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1、Massimiliiano Claps Research Director IDC EMEA Government Insights A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces IDC Spotlight sponsored by Capgemini June 2024 Remi Letemple Senior Research Analyst IDC Government Insights A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Of

2、ficers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces Introduction The proliferation of data fueled by unprecedented advances in connectivity,computing,and artificial intelligence is transforming businesses,public administrations,and societies.The public sector will play a strategic role in empowering citizens,ci

3、vil servants,and private enterprises to use data intelligently to improve quality of life,tackle climate change,simplify government bureaucracy,drive innovation,and nurture talent.As senior leaders in the public sector,chief data officers(CDOs)will ensure that organizational capacities and competenc

4、ies;governance policies,structures,and processes;and data infrastructure,platforms,and analytics capabilities all align to deliver on strategic goals,including making the right data accessible to the right stakeholders.Across the globe,policymakers are actively shaping the data economy.The U.S.Gover

5、nment Federal Data Strategy1 aims to accelerate the use of data to deliver on mission,serve the public,and steward resources while protecting security,privacy,and confidentiality.Emerging countries,from Asia-Pacific2 to the Gulf region3,are making bold investments to gain competitive advantage in da

6、ta and AI.However,Europe has put forward the most ambitious goals to bring together the accelerated growth of the data economy with responsible use of data and AI.The European Union(EU)has defined its vision through the European Strategy for Data(2020)4 a vision that will empower Europe to become a

7、strategic player in the global data economy,while upholding European values,such as personal dignity,open and fair market competition,sustainable economic growth,and social justice.1 https:/strategy.data.gov/2 https:/ 3 https:/ai.sa/4 https:/digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/strategy-data KE

8、Y TAKEAWAYS The value of the European data economy reached almost 500 billion in 2022,representing a growth rate of 8.9%over the prior year and 3.9%of GDP,up from 3.7%in 2021.Data is deeply transforming businesses and public administrations,bringing economic and social value to citizens.Turning data

9、 into value requires public sector CDOs to align strategies,organizational competencies and capacities,technologies,governance,and ecosystems.AT A GLANCE IDC#EUR252042124 Page|2 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces Standing in the way of accomplishing tho

10、se goals are a shortage of skills,lack of a strategic approach to innovation and a strategic mindset,a volatile macro-environment,and technical debt.Public sector CDOs will need to shape future strategies,organizational capacities and competencies,technical architectures,governance models,and ecosys

11、tem collaborations to realize the value of data.This IDC Playbook provides public sector CDOs with insightful advice to empower them to embrace their strategic roles and execute their missions effectively and efficiently.Unique European Vision of the Intelligent and Responsible Use of Data The Europ

12、ean vision shaping the data economy is founded on unique characteristics that CDOs should bear in mind:A dynamic regulatory environment Public trust and engagement Policy and strategy goals Ecosystem collaboration Dynamic Regulatory Environment The EUs policies and regulations such as the Data Gover

13、nance Act5,AI Act6,Data Act7,Open Data Directive8,and Digital Decade program and its list of high-value data sets9 are creating the legal framework and funding vehicles to realize its vision of the accelerated and responsible use of data and AI.Public sector CDOs who want to realize the potential of

14、 data and AI should invest in cybersecurity tools and best practices,and actionable governance guidelines and principles.They should also consider suitable digital sovereign infrastructures and platforms that enable the self-determination of technical choices and regulatory compliance.Public Trust a

15、nd Engagement Increasing cyber-risks,ethical questions around advances in AI and generative AI,and more demanding regulations are putting pressure on CDOs to ensure that populations can trust governments ability to guarantee the quality and integrity of data and its use.5 https:/digital-strategy.ec.

