
XM Institute:2024年负面消费体验及其对消费行为的影响调查报告(英文版)(16页).pdf

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XM Institute:2024年负面消费体验及其对消费行为的影响调查报告(英文版)(16页).pdf

1、DATA SNAPSHOTDATA SNAPSHOTWhat Happens After a Bad Experience,2024James Scutt,XMPXM CatalystBruce Temkin,CCXP,XMPHead of Qualtrics XM InstituteTalia QuaadgrasResearch Program ManagerJanuary Copyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY FINDINGS IN THIS REPORTKEY FINDINGS IN THIS REPORTAs part of

2、Qualtrics XM Institutes 2023 Global Consumer Study,more than 28,000 consumers told us about their recent bad experiences with organizations across 20 industries and how they changed their spending after that bad experience.To understand year-over-year changes in customer perception and behavior,we c

3、ompared these results to our findings in the Q3 2022 Global Consumer Study.We found that:+Organizations disappoint in more than 1 in 10 experiences.Consumers reported that 14%of recent experiences were very poor,ranging from 26%in India to 6%in Japan.Government agencies in Mexico provided the highes

4、t rate of poor experiences;43%of people who had an experience with this industry reported having a poor experience.+The frequency of of bad experiences declined.Compared to 2023,organizations delivered poor experiences 2.2 percentage points less frequently.The rate of bad experiences declined for 17

5、 of 20 industries and in 16 of 23 countries.Thai consumers reported the greatest increase in bad experiences(+6.1 points).+Consumers cut spending after bad experiences.More than one-third of consumers reduce or stop spending after a poor experience with an organization,ranging from 37%of consumers c

6、utting spending after a bad public utility experience to 64%after a poor fast food experience.French consumers have the highest propensity to cut spending,while New Zealanders are least likely to do so.+Bad experiences put sales at risk.Organizations risk losing 7%of their revenue due to poor experi

7、ences.After government agencies(13.2%),mobile phone providers have the highest percentage of sales at risk(9.9%),while supermarkets have the least sales at risk(2.9%).Risk is highest for Thai organizations and lowest for those in Japan.Executive SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.STUDY KE

8、Y FACTSSTUDY KEY FACTS Global consumer study Online panel study Conducted in Q3 of 2023 26 countries 28,400 consumersWhat Happens After a Bad Experience,2024FIGURES IN THE REPORTFIGURES IN THE REPORT1.Bad Experiences by Industry2.Change in Bad Experiences by Industry3.How Consumers Cut Spending Afte

9、r a Bad Experience by Industry4.Sales at Risk Due to Bad Experiences by Industry5.Bad Experiences by Country6.Change in Bad Experiences by Country7.How Consumers Cut Spending After a Bad Experience by Country8.Sales at Risk by Country9.Bad Experiences by Country/Region and Industry(Part 1)10.Bad Exp

10、eriences by Country/Region and Industry(Part 2)11.Bad Experiences by Country/Region and Industry(Part 3)12.Bad Experiences by Country/Region and Industry(Part 4)MCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.STUDY OVERVIEW The data for this report comes from a global consumer study that Qualtrics XM

11、Institute conducted in the third quarter of 2023.Using an online survey,XM Institute collected data from 28,400 consumers across 26 countries/regions:Argentina,Australia,Brazil,Canada,China,Colombia,Finland,France,Germany,Hong Kong(China),India,Indonesia,Italy,Japan,Mexico,the Netherlands,New Zealan

12、d,the Philippines,Singapore,South Korea,Spain,Sweden,Thailand,the United Arab Emirates,the United Kingdom,and the United States.XM Institute surveyed approximately 1,200 consumers from each of the countries except those listed below.To ensure that the data was reflective of the population within tho

13、se countries,we set quotas for responses to match the gender,age,and income demographics of each country.The following countries sample sizes are as follows:Hong Kong:400.Finland&New Zealand:600.Singapore and the UAE:800.Bad Experiences by IndustryPercentage of consumers who reported having a very p

14、oor experience+Across all industries and countries,organizations deliver very poor experiences 14%of the time.+Consumers most frequently reported very poor experiences with government agencies(26%),more than 4 times the rate of poor experiences with supermarkets(6%).14%6%7%7%11%11%12%12%13%14%15%15%

