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1、April 2024UNITED STATES TECH UPDATEQ1 2024Image:Denver,CO,Jakob RosenPage/2 Source:Over$44.5B was invested into US startups in Q1 2024.VC investment in Q1 was higher than five of the six previous quarters,and just short of Q1 2023($47.9B),which included rounds of$10B for OpenAI and$6.5B for Stripe.V

2、C investment by stage view onlineAlign top to this lineAlign left side of chartto this linexxAlign top of chart to this lineDealroom.coCHART AREA 930 x600,Border:0Just chartAlign right side of chart to this line$01m(pre-seed)$14m(seed)$415m(series A)$1540m(series B)$40100m(series C)$100250m(mega rou

3、nds)$250m+(mega+)Page/3 Source:Align top to this lineAlign left side of chartto this linexAlign top of chart to this lineCHART AREA 450 x300,Border:0Just chartAlign right side of chart to this lineDealroom.coUS venture capital investment is tracking above levels seen in 2019&2020.US VC investment by

4、 month(2019-2024)view onlinePage/4 Source:Dealroom.coCHART AREA 450 x300,Border:0Just chartAlign top to this lineAlign left side of chartto this linexAlign top of chart to this lineUS VC rounds over$2M(2019-2024)view onlineNearly 1K rounds of$2M+have been raised by US startups in Q1 2024.VC is more

5、active than any time pre-2021.Align right side of chart to this linePage/5 Source:Source:Early-stage VC has been relatively stable through the recent cycle.Late-stage investment is at its highest rate since Q1 2023.Breakout-stage VC in Q1 was higher than the two previous quarters.CHART AREA 350 x420

6、,Border:20pxJust chartDealroom.co$40100m(Series C)$1540m(Series B)$100250m$250m+$415m(Series A)$14m(Seed)$01m(pre-Seed)Page/6 Source:Dealroom.coEnterprise Software is the most funded startup sector in the US in 2024,much of it AI-driven/enabled.US leading industries by VC investment,Q1 2024 view onl

7、ineCHART AREA 420 x auto(depending on rows number)Border:0Just chartAlign right side of chart to this lineAlign top to this lineAlign left side of chartto this linexxAlign right side of chart to this linePage/7 Source:Dealroom.coUS leading segments by VC investment,Q1 2024 view onlineCHART AREA 800

8、x auto(depending on rows number)Border:0Just chartAlign right side of chart to this lineAlign top to this lineAlign left side of chartto this linexxAlign right side of chart to this lineGenerative AI and Oncology are the most funded frontier tech segments in the US in 2024.Page/8 Source:Dealroom.co.

9、Change vs.average quarterly investment from 2023.The US ranks first globally for VC investment in 2024.Q1 investment is up 25%on the quarterly average of 2023.The US has raised 3.5x the level of venture capital as second placed China.Leading countries for VC investment view onlineAlign right side of

10、 chart to this lineAlign top to this lineAlign left side of chartto this linexxAlign right side of chart to this lineCountry VC investment Q1 2024 change vs.2023USPage/9 Source:Dealroom.co.Change vs.average quarterly investment from 2023.The US is home to seven of the global top 10 tech hubs for VC

11、investment in 2024.Denver ranks second globally in 2024,due to a$6.4B round for Vantage Data Centres led by Silver Lake.San Diego is fourth with 11 biotech rounds of$100M+in Q1 2024.Leading global hubs for VC investment view onlineAlign right side of chart to this lineAlign top to this lineAlign lef

12、t side of chartto this linexxAlign right side of chart to this line Hub VC investment Q1 2024 change vs.2023Page/10 Source:Dealroom.co.Change vs.average quarterly investment from 2023.Top US hubs for VC investment view onlineSeattle,DC and Austin round out the top 10 of US cities by venture capital

13、in Q1.Align right side of chart to this lineAlign top to this lineAlign left side of chartto this linexxAlign right side of chart to this line Hub VC investment Q1 2024 change vs.2023Page/11 For an update on the current state of VC please go to TNW prezFor more,visit dealroom.co/guidesGlobal VC deep diveUSA deep diveLATAM deep diveCreate a free account on dealroom.co for more intelligence on startups and ecosystems.



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