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1、ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORTMay 2022UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022ForewordThis year Oxford has continued to maintain its position as the top ranked University in the world in the Times Higher Education Global Ranking.Partly as a consequence,competition for pla

2、ces remains intense.Applications have risen by 22%in the past five years.In this,our fifth Annual Admissions Report,we provide details of the success rate of UK undergraduate applicants by education,region,race and socio-economic background,as well as by course and college.We do so in an effort to t

3、rack our progress and to be transparent about our practices.Almost 3,300 undergraduates were admitted in 2021,a return to the norm of previous years after the anomalies of 2020 when,due to the exceptional arrangements for awarding qualifications in response to the pandemic,a much larger cohort was a

4、dmitted.Most of those admitted in 2021 also suffered severe disruption to their education and are to be congratulated for doing so well in difficult circumstances.The data that follows illustrates that over the past five years the proportion of students from state schools rose from 58%to 68%.Those i

5、dentifying as Black and Minority Ethnic rose from 18%to 25%.Those from the most socio-economically disadvantaged areas rose from 11%to 17%and those from areas with low progression to higher education rose from 13%to 17%.Those declaring a disability rose from 8%to 12%and the proportion of women rose

6、from 50%to 55%.We have set ourselves a target that by 2023 25%of the British students we admit will be from deprived backgrounds.In the past four years that number has risen from 13%to 21%.The changing profile of our undergraduate student body is the result of hard work and dedication by a wide rang

7、e of people;the students who work hard and the parents and teachers who support them,the admissions teams across the university who treat every single application with personal attention,those who run our outreach and access programs,and the generous donors who support our work.We have extended the

8、reach of our flagship UNIQ programme by transferring it online and we have grown our bridging program,Opportunity Oxford,from 116 offers in 2020 to 231 offers in 2022.This year we will launch the Astrophoria Foundation Year,a new university wide foundation year for those with high potential whose ed

9、ucation has been severely disrupted.On a less positive note,these pages also reveal the steep decline in students from the EU.This decline was expected as a result of the changing fee regime occasioned by Brexit but it is stark.The numbers admitted from the EU had dropped in half,from 8%to 4%and fro

10、m an average of over 260 for the past four years,to 128 this year.The number of British students has increased slightly to 82%,as compared to a Russell group average of 73%.We have made significant progress over the past five years in ensuring that the brightest,most academically driven pupils in th

11、e country,no matter their background,aspire to study at Oxford and have a fair chance of admission.We are committed to continuing this work.Professor Louise RichardsonVice-ChancellorContents page 4 Section 1.Overall numbers,including domicile page 7 Section 2.Nation and regionpage 10 Section 3.Disad

12、vantagepage 16 Section 4.School typepage 19 Section 5.Genderpage 22 Section 6.Ethnicitypage 34 Section 7.Disabilitypage 35 Glossarypage 38 Guide to the Oxford admissions processpage 39 Note on HESA dataPAGE 2UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022About this report This report

13、presents undergraduate admissions statistics for the University of Oxford over five admissions years between 2017 and 2021,broken down into chapters covering the following areas:overall numbers,domicile,nation and region,disadvantage,school type,gender,ethnicity and disability.The report includes in

14、formation for Oxfords colleges and largest courses,aggregated for the three admissions years 2019 to 2021.Aggregation has been used as small yearly figures are likely to provide a misleading picture.Nonetheless,some figures remain so small that a handful of decisions can appear to create large swing

15、s which have limited statistical value.This health warning applies even more strongly to single-year statistics for colleges and courses.The full data are available to view online:ox.ac.uk/adstats.The report also provides some national context for Oxfords data,primarily based on figures from the Hig

16、her Education Statistics Agency(HESA).This includes information on the numbers of students achieving Oxfords minimum standard offer:three A grades or better at A-level and equivalent Scottish qualifications.It also compares Oxfords data with the higher education sector as a whole and with the Russel

17、l Group of leading universities.A summary of Oxfords admissions process can be found on page 38.Key points The number of students admitted in 2021 was back to the usual level,at 3,298.Over four fifths of those places(2,691)went to students living in the UK.The intake in 2020 was higher than normal f

18、ollowing the exceptional arrangements for awarding A-levels and other qualifications in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.Between 2017 and 2021,within the total group of UK-domiciled undergraduates admitted:The proportion from state schools rose from 58.2%1 to 68.2%.The proportion identifying

19、as Black and Minority Ethnic(BME)rose from 17.8%2 to 24.6%.The proportion from socio-economically disadvantaged areas rose from 10.6%to 17.3%.The proportion from areas of low progression to higher education rose from 12.9%to 17.0%.The proportion declaring a disability rose from 7.8%to 11.6%.The prop

20、ortion of women rose from 50.0%to 55.2%.1 Percentages in this report have been rounded to one decimal place.2 Some figures are slightly different from those presented in previous editions of this report following data corrections.PAGE 3UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20221.

21、Overall numbers,including domicile This section presents information on Oxfords overall numbers,as well as the domicile of Oxfords applicants,offer holders and admitted students.OVERALL NUMBERS The number of students admitted in 2021 was back to the usual level.The intake in 2020 was higher than nor

22、mal following the exceptional arrangements for awarding A-levels and other qualifications in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.Overall application numbers have risen annually,and by 22.0%since 2017.Table 1.1:Overall applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted,all domiciles,2017202

23、1 APPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTED2021 24,338 3,555 3,298 2020 23,414 3,932 3,695 2019 23,026 3,895 3,286 2018 21,516 3,841 3,310 2017 19,953 3,786 3,285 Table 1.2:Courses with the highest number of applicants per place (all domiciles,three-year total 20192021)3 COURSENUMBER OF APPLICANTS PER PLA

24、CECOURSENUMBER OF APPLICANTS PER PLACEComputer Science18.6Mathematics9.7Economics&Management18.1PPE*9.4Mathematics&Computer Science12.5History&Politics9.4Medicine11.8Physics8.8Biomedical Sciences10.9Law*8.1*Philosophy,Politics and Economics *Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe A-level grade pro

25、file of UK-domiciled students applying to,receiving offers from and being admitted to Oxford(2021 UK intake)s While three A grades is Oxfords minimum standard offer for candidates taking A-levels,many courses particularly in the sciences require at least one A*grade.More than 77%of applicants and al

26、most 95%of admitted students were awarded A*AA or better at A-level.68.1%of admitted students achieved three A*grades or better at A-level.16.0%43.1%6.6%13.9%20.3%Applications 3.7%66.7%2.9%8.5%18.2%OffersStudents admitted2.5%68.1%2.6%8.3%18.5%OtherAAAA*AAA*A*AA*A*A*or better 3 Table based on 25 larg

27、est courses.s A-level bands are based on results data obtained from UCAS and include results from the 2021 and 2020 examination rounds.Excludes General Studies and Critical Thinking,and candidates with fewer than three A-level results.Note:Table 1.2 contains aggregated figures for the period 2019202

28、1.Aggregated figures for this period will appear throughout the report,most often where tables refer to data by course or by college.PAGE 4UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022BREAKDOWN BY DOMICILE Applications from UK students and non-EU students have risen,and applications

29、 from EU students have fallen.UK-domiciled applicants are substantially more likely to receive an offer of a place to study at Oxford than students from outside the UK.The proportion of students admitted who are from the UK has risen to 81.6%.Oxford does not operate quotas or targets around the nati

30、onality or domicile of students admitted to the University.The exception is Medicine,which is subject to a government restriction on the number of students with international fee status who can be admitted each year.The highest number of overseas applications and admitted students was from the Peopl

31、es Republic of ChinaTable 1.3:Overall applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by area of domicile,20172021UK STUDENTSAPPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL APPLICANTSPROPORTION OF TOTAL STUDENTS ADMITTED2021 14,401 2,781 2,691 59.2%81.6%2020 14,102 3,059 2,950 60.2%7

32、9.8%2019 13,881 3,059 2,590 60.3%78.8%2018 13,013 2,960 2,570 60.5%77.6%2017 12,596 2,941 2,560 63.1%77.9%EU STUDENTSAPPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL APPLICANTSPROPORTION OF TOTAL STUDENTS ADMITTED2021 2,136 166 128 8.8%3.9%2020 2,746 292 266 11.7%7.2%2019 2,773 266 234 12.0%7.

