher education,2023/2024

100、 Access to higher education Fulfilment of study requirements Learning resulting from daily activities relating to work/professional activity Learning resulting from daily activities relating to family or leisure Non-formal education and training(E&T)courses provided by higher education institutions(

101、HEIs)Non-formal E&T courses provided by E&T institutions other than HEIs In-company training Source:Eurydice.Explanatory notes The first part of the figure considers only those education systems where the validation of non-formal and informal learning is possible for accessing first-cycle higher edu

102、cation studies,that is,18 education systems(see Figure 1).The second part of the figure considers only those systems where the validation of non-formal and informal learning is possible for progressing in first-cycle higher education studies(see Figure 2).When it comes to the second part of the figu

103、re,out of 30 higher education systems considered,data are available only for 29 systems.For country data feeding the figure,see Annex 3.Behind the above general pattern,there are different national approaches to specifying what type of non-formal and informal learning can be validated.Two groups of

104、countries emerge in this regard:1)those that do not provide specifications regarding learning activities to consider in their top-level regulations;and 2)those where top-level regulations provide some details regarding this matter.Finland provides an example of the first approach.In this higher educ

105、ation system,regulations do not specify non-formal and informal learning activities that can be recognised and validated.It is entirely up to higher education institutions to determine learning to be considered and/or accepted,which can,in principle,be any type of learning.14 Validation of non-forma

106、l and informal learning in higher education in Europe Czechia,the French Community of Belgium and France illustrate the approach characterised by more explicit statements in top-level regulations regarding learning activities to be considered.In Czechia,where the validation is only possible for the

107、fulfilment of study requirements(and not for accessing higher education studies),top-level regulations envisage the validation of non-degree lifelong learning courses provided by higher education institutions.This means that if a student of a degree programme had previously completed a non-degree li

108、felong learning course,they can validate such a course within their degree programme.Regulations do not refer to any other learning activities that higher education institutions could/should consider.The French Community of Belgium provides a contrasting example,with regulations referring to a wider

109、 range of learning activities,namely learning through personal and professional experience,along with previously completed study courses.France,in turn,focuses on informal learning associated with work-related activities.This is particularly prominent in the scheme validation of learning from experi

110、ence(validation des acquis de lexprience),which is open to all individuals who can justify at least 1 year of professional experience relating to the content of the higher education degree they are aiming to achieve.This analysis shows that countries allowing the validation of non-formal and informa

111、l learning in higher education do not necessarily envisage the validation of the same type(or spectrum)of learning activities.Some caution is therefore necessary when approaching this theme in a comparative cross-country perspective.4.Quality assurance processes The previous sections have shown that

112、 the validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education,when legally possible,is framed quite differently across European countries.The differences lie in the degree to which this area is regulated by top-level authorities and,when it is regulated,in the extent and type of validation

113、 opportunities.Looking at validation arrangements from a system-level perspective,a question that arises is whether national higher education quality assurance agencies address the implementation of the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning in their quality assurance procedures.Figure 4

114、approaches this question by looking at whether top-level(national)steering documents covering quality assurance procedures in higher education explicitly address the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning.As the figure shows,steering documents with such explicit references are in place in

115、 19 higher education systems(out of 30 with validation arrangements for access to higher education and/or fulfilment of higher education study requirements)(16).The steering documents in question mostly oblige higher (16)When top-level(national)steering documents relating to quality assurance in hig

116、her education do not explicitly cover the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning,some relevant quality assurance mechanisms may still exist.For example,top-level steering documents may promote,more generally,the implementation of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the E

117、uropean Higher Education Area(ESG)at the national level.This can,in turn,contribute to an enhanced transparency of validation practice at the institutional level.This is because the ESG(p.13)include explicit references to this area,by stating that higher education institutions should have in place r

118、egulations covering fair recognition of higher education qualifications,periods of study and prior learning,including the recognition of non-formal and informal learning.education institutions to define procedures and arrangements for the recognition and validation of different types of learning,inc

119、luding non-formal and informal learning.This means that quality assurance agencies generally do not prescribe any specific approach,but rather concentrate on ensuring that the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning is foreseen in institutional policies and regulations,and tha

120、t it is underpinned by transparent and fair rules.This can be illustrated by the example of Ireland,where higher education institutions must comply with the quality assurance guidelines(17)issued by Quality and Qualifications Ireland,the body overseeing the quality of higher education in Ireland.The

121、 guidelines specify that higher education institutions must have pre-defined and published regulations in place covering all areas relating to learner admission,progression,recognition and certification of awards(18).In this context,the guidelines require processes ensuring fair recognition of educa

122、tion and training qualifications,periods of study and prior learning,including non-formal and informal learning.(17)Statutory quality assurance guidelines developed by QQI for use by all providers.(18)When developing their regulations and policies,institutions can rely on the Principles and operatio

123、nal guidelines for the recognition of prior learning in further and higher education and training(2005).Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 15 Figure 4:Presence of top-level(national)steering documents explicitly addressing the validation of non-formal and/or

124、 informal learning within higher education quality assurance procedures,2023/2024 Relevant document(s)in place No relevant document(s)No validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education Source:Eurydice.Explanatory note For country information,see Annex 4.Beyond general guidelines r

125、equiring higher education institutions to have in place policies for the validation of non-formal and informal learning,quality assurance agencies sometimes specify further requirements and/or provide further guidelines.For example,in Malta,the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority(MFHEA),the

126、 quality assurance agency for higher education,has issued a guiding document on the recognition of prior learning,including non-formal and informal learning(19).Should a higher education institution be interested in introducing a recognition policy,it must adhere to the guidelines and obtain an appr

127、oval of its intended policy from the MFHEA.While not displayed in a dedicated figure,another important system-level feature of validation policies and measures is the(system-level)monitoring of the actual validation practice.This may enable policymakers to understand whether,to what extent and by wh

128、om validation measures are used.The present report is not able to systematically capture which European higher education systems monitor the use of validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education(20).However,an older report covering the validation practice in Europe noted that dat

129、a collection on different aspects of validation(participation,type of qualification or outcomes achieved,user characteristics,success rate,length of procedure,etc.)remains at a low level(Cedefop,European Commission and ICF,2019,p.33).(19)Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL)Definitions,Principles and G

