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1、A new talent model for the digital ageContactsDubaiRamzi KhouryPartner+971-4-436-Sergey YakimenkoPrincipal+971-4-436-Sreedhar Gopalakrishnan NairManager+971-4-436-About the authorsRamzi Khoury is a partner with Strategy&Middle East,part of the PwC network.He is a member of the technology,media,and t

2、elecommunications practice in the Middle East.He has over 20 years of industry and consulting experience,acquired through various engagements in the Middle East,Europe,Asia,and North Africa.He works mainly with telecom operators,technology providers,information and communications technology(ICT)poli

3、cymakers,and regulators.He covers policymaking and regulatory management,sector development and governance,growth strategy and strategic management,turnaround programs,corporate governance and operating models,business development and innovation,and digital ventures development.Sergey Yakimenko is a

4、 principal with Strategy&Middle East.He is a member of the technology,media,and telecommunications practice in the Middle East.He has over 15 years of industry and consulting experience,acquired through various engagements in the Middle East and Europe.He works mainly with telecom operators and tech

5、nology providers.He has expertise in developing corporate strategies,detailing operating models,and identifying and detailing business development strategies.He is also experienced in digitization,innovation,and organizational transformations.Sreedhar Gopalakrishnan Nair is a manager with Strategy&M

6、iddle East.He is a member of the technology,media,and telecommunications practice in the Middle East.He has over 10 years of industry and consulting experience,acquired through various engagements in the Middle East,Africa,and India.He has expertise in building growth strategies,developing operating

7、 models,and delivering inorganic growth for ICT sector players.He also has experience in developing sector strategies in collaboration with ICT policymakers and regulators.Mohammed Alsuhaim works with Saudi Arabias Ministry of Communications and Information Technology as the chief executive officer

8、of the Saudi Digital Academy(SDA),an initiative of the ministry.He has held this post since 2020.He has more than 13 years of executive experience,mainly in human resources strategy,national talent development,leadership development,diversity and inclusion,organizational structure,and the design of

9、learning programs.He was previously the vice president of operations at the SDA.An expert in digital talent development,he focuses on the convergence of digital transformation,training,and development to raise the efficiency of cultural initiatives as well as leadership and change management.Srikris

10、hna Manikanta Pani JVM also contributed to this report.Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age1Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC)1 countries have ambitions to become leaders in the digital economy,taking advantage of their young and tech-savvy populations to boost productivity and prosperity.2 H

11、owever,they cannot achieve that goal through incremental change.Instead,they need to overhaul their digital talent model.A new talent model requires creating a deep pool of domestic and international experts.These experts include alternative reality/virtual reality developers,blockchain engineers,ed

12、ge computing architects,software engineers,data scientists,and cloud engineers.They accelerate the economys digital transformation by scaling up startups and dynamic smaller companies,while enabling large enterprises to grasp digital opportunities.Simultaneously,workers in all professions must learn

13、 new skills,as technological progress increasingly disrupts the labor market,including in sectors previously seen as“future-proof,”such as banking and the law.Although all countries must adjust to the new technology reality,GCC countries face greater challenges.They must catch up and overtake some o

14、f their peers among advanced economies on metrics such as software,artificial intelligence(AI)talent,research,and innovation to meet their digital economy goals.Additionally,GCC education systems must respond more effectively to changes in technology and adapt learning to emerging technology needs.G

15、CC countries have three priorities:readying an ecosystem that fosters human capital and a strong learning culture;improving the proficiency of the labor market to close the talent gap for digital economy roles;and enhancing the global relevance of GCC countries as a destination for talent.Government

16、s in the region have a key enabling role to play in all three priorities.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYStrategy&|A new talent model for the digital age2THE NEED FOR A NEW APPROACH TO HUMAN CAPITAL IN GCC COUNTRIESDigital transformation is a priority for all Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC)countries.Governments are

17、responding with a variety of initiatives to accelerate digital development.Human capital is at the heart of many of these initiatives because far-reaching transformation is possible only with specific human skills and the ability to master and deploy the technologies.Simultaneously,these disruptive

