
UN Tourism:2023年旅游签证开放报告(英文版)(60页).pdf

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UN Tourism:2023年旅游签证开放报告(英文版)(60页).pdf

1、Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023 https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:b

2、fad TourismVisa Openness Report 2023AcknowledgmentsThe Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023 was developed by the Sustainable Development of Tourism Department of the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),overseen by Ms.Zoritsa Urosevic,UNWTO Executive Director.Dr.Dirk Glaesser,Director of the Department,su

3、pervised the reports preparation with lead contributions from Ms.Lorna Hartantyo,Technical Coordinator and Ms.Cordula Wohlmuther,Coordinator.Mr.Gordon Clark and Ms.Laura Delgado assisted in coding the visa policies,which informed the reports content.Ms.Sandra Carvo,Director,and Mr.Kanan Aliyev,Offic

4、er,of the UNWTO Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness Department and Ms.Clara van der Pol,Director a.i.of the UNWTO Statistical Department,provided input to the report.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94

5、ff:fe29:bfad 2Tourism Visa Openness Report 20231.COVID-19-related travel restrictions 20202023 92.The role of visas 113.The global and regional dimensions to visas 163.1.The global dimension 163.1.1.Traditional visa 163.1.2.eVisa 163.1.3.Visa on arrival 163.1.4.No visa requirement or visa exemption

6、173.2.Evolution of global visa policies 173.2.1.Visa policies in 1980 183.2.2.Evolution of visa facilitation since 1980 184.Worldwide openness 204.1.The openness score Regional perspectives and evolution over time 204.1.1.Africa 234.1.2.The Americas 244.1.3.Asia and the Pacific 254.1.4.Europe 264.1.

7、5.Middle East 274.1.6.Conclusion 284.2.The twenty most open destinations,2023 294.3.Emerging and advanced economies 30Table of contents https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 3Tourism Visa Openness Report

8、 20235.Reciprocity 325.1.Reciprocity of visa policies in 2023:main findings 325.2.Reciprocity:focus on economic and political blocs 356.Interregional and intraregional performances 387.Mobility of citizens outbound potential and visas 408.Conclusions 42Annex 1:World population subject to visa polici

9、es of destinations,2023 45Annex 2:UNWTO regions and subregions 49References and bibliography 52All around travel facilitation 55 https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 4Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Ke

10、y findings After the lifting of COVID-19 pandemic-related travel restricions,the openness of destinations to international travel has returned to pre-pandemic levels.The trend over time indicates that fewer people worldwide require a traditional visa to travel.While 77%of the worlds population was r

11、equired to apply for a traditional tourism visa before departure in 2008,this figure has fallen to 47%in 2023.The use of electronic visas(eVisas)has increased sixfold from 3%to 18%between 2013 and 2023.Destinations have become less reciprocal in their visa policies compared to previous years,demonst

12、rating a growing trend of unilateral action in facilitating travel for international tourism.Digitalization in the post-COVID-19 period has increased further,as have specific new visa types,such as digital nomad visas.1 After completing data collection in May 2023,data analysis started.During the pr

13、eparation period of the current report some developments were observed as follows:i.China introduced a unilateral visa-free entry policy for holders of ordinary passports from France,Germany,Italy,the Netherlands,Spain and Malaysia during the period 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2024.For more infor

14、mation please consult:The State Council of the Peoples Republic of China(2024),Chinas visa-free policy facilitates travels from six countries,online available at:https:/ 10-01-2024.ii.The Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC)approved the Unified Gulf Tourist Visa System proposal,which is scheduled to be imp

15、lemented between 2024 and 2025.This visa regime will allow individuals to visit several of the six member states of the GCC.For more information please consult:Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf(2023),HE GCCSG:The Unified GCC Tourist Visa Project,online available at:https:/www.gcc-s

16、g.org/en-us/MediaCenter/NewsCooperation/News/Pages/news2023-11-8-4.aspx 12-12-2023.iii.In December 2023,Malaysia announced a visa liberalisation plan to attract foreign tourists and generate national income.Among the measures mentioned are the visa waiver for Chinese and Indian nationals,effective 1

17、 December 2023 to 31 December 2024,and the extension of the visa validity period from three to six months.For more information please consult:Immigration Department of Malaysia Ministry of Home Affairs(2023),Visa Liberation Plan,Government of Malaysia,Putrajaya,online available at:https:/www.imi.gov

18、.my/index.php/en/pengumuman/visa-liberalisation-plan/20-12-2023.iv.Kenya introduced as of January 2024 an electronic travel authorization.For more information please consult:Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government State Department for Immigration Services(2024),Implementation of

19、 Elecronic Travel Authorization(eTA),online available at:https:/immigration.go.ke/10-01-2024.2 In 2012,eVisas were recorded separately for the first time.3 The Tourism Visa Openness Index scores range from 0 to 100.The higher the score of the openness index,the more visas are facilitated.Openness in

20、dicates to what extent a destination is facilitating tourism.It is calculated by summing the percentage of the world population exempt from obtaining a visa with the percentages of no visa weighted by 1,visa on arrival weighted by 0.7,eVisa by 0.5 and traditional visa weighted by 0.Key data,as of Ma

21、y 20231 47%of the world population are subject to traditional visa2 requirements.18%of the world population can apply for an eVisa.14%of the world population can obtain a visa on arrival.Only 21%of the worlds population can travel for tourism purposes without any kind of visa(refer to table 4.1).Asi

22、a and the Pacific have the highest openness score3 of all world regions,with 46 points.The most open subregions are South-East Asia,East Africa and the Caribbean.South Asia and West Africa are the subregions that have seen the greatest increase in openness since the last UNWTO report in 2018.Central

23、 and North Africa,North America and Northern and Western Europe remain the most restrictive subregions,with North America being the most restrictive worldwide.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 5Touri

24、sm Visa Openness Report 2023 Visa exemptions are most common in the Caribbean(45%)and in Central America(31%).Visa on arrival policies are comparatively common in East Africa(46%),South Asia(38%),South-East Asia(36%)and West Africa(32%).eVisa programmes are prevalent in West and East Africa(36%)and

25、South Asia(31%),while North Africa,Central America,Northern and Western Europe do not offer eVisas.Progress in visa facilitation is observed in the Middle East,where the percentage of world population requiring a traditional visa fell from 71%in 2015 to 57%in 2023.Over the same period of time the pr

26、ovision of eVisa rose from 10%in 2015 to 15%in 2023,and visa on arrival from 17%to 24%.Reciprocal visa exemption among members of the Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC)has increased from 2%in 2018 to 87%in 2023.Traditional visa requirements are most prevalent in North America(84%),North Africa(79%),follo

27、wed by the Western and Northern European subregions and North East Asia,all with rates above 70%.15 of the 20 most open destinations are Small Island Developing States.The percentage of reciprocal visa policies has decreased from 71%in 2008 to 42%in 2023.Non-reciprocal policies have doubled from 200

28、8 to 2023,from 29%to 58%.Advanced economies show a higher degree of reciprocal openness(81%)compared to emerging economies(39%).The highest levels of open reciprocity within the economic and political blocs surveyed are found in the Schengen area and the Economic Community of West African States.Eme

29、rging economies have seen a decrease in reciprocity among themselves from 54%in 2013 to 39%in 2023.KtsD https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 6Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023The World Tourism Organizat

30、ion(UNWTO)has been monitoring the evolution of visa policies since 1963.Since 2008,data has been collected on a regular basis and consequently validated through surveys and communication with member states.Regular reports have been published since 2013 and are available on the UNWTO website.4 These

31、reports include the Tourism Visa Openness Index that measures the degree to which destinations facilitate tourism and how open a country is in terms of visa facilitation for tourism purposes.Also,mobility scores are included that indicate to what extent citizens around the world are subject to visa

32、policies,as well as an in-depth analysis of the reciprocity of visa policies.During the COVID-19 pandemic,when COVID-19-related travel restrictions became significantly more important for international travel,and in light of the unprecedented challenges the pandemic posed to the tourism sector,UNWTO

33、 supported the sector with monitoring and reporting on COVID-19-related travel restrictions.Over the course of this unparalleled period for tourism,the Secretariat published a total of twelve global reports,including analysis of the complex interplay of sustainability,health and tourism-related fact

34、ors that influenced the adoption of the various travel restriction measures.5UNWTOs Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023 continues the previous analysis of visa policies 4 World Tourism Organization(n.d.),Travel Facilitation,UNWTO,Madrid,online available at:at:https:/www.unwto.org/sustainable-developme

35、nt/travel-facilitation 30-10-2023.5 World Tourism Organization(20202023),COVID-19-related Travel Restrictions A Global Review for Tourism,twelve reports,UNWTO,Madrid,online available at:https:/www.unwto.org/covid-19-travel-restrictions 30-10-2023.6 World Tourism Organization(2023),UNWTO Brief Digita

36、l Nomad Visas,UNWTO,Madrid,DOI:https:/doi.org/10.18111/9789284424481.7 For more information on Digital Nomad Visa see Box 1.and aims to provide destinations with evidence-based insights to help prioritize related facilitation measures.Visa policies are among the most important government formalities

37、 affecting international tourism.Only half a century ago,travel was heavily influenced by customs regulations,currency exchange limitations and visa formalities.The development of policies and procedures for visas,as well as for other key travel documents such as passports,is closely linked to the d

38、evelopment of tourism.With the rapid growth of international tourism in recent decades,the quality,reliability and functionality of visas and other travel documents have evolved.Much progress has been made in travel facilitation,which has contributed to the growth of the tourism sector.Particularly

39、noteworthy are the regional agreements between selected economic and political blocs that mutually exempt all or certain categories of travellers from visa requirements.Furthermore,in response to the impact of the global travel restrictions caused by the pandemic,many countries have created special

40、visas,such as the digital nomad visa6.Such visa aimed to attract long-term visitors during the pandemic,support recovery and attract a specific high technological profile of talent to their countries.7 Introduction https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:

41、26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 7Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023However,despite the progress made,current visa policies are still often inadequate,inefficient,and an unnecessary burden for international travellers.Visas perform several functions.They are used to ensure security,t

