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1、OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE STRATEGYMay 2024As both a bureau in the Department of State and a member of the Intelligence Community,the Bureau of Intelligence and Research(INR)is the only U.S.intelligence component charged with supporting the Secretary of State and American diplomats around the world.At

2、 INR,we are on a mission to deliver and coordinate timely,objective intelligence that advances U.S.diplomacy.Intelligence empowering diplomacy.AboutBureau of Intelligence and Research1Table of ContentsFrom the Assistant Secretary.2Context.3Strategic Goals.4GOAL 1:Establish Governance and Policy for

3、OSINT Use.5GOAL 2:Invest in OSINT Capabilities.6GOAL 3:Strengthen OSINT Training and Tradecraft.7GOAL 4:Deepen Collaboration with Allies,Partners,Industry,Academia,and Other Nongovernmental Entities .8Bureau of Intelligence and Research2From the Assistant SecretaryThe explosion of open source intell

4、igence(OSINT)in recent years has transformed how governments and people around the world consume and process information about society and global issues.The abundance and accessibility of OSINT has made it an essential source of data to enrich intelligence analysis,inform U.S.diplomats and policymak

5、ers,and enable intelligence diplomacy.In this new era,the Bureau of Intelligence and Research(INR)must harness the power and potential of OSINT to empower American diplomacy.To realize this vision,I am pleased to share INRs inaugural OSINT strategy.The new INR OSINT Strategy is a key part of our mod

6、ernization agenda and complements the broader Intelligence Community OSINT Strategy 2024-2026.The INR OSINT Strategy focuses on developing sound governance and policy guidance regarding the use of OSINT,investing in OSINT capabilities and resources,strengthening OSINT training and analytic tradecraf

7、t,and deepening cooperation on OSINT with allies and partners,industry,academia,and other nongovernmental entities.Together,these actions will help INR realize the full potential of OSINT in an efficient,secure,and responsible manner while continuing to deliver expert insights to U.S.diplomats and S

8、tate Department officials worldwide.Brett M.Holmgren Assistant Secretary Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of StateOPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE STRATEGY3CONTEXTThe proliferation of open source intelligence(OSINT)defined in the Intelligence Community(IC)OSINT Strategy 2024-2026 as intelligen

9、ce derived exclusively from publicly or commercially available information that addresses specific intelligence priorities,requirements,or gapsis transforming how the U.S.IC,including the Department of States Bureau of Intelligence and Research(INR),operates.In INR,open source information is an inva

10、luable resourceenriching analytic assessments,driving intelligence diplomacy,and giving U.S.diplomats worldwide greater access to INR products at lower classification levels.The demand for INR products and services at the unclassified level will only grow in the coming years,as commercial technologi

11、es generate more open source data and as the United States seeks to share more information with traditional and non-traditional partners to support and enable U.S.diplomacy.Against this backdrop,INR created the Open Source Coordination Unit in 2022 to capitalize on the rapidly evolving OSINT landsca

12、pe.The Unit,which sits in INRs Office of Analytic Integration,established initial operating capability in 2023.The purpose of the Open Source Coordination Unit is to empower INR to use open source information more efficiently,effectively,and responsibly.We envision a future where,by meeting the dema

13、nds of our diplomatic community,expanding accessibility to INR products and services,and responding quickly to fast-moving events in the world,OSINT provides strategic insights and information advantage to U.S.diplomats and policymakers.Establish Governance and Policy for OSINT Use Establish and ado

14、pt effective governance,policies,standards,and procedures regarding the use of OSINT in INR research and production,consistent with Executive Order 12333 and other applicable legal and policy requirements.Invest in OSINT Capabilities Develop and execute budget planning,acquisition,deployment,and ado

15、ption strategies for commercially available data,tools,and platforms to fill information gaps and empower all-source analysts.Strengthen OSINT Training and Tradecraft Develop formal training,workforce development initiatives,and analytic support channels to advance research and production using OSIN

16、T.Deepen Collaboration with Allies,Partners,Industry,Academia,and Other Nongovernmental Entities Strengthen collaboration on open source intelligence and research with a wide range of government and nongovernmental entities to share best practices and stay current with the latest technology,tradecra

17、ft,resources,and trends.To achieve our OSINT vision,we have established four strategic goals.These goals align with INRs 2025 Strategic Plan and the IC OSINT Strategy 2024-2026.Strategic Goals1234Bureau of Intelligence and Research4OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE STRATEGYBureau of Intelligence and Research

18、5Establish Governance and Policy for OSINT UseGOAL 1OSINT has always informed the ICs understanding of issues around the globe.However,recent advances within the discipline and INRincluding new technologies and policy empowering INR analysts to produce unclassified assessmentshighlight the need for

19、tradecraft standards,policies,and procedures to govern how INR acquires and uses open source information consistent with Executive Order 12333 and other applicable legal and policy requirements.1.1.Develop Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)and Best Practices Establish an INR OSINT Working Group com

20、prising experts from analytic,operational,and support functions.Develop policies and procedures for the use of open source information that implement applicable legal and policy requirementsin particular,the safeguarding of privacy and civil liberties.Establish SOPs to facilitate analytic production

21、 at the lowest level of classification possible using OSINT.Develop guidance on producing unclassified assessments or other products that rely solely on open source data.1.2.Promote INR OSINT Equities in IC Policy and Guidance Coordinate with the National Open Source Committee(NOSC)to align with IC

