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1、UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENTPolicy reviewScience Technology and Innovation Policy Review:SeychellesUNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENTPolicy reviewScience Technology and Innovation Policy Review:SeychellesGeneva,2024Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy

2、 Reviewii 2024,United Nations All rights reserved worldwide Requests to reproduce excerpts or to photocopy should be addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center at .All other queries on rights and licences,including subsidiary rights,should be addressed to:United Nations Publications 405 East 42nd S

3、treet New York,New York 10017United States of America Email:publicationsun.org Website:https:/shop.un.org/The findings,interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States.The desig

4、nations employed and the presentation of material on any map in this work do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country,territory,city or area or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or

5、 boundaries.Mention of any firm or licensed process does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations.This publication has been edited externally.United Nations publication issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD/DTL/TIKD/2024/1ISBN:978-92-1-003126-4 eISBN:978-92-1

6、-358926-7 Sales No.E.24.II.D.9Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewiiiAcknowledgementsThis Science Technology and Innovation Policy Review(STIP Review)of Seychelles was undertaken by the Technology,Innovation and Knowledge Development Branch of the Division on Technology and Logisti

7、cs of UNCTAD,under the guidance of Angel Gonzalez-Sanz,Head of the Branch,and the direct supervision of Liping Zhang,Chief of the Science,Technology and Innovation for Development Section,who also leads the UNCTAD Project on Technology Assessment in the Energy and Agricultural Sectors in Africa to A

8、ccelerate Progress on Science,Technology and Innovation.At UNCTAD,the Report was prepared by Dimo Calovski,with the report structure finalized by Liping Zhang and inputs provided by Matteo Ramina on the agrivoltaics technology assessment undertaken by UNCTAD for Seychelles.The review also benefited

9、from comments and suggestions provided by Angel Gonzalez-Sanz.UNCTAD gratefully acknowledges the contributions of John Mugabe,Professor,University of Pretoria.Comments from stakeholders in Seychelles were provided during two national stakeholder meetings held on 23 November 2022 and 25-27 September

10、2023.UNCTAD worked closely with the Division of Science,Technology and Innovation(DSTI)under the Ministry of Investment,Entrepreneurship and Industry of Seychelles,without whose collaboration the preparation of this STIP Review would not have been possible.High-level officials in the ministry suppor

11、ted the review process through their participation in various meetings including the stakeholder meetings.UNCTAD thanks the Ministry for its strong support for this project.The manuscript was edited by Jennifer Gal Or.At UNCTAD,Magali Studer designed the cover and overall layout.Graphics and desktop

12、 publishing were undertaken by Gilles Maury,while Xiahui Xin provided administrative support.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewivAbbreviations4IRFourth Industrial RevolutionAfCFTAAfrican Continental Free Trade AreaAfDBAfrican Development Bank AIArtificial IntelligenceAISECInterna

13、tional Association of Students in Economics and BusinessARIPOAfrican Regional Intellectual Property Organization AUAfrican UnionAUDAAfrican Union Development AgencyASTIIAfrican Science,Technology and Innovation IndicatorsBERMBlue Economy Road MapBITBilateral investment treaty BTIBusiness and Technol

14、ogy IncubatorCBSCentral Bank of Seychelles COMESACommon Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CSRCorporate Social Responsibility DIAEDivision on Investment and Enterprise DICTDepartment of Information Communications Technology DOIEDDepartment of Industry and Entrepreneurship Development DSTIDivisio

15、n of Science,Technology and InnovationEPFEntrepreneurship Policy Framework ESAEnterprise Seychelles Agency EUEuropean Union FCAFair Competition Act FDIForeign direct investment FSAFinancial Services Authority GDPGross Domestic Product GERDGross Expenditure on Research and DevelopmentHDIHuman Develop

16、ment IndexSeychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewvIASTEInternational Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical ExperienceILOInternational Labour Organization IMFInternational Monetary Fund IPIntellectual propertyIPAInvestment Promotion Agency MIEIMinistry of Investment,En

17、trepreneurship and IndustryNDSNational Development Strategy 2019-2023NEPADNew Partnership for Africas DevelopmentNISNational Innovation SystemNISTINational Institute for Science,Technology and InnovationPUCThe Public Utilities CompanyR&DResearch and DevelopmentSADCSouthern African Development Commun

18、itySCSSeychelles Cable SystemsSIDSSmall Island Developing StatesS&TScience and TechnologySoEsState-owned enterprisesSTEMScience,technology,engineering and mathematicsSTIScience,Technology and InnovationSTIPS2016-2025 Science,Technology and Innovation Policy and StrategySTISA2024 Science,Technology a

19、nd Innovation Strategy for AfricaTVETTechnical and Vocational Education and TrainingUNUnited NationsUNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUNESCOUnited Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUNIDOUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganizationWIPOWorld Intellectu

20、al Property OrganizationSeychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewviContentsAcknowledgements.iiiAbbreviations.ivKey recommendations.ixSummary.xI.Introduction.1II.Seychelles development trajectory and sustainable development challenge.5III.Implementation and effectiveness of the current S

21、TI policy frameworks111.Effectiveness of STIPS 2016-2025.112.Implementation challenges for STI Policy 2016-2025.133.Other policy frameworks supporting STI .16IV.Forging international STI partnerships for sustainable development.19V.Seychelles framework conditions for innovation.231.Policy frameworks

22、 .232.Entrepreneurship and ease of doing business.253.Education .264.Research and innovation outputs.305.Firm incubation and innovation parks.316.Intellectual property.32VI.National innovation system.411.Actors and institutional linkages .412.Analysis of strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threat

23、s of Seychelles NIS.433.Challenges for establishing a functional NIS.44VII.Innovation in economic sectors for structural transformation.451.Tourism .472.Financial services.473.Fisheries .484.Agriculture.50VIII.Summary of findings and key recommendations.531.Review of findings.532.Key recommendations

24、.54Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewviiAnnex 1:Key economic indicators.58Annex 2:Strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats analysis framework.59Annex 3:Key institutional actors in Seychelles NIS.62Annex 4:Strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats analysis of Seychelles

25、 NIS.63Annex 5:Overview of STI provisions in various key frameworks.65References.66TablesTable 1:Progress in SDGs in Seychelles.7Table 2:Overview of the distribution and enrolment in education and training.26Table 3:University and vocational education institutions in Seychelles.27Table 4:Seychelles

26、scientific publications 2017-2019.30Table 5:IP filed by Seychelles residents domestically and abroad.33Table 6:Patent applications filed domestically and abroad by resident applicants .35FiguresFigure 1:Progress in SDGs in Seychelles.8Figure 2:Ease of doing business in Seychelles global ranking and

27、components(190 countries).26Figure 3:IP applications filed by Seychelles residents domestically and abroad.34Figure 4:Average cost of one GB of data.37Figure 5:Per capita energy generation in Seychelles and comparators(kWh per capita).38Figure 6:Sector value added and transformation dynamics.46Figur

28、e 7:Diversification in Seychelles and comparators.46BoxesBox 1:Innovative and scalable systems for solid waste management .9Box 2:STI policy roadmap for Seychelles.21Box 3:Business,Technology and Innovation(BTI)Incubator.31Box 4:Intellectual property in SIDS and less populated countries.35Box 5:Inno

29、vation and policy support for fisheries in developing countries.49Box 6:Technology assessment-Agrivoltaics in Seychelles.51Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewviiiKey recommendations Build a broad-based political and public compact for STI to enhance the understanding of and engage

30、ment in STI policy among all political actors,especially the legislative assembly.This involves improving STI policy literacy among parliamentarians and politicians and developing mechanisms for the National Assemblys engagement in STI policy.Public awareness about STI programmes and activities shou

31、ld be increased through collaborative efforts involving the Government,media,non-governmental organizations,development partners,and educational institutions.Review the institutional arrangements for STI to establish an autonomous national organization for STI policy and NIS coordination.Proposals s

32、hould be informed by an independent analysis and draw lessons from international best practices.This process should also address issues of trust-building and policy literacy,reflecting on the tendency towards institutional siloing.Revise the current national STI Policy and Strategy 2016-2025(STIPS)t

33、o reflect recent scientific and technological developments,including aspects of the 4IR,open science,and the growing role of the private sector and civil society in STI governance.The revised policy should expand its scope to include recent developments,as well as the development of a strong evidenc

34、e base and participation in the Global Innovation Index,and articulate clear research priorities and innovation areas in terms of sectors and industries.Develop an implementation plan for STIPS up to 2025.Set research and innovation priorities using technology assessment and technology foresight.Est

35、ablish a defined process for setting R&D and innovation priorities,aligning STI investments with national,regional,and global sustainable development goals.Participatory and expert exercises should be used to generate and revise multi-year STI policy implementation plans.Establish a National Innovat

36、ion and Entrepreneurship Fund.The fund would mobilize public and private financial resources to support firms and entrepreneurs in their innovation research and commercialization,and engage with funding alternatives like venture capital,angel investors,and public-private partnerships.Establish a Nat

37、ional R&D Fund.The fund would serve to increase investment in R&D and align funding with national STI priorities,including by encouraging private sector investment in R&D through matched funding and fiscal incentives.Strengthen participation in international and regional STI processes.This would inc

38、lude active participation in the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development(CSTD)and the STI Forum as well as deeper engagement with the Southern African Development Community(SADC),the African Union(AU),and the South African Research&Innovation Management Association,and ot

39、hers.It may also include establishing science and innovation attaches in consulates or embassies to energize bilateral STI cooperation,as well as engaging with its own diaspora who are successful entrepreneurs,innovators and technologists.Build a critical mass of skills for STI policymaking,entrepre

40、neurship,innovation management,and R&D.This involves developing technical and soft skills through education and training.It also requires a focus on digital skills,and the development and conduct of innovation and entrepreneurship courses for small-and medium-sized enterprise entrepreneurs.Improving

