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1、The 2024Survey ReportMarketing ExecutiveAI Sentiment AI Adoption,Future Plans and Trust Levels Among Executive Leaders in MarketingExecutive SummaryConversica commissioned a survey of 454 marketing leaders at the CMO,VP,and executive levels regarding the utilization of AI in marketing over the past

2、year,plans for the next 12 months,top marketing use cases for growth and general AI trust sentiment.71%of respondents used AI for data gathering and analysis inthe past 12 months,while only 40%utilized AI for funnel efficiency89%reported that AI-driven initiatives directly contributed toan increase

3、in revenue in the last yearThose planning to use AI for inbound follow-up and outbound leadgeneration were even more likely to have seen revenue increaseslast year (95%and 92%,respectively)89%of respondents plan to increase investment in AI tools orexplore new AI applications in the next yearMarketi

4、ng execs believe AI technologies have the greatest potentialto impact the middle of the funnel(44%),with lead nurtureand qualification topping their list of use cases with the greatestimpact on conversion rates(45%)Overall trust in AI in the organization is moderately high,with 45%reporting complete

5、 trust and 44%some trustAIs ability to deliver trustworthy,brand-accurate information wasthe top concern for conversational AI use casesKey Findings IncludeThe report delves into each questions results,highlighting trends,concerns,and opportunities identifed in the data.Introducing the Marketing Exe

6、cutiveAI Sentiment Survey ReportOver the past 12 months,the marketing landscape has witnessed a significant evolution inthe adoption and experimentation with Artificial Intelligence(AI)technologies.This period has served as a foundational stage,where organizations across industries have been explori

7、ngthe capabilities of AI in various marketing functions.From content creation to data analysisand customer service,AI has permeated into diverse aspects of marketing operations.As we transition into the next 12 months,the focus shifts towards refining AI strategiesand harnessing its full potential t

8、o deliver tangible returns on investment.Our survey of 454 executive leaders working in Marketing reveals a resounding acknowledgment of AIs role,with 95%of leaders already integrating AI into their marketing endeavors.Whats more compelling is that those leveraging AI are not merely testing waters b

9、ut are reapingconcrete returns from their AI initiatives:nearly 9 in 10 reported seeing increases inrevenue directly tied to AI last year.A striking finding from our analysis is the correlation between specific AI use cases andrevenue growth.Marketing leaders planning to use AI for inbound lead resp

10、onse and outbound lead generation in the next 12 months were more likely to have seen a direct increase in revenue attributed to AI use last year.This emphasizes the strategic importanceof aligning AI applications with revenue-driving activities,signaling a shift towards more targeted and results-or

11、iented AI strategies.Despite the positive link between funnel-focused AI use cases,funnel efficiency overall isan untapped area for most Marketing executives.Our data reveals that while AI usage for content creation and data analysis is prevalent,funnel efficiency remains underrepresented.This prese

12、nts a significant opportunity for marketing leaders to capitalize on AIs potential for optimizing funnel movement and conversions,thus reshaping the future landscape ofAI in marketing beyond content creation.In this report,we delve deep into the survey findings,uncovering insights,trends,and actiona

13、ble strategies for marketing leaders to navigate the evolving AI landscape effectively.From understanding the current state of AI adoption to identifying key areas for strategic focus,this report serves as a guide for unlocking the full potential of AI in drivingmarketing success.In the past 12 mont

14、hs,what functions did your Marketing organization leverage Artificial Intelligence technologies for most often?The Last Year in AI for MarketingThe AI takeover of Marketing is well underway:less than 5%of marketing executives reported that they had not used AI tools in the past 12 months.Of the 95%m

15、ajority,7 in 10 utilized AI for data gathering and analysis,making it the most commonly leveraged function.Automation of internal processes(65%),content creation(64%),and customer service(62%)also emerged as significant use cases.These answers correlate with areas where specialized AI tools have bee

16、n on the market for longer,indicating that adoption has naturally followed the technology curve.AI for funnel efficiency,however,showed less popularity among our respondents,with 40%indicating they leveraged this AI use case.This gap reveals a potential area for increased AI adoption and optimizatio