42、o control immigration and limit the entry,duration of stay or activities of travellers,to generate revenue and apply measures of reciprocity,and to ensure that a destinations carrying capacity is not exceeded and this way to control tourism demand.Although security is commonly cited as the most impo

43、rtant reason for having a visa requirement in place,in practice all the functions mentioned can be observed and are reasons for introducing or maintaining a visa.Travellers see visas mainly as a formality with costs.If the cost of obtaining a visa either the direct monetary cost imposed in the form

44、of fees or the indirect costs,which may include distance,time spent waiting in lines and the complexity of the process exceeds a certain threshold,potential travellers may be deterred from making a particular journey or may choose an alternative destination that is easier accessible.It is noteworthy

45、 that in 1963,at the United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism in Rome,delegates from 87 States agreed that“Governments should extend to the maximum number of countries the practice of abolishing,through bilateral agreements or by unilateral decision,the requirement of entry visa

46、s for temporary visitors”8.Over the course 8 United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism(1964),Recommendations on International Travel and Tourism,August 21September 5,1963,Rome.States represented at the conference were:Afghanistan,Algeria,Argentina,Australia,Austria,Belgium,Bolivi

47、a,Brazil,Bulgaria,Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic(now Belarus),Cambodia,Cameroon,Canada,Ceylon(now Sri Lanka),Chad,Chile,China,Colombia,the Congo(Leopold-Ville),Costa Rica,Cuba,Cyprus,Czechoslovakia(now Czechia and Slovakia),Denmark,Dominican Republic,El Salvador,Federal Republic of Germany,F

48、inland,France,Greece,Guatemala,Holy See,Hungary,India,Indonesia,Iran,Iraq,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Japan,Jordan,Kuwait,Lebanon,Liberia,Libya,Luxembourg,Madagascar,Mali,Mexico,Morocco,Nepal,the Netherlands,New Zealand,Niger,Nigeria,Norway,Pakistan,Paraguay,Peru,the Philippines,Poland,Portugal,the Republi

49、c of Korea,Romania,San Marino,Saudi Arabia,Senegal,Somalia,Republic of South Africa,Spain,Sudan,Sweden,Switzerland,Syria,Thailand,Trinidad and Tobago,Tunisia,Turkey(now Trkiye),Uganda,Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic(now Ukraine),Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(now Russian Federation),United

50、Arab Republic(now Egypt and Syria),United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United States of America,Venezuela and Yugoslavia(now Bosnia and Herzegovina,Croatia,North Macedonia,Montenegro,Serbia and Slovenia).UN specialized agencies:FAO,UNESCO,ICAO,WHO,IMCO.of six decades since this conf

51、erence,significant progress has been made,yet it still falls short of the real potential to create a seamless travel experience for visitors.Oleg KozlovD https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 8Tourism Vi

52、sa Openness Report 2023For the 2023 report,data was collected between January and May 2023.The process included a comprehensive review of official destination websites from January to April 2023,verification of information with secondary public sources and a detailed formal consultation process on t

53、he findings with all national(tourism)authorities in May 2023.For the purpose of the report,only measures applicable to temporary visitors(tourists)holding ordinary passports9 were considered.The report distinguishes between the following four categories of visa policies are considered:Traditional v

54、isa:all traditional paper visas affixed in the passport and all other types of non-electronic visas that must be obtained before departure;eVisa:all types of electronic entry and travel authorization that the traveller must obtain prior to departure;Visa on arrival:all visas acquired upon arrival at

55、 the destination without any prior preparation for the journey.Typically,this type of visa is issued in the form of a stamp,sticker or other visible endorsement in the passport;and No visa:no entry permit is required when entering the destination.Additionally,historical data from the year 1980 were

56、gathered from the UNWTO archive records,9 Excluding diplomatic passports or similar.10 World Tourism Organization(2023),UNWTO Brief Digital Nomad Visas,UNWTO,Madrid,DOI:https:/doi.org/10.18111/9789284424481.which detail border formalities as they were reported by member states at that time.This data

57、 provides a valuable baseline for understanding the evolution of international travel regulations and visa requirements over an extended period,offering a unique perspective on how travel facilitation and border management have changed in the past four decades.The report further highlights some of t

58、he key findings of the UNWTO Brief on Digital Nomad Visas published in November 2023.10Methodological note https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 9Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023The COVID-19 pandemic ha

59、s had a profound impact on international tourism,negatively affecting destinations,host communities and tourism-dependent sectors.As highlighted in the twelve UNWTO COVID-19-related Travel Restrictions Reports,11 travel restrictions evolved rapidly and diversely during the pandemic,overshadowing the

60、 impact of existing visa policies on the movement of travellers.A peak in travel restrictions was observed in May 2020,when 75%of all destinations worldwide had their borders completely closed,effectively halting international tourism and contributing to an unprecedented 72%drop in international tou

61、rist arrivals(ITAs)in 2020.12 Gradually,with a better understanding of the virus and its variants,combined with global vaccine rollouts,governments began adopting a more risk-based approach,leading to the gradual easing and lifting of travel restrictions.11 World Tourism Organization(20202023),COVID

62、-19-related Travel Restrictions A Global Review for Tourism,twelve reports,UNWTO,Madrid,online available at:https:/www.unwto.org/covid-19-travel-restrictions 30-10-2023.12 World Tourism Organization(2023),International Tourism Highlights,2023 Edition The impact of COVID-19 on tourism(20202022),UNWTO

63、,Madrid,DOI:https:/doi.org/10.18111/9789284424504.The lifting of travel restrictions occurred through various mechanisms,leading to substantial geographical differences in the recovery of the tourism sector.Destinations in Europe and the Americas generally led the way in easing travel restrictions a

64、nd experienced the strongest tourism recovery compared to other regions.However,uncertainty remained a major challenge for international travellers during the pandemic,as did frequent changes and adjustments to travel restrictions at short notice,lack of communication of restrictions on government a

65、nd tourism-related websites and additional financial costs due to testing and quarantine requirements.The recommendation of the Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization(WHO)to end the Public Health Emergency of International Concern(PHEIC)for COVID-19 on 4 May 2023 marked a significant m

66、ilestone of the global effort to control the pandemic.1.COVID-19-related travel restrictions 20202023 Pavel LosevskyD https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 10Tourism Visa Openness Report 202313 European

67、Commission(2023),The EU Digital COVID Certificate,European Commission,Brussels,online available at:https:/commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en 30-10-2023.The findings from the twelve COVID-19-related Travel Res

68、trictions Reports underline that destinations responded to the pandemic in highly diverse and dynamic ways.Those with better environmental performance,higher health and hygiene standards and a greater reliance on tourism tended to lift travel restrictions earlier.Conversely,emerging economies and Sm

69、all Island Developing States often imposed full border closures more quickly,maintained them for longer and introduced additional traveller requirements as COVID-19 response measures.The European Union(EU)established the EU Digital COVID Certificate,which covered COVID-19 vaccination,test and recove

70、ry.With more than 2.3 billion certificates issued it significantly enabled the tourism recovery in the European Union and beyond.13Consequently,the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of facilitated travel and highlighted the necessity of an evidence-based approach to achieve objectives wit

71、h those measures and to make corrections as needed.The intricate interplay between the environment,health and tourism sectors necessitates a multifaceted,evidence-based approach that incorporates aspects of governance,health,environment and culture.This will be crucial in addressing future challenge

72、s and building a more resilient and sustainable tourism sector.Frantic00D https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 11Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023The management of state borders,including the regulation

73、 of peoples entry,is a sovereign right,governed by specifically enacted policies.Although the Universal Declaration of Human Rights articulates in Article 13 the right to freedom of movement within and the right to leave and return to ones country,it does not confer this right with regard to enterin

74、g foreign states.Consequently,states maintain the authority to regulate the admission of foreign nationals into their territories.14Visas serve as the principal mechanism through which states exert this control.These regulations can be unilaterally determined or established through bilateral or mult

75、ilateral agreements with other states.Thus,visa policies are among the most impactful governmental measures affecting international tourism and influencing inbound tourism.At the same time,the rapid expansion of international tourism in the past seven decades and the link to visa policies has emphas

76、ized the need for improved quality,reliability and functionality of visas and other travel documents.Visas serve several critical functions,such as ensuring security,controlling immigration,generating revenue,applying reciprocity measures and managing a destinations carrying capacity to control tour

77、ism demand.While security is often cited as the primary reason for imposing visa requirements,the other functions are equally 14 This was also confirmed in the World Tourism Organization Declaration on the Facilitation of Tourist Travel,adopted at the eighteenth session of the UNWTO General Assembly

78、 in June 2009,in which the General Assembly reaffirms the sovereign right of States to control the access of foreign nationals to their territories,notably by means of visa policies,which they have the authority to determine freely,unilaterally,or in cooperation with other States and recognizes the

79、discretionary authority of States in this regard,yet it considers that improving visa issuance modalities could help facilitate tourist travel significantly.See for more information:World Tourism Organization(2009),Declaration on the Facilitation of Tourist Travel,Eighteenth session of the World Tou

80、rism General Assembly,Astana,Kazakhstan,58 October 2009,UNWTO,Madrid,online available at:https:/www.e-unwto.org/toc/unwtogad/2009/1 14/12/2023.operative and form the basis for the introduction or maintenance of visas.From the travellers perspective,visas are often seen as costly and burdensome forma

81、lities.If the expense of acquiring a visa be it the direct cost in fees or the indirect costs associated with distance,time and procedural complexity exceeds a certain threshold,potential travellers may be deterred from visiting or may opt for destinations with more accessible entry processes.While

82、historically travel was profoundly affected by a wide range of measures such as customs regulations and currency exchange limitations,in recent times,one of the key advancements contributing to the remarkable growth of the tourism sector has been the facilitation of visa processes in many countries.