130、uidelines.(20)As shown in Section 2 of this report,France,for instance,has in place national monitoring of the validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education.16 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Conclusion This short report has examined

131、the extent to which higher education systems across Europe provide opportunities for learners to validate their knowledge and skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning.The focus was on whether the validation of non-formal and informal learning can 1)replace traditional higher educatio

132、n entry qualifications and 2)contribute to the fulfilment of higher education study requirements.Within these areas,the report looked at the amount and type of learning that can be validated,and the quality assurance mechanisms underpinning validation practices.The report shows that less than half o

133、f higher education systems in Europe(18 systems)provide opportunities for those without traditional entry qualifications to enter higher education based on the validation of non-formal and informal learning.Among the systems providing such opportunities,several offer additional alternative entry rou

134、tes to higher education,including special entry tests or examinations,or preparatory higher education programmes.Most higher education systems providing alternative access routes to higher education,including the access through the validation of non-formal and informal learning,are situated in weste

135、rn and northern Europe.The validation of non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education study requirements is more common than the validation for accessing higher education studies.More specifically,this type of validation is possible in all higher education systems with alt

136、erative access routes to higher education and in 12 systems requiring standard qualifications for higher education entry(30 systems in total).However,while the validation contributing to the fulfilment of studies is commonly possible,regulations often set restrictions on the amount of non-formal and

137、 informal learning that can be validated within higher education study programmes.This means that learners using validation opportunities commonly have to participate in at least some formal degree courses before achieving a higher education qualification.Data also suggest that some learning activit

138、ies might be easier to validate than others.Indeed,higher education systems seem to be more open to validating learning outcomes resulting from work-related activities and/or different education and training courses than those initiated by family or leisure activities.Finally,the report shows that a

139、round two thirds of the systems with validation arrangements explicitly address this theme in top-level(national)steering documents relating to higher education quality assurance procedures.When the theme is addressed,the aim is generally to ensure that the validation practice taking place in higher

140、 education institutions is underpinned by clearly defined rules.Overall,the report identifies several different approaches to the validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education,ranging from no relevant policies and measures to policies and measures opening rather extensive valida

141、tion opportunities.Beyond the topics examined in the report,further themes to be investigated include system-level aspects,such as national monitoring of validation practice,along with operational aspects,such as methods and approaches used to evaluate non-formal and informal learning in higher educ

142、ation.Moreover,it seems important to survey how a relatively new topic in EU policy discussions the topic of micro-credentials(21)translates into validation policies and practice across Europe.(21)For details,see https:/education.ec.europa.eu/education-levels/higher-education/micro-credentials.Valid

143、ation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 17 References European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop),2009.European guidelines for validating nonformal and informal learning.Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.Ce

144、defop,2015.European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning.Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union.Cedefop reference series;No 104.Cedefop,2023.European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning.Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union.Ce

145、defop reference series;No 124.Cedefop,European Commission and ICF,2019.European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update.Synthesis report.Available at:http:/libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2019/european_inventory_validation_2018_synthesis.pdf(accessed 11 December 2

146、023).OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,2021.Education at a Glance 2021:OECD Indicators.Paris:OECD Publishing,https:/doi.org/10.1787/b35a14e5-en.18 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Annexes Annex 1:Legal possibility of accessing fir

147、st-cycle higher education through the validation of non-formal and informal learning and other alternative access routes,2023/2024 Data in this annex feed Section 1 of this report(see Figure 1 and the related analysis).The table indicates whether it is legally possible to access first-cycle higher e

148、ducation through the validation of non-formal and informal learning(22).Whenever possible,the table provides a short description of the system.In addition,the last column specifies whether there are alternative access routes to higher education(i.e.access without traditional higher education entry q

149、ualifications)other than the validation of non-formal and informal learning.Access through validation is legally possible Description of the system Other alternative access routes BE fr Yes The validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education(valorisation des acquis de lexprience V

150、AE)is covered by Article 119 of the Decree Paysage.This article approaches the admission and the allocation of credits in a combined perspective.The evaluation is organised by higher education institutions,which judge whether the candidates skills and knowledge are sufficient to follow the chosen st

151、udies.Within the evaluation,it is possible to consider personal and professional experience,as well as studies.The personal or professional experience must correspond to at least 5 years.Moreover,the validation of non-formal and informal learning can also be used for entry to higher education progra

152、mmes provided within the adult education sector known as social advancement education(enseignement de promotion sociale).This sector covers both secondary and higher education.Admission test organised by higher education institutions for candidates without secondary qualification.Admission tests are

153、 also possible for entry to higher education programmes provided within the adult education sector known as social advancement education(enseignement de promotion sociale).BE nl Yes The basic principles of the procedure for validating non-formal and informal learning in higher education are covered

154、by the decree Codex Higher Education,Articles II.232 II.240.The validation of prior non-formal and informal learning is managed by higher education institutions and by associations(official entities regulating the cooperation of a university and one or more university colleges).They should have docu

155、mented validation procedures to guide staff and applicants through the different stages of the process.At the end of the procedure,applicants can receive a certificate of competence.Admission test/entrance examination for students without the necessary entry qualifications can be organised by higher

156、 education institutions.On the basis of the assessment,the institutions board can make enrolment conditional on the successful completion of a preparatory programme(Codex Higher Education,Articles II.177(short cycle),II.179(first cycle)and II.183(second cycle).BG No CZ No DK Yes Applicants without a

157、n upper secondary qualification can in principle apply for short-cycle,first-cycle and second-cycle programmes.The higher education institution will assess their application on an individual basis.However,it is difficult to get accepted without any other formal qualifications,such as vocational trai

158、ning or single subject courses.Alternative entry qualification:Higher Preparatory Examination(hf)(22)The table does not include systematic information on study cycles other than the first cycle,as such information is outside the scope of Figure 1.However,some references to other cycles are included

159、for some countries,depending on the availability of information.The same principle is followed in Annexes 24.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 19 Access through validation is legally possible Description of the system Other alternative access routes DE Yes

