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1、Beyondthe binge:A P A CLiving consumer intelligence|Unveiling the habits,attitudes,andlives of APACs streaming customersBeyond the binge2Introduction Across the diverse landscape ofAsia-Pacific,streaming platforms have become a cornerstone of entertainment,weaving their way into the lives of audienc

2、es.No longer confined to television screens,captivating content now flickers on smartphones,tablets,and laptops,offering viewers unprecedented access to a world of imagination and entertainment.But who are these viewers,the faces behind the clicks and the engines driving the regions booming streamin

3、g market?This report delves deeper than the binge-watching headlines to paint a vibrant portraitof APACs streaming customers,specifically focusing on those engaged with major platforms like Disney+and Netflix.We move beyond demographics and psychographicsto explore the intricate tapestry of their ha

4、bits,attitudes,and lives.We examine how they engage with content,navigate the digital landscape,and express their diverse cultural identities through their viewing choices.The key markets explored in this study are Australia,Indonesia,Hong Kong,Singapore and Thailand.Who are subscribers of Disney+an

5、d Netflix:Across all five markets,Netflix maintains a significant lead,claiming around 30%of subscribers in each country.Its broader content library and established presence appear to be key drivers.Despite being the newer entrant,Disney+carves out a sizable niche,particularly in family-oriented mar

6、kets like Australia(20%)and Hong Kong(18%).Beyond the binge311%16%10%18%20%31%35%18%27%44%ThailandSingaporeIndonesiaHong KongAustraliaNetflixDisney+Australia(45+)Hong Kong(18-29)Indonesia(30-44)Singapore(18-29)Thailand(18-29)AustraliaHong KongIndonesiaSingaporeThailand32%26%27%20%32%Demographics Und

7、erstanding who the current subscribers to Disney+and Netflix is important for tailoring content,marketing,and platform features to secure loyal engagement.Younger viewers lead in Thailand and Singapore,while Australia shows family appeal.Females hold significant sway,and busy working professionals d

8、ominate most markets.Income level seems to influence platform choice,and understanding content preferences beyond age is crucial.By delving deeper into viewing habits,device usage,and regional nuances,both platforms can refine their offerings and truly connect with these diverse audiences.Beyond the

9、 binge4AgeGender(Female)34%28%39%20%55%Employment status Income level (higherthan 200%of the median)AustraliaHong KongIndonesiaSingaporeThailand65%11%62%78%43%Australia(Working full time)Hong Kong(Working full time)Indonesia(Working full time)Singapore(Full time student)Thailand(Working full time)55

10、%55%56%52%55%Ability to watch on the move I can watch thingswhenever I want to The viewing quality/experience is better Its easier to find what I want to see Access to shows not availableon traditional TV broadcasts The viewing quality/experience is better Its easier to find what I want to seeAbilit

11、y to watch on the moveAccess to shows not availableon traditional TV broadcasts I can watch thingswhenever I want to I can watch thingswhenever I want to Ability to watch on the move Its easier to find what I want to see The viewing quality/experience is better Access to shows not availableon tradit

12、ional TV broadcasts 48%38%45%41%36%36%24%39%45%56%38%41%37%48%66%16%30%45%54%59%I can watch thingswhenever I want to Ability to watch on the move Its easier to find what I want to see The viewing quality/experience is better I got it free with anothercontract/service 36%38%41%45%48%I can watch thing

13、swhenever I want to Ability to watch on the move Its easier to find what I want to see Access to shows not availableon traditional TV broadcasts The viewing quality/experience is better Why APAC streams:Flexibility,mobility,and content cravings Beyond the binge5Across APAC,viewers flock to streaming

14、 services forthe liberating control it offers over their entertainment experience.The top reasons I can watch things whenever I want and Ability to watch on the move”reign supreme in most markets,highlighting a desire for convenience and freedom from rigid schedules.Finding content amidst the vast l

15、ibraries also proves a major draw,with Its easier to find what I want to see consistently ranking high.However,regional nuances emerge.Consumers inHong Kong seem more swayed by free bundled subscriptions,while Indonesians prioritize picture quality.Thais value viewing experience but still crave fres