41、 linkages between skills development and demand in the labour market is essential.Supportive activities will need to be programmed in a subsequent STI plan and strategy and,eventually,in the revised STI Policy post 2025.Improve financial services provision for small-and medium-sized enterprises,in p

42、articular those related to e-commerce.Access to trade finance and financial instruments for international transactions,including secure online credit card payments,is necessary to foster small-and medium-sized enterprises engagement in international activities and global value chains.Seychelles Scie

43、nce,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewixSummaryThe Science,Technology and Innovation(STI)Policy Review of Seychelles was conducted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)at the request of the Government of Seychelles.The request was made in the context of the UNCTAD projec

44、t on Technology Assessment in the energy and agricultural sectors in Africa to accelerate progress on science,technology and innovation,and this Review is one of its products.The review of Seychelles National Innovation System(NIS)and the implementation of its 2016-2025 national Science,Technology,a

45、nd Innovation Policy and Strategy(STIPS)suggests a range of policy actions and institutional reforms.These recommendations are essential for invigorating the NIS,thereby enabling Seychelles to harness STI and entrepreneurship effectively to achieve the goals set in Vision 2033 and the Sustainable De

46、velopment Goals(SDGs).The STIPS,while adequately framed in many aspects,suffers from weak implementation due to various factors,including limited political support and engagement.The repeal of the National Institute for Science,Technology and Innovation(NISTI)Act,further complicates the situation.Ma

47、ny of the provisions of the STIPS remain unimplemented,primarily due to the weakened institutional capacity characterized by a lack of personnel and dedicated funding.Of these,the failure to establish the proposed National Research Fund,as envisioned in the Policy and Strategy,has hindered the count

48、rys ability to mobilize domestic and international resources for STI.The STIPS,while focused on innovation and entrepreneurship,lack adequate provisions for science-informed policy-making and governance of emerging technologies like AI and Fourth Industrial Revolution(4IR)technologies.This indicates

49、 a need for the policy to be updated or thoroughly revised.Despite these challenges,the National Institute for Science Technology and Innovation(NISTI)which transformed in 2021 into the Division on Science,Technology and Innovation(DSTI)of the Ministry of Investment Entrepreneurship and Industry(MIE

50、I)has played a key role in initiating several initiatives.These range from STEM programmes for schools,Research and Development(R&D)and innovation surveys,the development of the Business,Technology and Innovation(BTI)Incubator,and actively contributing to the design of the Blue Economy plan and vari

51、ous regional and international STI programmes.Driving the implementation of the STIPS and developing a strong understanding of the economic rationale for an active STI policy can benefit from a well-funded,competent and active agency.The current situation highlights the need for developing communica

52、tion competency in DSTI and came out very clearly during the capacity building workshop in September 2023.Building a strong public awareness campaign for STI is one of the main recommendations of this review.The proposed recommendations in this review aim to create a more dynamic and effective NIS i

53、n Seychelles,thereby propelling the country toward realizing its Vision 2033 and fulfilling the SDGs through strengthened STI capabilities.In conclusion,while Seychelles has foundational elements for leveraging STI towards achieving the SDGs,the policy foundations are weak,while opportunities are si

54、gnificant.Strengthening policy foundations for STI would require strategic interventions to enhance institutional capacities and policy implementation as well as update policy frameworks to reflect contemporary technological advancements and governance needs.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation

55、Policy Review1I.IntroductionThis report reviews the implementation of the 2016-2025 STI Policy and Strategy(STIPS)and assess the countrys national innovation system.The review was conducted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)at the request of the Government of Seychelle

56、s,conducted between November 2022 and September 2023.The review involved a participatory process that included a fact-finding mission and a stakeholders workshop in Seychelles in November 2022,a comprehensive desk review of national policy documents and reports,interviews with 39 persons from a numb

57、er of organizations,a national workshop reviewing the draft text of this document held on 25 September 2023,and a capacity building workshop on 26 and 27 September 2023.Draft versions of the review were provided for comments and inputs to the MIEI and the DSTI.The report is structured as follows:Cha

58、pter II introduces the development trajectory of the country and the challenges the country is facing in sustainable development.Seychelles,a high-income Small Island Developing State,faces unique innovation challenges.Despite its high per capita income and political stability,the economy is heavily

59、 reliant on tourism and fisheries,making it vulnerable to environmental changes.The Governments Vision 2033 emphasizes science,technology,and innovation(STI)in development and sustainability,focusing on a sustainable Blue Economy and climate change.The chapter reveals that while Seychelles is on tra

60、ck to attain several targets of certain SDGs(e.g.,SDG1,SG2,SDG3 and SDG5),it lags in SDGs relating to STI(e.g.,SDG9 on industry,infrastructure and innovation).This undermines prospects of enduring the transition to sustainability and attaining the SDGs.Any prior progress made in attaining certain SD

61、Gs may be reversed if the economy is not diversified through industrial change which in part is dependent on the availability and use of skills in innovation,technology and entrepreneurship.Challenges include reliance on low-cost labour,high ICT costs,energy dependence on fossil fuels,and gender dis

62、parities in STEM.Efforts in e-Governance and education aim to address these issues,but significant hurdles remain in fully harnessing STI for sustainable development.Chapter III reviews the implementation and effectiveness of the STIPS 2016-2025 and other relevant policy frameworks.STIPS 2016-2025 i

63、s well-aligned with Vision 2033 and the National Development Strategy(NDS)2019-2023,which aim to transition the country to a knowledge-based and innovation-driven economy.Developed through participatory processes,STIPS focuses on mainstreaming STI across all sectors and includes explicit and implici

64、t provisions in various national policies,covering areas like FDI,intellectual property,and the blue economy.However,its implementation faces challenges due to weak institutional linkages,limited resources,and lack of political support.The restructuring of NISTI into the DSTI in MIEI has raised conc

65、erns about institutional capacity for STIPS implementation.Based on interviews,available data,and analysis of strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats,the section identifies and reviews the following:STI policy actions and policy frameworks addressing education and training,industrialization,f

66、oreign direct investment,entrepreneurship,intellectual property protection,tourism,agriculture,health,blue economy,and environmental and natural resources management.Chapter IV examines Seychelles participation in international,continental and regional as well as bilateral STI cooperation programmes

67、 and policy processes.It reviews the different partnerships or collaborations that the country is engaged in and how they contribute to the attainment of STI policy objectives.Key factors influencing Seychelles participation in multilateral cooperation and public-private partnerships in STI are iden

68、tified and analysed.One of Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review2the issues highlighted in this chapter is that given Seychelles small population,it needs to forge strategic international partnerships and strengthen public-private partnerships in STI.The country will need to develop

69、 and finance an implementation strategy for such STI partnerships.Chapter V looks at Seychelles framework conditions for innovation.It discusses 11 framework conditions that are relevant to Seychelles development,ranging from policy frameworks to education system,entrepreneurship culture,research an

70、d innovation,infrastructure,intellectual property protection and regulations and standards.Framework conditions for innovation shape and influence the innovation ecosystem in a country.They do so by enabling individuals,businesses,and organizations to innovate.Certain conditions and policy efforts c

71、an encourage and support innovation,fostering economic growth,competitiveness,and societal progress.Other key elements of framework conditions for innovation include regulations and standards,funding and infrastructure for research and development,digital and logistics infrastructures,an actively ma

72、naged innovation ecosystem,a skilled and educated workforce,trade openness,a positive entrepreneurial culture and risk-taking attitudes,and active international collaborations in STI,among others.Chapter VI focuses on Seychelles national innovation system.Seychelles NIS comprises various actors,incl

73、uding public research institutes,universities,state-owned enterprises,private companies,policy-making bodies,and non-governmental organizations.These actors engage in activities such as scientific knowledge production,education and training,funding STI,and formulating STI policies.However,Seychelles

74、 has a smaller NIS compared to larger countries,primarily due to its small population.The main actors in Seychelles NIS are entrepreneurs and firms,while public sector organizations such as MIEI and its DSTI play crucial roles.However,public-private partnerships in STI are weak,and there is a lack o

75、f trust and cooperation between public and private institutions.Seychelles faces challenges in implementing STI initiatives due to limited funding and human resources.The countrys R&D productivity is modest,with limited data on R&D and innovation outputs.Efforts to support start-ups through initiati

76、ves like the Business,Technology,and Innovation Incubator are hindered by resource constraints.Seychelles has potential in developing intellectual property(IP)for plant varieties and geographical indications but needs to dedicate more policy attention in this area.Chapter VII discusses innovation in

77、 specific economic sectors for Seychelles structural transformation.Since 2005,Seychelles has experienced stalled structural transformation,with economic growth primarily driven by the services sector,particularly tourism.Opportunities for diversification during growth periods have been missed,while

78、 a structural shift from low to high productivity activities has been modest.Seychelles faces challenges in scaling industry and manufacturing primarily due to its small domestic market.Other factors are at play as well,such as geographic location,limitations in energy and primary resources,as well

79、as a modest industrial heritage.A focus on digital services and sectors as an innovation strategy is considered more feasible due to their ability to scale beyond physical limitations.Seychelles economy heavily relies on tourism,which makes it vulnerable to external shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic

80、.Efforts are underway to diversify the tourism sector itself,focusing on eco-,marine,and sports tourism,and integrating green and renewable technologies.In the financial services sector,opportunities lie in offshore banking and fintech,reliant on effective policies,regulations,and digital infrastruc

81、ture.The fisheries industry faces important sustainability challenges.Innovation and diversification are necessary for its survival and a focus on sustainable aqua farming supported by green energy may be a path worth pursuing.In agriculture,innovation potential is limited by scale challenges.Transf

82、ormation opportunities exist in the ICT sectors,sustainable energy,and water,and waste management.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review3The last chapter presents a synthesis of findings and key recommendations that address challenges in implementing STI policy frameworks and fosteri

83、ng an effective NSI.The overall message is that much remains to be done by the Government to implement the STIPS.Most of the policy objectives are unrealized,and the NIS remains relatively weak,thus undermining prospects of attaining Vision 2033s aspirations of becoming a knowledge-based,innovation-