33、1%2018 2,687 307 273 12.5%8.2%2017 2,431 302 273 12.2%8.3%NON-EU STUDENTSAPPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL APPLICANTSPROPORTION OF TOTAL STUDENTS ADMITTED2021 7,801 608 479 32.1%14.5%2020 6,566 581 479 28.0%13.0%2019 6,372 570 462 27.7%14.1%2018 5,816 574 467 27.0%14.1%2017 4,92

34、6 543 452 24.7%13.8%PAGE 5UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Table 1.4:Countries/regions with the highest number of applications and students admitted to Oxford,three-year total 20192021COUNTRY/REGION OF DOMICILEAPPLICATIONSCOUNTRY/REGION OF DOMICILESTUDENTS ADMITTEDUK 42,

35、384 UK 8,231 P R China 5,915 P R China 459 United States of America 2,648 Singapore 193 India 1,634 United States of America 164 Singapore 1,623 Hong Kong(SAR)139 Hong Kong(SAR)1,324 Poland 102 Germany 1,101 Romania 98 Poland 892 Germany 79 Malaysia 816 Australia 53 France 790 India 50 Canada 765 Fr

36、ance 46 CONTEXTUK universities by domicile of studentsAll UK universities(2019 intake)*EU 5.6%UK82.1%Russell Group(2019 intake)*Oxford University(2021 intake)NON-EU 12.2%EU 7.0%EU 3.9%UK72.9%UK81.6%NON-EU 20.1%NON-EU 14.5%*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,

37、first-degree,undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.Excludes those of unknown domicile.See page 39 for full citation.PAGE 6UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20222.Nation and regionThis section breaks down Oxfords UK-domiciled undergraduate student total to show the regi

38、onal distribution of the Universitys applicants,offer holders and admitted students.The regional distribution of admissions to Oxford reflects population size,achievement in school and application numbers.London and the South East made up 47.2%of UK applications between 2019 and 2021,and 47.9%of stu

39、dents admitted;the rest of the UK made up 52.8%of applications and 52.1%of students admitted.Table 2.1:Applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by UK nation and region,three-year total 20192021APPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK APPLICANTSPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK

40、STUDENTS ADMITTEDREGIONS SHARE OF AAA+STUDENTS4 North East 893 197 179 2.1%2.2%2.7%North West 3,484 729 674 8.2%8.2%9.1%Yorkshire&the Humber 2,130 471 437 5.0%5.3%6.4%East Midlands 2,018 430 403 4.8%4.9%5.6%West Midlands 3,054 584 532 7.2%6.5%6.6%Eastern 3,836 806 733 9.1%8.9%10.2%Greater London 11,

41、306 2,407 2,241 26.7%27.3%19.3%South East 8,703 1,809 1,683 20.6%20.5%18.3%South West 4,329 959 879 10.2%10.7%8.0%Wales 1,404 258 237 3.3%2.9%4.0%Northern Ireland 387 74 68 0.9%0.8%4.4%Scotland 805 140 130 1.9%1.6%5.3%Total 42,349 8,864 8,196 Applications to Oxford by UK nation and region,2017202120

42、02020293377027232832286928495426626006007047085980298257256264242297277438432985692319115 4 See page 820020202905765785405992722566268322194207220

43、22949594552220550Students admitted to Oxford by UK nation and region,20172021n Greater Londonn South Eastn South Westn Easternn North West n West Midlandsn Yorkshire&the Humbern East Midlandsn Walesn North Eastn

44、Scotland n Northern IrelandPAGE 7UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022CONTEXTNumber of students achieving AAA or better at A-level,broken down by UK nation and region*South East6,125East ofEngland3,410North West3,045South West2,675Yorkshireand the Humber2,130Northern Ireland

45、1,470Wales1,340NorthEast905WestMidlands2,210London6,440Scotland1,765EastMidlands1,875*First-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.Includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.PAGE 8UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL R

46、EPORT|2022What proportion of students achieves AAA or better at A-level in UK nations and regions?*10.0%7.0%5.5%6.0%4.5%9.5%7.8%5.6%4.9%6.2%6.0%8.1%First-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.Includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citat

47、ion.PAGE 9UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20223.Disadvantage This section focuses on the backgrounds of UK-domiciled students who apply to Oxford,are made offers,and are admitted.The figures relate to differing levels of socio-economic advantage and progression to higher ed

48、ucation across the UK,and are derived from the ACORN and POLAR5 demographic systems.ACORN is a postcode-based tool that categorises the UKs population by level of socio-economic advantage.POLAR is a similar tool that measures how likely young people are to participate in higher education based on wh

49、ere they live.The ACORN and POLAR systems are widely recognised measures used by the regulator to set admissions targets for universities including Oxford.These systems are explained in more detail in the glossary to this report.UNIVERSITY-LEVEL DATAThe tables below show the number of applications,o

50、ffers and students admitted from the two most socio-economically disadvantaged groups(ACORN categories 4 and 56)and the two groups of young people least likely to progress to higher education(POLAR quintiles 1 and 2).In 2021,17.3%of UK students admitted to Oxford came from the two most socioeconomic

51、ally disadvantaged groups(ACORN categories 4 and 56).This is an increase of 6.7 percentage points from 2017.Table 3.1:Socio-economic disadvantage:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted from ACORN categories 4 and 56,20172021APPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDACORN 4 AND 5 PROPOR

52、TION OF STUDENTS ADMITTED72021 2,375 485 460 17.3%2020 2,316 495 467 16.0%2019 2,097 418 313 12.2%2018 1,872 379 289 11.3%2017 1,660 349 269 10.6%In 2021,17.0%of UK students admitted to Oxford were from the two groups with lowest progression to higher education(POLAR quintiles 1 and 2).This is an in

53、crease of 4.1 percentage points from 2017.Table 3.2:Areas of low progression to higher education:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted from POLAR quintiles 1 and 2,20172021APPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDPOLAR 1 AND 2 PROPORTION OF STUDENTS ADMITTED7 2021 2,288 476 450 17.0%

54、2020 2,123 478 454 15.6%2019 2,079 471 355 14.0%2018 1,853 404 330 13.1%2017 1,702 405 324 12.9%5 POLAR classification is periodically reviewed.See page 37 for classifications used in this report.6 This data includes ACORN Category 4 Financially Stretched(excluding Type 34 Student flats and halls of

55、 residence)and ACORN Category 5 Urban Adversity.7.Excluding students whose ACORN/POLAR status is not known.PAGE 10UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022CONTEXTBreakdown of students who achieve AAA or better at A-level by socio-economic group(all UK universities,2019 UK intake

56、)*86.7%live in more advantaged areas(other ACORN categories)live in less advantaged areas(ACORN categories 4 and 5)13.2%Oxford University(2021 UK intake)*82.7%live in more advantaged areas(other ACORN categories)live in less advantaged areas(ACORN categories 4 and 5)17.3%*Most recent available natio

57、nal data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.Excludes those whose ACORN status is not known.Excludes Type 34 from ACORN category 4 Type 34 appears in other ACORN categorie

58、s.See page 39 for full citation.Breakdown of students who achieve AAA or better at A-level,by areas with different likelihood of progression to higher education (all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*85.5%from areas with greater likelihood of progression to higher education(other POLAR quintiles)from

59、areas with lower likelihood of progression to higher education (POLAR quintiles 1 and 2)14.5%Oxford University(2021 UK intake)*83.0%from areas with greater likelihood of progression to higher education(other POLAR quintiles)from areas with lower likelihood of progression to higher education (POLAR q

60、uintiles 1 and 2)17.0%*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.Excludes those whose POLAR status is not known.See page 39 for full citation

61、.*Excluding students whose ACORN/POLAR status is not known.PAGE 11UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DATA BY COURSEThese tables include figures for Oxfords 25 largest courses by total number of places,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.Socio-economic disadvantage UK-domiciled st

62、udents from less advantaged areas(ACORN categories 4 and 56)made up between 9.1%and 26.8%of UK intakes from 2019 to 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest courses.Table 3.3:Socio-economic disadvantage:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted from ACORN categories 4 and 56 by course,three-yea

63、r total 20192021ACORN 4 AND 5OTHERACORN 4 AND 5 PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED7 APPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDBiochemistry2155146 886 225 208 18.1%Biology1797152 1,096 262 234 18.2%Biomedical Sciences1511714 641 98 92 13.2%Chemistry1986866 1,175 422