16、h content unavailable on traditional TV.By understanding why viewers click play,streaming services can unlock deeper engagement and solidify their place in the hearts(and screens)of APAC viewers.AustraliaSingaporeHong KongThailandIndonesia6-10 hours per week 1-5 hours per week 11-15 hours per week 1

17、6-20 hours per weekLess than 1 hour per week6%12%15%23%24%6-10 hours per week 1-5 hours per week 11-15 hours per week Less than 1 hour per week 16-20 hours per week 1-5 hours per week 6-10 hours per week 11-15 hours per week Less than 1 hour per week 16-20 hours per week 9%10%12%21%23%1-5 hours per

18、week 6-10 hours per week 11-15 hours per week Less than 1 hour per week 16-20 hours per week 1-5 hours per week 6-10 hours per week 11-15 hours per week Less than 1 hour per week 16-20 hours per week Time spent onvideo on demandstreaming servicesViewers exhibit a healthy,yet dedicated,relationship w

19、ith streaming services.The majority in most markets fall within the 1 5and 6-10-hour range per week,suggesting a preference for consistent engagement without falling into excessive binge-watching territory.This trend holds true from Hong Kongs busy professionals to Australias family viewers,indicati

20、ng a conscious balance between entertainment and other aspects of life.Beyond the binge6AustraliaHong KongIndonesia6%7%10%23%35%SingaporeThailand7%8%10%26%36%7%8%13%23%38%Apple TV+Amazon Prime Video MeWATCHViuApple TV+iQIYIAmazon Prime Video iflixViuWeTVApple TV+HBO GOiQIYIViuWeTV iflixYouTube Premi

21、umAmazon Prime Video HBO GOLeTVmyTV SUPERViuYouTube38%11%13%6%4%5%Amazon Prime Video Paramount+Apple TV20%6%9%4%7%4%14%21%27%Beyond the binge7Other streaming services current subscribers are considering:While Disney+and Netflix may reign supreme,the APAC streaming landscape is far from a two-horse r

22、ace.A fascinating array of contenders emerges across markets,revealing intriguing consumer preferences and opportunities for platform growth.Global giants like Amazon Prime Video maintaina presence across all markets,with its bundled offerings holding significant appeal.But thestory gets exciting wi

23、th the emergence of regional players.In Hong Kong and Thailand,localchampions like iQIYI and Viu challenge the status quo,capitalizing on their understanding of local content and cultural nuances.This trend is echoedin Indonesia with WeTV iflix finding traction through tailored content and strategic

24、 partnerships.Paramount+in Australia hints at a potential demand for classic Hollywood fare,while HBO Gos presence in Hong Kong and Indonesia suggests a niche for premium dramas.YouTube dominates Hong Kong and Indonesia,highlighting the popularity of user-generated content and affordable alternative

25、s.AustraliaHong KongIndonesiaSingaporeThailand18%21%5%18%19%10%5%7%12%9%Attitudes towards streaming servicesNearly half the population in Australia,Indonesia,and Thailand feel burdened by too many subscriptions,highlighting a potential saturation point.This is despite strong agreement(over 60%)acros

26、s all markets that video and music services should offer more group subscriptions.The desire to share streaming subscriptions emerges as a strong trend,with over 50%in most markets finding it convenient.This resonates with the idea of close circles sharing credentials,with percentages ranging from 4

27、8%in Singapore to 63%in Hong Kong.Hong Kong stands out with a significantly lower comfort level with sharing login details(only 19%).This suggests a stronger emphasis on individual accounts and personal preferences compared to other markets.Australia and Thailand,on the other hand,shows the highest

28、acceptance of sharing with anyone(35%).Beyond the binge8I feel I have too manysubscriptions to things49%38%47%23%49%Video and music streaming services should offer more group subscriptions64%69%62%62%64%Streaming services have changed TV watching for me63%70%74%71%63%Live TV is a thing of the past31

29、%35%16%32%31%Its more convenient to share a subscription for video and streaming services with other peopleIts ok to share my login details for video and music streaming services with anyone I want toI share my streaming services credentials only to people that are close to me54%48%59%52%54%50%28%35

30、%19%50%52%48%57%63%52%AustraliaHong KongIndonesiaSingaporeThailandAttitudes towards advertising:Viewers crave engaging ads,with a surprising 77%of Indonesians and 64%of Thais expecting entertainment value.The region is open to creative marketing messages that add to,rather than disrupt,the viewing e