84、driven,sustainable and inclusive economy.However,there are many opportunities and Seychelles is well positioned to take advantage of its strong,albeit undiversified,economy,and stable governance.With the right STI policies and foresight,developmental threats,such as those arising from climate change

85、 and environmental degradation,and challenges to social inclusion,can be mitigated and used to pivot towards a more technological and innovative development path.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review5II.Seychelles development trajectory and sustainable development challengeSeychelle

86、s is a high-income Small Island Developing State(SIDS)in the western Indian Ocean that has a small and culturally diverse population and ecologically diverse environment.It is a high-income economy with a per capita income at$14,340 GNI,according to the Atlas method(current US dollars).1 Based on a

87、purchasing power parity indicator(PPP)in current international dollars,however,the GNI per capita rises to$33,480 in 2022.2 With regards to its Human Development Index(HDI),in 2021 it was ranked 72nd out of 189 countries(UNDP,2021/2022).Since attaining independence in 1976,Seychelles has experienced

88、 rapid economic growth with per capita output expanding approximately seven times compared to pre-independence levels.This impressive economic growth can be attributed to factors such as political stability and macroeconomic stability.Since its independence,Seychelles has been a politically stable d

89、emocracy with citizens actively participating in politics and policy processes.Civil society organizations are involved in various agendas,including environmental justice and socio-economic development.The country has a functional legal system,the composition of which includes a mix of English commo

90、n law,the Napoleonic Code,and customary law.Due to the scale and size of its economy,it does not have a specialized court for commercial cases.3The country has a wide range of programmes for social protection and support.Life expectancy is 72 years for men and 82 years for women.The main sectors tha

91、t have received government investment over the years are health and education.Health and education services are free in the country.In 2020,Seychelles spent almost 7 per cent of GDP on social welfare,a level higher than the averages observed across Sub-Saharan Africa(US Department of State,2022).Pru

92、dent fiscal and monetary policies have been implemented since 2008 with macroeconomic stabilization and structural reforms aimed at reducing the burden of external debt and enabling robust growth.An overview of key economic indicators is presented in annex 1.The key economic sectors in Seychelles ar

93、e tourism,financial services and fisheries,and agriculture to a lesser extent.The economy is a driven by services,especially tourism,which represent about 75 per cent of GDP(US Department of State,2022).Fisheries and agriculture sectors are heavily reliant on their natural resources,and as a result

94、the economy is vulnerable to environmental change particularly to climate change and other human-induced effects.To reduce over-dependence on tourism and fisheries,as well as diversify the economy more generally,the Government is promoting investment in agriculture,small-scale manufacturing and info

95、rmation and communications technology.Foreign direct investment(FDI)flows,however,continue to target the tourism sector and related investments in the services sector.Mauritius is the main source of FDI,accounting for at least 40 per cent of inward foreign investment projects in 2018.According to UN

96、CTADs 2022 World 1For Seychelles Atlas method calculations see:https:/data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GNP.PCAP.CD?locations=SC(accessed 29 November 2023).2For parity rises see:https:/data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GNP.PCAP.PP.CD?locations=SC(accessed 29 November 2023).3There are plans to establish

97、a commercial court to deal with an increasing number of commercial crimes and disputes.The Government allocated funds for the establishment of the court in its 2022 budget.See:https:/www.state.gov/reports/2023-investment-climate-statements/seychelles/(accessed 29 November 2023).Seychelles Science,Te

98、chnology&Innovation Policy Review6Investment Report,FDI inflows to Seychelles increased by 28.3 per cent year-on-year in 2021,reaching$157 million compared to$122 million one year earlier and above the three-year average recorded before the pandemic($152 million for 201719).FDI inward stock closed a

99、t$3.33 billion in 2021,representing around 227.8 per cent of the countrys GDP.The United Arab Emirates,South Africa and China are also major sources of FDI.A large services sector is bolstered by the availability of imported low-cost labour which disincentivizes investment in technology and innovati

100、on and presents the key challenge for developing an innovative economy.At 3.9 per cent,overall unemployment is low,while youth unemployment is higher at 13.6 per cent.Unlike many other countries challenged by the need to create off-farm jobs for growing populations,Seychelles is importing labour.The

101、 number of jobseekers with post-secondary education has been steadily declining since 2019(Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs,2023).A 2018 ILO study estimates that the private sector employs 67 per cent of the working population while government and parastatal sectors employ 33 per cent(ILO,2

102、018).About 19 per cent of all jobs are in the accommodation and food service sector,while some estimates advise that tourism employs up to 30 per cent of all labour and generates 70 per cent of foreign currency earnings(US Department of State,2022).The largest single employer in Seychelles is curren

103、tly the Indian Ocean Tuna Ltd.,which employs around 2,500 personnel.Foreigners represent 27 per cent of the workforce in tourism,while locals often perceive the working hours as inconvenient for working mothers and women who also have social and family obligations and cannot take up unsuitable shift

104、s or weekend work(ILO,2018).The construction industry employs 11 per cent of the workforce but relies heavily on imported labour.Foreigners are estimated to make up to 60 per cent of construction workers(ILO,2018).Seychelles nationals,in particular its youth,do not see construction work as well-paid

105、 employment,while low-wage takers are readily available from seasonal and temporary labour from southern Asia.Fisheries account for 8 per cent of GDP but employ almost exclusively foreign labour.As a result,Seychelles increasingly relies on foreign or imported labour.Labour competition from temporar

106、y and seasonal workers is a serious disincentive to improving the innovation performance of the national economy.Given the choice of growing a business by engaging low-cost labour rather than developing innovative and technology-based solutions,entrepreneurs will usually opt for the less risky labou

107、r-based variable-cost strategy rather than incur capital costs by investing in innovation.This is compounded if strong policy guidance and clear incentives are not put in place concerning development of a diverse economy and STI capabilities.Seychelles needs to diversify its economic activities,spur

108、 manufacturing and expand its industrial base.This will require building critical national capabilities for innovation,entrepreneurship and research.In respect of Seychelles implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development,its progress on achieving the SDGs has been mixed.However,there i

109、s a paucity of data on trends in the transition or attainment of the 17 UN SDGs in Seychelles.There is no official(at least in the public domain)annual or frequent up-to-date reports on how the country is performing on different SDGs.Different UN agencies and some international non-governmental orga

110、nizations are producing different data on different SDGs.For example,UNESCO Institute for Statistics has produced some data on trends in education for SDG4(UNESCO undated),while the non-governmental,and leading environmental conservation organization,Nature Seychelles,has focused on tracking trends

111、in SDGs related to climate change,biodiversity,energy and partnerships.A recent report by Sachs provides a global assessment of progress towards the SDGs and includes trends in Seychelles(table 1 and figure 1).Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review7There are different public opinions

112、(based on interviews with key stakeholders)about the countrys progress on the SDGs,aligning generally with the findings of Sachs(2022).Most of the interviewees for this review held the opinion that the country is making progress on SDG3(health and wellbeing)and SDG4(education);there is a reversal of

113、 progress made on SDG2(ending hunger)and SDG5(gender equality);and there is progress on SDG9(industry,infrastructure and innovation)mainly in terms of the digital transformation of the economy.Industrialization and innovation in many technological and organizational areas are progressing slowly.Some

114、 interviewees held the opinion that the country was making significant progress in womens empowerment(SDG5),while the relevance of skills and the generally low quality of education and training in STEM courses or subjects was causing SDG4 to stagnate.There is a consensus that Seychelles is not on tr

115、ack to attain SDG13(climate action)or SDG14(life under water).Most of the interviewees were of the view that public awareness of the climate crisis is high,and that the country has relatively good policies.The challenge is that of inaction due to limited scientific and technological capabilities to

116、engage in sustainability-oriented innovation in both public and private enterprises.Through its Blue Economy Strategy(2018)and the Seychelles Climate Change Policy(2020),the Government highlights the unavoidable reality that SIDS often face This is best described as an over-reliance on natural endow

117、ments as well as a heightened responsibility to work towards the SDGs using technology and innovation.The Government of Seychelles has acknowledged the importance of STI in driving a sustainable blue economy and is designing policy frameworks and programmatic initiatives to modernize and increase th

118、e productivity of this sector.As a SIDS,Seychelles is particularly vulnerable to climate change,which poses specific challenges for its blue economy ambitions.Nevertheless,Seychelles plans to increase R&D investments in the blue economy.Table 1:Progress in SDGs in SeychellesSustainable Development G

119、oalOverall PerformanceSDG 1:No PovertyInformation unavailable SDG 2:Zero Hunger StagnatingSDG 3:Good Health and WellbeingModerately improvingSDG 4:Quality EducationOn track to attainmentSDG 5:Gender EqualityDecreasingSDG 6:Clean Water and SanitationOn track to attainmentSDG 7:Affordable Clean Energy

120、On track to attainmentSDG 8:Decent Work and Economic GrowthInformation unavailableSDG 9:Industry,Innovation and Manufacturing On track to attainmentSDG 10:Reduced InequalitiesInformation unavailableSDG 11:Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesInformation unavailableSDG 12:Responsible Consumption and Pro

121、ductionModerately improvingSDG 13:Climate ActionStagnatingSDG 14:Life Below WaterModerately improvingSDG 15:Life on LandModerately improvingSDG 16:Peace,Justice and Strong InstitutionsModerately improvingSDG 17:Partnerships for the GoalsStagnatingSource:Sachs JD,et al.(2022).To build the necessary c

122、apacity to respond to climate change,the Government established the Department of Energy and Climate Change in 2015 and adopted the Seychelles Climate Change Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review8Policy in 2020.The Seychelles Climate Change Policy puts emphasis on increasing investm

123、ents in building capacity for research and monitoring of the long-term impacts of climate change.It provides for the creation of a National Climate Change Council.The Seychelles Blue Economy Strategic Policy Framework and Roadmap(2018)puts emphasis on the creation of enterprises and high value jobs

