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1、Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook What are the next steps to achieve net zero by 2050 for rail stakeholders in various parts of the world?This third article in our rail decarbonization series looks at the current state of railway systems around the world and presents actions to accelerate progress

2、 toward net zero.The recommendations we provide for rail stakeholders build upon the ecosystem perspective(Figure 1 below)explored in the first article,which discusses how rail decarbonization is inextricably linked to the wider transport sector,energy sector and built environment.The major steps th

3、e rail sector needs to take to decarbonize are outlined in the second article.In addition,the first two articles address how to achieve a shift from road and aviation to rail,a short-term means to reduce the substantial emissions from the transportation sector.Table of ContentsIntroduction .1Africa

4、.5Asia.8Australia and New Zealand .12Canada.16Continental Europe and the Nordics .20Latin America .25Middle East.28United Kingdom.32United States.36Conclusion.40June 5,2024This is the third article in a series.Click below to read the first two articles.IntroductionArticle 1 Rail Decarbonization:An E

5、cosystem PerspectiveArticle 2 Rail Decarbonization:Strategic Pivot Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook2Our rail decarbonization series recognizes that decarbonization is a change process on a global level and across all sectors and industries.However,complacency within the rail industryresulting fro

6、m the perception that rail is sufficiently greenimpedes the bold,immediate action needed to reduce embodied carbon in rail infrastructure and,at the same time,avoid falling behind increasingly decarbonizing road-based travel.An awakening among stakeholders is needed,and ownership,rather than delegat

7、ion,emerges as the catalyst for real change.Here we take a look at the state of rail decarbonization around the world,presenting a broad perspective from various countries and regions.We then apply the ecosystem and ownership principles to provide specific recommendations for how rail stakeholders c

8、an own their part of the rail decarbonization journey.TERMS USED IN THIS ARTICLEEmbodied carbon refers to the greenhouse gas emissions released during the lifecycle stages of an infrastructure asset:raw material extraction,transportation,manufacturing,construction,maintenance,renovation,and end-of l

9、ife(in contrast with operational carbon,which is released from the ongoing operation of the railway asset).In addition,in this article,the word carbon is used to refer to carbon dioxide(CO2)and all other greenhouse gases.Scope 1 emissions covers direct GHG emissions from owned or controlled sources;

10、scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the purchase and use of electricity,steam,heating and cooling;scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in the upstream and downstream activities of an organization.PAS 2080 is a global standard for reducing whole-life carbon in infrastructure.Th

11、e framework provides a breakdown of responsibilities and activities for all members of the value chain so that they can jointly deliver the decarbonization of assets.The circular economy is a model of production and consumption where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated;the circula

12、r economy involves sharing,leasing,reusing,repairing,refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible.SI:D3,WSPs systems integration approach,creates a migration plan to convert stated goals into benefits for rail stakeholders.Lean-Agile methodology seeks to improve eff

13、iciency by eliminating waste.Figure 1 The Rail Ecosystem Adopting the ecosystem perspective requires consideration of sectors that intersect with railin particular,the energy sector,other modes of transport and the material supply sectoras this wider view is necessary on the journey to decarbonize r

14、ail.The ecosystem perspective takes into account the whole lifecycle of an asset,identifying trigger pointswhere decisions can be made by rail stakeholders(enablers)along the decarbonization journey.Figure 2 General Decarbonization Strategy Developing tangible roadmaps with clear interim transition

15、steps fosters focus on shorter-term goals and generates the sense of urgency lacking in milestones set far into the future.Baseline Emissionsfor the rail ecosystem1.Develop transition steps targeting major carbon emissions sources guided by PAS 2080,SI:D3 and Lean-Agile principles3.Set iterativeredu

16、ction targets2.Execute the steps4.CO21.Develop greenhouse gas(GHG)baseline Keeping the ecosystem perspective in mind,include construction,operations and asset renewal in the baseline for a given year.2.Commit to ambitious emissions-reduction targets.3.Develop a transition plan guided by the ecosyste

17、m perspective and the PAS 2080 framework.Focus on the big emissions culprits.4.Execute the plan.Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook3Generic steps for main rail stakeholders to support decarbonization ownership To support the rail industry in developing the transition plan to net zero(step 3 in Figur

18、e 2),we have set out a summary of typical roles and key actions in Figure 3 belowelaborating on the generic steps with an indicative timeline that can form stakeholder-focused roadmaps.The following sections offer recommendations for stakeholder-specific roadmaps in various countries/regions.Each se

19、ction provides an analysis of the current state of the rail system,actions needed in the urgent,near-future phase and how to take ownership in the long-term phasetoward meeting the 2050 target established in the Paris Agreement from 2015 and to sustain momentum beyond 2050.In order to develop a regi

20、onal roadmap,it is useful to first understand the characteristics of the region.For this purpose,the regional sections include a table providing some of the general parameters of the railway.In addition,for some countries/regions we present examples of the rail industrys structure to indicate the ma

21、in stakeholders and how decarbonization can be achieved.Figure 3 Generic steps for each of the main rail decarbonization enablers globally PASTPERIOD OF URGENCYEXTENDING OWNERSHIPSUSTAIN2015 PARIS BASELINEOperators&MaintainersCommit to industry roadmaps.Require supply chain data.Enhance operational

22、efficiency.Only use zero-carbon energy.Reduce operational carbon(e.g.alternative fuel,carbon capture).Decarbonize Asset Base(depots,etc.)and maintenance activities.Zero-carbon fleets.Asset OwnersCommit to industry roadmaps.Require supply chain data.Set whole-life carbon targets.Plan for asset replac

23、ement and renewal considering whole-life carbon.Construction sites are resource and energy efficient,powered by zero-carbon sources.Decarbonize Asset Base and activities.Only build net-zero emissions projects.InvestorsCommit to industry roadmaps.Require supply chain data.Only finance new infrastruct

24、ure and plant,and renovations with net-zero targets.Only finance renovations and new infrastructure if net-zero emissions.Suppliers Commit to industry roadmaps and set embodied carbon targets.Declare embodied carbon of 50%of standard products.Retrofit solutions with lower operational emissions.Decla

25、re embodied carbon of standard products.Use energy only from net-zero sourcesNo scope 3 emissions.DesignersCommit to industry roadmaps and early design for low whole-life carbon.Propose embodied targets best practice.Use circular principles.Share lifecycle assessment data.Propose in requirements all

26、 projects are 100%zero emissions.PolicymakersTransport AuthoritiesDevelop net-zero strategy.Set system-wide net-zero targets through policy and contractors.Implemented policies with progressive targets for embodied carbon,mandatory.GovernmentsDevelop net-zero strategy.Implement targets for new infra

27、structure and renewals.All certification include embodied carbon requirements.Implemented policies with progressive targets for embodied carbon,mandatorywith national roadmaps.NGO,Networks and ResearchersConvene sectors to co-create national net-zero roadmaps.Develop calculation methods,design tools

28、&guidance.Contribute to establish database&benchmarks.202420272030 50%LESS203520402050 NET ZERO2124LEGENDRoadmapsDataTarget setting/benchmarksFinanceZero-carbon energyDesignToolsPolicyDisclosureTechnology/operationLeadership action Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook4For rail operators and owners,th

29、e approach may include fleet electrification,clean energy adoption and operational efficiency enhancementse.g.moving from diesel-locomotives to electric alternatives and optimizing scheduling and route planning to minimize energy consumption.Infrastructure managers(those who own and maintain rail in

30、frastructure assets)can play a pivotal role by modernizing rail infrastructure and implementing sustainable construction practices.Roadmaps for infrastructure managers may include electrifying tracks or providing battery charging facilities,integrating energy-efficient signalling systems and utilizi

31、ng low-emissions/recycled materials for construction and renewals.Rail suppliers and manufacturers should also develop specific roadmaps to align with decarbonization goalse.g.research and development of low-carbon technologies,transitioning production processes to clean energy sources and optimizin

32、g supply chains to minimize emissions.Policymakers and government agencies not only shape the regulatory landscape but also should provide financial incentives to encourage decarbonization efforts.Their roadmaps may involve implementing carbon-pricing mechanisms,establishing regulatory frameworks to

33、 promote clean energy adoption in rail transport and allocating funding for research and development of clean energy technologies.Guided by global experience,regional understanding and interactions with stakeholders in decarbonization,we present recommendations to shape regional strategies that will

34、 accelerate the transition toward a carbon-neutral future in rail transportation.The starting point for accelerated change varies between countries and regions.Therefore,the specific steps are also different.However,there are key actions that can be taken across regions,which we share in the conclus

35、ion.5 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook AfricaCurrent State of the Railway System Africas railway infrastructure is a study in contrasts,reflecting the continents diverse economic and geographic landscapes.The state of rail transport in Africa is characterized by diversity in development levels,wi

36、th significant variations across regions and countries.The continent has been witnessing efforts to revitalize and expand its rail infrastructure as part of broader economic and social development goals.Rail infrastructure and services in Africa range from modern,urban metro systems in Cairo and Add