18、technologies,and the speed at which they are advancing,are affecting the job market profoundly.Governments everywhere are being challenged to reconsider their human capital strategy.Although these technologies are likely to create new jobs and new types of work,they could also displace millions of w

19、orkers globally.The growing“intelligence”of machines and algorithms is touching all jobs in some way.The World Economic Forum,for example,has estimated that 83 million jobs could be lost and 69 million created in major economies by 2027.That would constitute a structural labor market churn of 152 mi

20、llion jobs,or 23 percent of the 673 million employees in these countries.The expected churn in Saudi Arabia,which has the largest workforce in the region,is in line with the expectation elsewhere23 percent.The applies in Bahrain,with expected churn of 26 percent,and the United Arab Emirates(UAE)of 2

21、2 percent,again consistent with the global average.3 The priority for governments,employers,and education systems everywhere is to improve skills and provide workers with the capabilities they need to flourish in a more technologically driven economy.According to the World Economic Forum research,si

22、x out of 10 workers globally will require training before 2027.4Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age3GCC countries are working to improve their digital talentThe GCC needs a comprehensive new talent model to overcome these challenges.These countries have a particular urgency as they do n

23、ot yet possess a deep pool of specialists with the full array of skills needed to advance their digital economies and technological development.GCC governments are well aware that they have areas in need of improvement.Consequently,in recent years they have embarked on significant human capital init

24、iatives relating to digital technologies.Saudi Vision 2030 identifies several objectives for advancing the countrys digital agenda,and some related initiatives are already underway.For example,the Ministry of Education has introduced digital skills into the public-school curriculum,training over a m

25、illion students and 11,000 teachers in core technology areas.The Saudi government has also launched the Tuwaiq program,which seeks to make at least one Saudi citizen out of every 100 a software programmer.Similarly,the Saudi Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has a future skills i

26、nitiative that has trained more than 40,000 Saudi residents in emerging technologies.5In another example,the UAE launched an initiative in 2017 to provide free online training to 1 million Arab coders,and achieved its goal by 2022.6 Ongoing UAE human capital initiatives to boost the digital economy

27、include the Digital Government Strategy 2025,which focuses on ensuring 100 percent training of federal employees on basic and advanced(such as AI,blockchain,bots)digital skills.7 Another is the Dubai Future Foundations courses in digital literacy aimed at supporting the reskilling,skills improvement

28、,and career transformation of workers affected by technological change.8Oman and Qatar also have launched digital economy programs that are focused on raising skill levels.Oman plans to train 10,000 nationals in modern technologies,with the aim of creating at least 7,500 income-generating opportunit

29、ies by 2025.9 Qatars scheme is for the ICT sector,by 2030,to employ 47,300 people,of whom 10 percent will have advanced skills.10Understanding the GCC starting pointThe forward momentum is palpable,and it is vital that GCC countries comprehend where they stand so they can invest in the correct areas

30、.A benchmarking analysis of how GCC countries rank internationally in terms of 23 indices relating to human capital in the digital economy shows that governments have made strong commitments to digital transformation and education,and have made important investments in digital Infrastructure(see Met

31、hodology,page 11).11 However,these efforts have not yet yielded the desired results in terms of human capital.The benchmarking covered three main areas:The readiness of a countrys education ecosystem to provide a foundation that enables skills proficiency.This area includes metrics of digital skills

32、,government commitment,and the responsiveness of institutions to the needs of the digital economy.Indicators of labor market proficiency,defined in terms of the availability of engineers,level of research intensity,intensity of software development,and level of AI development and deployment.Global t

33、alent relevance,or how attractive the GCC region is as a talent hub.The exercise found that GCC countries have strong points in all three areas,along with room for improvement.In terms of education ecosystem readiness,GCC governments show strong commitment to developing ICT and investing in educatio

34、n.For instance,Saudi Arabia spent 7.8 percent of GDP on education in 2020,as compared with a global average of 4.3 percent12 and an average of 3.3 percent in the countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD).13 GCC countries rank seventh globally in terms of the impor

35、tance of ICT to the governments vision,have the seventh-highest internet penetration rate globally,and have top levels of internet usage and basic digital skills.14 However,there is work to be done at a foundational level to improve the math literacy of GCC students15 and“school life expectancy”(the