16、europa.eu/en/policies/data-governance-act 6 https:/www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20230601STO93804/eu-ai-act-first-regulation-on-artificial-intelligence 7 https:/www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20231106IPR09025/parliament-backs-plans-for-better-access-to-and-use-of-data 8

17、 https:/digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/legislation-open-data 9 https:/digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/news/commission-defines-high-value-datasets-be-made-available-re-use IDC#EUR252042124 Page|3 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces Public CDOs

18、 must therefore bring more transparency into the process and into the effective use of data.For instance,the City of Amsterdam has developed an Algorithm Register10 to provide citizens with a holistic understanding of the artificial intelligence systems and algorithms used by the city.Public sector

19、organizations are expected to communicate and engage citizens,such as through community organizations,to showcase the benefits of the intelligent use of data,as well as compliance with EU policies,sovereignty initiatives,and local laws.Strategy and Policy Needs Too often,Technologists invest in new

20、solutions for the sake of it.The ambition to make intelligent and responsible use of data needs instead to prioritize alignment with government policies and strategies to improve the livability and prosperity of the European economy and society.CDOs should therefore identify use cases and aim to sol

21、ve societal issues or improve internal productivity through the intelligent use of data.This requires CDOs to pay attention to future-proofing architecture,meaning that the effort to address specific business issues should not result in siloed datasets and non-reusable analytics applications.Investi

22、ng in interoperability and continuous fast cycles of improvement through agile practices like DataOps must support the use-case-first perspective.The U.K.Central Digital and Data Office(CDDO)has fostered data sharing via the creation of a data marketplace,which works as a hub in which civil servants

23、 can request access to specific datasets directly from the datasets owners.This hub was initiated after research revealed that one of the main barriers to cross departmental data sharing was an inability of workers to find the right data.The CDDO therefore focused its efforts on facilitating exchang

24、e rather than building new platforms.Ecosystem Collaboration Over the years,EU and domestic regulations have highlighted the need for data to be used cautiously and yet for data to be as open as possible.The development of European Data Spaces is the perfect example of the necessity to create an are

25、a where many stakeholders can benefit from data and information in a trusted manner.For instance,the Spanish example of the Intelligent Destination Platform11 has the ambition to gather intelligence and enable private and public entities to work together and foster development.This example also draw

26、s attention to the importance of promoting the data capabilities of the organization among multiple stakeholders.10 https:/algoritmeregister.amsterdam.nl/en/more-information/11 https:/www.segittur.es/en/IDC#EUR252042124 Page|4 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Dat

27、a Spaces CDOs from the public sector must develop all the data-related processes in an open-by-design way.Public entities cannot work end-to-end on their own;they must involve third parties from the beginning such as other public services,global technology companies,and local start-ups to test solut

28、ions and shape their architecture road maps.CDOs must act as the ambassadors of their organizations capabilities and of the potential outputs.Depending on the specific role,ambassadors time and effort will be directed at external private partners,other public entities,and/or the general public.The C

29、rucial Role of the CDO The role of the chief data officer is not new,but it is evolving rapidly.For a long time,CDOs were polarized at two extremes of a wide range of roles.Some of them were thought leaders advocating the value of data,but with limited resources or decision-making authority.Others w

30、ere technical wizards heading small teams of data scientists and engineers deploying and managing data platforms and analytics solutions such as open data portals,data lakes,data meshes,visual dashboards,and digital twins in isolation from the rest of the organization.Nowadays,the CDOs role is still

31、 not always formalized,unlike that of the CIO or the chief technical officer(CTO),but the CDO is becoming a strategic leader in both the public and the private sector.The convergence of societal,economic,technological,political,and legal factors is making data a critical asset for strategy,policy,ma

32、nagement,and operational decisions,which is earning CDOs more senior leadership positions.This importance creates a new internal paradigm and raises questions about data ownership and related IT systems with other chief x officers(CXOs).Public sector institutions and private enterprise now recognize

33、 that CDOs play a crucial role in making intelligent decisions about operational efficiency,competitive advantage,customer service,environmental sustainability,regulatory compliance,and much more.Appointing CDOs to executive positions requires clarity on how,for instance,they are to work with CTOs t

34、o define data platform road maps that maximize value for money through interoperable and reusable components and how they should work with chief information security officers(CISOs)to ensure secure and regulatory compliant data collection,archiving,access,and transfer.Although they are moving to mor