37、is Ababa,among other cities,to long-distance passenger and freight services that cross national borders.For the rail sector,climate change threatens infrastructure integrity through increased flooding,landslides and heatwaves,potentially disrupting services and increasing maintenance costs.Moreover,

38、changes in rainfall patterns could impact hydroelectric power supply,crucial for electrified rail systems,underscoring the need for resilient and adaptive infrastructure planning.In response to the dual challenges of climate change and sustainable development,African nations are increasingly priorit

39、izing decarbonization across sectors,including rail transport.Electrification of rail lines,adoption of renewable energy and modernization of rolling stock represent key actions to reduce the carbon footprint of rail services.These efforts are part of a broader ambition to shift toward low-carbon,su

40、stainable economies.However,achieving these goals requires overcoming significant challenges,including financial constraints,technological barriers and the need for regional cooperation and policy harmonization.The outlook for rail transport in Africa is cautiously optimistic,with ongoing projects a

41、nd planned investments signalling a commitment to improving rail services.1 However,the success of these endeavours will depend on continued political will,sustainable financing models and addressing technical and logistical challenges.This regional analysis will focus on rail decarbonization effort

42、s in South Africa and how the countrys rail sector is approaching this new frontier.Rail transport is seen as a key component of sustainable transport strategies,with the potential to reduce road congestion,lower carbon emissions and improve urban air quality.Africa1 Call for balance in investments

43、for road and rail infrastructure,South African Government News Agency,January 25,2024.6 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook AfricaChallenges and CommitmentsMany African countries face challenges in maintaining and upgrading rail infrastructure due to financial constraints,technical challenges,and so

44、metimes political instability.However,international funding and partnerships are increasingly available for rail projects,with China and multilateral development banks being notable partners in financing and constructing new rail infrastructure in various parts of Africa.2 Interoperability is a tech

45、nical challenge as different track gauges and standards across countries and even within countries hinder the interoperability of rail services,affecting regional connectivity.South Africas railway system is vital for transporting minerals and commodities for the mining sector,which is a backbone of

46、 the national economy.The network,one of the most developed in Sub-Saharan Africa,has a significant portion of its routes electrified;therefore,Transnet is leading the way in rail decarbonization on the continent.Electrification not only enhances the efficiency of rail operations but also reduces th

47、e reliance on diesel-powered locomotives,contributing to lower emissions.The electrification of rail lines serves as a foundation for further decarbonization initiatives,enabling the integration of renewable energy sources into the rail system.This electrification primarily benefits the major corrid

48、ors used for both freight and passenger services,including the suburban networks around major cities such as Johannesburg and Cape Town,as well as key freight routes.Within the rail sector,Transnet,the transport and logistics company owned by the South African government,has made a commitment to ach

49、ieve net-zero emissions by 2040.This commitment highlights the companys leadership in environmental sustainability within the African rail sector.This ambitious target aligns with global climate change mitigation efforts and sets a precedent for other African rail operators.Transnets decarbonization

50、 strategy focuses on leveraging biofuels,green hydrogen and renewable energy to transition away from fossil fuels.These energy sources are pivotal in reducing scope 1 and scope 2 emissions aligning with the broader South African Just Transition Framework3 and the global goal of net-zero emissions by

51、 2050.Optimizing train operations,upgrading infrastructure and adopting smart technologies can deliver immediate environmental benefits while paving the way for more comprehensive decarbonization efforts.The journey toward decarbonizing Africas railways,with South Africa at the forefront,embodies th

52、e continents broader aspirations for sustainable development and climate resilience.By embracing electrification,renewable energy and innovative technologies,Africa can transform its rail sector into a model of environmental stewardship.The path is complex and fraught with challenges,but with contin

53、ued investment,collaboration and strategic vision,the vision of a green and resilient rail network in Africa is within reach.ParameterInformationPer capitaData yearReferenceMARKET SIZE AND OWNERSHIP Population 60.6 million2022Dept:Statistics South AfricaArea(sqm)1.22 million sqkm20,000 sqm 2022South

54、 African GovernmentAnnual passenger km3.5 billion58 2020The World BankUrban Mass transit(metro,LRT,city commuter)Prasa Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa(MetroRail Service)2024Passenger Rail Agency of South AfricaRegional,interregional,national,High-speedGautrain High SpeedPrasa Shosholoza interr

55、egional&national2024gma.gautrain.co.za Annual freight tonnes km149 million TransnetRail Network total length(km)22,000TransnetPrivately owned shareNo private railway operators Electrification share 27%TransnetRAIL SHARE OF TRANSPORT&EMISSIONSRail share of passenger transport9%2022Dept:Statistics Sou

56、th AfricaRail share of freight transport14%2022Dept:Statistics South AfricaTable 1 Data on the South African rail market2 Ben Payton,Parallel Lines US and China vie for African rail dominance,African Business,September 8,2023.3 Just Transition Framework,Presidential Climate Commission.7 Rail Decarbo

57、nization:Global Outlook AfricaRecommended Actions Toward 2050 and BeyondWhile the initiatives explored in this section relate to South Africa,they can also be implemented throughout the African continent.Transnets commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2040 and its strategic focus on mitigati

58、ng scope 1 and scope 2 emissions through biofuels,green hydrogen and scaling up of renewable energy form a solid foundation for decarbonizing its rail infrastructure.Beyond these primary measures,there are several additional initiatives that rail operators could consider in further advancing their d

59、ecarbonization efforts.These include accelerating the electrification of rail lines,which not only reduces reliance on diesel powered locomotives but also allows for the integration of renewable energy sources directly into rail operations;improving energy efficiency by implementing advanced energy

60、management systems;upgrading to more energy-efficient locomotives;and retrofitting existing rolling stock with regenerative braking systems and other energy saving technologies.Developing on-site renewable energy generationsuch as solar panels at stations,on rooftops and on land owned by rail operat

61、orscould offset a significant portion of the rail systems energy needs.Wind energy could further diversify the renewable energy portfolio.Beyond using green hydrogen as a primary mitigation measure,investing in fuel-cell technology for locomotives could revolutionize rail transport by providing a po

62、werful and clean alternative to diesel engines.In parallel,there are other important contributory measures to considerinvesting in reforestation and ecosystem restoration and developing carbon capture and storage(CCS)technologies for stationary sources within railway operations.Leveraging digital te

63、chnologies to optimize routes,reduce idling and enhance overall operational efficiency can lead to significant emissions reductions.Implementing smart-grid technologies such as smart meters will enable more efficient use and distribution of renewable energy within its network.Collaboration is essent

64、ial to support scope 3 emissions reductions.Actions to support accelerated progress include working closely with the freight and logistics sectors to streamline operations and reduce overall transport emissions through modal shifts and efficiency gains;partnering with academic and research instituti

65、ons to pilot new technologies and best practices in rail transport sustainability;and engaging actively in policy development processes to support the creation of favourable regulatory frameworks for clean energy and transport innovations.Enhancing awareness and participation in decarbonization effo

66、rts from stakeholdersincluding customers,suppliers and the broader communitywill support scope 3 emissions efforts;scope 3 emissions efforts can also be strengthened through the implementation of stringent sustainability criteria for suppliers and partners,which will encourage broader adoption of lo

67、w-carbon solutions across the value chain.South African GovernmentTransnetMinistry of Public EnterprisesPRASAGauteng Department of TransportGautrain Management AgencyMetro RailEngineeringPropertyNational Ports AuthorityPipelinesFreight RailPort TerminalsShosholoza MeylDepartment of TransportMinistry

68、 of Public EnterprisesFigure 4 Rail sector structure and organization in South AfricaPolicy DevelopmentStrategy and FinancingStatutory Directives8 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook AsiaAsiaCurrent State of the Railway System Across Asiawhich is the largest continent geographically with 60%of the w

69、orlds populationmany countries are experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization,leading to increased carbon emissions throughout the lifecycle of products,from production to consumption and disposal.Asia accounts for 49%of global CO2 emissions of which 11.5%is due to the transportation indu

70、stry.4 The current broad action to decarbonize across Asian countries is switching from internal combustion engine vehicles and diesel locomotives to electrified railways,thereby eliminating direct CO2 emissions.Most Asian cities,however,already have modern electrified urban railway systems.Paramete

71、rDataPer capitaData yearReferenceMARKET SIZE AND OWNERSHIP Population4.9 billion2024World Population ReviewArea(sqkm)17.2 million3,500 sqm2024BritannicaAnnual passenger km 1,580 billion3202021UICUrban Mass transit Main operators:Shanghai Metro,Beijing Subway,Guangzhou Metro,Tokyo Metro,Seoul Metropo

72、litan Subway,Delhi Metro,Toei Subway,Osaka Metro,BTS Skytrain,Rapid KL,etc37.1 billion8Based on public information from government and industry sources.Regional,interregional,national,High-speed Main operators:China state Railway Group Compan,Japan Railways Group,South Korea661 billion134 2023UICAnn

73、ual freight tonnes km Main countries:China,India7,000 billion 2019SLOCATRail Network total length(km)Mostly owned by government452,000 Based on public information from government and industry sources.Privately owned share Main Owner:Japan Railways group5%Based on public information from government a