36、 years a child entering school can expect to spend in education).16 GCC countries can improve their scores when it comes to digital responsiveness and the ability to impart basic and advanced-level IT skills,where they rank 39th.17 In terms of labor market proficiency,GCC countries also have made no

37、table progress.They rank seventh globally in terms of female representation among STEM graduates.They rank eighth in terms of having reduced the gender gap among STEM graduates.They score well in terms of how easy it is to find skilled employees and the digital skills among the population.18 However

38、,GCC countries rank 32nd and 43rd in terms of the availability and competence of software developers and AI engineers.19 In terms of their relevance to global digital talent,GCC countries rank sixth globally in terms of their research intensity.20 They rank eighth when it comes to the inbound mobili

39、ty of tertiary-level students.21 However,GCC countries can improve when it comes to being prepared for likely technology-led disruptions over the coming decade by making it easier to hire foreign talent,for which they rank 27th.22 The same applies to innovation,for which they rank 42nd globally(see

40、Exhibit 1).23Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age4Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age4Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age5Ecosystem readinessImportance of ICT to government vision(4658)RankIndividuals using internet/internet penetration(%)Government success in I

41、CT promotion%STEM gradsPupilteacher ratio,secondary educationSchool life expectancy,yearsAbility of institutions to impart basic and advanced-level IT skillsAbility of educational institutions to adapt to changing skills requirementPISA score in reading,math,and science7722243839444687(3145)(1630)(1

42、15)162814Labor market proficiency%female representation(STEM graduates)Gender gap of STEM graduatesEase of finding skilled employeesDigital skills among populationAvailability of scientists and engineersAI talent%female representation in tech roles43488742272386Global digital talent relevanceResearc

43、h intensityInbound mobility of tertiary-level studentsDigital Skills Gap Index,overall scoreEase of hiring foreign talentGlobal Innovation Index scoreEXHIBIT 1GCC countries have varied rankings on factors involving human capital for the digital economyNote:AI=Artificial Intelligence,PISA=Programme f

44、or International Student Assessment,STEM=Science,Technology,Engineering,and Mathematics.Source:see Appendix,page 15Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age6AN ACTION PLAN FOR A NEW TALENT MODELAlthough GCC countries have made considerable progress,they need a new talent model to propel thems

45、elves into the global digital vanguard.In line with the findings of our benchmarking analysis,the digital priorities fall into three categoriesdeveloping an ecosystem that fosters human capital and builds a strong learning culture,improving the proficiency of the labor market to provide digital econ

46、omy roles,and enhancing the global relevance of GCC countries as a destination for talent.We have supplemented these priorities with a critical cross-cutting fourth element:strengthening role of government as the orchestrator of many aspects of the three categories,the foundational enabler of the di

47、gital economy.1.Develop an ecosystem that fosters human capital and builds a strong learningcultureGCC countries need an ecosystem in which education frameworks are aligned with development needs.More broadly,that means encouraging a society that adopts a digital approach to life,including the use o

48、f digital services and payments as well as digital social interactions.Governments can strengthen their digital education ecosystem through a number of education initiatives,detailed below.A primary objective of digital literacy and awareness programs is to create“digital citizens”by inculcating the

49、 ability to make discerning choices that can maximize the benefits of technology.Such programs achieve this aim by enhancing digital awareness and literacy among different audiences,including students,employees,government personnel,job seekers,seniors,young people,and teachers.These programs involve

50、 familiarizing people with existing digital tools and technologies,along with career prospects in the digital economy.Governments can provide these programs through such channels as events and exhibitions,in schools and universities,in the workplace,and through webinars.Strategy&|A new talent model

51、for the digital age7Align the education framework with the needs of the digital economyGovernments need agreement and alignment on education offerings among key stakeholders.Such coordination ensures that curricula properly reflect the requirements of the national digital education framework in all

52、parts of the education systemprimary,secondary,tertiary,and vocational.Governments also need a national digital education framework that standardizes education requirements for digital jobs and skills for all priority areas of the digital economy.This national framework ensures that education progra