83、The significance of visa policies for tourism has been recognized for decades as evidenced at the above-mentioned United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism in Rome in 1963.It was then that delegates from 87 states agreed that governments should extensively eliminate visa requirem

84、ents,either through bilateral pacts or unilateral decisions,to improve travel accessibility.Furthermore,the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe(CSCE),held in Helsinki in 1975 and from which resulted the Organization of Security and Cooperation(OSCE),aimed to 2.The role of visas https:/w

85、ww.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 12Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023overcome the Cold War rivalry by addressing the human dimension and centralizing the discussion on the increase of human contacts.This res

86、ulted in the elaboration of a catalogue of measures to develop inter-systemic and interhuman relations through concrete activities in transnational mobility issues(e.g.,sports and tourism).This included the reduction of administrative barriers such as visas,as well as the improvement of tourism offe

87、rs and information on travel possibilities.In the aftermath of the Helsinki Final Act,15 travel facilitation improved,and some countries agreed to lift their visa requirements,leading to increased tourism flows.In addition,the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)16 that entered into force in

88、 1995,by the World Trade Organization(WTO),plays an important role in regulating the international movement of people in the context of service provision.Mode 2(Consumption Abroad)refers to services consumed in the country where they are produced,and where inbound tourism consumption is contemplated

89、.Mode 4(movement of natural persons)within the GATS,17 involves the supply of a service by a service 15 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(1975),Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Final Act,Helsinki 1975,OSCE,Vienna,online available at:https:/www.osce.org/files/f/docu

90、ments/5/c/39501.pdf.30-10-2023.16 All members of the World Trade Organization are members of the GATS that is the first trade agreement to cover trade in services and outlines four modes of supply:Mode 1:Cross border,Mode 2:Consumption abroad,Mode 3:Commercial presence,and Mode 4:Movement of natural

91、 persons.For purposes of structuring the commitments,WTO members have used a classification system comprised of 12 core service sectors,one of which is tourism and travel related services.Information available online at:https:/www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/serv_e/gsintr_e.pdf 30-10-2023.17 In additio

92、n,for tourism mode 4 covers business travellers,i.e.,short-term stays of a few months(often limited to three months)with no remuneration received in the host country,temporary movements of between a few months to a few years,including existing employees transferred within the same foreign controlled

93、 company(intra-corporate transferees,generally limited to 25 years),service suppliers on specific term contracts with foreign or nationally-owned firms,self-employed service providers,whose remuneration is wholly or only partly received in the host country.For more information please consult:Organiz

94、ation for Economic Co-operation and Development,World Bank and International Organization for Migration(2003)Seminar on Trade and Migration(2003),A quick guide to the GATS and Mode 4,Geneva,online available at:https:/www.iom.int/sites/g/files/tmzbdl486/files/2018-07/quick_guide.pdf.30-10-2023.World

95、Trade Organization,General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS),Movement of natural persons(mode 4),WTO,Geneva,online available at:https:/www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/serv_e/mouvement_persons_e/mouvement_persons_e.htm 30-10-2023.18 Chanda,R.(2018),The Case for Mode 4:Recognizing the Gains and Addres

96、sing the Challenges,WTO,Geneva,available online at:www.wto.org 22-12-2023.19 World Trade Organization(2004),IOM/World Bank/WTO Trade and Migration Background Paper,IOM,World Bank,WTO Seminar on Trade and Migration,WTO,Geneva,online available at:https:/www.wto.org/index.htm 14-12-2023.supplier of one

97、 country through the temporary presence of“natural persons”in the territory of another country.This mode is particularly relevant in times of staff shortages in the tourism sector.WTO members must ensure that their regulations and policies do not discriminate against foreign service providers supply

98、ing services through this mode.Mode 4 offers possibilities for receiving and supplier countries,by addressing the workforce deficits that constrain economic growth,raise labour costs,reduce competitiveness and create fiscal pressures,while providing opportunities for supplier countries to increase e

99、xports,create employment,receive remittances and benefit from the transfer of skills,knowledge and technologies.18 However,the GATS does not cover natural persons seeking access to the employment market and measures regarding citizenship,residence or employment on a permanent basis.In addition,gover

100、nment policies and practices regarding the entry and temporary stay of natural persons,including application of visa and work permit requirements,are not determined by mode 4.19 Thus governments are free to regulate entry and temporary stay,provided these measures do not nullify or impair the commit

101、ments taken https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 13Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023by WTO members.20 Discussions among WTO members on a specific GATS visa that would outline multilaterally accepted gui

102、delines such as administrative procedures,verification forms and eligibility conditions have not yet yielded any results.21 As governments look to further develop international tourism,visa policies remain a crucial area for additional improvement.Recognizing that visa requirements can act as deterr

103、ents,there is a continuous push towards streamlining processes and reducing barriers,all while maintaining a balance between the free movement of tourists and the sovereign prerogative of states to protect their borders.20 World Trade Organization(2004),Movement of natural persons under the GATS,IOM

104、,World Bank,WTO Seminar on Trade and Migration,WTO,Geneva,available online at:https:/www.iom.int/sites/g/files/tmzbdl486/files/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/microsites/IDM/workshops/Trade_2004_04051004/se1_pre_mamdouh.pdf 22-12-2023.21 World Trade Organization(2004),Movement o

105、f natural persons under the GATS,IOM,World Bank,WTO Seminar on Trade and Migration,WTO,Geneva,available online at:https:/www.iom.int/sites/g/files/tmzbdl486/files/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/microsites/IDM/workshops/Trade_2004_04051004/se1_pre_mamdouh.pdf 22-12-2023.TaigaD h

106、ttps:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 14Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Box 1:Digital nomad visasThe UNWTO Brief Digital Nomad Visas looks at the background and current state of digital nomadism trendsa

107、and provides an analysis of existing digital nomad visas(DNVs)covering 54 destinations,mostly located in the Americas and Europe.It examines the DNV programmes in seven areas:application process;duration of visa;taxation;insurance;accommodation;minimum income requirements;and criminal records check.

108、According to this analysis,the rise in DNVs has gone hand-in-hand with an increase in digital nomads,with destinations in all regions working to meet the market trend.A digital nomad visa provides nomads the freedom to work in a country without an official relationship with a national employer.This

109、type of visa is more comprehensive than a visitor visa and offers more flexibility than traditional work visas.This makes it an ideal option for those who wish to work remotely,continue the professional pursuit while embracing the opportunity to experience life in the host destinations unique settin

110、gKey findings of the report include:47%of destinations offer visas for up to one year.39%of destinations exempt digital nomads from tax payments.17%of destinations do not have minimum income requirements.76%of destinations have online applications for DNV programmes.80%of destinations process applic

111、ations within one-month period.Only 6%of destinations have no visa fees for application.Almost all destinations require some form of criminal records check.Estonia was the first country that officially introduced a specialized digital nomad visa programme in July 2020.Aruba,Georgia,and Mauritius pro

112、cess visas free of charge.The highest visa fees are in Anguilla,Antigua and Barbuda,Barbados,the Cayman Islands and GrenadaCanada offers the shortest stay for digital nomads while Thailand issues the longest DNVs.Generally,digital nomads become tax residents in the host country(with few exceptions)a

113、fter 183 days of their stay.Antigua and Barbuda,Brazil,Cabo Verde,Curaao,Georgia,Malta,Mauritius,Namibia,and Seychelles require that visa holders possess both health and https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:

114、bfad 15Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Figure 2.1:Number of countries with digital nomad visa programmes by regionSources:World Tourism Organization(2023),UNWTO Brief Digital Nomad Visas,UNWTO,Madrid,DOI:https:/doi.org/10.18111/9789284424481.a.Grouped by regional classification of UNWTOb.A digital

115、nomad is a person who uses technology to work remotely while travelling to different locations.The term digital nomad has been used since the early 1990s to describe a type of travelling and working lifestyle enabled by computer networking and mobile devices.travel insurance,while the rest of the de

116、stinations require either travel or health insurance.Antigua and Barbuda,Curaao,Iceland and Panama do not require visa applicants to make advance arrangements for their accommodation.The highest income requirements are in the Cayman Islands,Indonesia,and Mexico whereas Anguilla,Argentina,the Bahamas

117、,Curaao,Morocco and Saint Lucia do not have any minimum monthly income requirements as part of the visa application.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 16Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Visa regulatio

118、ns create a framework that can either facilitate or hinder international travel,impacting everything from personal vacations to business trips.This chapter explores the ways in which different visa categories influence not just individual travel plans but also shaping the dynamics of global and regi

119、onal mobility.3.1.The global dimension3.1.1.Traditional visaTraditional visa requirements continue to be the most prevalent form of entry regulation,with a considerable impact on international mobility.In 2023,these traditional visa policies affect almost half of the worlds population 47%to be preci

120、se.22 This means that a substantial segment of global travellers must engage with often cumbersome bureaucratic processes that precede their travel.Obtaining a traditional visa usually entails a sequence of steps including the gathering of necessary documentation,the payment of application fees and

121、sometimes lengthy processing times.The implications of such a widespread reliance on traditional visas are far-reaching.For some,the challenges of securing a visa can discourage travel altogether,impacting not only personal plans but also broader cultural exchange and international relations.Additio

122、nally,for countries with stringent visa regimes,tourism and foreign business opportunities may be lost to nations with more facilitated entry requirements.22 In 2012,eVisas were accounted for separately for the first time.3.1.2.eVisaThe implementation of eVisa systems underscores a transitional shif

123、t in global immigration policy,aimed at simplifying the visa process while aligning with the ultimate goal of reducing visa requirements overall.Catering in 2023 to 18%of the global population,eVisas serve as a necessary interim solution,particularly for citizens with less widely accepted travel doc

124、uments.By offering an efficient online application process,these systems mitigate some of the traditional barriers to entry,paving the way for a future where visa-free travel becomes the norm.While not an end in themselves,eVisas represent a progressive step towards the broader aspiration of visa ab

125、olition,balancing the need for secure borders with the facilitation of international travel in an increasingly connected world.3.1.3.Visa on arrivalVisa-on-arrival policies,presently covering 14%of the global population,offer a more expedient route to international travel.Such policies enable travel

126、lers to obtain their visa directly at the destination,significantly streamlining the pre-travel procedures.Despite their relative flexibility compared to conventional visas,these on-arrival arrangements still impose certain entry conditions determined by the destination country,including requirement