74、nd industry sources.Electrification share 64.6%Based on public information from government and industry sources.Table 2 Data on the Asian rail market4 Asia is the largest continent geographically and the most populous continent.Source for the numbers:Historical GH Emissions,ClimateWatch,accessed May

75、 20,2024.9 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook AsiaThe State Council of ChinaMinister Of RailwaysMinistry of Finance(MoF)Minister Of State For RailwaysNational Railway Administration China Railway Company(CRC)Railway BoardChina Railway Construction CorporationChina Railway First Survey and Design Gr

76、oup(CRFirstSDG)China Railway Lanzhou Branch(CRLB)China Railway Guangzhou Branch(CRGB)Zonal Railways (Open Line)Production UnitsOther UnitsPSU/Corp Etc.China Railway Fourth Survey and Design Group(CRFourthSDG)China Railway Wuhan Branch(CRWB)State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

77、Ministry of Transport(MoT)Industry SupervisionExercise the responsibilities as the investorFigure 6 Rail sector structure and organization in IndiaFigure 5 Rail sector structure and organization in ChinaParameterDataPer capitaData yearReferenceRAIL SHARE OF TRANSPORT&EMISSIONS Rail share of passenge

78、r transport18.9%Based on public information from government and industry sources.Rail share of freight transport18%Based on public information from government and industry sources.Transport sector share of total emissions11.5%2020Climate WatchRail share of transport emissions44%2020Asian Development

79、 BankFreight share of rail emissions56%2020Asian Development Bank10 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook AsiaCurrent ActionsHong Kong,India,and Singapore have achieved more than 90%electrified railway.In the other big Asian railway markets,China and Japan,three quarters of the network is electrified.

80、Malaysia,Indonesia,Vietnam and the Philippines have set aside up to 7%of their GDP to electrify and expand their mass rapid transit(MRT),light rail transit(LRT)and high-speed rails.5 According to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations,an estimated investment of USD 270 billion has been committed

81、 toward this initiative.China has also been pivotal in pushing the electric railway development across other Asian countries and wider through initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative.6 Although electrified railways serve as a solution for many Asian countries,Hong Kong and Singapore,for exa

82、mple,have taken further steps toward decarbonizing their rail systems.The major stakeholdersHong Kongs Mass Transit Railway(MTR)and Singapores Land Transport Authority(LTA)per their latest sustainability reports,have implemented different policies and initiatives,categorized into construction and op

83、eration phases,to further decarbonize their rail operation.Apart from railway setting the benchmark toward decarbonization,both MTR and LTA have shown support toward the decarbonization of other modes of transportation,each by installing at least 40 electric vehicle(EV)charging stations across their

84、 office buildings and mall car parks.Hong Kong MTRConstruction:Achieved BREEAM certification for stations and attained Final Gold and Final Platinum BEAM Plus Standard awards for properties contributing to railway operations.Operation:Installed over 2,100 solar panels generating 160,000kWh of electr

85、icity at depots.Implemented supercapacitor energy storage and regenerative braking technology across AC and DC rail lines,capturing 1,700KWh of regenerative energy daily to power station facilities.Singapore LTAConstruction:LTA mandates rolling stocks designed for minimum 92%recyclability.Operation:

86、LTA employs regenerative braking,recovers approximately 30%of consumed energy,and issued tenders in 2023 for solar deployment generating 7.9MWp in MRT stations and rail depots.Additionally,LTA utilizes platform screen doors,LED lighting and Dual Speed Escalators to reduce energy consumption within r

87、ail premises.5 Rail Development in ASEAN:Role of national and state governments,Southeast Asian Infrastructure,August 1,2023.6 Ibid.11 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook AsiaRecommended Actions Toward 2050 and Beyond Toward the 2050 goal,Asian countries could actively support railway decarbonizatio

88、n by taking action in several areas:electrification and renewable energy;ESG strategy and expansion;energy efficiency and circular economy;and policy integration.Many Asian countries,such as India,are actively electrifying their railway networks and integrating renewable energy sources.Setting speci

89、fic targets on energy intensity and consumption,improving water and waste management and adopting a circular-economy model can help railways achieve their ESG targets and reduce their carbon footprint.Translating national climate strategies into sector-specific strategies and making sectors accounta

90、ble by setting GHG targets can drive progress.This ensures that climate goals are integrated with development goals and involve all stakeholders in strategy development and implementation.While many Asian countries are driving toward decarbonization by electrifying their railway,a lot of work must b

91、e done for most countries to catch up with their more developed peers.As Asia continues to grow,the strategic development of its rail infrastructure will be crucial in meeting the dual challenges of economic development and environmental sustainability.Rail needs to be prioritized over other modes o

92、f less carbon-efficient public transport.The continuous development of a sustainable transport industry in Asia requires comprehensive development strategies encompassing both immediate and future objectives with thoughtful implementation.Actions should include electrification of existing lines coup

93、led with network expansionnecessitating significant investment from governments and private entities.Research and development initiatives are key to pioneering transportation solutions that are low-cost,carbon-efficient and longer lasting.Research and development from other sectors and markets has t

94、o be continuously adapted and improved upon for long-lasting battery-powered trains or zero-emissions hydrogen trains to be implemented.Regional collaboration is essential in cultivating the market dynamics and expertise necessary to address the challenges of climate change.The rail sectors decarbon

95、ization journey is no exception;leveraging the technological prowess and cooperative spirit of the regions developed nations is vital.This can enable the developing countries of the region to rapidly advance and align with the sustainability efforts of their regional peers.12 Rail Decarbonization:Gl

96、obal Outlook Australia and New ZealandCurrent State of the Railway System Australia and New Zealand cover a vast area.Populations are concentrated in cities,which are separated by long distances of unpopulated areas.This unique geography contributes to a unique system of railway infrastructure.Railw

97、ays in Australia and New Zealand can be broadly categorized:urban commuter;freight and regional passenger;and heavy haul transport.These three rail categories exhibit their own characteristics and face their own particular challenges to decarbonization.Table 3 Characteristics of Australian rail mark

98、etUrban Commuter Freight and regional passenger Heavy Haul (especially Iron Ore&Coal)Average trip Distances 60%50%40%30%20%23 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Continental Europe and the NordicsRail ownership in the Nordics and mainland Europe spans a wide spectrum due to the different status of t

99、he member states.The call for a governance and market opening from the EU is appealing to a deregulated railway market in order to create a competitive rail sector for both passenger and freight.The rail ownership(Figure 15)model was rolled out for the member states based on the deregulated Swedish

100、rail market.Figure 15 Swedish Rail Sector Structure:some organisations have multiple functions and belong to more than one box in the structureThe 4th Railway Package addresses these measures to enable the EUs rail decarbonization goal:Regulation on European Rail Agency(ERA)Directive on the interope

101、rability of the rail system Directive on railway safety Regulations on opening the market for domestic passenger rail transport services Directive establishing a Single European Rail Area(SERA)Rules for the standardization of railway undertakings accountsMinistry of Industry and TransportTransportst

102、yrelsen RegulatorRegional Transport AgenciesTrain OperatorsInfrastructure Owners(Access Providers)Infrastructure MaintenanceProperty Owners Stations,Depots,TerminalsRolling Stock Maintenance and RenovationsRolling Stock OwnersTrain ManufacturersKonkurrensverket Antitrust AuthorityTrafikverket Invest

103、ment&Policy National Strategy&FinancingRegulator&PolicyPublic Transport Agencies(regional strategy&financing,under regional government)Operators(Open access&Procured Traffic)Asser Owners/ManagersSuppliers 24 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Continental Europe and the NordicsToward the 2050 goal a

104、nd Beyond:To achieve the net-zero goal,the EU has emphasized the importance of creating sustainable,smart and resilient mobility,with the rail sector playing a crucial role in each aspect.A sustainable railway involves the use of fossil-free alternatives,offering alternative transport choices and im

105、plementing pricing that reflects the environmental impact.Clean energy alternatives have been extensively promoted to reduce dependences on fossil fuels.By 2022,the share of renewable energy reached 9.6%in the EU with the Nordic countries pioneering the use of renewables in the transport sector.21 T

106、he demonstration of this progress is mainly the renewable electricity consumption from road and rail transport.The awareness of a sustainable rail system should expand to the entire lifecycle,where applying circular-economy principles facilitates consideration of the lifecycle of rail infrastructure

107、.This approach goes hand-in-hand with using resources efficiently.Incorporating more recycled materials and renewable raw materials into rail infrastructure plays a significant role in reducing GHG emissions.Deutsche Bahn plans to at least double its recycled content in rail steel,ballast and concre

108、te sleepers by 2030 as a result of emissions reduction of around 300,000 metric tons of CO2.22 Resilient railway systems demand affordable,accessible transport,improved staff conditions and minimized incidents.Policymakers and stakeholders stress the urgency of enhancing rail efficiency,with the TEN