160、In order to have their prior learning validated(Anrechnung)and to gain access to higher education institutions,applicants must usually provide evidence of their qualifications,such as transcripts,certificates or work experience records.The validation process may involve an interview,a test or the su

161、bmission of a portfolio of evidence.Alternative entry qualification:Begabtenprfung:for candidates over the age of 25 without the standard entry qualifications.Under specific conditions,learners can access higher education after following vocational education and training courses(Hochschulzugang ber

162、berufliche Bildung).In addition,several higher education institutions offer preparatory and bridging courses for learners without the standard entry qualifications.EE No IE Yes Although higher education institutions are responsible for their admissions policies,they are nevertheless obliged to have

163、procedures in place on access,transfer and progression.More information is available on a dedicated website.Preparatory higher education programmes can be offered by individual higher education institutions with funding from the Higher Education Authority.EL No ES Yes Candidates with work or profess

164、ional experience who do not have any qualifying academic qualification to enter university(first cycle)and have reached 40 years of age,may access the first cycle through the validation of non-formal and informal learning procedure.Two types of admission tests for candidates without the standard ent

165、ry qualifications:Entrance exam for people above the age of 25.Entrance exam for people above the age of 45.Preparatory programmes for people above the ages of 25 and 45 who must pass a preparatory year.FR Yes The validation of professional experience(validation des acquis professionnels VAP 85)allo

166、ws direct access to degree programmes at universities without having the required diploma,by validating professional experience(paid or unpaid),training or personal skills developed outside of any training system.For details and regulatory references,see the ministerial webpage dedicated to the vali

167、dation of non-formal and informal learning.Alternative entry qualification Diplme dAccs aux Etudes Universitaires(D.A.E.U.):this diploma confers the same rights as the baccalaurat(standard higher education entry qualification).It allows students to pursue higher education,or to take competitive exam

168、inations requiring the baccalaurat diploma.HR No IT No CY No LV No LT No LU Yes The validation of learning from experience(validation des acquis de lexprience VAE)is a system that allows access to degree courses at the University of Luxembourg based on professional and/or personal experience(see Art

169、icle 33 of the Law of 27 June 2018 outlining the organisation of the University of Luxembourg).The experience on the basis of employment,self-employment or voluntary activity must correspond to at least 3 years and should be directly related to the qualification requested.The same applies to accredi

170、ted study programmes offered by specialised higher education institutions and for short-cycle programmes offered by Luxembourgish secondary schools(see Articles 48 and 11 of the Law of 21 July 2023 concerning the organisation of higher education).Alternative entry qualification Diplme daccs aux tude

171、s suprieures(DAES):individuals who were unable to obtain the baccalaurat have the chance to acquire an equivalent diploma.HU No 20 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Access through validation is legally possible Description of the system Other alternative ac

172、cess routes MT Yes Higher education institutions are autonomous in deciding whether they accept applications based on the validation of prior non-formal and informal learning.Institutions should have documented validation procedures to guide staff and applicants through the different stages of the p

173、rocess.These procedures should be approved by the Malta Authority for Further and Higher Education.Some degree programmes allow access through preparatory programmes.NL Yes The Higher Education and Research Act makes it possible for higher education institutions to adopt procedures and criteria for

174、the recognition of acquired competences for those who are not enrolled.Admission test:Colloquium Doctum:for candidates who are above the age of 21 and who do not have the required formal qualifications,it is possible to do an assessment/entry test to enrol in a higher education programme.AT Yes Cand

175、idates can access first-cycle programmes at the Universities of Applied Sciences(UAS)based on a subject-relevant professional qualification.A subject-relevant professional qualification can be,for example,the completion of a relevant apprenticeship or a corresponding school for intermediate vocation

176、al education.In most cases,additional examinations are also required.The subject-relevant professional qualifications and additional examinations for the respective study programme are defined by the UAS.Alternative entry qualifications:University entrance qualification examination(Studienberechtigu

177、ngsprfung):entitles the holder to be admitted to all degree programmes in the field of study for which the university entrance qualification was obtained.Vocational entrance exam(Berufsreifeprfung):additional entrance qualification for those who have completed initial vocational education.PL No PT Y

178、es The programme Programa Maiores de 23 set out in Decree-Law No 64/2006(amended by Decree-Law No 113/2014 of 16 July).One of the evaluation dimensions for the access to higher education by this route destined for over-23-year-olds is the assessment of the educational and professional experience of

179、the candidate.However,access cannot be granted without the admission test(see next column).Admission test for people above the age of 23(candidates must be at least 23 years old by 31 December of the year before they take the admission exam)without the traditional entry qualifications.The admission

180、test aims to assess the knowledge and skills considered essential for entry and progression in the given course,and can be organised according to the different profiles of the candidates and the courses to which they apply.RO No SI No SK No FI Yes According to the Universities Act and the Universiti

181、es of Applied Sciences Act,higher education institutions can accept students to degree programmes without a certificate if the student can show they have the skills needed for the studies.Students can be admitted based on studies completed in open university/open university of applied sciences.SE Ye

182、s According to the Higher Education Ordinance,applicants without the necessary entry qualifications can show that they have the necessary competences for admission through a Swedish education or education outside of Sweden,practical experience or some other circumstance.Swedish higher education inst

183、itutions have agreed to assess applicants without formal qualifications based on uniform requirements.They have developed recommendations for validating real competences for admission to higher education.In order to create more paths to higher education,the Swedish government decided on a pilot proj

184、ect with a basic eligibility test for admission to higher education.It was aimed at people who were at least 24 years old and had not completed upper secondary education or the equivalent within adult education.An approved result from the test would give basic eligibility for higher education into a

185、ll universities in Sweden.The test was held in 2022 and 2023.It will be evaluated during 2024,following which there will be a decision on whether this test will become permanent.BA No Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 21 Access through validation is legally

186、 possible Description of the system Other alternative access routes CH Yes Higher education institutions autonomy.More information is available at the swissuniversities website.The passerelle examination is an entrance exam that can be taken by candidates having only professional secondary leaving q

187、ualifications(maturit professionnelle or maturit spcialise),which give access to universities of applied sciences,but not to all universities.Some higher education institutions also organise admission exams for candidates not complying with the regular admission criteria(see the example of ETH Zrich