17、n within marketing operations.ContentcreationData gatheringand analysisAutomationof internalprocessesCustomerserviceFunnelefficiencyNo useAI tools in thepast 12 mos0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%YesNoUnsure0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Have AI-driven initiatives contributed to an increase in re

18、venue at your organization?Contributions of AI to RevenueAn overwhelming majority of respondents(89%)reported that AI-driven initiatives contributed to an increase in revenue at their organizations.This high percentage indicates the significant impact AI is having on revenue generation within market

19、ing operations overall.The percentage reporting an increase in revenue was even higher among executives with plans to use AI for lead conversion-related use cases in the next 12 months(Q7):95%of those who expect AI to respond and engage with inbound leads at their organization this year saw AI-sourc

20、ed revenue increases last year,with those planning to use AI for outbound lead generation close behind at 92%.We see this as a strong indication of the correlation between funnel-focused AI use cases and revenue growth.VerySomewhatNotat all0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%How confident are you in yo

21、ur ability to measure the effectiveness of the AI technology your organization currently leverages?Confidence in AI EffectivenessMarketing executives are generally bullish on their ability to measure the effectiveness of the AI technology they use.61%report a very high level of confidence,and anothe

22、r 35%say they are somewhat confident.Given that the majority of respondents reported using AI for data gathering and analysis in the first place,this positive perception makes sense.However,there were some variations within certain groups.Respondents who said that AI had not contributed to revenue i

23、ncreases at their organization last year were significantly less confident in their ability to measure AI effectiveness:only 20%of this group rated themselves as“very”confident.Overall trust in AIs ability to act autonomously in their organization also correlated with a higher confidence in measurin

24、g effectiveness:75%of respondents who said they have complete trust in AI to act autonomously in their organization also reported that they were very confident in their ability to measure its effectiveness.We see these variations as signs that the more insight Marketing leaders have into AIs impact

25、and effectiveness,the more likely they are to see success and further their adoption.Transparency leads to trust and more sophisticated use cases that actively generate revenue for the organization.Increasedinvestment in AI toolsused previouslyExploring ortesting newAI applicationsDecreasedinvestmen

26、tin AI toolsused previouslyNo change0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Marketing Executives Future AI PlansOnce respondents gave us a clear view of their last 12 months of AI adoption,we wanted to know more about their future plans.Overwhelmingly,Marketing executives said they are growing their use of

27、 AI.9 out of 10 respondents plan to increase investment in AI tools that they are currently using(46%)or explore/test new AI applications(44%)in the next year.This demonstrates a strong commitment to advancing AI strategies within marketing departments.Perhaps unsurprisingly,those with more trust in

28、 AI to act autonomously were more likely to plan an increase in investment in AI tools they are currently using(57.5%).This group was also less likely to explore or test new AI applicationsthey know what works and theyre doubling down.As Marketing executives find AI technology they like and gain mor

29、e familiarity with it,they can take greater advantage of the scalability of these toolstheres more trust in giving technology you know greater autonomy than a new investment.This underscores the strategic importance of adopting the right AI tools to get the most out of their use,driving innovation a

30、nd gaining competitive advantage in Marketing.Which of the following best describes how you anticipate your Marketing teams AI strategy willevolve this year?Enhancedpersonalization&segmentationImproved real-timeengagement&responsivenessto leadsScalingoutboundmarketing forlead generationOptimizingmes

31、sagingand contentConvertingleads intoopportunitiesNo planto use AIfor funnel-related activities0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Most Anticipated AI Use CasesImproved real-time engagement and responsiveness to leads(65.5%)and scaling outbound marketing for lead generation(59.5%)topped the list for re

32、spondents planned AI use cases to impact the funnel over the next 12 months.Both are focused on applying AI to higher funnel use cases,such as what conversational AI solutions offer.However,only 30%expect AI to help their team convert leads into opportunities this year.Optimizing messaging and conte