53、ms align with labor market needs.It also sets testing guidelines and standards that are consistent with the updated curricula.Governments should make sure that the national digital education framework and its education programs meet the digital economys needs,and are adjusted if they do not.That inv

54、olves gathering feedback and evidence from students,educators,and employers,along with such metrics as the percentage of students placed in digital roles and the involuntary attrition rates of new graduates.Encourage industryacademia collaborationAnother means of making curricula relevant is fosteri

55、ng partnerships between education institutions and industry leaders.Such connections can encourage apprenticeship and mentorship programs that provide practical experience.Develop programs in partnership with private-sector academiesGCC countries can mitigate the lack of practical experience offered

56、 in higher education by partnering with private-sector academies.These partnerships can assist students in becoming more employable in digital roles by providing access to hands-on training programs,bootcamps,coding programs,and student exchanges.These private-sector academies can also enable intern

57、ships in digital roles,whether in public-sector or private-sector entities.Nurture digital special interest groupsIt is important that the digital talent effort go beyond the government.Communities of experts and practitioners can host coding competitions,along with national and global events,that e

58、ncourage citizen engagement,and that raise interest in digital economy topics.Groups could focus on priority areas such as AI,cloud security,and robotics.They could collaborate with international counterparts to encourage knowledge transfer and networking.Communities could produce thought leadership

59、 and promote knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation.2.Improve the proficiency of the labor market to provide digital economy rolesEducation changes provide digital talent over the medium and long term,but GCC countries also need short-term reforms to close their existing talent gap in the digi

60、tal economy.That means acquiring sufficient skilled talent for a broad range of areas beyond obvious needs such as AI,cloud computing,and software development.Develop reskilling and skills improvement programsGovernments can design programs that use on-the-job learning to develop employee skills in

61、priority areas of the digital economy.Such programs are particularly useful for the unemployed,those seeking to change careers,and those facing job loss.In many cases,governments can enhance the impact of these programs by incorporating behavioral interventions.24 Governments can also enhance the sk

62、ills of workers who already have some digital knowledge,thereby sharpening their digital aptitude.Develop leadership training programsGovernments need to offer leadership training courses designed for the digital economy.That is because the digital economy requires leadership skills different from t

63、hose used in traditional economic activities.Governments must train a new cohort of GCC digital leaders to grasp the strategies of“digital native”companies,whether that means the ability to innovate new business models,design data-based go-to-market strategies,or seek digital revenue streams.Such le

64、adership training should start now,but must be an ongoing effort in collaboration with universities,e-learning and training providers,and industry leaders.Part of leadership training is forming alliances and cooperative relationships with leading global institutions in the digital field.Governments

65、must train a new cohort of GCC digital leaders to grasp the strategies of“digital native”companies,whether that means the ability to innovate new business models,design data-based go-to-market strategies,or seek digital revenue streams.Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age8Strategy&|A new

66、 talent model for the digital age93.Enhance the global relevance of GCC countries as a destination for talentGCC countries need to become more attractive destinations for digital talent.This effort is a short-and long-term endeavor that should reverse the brain drain of regional talent while attract

67、ing international talent.The attraction of talent demands careful identification of which skills are needed and what are the correct methods to bring in such specialized workers.Governments should avoid broad-brush approaches that attract people who have easily replicable skills and whose presence c

68、reates a disincentive to cultivate domestic talent.Adopt attractive visa schemesGovernments can alter their visa schemes to make it easier for tech companies and startups in the GCC to bring in talent from outside the region.They first should assess current visa regulations and requirements as they

69、relate to key digital job profiles.It is important for governments to understand the supply gap of digital jobs,including seniority levels,and then identify which specific roles can be more easily filled with changed visa procedures.Create targeted incentive programs for foreign digital talentGovern

70、ments can use various incentives to attract senior digital professionals.These can include financial incentives,relocation benefits,and lifestyle benefits.As with visas,governments should identify precisely the specialists the GCC digital economy needs and then craft the incentives to attract them.T

71、argeting foreign talent also involves marketing.Countries could launch dedicated portals or apps that consolidate their digital human capital initiatives.Such a digital presence could provide a marketplace for digital jobs and facilitate international talent mobility by providing information on such