127、s for evidence of accommodation,proof of sufficient financial means,and possession of a return or onward ticket.3.The global and regional dimensions to visas https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 17Touri

128、sm Visa Openness Report 20233.1.4.No visa requirement or visa exemptionA noteworthy 21%of the global population are exempt of any visa requirements,symbolizing the utmost convenience in international travel.It allows travellers to cross borders without the preliminary step of visa acquisition,reflec

129、ting a progressive move towards enhancing global mobility.The absence of visa requirements streamlines the travel process,inviting last-minute trips and potentially boosting tourism.Moreover,it removes bureaucratic and financial hurdles that can deter people from exploring new destinations,likely in

130、creasing tourism and cultural exchange.Visa-free arrangements not only facilitate leisure and business travel but also manifest the diplomatic goodwill and collaboration between countries,emphasizing an open-door policy that can lead to mutual economic and cultural benefits.3.2.Evolution of global v

131、isa policies An in-depth analysis of the changes in visa policies across the globe reveals a dynamic picture of international travel and its regulatory environment.UNWTO coded and analysed visa regulation data reaching back to 1980 not only to reflect the progression of travel accessibility but also

132、 to indicate geopolitical shifts and technological advancements influencing these policies.Figure 3.3 presents a visual narrative of these changes,mapping out the progression of visa regulations and their impact on global mobility.The figure not only highlights the general trend towards more facilit

133、ated visa policies but also underscores regional and temporal variations,showing how barriers to travel have been progressively lowered.Figure 3.1:World population subject to visa policies,2023(%)Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/1

134、0.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 18Tourism Visa Openness Report 20233.2.1.Visa policies in 1980In 1980,destinations on average required 75%of the worlds population to obtain a visa before embarking on an international journey(see f

135、igure 3.2).Additionally,5%had the option of obtaining a visa on arrival,while 20%were exempt from visa requirements for tourism-related travel.This data provides a baseline,illustrating the initial landscape of global visa policies.3.2.2.Evolution of visa facilitation since 1980Figure 3.3 graphicall

136、y illustrates the sustained prevalence of traditional visa requirements,which held strong until the turn of the decade in 2010.This period marked a pivotal shift as various forms of visa policies began to emerge more prominently across the globe.In 2008,the global landscape was such that on average,

137、a significant 77%of the worlds population was obligated to secure a traditional visa prior to their travels.Figure 3.2:World population subject to visa policies,1980 Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO).Notes:Before 2012 no differentiation was made between eVisa and visa on

138、arrival,hence both categories were grouped under visa on arrival.Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19 pandemic 20202023,as policies were shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of COVID-19-

139、reated restrictions for international tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),based on information of national official institutions.Figure 3.3:World population subject to different types of visa policies,19802023(%)https:/www.e-unwto.

140、org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 19Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023The decline of traditional visa requirementsHowever,this stringent approach has since undergone a gradual easing;by 2015,the proportion requiring tra

141、ditional visas had notably declined to 61%.This trend continued its downward trajectory,reducing further to 47%in 2023.This evolution over a span of 15 years marks a transformative period in which international travel has become progressively more accessible due to the diversification of visa polici

142、es,signifying an important move away from strict entry regulations to fostering a more open global travel environment.Visa on arrival:A steady riseThe visa on arrival category has also experienced substantial growth,with its prevalence markedly increasing from 1980 to 2023.This trend reflects a glob

143、al move towards the benefits of streamlining entry procedures at the destination,reducing the need for travellers to undertake extensive preparations before departure.A particularly notable period of change was between 2010 and 2012,which saw the most rapid decrease in traditional visa requirements.

144、Within this brief window,there was a remarkable surge in the adoption of visa on arrival policies,with their incidence doubling from 8%to 16%.Unwavering accessibility:no visa requirementsIn contrast to the fluctuating trends observed in other visa categories,the percentage of the global population e

145、xempt from visa requirements has remained notably stable since 1980,fluctuating slightly around 20%and 21%.This suggests that while there has been some commitment to open borders and the facilitation of hassle-free travel,there is still room to expand this accessibility for a larger share of the glo

146、bal population.The ascendance of eVisa systemsAn upward trend in the adoption of eVisa systems marks a significant transition in visa policies worldwide.Initially representing a mere 2%in 2012,the utilization of eVisas has surged to encompass 18%of the global population on average.This shift towards

147、 digitalization is not an end in itself but a strategic facilitation tool that simplifies the visa application process while maintaining necessary security measures.It reflects a broader movement to harness technology for enhancing travel convenience without compromising the integrity of borders.htt

148、ps:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 20Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023The Tourism Visa Openness Index,introduced by UNWTO for a first time in 2013,measures the degree to which destinations facilitate tou

149、rism,with scores spanning from 0 to 100.A higher score indicates more visa facilitation and thus greater openness of a country.Reflecting the global policy advancements of recent years,the worlds total openness has steadily risen,culminating in a peak of 40 index points on average in 2023(see figure

150、 4.2).4.1.The openness score Regional perspectives and evolution over timeThe openness score is an essential metric for understanding how accessible different destinations are to international travellers.It provides a quantifiable measure of the ease with which tourists can enter various countries b

151、y evaluating different visa policies.This chapter takes a closer look at the openness score by breaking it down from a regional perspective.Such an analysis allows for a comparison of how different regions are adapting to the global trend towards increased mobility and tourism.It offers insights int

152、o which areas of the world are leading in facilitating travel and which are lagging behind,providing a nuanced picture of the international travel landscape.Moreover,the chapter explores the dynamic evolution of visa policies over time,identifying trends,shifts and patterns in policy changes.4.World

153、wide openness Figure 4.1:Tourism Visa Openness Index by country,2023Note:The higher the score on the Openness Index,the more visas are facilitated.Openness indicates to what extent a destination is facilitating tourism.It is calculated by summing the percentage of the worlds population exempt from o

154、btaining a visa,with the percentages of no visa by 1,visa on arrival weighted by 0.7 and eVisa by 0.5 and traditional visa weighted by 0.Source:World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),based on information of national official institutions.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thurs

155、day,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 21Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Table 4.1:Global overview and subregions of destinations subject to visa policies,2023 (%of world population)Tourism Visa Openness IndexaWorld population subject to visa policies(%)No visaVisa on a

156、rrivaleVisaTraditional visabWorld4021%14%18%47%Advanced economiesc2722%0%8%69%Emerging economiesc4320%17%21%42%By UNWTO regions:Africa4412%24%31%33%North Africa2120%1%0%79%West Africa4713%23%36%28%Central Africa206%2%27%66%East Africa609%46%36%9%Southern Africa4529%2%29%40%Americas4133%3%10%53%North

157、 America127%0%9%84%Caribbean4845%1%6%48%Central America3331%3%0%66%South America4429%6%21%44%Asia and the Pacific4619%25%20%37%North-East Asia2520%2%7%71%South-East Asia5824%36%19%21%Oceania4926%18%21%35%South Asia475%38%31%26%Europe3226%1%11%63%Northern Europe2323%0%0%77%Western Europe2323%0%0%77%C

158、entral/Eastern Europe3726%1%20%53%Southern/Mediterranean Europe3228%0%8%64%of which EU-27d2323%0%0%77%Middle East284%24%15%57%Note:Due to rounding,aggregates do not necessarily add to 100.a.The Tourism Visa Openness Index scores range from 0 to 100.The higher the score on the Tourism Visa Openness I

159、ndex,the more visas are facilitated.Openness indicates to what extent a destination is facilitating tourism.It is calculated by summing the percentage of the world population exempt from obtaining a visa with the percentages of no visa weighted by 1,visa on arrival weighted by 0.7,eVisa by 0.5 and t

160、raditional visa weighted by 0.For the(sub)regional totals,the percentages of the four different visa categories and the resulting openness score represent the averages of economies in that group(where destination economies are weighted by natural logarithm of the population size,i.e.,1,000 populatio

161、n,in order to take into account differences in destination size).b.Traditional visa means that a visa has to be obtained prior to departure and is not an electronic visa(eVisa).c.Advanced economies and emerging economies classifications are based on:International Monetary Fund(2023),World Economic O

162、utlook,April 2023,IMF,Washington,D.C.,online available at https:/www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/weo-database/2023/April 11-12-1023.Of the 216 destinations analysed in 2023,41 are classified as advanced economies and 175 as emerging economies.d.The EU-27 countries are Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Croati

163、a,Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxemburg,Malta,the Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Romania,the Slovak Republic,Slovenia,Spain and Sweden.Source:World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),based on information of national official instit

164、utions.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 22Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Figure 4.2:Tourism Visa Openness Index score by region,2023Note:The higher the score on the Tourism Visa Openness Index,the

165、 more visas are facilitated.Openness indicates to what extent a destination is facilitating tourism.It is calculated by summing the percentage of the worlds population exempt from obtaining a visa,with the percentages of no visa by 1,visa on arrival weighted by 0.7 and eVisa by 0.5 and traditional v

166、isa weighted by 0.Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 23Tourism Visa Openness Report 20234.1.1.AfricaFrom a regional perspective,A

167、frica has made significant progress in visa facilitation.The Tourism Visa Openness Index score of 44 exceeds the global average,indicating a generally hospitable approach to international visitors.Nonetheless,the continent exhibits a diverse array of visa policies,with its various subregions display

168、ing a broad spectrum of openness to international tourism.By May 2023,23 the requirement for a traditional visa to enter Africa has dropped to 33%of the worlds population,down from 45%in 2018.Efforts to expand the adoption of eVisas have 23 After completing data collection in May 2023,data analysis

169、started.During the preparation period of the current report the following development was observed:In December 2023,Kenyas President announced that a visa will no longer be required for tourists as of January 2024.An electronic travel authorization will be required instead.For further information,pl

170、ease consult:Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government State Department for Immigration Services(2024),Implementation of Elecronic Travel Authorization(eTA),online available at:https:/immigration.go.ke/10-01-2024.been successful,with 31%of people globally now able to obtain an eVi