35、e strategic roles,not all CDOs are created equal.Multiple factors will influence CDO roles mainly,those linked to organizations legacy and historical backgrounds,such as:Organizational readiness(e.g.,culture,competencies,technical architectures and infrastructures,and the quality and accessibility o

36、f data)IDC#EUR252042124 Page|5 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces Regulations and policies entitling public institutions and private enterprises to own,control,and process data or preventing them from doing so Strategic goals that organizations intend t

37、o achieve with more intelligent use of data Some aspects are inherent to the individuals appointed to CDO roles,like their mindset,skills,and vision and whether they are more inclined to fulfill technical or managerial responsibilities.Both organizational and mindset aspects must be considered equal

38、ly in selecting the right CDO for a given position.In this respect,finding the right approach to the somewhat conflicting aspects of data privacy and data utilization is also important;depending on the priorities and sensitivity of the organizations data,the respective CDO must strike the right bala

39、nce between regulatory compliance and unleashing the power of data to drive business and policy innovation.Across the varied spectrum of factors that shape the role of the CDO,two critical attributes are influencing CDO types in the public sector:The purpose of the CDO role:Some public sector CDOs a

40、re mandated to promote the development of the data ecosystem for the whole country(or the whole region or city)and to drive impact in terms of sustainable economic development,diversity and inclusion,public safety,fair and open markets,technology innovation,skills development,and so forth.Other publ

41、ic sector CDOs are much more focused on the performance of their organizations,whether a ministry,a local or regional council,a commission,or an agency overseeing a particular domain,such as nature conservation,public safety,or scientific research.In this latter case,their purpose is to advance the

42、intelligent use of data to enhance the quality of service,efficiency,compliance,and resilience of their respective institutions.How the CDO executes the vision and strategic goals of the above:Some public sector CDOs regulatory and strategic mandates require them to operate technical data and analyt

43、ics solutions to control and/or process data.Other CDOs are not tasked with managing technical capabilities;they are rather orchestrators of the data ecosystem,defining architecture and governance best practices and bringing together stakeholders.IDC#EUR252042124 Page|6 A Playbook for Public Sector

44、Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces Based on the above two attributes,four CDO archetypes can be identified:The Evangelist CDOs role is to shape policies,engage the ecosystem,and promote the importance of data.The Evangelist must oil the wheels,making every stakeholder aware of the

45、impact and power of data in fostering social and societal improvements.The Evangelist influences policy choices on how to address societal challenges,rather than technical issues.For example,Oficina del Dato(the Data Office)was created within the Ministry of Economic Development and Digital Transfor

46、mations Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence(SEDIA),Spain,to promote the management,sharing,and use of data to accelerate the digital transformation of the public sector and of strategic sectors of the Spanish economy agrifood,sustainable mobility,health,commerce,tourism,and In

47、dustry 4.0(smart manufacturing).The Strategist CDOs role is to design,deploy,and operate technology solutions to ensure data is used more effectively.The Strategist must act at a higher level than local departments to generate interaction between them and to break boundaries,particularly for long-te

48、rm projects.An example is Etalab,often considered as the French government CDO.Etalab provides ministries with support in facilitating the dissemination and reuse of their public information and manages a national open data platform.As a Strategist,Etalabs director also creates bridges between the w

49、orlds of research,public administration,and private enterprise to tackle societal challenges.Since its creation,Etalab has had the objective to facilitate and promote the openness of data and its impactful use.Etalab director,the Government of France Our goal is to discover how we can really make us

50、e of data across many different verticals by capitalizing on common or horizontal methodologies and technologies.CDO,the Federal Government of Spain IDC#EUR252042124 Page|7 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces The Alchemist CDOs role is to drive organizat

51、ional enhancement by promoting data interoperability,data capability reuse,and data security through the orchestration of partners and suppliers.The Alchemist works alongside other agencies and ministries CTOs,CIOs,and CDOs to ensure they can make intelligent use of data to improve citizen experienc