72、 issues as visas and relocation benefits.Encourage the gig economyThe digital economy is by its nature disruptive,encouraging new business models and different approaches to employment.Governments therefore need to ensure that domestic employment policies and regulations enable digital growth.The gi

73、g economy,which involves flexible contracts and methods of employment,has a role to play here.However,it is important that governments keep the gig economy within the remit of the digital economy.Governments also should regulate the gig economy so that it can grow while ensuring that it provides wor

74、kers with adequate protections,benefits,and medical insurance.Improve the regions reputation for researchGovernments can attract talent to the GCC by improving the regions research profile.The digital economy is continually changing and advancing,making it a focus of research.Digital specialists wan

75、t to be where the latest advances are occurring,in the places that generate the latest research.Governments should therefore encourage the publication of scientific articles,aim to increase the number of citations of work by GCC-based researchers in academic journals,and boost the number of technolo

76、gy patents.As part of that effort,GCC countries should participate in career fairs and placement efforts at the worlds leading universities.By becoming a research hotbed of the technology revolution,GCC countries can attract attention and talent.As part of that effort,they can use coding competition

77、s and hackathons in the GCC to bring Middle East expatriates and global talent to the region.Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age104.Strengthen the governments role as the orchestrator and enabler of the digital economyGovernments have an essential role to play in developing digital skil

78、ls and creating a new talent model.That is because the government orchestrates the digital talent model and is the enabler of the digital economy(see Exhibit 2).Create a dedicated body for digital human capitalGovernments need a dedicated body for digital talent to orchestrate their digital human ca

79、pital efforts.The management of the digital talent model is a complex undertaking requiring coordination within government and with multiple domestic and international stakeholders.It also involves governments undertaking policy interventions,defining the ecosystem,and delivering training programs.T

80、he U.K.s Department for Digital,Culture,Media and Sport plays such a role in developing the digital workforce,as does the Economic Development Administration as part of the U.S.Department of Commerces strategic plan.2510Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital ageEXHIBIT 2The government is the o

81、rchestrator and enabler of the digital economySource:Strategy&Government humancapital orchestrationSupply side of human capitalEducational ecosystem,training providers,employed and unemployed citizens,policymakers,regulators Employed workforceDomestic|ForeignUnemployed workforceDomesticNew talent(e.

82、g.from schools,universities)Domestic|ForeignDemand side of human capitalGovernment,private sector,policymakers,regulators,sectorsPublic and private entitiesDigitally intensive jobs(Requires intensive use of tech,e.g.AR/VR Developer)Digitally dependent jobs(Technology while not core to job,is a pre-r

83、equisite,e.g.Stockbroker)Digitally enhanced jobs(Jobs enhanced by using IT as a tool,e.g.Delivery Agent)End users of digital servicesStrategy&|A new talent model for the digital age11The dedicated body plays important roles in understanding the state of the current talent pool,discerning future digi

84、tal labor requirements in terms of competencies and specializations,and outlining the possibilities for international talent mobility.The result is a talent fulfillment strategy that synergizes the entire supply ecosystem(from such sources as educational institutions,the workforce,the unemployed,and

85、 recent graduates)to meet the demand requirements of the digital economy.Additionally,given the rapid development of technology,governments should revisit this strategy frequently to ensure that it meets the latest labor market requirements.Develop a digital jobs taxonomy and skills frameworkGovernm

86、ents need to define the boundaries of the digital economy so that they can have a focused and effective digital talent strategy.It is critical that governments know where the digital economy begins and ends so that they can create accurate baselines that guide their ambitions.In particular,governmen

87、ts require a national digital jobs taxonomy,with such jobs currently falling into three main categories(see Exhibit 3).Source:Luis Fernandez Sanz,“Digital Jobs:a deep-dive,”Digital Skills and Jobs Platform,European Union,July 5,2023(https:/digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/latest/briefs/digital-jobs-

88、deep-dive)Digitally intensive jobsFocused on ICT domain and require expertise in digital tools and productsExamples:3D Animator,Software DeveloperDigitally dependent jobsRequires core skills from other disciplines along with technology skillsExamples:Stockbroker,Business AnalystDigitally enhanced jo