188、).IS Yes According to the Higher Education Act,higher education institutions may accept students without the formal entry qualifications who possess an equivalent level of maturity and knowledge as assessed by the relevant institution.According to the Higher Education Act,higher education institutio

189、ns may offer preparatory study programmes for persons who do not meet the admission criteria.LI Yes Higher education institutions are responsible for recognition decisions.If there is no standard entry qualification available,it is possible to make a sur dossier application.The higher education inst

190、itution in charge then decides which types of learning can be taken into account based on the application in question.Higher education institutions have the autonomy to offer a preparatory semester for learners without the standard entry qualifications.ME No MK No NO Yes Candidates without the stand

191、ard entry qualifications can access the university education based on the 23/5 rule.Candidates must be at least 23 years old and should be able to document experience from work and/or education totalling at least 5 years.Caring for children or suffering from a long illness may also meet parts of thi

192、s requirement.RS No TR No 22 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Annex 2:Legal possibility to fulfil first-cycle higher education study requirements through the validation of non-formal and informal learning,2023/2024 Data in this annex feed Section 2 of this

193、 report(see Figure 2 and the related analysis).The table indicates whether it is legally possible to fulfil first-cycle higher education study requirements through the validation of non-formal and informal learning.Whenever possible,the table specifies whether there are any top-level restrictions re

194、garding the workload that can be validated.A short description of the system is also provided.Legally possible Top-level restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated Description of the system and of regulatory restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated(if applicable)BE fr

195、 Yes Yes The validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education(valorisation des acquis de lexprince VAE)is covered by Article 119 of the Decree Paysage.This article approaches the admission and the allocation of credits in a combined perspective.The evaluation is organised by higher

196、 education institutions,which judge whether the candidates skills and knowledge are sufficient to follow the chosen studies.Within the evaluation,it is possible to consider personal and professional experience,along with studies.The personal or professional experience must correspond to at least 5 y

197、ears.Moreover,there is a separate regulation and dedicated guidelines for the education sector targeting adults known as social advancement education(enseignement de promotion sociale).This sector covers both secondary and higher education.When it comes to higher education,the validation(valorisatio

198、n des acquis VA)is limited to 120 ECTS credits in the first cycle and 60 ECTS credits in the second cycle.BE nl Yes No The Codex Higher Education(Article II.241)makes it possible to use the validation of non-formal and informal learning to shorten the duration of studies(programme exemptions based o

199、n proof of competence).It is also possible to recognise/validate a full programme(Article II.245).BG No CZ Yes Yes The Higher Education Act,Section 60,allows recognising lifelong learning(i.e.non-degree)courses provided by higher education institutions.If graduates of lifelong learning courses becom

200、e students of degree programmes,higher education institutions may recognise credits acquired in such courses for up to 60%of the total number of credits required for the completion of studies.The recognition/validation of other types of non-formal learning is not specified in legislation,nor is the

201、recognition/validation of informal learning.DK Yes No The validation system targets mainly short-cycle programmes and professional first-cycle programmes.Their applicants are requested to inform about previous work experience and completed higher education courses.The aim is to evaluate whether it i

202、s relevant to shorten the duration of the programme in question.DE Yes Yes There is currently no overarching legal regulation regarding credit transfer of skills and abilities acquired outside higher education.At the level of the Lnder,the respective state higher education acts allow for credit tran

203、sfer.The formulations in the Land laws are based on a series of resolutions and specifications,particularly those of the Conference of Ministers of Education(Kultusministerkonferenz)or the Accreditation Council.For details,see the related resolutions of the Conference of Ministers of Education from

204、2002 and 2008.The 2002 resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education specifies that knowledge and skills acquired outside higher education,including through non-formal or informal learning,can account for a maximum of 50%of the total credits of a degree.EE Yes Yes The Standard for Higher Ed

205、ucation,paragraph 13,sets the principles for assessment and certification of prior learning and professional experience.Legislation states that the validation cannot replace the final examination and/or the thesis.IE Yes No Although higher education institutions are responsible for their admissions

206、policies,they are nevertheless obliged to have procedures in place on access,transfer and progression.There are no top-level validation restrictions regarding the amount of learning that can be recognised/validated,but higher education institutions themselves address this question.Validation of non-

207、formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 23 Legally possible Top-level restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated Description of the system and of regulatory restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated(if applicable)IE Yes No One example is the National

208、 University of Ireland,which stipulates,in its institutional guidelines(Degrees and Qualifications of The National University of Ireland:Recognition of Prior Learning,p.5),that its constituting universities are generally not expected to offer full degrees on the basis of the validation of non-formal

209、 and informal learning.More specifically,the guidelines state that the circumstances in which it would be appropriate to make a full award solely on the basis of RPL recognition of prior learning are likely to be highly exceptional.The University does not therefore confer awards on this basis at thi

210、s time.In an exceptional case,where a Recognised College proposes to make an award solely on the basis of prior learning,it should seek the views of the University at the earliest opportunity.EL No ES Yes Yes In the first and second cycles,work and professional experience may be recognised in the fo

211、rm of credits.The number of credits that are allocated based on work or professional experience and/or non-degree higher education courses may not exceed 15%of the total credits of a degree programme.A higher number of credits can only be allocated when non-degree courses(which a candidate has previ

212、ously completed)are formally transformed into degree programmes or when there are interinstitutional agreements.The recognised credits are not related to a grading system and,therefore,are not considered when calculating overall students academic marks.These rules are stipulated in Royal Decree 822/

213、2021(Articles 10.5,10.6 and 10.7).In the short cycle,students may request the total or partial exemption of the professional module workplace training.In this case,they must certify a work experience relating to their programme of at least 1 year.FR Yes No The validation of learning from experience(

214、validation des acquis de lexprience VAE)offers the possibility to receive exemptions from all or some study requirements relating to a qualification.The candidate must justify at least 1 year of professional experience relating to the content of the desired qualification.The professional experience

215、does not need to be continuous,and it can take place within a job or during periods of initial or continuing training in a work environment.Moreover,there is a procedure for validating professional experience for engineers,which enables individuals to obtain the degree/title of engineer.Candidates m