171、sa prior to their journey a significant increase from just 12%in 2018.While North Africa and Central Africa enforce some of the regions and the worlds most rigorous visa regulations,East Africa stands out as the most welcoming subregion globally.This is particularly due to its visa on arrival policy

172、,which allows 46%of the travellers of the world to obtain a visa upon entry,and its eVisa system,which is available to 36%of international tourists.Figure 4.3:Africa:world population subject to visa policies,20122023(%)Note:Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19 pandemic

173、 20202023,as policies were shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of COVID-19-reated restrictions for international tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:Data compiled by the World Touri

174、sm Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 24Tourism Visa Openness Report 20234.1.2.The AmericasWith 33%of the worlds population able to enter without a visa,this region has th

175、e highest rate of visa exemptions compared to others.Yet,a substantial 53%still need to secure a traditional visa before departure.North America is the most restrictive subregion on a global scale,allowing a mere 7%of the worlds population visa exempted entry.2424 Although not all eVisa programmes a

176、re technically classified as visas(for example,the Electronic System for Travel Authorization(ESTA)in the United States of America is not a visa according to law),they are similar in form and function and have been therefore categorized as eVisas.In contrast,the Caribbean is recognized as one of the

177、 most welcoming subregions,with 45%of people worldwide enjoying visa exempted access.Likewise,countries in Central and South America have eliminated visa requirements for a considerable number of source markets,confirming the Americas position as a front-runner in visa facilitation.Figure 4.4:The Am

178、ericas:world population subject to by visa policies,20122023(%)Note:Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19 pandemic 20202023,as policies were shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of COVID-

179、19-reated restrictions for international tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff

180、:fe29:bfad 25Tourism Visa Openness Report 20234.1.3.Asia and the Pacific The region continues to pave the way in facilitating international travel.With a Tourism Visa Openness Index score of 46,it stands well above the global average and outperforms all other regions.Asia and the Pacific offer visa

181、on arrival options to a quarter of the worlds population,a figure unmatched by any other region.By May 2023,25 19%of the worlds population can enter this region without a visa.Additionally,25%are eligible for visas on arrival,20%can apply for an eVisa and the remaining 37%must secure a traditional v

182、isa.25 After completing data collection in May 2023,data analysis started.During the preparation period of the current report following developments were observed:i.China introduced a unilateral visa-free entry policy for holders of ordinary passports from France,Germany,Italy,the Netherlands,Spain

183、and Malaysia during the period 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2024.For more information please consult:The State Council of the Peoples Republic of China(2024),Chinas visa-free policy facilitates travels from six countries,online available at:https:/ 10-01-2024.ii.In December 2023,Malaysia announced

184、 a visa liberalisation plan to attract foreign tourists and generate national income.Among the measures mentioned are the visa waiver for Chinese and Indian nationals,effective 1 December 2023 to 31 December 2024,and the extension of the visa validity period from three to six months.For more informa

185、tion please consult:Immigration Department of Malaysia Ministry of Home Affairs(2023),Visa Liberation Plan,Government of Malaysia,Putrajaya,online available at:https:/www.imi.gov.my/index.php/en/pengumuman/visa-liberalisation-plan/20-12-2023.A closer look at the subregions reveals that South-East As

186、ia is among the most accommodating areas worldwide.As of 2023,24%of the global population can enter without a visa,36%are eligible for a visa on arrival,19%can apply for an eVisa and only 21%are required to obtain a traditional visa before travelling to South-East Asia.Figure 4.5:Asia and the Pacifi

187、c:world population subject to visa policies,20122023(%)Note:Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19 pandemic 20202023,as policies were shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of COVID-19-reate

188、d restrictions for international tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bf

189、ad 26Tourism Visa Openness Report 20234.1.4.EuropeEuropean destinations have maintained relatively restrictive visa policies,albeit with some progression in recent years.As of 2023,26%of the worlds population can enter Europe without a visa,an increase from 22%in 2015.Nonetheless,Europe has the high

190、est demand for traditional visas,with 63%of the global population requiring one for entry,though this is down from 76%in 2015.The availability of eVisas has also seen a significant rise,serving 2%of the global population in 2015 and expanding to 11%in 2023.On the other hand,Europe offers the least p

191、ossibility for visas on arrival,extending this convenience to only 1%of the global population.Examining subregional visa policies,Northern,Western and Southern/Mediterranean Europe exhibit relatively consistent regulations,with each requiring a traditional visa from comparable portions of the global

192、 population and simultaneously offering visa waivers to a substantial number of travellers.The Central/Eastern European subregion has made commendable strides in enhancing accessibility,eliminating visa requirements for 26%of the worlds population in 2023,up from 20%in 2018.In the wider European fra

193、mework,the EU-27 nations show significant openness,especially as they permit 23%of the global population to enter visa-free.Figure 4.6:Europe:world population subject to visa policies,20122023(%)Note:Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19 pandemic 20202023,as policies we

194、re shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of COVID-19-reated restrictions for international tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),M

195、ay 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 27Tourism Visa Openness Report 20234.1.5.Middle East The Middle East region has made important progress in visa facilitation.In 2015,a significant 71%of the

196、worlds population needed to secure a traditional visa before visiting the Middle East.By May 2023 26,this figure reduced to 57%.At the same time,the provision of eVisas rose from 10%in 2015 to 15%in 2023.Moreover,the percentage of the worlds population eligible for a visa on arrival increased from 1

197、7%to 24%over the same period.Despite these improvements in visa processing,the region maintains the lowest rate of visa exemptions,with only 4%of the global population able to enter without any visa.26 After completing data collection in May 2023,data analysis started.During the preparation period o

198、f the current report following developments were observed:The Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC)approved the Unified Gulf Tourist Visa System proposal,which is scheduled to be implemented between 2024 and 2025.This visa regime will allow individuals to visit several of the six member states of the GCC.Fo

199、r more information please consult:Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf(2023),HE GCCSG:The Unified GCC Tourist Visa Project,online available at:https:/www.gcc-sg.org/en-us/MediaCenter/NewsCooperation/News/Pages/news2023-11-8-4.aspx 12-12-2023.Figure 4.7:Middle East:world population sub

200、ject to visa policies,20122023(%)Note:Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19 pandemic 20202023,as policies were shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of COVID-19-reated restrictions for int

201、ernational tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 28Tourism Visa Open

202、ness Report 20234.1.6.ConclusionIn summary,the visa policies across the regions exhibit distinct patterns.Visa exemptions are most prominent in the Caribbean,where 45%of the worlds population can enter without a visa,followed by Central America at 31%and Oceania at 26%.Nonetheless,the proportion of

203、the global population that benefits from these exemptions has remained relatively unchanged,with minimal deviation from the figures recorded since the 1980s.There has been a substantial increase in the availability of visas on arrival,indicating a trend among numerous countries to facilitate more ef

204、ficient entry procedures and enhance travel convenience.Visas on arrival are particularly widespread in East Africa,where 46%of the worlds population can obtain them,South Asia(38%),South-East Asia(36%)and West Africa(32%).The rise of eVisas represents the most significant evolution in visa policies

205、.Once a novel concept,eVisas now play an integral role in global travel regulations.They are especially prevalent in both West and East Africa,where 36%of the population can utilize eVisa options,as well as in South Asia(31%).In contrast,regions such as North Africa,Central America,Northern and West

206、ern Europe currently do not extend eVisa facilities.There is a discernible global downtrend in the requirement for traditional visas prior to travel,suggesting an overarching move towards more lenient and tourist-friendly policies.However,traditional visas are still predominantly required by North A

207、merica(84%),North Africa(79%)and in the subregions of Western and Northern Europe and North-East Asia,where the necessity exceeds 70%.XiaoyongD https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 29Tourism Visa Openne

208、ss Report 20234.2.The twenty most open destinations,2023 While analysing countries based on their Tourism Visa Openness Index score it is remarkable that in 2023,15 of the top 20 most open countries are Small Island Developing States(SIDS).27 The first eight most open destinations are SIDS,with the

209、leading three situated in Oceania,the next three in the Caribbean and one in Africa.In the regional spread,the list includes three destinations from Africa,ten from the Americas and seven from Asia and the Pacific.It is also noteworthy that tourism plays a vital economic role in these areas.Nine out

210、 of these twenty states28 are significantly reliant on tourism,with the sector accounting for more than 20%of their GDP.29 Historically,the composition of this list has been consistent,with SIDS consistently appearing among the least restrictive destinations.3027 According to the official classifica

211、tion by the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries,Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States(UNOHRLLS)there are 57 SIDS,of which 38 are member states of the United Nations.For more information,please consult:United Nations(n.d.),Sm

212、all Island Developing States,online available at:https:/www.un.org/ohrlls/content/small-island-developing-states 30-10-2023.28 Data is available for sixteen destinations.29 The tourism gross domestic product(T-GDP)relates to the importance of tourism in the economy of a destination as percentage of

213、the overall GDP.For the purpose of the twelve COVID-19 related travel restriction reports destinations were grouped in four clusters of economic importance,namely low,moderate,considerable and high.For more information on the methodology please consult:World Tourism Organization(2023),The End of COV

214、ID-19-related Travel Restrictions Summary of findings from the COVID-19-related Travel Restriction reports,UNWTO,Madrid,DOI:https:/doi.org/10.18111/9789284424320.30 In 2013 among the twenty most open destinations also twelve SIDS were listed.See for more information:World Tourism Organization(2013),

215、Tourism visa openness report:Visa facilitation as means to stimulate tourism growth,UNWTO,Madrid,DOI:https:/doi.org/10.18111/9789284415731.Table 4.2:Tourism Visa Openness Index score most open countries,2023CountryTourism Visa Openness Index 1Cook Islands100.01Niue100.01Micronesia100.04Dominica99.85

216、Haiti95.96Barbados95.17Saint Kitts and Nevis89.08Mauritius85.09Macao(China)84.110Malaysia80.511Ecuador79.312Vanuatu77.513Fiji77.314Saint Vincent and the Grenadines76.415Montserrat76.316Trinidad and Tobago75.516Bolivia75.518Antigua and Barbuda74.719Cabo Verde74.420Rwanda73.2Note:The Tourism Visa Open