109、-T policy critical for EU transport development.Efficiency and integration are crucial for enhancing the attractiveness of rail passenger transportation.This involves measures such as reducing travel time,offering passenger-centric night train schedules and expanding denser high-speed networks.Minim

110、izing the complexity of transfers,both physically(through appropriate transfer times and reduced waiting times and barriers for passengers with luggage)and systemically(by simplifying ticketing processes)is essential.Initiatives such as refining EU freight corridors aim to improve rail efficiency by

111、 removing bottlenecks and enhancing modal integration.Additionally,making rail transport more affordable and accessible requires sustainable funding mechanisms to balance promotion and sustainability efforts.To achieve decarbonization in the rail sector,a holistic approach should encompass the follo

112、wing:Establishment of a robust policy and regulatory framework to support actions and collaborations.Involvement of stakeholders from governmental,operational and industrial sectors to maximize potential.Using more low-carbon alternatives,such as recycled materials and renewable raw materials,in rai

113、l infrastructure.Expansion of rail electrification and utilization of clean energy sources.Reduction of energy consumption through efficient options and consideration of lifecycle cost.Investment in technologies and innovations to optimize rail operations.Improvement of cross-border travel integrati

114、on and efficiency to encourage modal shift to rail for both passenger and freight.21“Share of renewables in transport increased slightly in 2022,”Eurostat,February 5,2024.22 Deutsche Bahn,Resource protection,accessed March 22,2024.25 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Latin AmericaCurrent State of

115、the Railway System Currently,Latin America has very few examples of active railway lines,most of them state-owned and located in countries such as Mexico and Argentina,where this type of rolling stock predominates;their infrastructure,in most cases,is more than 30 years old.Most other countries have

116、 plans for urban and suburban mass transportation systems.However,mixed-use interregional passenger and cargo rail systems are still at the very beginning of the planning and design stages throughout the region.In this context,and given the nature of existing railway systems,the greatest opportunity

117、 associated with decarbonization in the rail sector is to promote this means of transport and the associated infrastructure.This is conceived as complement to and a gradual replacement for the existing systems in place,which is predominantly road-based.Due to the nascent rail industry,there is oppor

118、tunity to build in low-carbon design solutions,including materials,from the start.Landmark projects in the region include the Tren Maya,Mexico(USD 28.5 billion),Bogot Metro Line 2,Colombia(USD 8.4 billion)and the Santiago-Valparaso train,Chile(USD 3.8 billion),which are in various stages of developm

119、ent.In Chile,the Santiago Metro network expects to grow by 57%in the next 10 years and become net zero by the year 2025,while the state-owned railway company EFE aims to triple its passengers in the same period.Latin AmericaTable 7 Data on the Latin America marketsParameterDataPer capitaMarket size

120、and OwnershipLatin AmericaChileArgentinaPeruColombiaBrazilPopulation(million)500 18.546.632.449.3219Area(million sqkm)16.533,000 sqm7562,7801,3001,1408,510Annual passenger(million km)5,34010.77004261323192,300Urban Mass transit(million km)5,19010.36004231303182,300Regional,interregional,national,Hig

121、h-speed1500.2941003.052.240.666 Annual billion freight tonne kmVaries 3,550 Rail Network total length(thousand km)101 6.6337.02.021.6629.8Privately owned shareVaries,freight mostly private,passenger mostly publicElectrification share From 0 to 30%26 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Latin AmericaC

122、urrent Actions,Challenges+Recommended Actions Toward 2050 and Beyond Promotion and planning of efficient new railway systems as a means of transport,focusing on electric and hybrid lines,is the most essential step on the decarbonization journey.Additionally,capabilities and data infrastructure must

123、be built,as there is a need for standards and a solid research base for the development of lower-carbon materials.In terms of the promotion and planning of new railway systems,governments of the region need to promote more efficient logistics systems that promote an increase in cargo capacity.As suc

124、h,they are currently pushing for additional rolling stock,which is being strongly supported by multilateral banks and international investment funds from developed countries(e.g.Japan,South Korea and France).There are a few private actors in the region that own and operate railways,such as FCAB in C

125、hile and Boliva or FDP in Colombia,mostly linked to the mining and port industries.However,they are not considered key players due to their size and/or highly specific purpose of their networks.In this emerging railway context,lack of experience,governance and regulations often lead to poorly planne

126、d projects that delay the processes and/or cause entities to give up on continuing with them.A shift in the ownership and operation paradigm of linear infrastructure could create opportunities for private-sector involvement,mirroring practices observed in Europe.Given this state of affairs,suppliers

127、,designers and asset owners should push for sustainable construction methods and materials,not only for linear infrastructure,but also for other buildings,such as yards and depots.These efforts should be carried out using a lifecycle approach,accounting not only for the direct emissions but also for

128、 those throughout the entire value chain.For countries with existing and functional railway networks,such as Argentina,Mexico and Chile,governments should increase overall ridership and railway-based services,including the expansion of networks for transport and cargo.The region faces worsening vehi

129、cular congestion due to increased vehicle numbers and insufficient transportation infrastructure investment.Passenger and cargo rail offer reliable travel options,although subsidized intercity fares are often not feasible.Urban congestion charging is a potential solution for heavily congested cities

130、 such as Bogota or Santiago and Lima,where rail transit is expanding.Policymakers should promote 100%clean energy-supply contracts for the railway systems through tax incentives and similar measures.From a supplier and designer perspective,the use of sustainable materials and construction methods wi

131、ll likely be mandatory as asset owners,which are mainly state-owned companies and agencies,such as EFE in Chile and OMM in Mexico,will be obliged to comply with stricter climate regulation.For this reason,early adoption could enable a higher-maturity level sooner and,as such,a competitive advantage.

132、Additionally,early adoption will allow for the reduction of asset-owner emissions,in line with potential net-zero commitments.Finally,new building and material technologies that offer not only lower emissions but also better reliability and durability represent a better economic choice in the long r

133、un.27 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Latin AmericaSummary of recommended actions for stakeholdersRailway systems in the region are either non-existent or just starting to develop,responding to needs for connectivity,efficiency and sustainability in both cargo and passenger transportation.This s

134、tatus gives the region a unique opportunity to implement low-carbon solutions from the very beginning.The period of urgency to 2030 Suppliers Carry out carbon inventories to include as part of Environmental Product Declarations,which communicate the environmental impact of materials over their lifet

135、ime.Designers Invest and build capabilities relating to net-zero designs and advisory.Asset Owners Commit to industry net-zero targets;require supply-chain data;develop standards for contractors to acquire lower-carbon materials for depot and train yards,stations,and tunnels and bridges.Investors Ac

136、count for financial risks related to the transition to a low-carbon economy;and develop net-zero standards for selecting transport and freight investment.Policymakers Prioritize rail-way-based transportation and cargo in public spending and reduce barriers to entry of new sustainable materials manuf

137、acturers and vendors(e.g.incentives,lower taxes,research funding,etc.)NGOs,networks and researchers Develop materials,techniques and strategies to lower the carbon footprint of the construction phase.Between 2030 and 2050 Suppliers Implement strategies to lower the embodied carbon footprint of const

138、ruction materials,such as 100%clean-energy-supply contracts and the use of composite materials to lower the percentage of clinker in cement.Designers Carry out designs that consider lower-carbon materials throughout the value chain;incorporate a lifecycle approach into design efforts and apply circu

139、lar economy pillars;optimize infrastructure design to minimize use of resources and introduce nature-based solutions to offset embodied and operational carbon footprint;and establish flexibility in future use,and design accordingly.Asset Owners Require compliance with contractor standards and 100%cl

140、ean energy-supply contracts.Prefer local suppliers to lower the transport-related carbon footprint and boost the local economy.Include carbon footprint as a metric in the procurement evaluation of rolling stocks.Require compliance with contractor standards.Investors Require compliance with net-zero

141、standards.Policymakers Review progress of projects and stakeholders on net zero commitments,and re-assess measures needed to reach net-zero targets.Rethink concessions systems to allow for better and higher use of railways by many different operators.NGOs,networks and researchers Continue research i

142、n lower carbon footprint,and check the compliance of stakeholders regarding net-zero commitments.28 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Middle EastCurrent State of the Railway System The Middle East faces climate-change-related risks including,high temperatures,water scarcity,disease risks,erratic r

143、ainfall,land degradation,rising sea levels and food security.Six Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC)countriesthe United Arab Emirates(UAE),Saudi Arabia,Qatar,Bahrain,Kuwait,and Omanhave ambitious emissions targets under the Paris Agreement,which is aiming for 43%emissions reduction by 2030 from 2019 level

144、s.This region urgently needs swift decarbonization efforts.Urban mobility in the Middle East is rapidly changing with new travel modes in discussion,such as hyperloop and suspended sky pods.Governments are prioritizing sustainable urban mobility with railways reshaping the regions transport landscap

145、e.Rail decarbonization emerges as a vital move,especially as the Middle Easts rail networks are still nascent.This presents an opportunity to leapfrog older,carbon-intensive infrastructureintegrating electrification,renewable energy and efficient technologies from the outset.Currently,14 notable rai