31、xperience.Additionally,high percentages in most markets notice internet ads,indicating receptiveness to online marketing efforts.However,tolerance for ad-supported content varies.While Indonesians readily accept ads for free content(73%),Singaporeans seem less convinced(47%).This highlights the impo

32、rtance of findingthe right balance between ad frequencyand viewer satisfaction.Beyond the binge9I expect advertisements to entertain me64%56%77%50%50%I think its fair that we have to watchads in exchange for free content60%47%73%53%60%I often notice advertisements on the internetAustraliaHong KongIn

33、donesiaSingaporeThailand75%57%65%43%53%Attitudes towards internet activitiesBeyond advertising,APAC audiences demonstrate a strong dependence on the internet.Super-fast broadband is top of mind for nearly 70%across all markets,underscoring the regions reliance on a seamless online experience.Social

34、media engagement also continues to rise,particularly in Hong Kongand Thailand,indicating a shift in content consumption preferences.Beyond the binge10Super-fast broadbandis important to meI spend more time on social media now than I did a year ago72%50%60%48%25%Whilst watching TV,I search the intern

35、et for products I see advertised47%37%59%39%47%The internet is my main source of information81%79%88%76%81%AustraliaHong KongIndonesiaSingaporeThailand69%70%88%69%69%Restaurants and cafes CinemaConcerts or livemusic events CinemaRestaurants and cafes Concerts or livemusic events CinemaRestaurants an

36、d cafes Shopping malls/clothing stores Restaurants and cafes CinemaZoos30%54%61%CinemaRestaurants and cafes Museums43%60%63%27%53%48%52%59%71%31%46%54%Beyond the binge11Free time activitiesCinema reigns supreme across all five markets,ranging from 46%in Thailand to a whopping 71%in Indonesia,regiona

37、l nuances emerge when it comes to other preferred activities.Restaurants and cafes captivate the crowds,especially in Hong Kong and Australia,while Indonesians add a dash of retail therapy with shopping malls sharing their spotlight with cafes.Singaporeans groove to live music,and Hong Kongers delve

38、 into the treasures of museums.AustraliaHong KongSingaporeThailandIndonesia12Here are 5 key insightsfrom this reportBeyond the bingeThe APAC streaming landscape is a dynamic and diverse ecosystem.By delving deeper than demographics and platform preferences,weve unraveled the intricate threads of vie

39、wer behavior,concerns,and motivations that weave this dynamic ecosystem.Understanding these nuances is the key for platforms to thrive,not just by tailoring their offerings,but by forging genuine connections and building trust with audiences across the APAC markets.Here are 5 key insights from this

40、report:1.Tailor content and platform features to cater to diverse demographics and regional preferences.2.Understand motivations beyond age to personalize content recommendations and optimize user experience.3.Invest in local content and partnerships to differentiate offerings and attract new audien

41、ces.4.Explore group subscription models and secure sharing features to address subscription fatigue and convenience concerns.5.Create engaging,relevant ad experiences that seamlessly integrate into the online environment.By continuously weaving understanding,innovation,and trust into the fabric of t

42、heir offerings,platforms can navigate this dynamic ecosystem and secure their place at the forefront of APACs ever-evolving entertainment landscape.13MethodologyBeyond the bingeData as of December 31,2023YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys,rather than from a s

43、ingle limited questionnaire.Profiles data for Australia and Singapore are nationally representative,while Indonesia,Thailand and Hong Kong are nationally representative of the online population and weighted by age,gender,education,region,and race.Learn more about Profiles.YouGov,2023,all rights rese

44、rved.All materials contained herein are protected by copyright laws.Any storage,reproduction or distribution of such materials,in whole or in part,in any form without the prior written permission of YouGov is prohibited.This information(including any enclosures and attachments)is propriety and confi

45、dential and has been prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the addressee(s)and solely for the purpose for which it is provided.We make no representations,warranties or guarantees,whether express or implied,that the information is accurate,complete or up to date.We exclude all implied conditi

46、ons,warranties,representations or other terms that may apply and we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage,whether in contract,tort(including negligence),breach of statutory duty,or otherwise,even if foreseeable,arising under or in connection with use of or reliance on the information.We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so.Thank youLiving consumer intelligence|



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