216、ust be at least 35 years old and have at least 5 years of professional practice in engineering positions.For details and regulatory references,see the ministerial webpage dedicated to the validation of non-formal and informal learning.HR Yes No It is legally possible for higher education institution

217、s to implement the validation of non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education study requirements.However,only some institutions have so far implemented relevant policies and procedures.Examples include the University of Rijeka and the Faculty of Economics of the University

218、 of Rijeka(for details on their arrangements,see:University of Rijeka;Faculty of Economics of the University of Rijeka).Moreover,specific conditions apply to students of nursing who can prove their work experience as nurses.They may be exempt from compulsory clinical practice.IT Yes Yes The principl

219、e of the recognition/validation of skills demonstrated by students is confirmed by Law no.240/2010,article 14.Higher education institutions can recognise work experience,extracurricular internship or apprenticeship,or community service.They define how this is done in their teaching regulations.Accor

220、ding to the above law(Article 14,paragraph 1),the validation is limited to 12 ECTS credits.It is noteworthy that in 1999,when the validation was introduced,there was no top-level restriction regarding the workload that can be validated.The restriction was then set to 60 ECTS credits in 2006,to 30 EC

221、TS credits in 2009,and finally to 12 ECTS credits in 2010.CY No LV Yes Yes This area is covered by the Law on Higher Education Institutions,Article 59.3 Recognising the Knowledge,Skills,and Competences Acquired Outside Formal Education or Obtained by Professional Experience.This law stipulates that

222、higher education institutions should assess the knowledge,skills and competences acquired outside formal education,including through professional experience.They should also grant credits,if learning outcomes demonstrated correspond to those relating to different study programmes.A dedicated 2018 re

223、gulation issued in accordance with the above law states that the validation cannot replace the final examination and/or the thesis.24 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Legally possible Top-level restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated Desc

224、ription of the system and of regulatory restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated(if applicable)LT Yes No The validation of prior informal and/or non-formal learning is managed by higher education institutions.The ministerial Order for the assessment and recognition of competences ac

225、quired through non-formal and informal learning stipulates only some basic principles(e.g.it requires all higher education institutions to establish rules regarding the recognition of prior informal and non-formal learning.).Detailed rules and requirements are set by higher education institutions.LU

226、 Yes Yes The validation of learning from experience(validation des acquis de lexprience VAE)in higher education is decentralised.Each higher education institution defines,within the limits of the legal framework in force,its own administrative procedures that VAE candidates need to undergo.When it c

227、omes to validation restrictions,the legal framework namely Article 33 of the Law of 27 June 2018 outlining the organisation of the University of Luxembourg specifies that VAE at the University of Luxembourg can only be partial,since at least 60 ECTS credits relating to first-or second-cycle study pr

228、ogrammes must be obtained through the completion of courses provided by the university.The same principle applies to first-and second-cycle programmes offered by accredited specialised higher education institution(as outlined in Article 48 of the Law of 21 July 2023 concerning the organisation of hi

229、gher education).In the short cycle,which is provided by secondary schools,at least 30 ECTS credits must be obtained through formal courses(as indicated in Article 11 of the latter law).HU Yes Yes The 2011 Higher Education Act,paragraph 49,allows higher education institutions to recognise non-formal

230、and informal learning.The same law/paragraph stipulates that at least one third of the total credit value relating to a programme must be completed in the degree-awarding institution.MT Yes No Higher education institutions are required to provide a standard operating procedure on the recognition/val

231、idation of prior learning.The procedure must be aligned with the guidelines issued by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority(MFHEA)and endorsed by the same authority.For details,see the webpage of the MFHEA dedicated to this theme.NL Yes No The Higher education and Research Act makes it po

232、ssible for higher education institutions to use the recognition/validation of non-formal and informal learning in their programmes.However,not all institutions use this option,as there is no actual legal obligation.A national project testing flexible higher education based on learning outcomes start

233、ed in 2016.In this project,the recognition/validation of non-formal and informal learning was one of the main elements.A law on structural implementation of flexible higher education based on learning outcomes is currently at the early adoption stage(March 2024).If the law passes,all higher educatio

234、n institution will have to provide possibilities for the recognition/validation of non-formal and informal learning.The implementation of the law is likely to start by September 2025.AT Yes Yes All higher education institutions can recognise/validate prior learning for parts of higher education prog

235、rammes(not for full programmes).When it comes to universities,the Universities Act 2002,paragraph 78,specifies that they may recognise passed examinations and other academic achievements from higher vocational schools and academic secondary schools up to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits,and professional

236、 and non-professional qualifications up to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits(these two types of the recognition are permissible up to a maximum of 90 ECTS credits).This means that the validation of non-formal and informal learning at universities is limited to 60 ECTS credits.PL Yes Yes According to the

237、2018 Law on Higher Education and Science,higher education institutions may recognise learning outcomes achieved outside formal degree programmes.However,the recognition cannot exceed 50%of ECTS credits assigned to a programme.PT Yes Yes The Decree-Law no.74/2006 of 24 March establishes the validatio

238、n of non-formal and informal learning in higher education.The same text specifies that the total number of credits awarded for different types of(non-formal and informal)learning cannot exceed two thirds of the total credits of the study cycle.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher

239、 education in Europe 25 Legally possible Top-level restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated Description of the system and of regulatory restrictions regarding the workload that can be validated(if applicable)RO Yes No The 2023 Law on Higher Education(article 180,paragraph 7)provides

240、 basis for the validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education.The same law(article 190,paragraph 1)indicates that the validation takes place within the assessment and recognition centres established for this purpose.The process is based on a methodology developed by the National

241、Qualifications Authority and the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and approved by the minister of education(note:as of March 2024,the methodology in question has yet to be developed).It is also explicitly stated(article 190,paragraph 2)that documents(certifications)obtained

242、after the validation process produce the same legal effects as documents obtained in the framework of formal learning.SI Yes No The Higher Education Act,article 35,states that first-and second-cycle study programmes must have defined criteria for the recognition of knowledge and skills acquired befo

243、re enrolling to the study programme.According to the Criteria for the accreditation and external evaluation of higher education institutions and study programmes,Articles 53 and 54,higher education institutions should have adequate procedures and processes in place for the recognition of prior forma