64、385 14.6%Classics704442 593 286 270 13.5%Computer Science23587 782 56 53 11.7%Earth Sciences281413 204 90 82 13.7%Economics&Management3224034 1,928 177 172 16.5%Engineering Science2405747 1,258 358 320 12.8%English32810395 1,987 581 542 14.9%Experimental Psychology1423832 622 129 117 21.5%Geography1

65、203731 1,018 238 211 12.8%History28610092 2,339 590 553 14.3%History&Politics1273530 648 88 82 26.8%Law*723140128 2,509 423 384 25.0%Materials Science30108 195 84 80 9.1%Mathematics5456358 2,518 295 285 16.9%Mathematics&Computer Science13088 605 53 53 13.1%Medicine9117871 2,755 386 375 15.9%Modern L

66、anguages1156656 972 428 403 12.2%Music432723 391 210 186 11.0%Oriental Studies502118 294 97 83 17.8%PPE*4237867 2,609 466 450 13.0%Physics5244946 2,560 314 306 13.1%Theology and Religion31109 223 91 81 10.0%*Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Economics 6 This data incl

67、udes ACORN Category 4 Financially Stretched(excluding Type 34 Student flats and halls of residence)and ACORN Category 5 Urban Adversity.7 Excluding students whose ACORN/POLAR status is not known.PAGE 12UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Areas of low progression to higher e

68、ducation UK-domiciled students from areas with low progression to higher education (POLAR quintiles 1 and 2)made up between 8.0%and 28.6%of UK intakes from 2019 to 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest courses.Table 3.4:Areas of low progression to higher education:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and stu

69、dents admitted from POLAR quintiles 1 and 2 by course,three-year total 20192021POLAR 1 AND 2OTHERPOLAR 1 AND 2 PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED7 APPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSSTUDENTS ADMITTEDBiochemistry 174 57 51 920 217 201 20.2%Biology 173 71 53 1,094 261 232 18.6%

70、Biomedical Sciences 165 26 23 625 89 83 21.7%Chemistry 231 91 84 1,131 393 363 18.8%Classics 68 40 36 590 289 275 11.6%Computer Science 195 12 11 815 52 49 18.3%Earth Sciences 29 20 18 203 84 77 18.9%Economics&Management 231 35 31 2,000 181 175 15.0%Engineering Science 219 54 40 1,270 358 324 11.0%E

71、nglish 370 115 102 1,929 565 533 16.1%Experimental Psychology 141 44 42 617 121 105 28.6%Geography 122 30 25 1,015 245 217 10.3%History 278 73 68 2,328 614 575 10.6%History&Politics 117 31 27 648 91 84 24.3%Law*701 127 114 2,496 432 394 22.4%Materials Science 29 12 9 192 80 77 10.5%Mathematics 517 5

72、3 51 2,525 302 289 15.0%Mathematics&Computer Science 127 12 12 606 49 49 19.7%Medicine 732 78 71 2,895 384 373 16.0%Modern Languages 137 71 62 947 422 396 13.5%Music 42 26 23 389 209 184 11.1%Oriental Studies 37 12 8 303 105 92 8.0%PPE*395 79 69 2,606 460 443 13.5%Physics 571 52 51 2,496 310 300 14.

73、5%Theology and Religion 39 20 17 211 80 72 19.1%*Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Economics 7 Excluding students whose ACORN/POLAR status is not known.PAGE 13UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DATA BY OXFORD COLLEGEThe following tables and

74、similar tables throughout this report include figures for 29 of Oxfords undergraduate-admitting colleges,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.Socio-economic disadvantage From 2019 to 2021,the proportion of admitted students from less advantaged areas (ACORN categories 4 and 56)ranged by college from 7.2%to

75、23.2%.Table 3.5:Socio-economic disadvantage:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted from ACORN categories 4 and 56 by college,three-year total 20192021ACORN 4 AND 5OTHERACORN 4&5 PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED7APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBalliol

76、College 248 42381,35923322014.7%Brasenose College 298 51471,93524523216.8%Christ Church 249 50471,30328025915.4%Corpus Christi College 119 353259915614717.9%Exeter College 129 42371,.8%Hertford College 241 60521,35728526216.6%Jesus College 196 40361,04824823513.3%Keble College 362 53492,1

77、4532229414.3%Lady Margaret Hall 355 61571,.1%Lincoln College 154 067.2%Magdalen College 290 52501,47623121418.9%Mansfield College 173 564670217115223.2%Merton College 185 28231,06819518511.1%New College 198 50451,35431029213.4%Oriel College 137 292484519818911.3%Pembroke Colleg

78、e 195 44401,.9%Somerville College 199 55451,01727926014.8%St Annes College 228 57501,04029527215.5%St Catherines College 316 50421,43033931511.8%St Edmund Hall 152 383889423721814.8%St Hildas College 181 4112.0%St Hughs College 207 433982027524713.6%St Johns College 384 53451,5

79、8125223116.3%St Peters College 147 352990022220712.3%The Queens College 175 433999022120615.9%Trinity College 190 342989520118913.3%University College 242 60511,06224623617.8%Wadham College 268 61541,.7%Worcester College 458 80762,71127526922.0%University total(201921)8 6,788 1,398 1,240

80、35,231 7,4176,90715.2%6 This data includes ACORN Category 4 Financially Stretched(excluding Type 34 Student flats and halls of residence)and ACORN Category 5 Urban Adversity.7 Excluding students whose ACORN/POLAR status is not known.8 Total includes Permanent Private Halls and Harris Manchester Coll

81、ege.Note:Oxfords colleges vary in size and subject provision,admitting between around 50 and 120 UK-domiciled students each year.Permanent Private Halls(which have a different status to colleges and generally admit small numbers of students for a limited range of courses)and Harris Manchester Colleg

82、e(which admits only mature students)have been excluded.Application numbers to individual colleges vary year on year,as does the prior academic achievement of those applicants,which can lead to fluctuations in admissions figures between colleges and among particular groups of students.Applicants to a

83、 particular college may be reallocated and eventually admitted to another college as part of Oxfords admissions process.An explanation of this system appears on page 38.PAGE 14UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Areas of low progression to higher education From 2019 to 2021

84、,the proportion of admitted students from areas with low progression to higher education(POLAR quintiles 1 and 2)ranged by college from 9.5%to 23.9%Table 3.6:Areas of low progression to higher education:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted from POLAR quintiles 1 and 2 by colle

85、ge,three-year total 20192021POLAR 1 AND 2OTHERPOLAR 1 AND 2 PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED7APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBalliol College2304843 1,366 22721516.7%Brasenose College3675851 1,857 23822818.3%Christ Church2264338 1,309 28426512.5%Corpus Christi College11930

86、30 591 15914716.9%Exeter College1523833 1,141 23021613.3%Hertford College2265847 1,366 28426515.1%Jesus College2124542 1,023 24322915.5%Keble College3586657 2,131 30828516.7%Lady Margaret Hall2967064 1,219 25023421.5%Lincoln College1553126 889 20219411.8%Magdalen College2895550 1,461 22621219.1%Mans

87、field College1725447 695 17215023.9%Merton College1873735 1,055 18317017.1%New College1815047 1,366 30828914.0%Oriel College1373330 839 19418314.1%Pembroke College1814236 1,165 24823113.5%Somerville College1654236 1,044 29126811.8%St Annes College2165451 1,036 29426716.0%St Catherines College2965851

88、 1,438 32930514.3%St Edmund Hall1513835 886 23421813.8%St Hildas College1263326 745 2602479.5%St Hughs College1775340 841 26424514.0%St Johns College3364438 1,617 25923613.9%St Peters College1333428 897 22020612.0%The Queens College1563534 1,002 22821013.9%Trinity College1713831 903 19518514.4%Unive

89、rsity College2457164 1,046 23522322.3%Wadham College2425145 1,208 30427813.9%Worcester College4967773 2,656 27727121.2%University total(201921)8 6,490 1,425 1,259 35,206 7,339 6,845 15.5%7 Excluding students whose ACORN/POLAR status is not known.8 Total includes Permanent Private Halls and Harris Ma

90、nchester College.PAGE 15UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20224.School type This section shows the number of UK-domiciled students applying to,receiving offers from and admitted to Oxford by the type of school they attended:state or independent.UK-domiciled students applying

91、from other types of school have been excluded from the tables below.This is because the group is small,constituting only 4.4%of applications(1,884)between 2019 and 2021,and includes students from overseas or unknown schools,making it difficult to draw reliable conclusions from the numbers.UNIVERSITY