89、bsCan be accomplished without the use of digital tools,but is optimized using technologyExamples:Accountant,Delivery AgentEXHIBIT 3There are three categories of digital jobs Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age12Such a taxonomy contains and codifies the current and future skills requirem

90、ent for the digital economy.Armed with this mapping,governments can engage with their ministries of education and labor,leaders of corporate HR,and digital economy executives to ensure that all stakeholders play their role.Stakeholders can include public-and private-sector employers,education bodies

91、,and organizations that evaluate education.The dedicated body for digital talent should collaborate with policymakers to integrate the taxonomy into national employment strategies,job creation programs,and education curricula.Additionally,the dedicated body for digital talent should periodically rev

92、iew and refresh the taxonomy to reflect emerging skills and job roles.CONCLUSIONCreating a new digital talent model involves considerable effort.It is a painstaking multiyear process.What matters most,however,is recognition of its centrality to the development of the digital economy and the need for

93、 a structured approach.GCC countries already have recognized the importance of building digital capabilities and the significance of strengthening digital talent.Now is the time for them to take the vital next step and create a digital talent model for the future and the prosperity to come.Strategy&

94、|A new talent model for the digital age13Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age14METHODOLOGYWe used the following methodology to calculate the performance and rank of the GCC countries.We collated data to provide the raw performance scores for GCC states and 57 comparator countries for 23

95、defined human capital skill indices and parameters.The comparator countries were chosen from those ranking highest in the Wiley Digital Skills Gap Index,OECD countries,and the G7.We normalized the raw scores for GCC countries using population totals to create an overall GCC composite score.Using thi

96、s GCC composite score,we then were able to establish how the GCC performed compared with the 57 other leading digital economies.Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age15Performance indicatorSourceImportance of ICT to government vision Wiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ using intern

97、et/internet penetration(%)Statista,World BankGovernment success in ICT promotionWiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ gradsGlobal Innovation Index https:/www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2022/Pupilteacher ratio,secondary educationGlobal Innovation Index https:/www.wipo.int/global_innova

98、tion_index/en/2022/School life expectancy,yearsGlobal Innovation Index https:/www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2022/Ability of institutions to impart basic and advanced-level IT skillsWiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ of educational institutions to adapt to changing skills requireme

99、ntsWiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ scores in reading,math,and scienceGlobal Innovation Index https:/www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2022/%female representation(STEM graduates)Wiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ gap of STEM graduatesWiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 http

100、s:/ of finding skilled employeesWiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ skills among populationWiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ of scientists and engineers Wiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ talentThe Global AI Index 2023 from Tortoise Media https:/ representation in tech rol

101、esInternational Labour OrganizationResearch intensityWiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ mobility of tertiary-level studentsGlobal Innovation Index https:/www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2022/Digital Skills Gap Index,overall score Wiley Digital Skills Gap Index,2021 https:/ of hiring

102、 foreign talentWEF Global Competitiveness ReportGlobal Innovation Index score Global Innovation Index https:/www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2022/AppendixNote:AI=Artificial Intelligence,ICT=Information and Communications Technology,PISA=Programme for International Student Assessment,STEM=Sci

103、ence,Technology,Engineering,and Mathematics.Strategy&|A new talent model for the digital age161.The GCC countries are Bahrain,Kuwait,Oman,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,and the United Arab Emirates.2.Bahjat El-Darwiche,Tarek El Zein,Dima Sayess,Melissa Rizk,and Dr.Raul Katz,“Energizing the Digital Economy in th

104、e Gulf Countries:From Digital Adopters to Digital Disruptors,”Strategy&,2021(https:/ of Jobs Report 2023,”World Economic Forum(http:/ of Jobs Report 2023,”World Economic Forum(http:/ of Communications and Information Technology,“Saudi Arabia:Leadership of Digital Economy in the Middle East,”2023(htt

105、p:/ News,“Dubai-Led One Million Arab Coders Initiative Achieves Target:Project Also Granted$1 Million Prize,Saw 100,000 Graduations,Awarded 1,500 Scholarships”(http:/ Economy Strategy,”UAE government(http:/ UAE Digital Government Strategy 2025,”UAE government(http:/ government,“Digital inclusion and