244、l,non-formal and informal learning.The exact conditions and criteria are not prescribed.SK Yes No The Higher Education Act(131/2002)does not explicitly address the validation of non-formal and informal learning.It states that the way higher education programmes are created and conducted falls under

245、the responsibility of higher education institutions(paragraph 6,c).Some higher education institutions have in place internal regulations addressing the validation of non-formal and informal learning(see,for instance,the regulations of the Matej Bel University or the University of ilina).FI Yes No Ac

246、cording to the Universities Act and the Universities of Applied Sciences Act,higher education institutions can recognise and provide credits for different types of learning,including non-formal and informal learning.SE Yes No Higher education institutions take their own decisions regarding the valid

247、ation of non-formal and informal learning for the allocation of credits.Many,but not all higher education institutions have developed internal policy documents on the recognition and validation of(formal,non-formal and informal)learning.BA No CH Yes No In the absence of a national regulation,higher

248、education institutions take their own decisions regarding the validation of non-formal and informal learning.Examples of institutions with validation arrangements:the University of Geneva,the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland and the universities of teachers education of

249、 the French-speaking part of Switzerland.Although there is no national regulation limiting the extent of validation,it would be unlikely for an institution to allocate a high number of credits(e.g.120 ECTS in the first cycle)based on non-formal or informal learning.IS Yes No This area is not regulat

250、ed,but rather reflects the practice of higher education institutions.LI Yes No This area is only regulated in relation to postgraduate study programmes.Regarding undergraduate study programmes,there is no regulation or restriction(validation of non-formal and/or informal learning is,in principle,leg

251、ally possible in all study programmes).ME No MK No NO Yes Yes Higher education institutions take their own decisions regarding the validation of non-formal and informal learning.However,according to the Recognition Regulation(Paragraph 3),at least 60 ECTS credits must be obtained through courses in

252、the higher education institution awarding the degree.RS No TR Yes No The recognition of prior learning,including learning taking place outside formal higher education programmes,is foreseen in higher education steering documents,including the Institutional self-evaluation report writing guide issued

253、 by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council.There are no top-level restrictions regarding the workload that can be recognised/validated.Following the Higher Education Law,Article 44(b),the senates of higher education institutions take decisions regarding these matters.26 Validation of non-forma

254、l and informal learning in higher education in Europe Annex 3:Non-formal and/or informal learning activities that can be validated in higher education,2023/2024 Data in the two tables that follow feed Section 3 of this report(see Figure 3 and the related analysis).The tables indicate which non-forma

255、l and/or informal learning activities can be validated for A)accessing higher education studies(if candidates do not comply with traditional access requirements),and B)fulfilling higher education study requirements.When available,additional information is provided.A)Non-formal and/or informal learni

256、ng activities that can be validated for accessing higher education Learning resulting from daily activities relating to Non-formal education and training(E&T)courses provided by work/professional activity family or leisure higher education institutions(HEIs)E&T institutions other than HEIs In-compan

257、y training Comments/further information(if available)BE fr See the description provided in Annex 1.BE nl BG No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.CZ No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.DK DE Specific admission re

258、quirements and policies vary depending on the university and programme.Alongside the generic categories selected in the previous columns,programmes in adult education centres,further education courses,language cafes,voluntary activities and internships may be considered as beneficial for higher educ

259、ation studies.Moreover,some vocational schools or private companies that offer further education courses or certification programmes may have agreements with higher education institutions to recognise these qualifications as part of the admission process.EE No validation of non-formal and informal l

260、earning for access to higher education.IE EL No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.ES For access to the first cycle,only the first category and the last category apply(following Royal Decree 412/2014,Article 16).Specific non-formal education and training co

261、urses(the third and fourth categories)can only give access to the short cycle(following Royal Decree 659/2023,Article 113).FR See the description provided in Annex 1.HR No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.IT No validation of non-formal and informal learni

262、ng for access to higher education.CY No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.LV No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.LT No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.Validation of

263、non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 27 Learning resulting from daily activities relating to Non-formal education and training(E&T)courses provided by work/professional activity family or leisure higher education institutions(HEIs)E&T institutions other than HEIs In-company

264、 training Comments/further information(if available)LU The selection is based on the content of legislation,namely specifications provided in Article 33 of the Law of 27 June 2018 outlining the organisation of the University of Luxembourg and Article 48 of the Law of 21 July 2023 concerning the orga

265、nisation of higher education.The same selection applies to the short cycle(based on Article 11 of the latter law).HU No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.MT Learning and its outcomes must be attested in some manner.Typical examples of proofs include certif

266、icates confirming participation in training,a report from an internship or an apprenticeship agreement,articles or other works written by the applicant.NL There are no legal restrictions regarding the type of learning that can be recognised/validated.This is determined by higher education institutio

267、ns.AT PL No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.PT RO No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.SI No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.SK No validation of non-formal and info

268、rmal learning for access to higher education.FI According to the Universities Act and the Universities of Applied Sciences Act,higher education institutions can accept candidates with no standard entry qualifications if they can demonstrate skills needed for their studies.It is up to higher educatio

269、n institutions to define how this option will be used.Students can also be admitted based on studies completed in open universities.SE BA No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.CH Each higher education institution can decide what type(s)of learning will be c

270、onsidered.IS LI Candidates with no standard higher education entry qualification can be admitted based on the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning(the admission procedure known as sur dossier).It is up to higher education institutions to decide what type(s)of learning will be considered

271、.ME No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.MK No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.NO RS No validation of non-formal and informal learning for access to higher education.TR No validation of non-formal and informal

272、learning for access to higher education.28 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe B)Non-formal and/or informal learning activities that can be validated for fulfilling higher education study requirements Learning resulting from daily activities relating to Non-f

273、ormal education and training(E&T)courses provided by work/professional activity family or leisure higher education institutions(HEIs)E&T institutions other than HEIs In-company training Comments/further information(if available)BE fr See the description provided in Annex 2.BE nl BG No validation of

274、non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education studies.CZ The selection is based on the content of legislation,which is outlined in Annex 2.Higher education institutions could potentially recognise learning activities that go beyond the selected category.However,these activi