92、-LEVEL DATA The proportion of students admitted to Oxford from the UK state sector fell in 2021 following the exceptional intake in 2020 but remains higher than in all previous years since the University began recording detailed admissions statistics.The proportion of UK students admitted from the i

93、ndependent sector has decreased between 2017 and 2021.Table 4.1:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by school type,20172021STATEINDEPENDENTSTATE PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED9APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTED2021 9,608 1,829 1,760 4,104 833 819 6

94、8.2%2020 9,411 2,021 1,937 4,060 902 886 68.6%2019 8,914 1,908 1,557 4,403 1,050 942 62.3%2018 8,207 1,789 1,502 4,265 1,069 981 60.5%2017 7,765 1,683 1,431 4,242 1,148 1,029 58.2%CONTEXTBreakdown of students achieving AAA or better at A-level by school type(all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*76.9%

95、State 23.1%Independent/otherBreakdown of students achieving A*A*A or better at A-level by school type(all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*73.7%State 26.3%Independent/other Oxford University(2021 UK intake)968.2%State 31.8%Independent*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as

96、first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.Excludes unknown school type.See page 39 for full citation.9 Excluding students whose education cannot be classified as either state or independent.PAGE 16UNIVERSITY

97、 OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DATA BY COURSEThis table includes figures for Oxfords 25 largest courses by total number of places,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.State-educated UK students represented between 40.9%and 83.6%of UK intakes from 2019 to 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest cour

98、ses.Some courses attract more applications per available place than others,and UK state students apply disproportionately for the most oversubscribed subjects.On average,38.2%of state applications between 2019 and 2021 were for five of the most oversubscribed subjects at Oxford(Economics&Management,

99、Medicine,PPE*,Law*,and Mathematics),compared with 31.4%of independent applications.In contrast,18.1%of independent applications were for five of the least oversubscribed subjects(Classics,Music,Modern Languages,Chemistry,and English),compared with 12.3%of state applications.Table 4.2:UK applications

100、 to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by school type and course,three-year total 20192021STATEINDEPENDENTSTATE PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED9 APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBiochemistry7528068.1%Biology8928170.3%Biomedical Sciences57382731

101、97292971.6%Chemistry93032629543415915266.0%Classics238317840.9%Computer Science8284441164191869.5%Earth Sciences2177.9%Economics&Management1,3548159.7%Engineering Science1,00226523046814713563.0%English1,45344440676820720067.0%Experimental Psychology558317

102、8.3%Geography6796672.4%History1,5534534191,00522121266.4%History&Politics5469285195221981.7%Law*2,398411975.9%Materials Science1978.4%Mathematics2,4747278.2%Mathematics&Computer Science58746461129983.6%Medicine2,651110576.3%Modern Languages59327

103、925348020619856.1%Music2429055.9%Oriental Studies94751.0%PPE*1,8733483261,00617016766.1%Physics2,382258250638989572.5%Theology and Religion83657.1%*Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Economics 9 Excluding students whose education cannot

104、 be classified as either state or independent.PAGE 17UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DATA BY OXFORD COLLEGEThis table includes figures for 29 of Oxfords undergraduate-admitting colleges,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.Individual colleges receive varying numbers and proport

105、ions of applicants from the state and independent sectors.For some colleges,this split is close to 50:50,while others receive several times more applications from state-educated students.The state-educated share of UK students admitted to Oxford ranged by college from 55.6%to 94.8%from 2019 to 2021.

106、Table 4.3:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by school type and college,three-year total 20192021STATEINDEPENDENTSTATE PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED9APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBalliol College 1,136 184172 411 898467.2%Brasenose College 1,5

107、46 231215 637 585779.0%Christ Church 944 182165 527 13713055.9%Corpus Christi College 490 117109 203 676363.4%Exeter College 688 157143 566 999460.3%Hertford College 1,171 262239 385 776977.6%Jesus College 811 168158 383 1049762.0%Keble College 1,594 248226 863 11911167.1%Lady Margaret Hall 1,144 22

108、2204 325 898470.8%Lincoln College 637 144134 394 918860.4%Magdalen College 1,170 179163 530 1029962.2%Mansfield College 764 208183 83 131094.8%Merton College 898 153139 330 686767.5%New College 898 208190 602 14814357.1%Oriel College 587 135124 359 797662.0%Pembroke College 795 172156 533 11710958.9

109、%Somerville College 829 237210 346 908870.5%St Annes College 938 242219 285 959070.9%St Catherines College 1,250 266240 442 11711168.4%St Edmund Hall 579 172157 402 939163.3%St Hildas College 572 193177 271 949066.3%St Hughs College 672 183165 297 13111858.3%St Johns College 1,434 205181 464 888468.

110、3%St Peters College 588 142129 425 10910355.6%The Queens College 655 164150 470 918663.6%Trinity College 687 144129 375 878660.0%University College 881 216198 373 898869.2%Wadham College 1,083 251224 325 999470.4%Worcester College 2,261 271266 853 757079.2%University total(201921)8 27,933 5,758 5,25

111、4 12,567 2,785 2,647 66.5%8 Total includes Permanent Private Halls and Harris Manchester College.9 Excluding students whose education cannot be classified as either state or independent.PAGE 18UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20225.Gender This section breaks down Oxfords gro

112、up of UK-domiciled applicants,offer holders and admitted students by gender declared on application10.UNIVERSITY-LEVEL DATA The female proportion of UK-domiciled undergraduate students admitted to Oxford has risen over the past five admissions cycles.In each year from 2018 to 2021 Oxford admitted mo

113、re UK-domiciled female undergraduates than male.Table 5.1:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by gender,20172021FEMALEMALEFEMALE PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTED20217,4111,5421,4866,9901,2391,20555.2%20207,1101,6611,

114、5986,9921,3981,35254.2%20197,1451,6781,4076,7361,3811,18354.3%20186,3421,5431,3176,6711,4171,25351.2%20176,1441,5071,2806,4521,4341,28050.0%CONTEXTBreakdown of students at UK universities by gender (2019 UK intake)*All UK universities57.0%female 42.8%male 0.1%othersRussell Group55.6%female 44.3%male

115、0.1%othersOxford University(2021 UK intake)1055.2%female 44.8%maleBreakdown of students achieving AAA or better at A-level by gender(all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*52.4%female 47.5%male0.1%others*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domici

116、led undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.sOther gender:percentages are too small to represent in diagram.10 Oxford University data in this report uses the binary male/female options from the UCAS application,w

117、hich may not reflect the gender identity of all applicants.PAGE 19UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DATA BY COURSEThis table includes figures for Oxfords 25 largest courses by total number of places,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.The female-to-male ratio of applications var

118、ies by course.This is reflected in the wide variations by course in the proportion of UK-domiciled female students admitted.This proportion ranged from 14.8%to 75.5%between 2019 and 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest courses.Table 5.2:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by gender an

119、d course,three-year total 20192021FEMALEMALEFEMALE PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBiochemistry666010061.1%Biology804210762.7%Biomedical Sciences58881.7%Chemistry629226042.6%Classics380

120、713058.6%Computer Science20918.3%Earth Sciences74454.2%Economics&Management72275721,55114313534.8%Engineering Science3721131021,.3%English1,84452448448916415775.5%Experimental Psychology6073974.0%Geography7437370.1%History1,4113973701,2312962785

121、7.1%History&Politics3636863417554956.3%Law*2,1693533251,08921319063.1%Materials Science853431141615834.8%Mathematics981102952,.6%Mathematics&Computer Science214.8%Medicine2,3212832731,37218417660.8%Modern Languages73533430935916315366.9%Music232110351.2%Oriental Stud

122、ies20258.4%PPE*1,1552392261,89730529143.7%Physics80877752,30028827921.2%Theology and Religion25952.0%*Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Economics PAGE 20UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DATA BY OXFORD COLLEGEThis tabl

123、e includes figures for 29 of Oxfords undergraduate-admitting colleges,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.From 2019 to 2021,the proportion of UK-domiciled female students admitted to Oxford ranged by college from 47.5%to 61.8%.Table 5.3:UK applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by gender

124、and college,three-year total 20192021.FEMALEMALEFEMALE PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBalliol College 738 138129 885 14013249.4%Brasenose College 1,260 163149 985 13313053.4%Christ Church 750 165150 810 16715848.7%Corpus Christi College 35