124、in the blue economy while ensuring the integrity of the countrys ecosystems.It focuses on strengthening the circular economy,by transforming fish and other waste into products like fertilizer.The Government has established the Blue Grants Fund and Blue Investment Fund to provide grants and loans to

125、start-ups and entrepreneurs in the circular blue economy.Figure 1:Progress in SDGs in SeychellesSource:Sachs JD,et al.(2022).As a SIDS,solid waste management poses a significant challenge to Seychelles.Seychelles generates about 80,000 tons of waste per year and this number is expected to increase b

126、y 50 percent by 2030.Waste is disposed in a landfill on the main island of Mahe.This landfill is expected to reach full capacity by 2025.The landfill is in visible proximity of the international airport and is prone to self-combustion,releasing toxic fumes and leaking toxins into the nearby seashore

127、.Much of the waste originates from the tourism industry and sustainable solutions would require joint action and partnerships between public and private sector actors in the tourism economy as well as key stakeholders in the NIS.4Solid waste management intersects with several United Nations Sustaina

128、ble Development Goals(SDGs),reflecting its importance across environmental,economic,and social dimensions.The most relevant SDGs that address the issue of solid waste management include:SDG 6:Clean Water and Sanitation,SDG 11:Sustainable Cities and Communities,SDG 12:Responsible Consumption and Prod

129、uction,SDG 13:Climate Action,SDG 14:Life Below Water,and SDG 15:Life on Land.These goals require a critical focus on integrated solid waste management in achieving environmental sustainability,promoting public health,and ensuring the well-being of Seychelles citizens.Already in 2017,Seychelles banne

130、d the importation,sale and commercial use of plastic bags,cups,plates and cutlery.The Ministry of Agriculture,Climate Change and Environment is collaborating with the Standards Bureau to validate and approve biodegradable alternatives.54See:http:/ Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review9Addressi

131、ng the challenge of reducing both land and marine pollution,the Government of Seychelles has developed a Seychelles National Waste Policy 2018-2023 and a Solid Waste Management Plan 2020-2035.UNEP,UNDP,UNFPA and UNECA are working together under the Joint SDG Fund to support the Plan and have been wo

132、rking with the Government to develop a circular economy roadmap and action plan,a financing strategy,while strengthening partnerships between the public and private sector.As well,in 2023,the UNDP launched the SDG Investor Map as a market intelligence tool aimed at mobilizing private sector investme

133、nt in critical waste management infrastructures.The ultimate result of these initiatives would be a reduction in the amount of solid waste being directed to the landfill.The international experience in waste management processes and technologies is vast and there are many positive examples coming fr

134、om the developing world.Box 1 describes several innovative initiatives with different technological intensities.Funding SDG activities remains a key challenge.In 2018,Seychelles issued a sovereign Blue Bond for$15 million and a ten-year maturity with a 6.5 per cent coupon(World Bank,2018).6 This was

135、 supported by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility,as well as with a partial guarantee of$5 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD).Funds raised by the bond are supposed to be used to expand marine protected areas,improve the regulation of sustainab

136、le fisheries,develop the Seychelles blue economy,and support the ocean economy.It also aims to help the Seychelles Government save over$8 million in interest charges over the next ten years.Overall,Seychelles needs to fast-track its transition to the SDGs,particularly those on climate action,life un

137、der water and conservation of biological diversity,ending hunger and improving health and wellbeing.The economy is vulnerable to environmental change and is dependent on a healthy population to be productive.There is a growing recognition,at least as expressions in various development documents,that

138、 STI is critical in addressing many of the challenges facing Seychelles and its attainment of the SDGs.6Also referenced here:https:/www.cabri-sbo.org/uploads/files/Documents/Session-3-Presentation-of-Dick-Labonte-Seychelles.pdf(accessed 29 November 2023).Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Poli

139、cy Review10Box 1:Innovative and scalable systems for solid waste management Several developing countries are not just addressing the challenges of solid waste management but are also leveraging these challenges as opportunities to innovate,improve public health,protect the environment,and contribute

140、 to socio-economic development.Seychelles may study these and other approaches and technologies and innovate itself out of its current problem of solid waste management.1.Waste-to-Energy Technologies in EthiopiaEthiopia has implemented a notable waste-to-energy initiative with the Reppie Waste-to-En

141、ergy Facility in Addis Ababa.This facility,which opened for production in 2018,is considered the first of its kind in Africa,converting municipal waste into electricity.The Reppie facility processes about 1,400 tons of solid waste per day,roughly 80%of the citys waste production,and generates enough

142、 electricity to power up to 30%of the households in Addis Ababa.This project not only helps in managing the citys solid waste but also contributes to reducing reliance on fossil fuels for energy production,showcasing a sustainable model for waste management and energy generation in developing countr

143、ies.Source:http:/ Solid Waste Management in BrazilBrazil has been a pioneer in integrating advanced technologies and community participation in solid waste management,particularly with its approach to recycling and composting.The countrys model includes the use of innovative sorting and recycling fa

144、cilities that are often part of cooperative efforts involving local communities.For instance,the city of Curitiba is renowned for its integrated urban waste management system,which includes a strong emphasis on recycling and has one of the highest recycling rates in the country.The program,which has

145、 been implemented since the early 1990s,not only facilitates efficient waste processing but also generates employment and income for waste pickers,integrating social benefits with environmental sustainability.Source:http:/ Production from Organic Waste in IndiaIndia has made significant strides in u

146、tilizing organic waste for biogas production,particularly through decentralized biogas plants.Programs for promoting biogas technologies have been running since the 1970s.With a simple design,more around five million family biogas plants have been installed until 2020,with significant potential for

147、more.One innovative approach is the development of small-scale biogas units that convert organic waste from households or communities into biogas that can be used for cooking or electricity generation.This solution not only addresses the challenge of organic waste management in densely populated are

148、as but also provides a renewable source of energy,thereby reducing reliance on conventional fuels.The government supports these initiatives through various schemes and subsidies,promoting sustainable waste management and energy production in rural and urban settings alike.Source:http:/ Science,Techn

149、ology&Innovation Policy Review11III.Implementation and effectiveness of the current STI policy frameworksSeychelles Vision 2033 and the NDS 2019-2023 contain explicit provisions for promoting STI.The 2016-2025 Science,Technology and Innovation Policy and Strategy(STIPS)is well aligned with the Visio

150、n 2033 and the NDS.Mainstreaming STI across all sectors of the economy is key to realizing Vision 2033.In addition,the Seychelles has an array of national policies which,while not strictly in the mandate of the MIEI and DSTI,can positively contribute to STI outcomes.These include policies for FDI,in

151、tellectual property protection,trade,industrialization,environmental conservation and climate change,education and training,public procurement,ICT,technology,biosafety and the blue economy.Illustrative cases or examples are given to demonstrate that for successful implementation of STIPS 2016-2025 t

152、here is a need for policy coherence and alignment across policy sectors,and the use of policy mixes.STIPS should not be treated as a stand-alone policy regime,but as a framework for mainstreaming STI across all sectors of the economy.1.Effectiveness of STIPS 2016-2025STIPS 2016-2025 was developed th

153、rough consultative processes involving workshops organized by the former NISTI under the Office of the Vice-President.The overall objective of the STIPS was to support the country to transition from a natural resource-base to“a knowledge-based and innovation-driven economy that will attain its natio

154、nal aspirations as well as the United Nations SDGs.”Previous STI policy and related programmatic initiatives tended to focus on R&D,while the colonial administrations emphasized guidelines or regulatory approaches to the administration of research as opposed to STI policy.With the support of UNESCO,

155、Seychelles adopted a science and technology(S&T)policy in 2011 that was largely framed around a linear approach with emphasis on research-driven technological development.This 2011 S&T Policy did not have much impact because there was no institutional or governance mechanism to lead its implementati

156、on.7Regarding the genesis of STIPS,several points are worth noting.First,there was a legal requirement and cabinet decision for the STI policy to be formulated.In April 2014,the National Assembly passed the National Institute for Science,Technology and Innovation Act,followed by the creation of NIST

157、I.It was approved by the Cabinet of the Government of Seychelles and domiciled in the Office of the President,though hosted in the Office of the Vice President.Second,political leadership enabled the process of formulating the current STI Policy and Strategy,and participatory mechanisms were launche

158、d to ensure that stakeholders were directly involved.In April 2016,the Vice-President led a group of ministers at a workshop on STI to discuss various issues,including ways and means of mainstreaming STI into all sectors of the economy.International experts from Malaysia,Germany and South Africa wer

159、e invited to advise on various facets of STI policy.The process was largely participatory and inclusive,aiming to build broad-based constituencies for the STI Policy.7It was not possible to get a copy of the 2011 S&T policy document at the time of drafting this report.Some officials from various gov

160、ernment departments referred to this policy but could not avail a copy of it.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review12Third,the international,continental and SADC contexts for STI and development were steadily evolving since 2015.In 2014,the African Union(AU)adopted the Science,Techno

161、logy and Innovation Strategy for Africa(STISA 2014-2024),requiring AU member states to adopt national STI policy frameworks that are aligned with STISA 2012-2014 and AU Agenda 2063.At the SADC level,there was an STI Protocol that required Seychelles to modernize its STI policy.In September 2015,the

162、United Nations adopted the global Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)that have specific requirements for STI policy.Overall,the rationale for the 2016-2025 national Science,Technology and Innovation Policy and Strategy was influenced by these and other global imperatives.NISTI was responsible for co

163、ordinating and overseeing the attainment of STI policy objectives.NISTI was also charged with overseeing the formulation of a STIPS and an implementation plan.STIPS was conceptualized around an NIS approach and contains strategic policy actions aimed at attaining its objectives.It provides for its p

164、eriodic review preferably after every three years based on and informed by a Monitoring and Evaluation(M&E)framework.STIPS became Seychelles first post-independence policy for STI.STIPS has 11 specific objectives:1.Building political leadership for STI;2.Increasing Gross Expenditure on Research and