33、nt(55%)and had a middling response,potentially indicating a lukewarm take on the proliferation of plug-ins and add-ons for text generation tools like ChatGPT.In the next year,what effects do you anticipate AI will have on your organizations funnel?Inboundfollow-upLead nurture&qualificationTarget acc

34、ountoutreachPersonalizationof contentand offersOther0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Which AI use case do you think has the greatest ability to impact conversion rates?AIs Potential for Funnel ImpactLooking beyond their own immediate plans,nearly half(45%)of Marketing leaders rated lead nurture and

35、qualification as the AI use case with the highest potential to impact conversion rates.Inbound follow-up,which the group selected as their top planned use case over the next year,was a distant second when it came to potential conversion rate impact,with less than a quarter placing it at the top of t

36、heir list.The rankings of top use cases roughly align with Marketing execs perceptions of AIs potential positive impact on funnel stages.Just over 44%said“Middle of the funnel:Qualifying and converting leads to Sales opportunities”was the stage where AI technology could do the most good,which correl

37、ates to the lead nurture and qualification use case they rated most highly in question 8.This may seem like a contradiction from the groups responses in question 7,where only 30%said they expect their AI use to help them convert leads into opportunities over the next year.However,this misalignment m

38、ay indicate that Marketing executives recognize the potential of AI to impact lead-to-opportunity conversion while lacking the ability to apply it at their own organization in the coming year.AIs Potential for Funnel ImpactTop of thefunnelMiddle ofthe funnelBottom ofthe funnelPostSaleDont believeAI

39、impactsthe funnel0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%What stage of the funnel do you think AI technologies have the greatest ability to impact positively?TrustcompletelyTrustsomewhatSomeconcernsSignificantconcerns0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Trust in AIAI autonomy is a tricky area.One of the key be

40、nefits of AI in business is scalability.But to take advantage of that scalability,Marketing leaders must be able to trust AI enough to allow it to act on its own:inserting a large amount of human oversight into the equation cancels out many of the efficiency gains promised by AI adoption.Overall,we

41、found Marketing executives have a decent level of trust in AI at their organization in the next year.45%say they have complete trust in AI to act autonomously in their organizations,while 44.5%trust AI somewhat.Only 11%reporting some(9%)or significant concerns(2%).If we return to the correlation bet

42、ween the AI trust question and confidence in ability to measure effectiveness,we find that those who were somewhat or not at all confident in their organizations ability to measure AIs effectiveness were about half as likely to report high trust in AI(26%),underscoring that ability to show results i

43、s critical to success in AI adoption.When thinking about your planned applications of AI technology over the next year,how much do you trustAI to act autonomously in your organization?Losing humanoversight incustomerinteractionsAIs ability todeliver trustworthy,brand-accurateinformationCustomers wil

44、lquestion theauthenticityThe privacyand securityof data0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Concerns About Using Conversational AIfor ConversionsRegarding concerns about using Conversational AI to improve conversions,AIs ability to deliver trustworthy,brand-accurate information(69%)topped the list,with

45、losing human oversight in customer interactions(53%)coming in second.Given respondents overall trust in autonomous AI at their organizations,its interesting that so many expressed concern about these two potential negative outcomes,both of which are naturally linked with increased AI autonomy.This s

46、light tension highlights the importance of trustworthy AI technologies that offer scalable human-in-the-loop solutions.Closed,brand-specific large language models are also crucial to maintaining the balance between autonomous AI actions and Marketing executives valid concerns about the trustworthine

47、ss of conversational AI in particular.Ethical AI practices,transparency,and maintaining brand integrity in AI-driven interactions are vital priorities as Marketing leaders expand their adoption of AI technologies.What concerns do you have about using Conversational AI to improve conversions?Revitali

48、ze Your FunnelConversational AI can be an incredibly powerful part of your marketing toolkit.With it and an RDA,all your efforts are empowered and taken to the next level.Your funnel could be better.Follow-up on all leads.Re-awaken dormant ones.Increase the quality of leads passed to Sales.Conversational AI transforms your routine marketing activities and cultivates amazing buying experiences,generating more revenue than ever.See how.Transform your Sales and Marketing funnel with Conversica.Request a demo todayPowerfully Human



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