275、ties are not explicitly referred to in legislation.DK DE In addition to the listed types of learning,higher education institutions could also consider open digital badges(i.e.verifiable digital awards issued to individuals),e-portfolios and micro-credentials.EE IE EL No validation of non-formal and

276、informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education studies.ES The selection is based on the content of legislation,namely Royal Decree 822/2021(Article 10).FR See the description provided in Annex 2.HR Specific conditions(not covered by the selection of categories)apply to students of nursing

277、who can prove their work experience as nurses.They may be exempt from compulsory clinical practice.IT CY No validation of non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education studies.LV LT The selection is based on the content of the Order for the assessment and recognition of com

278、petences acquired through non-formal and informal learning.This regulation stipulates that higher education institutions can assesses competences acquired in a variety of ways:through work,training,participation in activities of various organisations and groups,volunteering,community service,non-for

279、mal and informal education,self-directed learning or other ways.It follows that the above regulation does not exclude learning from family or leisure activities;however,it does not explicitly refer to this type of activities,so this category is not selected.LU The selection is based on the content o

280、f legislation,namely specifications provided in Article 33 of the Law of 27 June 2018 outlining the organisation of the University of Luxembourg and Article 48 of the Law of 21 July 2023 concerning the organisation of higher education.The same selection applies to the short cycle(based on Article 11

281、 of the latter law).HU MT See the information in the previous table.NL There are no legal restrictions regarding the type of learning that can be recognised/validated.This is determined by higher education institutions.AT PL Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europ

282、e 29 Learning resulting from daily activities relating to Non-formal education and training(E&T)courses provided by work/professional activity family or leisure higher education institutions(HEIs)E&T institutions other than HEIs In-company training Comments/further information(if available)PT Follow

283、ing the Decree-Law no.74/2006 of 24 March,higher education institutions may credit previously completed training(in higher educations or in other institutions)and professional experience,within the limits indicated in this legal framework(see also Annex 2).RO The selection is based on the content of

284、 legislation,namely specifications provided in the Law on Higher Education(article 183).SI There are no legal restrictions regarding non-formal and/or informal learning activities that can be recognised/validated for fulfilling higher education study requirements.This is determined by higher educati

285、on institutions.SK The categories indicated are based on the analysis of internal regulations of some higher education institutions(see Annex 2 for details).FI There are no national limitations regarding the type of learning that can be recognised/validated.This is determined by higher education ins

286、titutions.SE BA No validation of non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education studies.CH Each higher education institution can decide what type(s)of learning will be considered.IS LI:ME No validation of non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher educatio

287、n studies.MK No validation of non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education studies.NO RS No validation of non-formal and informal learning for the fulfilment of higher education studies.TR 30 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Anne

288、x 4:Presence of top-level(national)steering documents explicitly addressing the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning within higher education quality assurance procedures,2023/2024 Data in the table below feed Section 4 of this report(see Figure 4 and the related analysis).The table cons

289、iders only those education systems that allow the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning for access to higher education and/or fulfilment of study requirements(see Figures 1 and 2).It indicates whether,according to top-level(national)steering documents,quality assurance agencies explicitl

290、y address the implementation of the validation of prior non-formal and/or informal learning in their procedures.When this is the case,a short description is provided.Relevant document(s)in place Description BE fr Yes The Framework and accompanying guide for initial programme evaluations(Rfrentiel AE

291、QES et guide daccompagnement pour les valuations initiales de programmes)includes a section on the validation of learning from experience and/or training(Valorisation des acquis de lexprience et/ou de la formation).The section in question addresses the presence of validation arrangements,guidance re

292、lated to these arrangements and the extent of their use by students.BE nl No BG CZ No DK No DE Yes The Accreditation Council(Akkreditierungsrat)in Germany sets the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education,and one of its requirements for external evaluation is to assess the

293、recognition of prior learning and non-formal learning in the universitys admission and degree requirements.Furthermore,the evaluation process conducted by the German accreditation agency explicitly considers the recognition of prior learning in its external evaluation process.The agencys evaluation

294、criteria require higher education institutions to show how they recognise prior learning,both formal and non-formal/informal,and how they use this recognition to provide flexible and individualised learning pathways for students.EE Yes Conformity with higher education legislation,including organisat

295、ion and quality of the recognition/validation of prior non-formal and/or informal learning,is evaluated as part of accreditation of higher education institutions.For details,see the Guidelines for institutional accreditation issued by the Estonian Quality Agency for Education.IE Yes Although higher

296、education institutions are responsible for their admissions policies,they are nevertheless obliged to have procedures in place on access,transfer and progression.They are also required to comply with quality assurance guidelines issues by Quality and Qualifications Ireland(the body overseeing the qu

297、ality of higher education in Ireland).Recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning is specifically referenced in the quality assurance guidelines,and would therefore be included in any institutional quality review process.These principles build on Section 57 of the Qualifications a

298、nd Quality Assurance Act 2012.EL ES Yes Following Royal Decree 822/2021(Articles 10.2,26.4,26.5,Annex II,3.2),universities must specify in the syllabus(study plan)of each degree the volume of credits that can be achieved through the validation of non-formal and/or informal learning,the conditions un

299、der which these credits can be achieved and their characteristics.For each syllabus,universities must prepare a syllabus report.These reports feed quality assurance processes conducted by quality assurance agencies.FR No HR No IT Yes The National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Researc

300、h Institutes has produced a guide for the accreditation of university courses,which includes a section on the certification of skills(see p.39).CY LV Yes The Quality Agency for Higher Education has issued self-evaluation guidelines for higher education institutions.In the self-evaluation report,high

301、er education institutions should describe how they ensure the recognition of competences acquired in and outside previous education or through professional experience.The institutions are expected to have in place internal rules or procedures covering these aspects.Moreover,the same questions are co

302、vered by the external evaluation criteria of higher education institutions developed by the same agency.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 31 Relevant document(s)in place Description LT Yes Within external quality assurance procedures implemented by the nati

303、onal quality assurance agency(Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education SKVC),attention is paid to how higher education institutions recognise foreign qualifications,periods of studies,along with non-formal and informal learning.This is considered within:ex post institutional reviews(see the