217、ness Index ranges from 0 to 100.The higher the score of the Openness Index,the more visas are facilitated,the more open the destination is.Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO)based on information of national official institutions.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789

218、284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 30Tourism Visa Openness Report 20234.3.Emerging and advanced economies When comparing the visa facilitation measures of emerging and advanced economies31 to global openness standards,data from 2023 reveals that

219、 emerging economies had the highest openness regarding entry visa requirements for tourism,scoring 43 on the Tourism Visa Openness Index.This score exceeds the global average.Over recent years,the openness of emerging economies has closely mirrored the global average and surpassed it by 2016.Thus,em

220、erging economies have been and remain the driving force behind the trend of increasing openness.In contrast,advanced economies have exhibited stability in their visa openness,maintaining a level they slightly elevated in 2014,for nearly a decade now.Delving deeper into travel requirements for emergi

221、ng economies,42%of the worlds population require a traditional visa,while 21%need an eVisa.In contrast,for destinations in advanced economies,69%of the global population require a traditional visa and 8%qualify for an eVisa.The adoption of eVisa has increased from 3%in 2014 to 21%in 2023 in emerging

222、 economies,compared to 4%to 8%in advanced economies,which can highlight the significant impact of digital solutions in optimizing visa processes.Interestingly,international tourist arrivals rose by 30.3%for emerging economies from 2014 to 2019(pre-covid ITA),at a faster pace than that of advanced ec

223、onomies.31 Advanced and emerging economies classifications are based on:International Monetary Fund,World Economic Outlook Database Groups and Aggregate Information,IMF,Washington,D.C.,online available at:https:/www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/weo-database/2023/April/groups-and-aggregates 30-10-2023

224、.Sam74100D https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 31Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Figure 4.8:Tourism Visa Openness Index score global trends in visa policy openness,19802023Notes:The Tourism Visa Openn

225、ess Index ranges from 0 to 100.The higher the score of the Openness Index,the more visas are facilitated,the more open the destination is.However,to facilitate the understanding,the above visualization only portrays ranges up to 50.Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19

226、pandemic 20202023,as policies were shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of COVID-19-reated restrictions for international tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:Data compiled by the Wor

227、ld Tourism Organization(UNWTO)based on information of national official institutions.Regarding full visa exemptions,this policy is slightly more common in advanced economies at 22%,compared to 20%in emerging economies.For context,in 2018,the figures stood at 25%for advanced economies versus 17%for e

228、merging ones.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 32Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023While reciprocal visa policies are often advocated for fostering equitable international relations,it is worth consid

229、ering that such policies may not be necessary or even beneficial in all circumstances.Firstly,the unilateral visa facilitation can be a strategic approach for destinations looking to boost tourism and business travel without necessarily receiving the same treatment in return.By unilaterally removing

230、 visa requirements for citizens of certain countries,a destination can attract tourists and business travellers,which can lead to significant economic benefits,such as increased spending and investment in the local economy,without compromising its own citizens ease of travel.Secondly,security concer

231、ns may necessitate a non-reciprocal approach to visa policies.A country may determine that it is not in its best interest to allow the same level of access to its territory as its citizens enjoy abroad,especially if there are concerns about illegal immigration,security threats or if the socioeconomi

232、c conditions between the two countries are asymmetrical.Additionally,reciprocity can sometimes lead to a tit-for-tat escalation,where countries impose visa restrictions on each others citizens in response to the actions of the other,which can lead to decreased travel and diplomatic frictions.Ultimat

233、ely,changing dynamics of global travel demand lets visa policies evolve accordingly.For tourism,strict reciprocity has become less of a strategic imperative.Destinations must focus on their specific tourism agendas,economic interests and security imperatives,which may justify a move away from recipr

234、ocal visa arrangements.Embracing a non-reciprocal visa policy allows destinations to fine-tune their entry requirements to cater to key markets and strategic tourism initiatives.32 For this analysis of reciprocity,data has been used on 37,830 country pairs in total(195 195 195)for the years:2008,201

235、0,2012,2013,2014,2015 and 2023.As each pair is combined with its reciprocal(for instance ChinaFrance with FranceChina)there is consequently only half the number of reciprocal pairs(37,830/2=18,915).5.1.Reciprocity of visa policies in 2023:main findingsIn 2023,42%of visa policies are reciprocal,32 ma

236、rking a decline from 71%in 2008,54%in 2013,and 51%in 2015.This trend highlights a move away from reciprocal visa arrangements in recent years,as illustrated in figure 5.1.Conversely,the prevalence of non-reciprocal visa policies has seen a notable increase,doubling from 29%in 2008 to 58%in 2023,whic

237、h points to a growing inclination towards unilateral visa openness.From 2008 to 2023,the landscape of reciprocal visa policies has also transformed.The share of reciprocally open policies,where neither country requires a visa from the others citizens,has risen modestly from 14%to 20%.In stark contra

238、st,the proportion of reciprocally closed policies,where both countries mandate visas from each others citizens,has sharply fallen from 57%to 17%.A slight uptick has been observed for pairs of countries that have implemented mutual eVisa or visa on arrival policies,accounting for 3%and 2%respectively

239、.The most significant change is evident in the surge of non-reciprocal policy combinations,which have escalated from 29%in 2008 to 58%in 2023.This shift underscores a trend towards unilateral liberalization,with countries unilaterally implementing varied visa policies such as exemption from visa req

240、uirements(11%),visa on arrival(15%),and eVisa(16%).These figures suggest an increasing propensity for destinations to facilitate entry for international visitors independently,without the expectation of reciprocal concessions.5.Reciprocity https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li

241、 -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 33Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023When analysing the mutual openness of countries,particularly in the context of their economic development levels,the following observations can be made for the year 2023:Advanced economies m

242、aintain a high degree of reciprocal openness,with 81%of policy pairs exhibiting mutual visa exemption in 2023,a stark contrast to the 39%observed among emerging economies.In only 19%of these pairings,one country allows visa exemption while the other requires a traditional visa,an eVisa or a visa on

243、arrival.There has been a notable decline in reciprocal arrangements among emerging economies,falling from 54%in 2015 to 39%in 2023.This trend is mirrored in the reduction of mutual traditional visa requirements,which have decreased from 41%in 2013 to 19%in 2023.Additionally,13%of policy pairs are re

244、ciprocally open and in 4%of the cases,both countries offer an eVisa to each others citizens,marking an increase from none previously.In 9%of the pairs,one country offers a unilateral visa waiver while the other requires a traditional visa.The combination of one country requiring a visa and the other

245、 an eVisa is observed in 19%of the pairs,a figure that has grown more common among asymmetric policies.This is a shift from the previous pattern where 24%of pairs in 2015 involved one country offering a visa on arrival and the other a traditional visa.Figure 5.1:Global reciprocal visa policies,20082

246、023(%)Notes:For this analysis of reciprocity,data has been used on 37,830 country pairs in total.As each pair is combined with its reciprocal(for instance ChinaFrance and FranceChina).The column“Reciprocal”represents the total of reciprocal visa policies,while the column“Reciprocal traditional visa”

247、is the percentage of the total reciprocity that require reciprocal traditional visa,the“Reciprocal no visa required”column stands for countries that have lifted visa requirements among each other,while the“Reciprocal visa on arrival or eVisa”column shows the percentage of reciprocity on visa on arri

248、val and eVisa.Due to rounding,aggregates do not necessarily add up to 100.Data on visa policies was difficult to retrieve during the COVID-19 pandemic 20202023,as policies were shadowed by travel restrictions.During this period,UNWTO concentrated on publishing twelve reports analysing the impact of

249、COVID-19-reated restrictions for international tourism,replacing temporarily the Tourism Visa Openness Reports.Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03

250、c:94ff:fe29:bfad 34Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023The reciprocity of visa policies between emerging and advanced economies has seen a slight increase,with 27%of country pairs having reciprocally open policies in 2023,up from 20%in 2013.There has also been a reduction in pairs with mutual visa requ

251、irements,decreasing from 30%in 2013 to 15%in 2023.In 17%of the pairs,emerging economies have unilaterally removed visa requirements,while the advanced economies continue to require a traditional visa.There is a marked rise in the number of emerging economies granting eVisas to citizens of advanced e

252、conomies,now at 12%of pairs.Table 5.1:Visa facilitation reciprocity for travel within and between groups of advanced and emerging economies,2023Notes:Advanced economies and emerging economies classifications are based on:International Monetary Fund(n.d.),World Economic Outlook Database Groups and Ag

253、gregate Information,IMF,Washington,D.C.,online available at:https:/www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/weo-database/2023/April/groups-and-aggregates 30-10-2023.Of the 216 destinations analysed in 2023,41 are classified as advanced economies and 175 as emerging economies.Due to rounding,aggregates do not

254、 necessarily add up to 100.Sources:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023,and based on information of national official institutions.Visa facilitation reciprocity for travel within and between groups of advanced and emerging economies,2023Travel betweenTotal Advanced economi

255、esEmerging economiesEmerging and advanced economies18915100%780100%11935100%6200100%Total 803042634844ReciprocalnoVisanoVisa386020629827visa on arrivalvisa on arrival3802003543260evisaevisa5973515174751VisaVisa31993515Total9727461346556Not reciprocalno vis

256、avisa 20923417Emerging advancedvisa on arrivalvisa29696015evisavisa30457112no visaevisa905563visa on arrivalevisa1052no visavisa on arrival5593105465120no visavisa 370-371Advanced emergingvisa on arrivalvisa390-391evisavisa880-881no visaevisa640

257、-641visa on arrivalevisa270-270no visavisa on arrival1121-1122 https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 35Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Figure 5.2:Open reciprocity among members of selected and economic

258、and political blocs,2023(%)Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.5.2.Reciprocity:focus on economic and political blocs Examining regional and economic blocs reveals a distinct pattern of higher reciprocal visa exemptions among member states compared to the global ave

259、rage,highlighting a trend toward greater cooperation and openness.The most pronounced levels of open reciprocity within the surveyed blocs are found in the Schengen area33 and the Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS),both at 100%.33 The Schengen area encompasses almost all EU member sta