15、15%15%16%17%17%17%18%19%26%OverallSupermarketDepartment StoreStreamingOnline RetailFast FoodBankingHotelAirlineElectronicsPublic UtilityParcel DeliveryCollege/UniversityCredit Card ProviderHospital/Med ClinicAuto DealerHealth InsuranceMobile Phone ProviderProperty InsurerISPGovernment AgencyThis cha

16、rt shows the percentage of consumers who reported having a very poor experience with each industry.ABOUTBase:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYSChange in Bad Experiences by IndustryChang

17、e in percentage of consumers that reported having a very poor experience(Percentage point change from 2023)+Across all industries and countries,organizations delivered bad experiences 2.2 points less frequently than in 2023.+Consumers reported poor experiences with airlines 10 points less frequently

18、 than in 2023,the greatest decline in bad experiences across all 20 industries.+Only the streaming,parcel delivery,and online retail industries increased their rate of poor experiences since 2023.- Delive

19、ryOnline RetailThis chart shows the percentage point change in consumers that report having a bad experiences with each industry from 2023 to 2024.ABOUTBase:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAK

20、EAWAYSAirlineCollege/UniversityProperty InsurerGovernment AgencyAuto DealerHealth InsuranceElectronicsCredit Card ProviderBankingISPFast FoodPublic UtilityHospital/Med ClinicHotelDepartment StoreSupermarketMobile Phone ProviderOverallHow Consumers Cut Spending After a Bad Experience by IndustryPerce

21、ntage of consumers who decreased or stopped spending after a very poor experience+Across all industries and countries,51%of poor experiences with organizations resulted in consumers decreasing or cutting their spending entirely.+Sixty-four percent of consumers decreased or stopped spending with a fa

22、st food restaurant after a bad experience,the greatest spending cut across industries.+Consumers most frequently stopped spending after poor experiences with auto dealers.38%31%30%30%33%35%41%33%38%36%40%38%28%37%37%40%40%41%41%47%48%13%6%11%15%13%11%6%15%10%13%10%12%22%14%15%14%14%16%17%14%16%Overa

23、llPublic Utility*College/UniversityProperty InsurerElectronicsStreamingSupermarketHealth InsuranceHospital/Med ClinicISPDepartment StoreGovernment Agency*Auto dealerAirlineHotelBankingOnline RetailMobile Phone ProviderCredit Card ProviderParcel DeliveryFast FoodThis chart shows the percentage of con

24、sumers who decrease or stop spending after a very poor experience with each industry.ABOUTBase:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYSStopped spendingDecreased spending*Although Government A

25、gencies and Public Utilities may not have revenue at risk due to bad experiences,there are likely latent loyalty issues that could manifest in other areas.Sales at Risk Due to Bad Experiences by IndustrySales at Risk Index=(%of consumers who had an experience in that industry reporting a very poor e

26、xperience)x(%of consumers who stopped or decreased spending after a very poor experience)+Across all industries and countries,7%of all consumer sales are at risk due to poor customer experiences.+Government agencies have the most at stake due to bad customer experiences,with a total of 13.2%of their

27、 sales at risk.+Supermarkets have the fewest sales at risk,with just 2.9%jeopardized due to bad experiences.7.0%2.9%3.4%3.4%5.5%5.9%6.1%6.3%6.6%6.6%6.6%7.0%7.7%8.0%8.1%8.4%9.0%9.0%9.2%9.9%13.2%OverallSupermarketStreamingDepartment StorePublic Utility*Online RetailCollege/UniversityHotelElectronicsBa

28、nkingAirlineFast FoodHospital/Med ClinicProperty InsurerHealth InsuranceAuto dealerCredit Card ProviderParcel DeliveryISPMobile Phone ProviderGovernment Agency*This chart shows the revenue at risk due to bad experiences for each industry.ABOUTBase:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics

29、 XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYS*Although Government Agencies and Public Utilities may not have revenue at risk due to bad experiences,there are likely latent loyalty issues that could manifest in other areas.Bad Experiences by Country