52、e,deliver on the promise of the once-only principle12,and increase the productivity and operational resilience of the civil service.The CDO for the Government of Estonia is an example of an Alchemist,fostering the use of artificial intelligence,open data,and citizen-centric data sharing across the E

53、stonian public and private sectors and promoting the development of data literacy across the civil service.As an Alchemist,this CDO combines internal resources and competencies with the capabilities and capacities that the private sector can bring through widespread engagement with the ecosystem13.T

54、he Technologist CDOs role is to design,deploy,and operate technology solutions.While the purpose of this role remains to empower civil servants through data capabilities,a Technologist will design,deliver,and operate analytics and AI applications,data platforms,and in partnership with CIOs and CTOs

55、supporting infrastructure.The CDO of the U.K.s HMRC is a good example of a Technologist.The role focuses on internally exploiting multilayer datasets to give taxpayers a clear understanding and clarity of their obligations,to make voluntary compliance easy,and to improve HMRC experts capacity for ri

56、sk assessment to reduce opportunities for complaints,errors,and tax avoidance.12 https:/commission.europa.eu/news/once-only-principle-system-breakthrough-eus-digital-single-market-2020-11-05_en 13 https:/e- knowledge exchange and collaboration between the public and the private sector have helped to

57、 find better solutions for the ecosystem of Brokratt and for future wider use.CDO,the Government of Estonia As a CDO,you must make sure you go through the various layers of the organization and ensure information is available to all individuals and that they are able to interpret the data to make st

58、rategic decisions.CDO of HMRC,the U.K.IDC#EUR252042124 Page|8 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces FIGURE 1 Four Archetypes of Public Sector CDOs Source:IDC,2024 Reality will push the boundaries of these four archetypes;the axes in the above figure are co

59、ntinuums.For instance,in terms of execution,orchestrator CDOs could,to support their roles,be responsible for operating lightweight data sharing platforms,such as open data portals and API catalogues,and identity management tools to regulate access to those platforms.In terms of purpose,some CDOs or

60、ganizations have indirect impacts on societal challenges.For example,CDOs of police authorities whose primary priority is to use data intelligence to increase the effectiveness of policing,avoid crime,and apprehend criminals more rapidly indirectly impact neighborhood livability.Creating a CDO posit

61、ion and establishing a hierarchy for the role often translate into the creation of a dedicated budget and team.Depending on the archetype,the CDO may head a small(10 people max.)but influential cabinet or a large team of technical experts.The budget can be up to 3%of the agencys overall expenditure

62、when it includes spending on IT tools and implementation costs.CDO Playbook:How to Make the Most of a CDO Role in an Organization The definition of the four public sector CDO architypes,notwithstanding the caveat of variations,is useful because it enables organizations to define the responsibilities

63、;prioritize investments in capabilities and capacities;develop people competencies;design governance structures,policies,and processes;and adopt adequate policies to maximize the effectiveness of the CDO and team.IDC#EUR252042124 Page|9 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of

64、AI and Data Spaces All CDO archetypes must make conscious choices in six areas to ensure their roles are successful:Strategy:What are the business goals and objectives of our organization?How should we rank them?And how should we align them with our data strategy?Governance:What regulations and ethi

65、cal standards apply to our organization and department?What procedures and policies should we establish to ensure the quality of the data we process?And how can we foster the security and privacy of this data through existing or new procedures?Architecture:What are the technical characteristics need

66、ed to fulfil the strategic goals of our organization?How can we ensure their efficient usage?And which innovative capabilities should we embrace to better execute our management tasks?Organization:What is the optimum team size for our department to be impactful?And what skills do we require?Ecosyste

67、m:Who are the stakeholders(executives,departments,and external)we need to collaborate with to align data initiatives with overall strategy?And what is the best way to bring them onboard?Funding and ROI:What is a realistic budget for our team?What part of the organization should fund us?And what key