260、tes and a few associated non-EU countries.For more information please consult:European Commission(n.d.),Schengen,borders and visa,Policies,online available at:https:/commission.europa.eu/index_en 30-10-2023.Additionally,the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)exhibits very high levels at 96

261、%,followed by the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf(GCC)at 87%,and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)member states at 75%.Moreover,G20 members demonstrate a notable degree of open reciprocity,with 51%of policy pairs reciprocally open and the Asia Pacifi

262、c Economic Cooperation member states show a level of 32%(see figure 5.2).Figure 5.3:Evolution of open reciprocity within selected economic and political blocs,2008 and 2023(%)Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044

263、-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 36Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Figure 5.4:Open reciprocity among advanced and emerging economies within selected regional and economic blocs,2008 and 2023(%)Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNW

264、TO),May 2023.The analysis of political and economic blocs in 2008 and 2023 reveals fluctuations,with both increases and decreases in open reciprocity among members.Overall,there has been a rise in reciprocity rates within these blocs.Specifically,the Schengen and ECOWAS regions have consistently mai

265、ntained their levels of reciprocity throughout both years.While the OECD,G20 and APEC experienced slight decreases in open reciprocity among their members,ASEAN countries saw the most significant increase,with open reciprocity soaring from 67%in 2008 to 96%in 2023.This underscores the impact of regi

266、onal integration and policy reforms aimed at enhancing the free movement of people within these blocs.For instance,the G20 economies exhibited a general stability in open reciprocity,maintaining a rate of 64%in 2015.However,the decline from 65%to 51%is noteworthy.This downturn may be attributed to a

267、 variety of factors,including security concerns,shifting economic priorities,evolving migration trends and other economic considerations.A closer examination of the facilitation measures within economic and regional blocs reveals a divergence between advanced and emerging economies.Among the emergin

268、g economies,the percentage of reciprocally open visa policies maintained or increased fell from 2008 to 2023,while in advanced economies,it maintained or dropped.Within APEC,emerging economies improved their open reciprocity from 35%to 45%,whereas advanced economies saw a reduction in mutually open

269、visa policies from 61%to 28%.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 37Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023The observations underscore the intricate interplay of visa facilitation across various regional and

270、economic blocs.They indicate that political and economic factors are key in shaping strategic visa policies.These policies aim to optimize benefits for citizens and foster enhanced visa facilitation for tourists.However,a high degree of open reciprocity within a bloc often does not translate to non-

271、members.For instance,blocs like the GCC,ECOWAS and ASEAN exhibit high internal reciprocity but impose 34 The European Commission has developed the European Travel Information and Authorization System(ETIAS)that will provide an authorization for visitors from countries that do not need a visa to ente

272、r the Schengen Zone with a cost of EUR 7.It is expected to be launched in 2025.For more information please consult:European Commission(n.d.),European Travel Information and Authorization System(ETIAS),online available at:https:/home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/policies/schengen-borders-and-visa/smart-borde

273、rs/european-travel-information-authorisation-system_en 30-10-2023.strict visa requirements on non-members,with reciprocity in country pairs not exceeding 15%,falling below the global average.Conversely,the benefits of visa facilitation are not exclusively for bloc members but also influence relation

274、s with non-member countries.This is demonstrated by blocs such as the Schengen area,34 which shows 35%reciprocity and the OECD and G20 with 28%,as well as APEC with 30%all of which surpass the global average of 20%.Figure 5.5:Open reciprocity among members and between members and non-members of regi

275、onal and economic blocs,2023(%)Source:Data compiled by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),May 2023.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 38Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Looking at intraregional fac

276、ilitation patterns,the region which facilitates intraregional travel the most is the Americas,where 80%of the population can travel within their own region without a visa,followed by Europe,with 69%of Europeans,not requiring a visa to travel within Europe.In terms of interregional travel,Europe has

277、facilitated entry requirements the most to the citizens from the Americas,with 83%not requiring a visa to travel to Europe,and vice versa,71%of Europeans not requiring a visa to travel to the Americas.6.Interregional and intraregional performances Dm Stock ProductionDD https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/boo

278、k/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 39Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Figure 6.1:Population subject to interregional and intraregional visa facilitation,2023(%)https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday

279、,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 40Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Visa policies have a profound and varied impact on people.Citizens from certain countries benefit from a privileged position in the international arena;they often can enjoy the comfort of travelling t

280、o numerous destinations without the need for a traditional visa or can easily obtain a visa upon arrival.This ease of movement is typically a result of diplomatic agreements and the perceived low risk of illegal immigration or security concerns associated with these countries.On the other hand,citiz

281、ens from countries that are subject to more stringent visa requirements face a starkly different reality.They are frequently required to navigate a complex and sometimes costly process to obtain a traditional visa before they can travel internationally.This often involves providing extensive documen

282、tation,undergoing rigorous background checks and sometimes facing long waiting periods for visa approval.35 Mobility indicates to what extent citizens around the world are affected by visa policies.It is a measure ranging from 0 to 215.The higher the score,the more mobile the citizens of that countr

283、y are.It is calculated by summing travel visa policies required of each countrys citizens with weights of no visa weighted by 1,visa on arrival weighted by 0.7,eVisa by 0.5 and traditional visa weighted by 0.The disparity in visa policies can have significant implications for individuals and nations

284、 alike.For some,it facilitates effortless business travel,tourism and cultural exchange,while for others,it represents a barrier to accessing same opportunities.This imbalance can affect international relations,business development,tourism,cultural exchange and even personal relationships across bor

285、ders.Data from 2023 underscores a significant surge in the global mobility of citizens from all countries,marking a departure from the patterns observed between 2008 and 2015.This shift reflects a changing landscape in international travel and visa policies,with implications for global engagement an

286、d access.The following table presents the countries whose citizens have the highest mobility score in 2023.357.Mobility of citizens outbound potential and visas https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 41To

287、urism Visa Openness Report 2023Table 7.1:Mobility score:top 30 countries whose citizens are affected the least by visa restrictions,2023Note:Mobility indicates to what extent citizens around the world are subject to visa policies.It is a measure ranging from 0 to 215.The higher the score,the more mo

288、bile the citizens of that country are.It is calculated by summing travel visa policies required of each countrys citizens with weights of no visa weighted by 1,visa on arrival weighted by 0.7,eVisa by 0.5 and traditional visa weighted by 0.Source:Data compiled by the UNWTO,based on information from

289、national official institutions Countries with most mobile citizensMobility score1Singapore172.02Germany170.13Italy169.33Spain169.35Denmark169.15Sweden169.15France169.18Netherlands168.89Austria168.69Belgium168.69Portugal168.612Finland168.412Luxembourg168.414United States of America168.214Switzerland1

290、68.216Japan167.7Countries with most mobile citizensMobility score17Canada167.418United Kingdom167.118Greece167.120Poland167.021Norway166.822Malaysia166.723Czech Republic166.624Ireland165.925Korea,Republic of165.626Hungary165.427Malta164.928Lithuania164.628Slovakia164.630New Zealand164.430Estonia164.

291、430Latvia164.4 https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 42Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023In 2023,with the lifting of COVID-19-related travel restrictions,visa facilitation has resurfaced as a key priority

292、 for many destinations globally.This has led to more accessible entry requirements and streamlined processes for temporary visitors,while contributing to the swift recovery of international tourism.Historical analysis shows that visa facilitation is an evolving field,consistently aiming to balance s

293、ecurity needs with the promotion of openness to stimulate economic growth and international cooperation.There has been a notable and consistent increase in visa facilitation efforts,marked by the widespread adoption of eVisa and visa on arrival policies.In implementing these measures,destinations ar

294、e increasingly utilizing modern technology to improve processing capabilities,while enhancing security measures.Furthermore,a trend is emerging towards the use of sophisticated segmentation techniques and strategies within visa facilitation frameworks.UNWTO reports have consistently shown that visa

295、policy reforms positively impact tourism,leading to more visitors and economic benefits.Recognizing this and the changing international travel landscape,UNWTO has identified key opportunities for enhancing visa facilitation in destinations.These opportunities are designed to overcome existing challe

296、nges and maximize the benefits of streamlined visa processes.The conclusions that follow focus on strategic areas for advancement and innovation in visa facilitation,aiming to help destinations make the most of evolving travel trends while upholding essential security standards.1.Integrate tourism p

297、erspective into visa policiesTo enhance tourism growth through improved visa policies,the integration of tourism perspectives into visa strategies is key.This can be achieved by forming dedicated teams comprising representatives from ministries responsible for tourism,security,foreign affairs and tr

298、ansportation.These teams should work in unison to develop unilateral visa policies that prioritize tourism development over reciprocal arrangements,using data-driven insights for policy formulation.2.Implement targeted visa exemption programmesThe implementation of targeted visa exemption programmes

299、 is crucial.Such can be introduced for specific traveller markets identified as low-risk through comprehensive security assessments.Additionally,expanding visa on arrival facilities to certain countries or traveller categories can significantly streamline the entry process.In addition,a feedback mec

300、hanism to gather insights from traveller groups,such as digital nomads,can ensure a visa programs continuous improvement and its responsiveness to needs and local socio-economic impacts of such.3.Enhance communication on visa policiesCommunication about visa policies also plays a vital role.A centra

301、lized,multilingual 8.Conclusions https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 43Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023online portal should be established,offering detailed and regularly updated information on visa c

302、ategories,procedures and entry requirements.This information should be actively disseminated across various official communication channels to reach a broad audience of potential travellers.4.Streamline visa application processesStreamlining the visa application process is another critical area.The

303、adoption of advanced ICT solutions can greatly improve the efficiency and tracking of visa applications.Replacing traditional in-person interviews with virtual or remote assessments can minimize inconvenience for applicants and simplifying the visa application format to focus on essential informatio

304、n will reduce administrative burdens.As such,eVisas,including for digital nomads,for example,align with the digitization trend of visa processes,enhancing accessibility and efficiency.Coupled with regional agreements to standardize these visas,this approach can simplify the process,ensure easier vis