165、Development(GERD)to at least 2 per cent of GDP by 2025;3.Building capacity in STEM and entrepreneurship;4.Promoting technology-based companies to create jobs;5.Building strong public-private sector linkages in STI;6.Building a world-class R&D infrastructure;7.Promoting the procurement and use of sci

166、ence in policy-making;8.Governance of STI for SDGs and economic competitiveness;9.Improving or establishing ICT infrastructure;10.Developing systems for efficient management of data;and11.Improving the countrys participation in international STI programmes/cooperation.NISTI developed the 2018-2022 S

167、trategic Plan as a follow-up to guide its organizational or institutional approaches to the implementation of the above objectives.It is a comprehensive plan developed using a strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats or“SWOT”analysis approach and the PESTLE methodology focusing on political,ec

168、onomic,social,technological,legal and environmental conditions and contexts.NISTI was able to make progress on three strategic areas:The development of the Blue Technology Incubator with a focus on the Blue Economy Cluster,a partnership between the Blue Economy Department and NISTI(DSTI);The launch

169、for STEM related activities in schools such as the robotics and Artificial Intelligence(AI)competition scheme;and Integration of STI into the NDS as well as some efforts at mainstreaming STI in sectoral strategies and plans such as agriculture and energy.NISTI was also instrumental in developing and

170、 launching R&D and innovation surveys under the AUDA-NEPAD African Science,Technology and Innovation Indicators(ASTII)Initiative.This survey reported country data on GERD and innovation outputs for 2017/2018.Capacity building was conducted for staff from NISTI and the National Bureau of Statistics,i

171、n the Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review13collection and analysis of STI statistics and data.NISTI also played a key role in helping some SADC countries participating in ASTII to digitalize their STI data systems.However,despite some progress,the status of NISTI changed with the

172、revocation of NISTI Act in 2021.NISTI was subsequently re-established as a division of STI(DSTI)in MIEI.The proposed rationale was that such a restructuring was needed to enable NISTI to better support Seychelles industry in its transition towards a more innovative economy based on NISTI knowledge i

173、n science,technology and innovation.8This review of STIPS also covers its scope,relevance and implementation.In terms of policy scope,though the concept of innovation is used in STIPS,it is not clearly defined.In addition,some of the outlined specific policy actions to promote innovation activities

174、in the economy require serious consideration and revision.With the expiry of the Strategic Plan 2018-2022,there is no comprehensive plan for the implementation of STIPS,nor a set of well-articulated R&D and innovation priorities.The main challenge for NISTIs Strategic Plan 2018-2022 was that it was

175、seen as one agencys plan,rather than a national plan for the implementation of the STI Policy and Strategy.2.Implementation challenges for STI Policy 2016-2025The implementation of STIPS had several conceptual,institutional and practical challenges.To gather perspectives on what strategic actions of

176、 the STIPS have been implemented so far,interviewees were asked several interrelated questions.Among these were inquiries into awareness of policy objectives,whether objectives were implemented,what was the level of implementation,and were the possible reasons for the levels of implementation experi

177、enced.These questions were aligned with the generic framework used for the analysis of strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats conducted at the November 2022 workshop.The feedback is presented within the context of specific issues and challenges as laid out below.Some of the factors influenci

178、ng the implementation of the Strategic Plan are outlined in annex 2 and include institutional uncertainty and lack of capacities.2.1 Institutional issues Most interviewees held the opinion that less than half of the policy objectives and less than one-third of the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan have been

179、achieved.It is likely that the redevelopment of NISTI into MIEI/DSTI may continue to erode any accumulated institutional capacity to implement the STIPS unless there is a major policy effort.The transition from NISTI to DSTI also created uncertainty for STI stakeholders and may have eroded the confi

180、dence of development partners to support the implementation of both STIPS and the Strategic Plan.2.2 Limited resourcesMost interviewees and discussants at the November 2022 workshop proposed that NISTI did not have the necessary human,financial and infrastructural resources to effectively oversee th

181、e implementation of the STIPS 2016-25.While the DSTI inherited the Strategic Plan 2018-2022 from NISTI,it too has not been adequately resourced with financial,human and infrastructural resources,to effectively implement it.Seychelles has not established appropriate mechanisms and instruments for fin

182、ancing STI.There are several reasons why funding was a challenge.Many interviewees held the view that STI and STI policy do not have the backing of the current political leadership,while civil society 8 See:https:/www.nation.sc/articles/11097/minister-devika-vidot-enlightens-assembly-members-on-nist

183、i-restructuring-(accessed 29 November 2023).Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review14groups that could advocate for greater political and financial support for STI are small and weak.A representative of a civil society organization remarked that STI policy work has a small budget and

184、therefore does not bring enough money to attract politicians attention,nor for that matter the attention of the broader population.NISTI made efforts to attract international funding for STI projects.However,these efforts were ad hoc and with limited support from the Government.This was particularly

185、 so during and after the transition from the NISTI to the DSTI.Without predictable and sustainable funding,the DSTI will not be able to spearhead the implementation of STIPS.This issue needs the full attention of the leadership of the country.Despite NISTIs efforts at raising awareness,there is stil

186、l a lack of appreciation of social and economic values of STI,which indirectly hinders funding and financing decisions at the national level.This clearly indicates a need to develop more effective awareness-building campaigns and enhanced collaboration with the education sector,civil society and the

187、 media.Along with encouraging STEM subjects,the value of science as well as the advantages of technology-led entrepreneurship and innovation need to be espoused among the youth and in particular among girls and young women.2.3 Funding R&DIn implementing the current STIP,resource limitations have par

188、ticularly affected R&D funding.There are at least two reasons why Seychelles should invest or finance R&D and STI in general.The first reason is to improve the quality of life of citizens and build preparedness for future pandemics.New medicines and treatments,efficient transport and communications

189、systems,nutritious food and food supplements,better hygiene and sanitation,and clean water and clean energy are some of the benefits of investing in STI.As COVID-19 has shown,Seychelles,like all countries,requires capabilities to develop and deploy vaccines and other health innovations.The second re

190、ason is that Seychelles should fund R&D to build human capabilities,particularly postgraduates that can engage in R&D activities.In fields such as medicine and engineering most of the training of new experts takes place through R&D in research programmes and laboratories at universities.An instituti

191、onal mechanism for funding R&D,as mandated in the STIPS,has not been established.STIPS required that a National Research Foundation be established“to develop criteria for research prioritization and plans and provide grants to researchers”(STIPS,2017).The purpose of the proposed National Research Fo

192、undation was to“plan GERD and orient research for the betterment of the quality of lives of the people of Seychelles”(STIPS,2017).According to stakeholders interviewed during UNCTAD missions,the National Research Foundation was not established because there was no clear political support for it.Some

193、 interviewees,however,held the view that NISTI and later the DSTI did not have adequate capacity and strategic vision to establish and manage a National Research Foundation.However,the questions of a need for a National Research Foundation and the competence to run a National Research Foundation mus

194、t be held distinct.The primary question is,does Seychelles need a National Research Foundation and for what?What is the current research funding demand that addresses issues relevant for Seychelles sustainable development or for its firms,sectors and industries?Once these questions are answered,comp

195、etencies for National Research Foundation management can be developed and deployed.Seychelles has not attained the 2 per cent GERD of GDP,which was recently revised to 1 per cent,as committed in the STI Policy and Strategy.The National Research Foundation and instruments such as tax rebates or waive

196、rs for R&D have not been created or implemented.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review152.4 Accelerating technological developmentAccelerating technological developments are outpacing the capacity of Seychelles policymakers to design and deploy relevant STI policy.The relevance of ST

197、IPS in relation to current developments and accelerating global technological processes is challenging policymakers.Since the Policy and Strategy was conceived and adopted in 2017,megatrends such as COVID-19,climate change,4IR and geopolitical shifts in trade and FDI have occurred.For example,when t

198、he Policy and Strategy document was adopted,Artificial Intelligence(AI)was not a mature technology seeing deployment worldwide,and its development and application were not raising STI and geopolitical policy and governance issues such as those on ethics,inclusiveness and sharing the cost and burden

199、of environmental damage.Today,there is an array of ethical and technical issues that are emerging with AI and other 4IR technologies that require a competent policy response.In this regard,STI Policy will need to be revised to comprehensively cover new and emerging technologies,in particular actions

200、 and mechanisms to govern AI.For example,the STIPS may consider the UNESCO Recommendation on Ethics of AI and the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.The pending policy revision should also enable a policy learning process,whereby an openness to revisions can ensure that STI policy will remain cur

201、rent.2.5 Mainstreaming evidence-based and science-informed policyEvidence based policymaking,including design,implementation and evaluation that feedback into a policy learning cycle,is largely absent in the STI domain as efforts at developing STI data have stalled.Seychelles NIS has a limited group

202、 of private and public sector actors and therefore data on STI inputs and outcomes in terms of GERD and research personnel,which can be used for political and policy support,are scarce.Though Seychelles participates in AUDA-NEPAD ASTII,it has not been able to consistently generate data on STI.The la

203、st R&D and innovation surveys were conducted in 2016-2017 and the data are now out of date.In the 2016-2025 STI Policy and Strategy,the Government committed to establishing a Research Data Centre and STI Knowledge Hub within NISTI.However,the data centre has not been established,and Seychelles is no

204、t conducting R&D and innovation surveys.Until 2021,NISTI was working on establishing a data or information management system for STI,but budget cuts and lack of human resources had undermined planned activities.With support of organizations such as AUDA-NEPAD,WIPO,UNESCO and UNCTAD,the DSTI should w

205、ork out modalities of operationalizing the establishment of data or information management system for STI and institutionalize the collection R&D and innovation statistics.Seychelles needs to generate data that will enable it to establish a Global Innovation Index ranking and develop a useful benchm

206、arking for its innovation performance.A future policy revision needs to include and highlight the role of science and scientific data.The scope,as well as the objectives,of STIPS 2016-25 were focused mainly on policies for science and technology.However,an explicit indication of the importance of sc