22、policies,standards,procedures,and other guidance as appropriate.Promote INR equities in the development of this guidance.1.3.Monitor and Evaluate OSINT-Derived Production Establish measures to assess the impact of OSINT-derived unclassified production.Track OSINT citations in INR analytic production

23、.To achieve this goal,INR will pursue the following lines of effort:Bureau of Intelligence and Research6Invest in OSINT CapabilitiesGOAL 2Advances in the academic and commercial sectors and the development of government-provided tools offer the potential to reduce the time required to exploit open s

24、ource information.These advances enable new data science insights using innovative analytic methods and capabilities and accelerate the delivery of relevant data to INR analysts.2.1.Acquire and Develop OSINT Data and Tools Identify and regularly update INRs OSINT requirements.Work with the NOSC to m

25、aximize the pooling of resources for and knowledge on open source data acquisition.Engage with industry and government partners to stay current on OSINT trends that will inform INR acquisition decisions.Use Department of State and IC data catalogs to facilitate information sharing on open source dat

26、a capabilities.Make any necessary technology enhancements to support INRs ability to access relevant open source data feeds.Acquire and deploy non-enterprise network(NEN)machines to facilitate access to specialized tools.Identify core open source datasets and information platforms to promote consist

27、ency across INR products.Seek and secure funding for OSINT programs.Pursue tools to enhance analysis,collaboration,and open source information sharing.2.2.Administer Resources,Manage Knowledge,and Deploy Data and Tools Administer and oversee use of OSINT data,platforms,and tools in INR.Provide guida

28、nce on and support effective and appropriate use of OSINT data,platforms,and tools,with due consideration for the safeguarding of privacy and civil liberties.Develop mechanisms to regularly share with INRs workforce important updates in the OSINT field,as well as recent OSINT products from within an

29、d outside of the IC.Develop and maintain a curated online resource guide for OSINT information available to INR,including data,platforms,analytic methods,tools,and relevant policies,standards,and procedures.To achieve this goal,INR will pursue the following lines of effort:OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE S

30、TRATEGYBureau of Intelligence and Research7Strengthen OSINT Training and TradecraftGOAL 3Collecting,reviewing,structuring,and analyzing open source information requires technical and methodological skills that take time and effort to acquire,refine,and maintain.INR will need a dedicated,sustained tr

31、aining program to ensure the workforce can optimize its use of OSINT.3.1.Facilitate Open Source Training and Tradecraft Facilitate in-house education on research and analytic techniques using open source data.Develop a curriculum of OSINT research,analysis,and production courses,leveraging existing

32、IC and private sector offerings.Establish guidelines to distinguish between OSINT and open source research.3.2.Provide Training and Guidance onUnclassifiedProduction and Analysis Maintain an expert consultation mechanism for analysts looking to incorporate open source data and advanced analytic meth

33、ods into products.Provide in-house training on the use of OSINT in unclassified assessments and other unclassified products.Improve product dissemination for unclassified production by regularly posting products on INRs unclassified online distribution platform(Tempo).Periodically provide refresher

34、guidance on the safe,secure,ethical,and legal use of OSINT,including the safeguarding of privacy and civil liberties.Organize internal seminars to provide a venue for analysts to present on the use and impact of open source information in their work.To achieve this goal,INR will pursue the following

35、 lines of effort:Bureau of Intelligence and Research8Deepen Collaboration with Allies,Partners,Industry,Academia,and Other Nongovernmental Entities GOAL 4Many U.S.Government agencies and international allies and partners devote significant resources to collecting and analyzing OSINT in support of in

36、telligence assessments and other products.Academia,the private sector,and other nongovernmental entities are investing heavily in new technologies and pioneering new approaches to the application of open source information to support a wide range of academic,business,journalistic,and general researc

37、h and analysis functions.INR must foster new and deepen existing partnerships in the IC,the Department of State,other U.S.Government agencies,industry,academia,and other nongovernmental entities to take advantage of existing open source data capabilities and resources,stay current on emerging techno

38、logies and tools,and adopt best practices for open source research and analysis.4.1.Strengthen IC Partnerships Participate in NOSC activities.Maintain regular contact with partner agencies to foster resource and data sharing.Participate in exchanges with IC OSINT practitioners,including inviting ana

39、lysts to present data,methods,and tools to INR and encouraging joint duty assignments.4.2.Develop International Partnerships Maintain regular communication with like-minded allies and partners working on OSINT.Exchange best practices with allies and partners and cooperate on OSINT tools and capabili

40、ties.4.3.Increase Intra-Departmental Coordination and Cooperation With Other U.S.Government Agencies Establish a process for coordinating and collaborating with other bureaus in the Department of State to encourage information sharing,minimize redundancies,and nurture relationships between those bur

41、eaus and the IC.Develop and administer a process for State Department clients to propose requirements for unclassified OSINT-derived analysis and other INR products.4.4.Develop Partnerships With Academia,Industry,and Nongovernmental Entities Strengthen ties with OSINT practitioners in academia,the private sector,think tanks,and civil society organizations.Identify opportunities to collaborate with the private sector and academic institutions to gather,structure,clean,and analyze publicly available data.To achieve this goal,INR will pursue the following lines of effort:



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