305、a acquisition and promote cross-border mobility and collaboration.5.Accelerate visa processing timesTo enhance visitor experience further,accelerating visa processing times is essential,particularly for online and mobile applications.Investing in technologies that expedite visa processing,along with

306、 implementing pre-screening systems using centralized databases and biometric data can significantly improve efficiency.Sean PavoneD https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 44Tourism Visa Openness Report 2

307、0236.Optimize entry proceduresOptimizing entry procedures is also important.By collecting passenger information in advance,waiting times at borders can be reduced.Expanding visa processing centers and consular services during peak seasons,along with introducing segmented queue management at ports of

308、 entry for different traveller groups,can greatly enhance the efficiency of border controls.7.Differentiate treatment based on risk Differentiating treatment based on risk assessment is another effective strategy.Visa exemptions should be applied to high-mobility,low-risk markets and specific niche

309、groups.Additionally,the use of eVisas and visas on arrival for medium-risk markets can be beneficial,particularly in destinations without extensive overseas representation.8.Develop regional visa facilitation measuresDeveloping regional visa facilitation measures can significantly boost tourism.Esta

310、blishing regional visa arrangements promotes multi-destination travel within a unified framework,enhancing the regions attractiveness.Offering extended-duration visas and multiple-entry visas encourages repeat visits,and implementing special visa measures for high-priority groups and event participa

311、nts can greatly enhance a destinations competitiveness.This also applies to digital nomad visas,which can be an innovative way to attract and retain highly skilled workers to a destination.9.Adapt to digital trends while considering regional collaborationEmphasizing eVisa might align with the digiti

312、zation trend in visa processes,enhancing accessibility and efficiency.Coupled with regional agreements to standardize these visas,this approach can simplify the process,secure easier visa acquisition and promote cross-border mobility and collaboration.By focussing on these areas,destinations not onl

313、y improve the efficiency and accessibility of their visa policies but also significantly enhance their appeal as tourism destinations,contributing to the sectors growth while maintaining essential security standards.https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7

314、:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 45Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023Annex 1:World population subject to visa policies of destinations,2023Tourism Visa Openness Index scores range from 0 to 100;the higher the score of the Openness Index,the more visas are facilitated.Openness indica

315、tes to what extent a destination is facilitating tourism.It is calculated by summing the percentage of the world population exempt from obtaining a visa with the percentages of no visa weighted by 1,visa on arrival weighted by 0.7,eVisa by 0.5 and traditional visa weighted by 0.Destination economies

316、 are weighted by natural logarithm of the population size(i.e.,1,000 population)in order to take into account differences in destination size.Table A.1:World population subject to visa policies of destinations,2023 CountryNo visaVisa on arrivaleVisaTraditional VisaTourism Visa Openness IndexAfghanis

317、tan0%0%0%100%0.00Albania43%0%57%0%71.64Algeria1%0%0%99%1.47Andorra24%0%0%76%23.66Angola2%0%98%0%51.00Anguilla21%0%0%79%21.14Antigua and Barbuda49%0%51%0%74.70Argentina28%0%0%72%28.32Armenia40%0%0%60%40.41Aruba23%0%0%77%23.49Australia0%0%100%0%49.91Austria24%0%0%76%23.58Azerbaijan5%26%45%24%45.75Baha

318、mas51%0%0%49%51.02Bahrain1%44%53%2%58.32Bangladesh3%36%0%61%28.20Barbados95%0%0%5%95.06Belarus45%0%0%55%44.52Belgium24%0%0%76%23.55Belize28%0%0%72%28.08Benin37%0%63%0%68.42Bermuda29%0%0%71%29.01CountryNo visaVisa on arrivaleVisaTraditional VisaTourism Visa Openness IndexBhutan20%0%80%0%60.06Bolivia1

319、9%81%1%0%75.49Bonaire23%0%0%77%23.49Bosnia and Herzegovina45%0%0%55%44.93Botswana30%0%0%70%29.90Brazil33%0%0%67%32.79British Virgin Islands48%0%0%52%47.84Brunei27%19%0%54%40.13Bulgaria24%0%0%76%23.60Burkina Faso6%0%92%2%51.98Burundi3%97%0%0%71.02Cabo Verde15%85%0%0%74.38Cambodia8%92%0%0%72.31Cameroo

320、n3%0%0%96%3.70Canada4%0%12%83%10.39Cayman Islands24%0%0%76%24.19Central African Republic6%0%0%94%5.89Chad5%0%0%95%5.37Chile33%0%67%0%66.34China1%0%0%99%0.64 https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 46Touris

321、m Visa Openness Report 2023CountryNo visaVisa on arrivaleVisaTraditional VisaTourism Visa Openness IndexColombia31%0%69%0%65.57Comoros Islands0%100%0%0%70.00Congo1%2%0%98%1.93Congo,Democratic Republic of1%1%0%98%1.63Cook Islands100%0%0%0%100.00Costa Rica27%0%0%73%27.08Cte dIvoire8%0%92%0%53.86Croati

322、a24%0%0%76%23.62Cuba3%0%0%97%2.89Curaao24%0%0%76%23.53Cyprus24%0%0%76%23.65Czech Republic24%0%0%76%23.56Denmark24%0%0%76%23.61Djibouti0%100%0%0%70.02Dominica100%0%0%0%99.82Dominican Republic29%0%0%71%29.39Ecuador59%0%41%0%79.30Egypt1%28%0%71%20.87El Salvador45%0%0%55%45.20Equatorial Guinea24%0%0%76%

323、24.03Eritrea1%2%0%98%1.88Estonia24%0%0%76%23.65Ethiopia1%0%99%0%50.34Fiji77%0%0%23%77.35Finland24%0%0%76%23.61France23%0%0%77%23.02French Guiana20%0%0%80%20.48French Polynesia24%0%0%76%23.67Gabon2%0%98%0%51.07Gambia44%4%0%52%47.03Georgia30%0%51%19%55.65Germany23%0%0%77%22.84Ghana8%10%0%83%14.25Count

324、ryNo visaVisa on arrivaleVisaTraditional VisaTourism Visa Openness IndexGreece24%0%0%76%23.56Grenada69%0%0%31%68.53Guadeloupe24%0%0%76%23.74Guatemala28%0%0%72%27.54Guinea-Bissau5%95%0%0%71.60Guinea,Republic of8%0%92%0%53.99Guyana25%0%0%75%25.32Haiti96%0%0%4%95.87Honduras28%0%0%72%27.86Hong Kong,Chin

325、a61%0%21%18%71.39Hungary24%0%0%76%23.57Iceland24%0%0%76%23.66India0%0%75%24%38.14Indonesia5%68%0%26%53.16Iran 23%0%77%0%61.38Iraq0%0%0%100%0.00Ireland23%0%0%77%22.90Israel28%0%0%72%27.93Italy23%0%0%77%23.08Jamaica68%2%0%29%69.93Japan20%0%0%80%19.53Jordan3%72%0%24%53.90Kazakhstan46%0%45%9%68.66Kenya6

326、%0%91%2%52.00Kiribati17%0%0%83%16.70Korea,Democratic Peoples Republic of0%0%0%100%0.00Korea,Republic of0%0%29%71%14.67Kuwait1%17%0%82%12.96Kyrgyzstan28%0%72%0%63.90Lao Peoples Democratic Republic13%70%1%16%62.42Latvia24%0%0%76%23.65Lebanon0%54%0%46%37.94 https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789

327、284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 47Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023CountryNo visaVisa on arrivaleVisaTraditional VisaTourism Visa Openness IndexLesotho18%0%82%0%59.11Liberia5%0%0%94%5.44Libya0%0%0%100%0.13Liechtenstein24%0%0%76%23.66Lithuania

328、24%0%0%76%23.64Luxembourg24%0%0%76%23.66Macao,China70%20%0%10%84.11Macedonia25%0%0%75%24.81Madagascar0%100%0%0%70.00Malawi5%51%44%0%62.35Malaysia47%36%16%0%80.48Maldives0%100%0%0%70.00Mali11%1%0%89%11.17Malta24%0%0%76%23.66Marshall Islands11%42%0%46%41.06Martinique23%0%0%77%22.74Mauritania2%98%0%0%7


330、1Nepal0%94%0%6%65.99Netherlands23%0%0%77%23.49New Caledonia23%0%0%77%22.79New Zealand21%0%79%0%60.59Nicaragua27%20%0%53%40.95Niger6%0%0%94%6.04Nigeria3%10%86%0%53.69CountryNo visaVisa on arrivaleVisaTraditional VisaTourism Visa Openness IndexNiue100%0%0%0%100.00Norway24%0%0%76%23.61Oman1%0%99%0%50.3

331、6Pakistan0%45%33%22%48.17Palau10%87%0%3%71.01Panama32%0%0%68%32.21Papua New Guinea0%27%0%73%18.67Paraguay27%0%0%73%26.97Peru33%0%0%67%33.15Philippines47%0%0%53%47.43Poland23%0%0%77%23.29Portugal24%0%0%76%23.56Puerto Rico5%0%10%86%9.59Qatar1%74%0%26%52.29Reunion24%0%0%76%24.50Romania23%0%0%77%23.48Ru

332、ssian Federation12%0%0%88%11.66Rwanda11%89%0%0%73.23Saba23%0%0%77%23.49Saint Kitts and Nevis78%0%22%0%89.04Saint Lucia44%31%0%25%65.49Saint Vincent and the Grenadines76%0%0%24%76.37Samoa0%100%0%0%70.00San Marino24%0%0%76%23.66Sao Tome e Principe21%18%61%0%64.14Saudi Arabia0%34%2%64%24.81Senegal42%37

333、%0%22%67.45Serbia47%0%0%53%47.27Seychelles0%0%100%0%50.00Sierra Leone5%76%19%0%67.84Singapore45%0%55%0%72.50Sint Eustatius23%0%0%77%23.49Sint Maarten23%0%0%77%23.48Slovak Republic24%0%0%76%23.61 https:/www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284425044-yu li -Thursday,May 23,2024 7:26:12 PM-IP Address:2400:8901:f03c:94ff:fe29:bfad 48Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023CountryNo visaVisa on arrivaleVisaT



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