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1、10 global trends for culture in citiesWorld Cities Culture Trends 2024 Artwork by Daiara Tukano at World Cities Culture Summit 2023 Courtesy of the City of So Paulo City of So Paulo World Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202402Courage,culture and leadership for a new world There are no quick fixes f

2、or many of the challenges we face,from rapid technological change to the climate crisis and geopolitical instability.But with cities now representing over half of the worlds population and with rapid urbanisation,the role of cities is fundamental.Culture plays a critical role in addressing urgent ci

3、ty priorities:from driving sustainable growth and inspiring climate action,to leading efforts to redress historic inequality and bringing communities together.In this 2024 Trends Report we look at ten emerging trends in cultural policy for the next year,with examples of how cities are putting ideas

4、into action.“Where the worlds cultural policies meet”The 2024 Trends Report is based on insights from our Cities and the World Cities Culture Summit hosted in So Paulo on 25-27 October 2023 under the theme Culture,Courage and Leadership for a New World.The Summit gathered over 140 senior leaders fro

5、m 40 world cities across 6 continents to discuss the most urgent challenges faced by the worlds leading creative cities today,covering topics from AI to health,power sharing to culture in conflict.The World Cities Culture Forum is making the case for cultures role as a golden thread through urban po

6、licy,bringing data and evidence to demonstrate how culture and creativity can deliver against economic and social challenges as well as being of intrinsic value to its citizens.Our cities share a belief in the power of culture to support communities,improve health and wellbeing,attract tourists and

7、boost economies.World Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202403World Cities Culture Summit So Paulo highlights:Described as a“A masterclass in cultural policy”Attended by over 140 senior city leaders from 40 cities including Amsterdam,Buenos Aires,Dubai,London,New York,Paris,San Francisco,Seoul and To

8、kyo as well as new cities joining our network in 2023:Bengaluru,Chicago,Rio de Janeiro,Shenzhen,and Kyiv and Observer cities Cologne,Johannesburg and Nairobi.Hosted an In Conversation session with Viktoriia Mukha,Chairman of the Commission on Culture,Tourism&Communications from the City of Kyiv on t

9、he role of culture in conflict.Discussed the impact of our flagship Leadership Exchange Programme,supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies,where cities share their best ideas.Launched A Goal for Culture:So Paulo Manifesto with 21 cities calling for a dedicated UN Sustainable Development Goal for cultur

10、e post 2030 The Summit took place in inspiring and cultural spaces in So Paulo including SESC Pompeia,designed by Lina Bo Bardi,and Ibirapuera Auditorium,designed by Oscar Neimeyer.Key Summit sessions were translated into 6 languages Invited guest partners included:Andani.Africa,Bloomberg Philanthro

11、pies,British Council,Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation,Google Arts and Culture,Ita Cultural,Race Forward and Vibelab Read more about the 2023 Summit here.Vai Vai Samba School at World Cities Culture Summit 2023 Courtesy of the City of So PauloWorld Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202404What our city l

12、eaders said.World Cities Culture Summit 2023 Image Courtesy of City of So Paulo“The Summit was an inspirational and meaningful experience.I learned so much from our peers”The Summit is unparalleled in its support to global cultural practitioners”The So Paulo Summit was an extraordinary experience,tr

13、anscending beyond the insightful panel discussions to forge meaningful connections with fellow delegates”A world stage to share value of culture and best global practices”A vital and relevant Forum from which we learn so much”City of Barcelona World Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202405Recovery an

14、d wellbeingCITIES IN ACTION The Lets Do London campaign encouraged citizens and visitors back to the city centre,supporting businesses and cultural institutions and generating 81 million additional visitor spend.Austins Covid-19 response introduced new funding measures to support communities experie

15、ncing multiple inequalities,recognising the increased impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on these communities.Rio de Janeiros Zonas de Cultura programme also focused on equitable distribution of post pandemic funding beyond central areas.Cities across the world like Seoul and Zurich provided financial

16、support to artists during the pandemic to cover lost income and support creative activity.CITIES IN ACTION Brussels and Montrals doctors are prescribing museum visits for mental health as part of social prescribing initiatives which are being tested in many other cities globally.Brasilias programme

17、offering music performances to patients,and Tokyos Creative Wellbeing programme demonstrate the additional benefits culture brings to health.Older people are particularly benefiting from culture such as Barcelonas Apropa Cultura bringing creative activities to isolated citizens,Lisbons initiative to

18、 connect the elderly with their communities,and Edinburghs programme supporting citizens living with dementia.Los Angeles has developed new partnerships to offer creative activities to young people within state systems such as justice,incarceration,welfare,or foster care systems to improve their men