146、lway projects23 are underway or planned in the region.These projects imply a significant commitment to enhancing rail infrastructure across the Middle East.Rapid economic growth and urban development have been necessitating the development of modern transport infrastructurefrom 2000 to 2013,Saudi Ar

147、abia had the highest CO2 emissions from transport and Qatars emissions grew at the fastest rate in the region with a 285%increase.24 The Middle Easts opportunity to reinvent rail networks can impact economies positively.Governments recognize public transports broader benefitsto address pollution,con

148、gestion and safety and advance positive business cases to support future strategies.Middle East23 Mahnoor Bahri,“Upcoming Rail Projects in the Middle East,”Construction Week,December 6,2023.24 Overview of CO2 emissions in the Arab Region:National versus Sectoral Emissions,United Nations Economic and

149、 Social Commission for Western Asia,December 2013.29 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Middle EastTable 8 Data on the Middle East marketParameterDataCommentData yearReferenceMARKET SIZE AND OWNERSHIP Population of the Region/Country(million)57.3Across 6 GCC states:Saudi Arabia,UAE,Oman,Bahrain,Qat

150、ar,Kuwait2021GCC-Stat.orgArea(sqkm)of the Region/Country2.56 millionSum of 6 component states2021The World BankNumber of total annual passenger km1 million For Dubai,UAE Metro Only Insufficient Evidence for Qatar and Saudi Arabia2023Khaleej TimesUrban Mass transit(metro,LRT,city commuter)Same as abo

151、ve Regional,interregional,national,High-speedN/A Number of total annual freight tonnes km Rail Network total length(km)7,400Dubai Metro(Active),Dubai Tram(Active),Saudi North(Not fully operational),Saudi East,Haramain High-Speed.Etihad Rail(Not fully operational),Doha Metro,Lusail Tram Saudi Arabia

152、RailwaysEtihad Rail Based on public information from government and industry sourcesPrivately owned shareAll projects are nationalized Electrification share 639km electrified(Dubai Metro and Tram,Doha Metro and Lusail Tram,Haramain Railway,Saudi)Saudi Arabia RailwaysRAIL SHARE OF TRANSPORT&EMISSIONS

153、 Transportation sector share of total emissions42MTCO2eThis is only for United Arab Emirates Freight Transport:12 MTCO2e The United Arab Emirates First Long-Term StrategyCurrent ActionsA look at the UAEThe United Arab Emirates(UAE)leads the Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC)in sustainabilitythe first GCC

154、 country to ratify the Paris Agreement,hosting COP28 and pioneering the Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative,setting a precedent for others.This strategic vision aligns with the nations recognition for urgent climate action,given future escalating climate impact projections on the Arabian Peninsula

155、 by 2040.Over 85%of the UAEs population and 90%of its infrastructure are in coastal areas,highlighting the need for climate risk mitigation.The UAE government,a key enabler,drives decarbonization efforts in its nationwide strategies,including the UAE Long-Term 2050 Strategy among 16 other initiative

156、s,specifically focusing on transportation and railway development.One such example is the Dubai Demand Side Management(DSM)program,aiming to reduce transport sector energy demand by 60%and emissions by 56%by 2050.25The Dubai Metro has transformed urban transport since 2009,saving over 1 billion priv

157、ate car trips,reducing congestion,cutting 2.6 million tons of CO2 and yielding Dh115B in cumulative financial benefits.26 As of 2019,the metro facilitated around 202,978,067 trips annually.Additionally,the metros initiative of installing 19,968 energy-saving LED bulbs in stations and facilities save

158、d 16.7 million kilowatts of energy within two years,reducing the carbon footprint by 7,283 tons CO2.27 Furthermore,the Dubai Metro incorporates advanced technologies such as the regenerative braking system,which minimizes power consumption by generating power during braking.It operates on 750-volt d

159、irect current(DC)third rail technology,supported by a 33KV network featuring a ring feeder system that feeds traction and low voltage power substations along the metro route.The Roads and Transport Authority(RTA)has also undertaken a significant project by installing solar energy panels at the metro

160、 and tram depots,contributing to the Dubai 25 The United Arab Emirates First Long-Term Strategy(LTS),Demonstrating commitment to Net Zero by 2050,Ministry of Climate Change and the Environment,UAE,2023,p.32.26 Ibid.,p.72.27“Dubai Metro eliminated one billion vehicle trips over 11 years,”ARN News Cen

161、tre,Dubai International Project Management Forum(DIPMF),January 27,2022.link required30 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Middle EastClean Energy Strategy.This initiative is set to add a total of 9.959 megawatts of solar power to the grid,also aligning with the RTAs own plan for net-zero emissions

162、 public transport by 2050.Etihad Rail,another major rail project in the UAE,with a planned network over 1,200 kilometres,connects major centers in the UAE.It targets a 21%annual reduction in carbon emissions by 2050,removing 8.2 million tonnes of CO2,the equivalent to taking 300 trucks off the roads

163、 per train journey.This will result in reduced congestion and maintenance costs,and align with the UAEs sustainability goals.UAEs Modal Shift Strategy aims for a transformative shift to net-zero-carbon public transport use led by expanding metro,tram and rail services,following the avoid-shift-impro

164、ve methodology.28 Strategies include minimizing the need for travel,promoting rail transport for passengers and freight,decarbonizing existing vehicles through electrification and alternative fuels and prioritizing rail electrification.Actions Toward 2050 and Beyond Passenger Rail Initiatives Shifti

165、ng to rail is helping UAE tackle 21 MtCO2e GHG emissions29 from private travel,accounting for 50%of total transport emissions and 10%of nationwide emissions in 2019.Plans include investing in 1000 km of rail infrastructure between 2025 and 2030 due to a 20%population growth by 2050;decarbonization a

166、cross passenger rail,cars,taxis,buses and motorcycles,aiming for a 22%reduction in GHG emissions by 2050;and electrified cross-country passenger deployment starting in 2025,aligning with high-speed rail route activation.Freight Rail Initiatives Decarbonizing freight transport in the UAE involves shi

167、fting to rail and decarbonizing heavy-duty trucks and rail infrastructure to reduce significant GHG emissions from long-haul freight,amounting to 12 MtCO2e in 2019),requiring targeted actions for carbon footprint reduction.Decarbonizing freight transport aims to reduce GHG emissions in the transport

168、 sector by 27%by 2050,with expected substantial cost savings from less reliance on heavy-duty trucks,improved operational efficiency and implemented decarbonization measures.Diesel trains will be progressively substituted by hydrogen-powered trains starting in 2025;while the electrification of freig

169、ht trains is not currently being considered due to low trip frequency and long distances,this may be a possibility in the future.Stakeholder InitiativesThe UAE recognizes the importance of engaging a diverse group of stakeholdersincluding government bodies and private sector organizations,NGOs,corpo

170、rations,academia,civil society and the international communityto mobilize collective action toward net-zero targets.Educational campaigns are needed to promote the advantages of passenger rail projects,particularly toward changing attitudes as many people still prefer private vehicles over public tr

171、ansport due to perceived convenience.Continuing initiatives include government investment for metro,tram and rail with a program to expand public transport infrastructure,shifting transport from roads to rail,supporting sector decarbonization and easing congestion.Passenger rail planning,financing a

172、nd construction has been scheduled for 2023 to early 2030s.Efforts are underway to further support an interconnected,unified and sustainable mobility system.These include introducing last-mile options,such as autonomous EV buses,trackless trams and scooters,which aim to bridge the gap between transi

173、t hubs and final destinations,encouraging modal shifts toward sustainable travel.Strategic partnerships with key public transport players such as municipal Metro authorities and Etihad Rail are part of the comprehensive approach under the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative.Going forward,railw

174、ay decarbonization and broader net-zero initiatives also align with the UAEs Centennial 2071 Strategys four pillarsfuture-focused government,diversified knowledge-based economy,excellent education,and a happy and cohesive society.In addition to understanding the urgency of rail decarbonization,rail

175、decarbonization is also seen a strategic move to support broader sustainability goals.Unlike many developed countries with outdated rail infrastructure,the Middle East has an opportunity to develop new railway systems that embrace decarbonization from the start.28 Mohamed Hegazy,Domenik Kohl,“Drivin

176、g change:How“Avoid&Shift”targets can transform land transport,Race to Resilience,Race to Zero,December 1,2023.29 MtCO2e=metric tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent.CO2e is used to measure and compare emissions from greenhouse gases based on how severely they contribute to global warming.Metrics for CO2

177、e would show how much a particular gas would contribute to global warming if it were carbon dioxide.Refer to Inspire Clean Energy.31 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook Middle EastDecarbonization DriversAlthough Middle Eastern economies have a dependence on oil and gas,there are several drivers that

178、 have been encouraging the shift toward a cleaner future.Economic Drivers:Middle eastern economies are actively seeking to diversify their economies.Investing in clean energy technologies can create new industries,jobs and export opportunities.Many have embedded decarbonization into their long-term