30、Percentage of very poor experiences by country(Total poor experiences divided by total experiences reported in each country)+Organizations in India have the highest reported rate of poor experiences,at 26%,followed by Thailand(19%)and Argentina(18%).+Japanese organizations have the lowest rate of po

31、or customer experiences,at just 6%.12%14%14%14%14%15%15%16%16%17%18%19%26%FranceUAEBrazilSpainGermanyIndonesiaMexicoPhilippinesColombiaNetherlandsArgentinaThailandIndiaThis chart shows the percentage of very poor experiences reported by consumers in each country.ABOUTBase:28,400 consumers across 26

32、countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYS6%9%9%10%10%11%11%11%11%11%12%12%JapanFinlandSingaporeCanadaSwedenUKUSAustraliaNew ZealandItalyChinaSouth KoreaChange in Bad Experiences by CountryChange in percentage of very po

33、or experiences reported by country(Percentage point change from 2023)+Since 2023,organizations in India received a decrease in reported bad experiences of over 21 points.+Organizations in just 7 of 23 countries saw an increase in reports on poor experiences,with Thailand leading at+6.1 points,follow

34、ed by the Netherlands(+4.9 points). KoreaSpainFranceThis chart shows the percentage point change in reported bad experiences from 2023 to 2024 from each country.ABOUTBase:28

35、,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYSIndiaUAEIndonesiaAustraliaSingaporeChinaUKMexicoNew ZealandCanadaBrazilUSPhilippinesColombiaJapanItalyHow Consumers Cut Spending After a Bad Experience b

36、y CountryPercentage of very poor experiences resulting in spending cuts+Consumers in France most frequently stopped or decreased spending with organizations after poor experiences,at 63%.+New Zealanders are least likely to stop or decrease spending after a bad customer experience,at just 37%.+After

37、a poor experience,Filipinos are most likely to reduce their spending with an organization(47%),while the French are most likely to stop spending entirely.26%26%27%33%29%31%35%39%33%43%36%32%37%11%13%12%7%12%13%9%7%15%5%13%18%13%New ZealandNetherlandsJapanFinlandIndiaGermanyUAESingaporeUKChinaUSSpain

38、South KoreaThis chart shows the percentage of poor experiences that resulted in consumers decreasing or stopping spending in each country.ABOUTBase:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYSSto

39、pped spendingDecreased spending43%39%47%41%39%43%45%42%44%44%43%41%7%13%6%14%18%14%13%16%16%16%18%22%IndonesiaCanadaPhilippinesAustraliaArgentinaSwedenMexicoThailandItalyColombiaBrazilFranceSales at Risk by Country+Organizations in Thailand have the highest sales at risk index.They are more than twi

40、ce as likely to lose revenue as a result of poor customer experiences than organizations in 6 other countries analyzed.+Organizations in Japan and Finland have the lowest sales at risk index.They are three times less likely than Thai organizations to lose revenue from poor experiences.This chart sho

41、ws the revenue at risk as a result of poor customer experiences in each country.ABOUTBase:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer SCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYS2.2%3.5%4.2%4.3%5.0%5.3%5.4%5.7%5.9%5.9%6.0%6.1%JapanFinlandS

42、ingaporeNew ZealandUKUSCanadaChinaAustraliaSwedenUAESouth Korea6.2%6.5%6.8%7.2%7.4%7.7%8.3%8.6%8.8%9.9%10.1%10.8%11.3%GermanyNetherlandsItalySpainIndonesiaFrancePhilippinesBrazilMexicoColombiaArgentinaIndiaThailandSales at Risk Index=(%of poor experiences of total reported experiences)x(%of poor exp

43、eriences after which consumers stopped or decreased spending)Bad Experiences By Country/Region and Industry(Part 1)Department storeFast food restaurantOnline retailerElectronics makerSupermarketArgentina7%11%7%15%6%Australia4%12%6%7%5%Brazil6%7%6%11%5%Canada4%8%5%N/A5%Colombia5%8%13%9%4%China9%16%16

44、%8%14%Finland4%9%11%N/A4%France7%10%13%15%3%Germany11%10%9%11%10%Hong Kong(China)14%10%N/AN/AN/AIndia16%19%23%30%18%Indonesia10%15%18%12%12%Italy4%6%6%13%4%Japan1%5%5%N/A2%Mexico7%12%20%15%9%Netherlands20%16%15%19%9%New Zealand5%12%8%N/A9%Philippines4%9%18%7%7%Singapore7%8%13%11%4%South Korea8%10%15