106、 participation”(http:/ Literacy,”Dubai Future Foundation(http:/ of Oman,Directorate General of ICT Stimulation and Future Skills,Ministry of Transport,Communications and Information Technology,“Digital Industry Program(DIP),”(http:/ and Statistics Authority,State of Qatar,“Third Qatar National Devel

107、opment Strategy 20242030”(http:/ identified these benchmarks from a short list of about 100 indices that we reviewed based on indicator relevance,temporal significance,and human capital applicability.12.World Bank,Data on Government Education Expenditure as%of GDP (http:/ Bank,World Development Indi

108、cators,2021(http:/ Spending on Education”(http:/ new talent model for the digital age1714.Wiley Digital Skills Gap Index(https:/ Bank,“Individuals using the Internet(%of population)-OECD members,International Telecommunication Union(ITU)World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database”(http:/ using t

109、he Internet(%of population)-Middle East&North Africa International Telecommunication Union(TU)World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database”(http:/ demographics and use”(http:/ Dutta,Bruno Lanvin,Lorena Rivera Len,and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent(editors),World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO),202

110、2,Global Innovation Index 2022:What Is the Future of Innovation-Driven Growth?(http:/ Dutta,Bruno Lanvin,Lorena Rivera Len,and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent(editors),World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO),2022,Global Innovation Index 2022:What Is the Future of Innovation-Driven Growth?(http:/ Digital

111、 Skills Gap Index(https:/ Digital Skills Gap Index(https:/ Cesareo and Joseph White,The Global AI Index 2023 from Tortoise Media(http:/ Connectivity Index 2020,Huwaei(http:/ Digital Skills Gap Index(https:/ Dutta,Bruno Lanvin,Lorena Rivera Len,and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent(editors),World Intellectual Pro

112、perty Organization(WIPO),2022,Global Innovation Index 2022:What Is the Future of Innovation-Driven Growth?(http:/ Schwab(editor),The Global Competitiveness Report 2019,World Economic Forum 2019(http:/ Dutta,Bruno Lanvin,Lorena Rivera Len,and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent(editors),World Intellectual Property

113、Organization(WIPO),2022,Global Innovation Index 2022:What Is the Future of Innovation-Driven Growth?(http:/ Adra,Dr.Yahya Anouti,Alice Klat,Samer Dada,and Philippa Clayre,“Triggering Change in the GCC through Behavioral Insights:An Innovative Approach to Effective Policymaking,”Strategy&,2018(https:

114、/ Strategy,updated October 4,2022,“Digital Skills and Talent”(http:/ of Commerce,“Strategic Plan|2022 2026,Innovation,Equity,and Resilience:Strengthening American Competitiveness in the 21st Century,2022(http:/ PwC.All rights reserved.PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member fi

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 133**95... 升级为高级VIP  188**50... 升级为高级VIP

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  Tom**12... 升级为至尊VIP 微**... 升级为至尊VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 156**93...  升级为至尊VIP 

  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP   小敏 升级为高级VIP

hak**a9...  升级为至尊VIP  185**56...  升级为高级VIP

 156**93... 升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  Br**e有...   升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP  156**20... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 微**...  升级为标准VIP

135**45...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP 157**60... 升级为高级VIP

 150**45...  升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 151**80... 升级为高级VIP

 135**10... 升级为标准VIP   wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   135**22...  升级为高级VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP   181**62... 升级为至尊VIP 

黑**... 升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

 178**61...  升级为高级VIP 186**20... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP   wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP 152**94... 升级为高级VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

185**27...  升级为标准VIP 135**37...  升级为至尊VIP

 159**71... 升级为高级VIP   139**27... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

 188**66...  升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...   升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 177**81... 升级为标准VIP 

185**22... 升级为标准VIP  138**26...  升级为至尊VIP 

 军歌 升级为至尊VIP 159**75... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...   升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   su2**62... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

186**35... 升级为高级VIP 186**21...  升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP   137**40... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  186**37...  升级为至尊VIP

177**05...   升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_...   升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...   升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP   wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

155**91... 升级为至尊VIP   155**91...  升级为标准VIP