207、ience-informed and evidence-based policy for and beyond STI is largely missing.Due to the institutional changes and high mobility of personnel from both DSTI and the National Bureau for Statistics,the capacity for STI data collection and management has not been consolidated.This represents a missed

208、opportunity to conduct R&D,STI and firm-level innovation surveys on a frequent basis.According to some interviewees,the capacity for STI data management that was created within NISTI has been eroded.This has implications for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of the ST

209、IPS and the Strategic Plan.Science is critically needed to inform policy interventions aimed at solving or addressing current and complex challenges such as climate change and health pandemics.With the Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review16growing complexity of STI and other policy

210、 domains,governments are increasingly under pressure to procure and use factual and scientific evidence to make policy choices.Governments can place scientific advisory councils in the executive branch of government.National and regional as well as global academies of sciences can be mandated or req

211、uested to provide support.Examples of these are the African Academy of Sciences,Academy for Developing Countries,and the World Academy of Art and Sciences.International bodies such as UNESCO and the International Science Council(ISC)are established to generate and provide science advice to governmen

212、ts.To effectively use such bodies,countries need to embrace a science-for-policy approach in their national policy frameworks.Increasing science-for-policy and focus on technology prospecting and technology transfer in STI policy work can be achieved through a more active participation in these and

213、other science programmes.Technology assessment and technology foresight exercises are policy tools for making sure that STI is steered towards the SDGs,and the country anticipates technological change.In this regard,there is a need to build TA and STI foresight capacity in Seychelles.2.6 Limited sub

214、stantive understanding and policy knowledgeIn general,there is a very low level of policy literacy or very limited substantive understanding of the STIPS 2016-2025.A majority of interviewees indicated that they had received copies of the policy document and may have participated in workshops to deve

215、lop it but had not read it.They had very scant knowledge of the policy objectives and strategic actions.Most of them acknowledged that NISTI had disseminated the policy document in official languages,but they had not read it.There has also been feedback that the STIPS document is too technical and n

216、ot friendly to a lay public.Possible workarounds include developing a popular version of STIPS as well as other key policy documents.3.Other policy frameworks supporting STI Seychelles has several related policy frameworks that can be invoked to promote and support STI.The main ones are those pertai

217、ning to FDI,intellectual property protection,entrepreneurship,education and training,industrial policy(currently in drafting),and trade.In the area of intellectual property,the key legislations include the Industrial Property Act of 2014,Industrial Property(Geographical Indication)Regulations 2014,a

218、nd the Industrial Property(Industrial Design)Regulations,2014.These are briefly discussed below.The Industrial Property Act of 2014 has explicit provisions for promoting investment in invention and innovation.Its overall aim is to:“provide for the adequate protection and enforcement of industrial pr

219、operty rights in order to encourage local inventive and innovative activities,stimulate transfer of foreign technology,promote foreign direct investment,create competitive business environment,discourage unfair practices,enhance free and fair practice and thereby foster socio economic development an

220、d for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto”(Republic of Seychelles,2014).The Industrial Property Acts provisions are aligned with the STIPS and should be enforced to help strengthen the countrys technological capabilities.Its provisions on disclosure of information about the invention t

221、o be patented require applicants to put that information into the public domain.The information then becomes exploitable by local scientists and/or researchers towards their own research endeavours,enabling the creation of new inventions that avoid impinging on the rights of the holders of granted p

222、atents or intellectual property.Another important framework with provisions that promote STI is the Blue Economy Strategic Policy and Roadmap:Charting the Future(2018-2030).It is well aligned with Vision 2033 and the NDS as well as the STIPS.It identifies specific STI priorities that the country sho

223、uld Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review17focus on to sustainably develop the blue economy.One of the six core principles of the Blue Economy Strategic Policy and Roadmap is innovation.This principle is articulated as follows.“Innovation facilitates creative solutions and opportuni

224、ties to achieve transformative outcomes,and generates discovery and new knowledge,practices or approaches that open opportunities.Innovation is at the core of Seychelles Blue Economy and Blue Brand and is essential to moving from a commodity-based to a service and knowledge-based economy”(Republic o

225、f Seychelles,2018).Technological innovations in digital connectivity are cited as key factors for blue economy development.Applications such as remote global monitoring,control and surveillance tools and environmental monitoring will be critical for marine resource management.Blue economy technology

226、 and innovation has the potential to reduce costs of doing business and to develop economic opportunities.Research and innovation priority areas include marine biotechnology,marine renewable energy,sustainable aquaculture,and ecosystem management.The 2007 National Information and Communication Techn

227、ologies Policy has provisions for promoting digital transformationthe introduction and use of digital technologies in the economy.The Policy is premised on the following rationale:“The future success of Seychelles in enhancing its competitiveness in the regional and global economy and improving the

228、quality of life of its people is crucially dependent upon its capacity to develop as a leading ICT hub through international best practices in the use of ICT in all aspects and sectors of its economy”(National Information and Communication Technologies Policy,2007).Specific priorities of the Nationa

229、l Information and Communication Technologies Policy 2007 include:promoting the diffusion and use of ICTs to improve governments abilities to deliver public services;strengthening physical infrastructure and improving regulatory frameworks for e-commerce;improving the development and use of ICT liter

230、acy and use of digital technologies in education and training;and encouraging the development of electronic content for safeguarding the nations environmental,historical,traditional and cultural heritage and in order to support ecotourism.Other policies supporting STI in various frameworks include t

231、hose for FDI and entrepreneurship.The National Investment Policy of 2018 and the Investment(Economic Activities)Regulations(Statutory Instrument(SI)71 of 2014)focus on creating an enabling policy and legal environment for domestic and foreign investment(WTO,2014).Policy frameworks for promoting entr

232、epreneurship include the Seychelles Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Policy and Strategy(2016)and the National Entrepreneurship Strategy of 2023.These also contain STI provisions that are aimed at stimulating innovation in the private sector.Both policy frameworks outline strategic meas

233、ures to simplify processes of creating and operating new enterprises or businesses,supporting start-ups through incubation and technology upgrading,and building enterprises capacities to access foreign technologies and markets.There are several other policy frameworks that contain provisions that ca

234、n be invoked to promote and govern STI.While it is not possible to review all of them in this report,annex 5 provides an overview of STI-related provisions of various key policy frameworks.In addition to the policy frameworks described above,there are various processes to develop new policies and st

235、rategies in the country.One of these is the development of a new Industrial Policy Framework,which is led by MIEI and supported by UNIDO.9 One of the goals of the Industrial Policy Framework is to promote the production of green goods that can support environmental preservation and reduce the enviro

236、nmental impact of other sectors,such as Tourism and Construction.Under the existing industrial policy,Seychelles established the 9 See:https:/www.icr-facility.eu/intervention/developing-a-new-industrial-policy-for-the-seychelles/(accessed 29 November 2023).Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Po

237、licy Review18Industrial Land Allocation Point system,which allocates industrial land to industries.The National Seychelles Made Brand was introduced in 2021 to promote locally produced products.In addition,the Government created several fiscal or tax incentives to generate environmentally friendly e

238、nergy technologies and conserve water resources or re-use or recycle wastewater.A High-Level Steering Committee for a Knowledge-Based Economy,chaired by the Vice-President,was established by the STIPS,to provide all leadership for the coordination of the implementation of the STI policiesboth in the

239、 NISTI Policy and Strategy and in the complementary policy frameworks outlined above.The effectiveness of the Committee in ensuring synergies and coordination of various STI initiatives across the whole of government is a subject of a more detailed assessment.Most of the interviewees who participate

240、d in this review however,held the view that there was some achievement in getting STI considerations mainstreamed in the Vision 2033,NDS and the blue economy policy frameworks.Coordination by the Office of the Vice-President was instrumental in getting various sectoral ministries and state-owned ent

241、erprises to engage in dialogues to strengthen the STI policy content of various sectors.However,these efforts were ad hoc and seem to have dissipated with the demise of NISTI and change of government administration.Overall,the weak implementation of STI policy provisions of the various frameworks ha

242、d many challenges.Some are listed below as follows.Low levels of awareness or knowledge of the STI policy content:most of the interviewees were unaware of the STI policy provisions of the various frameworks for FDI,blue economy,entrepreneurship and education.No established mechanisms to raise awaren

243、ess of the STI policy instruments and how these are to be implemented.Most interviewees suggested that MIEI should develop a compendium of STI policies that Seychelles should invest in their implementation(including international ones such as the UNESCO Recommendation on Ethics of Artificial Intelli

244、gence).Weak institutional coordination:most of the ministries and state-owned enterprises operate in silos with a tendency to focus their operations within narrowly defined mandates without taking systemic or holistic approaches to development.STI are often seen as belonging to a particular sector,o

245、r even a sector in themselves,and thus tend to be excluded from programming and budgeting by various sectoral ministries and/or state-owned enterprises.Weak institutional and cross-sectoral leadership:the High-Level Committee on the Knowledge-based Economy is largely dormant,while the Cabinet and th

246、e National Assembly lack engagement in STI policy issues and in the implementation of existing policy measures.Weak monitoring and evaluation:most national policy frameworks do have implementation plans with clear monitoring and evaluation(M&E)targets,and thus it is difficult to ensure policy accoun

247、tability.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review19IV.Forging international STI partnerships for sustainable developmentTo realize its aspirations espoused in Vision 2033 and NDS 2019-2023,Seychelles will need to strategically invest in building STI partnerships at all levels.Partnersh

248、ips in STI can take different forms,including public-private,bilateral,regional multilateral,continental,as well as with international organizations and development partners.Partnerships are critical for strengthening the NIS and leveraging international scientific and technological capabilities to

249、address social,economic and environmental challenges facing the country.They can enable Seychelles to exploit regional and international networks of research and build collaborations as well as endogenous scientific and technical capabilities.Enhancing or improving the countrys participation in STI

250、cooperation is also one of the 11 specific objectives of STIPS.STI partnerships are critical for Seychelles because its need to develop STI capabilities outpaces its size and capacities.Due to its small population and relatively small NIS,Seychelles cannot develop all the critical scientific and tec