179、vision,not only to comply with global agreements,but also due to the benefits of a green economy.For example,The UAE aims to grow the economy 7%annually,doubling GDP to AED 3 trillion in line with the We the UAE 2031 vision,seeing climate action as necessary to achieve this.30 This is mainly due to

180、renewable energy sources,such as solar and wind,which have drastically reduced costs over recent years.While upfront investment does exist for electrified railway systems,operational costs can be lower than fossil fuels especially with fluctuating oil prices.Social Drivers:Air quality is a major hea

181、lth concern in Middle Eastern cities.Transitioning to electrified rail significantly reduces air pollution and congestion in densely populated areas.This leads to improved public health and quality of life for residents.Technological Advancements:While still in its early stages for trains,the Middle

182、 East is considering hydrogen fuel cell technology,which offers a promising long-term solution for long-distance routes especially for freight transport.Trains powered by hydrogen fuel cells can achieve ranges comparable to diesel locomotives with zero emissions.31 Currently,diesel trains are expect

183、ed to be progressively substituted for freight transport in the UAE,starting 2025.30 The United Arab Emirates First Long-Term Strategy(LTS),Demonstrating commitment to Net Zero by 2050,Ministry of Climate Change and the Environment,UAE,2023,p.33.31 Luxfer Gas cylinders,Hydrogen Trains.32 Rail Decarb

184、onization:Global Outlook United KingdomCurrent State of the Railway System Increased usage of the railway,by transferring people and goods away from road,is an urgent priority in driving down overall transport emissions in the short-term.This shift will be achieved through incentivizing the use of r

185、ail and making it an attractive transport mode for peoples needs.Three areas of focus are required:an attractive price point;available capacity;and delivery of a reliable railway.Only through focus in these areas will rail become sufficiently attractive to users as a viable alternative to road.As pa

186、rt of rail reform within the rail sector in the United Kingdom(UK),fares and fare structure are being reviewed and simplified.It is hoped that the simplification and standardization of fare structures will begin to attract more passengers to rail.The establishment of a growth target of a 75%increase

187、 in rail freight moved by 2050 is a key enabler to encourage modal shift of goods to rail.32 Achieving this target has been backed by financial commitments from Government including a 90m fund to support projects to enhance freight operations and make safety improvements alongside continued provisio

188、n of the Modal Shift Revenue Support(MSRS)Grant,which provides grant funding to operators when switching from road to rail.The MSRS in 2022-2023 helped remove 900,000 lorry journeys from Britains roads,saving around 40,000 tonnes of CO2e.33 Network reliability needs to be improved through continued

189、and strengthened collaborative working and direct-action planning;a culmination of incidents on routes radiating from London to the South-West,North-West and Midlands has seen Network Rail(the infrastructure manager)and train operators introduce joint performance improvement plans to provide greater

190、 confidence in reliable operations and address key areas of asset deficiency.The way the railway in the UK is being used is changing,with a greater focus on ensuring capacity allocation is optimized based on the requirements of users.These focus areas are enabling the railway to become an increasing

191、ly more attractive offer for passengers and freight users and receive continued financial support from the UK Government.Together they will be critical in achieving the shift to rail needed to reduce overall transport emissions.While the overall direct emissions from rail are relatively low in the U

192、K,attention is still required on reducing these as far as possible.With over a third of the rail network electrified and accounting for over 70%of total passenger journeys,34 the use of electricity in rail operations is already significant.With the UK national grid progressively decarbonizing throug

193、h the abolition of coal-fired power stations and the increases in renewable energy through the delivery of new solar and wind with a target to have a net-zero energy grid by 2035,rail emissions will continue to decarbonize naturally.United Kingdom32 Rail Freight Growth Target,December 2023,Departmen

194、t of Transport,GOV.UK.33 Carbon dioxide equivalents(CO2e)are a measure of the effect of different greenhouse gases(GHGs)on the climate.By converting different emissions to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide(CO2),their impacts can be compared.Refer to Climate Partner.34 Office of Rail and Road,R

195、ail Infrastructure and Assets,GOV.UK.33 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook United KingdomThere are over 300 diesel trains in operation approaching the end of their operational lives,having been introduced into service in the late 1980s and early 1990s.Decisions on the type of replacement trains wil

196、l be critical to further decreasing direct rail emissions.Urgency is needed around establishing clear and credible plans for additional electrification and deployment of battery trains,with specific consideration given to battery train operations and how this technology will require a changed operat

197、ional approach.Given operational cost cutting in public-sector operators and the need for rail freight to be a commercially viable proposition for end-users,the inflated price that biofuel carries often cannot be justified;as such,its widespread deployment is likely to remain limited.Long-term gover

198、nment strategy calls for biofuel to be prioritized for use in sectors that are perceived to be more difficult to decarbonize such as aviation.Hydrogen for rail operations in the UK is not likely to be play a significant role.The relatively poor energy density of hydrogen coupled with the constrained

199、 gauge envelope of the network means the ability to fit the required train-bourn equipment within the constraints is challenging without some compromise.For freight,hydrogen poses a particular problem as“fee-earning”wagons in a consist would require removal to provide“fuel-wagons”for hydrogen.This c

200、auses an unacceptable impact to the economic and commercial viability of rail freight,meaning it is unlikely to be a suitable solution.Some hydrogen rail applications could be seen on the network over the longer term,but this would require the wider hydrogen economy to grow with rail acting as a sec

201、ondary or tertiary customer as part of a wider hydrogen supply chain.It is key that the UK Government provides a clear vision for the hydrogen economy and how hydrogen will be used to support decarbonization of all sectors.Table 9 Data on the UK Rail marketParameterDataPer capitaData yearReferenceMA

202、RKET SIZE AND OWNERSHIP Population(million)67 Area(sqkm)243,0003,600 sqm Annual passenger km58.6 billion857 km2023Passenger rail usage|ORR Data PortalAnnual freight tonnes km16 billion2023Rail Network total length(km)15,8002023Privately owned shareminimal 2023Electrification share 40%2023RAIL SHARE

203、OF TRANSPORT&EMISSIONSRail share of passenger transport2%of trips,8%by distance,6%by time2023Government Rail StatisticsRail share of freight transport216bn tonne-kms(total)175bn by road,25bn by water,16bn by rail(7.5%)For rail main commodities approx 1/3 intermodal,1/3 construction,rest all others.2

204、022Government Rail StatisticsGovernment Freight StatisticsTransportation sector share of total emissions26%2023Government Transport StatisticsRail share of transport emissions1.50%2023Government Transport Statistics34 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook United KingdomCurrent ActionsMegaprojects,such

205、 as High Speed Rail 2(HS2),are driving innovation in this area and achieving high levels of embodied carbon savings through alternative materials,design practices and construction techniques.Rail is playing an active part in initiatives such as the Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative(IDDI)35

206、a great example of embodied-carbon savings in actioncross-economic groups are coming together to understand how decarbonization of major materials such as steel,concrete and asphalt can be sourced in a more environmentally friendly way.Rail should continue to play a part in such initiatives and adop

207、t principles such as low-carbon procurement as seen by Network Rail,which will begin to embed this at a point-of-use level.36Network Rails Environmental and Sustainability Strategy37 presents a significant opportunity to change the way rail enhancements and renewals are considered.Embedding principl

208、es around climate-resilient assets,zero waste,circular economy and biodiversity enhancements is ensuring that a holistic approach to climate change and decarbonization is being considered.Tying this strategy to business planning,infrastructure renewals and future procurement of all types of work and

209、 services is beginning to bear fruit;driving and embedding these principles over the coming years will be essential to delivering challenging emissions reductions targets for both direct and indirect emissions.Recommended Actions Toward 2050 and BeyondThe rail network needs to be continually optimiz

210、ed and capacity increased to allow ongoing modal shift of people and goods.To drive optimized transport-emissions efficiency,it is important that the right modes of transport are used for the right movements with focus provided on the relevant modes,playing to their strengths.Only by adopting this a

211、pproach can emissions from the transport system as a whole be optimized.Achieving such a modal balance will require a cultural shift as well as definition and planning of the transport and logistics system in a coordinated manner across all modes.Planning multiple modes of transport to coincide and

212、integrate with each other enables end-to-end journeys to be optimized from both a time and emissions perspective.Whole transport system planning is a major stumbling block in allowing this to be achieved,with both governmental department structures and individual transport modes being siloed in thei

213、r approach.Considering the benefits of cross-modal planningand making this a realitycan drive significant benefits for both transport users and overall system costs and emissions in the long-term.Figure 16 Rail Sector Structure in the UK Secretary of StateRegional partners and devolved authoritiesFr

214、eight operatorsDevolved and open access passenger operatorsRegional railways passenger service operatorsGreat British RailwaysNetwork level functionsregional railwaysTransport FocusOffice of Rail and RoadRail OmbudsmanRail Safety&Standards BoardCross-sectorRail Accident Investigation BranchSupply ch

215、ain including rolling stock companies35 Industrial Deep Decarbonisation,United Nations Development Organization.36 Our ambition for a low-emission railway,Network Rail.37 Environmental Sustainability Strategy,Network Rail.35 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook United KingdomAchieving long-term direc