125、3 9386 374 1009547.5%Exeter College 766 154142 549 11810956.6%Hertford College 778 202186 834 14613158.7%Jesus College 584 140131 669 14814048.3%Keble College 1,146 190174 1,385 18917350.1%Lady Margaret Hall 1,024 197184 506 12811860.9%Lincoln College 590 128121 473 10910354.0%Magdalen College 1,000

126、 156147 780 12911955.3%Mansfield College 465 132112 413 958656.6%Merton College 620 129120 647 969057.1%New College 853 192179 707 16815853.1%Oriel College 460 113105 525 11410849.3%Pembroke College 667 157143 709 13912952.6%Somerville College 643 204188 584 13412160.8%St Annes College 647 206189 63

127、5 14613358.7%St Catherines College 753 187170 1,001 20218747.6%St Edmund Hall 532 148135 523 12912352.3%St Hildas College 501 171157 397 12511956.9%St Hughs College 520 178161 512 14212755.9%St Johns College 899 159143 1,082 14813551.4%St Peters College 519 144131 546 11610854.8%The Queens College 6

128、77 160148 497 1049760.4%Trinity College 506 126115 593 11010452.5%University College 670 169158 642 13913154.7%Wadham College 825 221202 640 13812561.8%Worcester College 1,685 213207 1,505 14414059.7%University total(201921)8 21,666 4,881 4,491 20,718 4,018 3,740 54.6%8 Total includes Permanent Priv

129、ate Halls and Harris Manchester College.PAGE 21UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20226.Ethnicity This section sets out what is known about the ethnicity of UK-domiciled applicants to Oxford.4.7%of UK-domiciled applicants(2,010 students between 2019 and 2021)choose not to decl

130、are their ethnicity in their UCAS application.It is therefore not possible to make any statements in relation to their ethnicity and admissions status,and for that reason they have not been included in the tables below.UK-domiciled Black and Minority Ethnic(BME)students include those who indicate in

131、 their UCAS application that they identify as Black(including African,Caribbean and other Black background),Asian(including Bangladeshi,Indian,Pakistani,Chinese and other Asian background),Mixed Heritage(including White&Asian,White&Black African,White&Black Caribbean and other Mixed background),Arab

132、 or any other ethnicity except White.CONTEXTThe following graphics provide context for Oxfords figures,showing the BME share of the England and Wales population,the A-level achievement of BME students,and the proportion of BME students in different parts of the UK university sector.Note:Figures for

133、the 2019/20 academic year(2019 intake)are the most recent available from HESA and have therefore been used in these graphics.The most recent figures available for Oxford are for the 2021/22 academic year(2021 intake).England and Wales population now aged 19 to 25*BME19.4%White80.6%Breakdown of stude

134、nts achieving AAA or better at A-level by ethnicity (all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*White 75.8%25,040 studentsBlack 2.5%840 studentsBME 24.2%8,000 studentsAsian 14.6%4,830 studentsOther includingMixed 7.0%2,325 studentsBreakdown of students at UK universities by ethnicity(2019 UK intake)*All UK

135、 universitiesWhite students71.3%BME students28.7%Russell GroupWhite students74.6%BME students25.4%Russell Group outside London White students79.7%BME students 20.3%Oxford University(2021 UK intake)*White students75.4%BME students24.6%*2011 UK census.Source:Office for National Statistics.Ethnicity da

136、ta from the 2021 census has not yet been published.*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.*Excluding studen

137、ts whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 22UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022UNIVERSITY-LEVEL DATABME students The number of UK-domiciled BME applicants to Oxford has increased since 2017,as have the numbers of students receiving offers and being admitted.The propor

138、tion of UK-domiciled students admitted to Oxford who indicate in their UCAS application that they identify as BME has risen from 17.8%in 2017 to 24.6%in 2021.Table 6.1:UK-domiciled BME students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted,20172021BME STUDENTSWHITE STUDENTSBME PROPORTION

139、OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTED2021 4,254 670 648 9,408 2,049 1,987 24.6%2020 4,024 706 684 9,509 2,293 2,214 23.6%2019 3,596 669 558 9,583 2,306 1,978 22.0%2018 3,097 551 457 9,048 2,305 2,045 18.3%2017 2,899 519 446 8,921 2,324 2,057 17.8%Asian s

140、tudents Since 2017,applications from UK-domiciled Asian students have been increasing annually,as have offers received and students admitted.The proportion of UK-domiciled students admitted to Oxford who indicate in their UCAS application that they identify as Asian has risen from 8.2%in 2017 to 11.

141、2%in 2021.Table 6.2:UK-domiciled Asian students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted,20172021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED112021 2,258 308 295 11.2%2020 2,135 289 277 9.6%2019 1,901 279 243 9.6%2018 1,687 249 208 8.3%2017 1,539 241 206 8.2%Bre

142、akdown of students achieving AAA or better at A-level(all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*85.4%White/other BMEBreakdown of students at non-London Russell Group universities(2019 UK intake)*89.7%White/other BME10.3%Asian14.6%AsianOxford University(2021 UK intake)1188.8%White/other BME11.2%Asian*Most

143、recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 23UNIVER

144、SITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20222022|UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORTBangladeshi and Pakistani students Since 2017,the numbers of UK-domiciled Bangladeshi and Pakistani students applying to Oxford,being made offers and being admitted have risen substa

145、ntially.The proportion of UK-domiciled students admitted to Oxford who indicate in their UCAS application that they identify as Bangladeshi or Pakistani rose from 1.7%in 2017 to 2.8%in 2021.Note:Within the British Asian group,Bangladeshi and Pakistani students are considered under-represented at hig

146、hly selective universities,hence their inclusion as a separate group at University level in this report.Table 6.3:UK-domiciled Bangladeshi and Pakistani students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted,20172021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED1120216

147、3082752.8%202061866592.0%201953267532.1%201844352411.6%201738455431.7%Breakdown of students achieving AAA or better at A-level(all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*96.0%White/other BMEBreakdown of students at non-London Russell Group universities(2019 UK intake)*96.5%White/other BME3.9%Bangladeshi/Pa

148、kistaniOxford University(2021 UK intake)1197.2%White/other BME3.5%Bangladeshi/Pakistani2.8%Bangladeshi/Pakistani*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish q

149、ualifications.See page 39 for full citation.Students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage12 The numbers of UK-domiciled students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage applying to Oxford,receiving offers and being admitted have increased from 2017 to 2021.The proportion of UK-domic

150、iled students admitted to Oxford who indicate in their UCAS application that they identify as Black has risen from 1.9%in 2017 to 3.5%in 2021.Table 6.4:UK-domiciled students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted,20172021APPLICATIONSOF

151、FERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED923.5%20205641091063.7%20.2%201842486652.6%201739665481.9%Breakdown of students achieving AAA or better at A-level(all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*97.5%White/other BMEBreakdown of students at non-London Russell Group unive

152、rsities(2019 UK intake)*96.5%White/other BME2.5%BlackOxford University(2021 UK intake)1196.5%White/other BME3.5%Black3.5%Black*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equival

153、ent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.12 This includes students who indicated on their UCAS application that they identified as Black Caribbean,Black African or Black other background.PAGE 24UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL

154、ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Mixed Heritage students The number of UK-domiciled Mixed Heritage applicants to Oxford has risen since 2017,as have the numbers of students receiving offers and being admitted.The proportion of UK-domiciled students admitted to Oxford who indicate in their UCAS appl

155、ication that they identify as Mixed Heritage rose from 6.6%in 2017 to 8.2%in 2021.Table 6.5:UK-domiciled Mixed Heritage students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted,20172021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED112021 1,126 223 217 8.2%2020 1,053 262

156、256 8.8%2019 969 247 206 8.1%2018 816 191 162 6.5%2017 768 180 164 6.6%Breakdown of students achieving AAA or better at A-level(all UK universities,2019 UK intake)*94.5%White/other BMEBreakdown of students at non-London Russell Group universities(2019 UK intake)*94.7%White/other BME5.4%MixedOxford U

157、niversity(2021 UK intake)1191.8%White/other BME5.3%Mixed8.2%Mixed*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.11

158、Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 25UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DATA BY COURSEThe following tables include figures for Oxfords 25 largest courses by total number of places,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.BME students In general,students fro