45、%15%3%Spain7%9%8%20%5%Sweden3%13%10%6%4%Thailand11%13%17%23%12%United States4%16%5%N/A3%United Kingdom5%11%3%N/A3%United Arab Emirates9%13%15%15%11%Consumers who have recently had a very poor experience by industryHighest RateLowest RateBase:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM In

46、stitute Q3 2023 Global Consumer Study+Dutch consumers report very poor experiences with department stores most frequently,while Indian consumers most frequently report bad experiences across the other four industries listed.+Just 2%of Japanese consumers reported bad experiences with supermarkets,and

47、 5%with fast food restaurants the lowest rates for these industries across all 26 countries.This chart shows the frequency of bad experiences for each industry in each country.ABOUTCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYSBankCredit Card ProviderMobile Phone ProviderISPStreaming Med

48、iaArgentina15%15%26%30%6%Australia9%8%15%17%3%Brazil20%19%30%18%4%Canada9%10%14%16%4%Colombia19%22%28%30%9%China9%13%15%11%12%Finland9%7%7%6%6%France11%22%19%24%5%Germany13%18%13%15%8%Hong Kong(China)11%13%N/AN/AN/AIndia19%33%30%24%20%Indonesia8%18%12%18%8%Italy14%10%21%14%4%Japan5%5%11%4%2%Mexico18

49、%19%21%24%6%Netherlands16%21%21%14%14%New Zealand12%13%15%14%12%Philippines10%18%16%38%8%Singapore4%9%10%12%7%South Korea8%12%18%15%6%Spain20%22%16%16%6%Sweden12%13%10%15%4%Thailand18%25%18%17%14%United States7%11%11%12%6%United Kingdom7%7%11%13%5%United Arab Emirates9%18%15%18%10%Base:28,400 consum

50、ers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer Study+Poor experiences were least common among Japanese credit card,internet service,and streaming media providers.Mobile phone providers in Finland and Singaporean banks also infrequently disappointed.+Banks shared equally

51、 poor reviews from Brazilian and Spanish consumers(20%),16 points higher than Singaporean consumers(4%).ABOUTCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYSHighest RateLowest RateBad Experiences By Country/Region and Industry(Part 2)Consumers who have recently had a very poor experience b

52、y industryThis chart shows the frequency of bad experiences for each industry in each country.AirlineHotelAuto DealerParcel DeliveryProperty insurerArgentina11%10%21%18%29%Australia13%10%14%12%15%Brazil13%9%7%9%N/ACanada21%14%14%9%12%Colombia11%10%16%15%15%China3%13%10%13%11%Finland9%7%N/A9%N/AFranc

53、e12%5%12%15%21%Germany18%17%19%18%20%Hong Kong(China)11%N/AN/AN/AN/AIndia25%24%30%23%34%Indonesia9%15%16%19%17%Italy14%8%11%10%13%Japan7%7%5%4%12%Mexico13%11%17%14%N/ANetherlands12%21%15%26%19%New Zealand10%10%7%11%10%Philippines14%10%N/A17%15%Singapore8%8%16%12%15%South Korea12%12%26%13%23%Spain13%

54、11%20%16%31%Sweden9%7%13%12%N/AThailand14%22%30%24%13%United States16%11%19%8%17%United Kingdom15%7%24%17%13%United Arab Emirates12%15%21%18%10%Base:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer Study+Organizations in four of five industries in India have

55、the greatest rate of poor experiences.+French consumers reported poor experiences with hotels least frequently,while consumers in India provided the highest rate of poor experiences.+Dutch consumers were most dissatisfied with their parcel delivery organizations,while Japanese parcel delivery had th

56、e lowest rate of poor experiences.ABOUTCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWAYSHighest RateLowest RateBad Experiences By Country/Region and Industry(Part 3)Consumers who have recently had a very poor experience by industryThis chart shows the frequency of bad experiences for each i