304、 Methodology for Conducting Institutional Review of a Higher Education Institution,Annex 1);ex post evaluation of study fields(see the Methodology of External Evaluation of Study Fields,Annex 1);and ex ante evaluation of study programmes(see the Methodology for the Evaluation of New Study Programmes

305、,Annex 1).LU Yes As a component of the accreditation process,the quality assurance agency evaluates procedures for the validation of learning from experience(validation des acquis de lexprience VAE)of specialised higher education institutions and institutions offering short-cycle programmes,ensuring

306、 compliance with the current regulations.The respective evaluation criteria within the accreditation process are listed in Annexes B and D of the Higher Education Act.HU Yes Within the process of institutional accreditation,higher education institutions carry out self-evaluations.According to the gu

307、idelines issued by the Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Committee(p.13,point 11),the self-evaluation includes reporting on whether the institution has in place procedures for the recognition of learning outcomes achieved through non-formal and informal learning.If so,the institution should o

308、utline its experience in this area.MT Yes The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority(MFHEA),which is the quality assurance agency for higher education,has issues a guiding document on the validation/recognition of prior learning(Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL)Definitions,Principles and Guid

309、elines).Should an education institution be interested in introducing a recognition policy,it must adhere to the above guidelines and request approval from the MFHEA(prior to staring the recognition).For details on the procedure that the institutions need to follow,see a dedicated MFHEA webpage.NL No

310、 AT Yes The Accreditation Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences specifies that the procedures for the recognition of formally,non-formally and informally acquired competences in terms of crediting towards examinations or parts of the degree programme must be clearly defined and transparent for

311、all those who are involved.PL Yes The criteria for programme evaluation established by the Polish Accreditation Committee specify the requirement to have in place formally adopted and published conditions for admitting candidates to studies and rules for student progression.In this context,the refer

312、ence is made,among different aspects,to validation of learning outcomes obtained outside the study system.The criterion in question can be consulted in the template for programme self-assessment report(see Criterion 3,Standard 3.1 on pp.2526).PT Yes The agency responsible for the quality of Portugue

313、se higher education(A3ES)verifies whether higher education institutions have duly approved and publicised regulations,including those concerning the admission and progression of students and the recognition and certification of knowledge and competences,and whether they apply them consistently.The G

314、uide for the assessment and accreditation of study cycles stipulates that the recognition of academic training and professional experience must be included in the self-assessment guide towards the external evaluation.RO Yes The 2023 Law on Higher Education(article 189)specifies that the validation o

315、f learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts should be underpinned by internal quality assurance procedures.Moreover,the same law(articles 189 and 190)states that the validation should be conducted based on a methodology developed by the National Qualifications Authority and the

316、Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.However,since the law is recent,the methodology in question has not yet been elaborated(nonetheless,it is foreseen in legislation).32 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Relevant document(s)in place De

317、scription SI Yes The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher(SQAA)is required to address the validation(recognition)of prior non-formal and/or informal learning in higher education by the Higher Education Act,article 35,which states that first-and second-cycle study programmes must have define

318、d criteria for the recognition of knowledge and skills acquired before enrolling to the study programme.The SQAA requires that accredited higher education institutions have adequate procedures and processes in place for the recognition of prior formal,non-formal and informal learning(see the Criteri

319、a for the accreditation and external evaluation of higher education institutions and study programmes,Article 53 and 54),but does not prescribe criteria or conditions.These are defined by individual higher education institutions.SK Yes The Standards for the internal quality assurance system of highe

320、r education published by the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education specify that policies of higher education institutions should ensure that the recognition of qualifications,periods of study,prior learning,including non-formal and informal learning,is transparent,consistent and reliable(

321、Article 5,f).FI Yes The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre conducts its evaluations according to an audit framework,which translates into the Audit manual for higher education institutions(20192024 period).Section 3.1.2 of the manual(p.12)includes a broad formulation stating that the higher educati

322、on institution applies the provisions and regulations concerning student admission,the recognition of prior learning,progress of studies and completion of degrees consistently and transparently.It is also noteworthy that in order to make validation procedures and approaches more consistent across ed

323、ucation institutions,the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment have established a working group to promote and guide the creation of tools and procedures for the recognition of competences acquired in the workplace and non-formal education.Its mandate

324、runs from July 2021 to December 2024.SE No BA CH No IS No LI No ME MK NO No RS TR Yes The Institutional self-evaluation report writing guide,issued by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council(THEQC),includes sub-criterion B.2.3.Student admission and the recognition and crediting of prior learnin

325、g,which refers to recognising and crediting prior learning,including face-to-face,public,distance/blended education,knowledge and skills obtained through informal learning.Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe 33 Acknowledgements EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND CULTURE

326、EXECUTIVE AGENCY(EACEA)Platforms,Studies and Analysis Boulevard Simon Bolivar 34(Unit A6)1049 Brussels BELGIUM(https:/eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu)Managing editor David Crosier Authors Daniela Kocanova(coordination)and Anna Horvth Graphics and layout Patrice Brel Cover Publications Office of the Euro

327、pean Union Production coordinator Gisle De Lel 34 Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe Contributing Eurydice National Units AUSTRIA Eurydice-Informationsstelle Bundesministerium fr Bildung,Wissenschaft und Forschung Abt.Bildungsstatistik und monitoring Minorit

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329、deren Departement Onderwijs en Vorming/Afdeling Strategische Beleidsondersteuning Hendrik Consciencegebouw 7C10 Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 Brussel Contribution of the unit:joint responsibility BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Ministry of Civil Affairs Education Sector Trg BiH 3 71000 Sarajevo Contribution

330、of the unit:joint responsibility BULGARIA Eurydice Unit Human Resource Development Centre Education Research and Planning Unit 15,Graf Ignatiev Str.1000 Sofia Contribution of the unit:joint responsibility CROATIA Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes Frankopanska 26 10000 Zagreb Contribution of the

331、unit:joint responsibility CYPRUS Eurydice Unit Ministry of Education,Sport and Youth Kimonos and Thoukydidou 1434 Nicosia Contribution of the unit:Elli Hadjigeorgiou CZECHIA Eurydice Unit Czech National Agency for International Education and Research Dm zahranin spoluprce Na Po 1035/4 110 00 Praha 1

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