216、t emissions reduction and the legislative target of net-zero emissions by 2050 will require expansion of the electrified rail network and more extensive deployment of battery trains.Delivering the large volume of electrification required to support the decarbonization of rail freight and intensively

217、 used areas of the passenger network will require significant capital investment.The Traction Decarbonisation Network Strategy38 suggested that up to 50bn(2020 prices)could be required to support almost total removal of direct rail traction emissions.This is clearly an exceptionally large capital co

218、mmitment even when spread over a 25-year period and as a result is unlikely to be either affordable or viable for the UK Government to provide.Despite this,there is a clear need for the UK Government to provide funding to continue to develop and deliver some electrification schemes across the rail n

219、etwork.With commitments made as part of the Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands(IRPMN)and Network North(NN),several potential future electrification schemes are beginning to emerge and be developed.Clarity and confirmation of funding for these schemes are needed,and the industry should w

220、ork collaboratively to drive down unit rates for electrification delivery as far as possible.It is imperative that rail continues to retain close working relationships with other economic sectors through initiatives,such as the Faraday Institution,39 to ensure that learning and advancements can be d

221、irectly transferred into rail to support enhanced operations.It will be critical to optimize carbon planning to include considerations around ongoing maintenance and ultimately decommissioning.Work undertaken on Birmingham Curzon Street station,being developed as part of HS2,is ensuring that station

222、 operations are net zero from day one.Furthermore,the station is being designed for future flexibility such as alternative uses and ultimately being designed to minimize carbon emissions during deconstruction in the long-term future.These efforts have shown how low-carbon approaches could reduce tot

223、al emissions by over 50%compared with conventional design approaches.The application of key initiatives such as the PAS 2080 accreditation,which demonstrates competency in managing whole-life carbon,will become increasingly critical to future infrastructure projects and will continue to drive emissi

224、ons-reduction-focused design.38 Traction Decarbonisation Network Strategy,July 31,2020.39 The Faraday Institution Powering Britains Battery Revolution.Asset Embodied DecarbonizationZero and Lowcarbon materials,manufacturing and installationIndirect CO2e emissions reductionDirect CO2e emissions reduc

225、tionTransport CO2e emissions reductionElectricity Grid DecarbonizationOperational EfficienciesShift to ElectricBio Fuel Use StrategyHydrogen Economy StrategyBattery Technology Advancement Road ledIncreased use of rail by people and goods.RoadAviationOther IndustriesRail IndustryModal ShiftFigure 17

226、Illustration of principal emissions-reduction measures for the rail industry and how rail can contribute to reducing emissions from the transport sector as a whole.36 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook United StatesCurrent State of the Railway System Rail is one element of the large transportation

227、system in the United States(US).Rail carries a small percentage of intercity passenger trips but is more dominant for local travel in larger cities.Rail has a much higher mode share of US freight,carrying 29%of all ton-miles moved in 2022;rails share of freight volume has been relatively constant fo

228、r 40 years but has declined slightly from its recent peak in the early 2000s.Private freight operators own the vast majority of rail infrastructure in the USover 158,000 miles of track,23,500 locomotives and almost 276,000 freight cars.There are over 600 private rail companies in the US that own rig

229、ht-of-way and locomotives,but the industry is dominated by the seven largest companies which account for two thirds of freight mileage.As in Canada,diesel traction is by far the most predominant power mode for freight rail.There is only one major intercity rail passenger company,Amtrak,which operate

230、s almost 400 locomotives and over 1,300 passenger cars along 21,000 system route miles that span the country.Most Amtrak routes operate on right-of-way that is owned and operated by private freight rail companies.Amtraks busy Northeast Corridor route from Boston to Washington DC uses electric locomo

231、tives powered by catenary;all other operations use diesel locomotives.Within the largest metropolitan areas,there are 15 heavy-rail systems(at grade and subway)and 23 light-rail systems(at grade),all of which are electrified.Together these systems operate almost 800 million car miles and over 11 bil

232、lion passenger miles annually.There are also 30 commuter rail systems in the US,which typically operate between major cities and their suburbs,either on dedicated tracks or tracks owned by freight operators.All of these systems use diesel locomotives to operate almost 350 million car miles and 9.8 b

233、illion passenger miles annually.While they only represent a small percentage of the whole transportation solution,public passenger rail agencies are leading the efforts to decarbonize and reduce the carbon footprint of the transportation system as a whole.United States37 Rail Decarbonization:Global

234、Outlook United StatesTable 10 Data on the US Rail market ParameterDataCommentPer capitaReferenceMARKET SIZE AND OWNERSHIP Population(million)331 2020US Census BureauArea(sqkm)10 million3.8 million square miles30,000 sqm N/AUS Census BureauAnnual passenger km9,500 million5,930 billion passenger miles

235、 approximately 8%below pre-pandemic levels28.62021US Bureau of Labor and StatisticsUrban Mass transit 28 billion Main operators:Metro NYC Transit,Washington WMATA,Chicago CTA,Boston MBTA.Light Rail San Diego MTS,Los Angeles MTA.Commuter Rail NY MTA LIRR,MY MTA MNR,New Jersey NJT,Chicago Metro 2022US

236、 Bureau of Labor and StatisticsAPTA2023 Q4 Ridership ReportRegional,interregional,national,High-speed8 billion Main operator Amtrak 2022US Bureau of Labor and StatisticsAnnual billion freight tonnes km2,500 Class 1 Freight Operators:BNSF Railway,Canadian National Railway,Canadian Pacific Kansas City

237、,CSX Transportation,Norfolk Southern Railway,Union Pacific Railroad2022Bureau of Transportation StatisticsRail Network total length(km)294,000 Majority owned and operated by private freight companies2014CIA.govPrivately owned share96%Class 1 Freight Operators:BNSF Railway.Canadian National Railway,C

238、anadian Pacific Kansas City,CSX Transportation,Norfolk Southern Railway,Union Pacific Railroad2024AAR.orgElectrification share 0.44%82km of electrified rail just completed by Caltrain in California.RAIL SHARE OF TRANSPORT&EMISSIONSRail share of passenger transport0.25%2021 is latest data.Prior to pa

239、ndemic,levels were around 0.61%2021US Bureau of Labor and StatisticsN/A Rail share of freight transport29%2021Bureau of Transportation Statistics Transportation sector share of total GHG emissions29%2022US Environmental Protection AgencyRail share of transport GHG emissions2%2024US DOT Federal Railr

240、oad AdministrationFreight share of rail GHG emissions86%2024AAR.org38 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook United StatesInfrastructure OwnersPublic SectorAmtrakTransit&Rail AgenciesState DOTsPassenger Rail FundingFederalDepartment of Transportation Federal Transit AdministrationDepartment of Transpor

241、tation Federal Railroad AdministrationStatesCitiesOperatorsPassengerPrivate SectorBrightlineAmtrakTransit&Rail AgenciesState DOTsShortline Railroads (615 entities)Class 1 Railroads (6 entities)Public SectorPrivate SectorFreightPrivate SectorClass 1 Railroads (6 entities)Shortline Railroads (615 enti

242、ties)RegulatorsState RegulatorsFederal Transit Administration(metro/light rail/streetcar)Federal Railroad Administration(mainline)Federal Department of TransportationFigure 18 Rail Sector Structure in the USUS Rail IndustryAssociations and Organizations(Contribute to regulatory development)American

243、Public Transportation Association(APTA)American Association of Railroads(AAR)Transportation Research Board(TRB)States for Passenger Rail Coalition(S4PRC)American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO)American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association(AREMA)Tra

244、nsit Cooperative Research Program(TCRP)39 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook United StatesCurrent ActionsRegulation and Policy Zero-emissions propulsion technology associated with battery-electric or hydrogen-electric solutions are still considered emerging technologies at the power and range level

245、s needed for much of passenger and freight rail in the US;therefore,economic business cases remain challenging to demonstrate viability.Technology advancements and increased access to hydrogen through national strategic hydrogen hubs are expected to improve business cases in the coming decade.Regula

246、tory change is therefore currently the primary driver of improvement across the United States.These are already driving improvements in the environmental performance of rail.Significant improvements have been achieved in the past two decades.In 2004,the Federal Environmental Protection Agency issued

247、 the requirement that by 2015 Tier 4 diesel engines were to be mandated for new and rebuilt engines.These engines are designed to reduce particulate and NOX emissions.At state and agency levels,regulatory and policy changes are also driving reduction in carbon emissions.California,for example,throug

248、h the California Air Resources Board,has prescribed increasing use of Tier 4 diesel engines.State policy in California has also focused on economic levers.Carbon credits tied to renewable diesel usage as well as increased fossil fuel tariffs have led to the following result:over 20%of the diesel fue

249、ls used are reduced-carbon-footprint fuels such as HRD(Hydro-renewable diesel).Agency-level policy shift is also driving decarbonization.Agencies such as Massachusetts Bay Area Transportation Authority(MBTA)have stated at board level that they will no longer purchase diesel traction power;MBTAs Rail