57、ndustry in each country.College/UniversityGovernment agencyPublic UtilityHealth InsurerHospital/Medical clinicArgentina12%42%24%29%22%Australia9%21%15%12%12%Brazil16%33%15%24%15%Canada13%24%9%16%10%Colombia9%27%24%24%25%China8%14%8%10%17%FinlandN/A24%13%N/A15%France15%14%13%21%14%Germany25%20%16%15%

58、18%Hong Kong(China)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AIndia32%40%25%28%26%Indonesia13%31%15%11%21%Italy11%23%20%15%19%JapanN/AN/A3%8%11%Mexico10%43%16%11%23%Netherlands24%21%13%17%13%New Zealand12%13%N/A18%17%Philippines16%36%14%9%20%Singapore10%10%6%15%8%South Korea14%25%7%16%11%Spain21%30%19%15%13%Sweden8%24%7%20%14%

59、Thailand20%39%16%19%21%United States16%28%8%12%13%United Kingdom18%20%20%19%15%United Arab Emirates14%10%13%16%11%Base:28,400 consumers across 26 countriesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2023 Global Consumer Study+Mexican consumers provided the highest rate of bad experiences to government agencies

60、,(43%),a rate more than 30 points higher than that provided by Singaporeans and Emiratis(10%).+Swedish and Chinese consumers least frequently report poor experiences with universities(8%),at just the rate reported by Indian consumers(32%).ABOUTCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY TAKEAWA

61、YSHighest RateLowest RateBad Experiences By Country/Region and Industry(Part 4)Consumers who have recently had a very poor experience by industryThis chart shows the frequency of bad experiences for each industry in each country.AUTHORSAUTHORSJames Scutt,XMP XM CatalystBruce Temkin,CCXP,XMP Head of

62、Qualtrics XM InstituteTalia Quaadgras Research Program ManagerPUBLICATION DATEPUBLICATION DATEJanuary 2024MethodologyDATA CALCULATIONDATA CALCULATIONData is reported only for countries with 100+consumers who reported having an experience with an organization in that industry within the previous 90 d

63、ays.In Figures 1 and 5,we calculated the percentage of bad experiences in each industry or country by taking the number of responses reporting a very poor recent experience and dividing that by the total number of responses that reported an experience in that industry or an industry within that coun

64、try in the previous 90 days.In Figures 2 and 6,we calculated the change in the percentage of consumers having a bad experience by taking the percentage of bad experiences had by industry or country in 2023 and subtracting them from the percentage of bad experiences had by industry or country in 2024

65、.Calculations were only performed using data from the 23 countries for which we collected data in both 2023*and 2024+.In Figures 3 and 7,we calculated the percentage of bad experiences after which consumers cut spending within each country or industry by taking the number of responses within each in

66、dustry or country that reported either stopping or decreasing spending after a recent poor experience and dividing by the total number of reported poor experiences for that given industry or country.In Figures 4 and 8,we calculated the Sales at Risk Index by multiplying the percentage of bad experie

67、nces(as calculated in Figures 1 and 4)by the total percentage of bad experiences after which consumers decreased and stopped spending(as calculated in Figures 2 and 5).In Figures 9-12,we calculated the percentage of poor experiences within each country and industry by taking the number of consumers

68、from each country who recently had a bad experience with an organization in a given industry and dividing that by the total number of consumers from each country who reported a recent interaction in that industry.*2023 data comes from the Qualtrics XM Institute Q3 2022 Global Consumer Study.Year-ove

69、r-year calculations were not performed for Hong Kong(China)due to the small number of industries that qualified for reporting in this country in 2024.+Data threshold(100+responses)was not achieved in both years for the following industries/countries:Electronics makers:France&Spain,Auto dealers:South Korea&UK,Health insurers:UK,Property insurers:Brazil&Argentina&Colombia,Government agencies:France,Public utilities:New Zealand,College/Universities:France,Germany,South KCopyright 2024 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.



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会员动态 会员动态:

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 155**91... 升级为标准VIP 177**25...  升级为至尊VIP 

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 186**76... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 138**50... 升级为标准VIP 

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 狗**...  升级为至尊VIP 般若  升级为标准VIP

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 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 136**67... 升级为标准VIP 

 136**08... 升级为标准VIP 177**34... 升级为标准VIP  

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 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 188**95... 升级为至尊VIP