19、tal health and wellbeing.In 2024,cities will continue to find new ways to care for their cultural and creative economies.In 2024,collaborations between health and culture will increase,and further integrated cultural-healthcare models will emerge.Trend 1:Culture drives city recovery but suffers from

20、 long Covid Trend 2:Culture and health:happier and longer livesThe long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are still being experienced by culture and the creative workforce.Our Creative Recovery report with Kings College London identified five Long Covid symptoms being experienced by World Cities

21、.Globally,cities have launched innovative cultural programmes to drive economic and social recovery but our data shows slower growth in Asia compared to Europe.Many cities are realising the power of culture to support citizens wellbeing:integrating culture with healthcare to address Covid-19 recover

22、y,working with health services increasingly under pressure,and preventing long term clinical interventions.Greater London AuthorityWorld Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202406Power sharingCITIES IN ACTION Chicagos first city-wide plan We Will Chicago,drafted by communities and civic leaders demonst

23、rates how courageous leadership involves sharing power and building trust over time.Cities are using technology to increase connections between citizens and governments,like Taipeis introduction of i-voting and participatory budgeting.Lisbon Festival of Politics inspires public engagement in politic

24、al and social issues.Other cities are also boosting civic pride through culture including Dublin,Brussels,and Bengaluru.CITIES IN ACTION San Fransiscos Monuments and Memorials Advisory Committee brought together community leaders to advise on improved representation in the public realm.So Paulos Aff

25、licted Memorial project is rebalancing the stories represented in the city archives,for example,preserving memories of Black communities in the Liberdade neighbourhood.Sydneys Eora Journey,is an ambitious public art programme series to recognise First Nations Australians.In 2024,cities will continue

26、 to invest in authentic collaborations with community leaders.In 2024,focus on cultures role in addressing inequality and amplifying the voices of diverse communities will continue.Trend 3:Citizens as decision-makers:democracy in action Trend 4:Culture addressing inequality and historical injustices

27、Citizens are at the heart of the social and cultural life of neighbourhoods.Many cities are adopting new ways to involve citizens in shaping cultural programs that reflect their diverse needs and viewpoints including exploring co-creation and citizens assemblies.Supporting anti-racist and pro-social

28、 justice initiatives continues to be a priority for many cities,with increased efforts following the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020.This involves addressing systems of discrimination including racism,sexism,and homophobia.Cities are examining how culture has historically reproduced inequality,f

29、or example in their public art,monuments and street names,and taking steps to address this.City of Chicago City of Sydney City of Milan World Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202407Cultural ecosystems CITIES IN ACTION Programmes to protect cultural spaces like Londons Culture at Risk office have bee

30、n effective,as well as new partnerships like the Austin Economic Development Corporation,and models in Vancouver,London,Sydney,and San Francisco.Barcelonas Art Factories have re-purposed disused spaces as low-cost creative space.New initiatives are bringing together creative workers and enterprises,

31、including the Yangcheng Creative Industry Zone in Guangzhou,and Dubais Al Quoz Creative Zone.CITIES IN ACTION Universal Basic Income programmes for artists is being tested in San Fransisco and Ireland,while Tokyo offers financial advice for freelancers through its Support Centre for the Arts and Cul

32、ture(ARTNOTO).Paris have expanded the definitions of the creative workforce and identified 100,000 creative jobs in other sectors,like designers in the automotive industry.Melbournes The Warehouse Residency demonstrates the need to support increased representation and access in the creative workforc

33、e,through incubating new work by Deaf and Disabled artists,particularly those from additional marginalised communities such as First Nations and LGBTQIA+.Cities globally are investing in diversifying the workforce such as Milans Presenti Accessibili festival.In 2024,dedicated programmes to support c

34、ulture infrastructure will become more necessary and important.In 2024,new programmes are being introduced to support creative workers.Trend 5:Culture at Risk:protecting artist studios,cultural spaces and community infrastructure Trend 6:Supporting the creative workforce:freelancers and micro-busine

35、ssesCultural infrastructure is fragile.Small venues,workspace,and community institutions are often threatened by increasing property prices,rapid urbanisation,gentrification,rising costs of living and the long Covid-19 impact on culture.The creative economy relies on freelancers.Yet the employment c

36、onditions for creative workforce are precarious,and increasingly becoming more uncertain and insecure due to economic and technological changes.This puts workers at risk and creates barriers for new creatives to join the workforce.City of SydneyWorld Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202408Cultural e