68、performance indicators(KPIs)do we need to effectively assess our progress?IDC#EUR252042124 Page|10 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces FIGURE 2 A CDO Playbook for All Four Public Sector CDO Archetypes Source:IDC,2024 These profiles can be outlined as fol

69、lows:Evangelist:The Evangelist CDOs mission is to shape the data economy at the national level.To execute on that mission,the Evangelist should focus on guiding public and private sector stakeholders in their adoption of a governance framework and architecture to enable the intelligent,interoperable

70、,trusted,and responsible use of data.To pursue these strategic goals,the Evangelist CDO needs a programmatic approach that entails 23-year initiatives measured against soft KPIs such as the number of policies and standards influenced,the number of companies participating in proofs of concept,and com

71、pliance with standards and guidelines relating to public procurement requests for information and requests for proposals.The scope of action is wide,encompassing international collaboration with organizations like Gaia-X and with private partners.The Evangelist does not need large teams but must rec

72、ruit people with competencies that span legal affairs,business modeling,and data architecture and engineering and with mindsets open to collaboration and agile working.IDC#EUR252042124 Page|11 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces Strategist:The Strategist

73、 CDOs mission is more operational.Strategic efforts must be focused on operating platforms that can foster the intelligent,interoperable,trusted,and responsible use and sharing of data across the public and the private sector.The Strategist must prioritize specific use cases,engage with stakeholders

74、 who can drive adoption and deliver value over 35-year timelines,and source the right technical products and services to develop and deploy operating platforms.Metrics should include such KPIs as the number of datasets the platform makes available,data quality,and the number of downloads and API req

75、uests.Having a mix of business modeling,sourcing,data infrastructure,and data platform skills is paramount for the Strategist CDO.Alchemist:The Alchemist CDO is an accelerator of digitalization and of data strategy implementation.The Alchemist must bring together siloed government entities with priv

76、ate sector and academic partners to improve citizen experience,civil servant productivity,and operational resilience.The Alchemist must uncover use cases that deliver value for money in terms of overall convenience,civil servants satisfaction and productivity,and citizens satisfaction.They must poss

77、ess good knowledge of the EUs legal framework for data to ensure that data sharing across government agencies complies with regulations.The Alchemist must combine a sense of credibility through technical knowledge and diplomacy to foster collaboration.Technologist:The Technologist CDOs mission to dr

78、ive high-performing public administrations through data requires the Technologist to prioritize strategic initiatives that help rapidly innovate and then scale data management,advanced analytics,and AI capabilities.The Technologist should work closely with functional directors,such as the finance di

79、rector and citizen services director,to maximize the impact of the solutions that they deploy and scale them in terms of usability,security,and efficiency.Metrics for the Technologist include the number of short technical projects(3 to 6 months)delivered and an ability to future-proof cost-effective

80、 data platforms and infrastructure that increase the availability and quality of data and insights.Technologist teams primarily comprise technical experts,including data architects,data engineers,and data scientists,but also those with business acumen and governance,risk,and compliance skills.Consid

81、erations Public sector CDOs should be aware of the challenges and collaborate with public sector entities and technology partners to tackle them.IDC data shows that senior public sector leaders driving innovation suffer from a shortage of skills and a lack of strategic plans for adopting and develop

82、ing technologies,which often lead to siloed solutions that are costly to operate and evolve.They also face a volatile macro-environment,technical debt,and organizational resistance to change.IDC#EUR252042124 Page|12 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces FI

83、GURE 3 EMEA Government Technology Innovation Key Challenges Source:IDC,2024 CDOs who want to succeed in their missions should map the specific challenges of their organizations and build action plans to address them.Based on their estimation of the time and effort needed to tackle these barriers,the

84、y should communicate with stakeholders to set clear expectations.For instance,to address the skills gap,CDOs should decide what combination of hiring,training,and technology-provider partnering will help their teams advance their agendas.In the case of interoperability,collaboration with national an

85、d international standards organizations will help foster trusted data exchange.Conclusion Governments have the opportunity and responsibility to use data to improve citizens quality of life,make their public services more efficient and responsive,and lead by example,showing the way to other industri