159、m BME backgrounds are more likely to apply for the most competitive courses than White students.For example,between 2019 and 2021 36.1%of applications from UK-domiciled students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage12 and 26.5%of total UK-domiciled BME applications were for two courses:Medi

160、cine and Law*.By comparison,these courses attracted 12.4%of applications from UK-domiciled White students.UK-domiciled BME students made up between 12.5%and 40.4%of UK intakes from 2019 to 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest courses.Application numbers vary widely between courses,both in the broad BME group

161、 and within individual ethnic groups.Applications from UK-domiciled BME students ranged from 42 to 1,987 for Oxfords 25 largest courses Table 6.6:UK-domiciled BME students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by course,three-year total 20192021BME STUDENTSWHITE STUDENTSBME PROPOR

162、TION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBiochemistry 301 58 55 770 217 200 21.6%Biology 227 67 60 993 255 220 21.4%Biomedical Sciences 226 15 13 543 98 91 12.5%Chemistry 317 100 92 1,022 383 352 20.7%Classics 126 68 65 494 253 239 21.4%Computer Science

163、 389 15 14 583 46 43 24.6%Earth Sciences 45 17 17 183 86 77 18.1%Economics&Management 944 80 76 1,225 135 130 36.9%Engineering Science 508 113 102 942 295 261 28.1%English 396 123 115 1,795 551 515 18.3%Experimental Psychology 189 39 33 555 127 115 22.3%Geography 182 45 40 916 227 202 16.5%History 4

164、16 131 120 2,084 549 518 18.8%History&Politics 156 33 30 580 88 80 27.3%Law*1,163 177 159 1,986 381 351 31.2%Materials Science 71 22 20 148 72 68 22.7%Mathematics 831 86 82 2,163 268 259 24.0%Mathematics&Computer Science 262 21 21 441 38 38 35.6%Medicine 1,987 191 180 1,552 273 266 40.4%Modern Langu

165、ages 171 87 76 878 396 372 17.0%Music 69 40 36 349 189 168 17.6%Oriental Studies 102 37 32 231 81 69 31.7%PPE*958 143 137 1,872 380 364 27.3%Physics 684 67 66 2,297 286 277 19.2%Theology and Religion 42 17 16 226 115 107 13.0%*Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Economi

166、cs 11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.12 This includes students who indicated on their UCAS application that they identified as Black Caribbean,Black African or Black other background.PAGE 26UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Asian students UK-dom

167、iciled Asian students made up between 3.8%and 23.1%of UK intakes from 2019 to 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest courses.46.7%of applications from UK-domiciled Asian students from 2019 to 2021 were for four highly competitive courses:Medicine,Law*,Economics&Management,and Mathematics.Table 6.7:UK-domiciled

168、 Asian students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by course,three-year total 20192021 APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11Biochemistry 148 23 21 8.2%Biology 97 31 26 9.3%Biomedical Sciences 122 6 6 5.8%Chemistry 173 46 44 9.9%Classics 44 26 25 8

169、.2%Computer Science 232 8 8 14.0%Earth Sciences 20 5 5 5.3%Economics&Management 635 48 47 22.8%Engineering Science 305 59 54 14.9%English 135 34 31 4.9%Experimental Psychology 94 18 16 10.8%Geography 80 17 13 5.4%History 154 40 35 5.5%History&Politics 58 11 11 10.0%Law*561 88 80 15.7%Materials Scien

170、ce 44 12 11 12.5%Mathematics 520 49 47 13.8%Mathematics&Computer Science 164 11 11 18.6%Medicine 1,225 110 103 23.1%Modern Languages 36 18 17 3.8%Music 17 9 8 3.9%Oriental Studies 34 12 11 10.9%PPE*482 62 61 12.2%Physics 395 35 34 9.9%Theology and Religion 23 9 9 7.3%*Including Law/Law with Studies

171、in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Economics 11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 27UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage12 UK-domiciled students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritag

172、e comprised up to 6.1%of UK intakes from 2019 to 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest courses.36.1%of applications from UK-domiciled students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage from 2019 to 2021 were for two highly competitive courses:Medicine and Law*.By comparison,these courses attracted 12.4%o

173、f applications from UK-domiciled White students.Five of Oxfords 25 largest courses each received ten applications or fewer from students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage from 2019 to 2021,and as a result admitted only very small numbers.Table 6.8:UK-domiciled students with Black Africa

174、n or Black Caribbean heritage:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by course,three-year total 20192021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11Biochemistry 41 10 10 3.9%Biology 17 4 3 1.1%Biomedical Sciences 31 2 1 1.0%Chemistry 31 12 11 2.5%Classics 16

175、 11 11 3.6%Computer Science 59 2 2 3.5%Earth Sciences 4 2 2 2.1%Economics&Management 123 13 10 4.9%Engineering Science 60 18 16 4.4%English 54 18 17 2.7%Experimental Psychology 26 5 4 2.7%Geography 11 3 3 1.2%History 58 27 25 3.9%History&Politics 25 5 4 3.6%Law*235 36 31 6.1%Materials Science 10 5 4

176、 4.5%Mathematics 74 6 6 1.8%Mathematics&Computer Science 26 000.0%Medicine 364 29 27 6.1%Modern Languages 18 14 11 2.5%Music 5 4 3 1.5%Oriental Studies 8 5 4 4.0%PPE*170 30 27 5.4%Physics 45 4 4 1.2%Theology and Religion 8 4 4 3.3%*Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Ec

177、onomics 11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.12 This includes students who indicated on their UCAS application that they identified as Black Caribbean,Black African or Black other background.PAGE 28UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Mixed Heritage s

178、tudents UK-domiciled Mixed Heritage students made up between 2.4%and 15.8%of UK intakes from 2019 to 2021 for Oxfords 25 largest courses.Table 6.9:UK-domiciled Mixed Heritage students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by course,three-year total 20192021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITT

179、EDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11Biochemistry 87 21 20 7.8%Biology 100 29 28 10.0%Biomedical Sciences 60 5 4 3.8%Chemistry 93 31 28 6.3%Classics 62 28 26 8.6%Computer Science 70 4 3 5.3%Earth Sciences 18 9 9 9.6%Economics&Management 148 18 18 8.7%Engineering Science 115 31 27 7.4%English

180、171 61 57 9.0%Experimental Psychology 61 13 11 7.4%Geography 80 20 19 7.9%History 171 53 50 7.8%History&Politics 57 13 12 10.9%Law*266 42 37 7.3%Materials Science 15 4 4 4.5%Mathematics 201 29 28 8.2%Mathematics&Computer Science 55 9 9 15.3%Medicine 258 39 37 8.3%Modern Languages 108 50 43 9.6%Music

181、 45 27 25 12.3%Oriental Studies 56 19 16 15.8%PPE*235 39 38 7.6%Physics 207 25 25 7.3%Theology and Religion 9 4 3 2.4%*Including Law/Law with Studies in Europe *Philosophy,Politics and Economics 11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 29UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSION

182、S STATISTICAL REPORT|2022 DATA BY OXFORD COLLEGEThe following tables include figures for 29 of Oxfords undergraduate-admitting colleges,aggregated from 2019 to 2021.BME students UK-domiciled BME students made up between 16.1%and 28.5%of colleges UK intakes from 2019 to 2021.Table 6.10:UK-domiciled B

183、ME students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by college,three-year total 20192021BME STUDENTSWHITE STUDENTSBME PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDBalliol College 435 6359 1,103 20719623.1%Brasenose College 506 6057 1,

184、643 23121920.7%Christ Church 494 9386 991 23121628.5%Corpus Christi College 196 4643 490 13813124.7%Exeter College 276 6155 981 20419022.4%Hertford College 430 8177 1,123 26023524.7%Jesus College 342 7167 848 21219925.2%Keble College 804 9488 1,607 27725126.0%Lady Margaret Hall 520 8379 945 23421926

185、.5%Lincoln College 257 3735 742 19318316.1%Magdalen College 444 6260 1,234 21720123.0%Mansfield College 247 5954 591 16614427.3%Merton College 269 4239 932 18116918.8%New College 429 8175 1,044 27225622.7%Oriel College 269 5450 664 16915923.9%Pembroke College 419 7264 888 22420823.5%Somerville Colle