251、hnological capabilities required for economic transformation and sustainable development.It cannot afford all the research infrastructures and human resources for absorbing 4IR technologies and other emerging and cutting-edge innovations.In this regard,Seychelles needs to partner with other countrie

252、s,as well as networks of excellence in research and innovation,and join multilateral STI programmes that would enable it to access available scientific and technological resources,including research infrastructures and current scientific research.Collaboration can also enable policy learning beyond

253、purely technological considerations,while building capacity for STI policy design and implementation.For example,by collaborating with global partners,such as the Global Innovation Index WIPO programme,or regional initiatives such as ASTII,Seychelles can harness and use international expertise in ST

254、I data collection and management to build its own local capabilities.Seychelles has engaged several international commitments and partnerships,primarily with SADC,and has ratified the African Continental Free Trade Area and several IP treaties under WIPO auspice.Seychelles has several strong interna

255、tional commitments,having subscribed to all the SDGs including SDG17(partnerships),and committing to SADC and AUs STI policy frameworks that require countries to collaborate or engage in regional and continental partnerships.Within SADC,Seychelles has ratified the SADC Protocol on Science,Technology

256、,and Innovation,and adopted the 2015 SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap(2015-2065).Article 21(d)of the SADC Treaty makes explicit reference to SADC member countries cooperating in science and technology for regional development and integration.The objective of the Protocol on Science,Techno

257、logy and Innovation is“to foster co-operation and promote the development,transfer and mastery of science,technology and innovation”among Member States.Seychelles has also signed the SADC Protocol on Industry(in May 2020)and the SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap(SISR),which sets out areas

258、of cooperation at regional level to build diversified and globally competitive industrial bases and economies.However,the SADC Protocol on Science,Technology and Innovation is not adequately domesticated or implemented by Seychelles because of a range of challenges.These include a lack of awareness

259、of provisions of the Protocol,a lack of dedicated resources(both human Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review20and financial)and no demonstrated political and executive leadership for regional cooperation in STI.A review of proceedings of SADC ministerial meetings shows that over the

260、 past five years or more,Seychelles was not represented at ministerial level in SADC high-level STI meetings on the Protocol.NISTI was represented in some of the technical meetings and had several staff attend SADC organized training courses and activities on STI policy.NISTIs participation in SADC

261、meetings was largely financed by the SADC Secretariat,AUDA-NEPAD,and international partners such as UNESCO,but not the Government of Seychelles.Seychelles has also signed to and/or ratified continental policy frameworks such as the AU Science,Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa(STISA-2024)

262、,and agreements such as the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement that require it to collaborate or engage in pan-African STI programmes or forge partnerships that enable it to contribute to and benefit from continental STI and trade.It is also a party to the African Regional Intellectual Pr

263、operty Organization(ARIPO)and acceded to the Harare Protocol on Patents and Industrial Designs.At the international level,Seychelles is a party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT)since 2002 and ratified the Nagoya Protocol on Acces

264、s to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization(ABS)to the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD).In October 2022,Seychelles signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with South Africa.However,during the preparation of the agreement,due to capacit

265、y constraints and lack of financial resources,the DSTI was not able to effectively engage with its counterpart organization,the Department of Science and Technology(DST)of South Africa.Collaboration with the UN and other multilateral organizations can help Seychelles improve policymaking and impleme

266、ntation capacity.In terms of international partnerships,Seychelles participates in several UN and international STI programmes,and receives support from some of the UN programmes and agencies to implement STI projects.For the past five years or so,particularly during the existence of NISTI,the Seych

267、elles participated in the UNCTAD-hosted UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development sessions,as well as the UN STI Forum.The country has also had delegations to the UN conferences on climate change,biological diversity and other related sustainable development issues.According to discuss

268、ions with officials at the DSTI,most of the costs of participation in the UN STI related events and/or processes have been supported by the UN.The Government of Seychelles does not have a dedicated budget or allocation for the countrys engagement in UN STI programmes,despite its status as a high-inc

269、ome country.As a member of the United Nations,Seychelles is expected to take part in UN programmes and commissions with a view to becoming a member of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development,moving up from its current status of observer.Over the past decade or so,several UN bodies,p

270、articularly UNCTAD,UNIDO,UNESCO and WIPO,have supported Seychelles with technical and financial assistance to undertake various studies and review on various aspects of STI issues.For example,UNCTAD is supporting Seychelles to conduct a technology assessment in energy and agriculture sectors.It is a

271、lso supporting this STI policy review.The UN Seychelles-based group has prioritized support for data and STI as one part of its technical cooperation work with Seychelles and as part of the UN Strategic Partnership Framework 2019-2023.Some of the specific areas of support include activities to stren

272、gthen the National Bureau of Statistics.Currently,the Joint Research Centre and the Directorate General for International Partnerships of the European Commission are conducting a project that aims to develop a policy roadmap for the Seychelles focusing on enhancing energy efficiency and the use of r

273、enewable energy.Box 2 provides more details on this project.Box 2:STI policy roadmap for SeychellesA current initiative that is broadening Seychelles engagement with international STI and development partners is the project on STI for SDGs Roadmaps in Africa.This project,established in 2022,is suppo

274、rted by the Joint Research Centre and the Directorate General for International Partnerships of the European Commission.The objective of the project is to improve directionality and effectiveness of STI policies to contribute to the SDGs.The projects methodological approach builds on the experience

275、of smart specialisation strategies in the European Union and beyond and through the adaptation of the smart specialisation approach to the rationale of STI for SDGs roadmaps as defined by United Nations Inter-Agency Task Team in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre.This is taking place under t

276、he umbrella of the UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism.The Joint Research Centre is currently member of the working group on STI for SDGs Roadmaps and of the working group on capacity building on STI for SDGs.In 2019,the IATT launched the Global Pilot Programme on Science,Technology and Innovation

277、for SDGs Roadmaps with an initial group of five pilot countries(Ethiopia,Ghana,India,Kenya and Serbia),to test and adjust the newly developed Guidebook for the Preparation of STI for SDGs Roadmaps.10 In February 2021,Ukraine joined the programme.JRC supported the pilot activities in Serbia and Ukrai

278、ne11 as well as in the Czech Republic where the approach was used to embed mission-oriented approach in the national smart specialisation strategy.To support the design of STI for SDGs roadmaps,the Joint Research Centre provides tailored support to countries depending on the context and their needs.

279、In 2022,the Division of Science,Technology and Innovation under the Ministry of Investment,Entrepreneurship and Industry of Seychelles expressed interest to join the project to develop the STI for SDGs roadmap for Seychelles12.Discussions with DSTI led to focus the work on the role of STI in the enh

280、ancement of Energy Efficiency and application of Renewable Energy in Seychelles13.There is a planned(funds yet to be secured)UN project on strengthening the NIS,with emphasis on:improving evidence-based policymaking,(providing monitoring instruments for science and technology in the economy),identif

281、ying the weaknesses in the national system,and developing an action plan for capacity building and evidence-based solutions.Seychelles faces various challenges in building enduring STI partnerships and engaging in international STI cooperation.DSTI needs to build in-house capacity for science diplom

282、acy and strategic STI partnerships.Its engagement in international,continental and regional STI processes and programmes has been on an ad hoc basis and largely externally resourced.Seychelles will need to build the necessary institutional mechanisms to engage and absorb the externalities generated

283、through international STI policy collaboration and leverage global and international partnerships to strengthen its NIS.10See:https:/op.europa.eu/s/za9J11See Progress Report of the Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs Roadmaps updated to 2021,co-published by JRC and IATT and Pilot methodology for

284、mapping Sustainable Development Goals in the context of Smart Specialisation Strategies12Seychelles is one of six countries supported by the JRC.Other countries are Malawi,the Gambia,Namibia,Rwanda,and Mauritius.13There may be other relevant challenge areas on which STI for SDGs roadmaps could focus

285、,for example health or environmental issues.The selection of energy efficiency does not imply that it is seen as the most important sustainability issue in Seychelles.The roadmap aims to demonstrate how the approach can be applied to prepare the ground for future challenge-oriented roadmaps addressi

286、ng different sustainability issues.21Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy ReviewSeychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review23V.Seychelles framework conditions for innovationFramework conditions for innovation shape and influence the innovation ecosystem in a country.They do so

287、by enabling individuals,businesses,and organizations to innovate.Certain conditions and policy efforts can encourage and support innovation,fostering economic growth,competitiveness,and societal progress.Other key elements of framework conditions for innovation include regulations and standards,fund

288、ing and infrastructure for research and development,digital and logistics infrastructures,an actively managed innovation ecosystem,a skilled and educated workforce,trade openness,a positive entrepreneurial culture and risk-taking attitudes,and active international collaborations in STI,among others.