86、es when it comes to collecting,sharing,and processing data in a trusted and ethical manner.This responsibility is increasingly on the shoulders of the women and men who fulfill the role of the chief data officer the CDO.Governments creating or expanding the scopes of CDO positions should:IDC#EUR2520

87、42124 Page|13 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Officers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces Establish a clear mission a vision of the outcomes they want to achieve through the intelligent and trusted use of data and align it with the priority stakeholders they want to positively impact Design an

88、 operating model for the CDO and his team that maximizes impacts measured against mission KPIs Inventory existing organizational competencies and capacities,datasets,data architecture capabilities,and data governance policies and processes to identify areas in need of improvement and define an actio

89、n plan Gain a deep understanding of national and international regulatory requirements and ethical standards and apply them to boost public trust in their use of data Identify in collaboration with other program and IT executives low-hanging fruit that can help prove value for money and build busine

90、ss cases for continued investments Select technology partners that combine an understanding of technical data and AI capabilities with experience in supporting organizational change and expertise in government missions and policies IDC#EUR252042124 Page|14 A Playbook for Public Sector Chief Data Off

91、icers in the Era of AI and Data Spaces About the Analyst MESSAGE FROM THE SPONSOR Capgemini Capgemini is a global business and technology transformation partner,helping organizations to accelerate their dual transition to a digital and sustainable world,while creating tangible impacts for enterprise

92、s and society.Capgemini has developed specific expertise in strategic areas such as digital sovereignty,data spaces,and environmental,social,and governance to address the various domains of the public sector,including administration,security,healthcare,welfare,defense,and tax and customs.Building fr

93、om a leadership positioning in data and AI,our network of experts helps governments and public sector organizations embrace data-driven solutions powered by scaled AI and GenAI to deliver improved citizen experiences,trusted societal outcomes,and increased operational efficiency.Last year,Capgemini

94、was recognized as a Leader in IDC MarketScape:European Professional Services for Data-Driven Government 2022 Vendor Assessment(IDC#EUR149014122,February 2023).Connect with us to learn more about our expertise in the public sector:https:/ Claps,Research Director,IDC EMEA Government Insights Massimili

95、ano(Max)Claps is a research director in the IDC Government Insights European team.Maxs research empowers technology suppliers and public sector professionals to embrace disruptive technologies,such as artificial intelligence,edge computing,and cloud.Max Claps is also IDCs lead analyst worldwide for

96、the railway and airline industries.Remi Letemple,Senior Research Analyst,IDC Government Insights Remi Letemple is a senior research analyst in the IDC Government Insights European team.Remi leads research on citizen experience,data strategies,and digital sovereignty and is a member of the Technology

97、 and Sustainability practice.Remi Letemple has developed qualitative and quantitative research methods over multiple consulting projects and has delivered over 50 workshops and conferences in recent years.About IDC International Data Corporation(IDC)is the premier global provider of market intellige

98、nce,advisory services,and events for the information technology,telecommunications,and consumer technology markets.IDC helps IT professionals,business executives,and the investment community make fact-based decisions on technology purchases and business strategy.More than 1,100 IDC analysts provide

99、global,regional,and local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries worldwide.For 50 years,IDC has provided strategic insights to help our clients achieve their key business objectives.IDC is a subsidiary of IDG,the worlds leading technology media,research,a

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微**...   升级为至尊VIP 139**01... 升级为高级VIP

136**15... 升级为至尊VIP    jia**ia... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP   183**14... 升级为标准VIP 

 wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 微**... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP   Be**en 升级为至尊VIP

微**... 升级为高级VIP   186**86... 升级为高级VIP 

Ji**n方... 升级为至尊VIP   188**48... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  iam**in... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  135**70... 升级为至尊VIP

199**28...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

火星**r...  升级为至尊VIP  139**13...  升级为至尊VIP

 186**69... 升级为高级VIP  157**87... 升级为至尊VIP

 鸿**... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

137**18...   升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  139**24... 升级为标准VIP