186、ge 337 6659 832 26224119.7%St Annes College 401 8678 842 26023824.7%St Catherines College 546 8982 1,134 29226923.4%St Edmund Hall 274 6156 717 20619422.4%St Hildas College 295 5954 565 22821520.1%St Hughs College 332 6965 657 24221523.2%St Johns College 597 6962 1,291 23021022.8%St Peters College 3

187、15 7162 693 18016827.0%The Queens College 338 5951 782 19618721.4%Trinity College 322 5346 718 17816921.4%University College 379 6261 876 24122521.3%Wadham College 448 9685 955 25423626.5%Worcester College 803 8989 2,261 26425425.9%University total(201921)8 11,874 2,045 1,890 28,500 6,648 6,179 23.4

188、%8 Total includes Permanent Private Halls and Harris Manchester College.11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 30UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Asian students UK-domiciled Asian students made up between 7.3%and 12.6%of colleges UK intakes fro

189、m 2019 to 2021.Table 6.11:UK-domiciled Asian students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by college,three-year total 20192021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11Balliol College24624218.2%Brasenose College24625248.7%Christ Church255363310.9%Corpus

190、 Christi College102222011.5%Exeter College13725229.0%Hertford College222403711.9%Jesus College164312910.9%Keble College451464212.4%Lady Margaret Hall296393712.4%Lincoln College15119198.7%Magdalen College22023238.8%Mansfield College116262512.6%Merton College14821209.6%New College23332319.4%Oriel Coll

191、ege167252411.5%Pembroke College235353211.8%Somerville College19126227.3%St Annes College20935309.5%St Catherines College30035339.4%St Edmund Hall150262610.4%St Hildas College16127248.9%St Hughs College196363412.1%St Johns College29825248.8%St Peters College155302912.6%The Queens College19028239.7%Tr

192、inity College18122209.3%University College19322217.3%Wadham College212393510.9%Worcester College393363610.5%University total(201921)8 6,294 876 815 10.1%8 Total includes Permanent Private Halls and Harris Manchester College.11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 31UNIVERSI

193、TY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage12 UK-domiciled students with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage made up between 1.5%and 5.7%of colleges UK intakes from 2019 to 2021.Table 6.12:UK-domiciled Black students:application

194、s to Oxford,offers made and students admitted by college,three-year total 20192021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11Balliol College411093.5%Brasenose College621093.3%Christ Church52882.6%Corpus Christi College23663.4%Exeter College3316145.7%Hertford College52882.6%J

195、esus College51441.5%Keble College11514133.8%Lady Margaret Hall10118175.7%Lincoln College27541.8%Magdalen College47993.4%Mansfield College4611105.1%Merton College23441.9%New College4413113.3%Oriel College28862.9%Pembroke College56872.6%Somerville College4111113.7%St Annes College7915144.4%St Catherin

196、es College9315133.7%St Edmund Hall37652.0%St Hildas College47662.2%St Hughs College5611103.6%St Johns College1061193.3%St Peters College5514104.3%The Queens College32772.9%Trinity College411073.3%University College4810103.5%Wadham College671392.8%Worcester College13917175.0%University total(201921)8

197、 1,659 311 278 3.4%8 Total includes Permanent Private Halls and Harris Manchester College.11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.12 This includes students who indicated on their UCAS application that they identified as Black Caribbean,Black African or Black other background.PAG

198、E 32UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Mixed Heritage students UK-domiciled Mixed Heritage students made up between 4.8%and 12.9%of colleges UK intakes from 2019 to 2021.Table 6.13:UK-domiciled Mixed Heritage students:applications to Oxford,offers made and students admitte

199、d by college,three-year total 20192021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDPROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTED11Balliol College120262610.2%Brasenose College16721207.2%Christ Church154433912.9%Corpus Christi College5516158.6%Exeter College8417166.5%Hertford College13731309.6%Jesus College102302810.5%Keble

200、College18827278.0%Lady Margaret Hall9422217.0%Lincoln College6312115.0%Magdalen College14025249.2%Mansfield College6617147.1%Merton College7712104.8%New College12030288.5%Oriel College6520199.1%Pembroke College11025217.7%Somerville College8123217.0%St Annes College9032309.5%St Catherines College1253

201、7349.7%St Edmund Hall6423197.6%St Hildas College6521197.1%St Hughs College6320196.8%St Johns College14626248.8%St Peters College7824219.1%The Queens College9518166.7%Trinity College8420188.4%University College10025258.7%Wadham College147373410.6%Worcester College22830308.7%University total(201921)83

202、,1487326798.4%8 Total includes Permanent Private Halls and Harris Manchester College.11 Excluding students whose ethnicity status is not declared.PAGE 33UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|20227.Disability This section sets out the number and proportion of UK-domiciled students

203、 who declare a disability on application to Oxford.The number of students declaring a disability on application,the number of those students receiving offers and the number being admitted,has been increasing year on year since 2017.In 2021,11.6%of admitted students had declared a disability on appli

204、cation,3.8 percentage points higher than in 2017.Table 7.1:UK-domiciled students declaring a disability,20172021DISABILITYNO KNOWN DISABILITYPROPORTION DECLARING A DISABILITY OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTEDAPPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTED2021 1,595 326 311 12,806 2,455 2,380 11.6%2

205、020 1,519 325 307 12,583 2,734 2,643 10.4%2019 1,349 303 245 12,532 2,756 2,345 9.5%2018 1,202 291 238 11,811 2,669 2,332 9.3%2017 1,083 241 199 11,513 2,700 2,361 7.8%Table 7.2:UK-domiciled students declaring a disability by category of disability,three-year total 20192021APPLICATIONSOFFERSADMITTED

206、PROPORTION OF TOTAL UK STUDENTS ADMITTEDAutistic spectrum disorder 519 109 101 1.2%Blind/partial sight 66 19 19 0.2%Deaf/partial hearing 73 15 15 0.2%Learning difficulty*1,428 261 237 2.9%Longstanding illness 345 88 81 1.0%Mental health 1,012 212 189 2.3%Multiple disabilities 381 101 88 1.1%Other di

207、sability 532 119 105 1.3%Wheelchair/mobility 107 30 28 0.3%Total with declared disability 4,463 954 863 10.5%No declared disability 37,921 7,945 7,368 89.5%Total 42,384 8,899 8,231 100.0%*including dyslexia,dyspraxia and ADHDCONTEXTBreakdown of students at UK universities by disability statusAll UK

208、universities(2019 UK intake)*83.2%no known disabilityRussell Group(2019 UK intake)*84.7%no known disability15.3%disability16.8%disabilityOxford University(2021 UK intake)88.4%no known disability11.6%disability*Most recent available national data covers 2019 intake:defined as first-year,first-degree,

209、UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.AAA+pool includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.PAGE 34UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Glossary ACORNACORN is a postcode-based tool that categorises the UKs population by level

210、of socio-economic advantage.ACORN uses a range of data such as accommodation type,household income,population density and lifestyle habits to produce estimates of the characteristics of each individual household and postcode.Category 4 is described as financially stretched;category 5 as urban advers

211、ity.Both groups are characterised by lower-than-average household incomes.ACORN categories 4 and 5 represent 13.2%of UK students achieving three A grades or better at A-level at UK universities*.AdmittedStudents admitted refers to students who have been made an offer of a place at Oxford,met any con

212、ditions of that offer,and indicated that they intend to take up their place.ApplicationsApplications refers to students who submit a UCAS application by the 15 October deadline for an undergraduate course at Oxford.Applications by collegeIn tables that feature application numbers by college,the figu

213、res include those applicants who indicated a college of preference on their application,and anyone who made an open application who was then allocated to that college.Applicants considered by one college may still receive an offer from another college.CollegesOxford University is made up of over 30

214、colleges and halls.It is these colleges that admit undergraduate students to the University.All colleges have signed up to a Common Framework for Admissions which means the same application process for each course at every college.The colleges work together during the admissions process to ensure th

215、at the best applicants are successful,regardless of the college that initially considers their application.Most colleges offer most courses but the exact mix and the number of places on each course does vary between colleges.For more information about colleges,please see ox.ac.uk/ugcolls.CoursesCour

216、ses refers to Oxfords undergraduate degree programmes.Students apply for these courses through UCAS.Some of these courses are in single subjects(eg History or Geography),while others are joint courses combining two or more subjects(eg Mathematics and Computer Science).Most courses are three or four

217、years long and lead to a BA Honours degree or a Masters degree(eg MEarthSci or MMath).For more information,please see ox.ac.uk/courses.*First-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.Includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.See page 39 for full citation.PAGE 35U