289、Finally,policymakers must embrace a science-based approach to sustainable development challenges as an unavoidable framework condition for innovation.Effective framework conditions for innovation require a balance between freedom of creativity and entrepreneurship,and policies and regulations that g

290、uide towards development goals and aspirations,including the SDGs.Governments,industries,academia and civil society organizations must work together to create an environment that encourages innovation and supports its successful implementation.The following subsections discuss 11 framework condition

291、s that are relevant to Seychelles development and are proximate or part of the mandate of STIPS and collaborating stakeholders.1.Policy frameworks Recognizing the countrys economic and environmental vulnerability,which implies eventual social vulnerability,the Government of Seychelles has adopted se

292、veral policy frameworks and launched initiatives directly focused on or related to building capabilities to harness STI and the power of entrepreneurship to address societal challenges,transform the economy and integrate into the global trading system.Seychelles has a long-term development vision Se

293、ychelles Vision 2033 and a five-year NDS(2019-2023)to implement the vision.Seychelles Vision 2033:Towards a Sustainable and Inclusive Future articulates a long-term sustainable development vision for Seychelles,as“A resilient,responsible and prosperous nation of healthy,educated and empowered Seyche

294、llois living together in harmony with nature and engaged with the wider world”(Vision 2033).It outlines the countrys aspirations in various areas including education and training(human resource development),industrialization,the blue economy,womens empowerment,employment,health,and conservation and

295、sustainable use of natural resources.Vision 2033 explicitly recognizes the need to,“invest in the necessary infrastructure and training to benefit from and keep up with technological advancements”(Republic of Seychelles,2022).While taking note of the countrys accomplishments in STI so far,Vision 203

296、3 states that STI,“will have to be further harnessed and adopted to meet national development needs,as Seychelles endeavours to become more engaged with the wider world”(Vision 2033).Both Vision 2033 and the NDS are well aligned with the AUs Agenda 2063 and the SDGs.Vision 2033 explicitly recognizes

297、 that STI are critical to the attainment of the countrys aspirations and the SDGs.Some of the STI policy goals outlined in Vision 2033 include:Building a highly and appropriately skilled,healthy and productive population to support the realization of Vision 2033;Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovat

298、ion Policy Review24 Creating a strong enabling environment for free enterprise and entrepreneurship,foreign direct investment and global partnerships;Establishing Seychelles as a global knowledge hub for research and implementation of the blue economy in partnership with global institutions;and Seek

299、ing and applying innovative and sustainable science and technology solutions to Seychelles unique opportunities and challenges,including energy and food security.Science,technology and innovation(STI)are considered in Vision 2033 as values and principles that will underpin sustainable development.Th

300、ese values and principles are outlined as,“Private sector led economic growth”;“Solutions underpinned by innovative technologies”;and“Science and technology enhanced through global partnerships”(Republic of Seychelles,2022).The Seychelles Vision 2033 and the NDS are overarching policy frameworks to

301、be leveraged for the implementation of the 2016-2025 national Science,Technology,and Innovation Policy and Strategy(STIPS).Vision 2033 aspirations cannot be realized if the countrys National Innovation System(NIS)is fragmented and weak.Strengthening the NIS is key to harnessing STI to attain the SDG

302、s and the countrys aspirations,such as building a blue economy and increasing manufacturing.The 2019-2023 NDS has explicit provisions on STI.It states:“Science,technology and innovation(STI)are important drivers of economic development.The ability to create,distribute and exploit knowledge has becom

303、e a major source of competitive advantage,wealth creation and improvements in the quality of life”(NDS,2019).It goes on to highlight several issues:The growing impact of information and communications technologies;The role of STI in improving economic performance and social well-being;and The role o

304、f STI in meeting the national development needs of Seychelles,including through establishing and maintaining global partnerships.The NDS also recognizes the importance of technology governance and implicitly technology assessment.It states:“A plethora of applications demonstrating new capabilities f

305、rom robotics,materials science,3D printing,sensors,artificial intelligence,biotechnology,and a variety of sources are enabling new business processes that are transforming business and economic opportunities and the way we live.In the same way that technology has transformed our lives and the sort o

306、f businesses that thrive over the past 15 years,so we should anticipate that the world of 2033 will be very different to the world of today,with technology being a major driver of change”(NDS,2019).On the role of the private sector in development,the Government envisions“an innovative,globally compe

307、titive and technologically advanced private sector driving the Seychelles economy”(Republic of Seychelles,2019).Vision 2033 makes a general statement about unlocking the full potential of the private sector to contribute to sustainable development but does not outline or provide specific policy acti

308、ons on how companies or firms can contribute to the sustainable development agenda.The Seychelles private sector is relatively small and concentrated in sectors for which the Government has elaborate policies.Policy frameworks for promoting private sector participation in the economy include those f

309、or entrepreneurship,intellectual property protection and FDI.Other key policy frameworks include the Information Communications Technology(ICT)in Education and Training Policy 2022-2027;various industry property regulations(e.g.,geographic indications,copyright and trademarks);the 2014 National Empl

310、oyment Policy(NEP)for Seychelles;the 2020 Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review25Seychelles Teacher Management and Development Policy;and the 2018 National Investment Policy and the 2010 Investment Act.In addition to the national policies,Seychelles has adopted or endorsed various c

311、ontinental and regional policy frameworks such as the AU Science,Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa(STISA-2024);the Southern Africa Development Community(SADC)Protocol on Science,Technology and Innovation;the Southern African Development Community(SADC)Protocol on Finance and Investment(2

312、016);and the Investment Agreement for the COMESA Common Investment Area(2007),among others.The country has also subscribed to international treaties,such as those of the World Trade Organization(WTO)and the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO).2.Entrepreneurship and ease of doing businessA

313、ccording to the 2020 World Bank Ease of Doing Business report,Seychelles ranked 100thamong 190 economies and 8th in sub-Saharan Africa.Within Africa,Seychelles ranks 22nd in contract enforcement and 28th in enabling access to credit and business start-ups.14 In Seychelles,entrepreneurs encounter var

314、ious challenges,including understanding business registration policies,operating standards,obtaining licenses,securing land for business activities,and accessing credit and financing options.Banks are often reluctant to support risky and innovative startups.Figure 2 provides more details.A centraliz

315、ed platform where information,document submissions,and permits could be processed efficiently is urgently needed.Regulatory agencies should consider modernizing legislative frameworks,such as the Companies Act and Seychelles Licensing Act(SLA)and updating the state land policy and inventory to optim

316、ize land use.Private sector stakeholders have requested a national commitment from government agencies to improve the ease of doing business,including regular ecosystem reviews with private sector participation(UNCTAD,2023).In the STI domain,entrepreneurial challenges include limited technology educ

317、ation in schools,resistance to innovation in banking and financial services,high internet costs,and inadequate hardware/software.Entrepreneurs may also not have sufficient understanding of intellectual property.Possible support actions could include establishing incubators,sandboxes,and technologica

318、l support for strategic or emerging sectors like agro-tourism,the blue economy and circular economy.A recent review by UNCTAD concluded that the Seychelles Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises Policy and Strategy also specifically mentions the role of Seychelles Investment Board as the promoter of lin

319、kages between local entrepreneurs and foreign investors(UNCTAD,2020).However,very few of these strategic measures have been implemented to date and the Strategy is silent on how entrepreneurship and small-and medium-sized enterprises are supposed to contribute to transforming Seychelles into a knowl

320、edge-based economy.This is principally due to the lack of guidance on the kind of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs the Government wants to encourage14See:https:/www.undp.org/mauritius-seychelles/blog/ease-doing-business-entry-point-economic-diversification-seychelles#:text=The%20Ease%20of%20Doing%

321、20Business%20report%20(2020)%20ranked%20Seychelles%20in,Lucia%20in%20the%2093rd%20position.Seychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review26Figure 2:Ease of doing business in Seychelles global ranking and components(190 countries)Source:World Bank(2020).3.Education In Seychelles,education is

322、free through secondary school and compulsory up to the age of 16.Enrolment rates are high at 112 per cent and completion rates are equally high at about 126 per cent.The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality(SACMEQ)estimates that literacy rates are between 93 and

323、98 per cent,while more than 80 per cent of those tested in learning assessments for reading and mathematics score above the lowest SACMEQ benchmarks(Education Policy and Data Center,2018).According to SACMEQ,about 97 per cent of primary school pupils transition to lower secondary(SACMEQ,2018).Table

324、2 provides an overview of the statistics on the number of education and training institutions published by the Ministry of Education.Table 2:Overview of the distribution and enrolment in education and trainingLevel of educationState/PublicPrivatePupil/Student Enrolment Day Care,Early Childhood(Crche

325、)2993,354Primary2469,441Secondary1147,282Tertiary Non-University93,107Tertiary University Education 1(UniSey)270Source:Ministry of Education,Republic of Seychelles(2022).Seychelles gross expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP is one of the highest in Southern Africa.According to UNESCO,gove

326、rnment expenditure on education as a share of GDP over 20152018 was 0.34 per cent above South Africas 0.2 per cent(UNESCO 2021).The Government of Seychelles has also made considerable investments and progress in improving access to education.In 2022,the Ministry of Education adopted a new Strategic

327、Plan 2021-2024 that aims at modernizing the education and training system to make it relevant,high quality 02040608004652875StartingabusinessDealing with construction permitsGettingelectricityRegisteringpropertyGettingcreditPropertyminorityinvestorsPayingtaxesTrading

328、acrossbordersEnforcingcontractsResolvinginsolvencySeychelles Science,Technology&Innovation Policy Review27and accessible to learners from all backgrounds(Ministry of Education 2024).According to many interviewed stakeholders,the education and training system is perceived as not well aligned to labou

329、r market needs.In general,performance in science,technology,mathematics and engineering(STEM)has been poor,and many graduates of the system also lack the necessary soft skills that are critical for the services-based economy.Table 3 gives an overview of the post-secondary system.Only a few provide t

330、raining in technical or technology-related skills.Seychelles small education and technical and vocational training system is relative to its small population size.Table 3:University and vocational education institutions in SeychellesName of institutionYear establishedNumber of students attending in

331、2022/23STEM courses available1National Institute of Health and Social Studies2002240Yes2Seychelles Tourism Academy3The Guy Morel InstituteNumeracy CoreIntroductory StatisticsEconomic PrinciplesICT SkillsICT for ManagementHR Information SystemsInformation Management Systems2018511Yes4Seychelles Insti

332、tute of Distance and Open Learningn/a5Seychelles Institute of Teacher Educationn/a6Seychelles Maritime Academyn/a7Seychelles Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture198353Yes8Seychelles Institute of Technology Technology Science Mathematics2005537Yes9Seychelles Institute of Art and Design198393Yes1

333、0Seychelles Business Studies Academytechnology and mathematics2015374Yes11University of SeychellesEnvironmental ScienceComputer Science Maths2009455YesSource:Information provided by MIEI/DSTI.The Technical and Vocational Education and Training(TVET)system has been under reforms since about 2010.The African Development Bank(AfDB)is supporting the Ministry of Education to develop a TVET policy and s



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