37、cosystems CITIES IN ACTION Amsterdams 2023-26 Night Culture Implementation Agenda allocated 1 million euros to support night time accessibility and 1.2 million euros for to boost night-life businesses by young talent.Torontos night economy review in consultation with communities resulted in reviewed

38、 licencing and zoning,as well as a new industry guide including best practices in providing safe spaces.So Paulos legalisation of street vendors supports informal street culture,and champions late-night sober spaces like restaurants and cafes.In 2024,investment is increasing to create 24 hour cities

39、 that work for everyone.Trend 7:24 hour cities:culture leading the rise of the night time economy Cities are increasingly focusing on 24 hour cultural policies and there are now 100 night mayors and night ambassadors globally.Culture and the promotion of activity at night is driving this trend and q

40、uickly expanding into other policy areas such as safety and the rights of night time workers.City of Amsterdam World Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202409Future challenges and opportunities CITIES IN ACTION In Kyiv,culture plays an important role to bring hope and aid recovery,with cultural spaces

41、 like cinemas and museums becoming places of sanctuary during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.Culture has the power to inspire change and support social welfare,as seen in Warsaws Culture for Climate Collective and Buenos Aires Abasto Barrio Cultural transforming a disadvantaged neighbourhood throug

42、h new partnerships.Culture brings communities together,such as Lisbons A Theatre in Each Neighbourhood initiative developed through the Leadership Exchange Programme;So Paulos PROMAC and Virada Cultural initiatives;and Hong Kongs Intangible Cultural Heritage Mobile Centre.CITIES IN ACTION Cities are

43、 digitising cultural assets to increase access,including Dublins digital cultural heritage archives and Nanjings City of Literature Development Programme,as well as documenting culture at risk as in Backup Ukraine.AI has the potential to broaden access to cultural content worldwide.Google Arts&Cultu

44、re supports over 3,000 cultural partners to bring their artworks,collections and exhibits to an international online audience.Cities are supporting education into technological innovation from Buenos Aires new research centre to connect technology and artists to Stockholms Digital School of the Arts

45、 for young people.In 2024,culture will be recognised as an essential means of inspiring hope around the world.In 2024,cities will need to invest time and money into understanding new technologies in order to fully access their benefits.Trend 8:Culture fosters hope and resilience Trend 9:Technology i

46、s challenging culture and creativity Culture is a powerful force for inspiring hope and resilience in times of climate crisis,financial pressures and geopolitical uncertainty.Creative cities experience additional benefits for their citizens such as economic resilience and improved health outcomes.Te

47、chnology and artificial intelligence (AI)bring new possibilities for innovation and creative expression,but also concerns around job losses,intellectual property,and new legal dilemmas.As technology evolves,cities are working to understand how to support creatives as well as looking at how AI can im

48、prove cultural policymaking.World Cities Culture Summit 2023 Image Courtesy of City of So Paulo City of Buenos Aires World Cities Culture ForumTrend Report 202410Future challenges and opportunities CITIES IN ACTION Sustainability is integrated in projects like the Helsinki model where communities ha

49、ve a say in urban regeneration,to New York Citys equity based funding review to support those facing historical,systemic and social inequalities,and Warsaws funding for NGOs to deliver cultural activity for social change.Hamburg is hosting a new sustainability conference to unite sectors around the

50、Sustainable development Goals.Supporting environmental sustainability and climate action is an increasingly urgent priority for many cities from green infrastructure development in Chengdu and urban planning in Oslo,to Stockholm and Paris initiatives supporting circular economies,and Hong Kongs work

51、 to inspire the next generation of climate champions.In 2024,cities will continue to demonstrate cultures role in supporting people,places and planet in the sustainable development agenda.Trend 10:Culture,climate change and the global development agenda Cities recognise cultures role in supporting s

52、ustainable global development.Culture is a fundamental human right,providing identity,resilience,joy,and contributing to economic,social,and environmental sustainability.In 2023,World Cities Culture Forum joined others in calling for culture to become a dedicated United Nations Sustainable Developme

53、nt Goal post 2030 in A Goal for Culture:So Paulo Manifesto.Without a dedicated UN Sustainable Development Goal,culture risks being overlooked and its benefits not harnessed.World Cities Culture Summit 2023 Image Courtesy of City of So PauloworldcitiescultureWorld Cities Culture F World Cities Cultur

54、e Forum is the leading global network of civic leaders from over 40 creative cities from across six continents.Our leaders share ideas and solutions to build a world where culture is at the heart of thriving cities.We have established the principle that culture is a golden thread in cities:supporting communities,improving health and wellbeing,attracting tourists and boosting economies.WORLD CITIES CULTURE FORUM PARTNERSSUMMIT 2023 PARTNERS



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