250、 Vision Plan outlines an electrified future augmented with battery-electric vehicle solutions.Investment The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law(BIL),signed into law in 2021,provides significant levels of federal investment in all areas of national infrastructureincluding unprecedented levels for rail and

251、 transit.40The main areas of focus for BIL are expansion of conventional and high-speed rail and state-of-good-repair investments for passenger rail to improve the viability of rail and transit solutions in comparison to other modes.Higher frequency,all-day solutions for local mainline passenger rai

252、l are progressing in states such as Massachusetts and Utah.In Utah,the state Department of Transportation is advancing double tracking of the Frontrunner rail alignment to allow higher frequency service.High speed rail programs in California,Nevada,Texas and the Pacific Northwest are also securing s

253、ignificant funding to develop complementary transportation solutions to current highway and air-based options.For California High Speed Rail,the electrical power is planned to be fully derived from renewable sources.Perhaps the biggest rail recipient of funding under BIL is the Northeast Corridor wi

254、th multiple megaprojects designed to improve the resilience and performance of the busiest passenger rail corridor in the Unites States.Investments are delivering new tunnels and bridges along the route,including some new alignment,to help increase capacity and reduce journey times.Pilot Programs Wi

255、th respect to battery-electric and hydrogen rail vehicles,a small number of orders are starting to be placed in the United States.San Bernardino County Transportation Authority in California is procuring a FLIRT-H2 Hydrogen Multiple Unit from Stadler US;the same technology is currently undergoing te

256、sting in Colorado.In March 2024,this train set a new world record for range for a hydrogen-powered rail vehicle at over 1,700 miles.Such demonstration pilot programs will help establish operating and maintenance practices and parameters and advance the technology to allow other agencies to adopt sim

257、ilar solutions with a better understanding of system requirements,needs and risks.Toward 2050 and BeyondFederal,state and local government policy is expected to remain the driving force for decarbonization of rail until technology advances shift the business case balance toward zero-and low-carbon s

258、olutions.Through increased adoption of decarbonization technology,it is expected that both supply and demand will exponentially increase over the coming decade,accelerating the achievement of the business case balance point.Increasingly agencies and authorities are understanding the value of their l

259、inear assets to the transportation system.This is leading to more plans for higher asset utilization,with increased traffic density providing passengers with higher-frequency options,enhancing rail as a more viable alternative.40 Federal Road Administration,U.S.Department of Transportation.40 Rail D

260、ecarbonization:Global Outlook ConclusionThe generic steps summarized earlier in this article(Figure 3)are globally applicable,though priorities and sequences may vary based on regional starting points and on specific stakeholder needs.The detailed analysis of the rail decarbonization trends for each

261、 country/region shows some similarities for jurisdictions with comparable geographical size,structure of the rail freight market,legal background and financial situation.After close examination of the state of rail decarbonization in areas around the world,some key actions emerge from a geographical

262、 tapestry of opportunities and challenges.The conclusions below are aggregated in geographical groups where common decarbonization strategies could be implemented.Regional Insights Africa,Latin America and the Middle East:We see opportunity to develop low-carbon rail from the start of emerging rail

263、systems,with financial constraints and political challenges impeding progress in the former two regions.Investment in electrified mass transit and new onboard propulsion technologies offer substantial economic and decarbonization benefits.Asia:Many Asian countries already have high percentages of el

264、ectrified railways,presenting opportunities for further electrification in smaller nations.There is a strong potential for economic and decarbonization gains through prioritizing investment in electrified mass transit rail and long-distance networks using new onboard propulsion technologies.Europe:T

265、he rail system,with varying levels of low-carbon energy usage,reflects its position as the cradle for the global rail industry,playing a crucial role in(decarbonization)technology development.However,low rail modal share combined with interoperability issues across borders,due to differing technical

266、 standards and political commitment,pose challenges for rail to take a lead in transport emission reductions.European emphasis is placed on shifting transportation to rail,and in some countries,transitioning to low-carbon electricity.New low-carbon onboard technologies are already playing a role in

267、furthering operational decarbonization of the sector,leading the way for decarbonization of lines where electrification is not a viable option.Australia and Canada:Both countries face challenges with vast,sparsely populated areas where diesel rail freight dominates and carries massive volumes on pri

268、vately owned non-electrified networks.Existing net-zero solutions for the countries heaviest emitting freight railways are widely regarded as being too immature or uneconomical for immediate implementation.In these regions(as is the case in the US and New Zealand),the purchase and operation of new,m

269、ore efficient diesel rolling stock is driving CO2 reduction for freight.Passenger rail is focused on partly electrified,publicly owned mass transit in major cities.In Australia and Canada,urban transport is mostly electrified,and in Australia the focus is on grid decarbonization for both state and s

270、mall-scale private initiatives.In Canada,continued expansion of electrified light rail networks depends on partnerships between public,private and academic entities for further decarbonization of the rail network.The United States and the United Kingdom:In the US,the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law(pa

271、ssed in 2021)fosters significant investment in rail and transit,including high-speed passenger rail.The US is also promoting public-private partnerships to develop green hydrogen production,distribution,storage and usage,which will also improve public and private business cases.The US and the UK lan

272、dscapes demonstrate the value of policy-and regulatory-driven change implemented jointly with the rail industry.Megaprojects in the United Kingdom show that it is possible to achieve high levels of embodied carbon savings through alternative materials,design practices and construction techniques tha

273、t have been developed in cross-sector collaboration.The co-led(United Kingdom and India)Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative demonstrates the power of a global coalition of public and private entities to stimulate demand for low-carbon industrial materials.41 Rail Decarbonization:Global Outloo

274、k Common StrategiesFormal partnerships and informal collaborations are key to accelerating collective support from rail stakeholders to bring the benefits of new technologies to emerging and expanding rail systems.Formal partnerships,working alongside and with governments,can accelerate change throu

275、gh material use,technology adoption,innovative funding and expansion of electrified rail networks.Informal collaborations facilitate knowledge sharing to reduce scope 1-3 emissions.Building a powerful coalition through such efforts is a key element of our envisioned change model for expediting trans

276、port decarbonization.Applying and integrating the PAS2080 framework will enable rail stakeholders to fully understand the responsibilities of all members of the value chain through a whole-life approach to carbon reduction,using the ecosystem perspective.Clear and bold government policy must continu

277、e to drive decarbonization until technology advancements shift the business case toward low-carbon solutions.With a cost placed on carbon emissions,many alternatives become viable for reducing embodied carbonwhich dominates rail emissionsin major materials,such as concrete and steel;in addition,usin

278、g recycled materials rather than manufacturing anew becomes an attractive option.Artificial intelligence can come into play for optimizing routes to minimize carbon and for improving new construction techniques.Reductions in operational emissions can similarly be brought about through policy and inc

279、entivized through carbon pricinge.g.new low-carbon onboard energy systems,energy management systems and operational efficiency.Finally,network optimization,capacity increase and improving multimodal transport through whole transport system planning can lead to higher utilization of already built ass

280、ets.An ecosystem perspective,explored in the first article in the decarbonization series,opens up rail decarbonization opportunitiesmaking the best impact depends on collaboration with other sectors and business areas,such as urban planning,new materials and low-carbon electricity production;collabo

281、ration is also essential to foster a multimodal transport system with sustainable last-mile options,such as EV buses and trucks,trackless trams and scooters.Even with other modes of transportation decarbonizing,rail is inherently energy efficient,space efficient and can carry large loads over great

282、distances at high speed.That is why rail can play a significant role in decarbonizing the transportation sector as a whole,short term and over the long term,and why a higher rail share of transportation should be prioritized.The latter can be achieved through incentive pricing and fare structures as

283、 well as increased capacity and by providing reliable railway services that are accessible to all people who want to use them.Climate-resilient railways will be imperative going forward,as even with the best efforts,current global warming trajectories indicate that the world will fail to meet the ta

284、rgets that are necessary to avoid further floods,droughts and wildfires.Coming FocusUpcoming pieces will explore strategies for ensuring climate-resilient railways and share best practices,methods and tools developed through our rail decarbonization efforts.Rail Decarbonization:Global Outlook42Anna

285、WNordicsGabriel BLatin AmericaUlf LarssonTechnical Director and Global Decarbonization Lead,Rail&TSam McWAustraliaDavid Llamas ASpainPhillipp RMiddle East Sean MNew ZealandTshepo MAfrica Jennifer VCanada Xavier Guigasxavier.guigasbg-Switzerland,FranceSteven HUnited KingdomJannet Walker-Fordjannet.wa

286、lker-United StatesJoseph Chi-Wai WAsiaMartin BGermanyContactsThis document represents the collective contributions from technical experts and advisors within WSP around the As one of the largest professional services firms in the world,WSP exists to future-proof our cities and our environment.It pro

287、vides strategic advisory,engineering,and design services to clients seeking sustainable solutions in the transportation,infrastructure,environment,building,energy,water,and mining sectors.Its 67,200 trusted professionals are united by the common purpose of creating positive,long-lasting impacts on the communities it serves through a culture of innovation,integrity,and inclusion.



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