218、NIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022DisabilityData in this report refer to disabilities that students have declared on their UCAS application.Students may also declare disabilities at later stages of the application process,or at any point during their course.For more inform

219、ation about the support available to disabled students,please see ox.ac.uk/disability.DisadvantageOxford uses various measures of disadvantage when considering applications,from various sources of available data.The main measures are:Educational disadvantage,which looks at the average performance of

220、 schools at GCSE and A-level.Socio-economic disadvantage,which looks at ACORN and POLAR data for the applicants home postcode.Oxford is also aware of students who have been in care,based on information provided in the UCAS application.For more information,please see ox.ac.uk/context.DomicileA studen

221、ts domicile refers to their country of permanent residence,as provided on their UCAS application.This is not necessarily their nationality,but it is the country where they usually live.For example,UK-domiciled students includes students with non-British nationality who are permanently resident in th

222、e UK(not just here for the purposes of education).It does not include UK students who live permanently outside the UK.EthnicityEthnicity refers to the ethnic origin of UK students,as declared on the UCAS application.Our data includes only those applicants who have indicated their ethnicity,so it doe

223、s not include those who choose not to say(4.7%of applicants in the three years 2019-2021).Ethnicity data is not available to universities during the admissions process:UCAS shares this data after all the admissions decisions have been made.Gender This report uses the binary female/male options from

224、the UCAS application,which may not reflect the gender identity of all applicants.The University welcomes students who wish to take,or have taken,steps to change the gender identity they were assigned at birth,and those who do not identify with a permanent binary gender identity.For more information,

225、please see https:/edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/transgender.OffersApplications to Oxford are all considered together,and then shortlisted applicants are invited to interview.Around a third of those who are interviewed are then made an offer of a place.Most offers have conditions attached,such as achieving a pa

226、rticular set of grades at A-level,as specified for an applicants chosen course.Offers in this report includes all those students who receive an offer.The number of offers for any particular college may be higher than their application numbers as students may be moved between colleges during the appl

227、ication process.This is to ensure that the best applicants are successful,regardless of the college that initially considers their application.PAGE 36UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Open applicationApplicants can indicate a college of preference when they complete their

228、 UCAS application or they can make an open application.Open applicants are then allocated to a college.After this allocation,colleges review all their applications in exactly the same way:they make no distinction between direct and open applicants.POLARPOLAR is a postcode-based tool that measures ho

229、w likely young people are to participate in higher education based on where they live.POLAR quintiles are calculated by dividing the number of young people in local areas who enter higher education aged 18 or 19 by the overall young population in those areas.POLAR quintiles 1 and 2 represent 14.5%of

230、 UK students achieving three A grades or better at A-level at UK universities.The POLAR classification is continuously developed and updated.2020 and 2021 data in this report are from POLAR4.Previous years data are from POLAR3.School typeData on school type use the standard UCAS school type categori

231、es,as declared by schools and colleges.These school types are grouped as follows:School groupSchool sub-groupNotesStateAcademyComprehensiveFE institutionsTertiary colleges and all types of further education collegeGrammarSixth form collegeOther maintainedOther secondary schools,special schools and c

232、ity technology collegesIndependentIndependentOtherIndividual/UnknownThose applicants who applied online through UCAS without applying via a UCAS apply base(usually their school or college),or those where their apply bases school type is unknownOther UK institutionsMainly comprises language schools a

233、nd HE institutions,but also includes a few other UK institutions that are not classified as either state or independentOverseas schoolsUCAS cycleWhen tables or text in this report refer to an individual year,that year relates to a UCAS cycle.For example,data labelled 2021 refers to the UCAS cycle in

234、 which applications to Oxford were made by 15 October 2020,mostly for entry in October 2021(a minority of applicants in this cycle will have deferred entry to October 2022).*First-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students,academic year 2019/20.Includes equivalent Scottish qualifications.

235、See page 39 for full citation.PAGE 37UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Guide to the Oxford admissions process Candidates apply to Oxford through UCAS.The Oxford deadline is 15 October.As part of their application,students can specify a college,but nearly a fifth of candid

236、ates make an open application.Open applications are automatically allocated to a college with a lower number of direct applicants for the course,ensuring that candidates are distributed as equally as possible.Typically,Oxford aims to interview three candidates for every place.Shortlisting for interv

237、iew is done to a centrally agreed set of criteria for each course and takes into account all the information from the UCAS form,including any factors that might provide context to past or predicted grades.During shortlisting,many courses reallocate candidates from one college to another.This ensures

238、 that the best candidates University-wide are selected for interview by an Oxford college,even if it is not the college to which they originally applied.Shortlisted candidates are interviewed in early December by the college to which they applied,or the one to which they were reallocated.Some course

239、s,for example Medicine,only consider college preferences once the shortlisted candidates have been chosen.Candidates interview performance adds to the information already gathered,and decisions are then made as to who should receive an offer.Again,this is discussed at course level to ensure the over

240、all best candidates are selected.As a result of open applications and reallocations,around a third of successful candidates get an offer from a college they didnt initially select.Offers go out to candidates in January.The number of offers exceeds the number of places available,to allow for candidat

241、es who decline their offer,withdraw,or fail to meet their offer conditions.Competition for places is high for all Oxford undergraduate courses,but some courses have many more applicants per available place than others.This is one reason why offer and admission rates vary noticeably between courses.S

242、uccess rates are also influenced by the fixed number of undergraduates admitted annually by each college,and by the courses offered at any given college.As some colleges receive far more direct applications than others,the reallocation process described above is used to move candidates between colle

243、ges and ensure fair chances regardless of where candidates originally applied.Further information on this process and how to apply is available at www.ox.ac.uk/study.PAGE 38UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT|2022Note on HESA data DataThe data presented in Section 1(Overall num

244、bers,including domicile)have been restricted to all first-year,first-degree undergraduate students in academic year 2019/20 in the UK.In all other sections,the data comprise all first-year,first-degree,UK-domiciled undergraduate students in academic year 2019/20 in the UK.NB:This includes students d

245、omiciled in Guernsey,Jersey and Isle of Man.The AAA+A-level pool comprises students who achieved at least AAA at GCE/VCE A-level(excluding General Studies and Critical Thinking),or at least AA at Scottish Advanced Higher and at least AAAAB at Scottish Higher.Students with equivalent qualifications,e

246、g equivalent in IB points,are removed from this pool.When the AAA+A-level pool is broken down into its constituent categories(A*AA,A*A*A,A*A*A*),candidates obtaining at least AA at Scottish Advanced Higher and at least AAAAB at Scottish Higher are included in every category.ACORN categories 4 and 5

247、presented here do not include Type 34(Student flats and halls of residence),which falls within category 4.This type is included within the remaining ACORN categories.The information available for school type is:state school,other school,unknown.It is assumed that other school comprises predominantly

248、 independent schools.The data provided for gender records the sex of the student,as opposed to the gender with which they identify.Other is included for students whose sex aligns with terms such as intersex,androgyne,intergender,ambigender,gender fluid,polygender and gender queer.Further details are

249、 available here:https:/www.hesa.ac.uk/support/definitions/students.Students with unknown ACORN,POLAR,school type,domicile,region and ethnicity status are excluded from the relevant analyses.Russell Group excluding London universities comprises the following subset of the Russell Group:University of

250、BirminghamUniversity of GlasgowQueens University BelfastUniversity of BristolUniversity of LeedsUniversity of SheffieldUniversity of CambridgeUniversity of LiverpoolUniversity of SouthamptonCardiff UniversityUniversity of ManchesterUniversity of WarwickDurham UniversityNewcastle UniversityUniversity

251、 of YorkUniversity of EdinburghUniversity of NottinghamUniversity of ExeterUniversity of OxfordRounding PolicyThe data presented adhere to HESAs rounding methodology:0,1,2 are rounded to 0.All other numbers are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5.Percentages based on fewer than 22.5 individuals are

252、 suppressed.Averages based on 7 or fewer individuals are suppressed.SourceHESA Student Record 2019/20.Copyright Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited.Neither the Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited nor HESA Services Limited can accept responsibility for any inferences or conclusions derived by third parties from data or other information supplied by the Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited or HESA Services Limited.PAGE 39This report is also available online at:ox.ac.uk/adstats



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会员动态 会员动态:

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 微**...  升级为高级VIP 186**38...  升级为标准VIP

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